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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.China's Xi awarded third term as president, extending rule
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China will collapse within the next decade
Congratulations President XI, your management is necessary to take China to the top of the world..
China is on its way to oblivion in an interesting article in today's WSJ which may mean they begin making pre-emptive strikes:
What happens when he dies? “Democracy is the worst form of government, except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” - Winston Churchill
NCIS Reruns
The vote for Xi was 2,952 to 0 by the NPC,
Damn, Xi is really popular! The US Congress didn't even give FDR a unanimous vote to declare war after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor!
Algernon LaCroix
Hong Kong Disneyland is preparing to release a commemorative Winnie the Pooh to mark the momentous occasion.
Wasn't everyone under the impression that Xi is supposed to be a full time dictator like his buddy Putin?
Mr Kipling
2952 to zero. That's a landslide that even Saddam Hussain or Idi Amin would have been proud of.
Congratulations President Xi.
he lost marks for losing a couple of spy balloons over North America, but overall, sill came out a clear "winner".
A one party democracy, just like Japan's LDP, but even worse it seems. Democracy is Greek for "the might of the common people". Xi is a representative of the common people, but what do we do when the representative no longer represents the people?
No doubt someone in Florida is saying that this is "great"...
Hip Hip Pooh Ray for the Piglet and the Pooh.
Piglet and Pooh we salute you.
Proof that power corrupts, and a single party political system is the most corrupt of them all.
Appoint only loyal supporters to positions of power around you to ensure your rule is uncontested and your stay in power has no time limit other than death itself. No need to be a good leader or a popular leader when you cant be voted out by unhappy citizens. Jinping Xi is as corrupt as they come, and also a very poor leader who can not be trusted. He will lead his country to war and bring devastation to his people and the world. A tragedy waiting to happen. Sympathies to the ordinary Chinese who want democracy and an end to CCP rule. They will pay a heavy price for allowing Jinping to continue to rule China.
Michael Machida
So, this is what Trump meant when he said the election was stolen.
I see.
Hito Bito
"Xi is a representative of the common people..."
Fallacious. He is NOT representative of any common people. None of the Xi family are "common people". Xi was born an Elite, born into the Purple, so to speak, and cares only about the Elites, and specifically, about CCP card-carrying Elites. Because in a "socialist" society, the Rulers become the New Privileged Elite once the "capitalists" have been eviscerated. The Party always moves into the Palaces, requisitions the private planes and best amenities for themselves, ALWAYS, and go on raping the country of its resources, while mouthing off slogans to the dregs in their hovels about "equality". Common? Ha.
Both Xi's parents were part of the Elite, not common people. Both parents were (his mummy still is) highly-rewarded CCP officials. Xi's daddy was a top Party leader and military leader. They've been persecuted (but who hasn't, by Mao, during Mao's time? Name one Chinese person who wasn't victimized by that monster?), but they've also been pampered and protected in ways that the "masses" of Chinese could not have dreamed possible.
Xi's sister is a "businesswoman" who owns "Qinchuan Dadi Investment Limited, and also co-owns Shenzhen Yuanwei Investment Company with her husband. She is thought to own, directly or through her DAUGHTER and HUSBAND (more Elites), company shares and real estate valued in the hundreds of millions of United States dollars." Xi's younger brother is the TOP official of the International Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Association. You think his bank account looks anything like a "common" person's in China today? lol. Could any "common" non-CCP family acquire such positions of power and accumulate such wealth in a country run by a dictator? Clearly not...unless your son or brother is Xi Jingping, that is!
China is surrounded by countries much more antagonist to the US than China itself.
I remember a Chinese coworker telling me that the CCP can’t attract a lot of talent these days. The best and brightest young Chinese see better opportunities elsewhere.
A sign that there isn’t too much quality on the bench?
Well that’s one way of getting a consensus.
Xi Jinping 2,952 the People of China 0.
This is the reality, total suppression of the universal declaration of human rights.
Is this to become the road that eventually leads to Armageddon?
A more "dear leader" statement could not have been uttered.
Since it is clear you support the Russian sham government, I guess you are serious. One would think there would be some shame in backing despotism.
I guess you are following that up with a hope that the rations be plentiful and the secret police be absent?
The population of China is 1.412 billion (2021)
Universal declaration of human rights.
Article 18
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
2,952 voted to hand these rights to the whim of one man, with total dominance and power, the ability to wage tactical and strategic nuclear war, that has no respect for international law.
Where do you think this will end?
Is Xi Jinping a/the 21st century King Canute, his throne facing the unstoppable tide of humanity desire for freedom?
2,952 frightened cowards voted to.
Dango bong
the Chinese constitution in a nutshell: "Just do what I say"
Dango bong
I am guessing there was not even a no button on the voting machines.
If there is one foreign policy every recent US President from Obama Trump, Biden unites behind is threat Xi Jinping dictatorship represents.
Hand in hand with Putin, Xi Jinping will take humanity to the edge.
There are 10 political parties in Japan. There is ONE in China. The LDP was out of power in 1993 and 2009.
The CCP (Communist Party of China) has NEVER been out of power since taking control of mainland China in 1949. An easy task since they made the existence of any other political parties illegal.
Like all democracies, Japan's is not perfect. But at least it is not a one-part authoritarian dictatorship. China is not a democracy by any stretch of the imagination.
Or it could be Winnie the Po for his po face. Does he ever smile? He takes himself far too seriously. All ideologists take themselves seriously. It's how they can be recognised.
Japan constitution is devoted to peaceful coexistence with their neighbours.
To suggest otherwise is disingenuous and delusional.
This begins and ends with Xi Jinping
Jasper Cole
Under the leadership of Xi Jinping, China is going back to the days of Mao Zedong of extreme communism.
Congrats Mao Xi ping
Peter14,you bring liberation to the people of China,beside empty words
YrralToday 08:17 pm JST
Gladly, as soon as you in your wisdom, tell me how.? *crickets...
A dictator by any other name smells just as bad.
If Xi is so good, have himself face a free and fair election, and let constituents decide his fate
But of course he won't have that because he's afraid he'd lose! Lol
Only a loser would be afraid to put himself out there and face the judgement of his own people
(Meanwhile, China downgraded its own GDP forecast, and Russia's economy shrank another 2-3% last year for yet another negative growth)
Ok, and the people get what besides a Communist-authoritative dictator?
Of course not, that would give people a choice and respect their will, something Xi and the CCP would never allow. Freedom and democracy mean absolutely to the CCP.
Peter14,make the leaders of China attone for their transgression,by getting in their grill
Freedom is not something, someone can offer you,it obtain through struggle
A vote like that means that the voters are so fearful for their lives, their families, their pets, that they won't vote against who they've been told to vote for.
How many other candidates were running? Zero? Was that an unwritten rule or were the people thinking of running "disappeared" or force-ably retired behind the scenes?
China needs term limits and an age limit that cannot be overturned added to their constitution.
Articles 18 and 19 would be great, if not overruled by Articles 51, 52, 53, 54. See below.
The entire CCP-Chinese Constitution becomes "do whatever your party leaders say" thanks to those later articles.
A vote against Xi is a ticket to a labor camp for life.
If it is not broken, do not fix it.
It's broken. The Chinese people are much, much less free under Xi than they were a decade ago.
CCP elite "voting" system. Choice A: Xi Jinping of the CCP. Choice B: Xi Jinping of the CCP. Choice C: Both A and B.
I keep saying that China would be a great country if only the CCP wasn't in the way. The average Chinese citizen knows this. Why else does the CCP keep arresting anyone in the country who tries to advocate for a true democratic system, human rights, and freedom from CCP oppression?
Seems the Xi Jinping government has a strong self-cleaning mechanism, judging from the installment of Zhao Leji as the head of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. But if that office is merely for eliminating Xi's political rivals and consolidating Xi's power ever more, I have some reservation to say anything positive about it.
At any rate, who's going to watch and admonish the supreme leader's abuse of power whenever it may occur? There must be some mechanism in the regime to check it.
YrralMar. 10 11:22 pm JST
Larry, in reality anyone who "gets in the grill" of CCP leaders, disappear for good. If that is your master plan then it is a complete failure. What else you got in your infinite wisdom?
The CCP controls the constitution. What needs to change is that any change to the constitution in future must be voted on by all citizens over the age of eighteen, and to include term and age limits.
They had term limits - Xi removed them for himself. That's why he is able to have been awarded a third term.
It seems like a rule of nature, that dictators become ever more repressive and aggressive, the longer they are in power. Has there ever been such a thing as a happy, peace loving, beneficent dictator? Or do they all become monsters once they have been in power long enough? This is why dictatorships are such a bad form of government....they invariably impose repression at home and wars abroad. A dictator inevitably believes they have the right to rule the world.