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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.China's Xi rejects 'Cold War mentality,' pushes cooperation
Haaa Nemui
Good idea. You first.
Let's see here: China originates Covid, pressures the WHO into false disclosures, allows its (potentially infected) citizens to travel outside of the country (while barring domestic travel), provides a crappy vaccine solely for the photo opportunities, and then takes a swipe at the U.S. and 'the West'.
Oh and by the way, protectionism? My goodness, China's protectionism is off the charts.
As opposed to USA and its minions making up lies without any evidence. This is their tactic - fund 'freedom fighters' in every single country where they don't like the governments - Myanmar, Thailand, HK, Solomon Islands, Ethiopia, and the list goes on. Military bases ALL OVER the world. US is looking for any excuse to start wars. We've seen that with Vietnam and Iraq. And we could see it with China and Ukraine. But China is not going fall for the bait. Xinjiang is the new WMD. China, unlike the US, spends money to improves the lives of its people and build infrastructure. What is US doing to help it people. I forgot, no money left because it's all being spent on military and weapons.
There is a cold war because USA wants one. Some of us weren't born yesterday.
Yeah, greater cooperation, like not silencing the doctors who discovered it and not destroying the original records.
Never forget, The China government and the WHO caused this whole mess in the first place. Remember when the WHO stated that human-to-human transmission was not possible, and children could not be infected?
Ignore the words.
Judge the actions.
Hong Kong says hi.
Haaa Nemui
No, not as opposed to anything. I said it’s a good idea.
I remember in 1990 there was cartoon of several military top brass at the Pentagon. We just had the Panama War of 1989-1990 which had nothing to do with the Cold War which had just ended in late 1989. They were sniffing, sniveling and sobbing because the 'Commie threat' was gone. Who was there to hate, to be an enemy?
While watching cartoons or something on PBS on August 2, everything got interrupted by an announcement, showing what looked like a Risk board game. 100000 Iraqi troops were at the border of Kuwait. Soon enough there would be their 'answer'. Gums were flapping everywhere; TV was covering this.
On January 15-16, 1991, American TV watchers and radio listeners were 'treated' to the start of a Nintendo war against a tinpot dirtbag. It was commercialized to the max, it was 'yippy-yi-yay' time for the armchair warriors. A new era with new 'enemies out to get us' had begun.
Iron Lad
Full support to Xi and Kishida!
Michael Machida
Two words: Hong Kong and Taiwan. Proof is in the lies.
When empires collide - see 1914. This time the empires are not led by rival 'royal' cousins, instead each is led by rival predatory capitalists, representing a variety of forms of capitalism. Each competing for greater control over other state's resources, including oil and gas. Long passed time for nations everywhere to move away from the fossil era and for each to develop its own way to generate power using its own resources.
Japan, please be a Switzerland, and also please develop your own way to generate power using resources found within the archipelago.
Sam Watters
Yep! And you are a major reason reason for that.
So what is China offering to do? Whole speech is summed up with...
We wont do anything unless you supply us the tech and pay for it.
If China really wants international cooperation then they need to be the ones who come to the table with something positive not demand that everybody else do it and pay for it that's the opposite of cooperation.
American policy since, well, before I was born, is that any country that dares to not follow closely American foreign policy gets hit with regime change operations, military attack (either direct and blatant, or 'indirect' and 'denialble' at least in the eyes of itself), and has its economic resources either stolen or destroyed in whole or in part.
China policy for over a decade is that China invests in trade with, and invests in the development of the infrastructure of, countries, even if they are openly hostile and antagonistic towards it.
The results of the US policy? The population of even its allies see the US government as the biggest threat to the world despite decades of intense, pervasive propaganda.
The results of the Chinese policy? Well, there's the China initiated free trade agreement that covers almost a third of the global economy that both Japan and Australia (openly hostile and antagonistic towards China) have joined, that is saving lives in a global epidemic, and history suggests that over the span of several decades will see a natural, fully domestic driven, replacement of hostile and antagonistic governments with at least neutral ones (unless China makes the mistake of killing and oppressing the populations of country after country).
PS, it is revealing that the professional Sinophobes endlessly rant about how China is supposedly responsible for the Covid epidemic, yet somehow don't complain about how the German government suppressed, for months, the knowledge that those who did not have symptoms of Covid were spreading the virus around the world. They do, however, mostly insist that the methods that rid the world of two viral diseases already are somehow useless against Covid, merely because China is one of the few countries that fully implements it, rather than only using them when the epidemic is producing catastrophic levels of death and injury, then abandoning them for the more profitable (for certain corporations and the oligarchs) but ineffectual and counterproductive (it inevitably breeds variants that produce 'breakthrough' infections) vaccine only approaches.
Hervé L'Eisa
Oh, please... That's quite laughable.
Michael Machida
Thanks for the chuckle.
Aly Rustom
Xi male is a scumbag. Pure and simple
Ricky Kaminski13
If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.
China in a nutshell.
Like a fairytale.
Joe Blow
The left now uses "capitalism" as its bogeyman and scapegoat for all problems, as if communism is the answer lol
The USA policy of Fully protecting the Western Hemisphere first during WW 2 is Still is in play. Ukrain is no benefit to the USA it is NATO concern. You see The USA soon depart from the Western Hemisphere Fisrt policy. To a Pacific, Asian and the oil Gulf hemisphere first policy. It is stupidly to allow Ukrain into NATO and the EU. Get out of Europe. Europe should be on it own it no benefit to the USA in this new era.
China’s idea of cooperation?
Forced detainment.
Forced sterilizations.
Lack of freedom of movement.
State surveillance.
Limits on conception
To name a few…
"China would send an additional 1 billion doses of vaccine to other countries"
Mr. Xi, Please send the Anti-virus with them.
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ― Maya Angelou
Couldn't agree more and China is truly leading by example here. Of course they are supporting a lot of their neighbors in vaccinations, which is great, but not only that.
They have been engaging in diplomacy around the world by building out the infrastructure of nations, which is sadly a pretty novel concept. Not only is it highlighting a compassion that capitalists struggle to understand, but it is simply effective diplomacy. Countries are way more keen to work with an ally that spends their money building up infrastructure to help the lives of every day citizens rather than an ally who just sends you a military force (That you need to pay for anyway).
Or worse, the diplomacy of sanctions and bombs. Look at Laos. Chinese diplomacy gave them a new train system, American 'diplomacy' was just constant bombings. Not a big surprise who they sided with.
The real catch here is that it doesn't even have to be a competition. If America could swallow their pride and propaganda, China would probably be willing to work with them in a heartbeat. Imagine a world where two of the biggest global superpowers worked together to improve everyone's lives.
Xi sounds like could be Kim Jong Un's older brother.
Based on how the CCP has been behaving, the title should read:
China's Xi embraces 'Cold War mentality,' pushes for total domination
Not gonna happen if even one literally profits from wars
Run-of-the-mill BS from Xi.
What's more concerning is that the WEF enables tyrants like Xi by inviting him to speak at their elitist shindigs. We even have photos here of Blofeld impersator Klaus Schwab listening to not only Xi, but a host of other crooks who're doing very nicely thank you very much from the virus that came straight outta China.
Hi, I'm cartoonish supervillain Klaus Schwab. You might remember be from promo videos like "You'll own nothing and be happier."
Xi can keep rejecting any cold war mentality.
Just that his western counterparts who have long been ingrained by the said mentality would keep refusing to take note..
You aren't wrong necessarily, but I think there is hope for revolutionary movements in any country to change that. You are right that those would have to come first though, because a pre-revolutionary USA would never allow it to happen.
Empty platitudes with no substance or intent from Xi. I guess they want to avoid having the Olympics look like a farce hence this PR act. In reality China only cooperates when it suits them and ignores world opinion when it doesn't. That should be very clear by now.
Happy Day
After he cuts his check for trillions in world wide losses caused by China.
which all comes at a price
Hey, we got the meme!
Seriously though, what cost? Better relations between them and China? Regardless it doesn't change the fact that lives are concretely improved rather than exploited by these infrastructure changes.
By "cooperation" he means "submission".