Japan Today

China's Xi unveils grand development plan with Central Asia allies

By Andrew Hayley

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not by war,agression,violence but by cooperation and development

Whatever you are taking, do you have enough to share?

6 ( +13 / -7 )

China stands ready to synergise development strategies with the five Central Asian nations of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan,

Now there’s an economic powerhouse! The entire G-7 quakes.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

Good news to the regions that the historic Silk Road once straddled, with trade, arts, religion, culture and peoples, permanently changing the world - a now a new, ambitious, cooperative iteration will take shape that is an immense opportunity for all.

The contrast with the sanction-blitzkrieg masters of the G7 and their misguided desperation to cling to economic power couldn't be clearer.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

That is why China will be the next world hegemon. It makes its strategic alliances with mutual agreement and cooperation, where everyone wins..

Not with threats, invasions and sanctions as good old US always does..

The new Chinese Silk Road is unstoppable..

Go China to the top of the world!!!..

-8 ( +8 / -16 )

So laughable that some think China will be a world power based on mutual agreement. Total garbage. Do what China says or be sidelined and banned.

Didn't China have a "grand plan" that it put to the Pacific island nations and only 1 seemed to agree and the rest were not interested in giving power to China.

Perhaps central Asian nations are not as insightful as the Pacific nations are.

Do not get "into bed" with Xi or China. You will be much better off than handing power and influence to the Dragon.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

This is a bold move by China. It sustains an apparent friendship with Russia but, simultaneously, is moving in on significant parts of the former Soviet Union. The Russian Tsars spent many years gradually extending their reach into Central Asia and the Soviet Union exploited the resources of these republics. Rather than seeing the West as a threat, Putin should be looking east toward the quiet extension of Chinese influence. He is fighting a misguided war in the Ukraine to guard against an imaginary threat to Russia, and leaving his country too weak to counter real issues on its southern and eastern borders. Putin's friendship with Xi is looking increasingly like the Stalin-Hitler pact.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

I think the grand plan is debt and maybe giving dog Russia a bellyrub while China annexes them.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Central Asia counties above and Global South, clearly starved for Global Leadership promoting Stability and Non-Domestic Interference vs. Destabilization & Domestic Interference. Just ask President Erdogan of Turkey, party to below Arab Peace Accord.

2+ billion Muslims from 49 Majority Muslim Counties Now Celebrate China's Leadership

G-7 should take notes, hearts & minds of Global South LIKES China's Leadership Style

NYT Article clips - same approach China taking with Central Asian neighbors, Smart!

By taking credit for striking peace deal in the Middle East, Mr. Xi seizing on waning American influence in the region and presenting Chinese leadership as an alternative to a Washington-led order he depicts as driving the world toward a new cold war. 

> The vision Mr. Xi has laid out is one that wrests power from Washington in favor of multilateralism and so-called noninterference, a word that China uses to argue that nations should not meddle in each other’s internal affairs.

> By contrast, easing the conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia posed less of a challenge. China was well positioned to use its leverage to bring them to the table, given its strong economic and trading ties with each.

> “This is not China bringing two countries together and solving their differences,” Ms. Sun said. “This is China exploiting the opportunity of two countries who want to improve their relations to begin with.”

> Beijing has also sought to emphasize a plan called the Global Security Initiative, first introduced by Mr. Xi a year ago, that it describes as an effort to apply “Chinese solutions and wisdom” to the world’s biggest security challenges.

> Initiative, which reprises Mao-era language about promoting “peaceful coexistence,” calls for new paradigm in which global power is distributed more equally, and world rejects “unilateralism, bloc confrontation and hegemonism” — reference to United States and military alliances like North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

2+ billion Muslims from 49 Majority Muslim Counties Now Celebrate China's Leadership

Including the ones sent to camps for "re-education"? Or are you just conveniently forgetting them....

I think zero Muslims who have experienced China's idea of "partnership" celebrate China's "leadership".....

4 ( +9 / -5 )

"China stands ready to synergise development strategies with the five Central Asian nations of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan"

An economic monster with the GDP less than Rhode Island. Boy that will threaten ... Gibraltar, maybe.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

The Government of China is actively pursuing a ruthless agenda of debt trap economic hegemony/dominance.

China's loans pushing world’s poorest countries to brink of collapse


-1 ( +4 / -5 )

2+ billion Muslims from 49 Majority Muslim Counties Now Celebrate China's Leadership

Including the ones sent to camps for "re-education"? Or are you just conveniently forgetting them....

It's fair point, nothing's perfect, seems these counties above and in Central Asia all agree that US human rights far from perfect as well. Including very high level of addiction, incarceration, crime, violence, mental illness, homelessness, suicide, etc.

It's policy of non-interference in domestic matters that's so attractive, guardrails. US has plenty of partners that are not human rights angels as well. But it's your mindset that's not wanted or needed, this perfection idealism and delusion to justify destabilization rather than progress. Central Asian counties and Global South agrees, hence their agreements and practical cooperation to build sustainable PEACEFUL partnerships.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

build sustainable PEACEFUL partnerships.

As long as they don't get too independent, pay their exhorbitant loans on time and sign over their mineral resources, eh?


2 ( +5 / -3 )

All these ex-Soviet states didn't really like Russian rule, but at least they were part of a powerful empire.

After the breakup of the Soviet Union, China settled border disputes with these countries on its own terms. Tajikistan had to cede strategic resource rich territory in the Pamir mountains.


Also they had to stay quiet regarding China’s treatment of its Uighur minorities inspite of widespread sympathy for their fellow Central Asian Muslims among their populations.


In return, China fills the pocket of their dictators and buys their oil and gas.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Xi knows when to strike....

No, not against Taiwan or the US - but against his "friend" Putin...

China has always lusted after these central Asian states that were formerly in Russia's orbit...

But Putin's disastrous Ukraine war means he's more worried about falling out an 8 story window than these southern areas...

Wouldn't it be ironic if Putin's war to re-assemble the Soviet Union resulted in losing Ukraine plus the Baltics AND these southern States?

What a debacle...

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Surprisingly China investing in central Asia is more appealing than being bombed to oblivion by America... whodathunkit

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Meanwhile, China treats their people, the close to central Asia, the Ugyurs, like war time criminals. This is not hypocrisy, is it?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Surprisingly China investing in central Asia is more appealing than being bombed to oblivion by America... whodathunkit

Or actually caring for their own people over trying to manipulate central Asia.

"The world needs a Central Asia that is stable, prosperous, harmonious, and well-connected," Xi said.

Yes, he cares so much for their prosper over China's gains and possible control over these countries. I have a nice wall for sale, bit by bit, for you, he said. You pay, and come see your piece of the wall!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

China treats their people, the close to central Asia, the Ugyurs, like war time criminals. This is not hypocrisy, is it?

World SO littered with hypocrisy. It's EVERYWHERE. Rather than stop progress because of this known reality that perfection does not exist, why not rather achieve productive progress and in doing so try to reduce hypocrisy, makes things less imperfect!

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Meanwhile, China treats their people, the close to central Asia, the Ugyurs, like war time criminals. This is not hypocrisy, is it?

According to western media, which never lies

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

@Clay. While hypocrisy exists everywhere, there are degrees of it that are of greater malicious nature. The Uyghurs are definitely being treated poorly to the extent going to Central Asia without addressing the ridiculously bad treatment of their own people, first, is not something to enable.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

According to western media, which never lies

I'd believe the western media over national controlled, edited and censored, Chinese media saying they treat the Uyghurs fairly any day. You choose as you like, I guess, but I think you're wrong to believe the Uyghurs are being treated fairly by the Chinese government.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Any investment to the central asian nations that has no strings attached would be welcomed I'm sure.

No strings? Anywhere? So naive to think that's what's happening.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Wouldn't it be ironic if Putin's war to re-assemble the Soviet Union resulted in losing Ukraine plus the Baltics AND these southern States?

For clarity the Baltic states, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have been independent since 1991 and have no intention of ever going back to being ruled by the Russians. Likewise the Central Asian states. Those are already gone and not coming back.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Not mentioned is that Sultan Erdogan likewise cultivates these central Asian nations, viewing them as a historical extension of Turkiye and the old Ottoman Empire. He has been trying, mostly in vain, to build something resembling an EU among them. One of the reasons he so ardently supports Azerbaijan against Armenia, aside from having related languages, is that Sultan Erdogan dearly wants a land route through Armenia to the Caspian Sea to facilitate trade between Turkiye and Central Asia. The Sultan also plays off their shared linguistic heritage, many in the region speak languages related to Turkish, and Islam.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

With all these smart and clever “leaders,” you’d think the world would be a better place.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

In other words Xi was saying he is ready to control these Central Asian countries by force while telling them subliminally under his leadership this will improve their law enforcement and security, defense etc. Just sign up!!

"China is ready to help Central Asian countries improve their law enforcement, security, and defense capability construction," Xi said.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Surprisingly China investing in central Asia is more appealing than being bombed to oblivion by America... whodathunkit

That's never been in the cards as long as they aren't hosting terrorists.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It's fair point, nothing's perfect, seems these counties above and in Central Asia all agree that US human rights far from perfect as well. Including very high level of addiction, incarceration, crime, violence, mental illness, homelessness, suicide, etc.

You repeated it so I will repeat the response: these are not human rights issues. Human rights issues are when you gulag people for no reason like China does with the Uyghurs.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

China is fulfilling the dream of 2nd Century BC Emperor Han Wudi. Working together with peoples of The 'Stans for mutual benefit and peace.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

A lot of hate from commenters, the American government, and the media outlets that rely on good relationships with the US government, all aimed at SCO members.

But compared to the friendly handshakes, trade deals, and dedollarization moves by so much of Latin America, Africa, and Asia they amount to so little.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

These ex-Soviet central Asian countries used to be under Russia's sphere of influence

But Russia's influence weakens, particularly due to the Ukraine invasion which these countries don't support (so they remain neutral, instead of backing up Russia). Remember, Ukraine used to be an ex-Soviet state too just like them, so they're also wary that Russia would do to them what Russia is doing to Ukraine (that is, Russia trying to absorb and dominate them, putting them back to the Soviet days)

So, what Russia's loss is China's gain. Russia is becoming the big loser here

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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