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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.China criticizes U.S. for ship's passage through Taiwan Strait
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Would help if Taiwan loudly approved of these exercises.
So Taiwan clearly believes in international laws, unlike mainland China.
Does the U.S. recognize Taiwan as an independent country? Where is the U.S. Embassy in Taipei?
US policy only recognizes the PRC as China. It does not recognize Taiwan as part of China, and it never has.
The US' One China Policy is very different to the CCP's One China Principle, though the CCP -- together with their online minions -- fallaciously conflates the two.
It was a stupid and evil agreement when it was first conceived in Peking.
I'm a commenter on the internet and Peking can't touch me. I think I will do as I please.
Not according to the official policy of the US, which transferred official recognition from Taiwan to mainland China in the 70s. If you think otherwise, show us a Taiwanese embassy in the US or any other Western country (which as usual, meekly followed US policy.)
So on one hand, the US wants to appease the CCP in order to continue to use Chinese cheap labour, and on the other hand they pontificate about Taiwans independence, which they have abandoned.
They think signed agreements are meaningless, and they can have it both ways.
Recognize Taiwan as a country first, before posturing!
No one tried invading Tibet, Hong Kong, or Myanmar. If they are still in the dirt, it is due to China. Taiwan and the Philippines remain independent of the criminal regime in Peking.
This is standard. The hawkish PLA is not going to get their way and can be ignored. War is not going to happen between China and Taiwan. Xi is signing agreements in Hungary and France. War is obsolete and so 20th century in China today.
The U.S. knows this. The best they can do is make some money selling arms to Taiwan. They have moved on to the Philippines and Myanmar.
The old playbook calls for another funding of rebels in Myanmar along the border with China. Xinjiang terrorists / rebels did not work and neither will the ones in Myanmar. The scale is too small to go against the PLA. Afghanistan failed. Tibet failed. Hong Kong failed. Taiwan failed. Philippines will fail. The Myanmar rebels will fail. These strategies and efforts are obsolete. They won’t work against China.
China criticizes U.S. for ship's passage through Taiwan Strait
Wow they didn't use their water cannons to stop it!!! Oh its not the Philippines!
Bite me, Beijing. The US Navy will sail anywhere allowed under international law any time it wants and there’s bunk you can do to stop it.
The United States Navy will conduct operations safely, professionally, and in accordance with customary international law, flying, sailing, and operating wherever international law allows. Period.
Sven Asai
What's wrong with a passage? Is staying, anchoring and taking some targets into aim pleasing some more? lol
Time for the head of the UN, the beleaguered Antonio Guterres, to stand up and spell out the situation loud-and-clear in the UN HQ building in New York:
"China, stop the bullying tactics in these international waters, stop the intimidation of the Taiwanese and Philippine people, and behave like a civilised, reasonable and peaceful nation".
Can't be so difficult to get him to act strongly and definitively surely.....
Usual China whine. At least the US doesn;t go in and out of other nation's territorial waters as China does.
Tough. It doesn't belong to you.
Daniel Neagari
"America" (US) has a lot to do with the coast of China and Taiwan... among other reasons, because, the US is a close neigbor of Taiwan. And the supply routes for the US territory in South Asia have to be defended too.
That's right, America has nothing to do off the coast of China and Taiwan. Sail to Mexico.
You know where you can file complaints, China!!!
This wouldn't be the same China that is constantly sending its ships into Japanese waters off the Senkaku islands, is it? Nor could it possibly be the same China that is always sending its vessels into Philippine and Vietnamese EEZs, going so far as to use water cannons against Philippine vessels in their own waters in the former case, could it?
Sass sass sass sass SASS!!!!! Almost as bad as that Diaper-Stinking Sassybrat Antichrist who usurped the WH with Russian help and nearly destroyed America. Whine whine whine.
Just like the Red Sea is international waters, just like the Gulf of Sidra is international waters (as Qaddafy found out in 1986), so is the Taiwan Strait. And Taiwan is independent of CCP China too.
So Xi had better shut his big stupid yap. Doesn't he have Covid to still deal with, like we all do? If he truly is a leader then he needs to tackle that issue, leave Taiwan alone. Facts are facts, and he can put it in his pipe and smoke it.
International Waters.