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© 2024 AFPChina-friendly Manele elected as Solomon Islands PM
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Sh1mon M4sada
I doubt this ^^ will eventuate. Manele was Sogavare's foreign minister, he was standing along side Sogavare in refusing USA aid to land on shore, he was there inviting Chinese police to rule over local police (apparently local police were being trained). This is a guy that is more two face and more forked tongue then the predecessor.
In a parliament of 50 seats, his party fielded 43 candidates (all lavishly funded by China, AND having the biggest media outlet support, again because of Chinese money) but in the end only won 15 seats. Guess how he got voted in a PM despite having no majority?
This is a guy that refused to meet Caroline Kennedy who was there to thank the people of the Solomon Island for rescuing and saving the life of J F Kennedy (her uncle). There's no an inch of care for the people, he's there to take Chinese largess, like his predecessor.
Put it another way, in the 5 years since, Solomon Island has deteriorated further, economically and socially.
Why oh why is everything framed in the Western media through the USA v. China competition lens? We are wasting time and precious resources and many peoples of the world simply want an opportunity to better their lives.
Sold the nation out to the CCP. The people will regret it in the years to come.
Mr Goodman
Secret balot ???
Yeah right !
Ricky Kaminski13
Corruption always seeks and finds the corruptible. Sad day for the Solomon Islands. Good luck with your new ‘friends’ on your back. It was your decision, so you will have to own in now.
I’d keep a keen eye open on your resources and sovereignty, if there’s anything left of it that is. Will be some lavish banquets happening no doubt.
The global chess board plays on.
Well if you side with the west they will sell you out to China. This way is faster.
Why invade an island nation when you can simply buy it?
Wonderful news for the people of the Solomon Islands. You need a sponsor, either the U.S. or China. The U.S. has not quite the bandwidth these days.
@OA And here's the postal child of regional confrontation. USA! USA!
These islands are a wonderful place for China to keep missiles or set up a police force to justify an excuse to move 100 Ships there to "maintain peace." The U.S. sets the example and reciprocity is justice.
China's excuse is simple - China is the #1 trading partner of the Solomon Islands and you have 4700 Chinese businessmen and their families who need protection from riots. Another win win situation for China.
Why would Chinese businessmen need protection from the locals?
Sh1mon M4sada
LOL, since WWII western sphere has always respected AND agreed upon preserving lifestyles and culture of Pacific Islanders and other cultures. There are institutions formed specifically to keep out incompatible influences. In the case of SI, Australia and NZ has always operated on a we will come if asked for help, never impose, never impact on the fragile lifestyle of the locals.
China wanted fishing rights, resources, AND wanted markets for its cheap goods, regardless of what it meant for locals.
So why is it that supporters of the CCP always pretend to have just crawled out from under a rock and gaslight or ask ask for proof even when proof is staring at them?
deanzaZZR, if you truly care about what you asked, google Western Samoa unification. You'll see that the west prioritises cultural preservation than enlarging 'political' alliance, despite locals wanting to join.
Sh1mon M4sada
good question!
A great shame that another pro-China stooge will be in power. But despite this setback, Daniel Suidani was re-elected (his ousting was no doubt in part due to Chinese machinations).
Many Solomon Island citizens don't want China's malign influence, so it's important that the country has figures like Suidani who will stand firm against it.
Because not "everything" is. But China is naturally mentioned when it's a factor: and here it is, as Sogavare switched recognition from Taiwan and signed a security agreement with China, and his sidekick is now in power.
Despite the CCP's attempts to frame their actions as "normal economic activity," or whatever fallacious phrase they're using this week, these actions are far more sinister. And this will naturally be reported on by the free world's press.
They do. But selling your country out to a totalitarian monster is not a good way to achieve that.
China was the cause of the protests, not some innocent party that must be protected. See my link above.
All round positive development for the Solomon Islands. China has done more for Honiara in a few short years than the collective west has done for them in the last 80.
I take it you haven't read the links I provided.
Or are simply posting pro-CCP propaganda, like always.
The links you provided? ABC Australia? lol Check your sources Murdoch Fox fans.
The same reason Hong Kong businesses need protection from democracy rioters throwing bricks. Not a very good question.
Only if it can claim missiles are necessary for law enforcement.
I suspect even this loser PM is not going to want to explain to his people why the SI needs to declare hostility to the US.
Unequal treaties and extraterritoriality are good when China does it?
Just because you don't like the content that doesn't mean it's not true.
You are welcome to post a different link in response. Perhaps Xinhua would be more your style: give us all a good laugh.
Democracy protesters.
It was John Lee's jackbooted police thugs, in collusion with their friends in organized crime, that turned them violent.
Mr Kipling
Good news for the Solomon Islands, They will get assistance without having to become a vassal state to Washington.
Only the Chinese business benefit from the Chinese support. The profits are exported back to mainland China.
Yeah, they only have to become a vassal state of Beijing (.-.)/
There are no free lunches.
So now what??
Got an idea, let's start another war!!
China has a friend? Wow.
Good for Solomon..
Good for China..
There is already a massive divide in the tiny nation over links with China. That will only increase over time as the peoples lives are ruled by China, for its own advantage through paid off politicians and officials.
Western powers including Australia, have patronized the Pacific Island nations for decades.
Maybe these people got sick of being a caricature to the west
But good to see posters interest in the Solomon Islands.....or is it because China is mentioned. ?