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© 2021 AFPChina's internet erupts in mirth over U.S. Capitol chaos
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At least they didn't get run over by tanks.
Trump, his Republicans and his supporters have done more damage to the US than any foreign power ever.
That politicians like Cruz, Hawley and their insurrectionist supporting ilk remain means they can do even more damage.
This was my first thought.
Or, jailed for life without possibility of a hearing.
You would think mother China would block its subjects from seeing this kind of activity. It might give them ideas.
Yep, Cult 45... You MAGA (Made America Garbage Absolutely). Credibility, Dignity and respect are hard to earn back once lost. We'll earn it back.. but it's going to take a LOOOOONG TIME. Thank you for doing their jobs for them. The CCP thanks you profusely for helping them with their propaganda of one party rule. Putin and cronies want to thank you profusely for helping them undermine America and showing their intelligence agencies the weakness of Americans who are easily swayed by fanatical partisanship rhetoric/instigation/ and idiocy. Every dictator around the world THANKS YOU... You're truly patriots of those countries... not the USA.
A tad hypocritical and very blinkered.
Don't forget GA has a nice big fat felony case in the wings. I wonder how many states might be able to sue Trump. He may have to serve over 40+ years in multiple states with how he's been behaving. I was hoping he'd get a cell in Gitmo... but it will probably end up being a plain old federal prison...
Congrats to the new Senators and to the U.S.
May the new democratically controlled Senate help bring some needed rationality and representation to the citizens.
Stacey Abrams is the bomb.
jack o helen
It's going to take a lot to repair the damage to America's image as a democracy. Trump has caused the U.S. to be the laughingstock of the world.
I think Trump just killed his last chance of being re-elected in 2024 because of this fiasco of his own making
Obviously the Dems won't vote for him, while his supporters will always vote for him. However, those independents who could go either way, they won't vote for him from now on neither. They just saw something they thought they'd never see in America - and nothing now he can say to them would ever let him live it down
If he had just transferred power smoothly and bided his time till 2024, he could had a chance. But not anymore after this. They just saw how bad his conspiracy theories could get. It's one thing just to mouth it off on Twitter and the internet, but it's a whole 'nother thing when it gets real
Nobody has tried to hold onto power in America as desperately like this
No, Russia won today! In addition to trump allowing Russia to hack our government, he also attempted to install fascism into the US democracy. Putin's manchurian candidate has been the best investment that the Russian spymaster has ever used to attack the US.
America became worlds laughing stock thanks to Trump and his supporters... This moment in history will be remembered for eternity, just like Tiananmen Square Massacre, it will haunt America forever. People talking about overcoming racism and Black Lives Mater, not going to happen!!! Trump is the result of this right wing fascist mob that has up to now been hiding in the corners, they created him not he created them. The fascists came out in to the open thanks to their creation and now they do not want to go back in to hiding. And Trump must be prosecuted for treason and all other crimes that he has committed, because if he isn't, it will encourage others to go one step further. Some say, he should not be prosecuted in the name of unity/healing, I strongly disagree!
Good old Trump... made the US the laughing stock of the world. Winning again.
We may look back at the chaos and self-serving opportunism of the Trump years as the time when America fell behind and lost the ability to challenge the rising influence of China.
Yep. Trump’s blithering idiocy over the last 4 years culminating in crackpot conspiracy theories causing riots is exactly what despots and their acolytes around the world want their people to see.
Whataboutery about tanks or censorship doesn’t cut it
Just stop electing circus clowns and fabulists.
What a bunch of deluded people the poor Chinese are. The Hong Kong protests were pro-democracy; the actions in D.C are by a bunch of deluded nutters who believe Trump's claims that he won by a landslide but the true votes haven't been reflected.
You'd have to live in China or North Korea to think the Europeans should applaud China's clamp down in Hong Kong.
What Republican seditionists like Ted Crud & co have wrought to trash the bona fides and reputation of American democracy now gladdens the stony hearts of autocrats and dictators everywhere. Biden must not shirk his duty to bring them all to justice in order to heal the republic they have violated with their unpatriotic conspiracies.
The Avenger
IT IS OVER. The military has now started ignoring Trump and is only speaking to Pelosi, Pence, Schumer and McConnell. IT IS OVER FOLKS. OVER.
I, for one do not find this funny.
Well trump does want to be another Xi, a brutal dictator.
Maybe Putin will appoint him as his successor and make trump's dream come true.
74 million Americans enabled Trump's hissy fit about never living up to Obama's legacy.
Peter Neil
Yes, one group was resisting for the cause of freedom and another was/is a mob of redneck yahoos backing a wannabe fascist dictator.
Bob Fosse
Who are the swamp? Give us some names. Just 3 or 4 to get started. Go on.
Trump has kissed Xi's butt too. China is upset because the USA will have a real man in office soon.
Maybe Trump is holding on to claim ‘his’ Nobel Prize and get the last laugh on China et al. Or maybe he’s still got a button to press.
There is a third way. A smooth transition.
englisc aspyrgend
The state of the US polity is both depressing and frightening for all liberal democratic countries around the world. For all their faults the USA has been a major shield and example of some of the benefits of a free, laws based liberal system of government. This debacle has spotlighted that while Trump has much to answer for inciting and countenance conspiracy theories and extremist beliefs, there is a large constituency already their to listen and react. US political life and society has become progressively tribalised and intolerant of alternative viewpoints at both ends of the political spectrum.
While there may be a degree of mildly enjoyable schadenfreude in watching the risible scenes on tv, this ultimately can have no good or benefit for us all.
China didnt even need to fire a single shot to win.
Trump has damaged the US irreparably.
74 million Americans enabled Trump's hissy fit about never living up to Obama's legacy.
Yes, you are right, that legacy of divide put him in-place but he was unable to undo that legacy..Obama was too good..
Bob Fosse
Plentiful verbosity but woefully lacking in britches.
TheFu makes a poignant post.
Americans can protest. So can the Chinese, if they're willing to be taken out by the CCP and tanks, as happened at Tienamen Square. Unfortunately, the Chinese people have had this truth hidden from them. And the CCP posters on this site have drank the CCP koolade and are willing to ignore the moral fallacy of the execution of Chinese students for daring to speak up, in order to maintain power.
If America isn't careful, this is where it could end up. Definitely not there yet.
Protesting is a protected right in the USA.
Normal citizens are allowed into the US Capitol building. Sometimes they get unruly. Democracy is messy from time to time. Chaos happens.
Trump supporters are a fringe group caught up in the moment. They've replaced reality and substituted a fantasy, like some religious leaders do successfully.
The recent elections in the US, including all in Georgia, were fair, regardless of what Trump and "his sort" said. For me, those people provided me a list of someone who can never hold office, ever, for any reasons.
However, only the people who directly caused damage or injury in these acts will be arrested and their families will not wonder where they are, if they will ever be released, or harassed by any level of the govt for the rest of their lives as happens in China. Just ask Wei Wei and his family what that is like. The non-violet protestors will be charged with treaspassing, pay a $200 fine, and be released with a story for the rest of their lives. They can protest again next week or next year or the year after or every day if they like. That's part of America. I may think they are stupid people, but it is still their right to protest.
There are about 20 "protesters" outside a family planning clinic a few minutes from my home every weekend. There are more out on nice days and very few when it rains. They stay on the public sidewalk for this protest. They are not allowed onto the private parking lot or near the private building. Protesting happens almost every day in America over something. Most of it doesn't make any news and usually it is over really dumb things. Every once in a while, the movement will stick a little and grow. Our county leadership meetings have protesters show up a few times each year. They get to talk, make a speech, answer questions, be heard. That's what a good govt does - it listens to the governed. 20-30% of the US wanted Trump in power. They were able to take over the GOP somehow. Nobody realized that would be the death of the GOP at the time.
There is no turning back from yesterday. Trump is the biggest criminal of our time. He must pay for all the crimes he has done - every single one of them. He and his cult followers must learn that you don't go forcing your ideas out on others and you don't resort to violence. What they did yesterday was unspeakable reprehensible, unforgivable. All of these fascists (and they ARE fascists) must be prosecuted and penalized fully.
Healing begins when the bullies are punished because they have caused nothing but mayhem. And what they tried to do yesterday is unacceptable. Period!
Bob Fosse
I think many of those involved yesterday had a different opinion and subsequent experience.
Yes, and the leaders of those revolutions became the new dictators. Let’s be more concerned with the innocent people that died and suffered during these revolutions. As was the case most of the time, they were forgotten.
Good bye Taiwan, hello Chairman Mao, I mean, Xi.
Spoken like a true terrorist. The sight of anarchy and revolution are things terrorists love to incite and watch.
Sh1mon M4sada
LOL the logic of some people kacks me up. ROTFL....
Protests elsewhere is for the removal of a head of state. This protest is for keeping a head of state. These other dictators would be green with envy.
One word: 天安门
Seth M
Lemme grab some popcorns!
BungleJan. 7 03:05 pm JST
StrangerlandJan. 7 04:52 pm JST
74 million Americans enabled Trump's hissy fit about never living up to Obama's legacy.
Again more baloney and binary thinking. Do you think 74 million Americans, nearly half of the people that voted in the 2020 election, (not 1/5 of the total US population, roughly 350,000,000 people, as once mentioned because people under the age of 18, such as infants, cannot vote), were at the capitol causing violence?
Just like the people at BLM, the Marxist group, with their antifa back-ups, there were only a small number that instigated the riots, looting, and destruction in various American cities. Also, the BLM riots went on for two weeks in Washington, DC., destroying businesses and people’s livelihoods. The riot at the capitol lasted only a few hours.
What Obama legacy are you talking about? The one where he gave 500 million dollars in cash to Iran? Did they use the money for overseas terror attacks, build up their nuclear bomb program to wipe Israel of the face of the earth as they proclaim is their intention, or use the money to feed the poor in Iran? News flash: they did not feed the poor.
When that "old system" is democratically established, the examples of violent overthrow don't seem much like progress. Iran (1953) and Chile (1973) come to mind.
Runtu DaHilz
Most of China's electricity is powered by coal. China isn't importing Australian coal anymore (the best in the world, btw). China is running out of electricity and has to steal coal from local farmers to keep everything going. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! laugh about that
Simon Foston
Today 03:05 pm JST
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this article.
China will be world no.1 economy and military superpower before 2030 or much earlier! Of course they were smiling, why not? If you saw your adversary in chaos and stuck in deep troubles, you will laughing out loud (LOL) as well! And you know Biden is in their pocket!
Chinese Supreme leader XI believes Donald Trump failed to make America great again, this is a joke! Time is stood by my side!
The most funny thing of Donald Trump's legacy wasn't today's chaos in the Capitol Hill, it should be the coming 13 days of what might happening! He has nothing to lose,and walks away with the mess he has inflicted with a smiling face!
Some politicians wanna invoking the 25th Amendment to kick him out of power but this is not likely! Maybe this is the discussion between Putin and XI in phone today and they were laughing out loud, Putin said: Hey XI! The American giant is suffering a brain injury......
XI said: Nothing special! Biden can doing even more!
I think Trump just killed his last chance of being re-elected in 2024 because of this fiasco of his own making..
Trump is not looking at 2024, it's now or never for him and the GOP.. as for the roots of this fiasco start with the Obama era...
Most of the bloggers here posting doesn't have a clue! Yes Trump may have 74 million people who voted for him but I can guarantee you that not all of those who voted for Trump agree with what they saw. Last but not least, don't mistake what you saw as a country divided and weaken. If anything it will make it stronger. So if any country out there that wants to take a chance, try, I pity the fool!! When it comes to controversy against our nation, Americans rise as one family even though we may have our differences. What makes us great is we are not forced to agree, but we can agree to disagree with out being arrested or killed.
Look through history,you will find that violent revolution is the only way to completely overthrow old system and rebuild a new one. It happened in France England Russia China etc.
If Biden is rigged in, Xi can have a big smile on his face.
Full bore back to outsourcing of manufacturing to CCP China in exchange for quick profits.
Sadly, it looks like the swamp has won.
Joe Blow
And all the far leftists in America are either wittingly or unwittingly aiding and abetting China over their own countries.
But Trump supporters are guilty of treason, right?