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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.China hosts Arab leaders at summit focused on trade and the Israel-Hamas war
By SIMINA MISTREANU TAIPEI, Taiwan©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Isn’t that nice?
I wonder what they REALLY want ?
Cheaper oil ?
Okay. So how about One China and One Taiwan?
Sorry, Charlie
"The US side declared: The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position. It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves." Shanghai Comminuqe, 1972.
Sorry charlie,
"When the United States moved to recognize the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and de-recognize the Republic of China (ROC) in 1979, the United States stated that the government of the People’s Republic of China was “the sole legal Government of China.” Sole, meaning the PRC was and is the only China, with no consideration of the ROC as a separate sovereign entity.
The United States did not, however, give in to Chinese demands that it recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan (which is the name preferred by the United States since it opted to de-recognize the ROC). Instead, Washington acknowledged the Chinese position that Taiwan was part of China. For geopolitical reasons, both the United States and the PRC were willing to go forward with diplomatic recognition despite their differences on this matter. When China attempted to change the Chinese text from the original acknowledge to recognize, Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher told a Senate hearing questioner, “[W]e regard the English text as being the binding text. We regard the word ‘acknowledge’ as being the word that is determinative for the U.S.”
Probably a hypocritical silence on the fate of mosques and Islam in China among the Uighurs, etc. Yuan signs in their shifty eyes means they leave most of the criticism and condemnation of China to nations and people who are not predominantly Islamic.
How sad: the only "evidence" you have that Taiwan is not a country comes from the statements of other parties.
Kurumazaka 2
My, y’all are missing the point.
China intends to take full advantage of the rules based international order FARCE we are seeing with regard to Israel/Gaza, Israel/ICC and Israel/ICJ.
the fact that these “rules” apply to everyone except Israel is not going unnoticed by those not of the West.
you’re watching it happen in real time.
China is really the true savior of the world for siding with Palestine. They are the true leaders who side for the truth and justice.
Said nobody outside of a dictatorship ever.
No problem with talking.
I'm pretty sure that the 'two state' based peace deal that China's peace conference will produce will be a much different beast than the 'two state' based peace deals that America's peace conferences put forth.
Because the Chinese investments in Israel, while maybe slightly more secure if the Israeli regime accepts the deal, retain their value over the long term if the Israeli regime refuses the deal, and China moves into the BDS Israel movement.
Yes, the Israeli regime, with America's backing, will seize Chinese assets, but between the ICJ (which will rule such illegal and award China damages and actual legal authority to obtain those damages) and the goodwill of the reunited Palestine that is the inevitable other outcome, the soft power that China would accrue with the Arab populations AND the reputation shift of being an ally with America's 21st century generation, China, and Chinese businesses, would actually end up profiting greatly.
So the Chinese lead peace conference is likely to produce a 'two state deal' that includes FULL sovereignty for the Palestinian state, and not include the illegal extinguishing of the Refugees right of return to the part of Palestine that has been rebranded as Israel.
Beijing has long backed the Palestinians and denounced Israel over its settlements in the occupied territories.
If the Palestinian Arabs would leave those territories then they wouldn't be occupied anymore.
China is the new rising sun..
Pretty hard to believe China is concerned about peace anywhere, while it threatens Taiwan, and also enables Russia in Russia's quest for more territory.
If the occupying Israelis' would leave the areas the world has designated as occupied, then they wouldnt be occupied anymore.
A nation gifted land by a colonial power {Britain } in 1948 cannot claim rights to land inhabited by another people for many hundreds of years and longer.
Basic justice...even common sense
There's Isael....and the rest of the world who oppose Israel in this matter.
To even compare the two situations is a farce. Facts matter.
Palestine - Arab
Isreal - Jews
Palestine - Arabic
Israel - Hebrew
Palestine - Islam
Israel - Judaism
Taiwan - Han Chinese (+90%)
China - Han Chinese (+90%)
Taiwan - Chinese
China - Chinese
Taiwan - Buddhism, Christianity, Folk Religion
China - Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Folk Religion
Normal countries don't try to force every person of a certain ethnicity or language into the same horde state. Also freedom of religion doesn't exist in China.
The other embarrassment besides not recognizing the two states of Taiwan and China is not recognizing the two states of Ukraine and Russia. Nominal recognition isn't enough but there should also be an avoidance of stabbing Ukraine in the back.
The Arab countries hates America and her unfair practices on Palestinians. Many of these countries were US allies, Egypt,Saudi,Kuwait, the Gulf Kingdoms.
Next move is China will convince them expulsion of US,British troops on their soil and let Chinese troops stands in,Chinese naval and airpower using their ports and airports.
What two states recognition of Taiwan and China? That was as absurd as if the Union recognizing the legitimacy of Confederate states during the American Civil War scenario!
Fortunately the Arabs prefer money to either China's war or the Palestinians.
If the Union had failed at reunification, it would have had to adjust to reality rather than petulantly living in the past.