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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2016.China installs weapons systems on artificial islands: U.S. think tank
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Well yeah, considering Trump's position. Actually, even before Trump, with Obama's pivot to Asia. I just watched a very eye-opening documentary film by John Pilger.
Frederic Bastiat
Happened on Obama's watch, blame GWB for this, too?
Obama's admin did state for the US Navy to keep the lanes open and show US presence in the area. He wasn't foolish enough to start shooting. The ICOJ has already ruled against China for one of its territorial claims. The US will still not start a fight until it has better backing by the other surrounding Asian nations, or China starts attacking one of our US interests AND also gets better backing by the surrounding Asian nations. Vietnam is already on board with the US should the shooting start. The US has to honor it's treaties as well. It's also expected that should China start shooting, NK will also. So everyone had better start preparing... if China/NK get really stupid and start lobbing nukes.... it's going to get really bad really fast for both of them.
Which thanks to Trump's big mouth, they're getting more belligerent. Will Trump be smart enough to start putting effective economic sanctions against China (which will require setting up the TPP and maintaining some economic presence with these countries? Or will he keep the US (and business interests) sucking on the teat of China's state owned corporate bosom?
This is where the balancing act of diplomacy comes front and foremost. Compromise, compromise, compromise.... Trump's going to have to start learning that you can't always get everything you want with money... have to give a little to get a little, and learn to share so both sides can accomplish something.
Just me, but no more cozy play time with trying to get the CCP to release their control of governance to the People of China.
Trump will fix it. Moving on...
I wonder which military contractor this think tank is sponsored by...
Is there anything wrong about that ?
Yes, it does not belong to China. International waters... artificially constructed islands well out of China's internationally recognized (not China's made up) borders. Not that you or the CCP will acknowledge that the rest of the world doesn't agree with them.
Ron Barnes
The real Question is Who are they pointing at.