Japan Today

China bracing for fresh tensions with Trump over trade, tech and Taiwan


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if Trump stays true to his campaign promises — is his threat to slap blanket 60% tariffs on all Chinese exports to the U.S.

If Trump stays true to his promises, that would be a first, his pattern to date suggests he won't stay true to promises, and given his age new tricks are pretty unlikely. What Musk and other establishment billionires around the globe, including ruling caste members in China and Russia tell him to do is what he probably ends up doing.

Also another of Trump's promises is ending inflation, but slapping 60% tariffs on Chinese goods probably would result in increasing inflation for US Americans. Trump has shown he has had employees that understand golf course management, but he has not shown he understands much in the way of global trade and economics outside the world of golf where he's no Arnold Palmer..

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Trump has always talked tough on China, which he should. But his paying $3.00 per bible to have them printed in China and selling them to Americans for $59.99 puts his true position towards China into question.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

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