Japan Today

Chinese police out in numbers to prevent more COVID protests

By Eduardo Baptista

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With fewer than 6% of the people vaccinated, Africa suffered the least covid deaths than any other continent. But of course, the CCP doesn't really care about preventing the spread of covid more than keeping their population under their authoritarian control.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Yesterday I saw some Grade A trolling of govt rules.

First the blank paper, then when the paper is confiscated, just hold imaginary paper and everyone knows what you mean to say.

Then the slogans. After being told that they could not shout subversive slogans or face arrest, one group started chanting "We want lockdowns! PCR every day!" I mean, what are the cops going to do? Arrest you for chanting in line with official procedures even though everyone knows what that really means?

Finally, One group sang the national antheme as a protest. Is the CCP really going to forbid the singiing of the National Antheme as an anti-subversive tool? (They well might do exactly that outside of so-called "Patriotic" events.)

Hang in there guys (and ladies too!) The odds are against you but you give this guy who still remembers the disappointment of 6.4.89 hope for the future.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

Feels like we are watching history being made here.

What happens when a billion people pop? Feels like we are about to witness something big. What though, is anyones guess. The chaos and discontent is plainly spreading, as is the courage.

The hazmuts vs the people. Round one.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

It would be nice if the tables were turned and China rises up to end the communist party once and forever. Wishful thinking.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

What happens when a billion people pop? Feels like we are about to witness something big. 

I hope you are right and that I am wrong. I would love to say "I WAS WRONG" about this.

But I fear a huge crackdown is in order and I just don't know if the population has the will or the organization to resist.

I hope they can, but I am not so sure.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Funny how so many of the people in Western countries who were defending harsh lockdowns and vax mandates in their own countries are cheering on the Chinese protestors now. Do these people have any self-awareness?

Nah, didn't think so.

-11 ( +9 / -20 )

Many analysts say easing the policies could lead to widespread illness and deaths, overwhelming the country's hospitals. A strong push on vaccinating the elderly is required before China could even contemplate re-opening, they say.

After two years of effective and safe vaccines being available this is no justification for the retrograde zero covid policy, instead is an unjustifiable lack of effort in protecting the population. If anything this is proof of deep failure of the CCP in protecting the citizens.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Courage, Chinese brothers and sisters, courage!

I hope you will find out the power of unity and what it can do against tyrants.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

A failure to admit they couldn't produce an effective vaccine and protect their elderly and immunocompromised. Should have bought Pfizer and Moderna.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Still it seems to be very much overestimated. In relation to the very big population in China a few hundred protesters and police clashing are just nothing. There’s in recalculated relation probably more countable action in Tokyo around the Shibuya crossing on Halloween or in European cities when all the many criminal clans arise and destroy everything on occasion of only a Moroccan soccer team win in Qatar.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Still it seems to be very much overestimated.

I'lll disagree with you.

The very fact that protests have happened is very significant. They have demonstrated a growing frustration and scepticism with the ruling Communist party’s commitment to zero-Covid that only people living in the country can fully understand.

Xi’s government has pursued a policy of lockdowns, repeated testing of millions of people and lengthy quarantines for overseas arrivals in an attempt to limit spread. While neglecting immunity and planning for opening up.

This was going happen sometime. Not sure what Halloween has to do with it all, though.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

thank You China for caring about your citizens wellbeing. Only 30,000 dead, USA 1,200,000 dead. Population is different number.

-23 ( +1 / -24 )

Still it seems to be very much overestimated.

I'lll disagree with you further. Tuesday’s Chinese newspapers carried several items on zero-Covid, including an editorial in Xinhua acknowledging that the pandemic “has had some impact on social production and life”.

“In the face of complex changes in the pandemic, all localities and departments must be more patient and relieve the emotions of the people,” it said.

That in itself is an achievement.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

@Rodney. Sure. You believe there have only 30,000 deaths FROM Covid-19 in the PRC. OK.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Been waitin n waitin, but nothing out of the White House. Even the Obama administration was more vocal. What gives? US businesses are hurting, eg Apple, GM etc...all but silence?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Finally, One group sang the national antheme as a protest. Is the CCP really going to forbid the singiing of the National Antheme as an anti-subversive tool? 

Well, since the crowds are singing "Xilai! Xilai!" (Rise up! Rise up!), these words are being given a quite different nuance that is making CCP officials hot around their collars as they envisage the possibility of hanging on grimly for a protracted ride on a riled-up tiger.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I think China is a very bad place.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

How much do Xi and his cadre, other politicians, and the elite have to grit their teeth and endure another complete lockdown. Xi wasn't even wearing a mask at the recent G20 summit. He demands that everyone does but he doesn't. Now they're trying to coverup the protests and mass censor any social media. He will go on eating exotic animals like pangolins and peacocks the way the elites do in China.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I genuinely feel sorry for the Chinese living under an evil authoritarian regime with evil Pooh Bear as dictator for life.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Glad that the Japanese government DID NOT implement any of these horebile zero-COVID policies, well done Japan and congratulation on handling this pandemic with minimal death and impact on the peoples livelihood.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Glad that the Japanese government DID NOT implement any of these horebile zero-COVID policies

They probably would have if they could have for a few months last year. They didn't have the power to.

Japan is surprisingly liberal despite its reputation for strict conformity. After the first SoE the people made it quite clear that they wouldn't be bothering with it as much in the subsuquent ones. That's probably why the government didn't bother with one this year.

They expect to be able to go where they want, when they want, eat and drink what they want and meet whoever they want.

They also embraced masks and vaccines without the political nonsense that hindered their uptake in lots of countries populated by dumb right-wing grifters. It's been nice to live in a country where stupid Big Parma / Plandemic / 5G chip / etc conspiracies get the short-shrift that they deserve.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Police State on view.

Perhaps if they came clean on the origins and timeline of COVID this situation would not exist today. Co-habitation in Wuhan wet markets of feral bats and anything else that flies on the Sino diet except ICMB missiles from "Kimland". Everyone was afraid to confront the Middle Kingdom, but it is never too late for a Worldwide Class Action Suit. Millions are dead, Trillions spent, generation of children lacking years of education. Where are the reparations? Please ask Germany and the other former Axis nations who paid for their WW2 sins. We either get China on the same page of international law and health standards or stop trading with them today

1 ( +2 / -1 )

1.4 billion people in the country, if this continues the police will not be able to stop them. The police themselves are citizens and they are only being paid to do their jobs. Its just a matter of time the people will turn on the police and not care about dying, this is why some groups are on Telegrams, social media app suggesting people should gather again. The CCP in China has learned from the past Tienanmen square uprising that they cannot use the military against the people, this is why they called in the police. If they bring in the military it shows the world that China human rights against its own citizens is what the world already knows and that the country is still a communist militaristic country controlling its people and abusing human rights. Yrrai I can't hear you?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@theResident Excellent comment this proved their scientist as they call are not good at what they say they are capable of doing. We knew they were trying to hack into medical data bases to steal any data that they could to help aid them in their research. We know this!!!

A failure to admit they couldn't produce an effective vaccine and protect their elderly and immunocompromised. Should have bought Pfizer and Moderna.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The scale of the problem which the very brave activists face in trying to bring about the collapse of the world's biggest totalitarian repressed state is truly enormous.

In China, the Communist Party is 93 Million members strong - from the ruling elite, right down through the ranks to the local party cadres. All of whom are conducting total surveillance and eavesdropping activities which will spell big-trouble for any activists who fall into their hands. The numbers of "Disappeared" could run into millions, an unbelievable and frightening prospect.

China has fully-developed into a terrorist state.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Govts should behave in ways that their citizens approve, then they don't need to be afraid.

Perhaps the protestors need to start kissing the police and thugs, so they can pass the germs/viruses to them too?

Protestors need to join the CCP and route it from the inside out.

Total surveillance state needs to end in China. Imagine

a) needing a cell phone always

b) forced to using that cell phone with a number of govt mandated applications specifically to track location and social networking behaviors

c) forced to use a phone app to buy nearly everything, all concentrated in a single device.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

China crushing protests=bad.

Trudeau crushing non violent protests=good.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

One video showed police, surrounded by a small crowd of people holding smartphones, making an arrest while others tried to pull back the person being detained.

Chinese police making lawful arrests.

While in the West, the police violently usurp citizens' rights:

COVID-19: Australian riot police fire rubber bullets at anti-lockdown protesters in Melbourne


After two years of effective and safe vaccines being available this is no justification for the retrograde zero covid policy, 

Over 6 million covid related deaths in the "effective and safe vaccine" world, versus 5000 in the zero covid world.

I'd go with life.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

It’s amazing how The few control the many in China.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Please ask Germany and the other former Axis nations who paid for their WW2 sins.

Please refresh your history. The US learned a lesson from WWI where the resentment of Allied reparations and humiliating restrictions on specific German industries precipitated the rise of the Fascists and WWII. Rather than again demanding reparations from the Germans the US developed the Marshall Plan to fund the reconstruction of their former enemy and the other nations of Europe that Germany devastated.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Today for example, Police were walking through subway carriages within Shanghai, demanding to see the Photo's on passengers phones, and if any depicted scenes from the protests, they'd be arrested.

Well, at least their police weren't firing automatic weapons into a crowded subway station like the Iranian police have done, or go onto subway cars and beat people senseless. Damning with faint praise in case you didn't get it.

One side of me half expects the Chinese to shut down phones and the internet but doing so would just kill business.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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