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© 2021 AFPChina rejects need for further WHO coronavirus origins probe
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China. WHO?
Sven Asai
I see, they just only want to hide that mysterious and most probable everywhere being intermediate animal from showing to us. ROFL
Of course there's no need for further investigation, the origin is already known.
Who cares WHO.
Not surprising. Disgraceful, but not surprising.
China has obviously something to hide by refusing further investigations into the origin of the Wuhan virus. WHO is another circus run by clowns. MILLIONS of people around the world have the right to know the origins of the virus. Ben Embarak and his team are utterly incompetent and they came back from China with zero evidence. What a waste of time and money.
This is an interesting point.
Keeping it to the science, looking scientifically at it could only lead to this hypothesis as being one of the most realistic or at least worth to consider and investigate seriously. But then the political ones, the ones who have no background in science (one of them often in this site forum will recognize himself) came to the discussion with again no scientific thinking and motivated purely by politics to call the people who have a scientific background conspiracy theorists.
WHO team wants one more expensive trip again just to waste "donated" money. After year and half it would be nearly impossible to prove anything natural / intentional or accidental.
From their perspective, it’s a case of “as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; They kill us for their sport.”
“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
Sorry China, but the whole world is dealing with this pandemic, it's not up to you to decide when the investigation is to end or how deep the investigation should be.
Obviously it is China who has "fabicated" Corona virus to cripple the world economy and establish its dominance. It is now exporting masks, medical equipment, chemicals so that it can accumulate Trillions of US$ and then snatch away US + Europe from its dominance. China shall rule the world. The masks and chemicals and medical equipment are designed so that it further propagates Corona and its variants. Shame China! Boycott Made in China, boycott China Olympics 2022!
China should be threatened with global economic sanctions and thrown off the UNSC unless they fully cooperate with the investigation. And forget the 1936,,,err 2022 Beijing Olympics.
Jonathan Prin
Opposite statement would have surprised the world.
When you fiddle the numbers so blatantly in the face of the world, what could you expect ?
An epidemic with the first cases in a city with a laboratory which works on virus diseases and such first cases found to be close to laboratory is just bad luck for Chinese.
Especially when your first measures are to lockdown 10 million people (military grade lockdown) without informing the rest of the world with facts about the reasons for doing so.
Nothing has changed, no surprise to me at least.
What parent approved that picture of their child for this publishing?
A probe into the origin of the pandemic seems to have been politicized too much. Why is China rejecting a need for the re-investigation of the Wuhan lab by a WHO team? Instead, it says it has gathered 5 million signatures in China petitioning the investigation of the U.S. Army Fort Detrick lab in California for the first leak of a novel coronavirus.
Both countries should respond to international concerns rather more flexibly for an investigation or reinvestigations of their respective coronavirus research labs.
I do not think there is any news for further probing into the origin either.
Don't they wanna get to the bottom of this
So that history won't repeat itself
Otherwise this is gonna happen again
Raw Beer
Yes, there was even an article on JT a while back that while assuming SARSCoV-2 emerged naturally, they were trying to make the case that we should engineer Coronaviruses and study them to help prevent future pandemics!!!
We all know SARSCoV2 came from the WIV.
That's because we already know where it comes from, CHINA. It's a CHINA VIRUS!!!
If anybody is interested,
premier Xi is having a masterclass is covering up a pandemic.
Yes the same as you all "knew" the vaccines would not work, and that Japan was going to be free of cases because of herd immunity from summer last year. Self delusion is a terrible thing to witness.
There are worse people even, people that are ignorant even of basic scientific terminology and try to "correct" people into making the same mistakes, one even said that "escape mutants" was nonsense, for real!
And conspiracy theorists are easy to identify, they will always end up using the excuse that they can't prove what they believe because of... a world wide conspiracy to hide it.
as long as it points somewhere else than to China.
Australia 60 minutes did an investigation on this earlier this year.
10 Chinese workers contracted the exact same disease ten years ago, while cleaning up bat faeces in a cave.
All the workers, & the disease, we’re taken & kept at the Wuhan laboratory
Lol, yeah not at all surprised by that.
Pacific Saury
"Don't trust China. China is"
(you know the rest)
Conspiracy theorists narrative: Chinese engineered virus as a biological weapon for use in times of peace.
The world's narrative: Virus escaped from Wuhan lab and safety protocols breached or Bat research.
The Japan Today commentator narrative: Bat eating Chinese and dirty wet markets bred the virus.
The Chinese narrative: Military World Game starting in Wuhan which the US army joined imported the virus.
The Chinese response is there’ve been multiple reports about an outbreak of a respiratory disease at Virginia in July. The army lab at Fort Detrick was closed the same month by the CDC. In August, federal agencies conducted a mock drill on dealing a pandemic, specifically a deadly global outbreak with no known cure, and the action is called 'Crimson Contagion 2019 Functional Exercise.' The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.
Both China and the US already know what they know but like I said FWIW.
Understandably, it’s bad optics for their world takeover plan if everyone finds out they are responsible for killing millions and causing world devastation due to their lab leak.
If it was caused only by their unsanitary food regulations like they say, they would welcome any investigators to clear their reputation. They have done the opposite, which the only conclusion is they are hiding something they are terrified for the world to find out. They just admitted their guilt. The blood is on the hands of China, never forget.
Gee, the surprise of the day...
englisc aspyrgend
They would, they did everything they could to hamstring any investigation by the WHO team and forced them to write a report that didn’t even match the little information they allowed them to have. The WHO investigators dare not even highlight the lack of information and the degree of control placed on them. They should have repudiated the conclusions as invalidated by political interference once out of China, but I suspect the WHO leadership would not countenance such an action. Bought and paid for by the CCP.
The more China objects, the more guilty they make themselves look. The world knows China's CCP is beyond telling the truth and certainly will not allow anything that may make them look bad. Yet that is how they are being perceived due to the lack of transparent co-operation in investigating the first recorded outbreaks in Wuhan. China continues to politicize covid and then complains loudly that it has been politicized. As long as this is the case China will always be blamed for covid and the lack of knowledge on how it it started and who patient zero may have been.
China digging a hole so deep they cant ever climb out of it.
China poisoned the world while using it as a cover to gain control over the world!
The CCP doesn't like being shown in a bad light. China's culture is all about "face". The CCP believes that they have absolute control over their own citizens, so they're now trying export that exact same mentality that their government can control people all over the world. This is why they are behaving this way. The world needs to shut the CCP down and inform them their "way" is not the way of the world and they've long since overstepped the boundaries.
"China poisoned the world" ........... possibly, maybe even probably.
........ "gain control over the world!" Tell us more about this please. Have they? Will they?
I know people, Japanese people, who believe this and also believe that the Chinese are in cahoots with Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, George Soros and Dr Fauci to achieve this world control. When asked why the usual answer is "to reduce the world population".
The reality is that another probe isn't needed for the very simple reason that the US etc would no more accept such a probe's exoneration of China than they do the IAEA inspector's probes exoneration of Iran's nuclear program.
There will be the standard post epidemic 'post mortem' of EVERYTHING, which will be important (And ignored by too many politicians and leaders) but, seriously, the sort of directed investigation the US is demanding is worthless because no matter how conclusive it is, it won't change anything or settle anything or help get anyone closer to the end of the outbreak. It would, however, use resources, disrupt cooperation, and become a new target for the screamers to denounce and dispute and creatively interpret.
How about inspecting Fort Derrick.
Seems more and more likely that this was a man made virus that accidentally was released by scientists. This is no longer a conspiracy theory but a likely event after experts and scientists have analysed the data.
I don’t care where it came from and if it was from the lab I don’t think it’s a big conspiracy to let the virus out so some come make money from it. The usual ones are making good money from it as they always do in these times, whether it’s from a war or pandemic or anything.
Talk about Occams razor. You have a virus institute doing research on Corona viruses (which is on the record, so not up for debate), you have the French who originally built the virus institute pulling out of the contract because citing safety concerns because the CCP switched work to Chinese contractors and refused French supervision (on the record, not up for debate), you have plenty of previous problems with bat bites and infections at the Wuhan institute (on the record, not up for debate), you have Peter Dascak pontificating about how easy it is to modify the Corona virus, and how beneficial to subcontract it to the Wuhan institute (on the record, not up for debate)..... and then suddenly you have a modified corona virus outbreak in a fish market / at a US military site / in Italy, take your pick from the various CCP narratives; anywhere but at the Wuhan institute. Meanwhile, the research and personal information of Wuhan institute Corona virus researchers disappear from the Wuhan Institute web page, together with the "bat lady" and other leading researchers themselves.
Conclusion? It must have been the fish market. Or Italy. Or the moon. In fact, anywhere but the Wuhan institute. Right!
The CCP is behind all these virus releases upon the World - they made them, and they are planning further releases according to the insiders feeding information to Miles Guo - (G-TV), who's been proven right many times to-date, with his "inside" sources.
Similarly - as he's reported, The CCP also is in control of the major Pharmaceutical Companies producing the said "vaccinations" for us all... which makes you wonder.... Sadly most of the information is in Chinese, though work in underway to translate and bring out to the mainstream for review, though how can you review when the sources are oppressed ? We know ... what happens in Hong Kong - can you therefore imagine what happens within China mainland itself ?
The CCP needs to go. Period.
The CCP is currently trying to play the "It's a Political" game... on us, yet on the other hand...when one looks at their actions - whose Political game is being played, has to be questioned ?
Today, Xi has announced that no Chinese Dams will let water out... which is complete madness, since unless you let water out- the Dam will break and the whole area will end up flooded! Clearly pressure is mounting upon him, and as a virtual dictator with a Nuclear button under his finger, his Korean counterpart seems like a noisy baby... Xi, is the mad-man "Elephant" in the China-house, and he needs taking out now before he presses that proverbial button.....
(Our only hope is then, that given its "Made in China".... it might not actually work!)
Prove that the virus did not come from China!
Hard evidence please….
Do your part and boycott anything made in China
Occam's razor works much better against the artificial origin, not only because human cases appeared weeks before the market, but because zoonosis are introduced to humans constantly and repeatedly every year, which makes it the least complicated way to explain just another introduction. This is why the scientific community in general consider the natural origin the most likely explanation by far.
Conspiracy theories are just excuses for people that want to push their beliefs to others when they have absolutely no proof of what they believe or even (as in this case) the evidence clearly contradict them. People are just expected to trust a source above the opinion of the experts in general of the world. Not a logical position to take.
Sure, as soon as you prove the virus did not come from this planet.
I mean, since we are just demanding people to prove random things that they never said in the first place you can at least lead the way.
Pacific Saury
I will continue to do that as well as not deal with / provide service to Chinese nationals.
Desert Tortoise
Before settling on that conclusion I want you to consider a few things. Number one, in November and December of 2019 our high desert community experienced a wave of respiratory disease that no one could figure out. Patients were suffering classic flu or pneumonia symptoms but their tests for these illnesses came back negative. In November 2019 nobody was aware of Covid-19, no test existed and we had to suffer. Some like myself have never stopped coughing or having shortness of breath. Talking to the PA who is effectively my primary care physician she is almost certain we had an early wave of Covid-19 sweep through our region before the disease was identified. Now also consider that, pending the results of some more independent testing, it appears that Covid-19 has turned up in sewage samples in Spain collected in March of 2019. I do not think anyone yet knows where this pandemic originated or when. I agree China is stonewalling an effective investigation and I consider China to be a dangerous and bitter enemy, but even still I am not yet ready to place all the blame on them or a lab in Wuhan. My own experience causes me to question the official time line for the pandemic.
Desert Tortoise
I have been doing that for many years.
Desert Tortoise
Not trying to be snarky but testing appears to show the virus was present in sewage samples taken in Spain in March 2019. Keep in mind there was a global US led effort to identify pathogens that could result in yet another global pandemic. The effort was a major priority of the US Congress begun in 2009 and was considered to be urgent in light of the original SARS pandemic, followed by MERS and then H5N1 all in a period of six years. Congress was worried enough about what else might be out there that could cause the next pandemic to provide seed money for a global effort to identify likely candidate pathogens that could mutate into a new pandemic disease. Labs around the world were funded for this effort through US AID and the "Emerging Pandemic Threats" program. EPT-1 was a five year effort targeting "the early detection of new disease threats; enhanced ‘national-level’ preparedness and response capacities for their effective control; and a reduction in the risk of disease emergence by minimizing those practices and behaviors that trigger the ‘spill-over and spread’ of new pathogens from animal reservoirs to humans." Subsequent Congressional budgets extended this program through 2019 when it was ironically cancelled. The fact that multiple labs in China were involved in this effort makes great sense in light of the original SARS epidemic and the known bat virus reservoirs in China including the one responsible for SARS.