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Putin thanks China's Xi for his 'balanced' stand on Ukraine


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Geriatric Bevis: Thanks for buying our oil at a 30% discount. Can we buy some drones? That junk we bought from Iran doesn’t work.

Pooh-bear: You’re welcome. No.

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

That article reflects what I've been mulling for a while already Xi no doubt considers Russia to be increasingly a bumbling & weak ally on the overall, only good for cheap oil & military equipment. I don't think China will step into a lost cause to bail out Putin.

If anything, Putin might use Xi's meeting as an excuse to retreat claiming that Xi told him that all the "Nazis" have all been defeated and killed in Ukraine making the Russia operation a success

The Chinese are worried about their own reputations for military competence if they are seen aiding the Russians in Ukraine directly with weapons or manpower. As we've seen, everything the Russians touch turns into dust over there.

Not only that but it would mess with Xi's plan to take Siberia when Russia is sufficiently weakened.

Just remember, Chinese will never throw you a "lifeline" but will always grab one from you. They're simply born "opportunists"

10 ( +16 / -6 )

china is only worried about money.

They don’t care where it comes from or how they get it.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I saw yesterday that China and Russia are going to hold joint naval drills in the Pacific.

I’m guessing that means the Russians practice abandoning ship and the Chinese practice deciding whether to rescue them or to just pretend they don’t see or hear them.

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

On Thursday, Xi met with President Sadyr Zhaparov of Kyrgyzstan and said Beijing supports the “early operation” of a planned railway linking China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, the Chinese foreign ministry said.

This is the Chinese cup of tea, exporting infrastructure.

Why bomb? Build.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Xi's plan to take Siberia 

I’ve stated that here before - Putin has been obsessed with Europe invading his space, but it’s China who he really should be wary of.

In fact, Putin should be more concerned about keeping Russia together as one country. I’m sure there are parts of Russia who are waiting for an opportunity to break away & become independent (eg, Chechnya)

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Putin should resign for the good of his Nation, and in his place have someone who will build upon a Russian Commonwealth for the Future - Partnership between "Nations" rather than Ownership should be the focus of all.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

And... the same goes for China.. you could both, (Russia & China), learn a Lot from the British Commonwealth of Nations, as promoted by Queen Elizabeth.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Putin must be disappointed as "Brother" Xi gave him a cold shoulder. Not only China, other SCO members are showing their backs on him. They don't like losers.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

China is just waiting for Russia to go on wholesale, then they will slowly buy up Russia as they have done with Africa etc.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Ukraine is reeling economically ,40 percent unemployment,30 percent inflation,25 percent interest,5 billion dollars budget shortfall a month,this winning,I hate to know,what losing is

-16 ( +4 / -20 )

Yraal - losing would be ceding parts of your land, people, industry, and sovereignty to an invader who would love for the remainder of your nation to be erased. That's what losing looks like.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Ukraine is reeling economically ,40 percent unemployment,30 percent inflation,25 percent interest,5 billion dollars budget shortfall a month,this winning,I hate to know,what losing is

There’s a war, with huge damage to infrastructure and exports. Of course the economy will suffer. Google Ukraine war.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Ukraine is reeling economically ,40 percent unemployment,30 percent inflation,25 percent interest,5 billion dollars budget shortfall a month,this winning,I hate to know,what losing is

yeah that’s generally what happens when all your workplaces and infrastructure are reduced to rubble. Russia is suffering and they’re not even taking any hits. What’s their excuse?

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Putin: Do you support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

Xi: Yes, I do. Do you support the possibility of China invading Taiwan?

Putin: Yes, of course!

Xi: That’s wonderful.

Putin: Thank you for your balanced view.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

hate to know,what losing is

that would be Russia

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The Chinese are known to be big gamblers and know a bit about odds.. They sure as hell arn't going to back a loser.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I vote for a multipolar world.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

“The tandem of Moscow and Beijing plays a key role in ensuring global and regional stability,” Putin said. “We jointly stand for forming a just, democratic and multipolar world based on international law and the central role of the United Nations, 

"Global and regional stability"...."democratic"...."central role of the UN".....

Putin gets 5 Pinocchio's for that drivel....the only one that believes that is the autocrat from Mar-A_Lago spinning his own "Big Lie"....

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Rodney - it already is, to some extent, is it not? The democracies, the autocracies, and the as-of-yet unaligned. How do you see it?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

@Rodney, your vote may be honorable in thought, however reality is somewhat different. Let us simply hope, that one day, sense will direct us all towards a commonness of peace.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

China was surprised at the lack of Russian troops' ability to hold the sections of Ukraine occupied. Ukraine is in a state of invasion and war.

Russia doesn’t want to “hold sections”, just protect Donbass, stop Ukraine being occupied by NATO, and stop the spread of Nazism. They don’t want Ukrainian land. Poland does though.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Their respective faces say it all.

Geriatric Bevis: Be my friend!

Pooh-bear: Thanks a lot for showing Taiwan how to resist and getting the rest of the world prepped for it. That was a big help (mutters a slur in Chinese....)

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Rodney - if Ukraine is not free to enter into alliances with other nations, then why should Russia be able to?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

And if your answer to that question boils down to "Might Makes Right", then please understand the ramifications of this stance.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

What they have in common is that they are both dictators. That is a bond.

What tells them apart is Putin's inability to keep in touch with reality. He is a homicidal maniac with dreams of grandeur.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Russia doesn’t want to “hold sections”, just protect Donbass, stop Ukraine being occupied by NATO, and stop the spread of Nazism. 

Where precisely were the NATO troops in Donbass? Oh, that's right. They were not there. Nor WAS Ukraine going to join NATO.

Guess what happens next when all this settles down? A free and independent Ukraine, at minimum in the EU with NATO weapons and training. And that is the minimum that happens. At worst (from the Russian perspective) Ukraine in the South joins Sweden and Finland in the North as NATO's newest members.

As for stopping the spread of Nazism, wouldn't that entail invading the Southern United States while Putie is at it? Oh, that's right - that was another BS excuse for a land grab on the part of Geriatric Bevis.

So. Much. Winning, eh?

1 ( +7 / -6 )

U, dependent on others,is a recipe for disaster, Ukrainain are gonna be like Somalia,with everything destroyed the west are not gonna rebuild Ukraine and they are not getting Russian money,they should try save what left if their country,the US taxpayers are not gonna fund the rebuild either

-10 ( +2 / -12 )


China was surprised at the lack of Russian troops' ability to hold the sections of Ukraine occupied. Ukraine is in a state of invasion and war.

Russia doesn’t want to “hold sections”, just protect Donbass, stop Ukraine being occupied by NATO, and stop the spread of Nazism. They don’t want Ukrainian land. Poland does though.

And yet they wanted to hold another of their fake referendums in Kherson. So if they just want to just protect Donbass, why do they want to hold Kherson?

And previously they wanted Kyiv.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Yrral - sure, being dependent on others is not good, but it is only temporary. First thing they have to do is expel the invaders from their lands, and then they can focus on rebuilding.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

They don’t want Ukrainian land

utter rubbish ! Putin has admitted he was after the mineral rich land of eastern Ukraine.

He wants to stop Ukraine from becoming an exporter (& thus competitor) of minerals, oil & gas.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

One has to only look back thru history to see that Russia and China are historical enemies that only have temporary periods of friendship....

While they both desire a weakened US and a fractured Europe, they both know the other is the real threat...

Russia knows they have been supplanted as the main rival to the US by China - which is now significantly stronger; militarily and economically. They know that China desires the southern portions of Russia and could easily take these - much easier than Russia is trying to take over the Donbass...

China sees Russia as nothing but a lever to use as it competes with the US - China doesn't even bother to steal Russian military technology anymore - its own is now superior.

Putin needs Xi much more than Xi needs Putin...

No better example of keep your friends close and your enemies closer...

3 ( +7 / -4 )

“We jointly stand for forming a just, democratic and multipolar world based on international law and the central role of the United Nations, 

This tripe coming from Putin and Xi might actually mean something if either of them respected international law and rulings of the UN.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

if Ukraine is not free to enter into alliances with other nations, then why should Russia be able to?

probably because at the time of the breakup of the Soviet Union, Ukraine promised not to join NATO. After the us-backed violent coup in 2014, and in 2019 the billionaire backed comedian Zelenski won the election on the promise not to Join NATO. He quickly changed since winning and has banned independent media, opposition parties and any Russian language or culture and passed laws to imprison duel Russian passport holders or those who don’t hate Russians.

so basically he has lied to the world, while saying he is fighting for “freedom and democracy”

Russia is making alliances because of America’s proxy war, and well over half the world and most countries either back Russia or want to stay neutral. I think out of around 186 countries only 27 support Ukraine.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Rodney - you have just replied with a lot of words, but have not answered my fundamental question. Are Russia and Ukraine equal members of the community of nations?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

After the us-backed violent coup in 2014, 


has banned independent media, opposition parties and any Russian language or culture and passed laws to imprison duel Russian passport holders or those who don’t hate Russians.


so basically he has lied to the world,

No, that would be Putin who repeatedly told the world he had no intention of invading Ukraine

5 ( +8 / -3 )

"We understand your questions and your concerns in this regard, and we certainly will offer a detailed explanation of our stand on this issue during today's meeting, even though we already talked about it earlier," he added.

xi is angry that pooti has prepared the world for China's threats to Taiwan.

The Chinese economy is collapsing, manufacturers fleeing this unpredictable country and the list of hostile nations increasing by the day.

And for pooti, it's only a matter of time before he is overthrown, so no one takes him seriously!!

1 ( +4 / -3 )


if Ukraine is not free to enter into alliances with other nations, then why should Russia be able to?

probably because at the time of the breakup of the Soviet Union, Ukraine promised not to join NATO.

No they didn't. There is no such agreement.

After the us-backed violent coup in 2014

The coup had nothing to do with the US, it was a public uprising, because the people wanted to join the EU.

Russia is making alliances because of America’s proxy war,

America has no troops in Ukraine. With Europe they are supplying arms. It isn't a US proxy war and it wouldn't be happening if Russia hadn't invaded in the first place.

and well over half the world and most countries either back Russia or want to stay neutral. I think out of around 186 countries only 27 support Ukraine.

Probably a whole lot more actually support Ukraine, but the are dependant on Russia in some way. Foreign policy isn't about morals, it's about power.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Xi's balanced stand in Ukraine war?

Xi is in dilemma.

If he offers huge military support to Putin, he would shatter his dove image.

If he stays quiet, Putin's failure will be his big loss..

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

do you Zelensky would let me blog from,Kiev 

you would have more freedom to do what you want in Kiev than you would in Moscow

0 ( +4 / -4 )

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