Japan Today

China says U.S. missile deployment in Philippines undermines peace


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This Part does not apply to a strait used for international navigation if there exists through the strait a route through the high seas or through an exclusive economic zone of similar convenience with respect to navigational and hydrographical characteristics; in such routes, the other relevant Parts of this Convention, including the provisions regarding the freedoms of navigation and overflight, apply.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

deanzaZZRToday 04:08 am JST

Do USA Navy and other foreign military vessels turn off all military grade radars, surveillance equipment, etc. when transmitting the Taiwan Strait? This is the real issue. Militaries are notoriously secretive so we will never know the full truth.

Do China Navy and Coast Guard when they are passing through Japan's straits or the Phillipines EEZ? The CCP is notoriously secretive so we will never know the full truth.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

UNCLOS Article 38 - Right of Transit Passage - as it applies to a strait reads:

Transit passage means the exercise in accordance with this Part of

the freedom of navigation and overflight solely for the purpose of continuous

and expeditious transit of the strait between one part of the high seas or an

exclusive economic zone and another part of the high seas or an exclusive

economic zone. 

Do USA Navy and other foreign military vessels turn off all military grade radars, surveillance equipment, etc. when transmitting the Taiwan Strait? This is the real issue. Militaries are notoriously secretive so we will never know the full truth.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

GDBDToday 03:27 am JST

The US and her allies are traversing international, and friendly, waters.

Looking at international law, China is far and away the worst actor in the region.

Sending warships to navigate between the Chinese populated mainland and a Chinese populated island is ill intended and a clear act of hostility if not worse. Most of western countries participated in that already.

International waters are international waters.

The Philippines kicked out the US and its bases a long time ago, the Filipino people.

But corrupt president/s brought it back

What west did do Ukraine, is about to happen to Philippines, Taiwan and maybe Japan. They didn't care about Ukraine or Ukrainian lives. All they wanted was just to weaken Russians. Now they will do the same to some asian countries. Seems Philippines is falling for the trick first.

Animals invaded Ukraine and need to be dealt with. It happens.

It could be related to the defeat of Japanese in the Pacific War, but the Japanese seem to have an inferior complex towards Americans whereas the Chinese are the opposite and have an arrogance, believing they are intelligently superior to the average American. 

I have never met a Japanese who think they’re inferior to the Chinese or any other Asian nationalities

Could not said better. But I won't say Chinese arrogance. China has one of the longest civilization and has immense amount of influence on the world.

The PRC is only 75 years old. We haven't had to deal with a China ruled by a corrupt ideology before that.

Japan is still a defacto occupied country. Can't even demand the exact number of child rapes by American soldiers on its own supposed territory. Japanese leadership is to blame in the first place. I believe this won't continue forever. I just hope Japan does not fall for deadly western tricks and become part of their meat-grind against China until a new, strong and wise leadership rise to the occasion. Once that leadership comes to power, whatever west does won't matter anymore, as China has already demonstrated that.

Corrupt Communist Party won't last long now that the easy manufacturing has dried up.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

JJEToday 03:04 am JST

Important to observe non-UN recognized Taiwan has stakes in the SCS and employs water cannons and ship ramming on a regular basis to stake that out.

I'm you acknowledge that the PRC depends on Taiwan to set its international policy. Really says Taiwan is more independent than the PRC.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Important to observe non-UN recognized Taiwan has stakes in the SCS and employs water cannons and ship ramming on a regular basis to stake that out.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

quercetumSep. 29 08:30 pm JST

Controlling the cheap product market has brought China very far but is unlikely to take China the other 50% of the way to equal OECD level prosperity.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

JJEToday 02:30 am JST

Does Taiwan support the 11 dash line?

There you go.

Try to find some legal basis for the PRC's claim before running off with irrelevancies.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

ianSep. 29 06:24 pm JST

Then the US gave Phil a decommissioned ship (frigate?).

It became I think Philippines flagship. ( del Pilar?)

In the next Scarborough fishermen dispute the Philippines sent del Pilar to deal with the Chinese fishermen and militarized the whole thing.

So what explains the vast number of Chinese outposts cropping up in the South China Sea. It's okay for China to wreck the entire area but the Phillipines can't have a single outpost?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

That's quite the world salad you have concocted there. Let me know when Chinese naval vessels regularly loiter off the coast near Darwin, Brisbane or Sydney and then we can have a useful conversation.

Why is the region sometimes referred to as Australasia?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Does Taiwan support the 11 dash line?

There you go.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

For the record Australia already has the SM6 missiles used in the Typon launcher, for use in the RAN

3 ( +3 / -0 )

What exactly are Typhoon missiles in Australia and NZ going to hit? Indonesian or Fiji fishing boats? I would think an Aussie would understand that Australia is not a part of Asia.

Why is the region sometimes referred to as Australasia? At the end of the day China has already complained about US bases in Australia so it would no doubt complain about Typhon systems in Australia.

China has ambitions and delusions of grandeur and likes to complain about anything that could be an impediment to its ambitions of empire and power.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The Philippines kicked out the US and its bases a long time ago, the Filipino people.

But corrupt president/s brought it back

It was the corrupt Philippines leader that kicked out US bases then the current President who had a corrupt father, that brought them back because China was invading their territory and building bases in Philippines territory. A prudent move by Philippines.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The Philippines made themselves a nuke target.

No they have not. Did you not hear China reiterate they will not use nuclear weapons first? Philippines does not have nukes, is not planing on developing nukes and is not a target for nukes.

Not to mention the other problems they're having for letting them be a pawn of the US.

Do tell, really please tell us what problems they have for being allied to the US.

Compared the the good relations they've had with China before Marcos became president.

Not good relations with China, they have never had good relations with China. There was a point where China was less belligerent but still limited Philippines fishermen in their own traditional fishing grounds. That is not good relations.

China invested heavily in the Philippines. Theyve given a lot of aid.

Wrong again. China gives very little aid as they prefer to provide loans at high interest rates. Unlike the US who give real aid with no expectation of repayment.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

What exactly are Typhoon missiles in Australia and NZ going to hit? Indonesian or Fiji fishing boats? I would think an Aussie would understand that Australia is not a part of Asia.

And why not? Let South Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand all install Typhon missile systems as well

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

It's a dummy warhead. Have at it.

Yes the missiles placed by China in international waters and the ones in other nations EEZ do need to be removed one way or another

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

The Philippines kicked out the US and its bases a long time ago, the Filipino people.

But corrupt president/s brought it back

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


Today 12:08 am JST

people seems to like that the Philippines hosted the Typhon so maybe they wouldn't mind also if Japan did the same.

> And why not? Let South Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand all install Typhon missile systems as well. It is their business and nobody else's if they want to defend themselves, and what systems they do or do not employ to do it.

Why not?

The Philippines made themselves a nuke target.

Not to mention the other problems they're having for letting them be a pawn of the US.

Compared the the good relations they've had with China before Marcos became president.

China invested heavily in the Philippines. Theyve given a lot of aid.

The US probably paid just Marcos and a handful of others.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

people seems to like that the Philippines hosted the Typhon so maybe they wouldn't mind also if Japan did the same.

And why not? Let South Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand all install Typhon missile systems as well. It is their business and nobody else's if they want to defend themselves, and what systems they do or do not employ to do it.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Still, people seems to like that the Philippines hosted the Typhon so maybe they wouldn't mind also if Japan did the same.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Seems lost to everyone that by agreeing to host the Typhon system Marcos had made the Philippines a nuke target.

There was no reason for China to train it's nuke sights towards the Philippines before, now it's probably the first target.

China just made the first icbm test in a long while hitting a point near northern Philippines

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


Today 03:50 pm JST

China says U.S. missile deployment in Philippines undermines peace

> Maybe, China should learn from others' mistakes. Isn't its claim to the whole of the South China Sea or the Senkakus/Diaoyudaos in the East China Sea, the latter in particular on shaky grounds, causing fear and anxiety among nations, that is, undermining peace in the region??’

There are many claimants to the areas in dispute.

Vietnam was historically more active than China regarding it's claims.

There were bloody battles many lives lost between Vietnam and China.

But China didn't throw it's full weight against Vietnam.

Those bloody incidents didn't lead to war and seems to be unknown to most people so it probably didn't undermine peace.

Deploying a nuke capable missile system on the other hand

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

GDBDToday 02:24 pm JST

But US and its other western partners are hundred times worse and agitators given the missile placements, nonstop sending their warships to the region.

The US and her allies are traversing international, and friendly, waters.

China is illegally occupying vast swaths of ocean, and ramming countries' ships in those countries' own waters.

Countless Japanese children are raped by US soldiers

Countless? Perhaps to those who can't count.

GDBDToday 03:41 pm JST

Looking at the map and distances and solely based on the missile placement, US beats china in being the worst.

Looking at international law, China is far and away the worst actor in the region.

quercetumToday 06:02 pm JST

The Chinese are quick to point to their higher literacy rate

Pity that literacy rate is wasted by being forced to read nonsense like Xi Jinping Thought.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

JJEToday 03:42 pm JST

11-Dash line (now the 9-Dash line) is applicable in SCS.

Rendered unlawful by UNCLOS, which China has ratified and is bound by. Case closed.


These missiles need to be removed one way or the other.

China needs to remove itself, or be removed, from the territory it is illegally occupying.

Pukey2Today 04:15 pm JST

I think the hundreds of US military bases with weapons aimed at China might have something to do with this

China has more missiles pointed in the region than anyone. It'd be rude not to return the favor.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

This is standard protocol. Wang Yi has to make a statement and the same with the statement on Ishiba visiting Taiwan. This is just noise.

The battle front is still with the chips, EV, AI, BRICS, non dollar international transactions and so on. Instead of missiles think top level Chinese government support with the bottom up drive of Chinese entrepreneurs. This is a blazing bullet.

The second battle front is in the global south where the majority of the population is. Here in this important geopolitical battleground, the US is missing. China welcomes a fight of completion. The US just keep deflecting about human right abuses, cotton picking Uyghurs, and nuclear subs sinking in rivers 6 meters deep. Yes, an Australian submarine sank in the Todd river in Alice Springs. Who’s stupid enough to believe that? The US is missing in Africa and Latin America.

Chinese products are flooding markets around the world yet the US keeps talking about missiles and getting Japan to buy more and pay more. China controls 75% of India’s smartphone market and 86% of Latin American market. This is like a forfeit. It’s no fun when there’s no competition.

The third battle front is still market access to the 1.4 billion market which is more than lucrative but not without hard competition. You don’t need to make any finished products or anything. Being a middleman or a supplier is more than sufficient.

When someone walks a dog past your house, your dog is going to bark every time. Does that mean the door to your house will all of a sudden automatically open and the two dogs will at each other and bite each other’s necks?

There will be no war in the Pacific. Go and compete against China in the economic war. That’s where China is decimating the competition that can only put up flimsy white flag tariffs.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

JJEToday 03:42 pm JST

11-Dash line (now the 9-Dash line) is applicable in SCS.

China's 9 dash line is Chinese fantasy. The reality is China has no legal standing for such claims.

These missiles need to be removed one way or the other.

Yes the missiles placed by China in international waters and the ones in other nations EEZ do need to be removed one way or another. Philippines can install any weapons it likes in and on its territory regardless of Chinese wishes.

5 ( +6 / -1 )


Today 06:01 pm JST


> Today 04:54 pm JST

> I think Marcos/the Philippines benefits from this much more than the US does. China is already attacking and threatening them, so there's a reason they want this.

> Marcos firmly in the USA's control.

> US long been negotiating for Japan and Germany to host Typhon system but they got Philippines to accede first

> Before Marcos China was very friendly with the Philippines, investing heavily and generous with aids.

> The Philippines was probably one of the first beneficiary of covid vaccines for example

But you're right Marcos benefits a lot , not the Philippines though.

Of course aid and investments from China dried up. Probably no /not much investments from US either, who would want to invest in a flash point like the Philippines.

But no problems for Marcos and cronies, they're reportedly richer than ever.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Wonder what the Philippines' planning with their newly borrowed toy.

Last time the US gave the Philippines a new toy was how this whole thing started.

The Scarborough shoal was a shared fishing ground of China and the Philippines. Of course there were a lot of quarrels, quite regular quite normal, always resolved peacefully.

Then the US gave Phil a decommissioned ship (frigate?).

It became I think Philippines flagship. ( del Pilar?)

In the next Scarborough fishermen dispute the Philippines sent del Pilar to deal with the Chinese fishermen and militarized the whole thing.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )


Today 05:21 pm JST

My, French Polynesia seems to be much closer to the Philippines than I thought.

> The recent missile test by China reportedly hit within 40 km of the location the Typhon system is deployed on

I'm not really sure myself , don't really know much about geography or if I recall the number correctly.

So in the report you've read French Polynesia was the reference point.

In what I've read the reference point was the international airport the Typhon system is deployed in. Curious that, international airport

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

No US bases then before Marcos. Then Marcos won and promptly gave the US many bases.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

ordinary Japanese still hold the US with highest regards, try to be more American and Anglicize their language every day a little more.

It could be related to the defeat of Japanese in the Pacific War, but the Japanese seem to have an inferior complex towards Americans whereas the Chinese are the opposite and have an arrogance, believing they are intelligently superior to the average American.

The Chinese are quick to point to their higher literacy rate than the Americans and do not think they’re inferior at all.

I have never met a Japanese who think they’re inferior to the Chinese or any other Asian nationalities.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )


Today 04:54 pm JST

I think Marcos/the Philippines benefits from this much more than the US does. China is already attacking and threatening them, so there's a reason they want this.

> Marcos firmly in the USA's control.

> US long been negotiating for Japan and Germany to host Typhon system but they got Philippines to accede first

Before Marcos China was very friendly with the Philippines, investing heavily and generous with aids.

The Philippines was probably one of the first beneficiary of covid vaccines for example

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

JJEToday 03:42 pm JST

11-Dash line (now the 9-Dash line) is applicable in SCS.

Not applicable under international law.

These missiles need to be removed one way or the other.

Feel free to start ww3 over it because that is the only way they are coming out if China remains belligerent.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

GDBDToday 03:41 pm JST

So it's okay for China to have missile launchers in the South China Seas!!

Looking at the map and distances and solely based on the missile placement, US beats china in being the worst.

Look at a map of China's nine dash line and you can see China beats the US in being the worst.

And the number is countless as literally the exact count is unknown.

Yeah, so is the number of China thugs in the SCS.

US is there with other western countries to cause another war, make asians kill each other so the western world dominance continues.

The US has a smaller presence in fewer countries than 70 years ago. You just wanna break out of the first island chain and have decided it is go time.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

My, French Polynesia seems to be much closer to the Philippines than I thought.

The recent missile test by China reportedly hit within 40 km of the location the Typhon system is deployed on

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

I think Marcos/the Philippines benefits from this much more than the US does. China is already attacking and threatening them, so there's a reason they want this.

Marcos firmly in the USA's control.

US long been negotiating for Japan and Germany to host Typhon system but they got Philippines to accede first

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Well Mr Yi, if you and your boss would promise to stop waging your campaign of terror against the Philippines, rescind your ridiculous claims of owning most of the South China Sea, and abide by UNC UNCLOS binding declarations, then the US might consider it...

Until then, get over it...

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The recent missile test by China reportedly hit within 40 km of the location the Typhon system is deployed on

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

As with Russia, the pot is calling the kettle black . . . again.

This is obviously a propaganda strategy they both engage in to deflect and hide illegal activities they’re committing.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I think the hundreds of US military bases with weapons aimed at China might have something to do with this,

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Marcos firmly in the USA's control.

US long been negotiating for Japan and Germany to host Typhon system but they got Philippines to accede first

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

I guess the US will have no opposition to China or Russia deploying in Cuba now

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

The Biden/Blinken legacy (thankfully we are swiftly coming to the end) will be one of escalation, weapons sales (or a gift in this case) and raising tensions wherever it meddles.

-golf clap-

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Ah JT finally reported on the Typhon deployment.

But it was deployed for quite some time now, probably the reason for China's increased aggressiveness lately.

Just not being reported to portray China's actions as unprovoked

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

China's pronouncements are based on dialectical materialism, i.e., "We are always right."

7 ( +8 / -1 )

China says U.S. missile deployment in Philippines undermines peace

Maybe, China should learn from others' mistakes. Isn't its claim to the whole of the South China Sea or the Senkakus/Diaoyudaos in the East China Sea, the latter in particular on shaky grounds, causing fear and anxiety among nations, that is, undermining peace in the region??’

4 ( +6 / -2 )

11-Dash line (now the 9-Dash line) is applicable in SCS.

These missiles need to be removed one way or the other.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

It certainly undermines the CCP’s efforts to be a regional hegemonic thug.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

The PI having the ability to defend themselves only undermines China's aggressive agenda. Nobody buys your ridiculous CCP propaganda Wang.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

You are providing fake news. "Countless" is an over-exaggeration!! There are bad eggs in every country including China (but it is never reported publicly). Any crime committed against children is hideous!!

8 ( +10 / -2 )

. . . given the missile placements.

So it's okay for China to have missile launchers in the South China Seas!!

. . . sending their warships to the region.

So it's okay for China to allow their ships to enter the territories of other countries

. . .One South East Asian boy goes to a shrine and rings the bell with a bit extra force

If someone went to his country and did the same thing at a temple, do you think the local people wouldn't get angry at a tourist ringing a bell violently more than a dozen times.

Countless Japanese children are raped by US soldiers

You are providing fake news. "Countless" is an over-exaggeration!! There are bad eggs in every country including China (but it is never reported privately). Any crime committed against children is hideous!!

7 ( +10 / -3 )

GDBDToday 02:24 pm JST

nonstop sending their warships to the region.

What's even worse than sending warships is using your warships to ram others.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

So does China ramming things in the South China Sea.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Undermines peace? More like it undermines their regional dominance and their ability to push the Philippines around. It might instead become dangerous to do so.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

China says U.S. missile deployment in Philippines undermines peace

World says China's constant, wanton violation of international law undermines peace.

There would be no need for such a deployment were China not such an aggressive bully that attacks its neighbors and steals their territory. Sadly, such acts will continue until the CCP falls.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

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