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© Thomson Reuters 2024.China sends fighter jets to shadow U.S. Navy plane over Taiwan Strait
By Ryan Woo BEIJING©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Typical China: "warning" people about transiting international airspace, in accordance with international law.
Sorry, but the rest of the world will not accept your Emperor's fantasies.
Just the latest example in a string that shows Xi has lost control of the CCP's rogue military...
If only those Chinese pilots realized that they were probably being shadowed themselves the whole time by F-22s...
Sam Watters
And the US pilots either laughed or yawned.
The above reinforces the notion that Taiwan is a sovereign democracy, Xi and the CCP must be frightened that freedom exists so close by where citizens can vote for the leaders of their choice. Hopefully the CCP won't ape its partner the warmongering Russia Federation and invade Taiwan. The CCP should focus on the many problems within its own border, and stop threatening sovereign states in the Indo-Pacific region or anywhere else.
Today 06:23 pm JST
The above reinforces the notion that Taiwan is a sovereign democracy, Xi and the CCP must be frightened that freedom exists so close by where citizens can vote for the leaders of their choice. Hopefully the CCP won't ape its partner the warmongering Russia Federation and invade Taiwan. The CCP should focus on the many problems within its own border, and stop threatening sovereign states in the Indo-Pacific region or anywhere else
The article is about China and mystery. what the hell are you mentioning about Russia here. Have you personally done anything bad in the Russian Federation? You're taking your claims elsewhere.
Mr Goodman
They fly a recon plane through the straight and presume it's intimidating ?
Kinda pathetic.
China doesn't give a crap about that.
Fly a whole fleet of bombers through there next time.
USA gotten wimpy
Mr Goodman
As far as China is concerned it showed weakness by the USA
When are all you gonna realize how China rolls ?
Gotta get tougher on China to send a message !
Is the poor wittle USA scared or what ?
Grow a spine USA !
Just don't cause an accident PLAAF like you did back in 2001.
Mr Goodman
Arrogant stupidity .
China feeds on big headed swaggering Yankees
You never read ' the art of war ' ?
Beware because China is never to be trusted or underestimated !
only those Chinese pilots realized that they were probably being shadowed themselves the whole time by F-22s...
Hmm, or the F22 escort was stalking by the Chinese airforce J20 interceptor. The US airforce is not the only one has stealth fighter!
took place just hours after a call between the Chinese and U.S. defense chiefs.
When someone say "Hi" or "Hello" to you, you must reply in the appropriate manner to make the others acknowledge you are a well manner person. This is our excellent traditional teaching in Chinese culture. That fighter jet is how we say "Hi" to old buddy!
The whole world disputes that. Everyone except China agrees it’s an international waterway
The US literally sent a warship through the strait in January and China did…. nothing!
China has been embarrassed and lost almost every international conflict it’s been involved in horrendously. They’re nothing to be scared of lol
Please stop legitimizing their weird claims by writing it like it's a legitimate thing. The whole world disputes that, and it's not a dispute it's 100% official, only China claims otherwise.
Hello Kitty 321
Everyone here is reacting as if it is something that only China does. All countries shadow military planes belonging to unfriendly nations that approach their borders.
This is pretty sad and embarrassing for China. If China believes the Taiwan straight is their territory and they’re just letting the U.S. fly in it without responding they sound like cowards
It's only done when you are very close to the actual border, and not in a normal and regular flight zone. Also it's only done towards hostile countries such as Russia, when we know they are doing it to check our response time. In Chinas case they know we are not hostile and would never do anything unless they did something first, they just want to further show the image that it belongs to them.
Did the Chinese ask the Navy aircraft to "please go away quickly"?
Well done China..
Getting out the pirates..
Too much Rambo movies here..
@JRO: they know we are not hostile and would never do anything unless they did something first, they just want to further show the image that it belongs to them.
No, this is definitely not the case as you stated. That P8 spy plane is detecting Chinese submarines submerged at sea, this is hostile and the US navy has been stalking Chinese subs in October 1994 at the Yellow sea close to the Chinese coast. Now they are doing it again.
China's military described the flight as "public hype", adding it had sent fighters to monitor and warn the U.S. plane and "deal with it in accordance with the law and regulations".
What law? A claim China has made. Evidently China doesn't understand law and regulations because the US said "By operating within the Taiwan Strait in accordance with international law, the United States upholds the navigational rights and freedoms of all nations," it said in a statement. "The aircraft's transit of the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the United States' commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific."
**The last time the U.S. Navy announced a Poseidon had flown through the strait, in December, China's military said it had also sent fighter jets to monitor and warn the aircraft. **All China can do is monitor, had it been some other country that they like to pick on and hit them with water cannons they would have perhaps shot them down, in this case all they can do is watch.
The latest Poseidon mission came shortly after U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke with Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun, the first engagement the two have had in more than a year as the two countries seek to restore military ties. Just a meeting to let Mr. Jun know nothing has changed
@elephant200 Nothing changed, regardless of Hello or Hi, the statement was we don't recognize your claim and all you can do is watch!!!
took place just hours after a call between the Chinese and U.S. defense chiefs.
*When someone say "Hi" or "Hello" to you, you must reply in the appropriate manner to make the others acknowledge you are a well manner person. This is our excellent traditional teaching in Chinese culture. That fighter jet is how we say "Hi" to old buddy!** That fighter jet meant nothing as the article states before China sent a jet out to "MONITOR" AGAIN and that is all they can do is monitor, regardless if its your traditional teaching is Chinese culture, if you want to know what Americans would say to your response "Ok We have bad manners in this case so what are you going to do about it" If its your house defend it, if not we just walked through your Shat and we don't recognize your claim!! Keep watching, keep monitoring LOL if China was that bad why don't they shoot flares at the US aircraft if they feel they are in their airspace. They shoot water cannons at other country boats when they claim they encroach on their so called claimed territories, China only pick fights with countries they know they can beat. Is that what you call traditional teaching in Chinese culture only pick a fight you can win? Wanna be a big dog but have no teeth!!
Along with most people, I hope for peaceful relations with China. Furthermore, if a Chinese military plane were cruising off the coast of California, I would be surprised if our government did not take notice. That said, recent aggressive actions from Xi necessitate a build up of military powers by all nations concerned about Chinese expansionism.
”Getting out”? China literally did nothing except follow them around like cowards
The Americans are perfectly within their rights and international law to fly in and around Taiwan, which is a sovereign independent island nation, with absolutely no recognisable connections to China whatsoever.
The CCP react like some annoying yappy little dog, and then retreats quietly back into its' kennel - pathetic really.
China would be garnering far more respect internationally if they took the gigantic steps necessary to stop their disgusting pollution of our planet, (ie: currently 35 % of all the world's emissions), and then stop their deceitful spying and eavesdropping of every single Chinese citizen, who's miserable lives are so needlessly repressed by their tyrannical leader and his acolytes.
Mr Goodman
You mean the US literally did nothing
Your not understanding how China rolls !
Mr Goodman
You never read ' the art of war ' ?
Beware because China is never to be trusted or underestimated !
China wields a different type of strength than what your blathering about.
This is perfectly acceptable as long as one is in International waters, which they are.
This is perfectly acceptable as long as one is in International waters,
If any objects ditched to the sea, could be a sonar buoy or a torpedo, this is a hostile action. In 1994 when a Chinese nuclear submarine sent emergency signal after the sonar man heard something was ditched at sea nearby, it was considered an attack from American planes. That's why a fighter plane need to stalk from behind and pilot keep an eye watching !
The US and Soviet Union played a cat and mouse game at sea for many years, and with more intensity than what the US is doing with China.
Only China claims the Taiwan Straits as their water.
The narrowest part is 130 km (81 mi; 70 nmi) wide. International law recognizes a 12nm water border around a country, so China can claim 12nm off the coast as theirs. 13nm is international airspace. That leaves 46nm between Taiwan and China as international waters and international airspace. This same rule applies when China wants to take their coast guard or fighters towards Taiwan. As long as they stay 12nm away from Taiwanese islands, then China is not breaking any international laws.
The two EEZs for Taiwan and China are larger. The rules around EEZs are more complex due to continental shelves being part of the determination. But in general, the EEZs would split the distance between 2 countries 50/50. So, China can fish on their 35nm side of the strait. Taiwan can fish on their 35nm side.
Make no mistake. That game continues today and not just over the arctic, but in the Baltic and Black Sea too. Over 300 Russian military plane intercepts happened in 2023.