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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2016.China tells U.S. not to let allies set its South China Sea policy
By Ben Blanchard BEIJING©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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China's new claims seem to go right up to the coastlines of some of these island nations... that's hardly a friendly act is it?
...let us, your biggest creditors, set it for you.
Is China saying they are not an ally of the US?
Article: "Beijing, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang said his country had every right to protect its sovereignty and maritime rights in the South China Sea."
Where was China claim in the early 20th century? Where is the evidence if China claims 90 percent of South China Sea. However, Vietnam, Philippines, and Malaysia disputes China's historical account, saying China had never claimed sovereignty over the islands before the 1940's. Vietnam & Philippines ruled over both the Paracels and the Spratlys since the 17th Century and has the documents to prove it.
If you did not go on a stealing spree you would not have this problem. Serves you right Xi Jinping your greediness will cost you.
Of all the things the Chinese don't have to worry about, this one has gotta be near the top of the list...
Jay Que
June 4th, 1989
Previous imperialists justified claims with ideology such as spreading religion or civilisation but the Chinese have their own. It's called "Imperialism with Chinese characteristics." Set eyes on a piece of territory, dig up some "old" map to show Chinese have seen it before. Use that to justify invading it and claiming it and hey presto! The world must surely acquiesce.
The "Peaceful Rise" was all a big lie for a couple of decades. China's territorial aspirations are clearly an "Assertive Rise".. China's Foreign Ministry still thinks they can keep pushing their propaganda as if the world hasn't figured them out yet.
China claims most of the South China Sea, through which $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year
The patrols of freedom of navigation must be enforced with a comprehensive strategy of economic sanctions freezing out the Government of China from the global economic community.
Furthermore the US should consider a formal military response to the Government of China deployment of surface-to-air missiles,tactical fighter jets creation of landing strips, and advanced radar.
This response needs to be pertinent with respect to credibility. It must be assertive bold and decisive nothing less.
Communists always do that. They respect one word -Force.
Agree. But the Obama administration is fading away . . . even in its prime, they couldn't be "bold" & or "decisive." Look how Putin pushed them out of Syria.
Hi Wc626, That is a fair comment...
Especially when one factors in the up coming Presidential election....
One masquerade perfectly as hot air balloon.
The other wouldn't recognize the truth if it jumped out the toilet howling John Lennon Gimme Some Truth....
Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight......
@rocknroll. Thankx, interesting link there.
Yup. Inside every Chinese, there is an American, trying to come out. Democracy. But its 2016 and China has become this economic powerhouse with a large upgraded military.
How many silent majorities are left there?
Agreed Wc626, the Global community will have to aggressively face down the Government of China, no ifs or buts.
Beijing has now invested over $80 billion creating seven runways on these artificial islands and reefs. Manila is key to this strategy, the Philippines has airstrips in the Spratlys, the US must assist in upgrading and if necessary providing Amraam aim 120C7 Ground-based Air Defence system with high mobility launchers.
Like I have been saying on jt for a long time, the west has helped create the new Chinese monster since the 80s, looks like the world will now have to face down these lunatics running China.
The Chinese govts idea of whats Chinese territory is so insanely WRONG! If China keeps this BS up it sadly will need to be destroyed, China is now playing one HELL of a DANGEROUS GAME, I feel sorry for the regular Chinese people & for all the others in this part of the world who could well end up in the crossfire!!
China back the ..... DOWN or there will be hell to pay...........on all sides, this is beyond insane, the Chinese govt is WAY off its rocker!
Black Sabbath
I wonder how we would feel if China had a military base in Mexico....
That's pretty hi-tech jargon you throw out there, but I get your gist. But then, if the US did this all the libs would say that "now" the US is being provocative.
Everyone should just stand their ground on freedom of navigation on the high seas. This will PO Beijing.
In all honesty I have no expertise in this area, I understand this system is similar to a missile the defense shield NATO has deployed in Europe. My point is that the Government of china has moved on from kung fu fighting and has developed the next generation of anti-ship ballistic missiles.
It deserves a response diplomatically, politically, and militarily. The Government of Japan, and crucially the people of Japan will not engage in full confrontation.
There is the ring wing element dribbling this and that to the media. We can surmise Abe san jiggery pokery with the constitution, but take a good look at the ruling parties cabinet, it a box of chocolates with soft centers none has had to face the consequences of a total war scenario, it all mouth and trousers.
@rocknroll. Right on.
Exactly . . . they keep hiding behind the US Flag. Its this way over the Senkaku's too. America doesn't give two-bits over those "administered by Japan" worthless rocks.
mike jang
The tactics of commie China : talking, while at the same time inching forward.
China is using every trick in the book to distract the world from its true expansionist intentions. No worries - the USA and its allies will keep them in check.