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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.China threatens consequences over U.S. warship's actions
Dango bong
China why don't you spend more time with your friend, Russia and leave normal countries alone....
oh sure thing, the US is surely challenging “all three”.
you know that country is not listed for ownership? The USA. So why are they there?
What are they going to do? Run up the Jolly Roger?
So these islands are claimed by PRC, ROC, Vietnam, and were also inhabited by the French and Japanese. Assuming any these 5 nations have a valid claim, then US would have invaded sovereign territory of another country. But that is ok. because it is the "American national interest" to make provocations "around the world".
The Paracel Islands are off the southeast coast of China's large Hainan Island and are clearly Chinese. The Spratlly Islands are another story and should be divided amongst China, Vietnam, Philippines and Malaysia. The US is only harassing here for no reason.
Another nonsense statement from a Chinese official that does nothing for their cause.
The US sailing in international waters violate nobody's sovereignty but defends everyone's right to free passage, including China's.
China's continued attempts to block or deny access to international waters and air space shows that it is the one pursuing navigation hegemony and militarizing the South China sea.
People able to think clearly understand China has no legal right to deny use of international waters, and no legal basis to claim ownership beyond that granted by the law of the sea to which China is a signatory nation. China signed the "law of the sea" on 10 Dec 1982 and ratified it on 7 June 1996. It must there fore abide by this treat but continues to flaunt it.
The US continues to sail where it has internationally recognized rights to sail and China make useless objections and threats.
China needs to grow up and stop traveling down the wrong road and making wrong choices. Ignoring the law as China does should have repercussions, but luckily for China there are apparently none.
None of these islands in the East and South China Sea are "Chinese". An International Court has already ruled that China's 9-Dash Line is illegal. China simply wants to control these waters as they are crucial maritime routes for many nations.
China should have overlapping six month military drill, practicing sea mine laying.
A United Nations-backed arbitration tribunal ruled in 2016 that the historical claim from China on the waters had no legal basis under the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Seas,
A United Nations-backed arbitration tribunal ruled in 2016 that the historical claim from China on the waters had no legal basis under the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Seas,
The Spratly Islands being under dispute by multiple nations would make it international waters until one claim or another is recognized in the UN or by the law of the sea. Perhaps if all claimants come to a mutually acceptable agreement, then it would become recognized by a treaty and alter it from being contested/international waters to whatever the mutually accepted treaty stipulates.
@Ossan Happy to say you are incorrect as you love to say. The ruling, for what it's worth, applied to the Spratlys further south as I already addressed.
Sven Asai
Look, already ‘Paracel’ doesn’t even nearly sound Chinese.
What are you gonna do, PRC? Shout pleasantries from a megaphone? Bunch of losers. Go have another cry.
The Paracel Islands are NOT Chinese. The UN has already determined this 40 years ago.
The Chinese simply have an inferiority complex.
What are you blabbering on about Fighto? Chinese troops dislodged a few South Vietnamese legacy troops from French colonialists 40 years ago. The UN has taken no stance on the Paracel or Spratly Islands.
Should dend some balloons as retailiations!
What is the US doing? Trying to get China to make the first move so that they can accuse them of attacking?
Just then the officers and seamen on the US ship heard over a loudspeaker in a Chinese accent:
Go away you silly American gits or we shall taunt you a second time. We slap our buttocks at you. Now go away or our taunting shall get more annoying.
Biggest load of nonsense I've heard in a long time.
not Chinese cause "International Court" said so? ok, I guess.
But also not American either.
So if that is settled- which is more likely to be the owner and which one is more likely to be the instigator in this scenario between these 2?
On his exit from Moscow President of China, Xi Jinping, states as he shook Mr Putin’s hand
“Change is coming that hasn’t happened in 100 years. And we are driving this change together”.
A political declaration of two dictators statement/charter of intent, both in possession of next generation nuclear weapons.
The government of China has established fortified sand castles occupying the south China sea, what appear to represent an unassailable military presence.
China Island Tracker.
Along with quote
This year, Taiwan Strait handled the movement of more than 80% of the largest ships by tonnage and more than 40% of the world’s container fleet
The Importance of Taiwan Strait,across%20from%20the%20Taiwan%20Strait.
These actions alone, by their very design is to create the potential to choke the movement of vital global shipping trading.
The Government of China, Russia, North Korea, Iran represents a clear and present danger to every freedom humanity fought two world wars to protect.
Don’t betray the millions of WWII veterans, so dishonouring their sacrifice.
You couldn't make it up. I thought Chinese didn't like to lose face but every time they make such ridiculous statements everyone just laughs. Maybe they think saying it with a didactic tone and straight face makes it true.
EastmanToday 06:22 pm JST
It is not part of any country. That is why it is international waters open to the USA, China and everyone else equally.
It sounds like China is provoking and threatening the USA for doing nothing wrong.
China expect everyone to do as it tells them and threatens them when they dont. China the warmonger and trouble maker.
It is a small world ain't it?
It is closer than the moon, and America goes there also. Care to complain about that as well?
You are again incorrect. China's 9-Dash Line has been ruled illegal.
" In 2016, an international tribunal ruled that China's historical claims used to justify the 9 dash line are baseless and illegitimate (PCA Case No 2013-19 112). Therefore, China's declarations of ownership regarding territory within no states' EEZ through historical precedent are completely unlawful."
The unclos? The US don't recognize it right?
But China's claims aren't based on the 9dash line. That's made up
And it's just an arbitration tribunal. Arbitration should involve all parties, not just one
I don't like what China is doing but the US provocations lead to wars
China is not a party to the "arbitration" how can it make any claims in that arbitration?
Sailing where they are allowed to sail somehow is poking a hornets nest? Claiming what is not yours to claim and trying to keep others from their rights to sail there is the only sign of provoking going on and it is China doing that provoking.
If they had rights they would obviously use them. That they complain much but do little else other than shining lasers to blind people shows the do not own the South China sea. They have no legal course of action because nobody acknowledges Beijing's outrageous claims of ownership.
China the victim? No the victim is the US being badgered by China with no just cause. China needs to be careful as it often says, play with fire you get burned. China so often playing with fire. It is only a matter of time before it gets burned.
Cards fan
Weird. Just the other day you were you whining about ineffective US foreign policy, and how they're not doing enough to challenge Russia, China, and Iran, and now you're complaining that this US is doing just that. No coherent policy here to speak of. Methinks you just want to complain.
xin xin
The UNCLOS event was not an arbitration as China did not attend. So instead, the Philippines asked for an opinion of the tribunal, which was granted and we have the result. Those islands belongs to nobody, so everyone can go near but not occupy as the Chinese does. China uses its own ancient books of dubious veracity to make modern territorial claims. Actually Chinese emperors regularly did such and claimed Korea and Vietnam, Tibet, Mongolia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the lands of the Uyghurs, which it calls by the tell-tale name of New Frontiers (xinjiang means just that). Forgive them, it is a Chinese habit.
Hilarious "logic".
Youd likely also be nonsensically claiming The Falklands are not part of the UK "because it's a bit far from the UK".
The Paracels aren't Chinese. End of.
Things have changed and the South China Seas is not what it used to be in geopolitcs.
China was and still is trying to cover its bases and that would be to patrol and protect the South China Seas in case they are embargoed by the US and choked off from energy sources, eg. Iranian tankers by the US. The time frame of this is from the early years of the Obama's first term. Things have changed dramatically though this past half year by the war in Ukraine and Biden's failed policies.
Xi and Putin met this past week and announced Russia will conduct foreign trade in Yuan. Previously, only trade with China was done in Yuan. There is also the Siberia 1 and Siberia 2 pipeline. China, along with Europe, who is supposed to obey the US and the sanctions, is importing energy from Russia. China will also be importing oil from Saudi Arabia and Iran in Yuan. Although the South China Seas is still vital for the transport of oil for China, circumstances have changed.
We are beginning to see the change of the new world order. Zelensky has invited China to Kyiv to negotiate peace talks. Imagine a USA crying "no cease-fire" with Putin and Zelensky choosing peace over war and brokered by China.
We invited China both publicly as well as through diplomatic channels to participate in our peace formula we invite China for dialogue and we wait for a response.
If Ukraine is winning and Russia is losing, Zelensky would not be trying to negotiate peace. You can see the video on YouTube. Zelensky does not look like someone who is determined to fight until the end to take back Crimea. He is asking China to serve as an intermediary to negotiate peace. This appears that Zelensky is willing to compromise despite US wish for Ukraine to war on.
The United States recognizes UNCLOS as a cdification of International Law since 1994. It has simply not ratified it.
"Beijing stakes claim to most of the region and at the heart of this claim is the U-shaped ‘nine-dash line’ that includes as much as 90 per cent of these waters. This dotted line was adopted from Chinese maps in the 1940s, and represents Beijing’s claim over the sea and all the land features that are contained within the line."
China was given notice and had every opportunity to appear and present it's case. It refused to do so, and the ruling went in favor of the Phillipines.
"“The Chinese government and the Chinese people firmly oppose [the ruling] and will neither acknowledge it nor accept it,”
Proof that China is not a nation willing to abide by international laws and norms.
""A United Nations-backed arbitration tribunal ruled in 2016 that the historical claim from China on the waters had no legal basis under the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Seas, and Washington maintains that freedom of navigation and overflight of the waterway are in the American national interest.""
China should actually support U.S efforts in maintaining an open sea, after all it is China who is benefiting the most with thousands of tons of it's goods sailing in these waters.
The US got enough problem,they do not need problem,with China ,so foreigner should not expect the American people to come to their aid
Like it or not, the US Navy is the world's police department. They patrol the oceans to keep them free for movement of commerce and everyone benefits.
Without the US Navy, how many countries would claim large swaths of open ocean and demand tolls for passage, or prevent it entirely? China for one likely would.
How much piracy would there be all over the globe, forcibly taking over freight vessels for ransom or simply to steal the cargo? If Somali activity in the western Indian Ocean 10-15 years ago is any indication, there'd be a lot of piracy. Who put a stop to that?
A friend in Germany was once complaining to me about how much cheaper US gasoline is than in Germany. My answer was that it's probably about the same price. Germany gets fuel that travels uninhibited through the Strait of Hormuz, because the US Navy ensures that it can. Germany gets this service for free, while US taxpayers foot the bill. Factor in the taxes that Americans pay to fund the Navy, and they are probably paying as much -if not more- than Germany for gasoline.
Cards fan
lol No we're not. At least Zelensky inviting China to Kyiv doesn't mean that. He's calling them on their BS. That "peace plan" is basically worthless.
In the 19th century British naval hegemony did much the same and helped prevent European / global conflict for almost a century. Of course, the British were doing this primarily for their own interests, just as America is now. But the absence of global conflict was still a benefit to all nevertheless.
Unless of course you are a country that is looking for such a conflict, and then it is bit of a nuisance. And China / Russia are most definitely looking for that, so it's really important to have America keep fulfilling this role.
Some people may not like American naval superiority, but the alternative would be much worse.
Where did the US grow the balls bt its best news for Asia n the world like what France has said defeat not crushing for both Russia n China
Clayton K. Char
"in a move Beijing claimed was a violation of its sovereignty and security."
The "new" bully on the block? Is China replacing the U.S. as the super police to the world? You would think so.
No just ineffective foreign policy. The rest you seem to be thinking of someone else.
So what's your plan apart from complaining and offering no other course of action?
No. It is international waters, so any country, any military, is free to travel as close as they like, legally.
This isn't about the US. It is about China's bogus claims. Someone needs to push back and Japan/Taiwan/Philippians/Vietnam aren't doing it.
Or does the world WANT to allow China to build infrastructure, destroy sea beds, and rape the seas of all fish without any challenge.
The world should thank the US for their freedom of navigation cruises. They really should. When Australia, Britain, France do the same, we all need to thank them too.
Of course, if China doesn't like it, then they can bring their case to an international court where they will be unhappy with the result ... so ... ships will be going near those islands and other "water features" until force is used. Then the game changes completely.
Grabbing what isn't yours is bullying. Everyone learned that as children.
Leave China, North Korea, Russia and Iran alone.
focus on America and spend our money, time and effort on Americans and what we need and stop instigating World War 3.
there is zero reason that a U.S. warship needed to be in that area trying to make that point at this time.
It’s odd that both of you claim I have no solutions and course of action and just supposedly complain.
I am nothing but solutions and courses of actions on every subject. You just don’t like what I say so it’s easier to claim it’s “complaining”.
no, mind your own business and don’t instigate crazed people who are looking for a reason to fight you is a quite valid solution.
The US is the main force but not the only force patrolling to worlds oceans. Many nations participated from around the globe to stop the Somali Pirates and the Pirating around Indonesian waters. So the world working together keeps the oceans safe, not one single nation.
Both of me? You do complain a lot though, on behalf of both of me.
You ain't. You're a political hedger.
Nobody has ever seen you recommend a course of action. Because if it was right you wouldn't be able to complain about it.
"Be strong and be weak" is what you seem tow ant America to be.
You and your buddy above. Both of you talk and react exactly the same.
I just gave a course of action above. Don’t you see it?
if Biden just minded his own business we wouldn’t be getting rocket attacked in Syria once again right now.
“mind your own business and don’t instigate crazed people who are looking for a reason to fight you is a quite valid solution.”
a course of action. That was me.
If you think America withdrawing and leaving a power vacuum will not CREATE WWIII your just being naive. America engaging with allies and defending rule of law and status quo is keeping WWIII at bay. Isolationism failed America and we got WWII. fail to learn from history and your doomed to repeat it.
What else do you have as a solution?
stop sanctioning and/or criticizing the countries that would be on our side and stop pushing them towards China and Russia.
example: Uganda. What business is it of the USA what LGBT laws they pass? Why do we need to sanction them for doing so? Pushed them right to China side who is offering them economic opportunities.
oh my god, another “course of action” isn’t it?
Who? Be specific, if you have something to say, say it.
Since when did America bow to "crazed people"? 'Never' is your answer.
I said don’t instigate them for no reason. There is zero value in sailing around by these islands that countries who have claims to them don’t even bother with.
Don’t instigate. Don’t fund and arm their enemies. Don’t sanction. much different than bowing to them.
Words have meanings.
Bang on the money theFu
Cards fan
lol No, no. It was you. Anyone can read your posts whining about the US not doing enough to contain China/Russia, and now you're complaining about the US sailing in international water. Very America first of you.
Yes, except when the rightists you support get into power, we get stupid walls along the border, and nothing for the American people. It's pathetic. What you want is for the US to turn a blind eye towards human rights violations around the world.
IT'S NOT YOUR SEA, CHINA. The US should be sailing continually around these islands with an entire carrier strike group.
I think people need to chill a bit and take a look at a map. The Paracel Islands are just off the coast of China's large Hainan Island. They are clearly Chinese and the Chinese military controls them. The Spratly Islands are the long chain of islets and reefs that stretch from China all the way down to Indonesia. The court ruled on an issue between China and the Philippines in an area that likely should be a Philippine possession (or Vietnamese).
They're equally close to Vietnam.
But development of the islands is criminal and the ships should control no more area than that granted by normal leeway of all ships.
They exercise no exclusive maritime zone based on their size so your anti-Americanism is quite irrelevant.
China cozying up to Russia doesn't necessarily make them friends.
Nyah nyah nyah! Nyah nyah nyah! It's international waters. Ever heard of 'freedom of the seas'? Hey Xi, why don't you have your CCP toadies go suck your big toe and quit flapping your motormouth. MYOB and leave the South China Sea and its islands alone. It ain't yours.
And while we're at it, quit harassing those Filipino vessels too.
If they return to their 2014 borders, stop supporting terrorism, and stop firing missiles into EEZ, sure.
Amidst the waves of the South China Sea,
There lies a tale of aggression and tyranny,
Of China's coast guard and fishing fleets,
That harass and intimidate vessels they meet.
Vietnam has been the target of this wrath,
With sinking boats leaving a bitter aftermath,
The reports of Chinese vessels ramming and attacking,
Have led to protests and tensions, quite alarming.
But when the United States sailed a destroyer around,
The Paracel Islands, China did nothing but make a sound,
Threatening "serious consequences" without any act,
Showing their cowardice, a bully's defining fact.
China's aggressive behavior needs to be curbed,
International pressure to ensure rules are observed,
Freedom of navigation and the law must prevail,
In the South China Sea, the region's holy grail.
Keep playing with fire and provoking the Red Dragon..
You will be burned..