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© 2014 AFPChina will never use force to achieve its goals: Xi
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© 2014 AFP
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He was talking about the Star Wars force. Military force is very much in the planning.
Yup, PRC will just state it is an "Internal Matter".
I find this pretty encouraging. Let's hope Japan responds in kind, and things can improve. Asia has so much potential....
Yeah tell Vietnam that whose ships they rammed.
Then, why do we see Chinese armed boats near Senkakus almost every day? Threatening neighbors using military force is a kind of use of force.
So the other two are Vietnam, The Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Tibet, Indonesia and Malaysia......wait a minute, that's more than 2!
This is a tacit declaration in principle of a "no first strike" policy. China is indeed setting the stage to be a power deserving of respect.
China will never use force to achieve its goals: Xi
And neither will putting your political rivals in imprison..... Hey how is that tiger hunt going? LOL
Of course they won't use force. They'll just let their fishing boats do it:
And the punishment for the Chinese fishing vessel was.....?
Except for in Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang.
Radie McDibyoe
Never use force? If only pigs could fly...
So running your own people over with tanks isn't using force? Xi must have a different definition of "force" to everyone else.
Yes, pig can fly!
“It is China’s long-standing position to address peacefully its disputes with countries concerned and territorial sovereignty and maritime interests through dialogue and consultation,” he said.
Was wondering if Mr. Xi could tell me just who it is in Japan he is having such dialogue with?
It's always cheaper to achieve your goals by giving money instead of sending troops.
It is heartening to note that China would not use force to settle its disputes with others. This would definitely reduce tensions in the region and arms race would slow down. In the era of globalisation, all of us are one with different names and colours. We are basically human beings and it is more relevant when globalisation is the talk of the day. What we need today is not violence, but peace; not terrorism, but love;not guns and bullets, but only quality of life and higher standard of living. We have divided ourselves with the borders and call ourselves as Chinese, Japanese, Indians. We fight over gods and religions, We fight in the name of democracy, communism, socialism and make mockery of human existence. The time has come to see the common thread-the thread of humanity. S.A.Srinivasa Sarma Hyderabad, India
China will eventually get what it wants in terms of territory anyway, including Taiwan. It's just a matter of time. I don't listen to the guff coming from the CCP who have absolutely no scruples
@yabits Hilarious. Yeah people should respect a country that uses masses of fishing boats to occupy other's territory and then carries out economic sanctions when they are rightfully shot out of the water. Oh and also launches fighters to ride a foot in front of your aircraft in international water.
Coming from a regime that hails Chairman Mao as a wise and benelovent leader its not all that reassuring...
Well, when China's leaders issue something equivalent to the Monroe Doctrine, please do let the folks know.
Meanwhile, I'm loving every thumbs down I'm getting.
Yes, they'll even start a fight when one side expresses the intent not to use force to achieve its goals. On a moral scale, this is FAR better than U.S. pre-emptive invasions and drone strikes everywhere.
@yabits China has already tried to issue its Monroe Doctrine with their "3rd island chain" fascist logic. The only problem is it is far to weak to kick the US out and will be so for another 200 years. Oh and the Monroe Doctrine is no longer in force as we can see from Cuba and Venezuela doing everything they can to piss off the US and bring in Russian weaponry. False equivalency as usual.
Lucky for Tibetans eh? Imagine if China had really used force and killed hundreds of thousands of them.
Oh, hang on.
Fox Sora Winters
Yeah right, and I will never believe a word China says. I'm sure that the Tibetans can smell the rancid stench of BS from where they sit. I'm sure much of Asia is telling China to pull the other one. There's as much chance of Xi keeping his word as there is of Justin Bieber releasing a good song.
Ting Zhao
Xi Jinping shouldn't make this kind of commitment in world politic as Japan and USA love force in history.
Xi Jinping shouldn't make this commitment as the PRC knows its days are numbered.
Don't worry; there's no commitment - nobody but the gullible believes a word he says, ha!
Jimmy Alegre
Nice objective...Partial knowledge it did open just to detest those chosen and while the road that was cemented, none ever yet knew what will pass then and the worst part they neglected and sanction who put them in the summit. Oh well. Keep it up!