Japan Today

Chinese cities test millions as virus cases surge


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Burning Bush:

First, not everyone has been vaccinated. Second, no country can shut out the virus. But I guess you and your country would know all about these two points.

As for mass testing, gee, I wish that could happen in Japan.

-7 ( +14 / -21 )

no country can shut out the virus

That’s not true.

Micronesia, Saint Helena, Samoa, Vanuatu, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Vatican City, Falkland Islands, Wallis and Futun

to name a few, all had not only very few cases but also have currently no active cases, therefore the virus is shut out.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

When I said no country, I didn't have isolated small islands in the middle of nowhere in my mind. Most of us don't care about the Falklands or Wallis-et-Futuna.

-5 ( +13 / -18 )

Who can possibly have sympathy for a nation that killed millions around the world?

6 ( +23 / -17 )

Who can possibly have sympathy for a nation that killed millions around the world?

So you're holding ordinary Chinese citizens responsible for the virus? Can I blame all Americans for AIDS? How about Ebola or Zica?

-4 ( +13 / -17 )

No it's more on the level of America having guns that kill constantly, no one has any sympathy left for you either

1 ( +6 / -5 )

So you're holding ordinary Chinese citizens responsible for the virus?

They're not citizens with free will, they're under a dictatorship. The CCP kept silent at the beginning in Nov or earlier, even executed the very doctors that were warning them. Now millions are dead.

18 ( +21 / -3 )

You DO NOT start vaccinations in the middle of a pandemic! It is unscientific! Suicidal! The virus WILL mutate and become more deadly! This has been known for a very long time. Just wait until this winter! Better go collect your acorns while you can!

-17 ( +3 / -20 )

New Zealands success to Corona is very rudimentary. They TURNED DOWN the amplification of their PCR testing from 40 cycles to around 25!

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Judging by the state of affairs and how easily the general masses of all countries get shook so easily, you have to be some next level simple to believe anything the governments or media say. But hey, I am sure most of you are safe and vaccinated, right!

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

When I said no country, I didn't have isolated small islands in the middle of nowhere in my mind. Most of us don't care about the Falklands or Wallis-et-Futuna.

I know that. But on the other side most of us should, because they show how do handle that and how the rest of the planet should have done it or do from now on.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

If I may offer a bit of unwanted advice; switch to vaccines that are a lot more effective than what they have been using. President Biden said that any country that wants to make either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines may do so, without consideration of paying royalties on the patents. China is certainly capable of making the better vaccines, if Xi wants to do so.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Unfortunately their local vaccine doesn’t appear to be overly effective and nothing like a majority of the population have been vaccinated while they have been busy shipping the stuff around the world.

Well a rigorous lockdown should contain it at least. Pity they didn’t do that at the beginning instead of hiding the facts and persecuting doctors for trying to warn them.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Just start in China the corresponding loss-in function research and feed the results to bats and pangolins. ROFL

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"The Covid vaccine's protection against the Delta variant may have somewhat declined, but the current vaccine still has a good preventative and protective effect against the Delta variant," said Feng Zijian, virologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

So they know this but ,

Chinese cities test millions as virus cases surge

Seems to me Pfizer is going to make a lot (like a a lot) of money China.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

China is certainly capable of making the better vaccines, if Xi wants to do so.

Really ? China can but Xi is just not that into it ? LOL

5 ( +5 / -0 )

after reports that some people sickened in the latest cluster were vaccinated, health officials have said this was "normal" and stressed the importance of vaccination alongside strict measures."

The Covid vaccine's protection against the Delta variant may have somewhat declined, but the current vaccine still has a good preventative and protective effect against the Delta variant," said Feng Zijian, virologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Western vaccine is about 95 % effective. That means 1 in every 20 could still catch the virus.

China did admit that their vaccine was only 50% effective. So 10 in every 20 could still catch the virus and that seems to be the case here.

As previous vaccinated people are catching the virus.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

New Zealand is a major Western nation that has shut out COVID.

Are you saying NZ has had no cases since the pandemic started?

Well China better get this under control because guess what? Next Olympics is there is a few short months.

China is looking at Japan and learning lessons. A lot of lessons.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

You forgot the nation with the biggest COVBID free population New Zealand (5 mil).

BTW, how is the vaccination going over there ? Will they open up after the vaccines ?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Cases are less relevant when vaccinated numbers increase. Count the vaccinated who are severely ill. If that goes up, then you need to worry and lock down.

China's vaccines had slightly lower figures, so Delta may be more of a problem.

Get vaccinated, expand hospital capacity, wear a mask, take precautions as best you can, support those who, for medical reasons, cannot vaccinate, and get on with life.

Those who refuse to be vaccinated have nobody to blame but themselves if they end up on a slab. Their choice.

Accept that covid will do its thing before it subsides and that there may be residual clusters. Suppressing a viral spread with lockdowns may simply extend its period of activity.

People have been dying of infectious diseases for centuries. If we had hidden from them all, we would still be living in caves. 'Covid zero' will turn a nation into a penal colony.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Mass testing is a waste of money. Plus all those people together makes me think they are spreading the virus just by doing that.

Japan certainly hasn’t had many deaths even with the virus out amongst the public.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Back on topic please. The subject is China.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Freaking Delta - stop making new variants, people! Every new variant can potentially be more dangerous, and if different enough from the original virus, can be not effected by the original vaccines

And the best way to stop making new variants is to stop spreading the virus!

If they don't stop this now and instead continues on spreading for months, the Winter Olympics in February could be on the same boat as we're in now

5 ( +6 / -1 )

“Authorities have now conducted three rounds of testing on the city's 9.2 million residents”

I hate the CCP but if those numbers are real which is questionable. That’s the way to do it!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Even the world's most controlled country (well, excluding North Korea, but who knows what's happening there) cannot keep Covid out. So you either have repeated lockdowns or you have mass vaccination (with a decent vaccine, not the Chinese garbage) and then just accept it, live with it, with no special measures, tolerating the outbreaks and just treating the patients as you would with any other disease. I opt for the latter approach.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Looks like they have a faulty vaccine over there too.

It gives me no pleasure to say its typical blinkered (intentional/or not) perspective/opinion.

Cases are also up in Western cities which vaccinated its people with Western developed vaccines.

But, some media/some people conveniently do not realised (intentional/or not) it. Like i said, Blinkered views.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Its hard to feel sorry for the country that invented covid.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


So you're holding ordinary Chinese citizens responsible for the virus? Can I blame all Americans for AIDS? How about Ebola or Zica?

Aids/HIV comes from The Democratic Republic of Congo and so does Ebola

Zica comes From Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania

Covid-19 comes from China.

Doesn't make sense to blame All Americans for any of these viruses but if it makes you feel better you can blame them.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The CCP brought it upon themselves and us through their inept Biological warfare experiments.

They then lied to the World, and their own people, and at the same time decided to try and take advantage of the leak by spreading it to attack their adversaries. Now they head towards the more traditional Nuclear weapons as a "defense" stance.

Chinese people when you meet them are generally just like you and me, the CCP warps their minds into something akin to the Brown shirts brigade of past days associated with the Hitler Youth.

The only way to stop this, is for people action.

On our side, Drop shippers are the brain washed supporters of the CCP.. they need to be named and shamed - don't care who they are, but if they deal with Chinese Companies then they are supporting the CCP as Chinese Companies are in the main not Privately run. You may as well be supporting North Korea, or Iran as part of the Terrorism axis pact.

We should make it a Criminal offence, akin to Espionage, for such persons dealing directly with Chinese CCP run Companies. Time to drop, the drop shippers into the Dungeons of despair that hey support if they do not cease their operations. Time to ban Alibaba, and it:s equivalents.

Its time to take back control, and be more self-sufficient as a Country, less dependent upon China, less dependent upon the CCP. Time to decouple.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

So far, despite the accusation, no one has provided any factual information that COVID 19 is not a natural accuring virus, or that China had anything to do with manufacturing it.You should see how many such labs other countries have playing with dangerous illnesses, especially the United States. But as I said COVID 19 has no sign of being manufactured. Plus placing blame has never solved any problem yet. All of our energy would be better placed doing what know that can slow this down. Meanwhile vaccinated people while safer, are not completely protected from the virus. I myself have had it and having scaring of my right lung and I have had both shots, but still am not completely protected though less likely to get a serious case.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I had a friend who worked as a micro-biologist at the CDC. Years ago she pointed out that we are never more than four days away from the next pandemic, thanks to modern transportation. So even we are argue over COVID 19 the next pandemic is coming at any time.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I have no love for the CCP. I'll unfortunately never be able to visit China again, after having been very critical of the CCP online. But, anyone saying this absolutely was the CCP, without being able to explain how they eliminated the possibility of another country releasing it near the Wuhan lab to make it look like the fault of the CCP, is on the lower end of the human intelligence scale.

They think their case is proven through inference, but isn't disproven through other inference. They think the inference they use to prove that the lab created the virus case is somehow valid, while the inference that the very existence of this lab makes it a target for every other player on the planet to want to release their virus in this location, needs to be ignored.

Anyone with intelligence knows we can't make a conclusion yet. It very well may have been the CCP. It may very well have not. Smart people know it's impossible to make a conclusion at this point. To figure out if you're smart people, ask yourself this question: Do you absolutely know the origin of the virus? If you answer yes, then you're not smart people.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

We should make it a Criminal offence, akin to Espionage, for such persons dealing directly with Chinese CCP run Companies. Time to drop, the drop shippers into the Dungeons of despair that hey support if they do not cease their operations. Time to ban Alibaba, and it:s equivalents.

It's interesting to see you saying that the government should be involved in business decisions, and oversee which organizations they are allowed to do business with.

Isn't that pretty much what the CCP do?

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Seems to me Pfizer is going to make a lot (like a a lot) of money China.

China uses Sinovax, not any of the Western mRNA vaccines.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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