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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Chinese premier promises more pandas and urges Australia to put aside differences
By ROD McGUIRK MELBOURNE, Australia©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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"Just let us employ economic and military coercion whenever we want, and also never mention the global pandemic we unleashed on the world, and we'll loan you a couple pandas. Oh, and you'll have to pay us millions for those pandas."
What a great deal.
Because an expensive loan animal will put out of mind all the PRC’s hegemonic and undemocratic leanings, eh?
Keep your pandas.
Give up your Differences…give up your oceans, give us everything and maybe we’ll give you a Panda.
No thanks….oh, and don’t get those pesky submarines.
You DEFINITELY have to give those up.
"We'll throw you a few pandas, while we remove and lock up fisherman deemed to be fishing in "our territorial waters".
China smiles with one face while showing another face with calculated agression.
Don't trust 'em.
China's arrogance and blatant aggression is becoming more and more obvious by the day. Drop all of your complaints against us and we'll LEND you some pandas. And they do it with all this diplomatic friendly babble no less. About as enticing an offer as Putiin's withdraw from all the territory we stole from you and we can talk cease-fire.
I think the Australians should counter offer:
china should get out of other countries' territories, get off their fake islands....and in return, Australia will send them a couple of Koalas and Kangaroos.
I'd love more pandas. Great idea!
Australia argues endangered Australian personnel.
No apology, no regret !
Bob Fosse
That’s a bonzer idea Wesley. What’s the Panda to Kangaroo ratio ya great galah!
China did not 'invent' Covid, and nobody is to blame for it. And the US and Brazil have had more deaths from the virus than even China because of lies and irresponsible actions from turds in office.
Australia can give China Rupert Murdoch's propagandic media franchise because it's just as much lying as the CCP gives the Chinese all the time.
As for giving them kangaroos, make sure they're trained for boxing so they can knock Chairman Xi right on the kisser, hard!
Ricky Kaminski13
Sorry Li Qiang mate, if you think that a couple of pandas and a few happy wine exporters will make us, as a nation, forgive and forget the outrageous behavior shown by you and your commie borg overlords, the attempts to punish, coerce and intimidate us for asking simple questions, the spies, the network of gangsters and thugs that you employ around the world to do your dirty work, the dangerous and aggressive behavior on the open seas , the blatant hypocrisy, could go on and on. If you are thinking that everyone has their price then you haven’t a clue about our culture, nature nor character.
Don’t be fooled by the Aussie sense of mateship and friendliness either, it’s reserved for those that know how not to be c#¥@s. We have our own version of what the CCP stands for, but thanks anyway. Cheers!
Panda diplomacy, resistance is futile.
Gene Hennigh
Well, for one, I want a panda. What's wrong with pandas? They're cute and relatively harmless. China has a bad government, but panda's don't have anything to do with that. They're just pandas. Besides, Trump and Putin like not only dictatorship but they like panda's, too. Xi might be an oppressive leader. . .well, heck, he is, but panda's don't care about that.
It's good and convenient to have good relationships with Mother China..
China could have been a respectable country but they chose a different path.
I receive: influence over your military and politicians.
You receive: pandas
Mr Kipling
To be fair, there isn't much that competes with a Panda. It is game over, Pandas win.
I'm a Chinese ethnic who was born in Southeast Asia. I can tell you, my grandparents, parents, families, and pretty much all the Chinese ethnics I know, are one of the most racist people. I've only realized this after I moved out of the country. They would call people of brown skin monkey, people of white skin white ghosts, while doing business with them. They only respect you as far as how much money you can make them.
I wouldn't trust any Chinese promises or "good will", if you do business with them, always wear armor behind your back.
It sounds like a hostage . . . or I mean a panda negotiation.
COVID-19 originated in China.
The CCP withheld, and continues to withhold, vital information on it. It even threatened those who tried to help, for example:
The CCP continues to block a full, transparent investigation, and employed economic coercion toward Australia for calling for such an investigation:
The CCP is to blame.
CCP withheld, and continues to withhold, vital information on it. It even threatened those who tried to help, for BBC, fake news with biased stance. Their office was kicked out of China and Hong Kong !