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© 2024 AFPChinese sailors wield sticks, axe in disputed sea clash with Philippines
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Mr Kipling
I hope the Philippine aggressors learnt their lesson.
I TOLD you they needed to send a submarine
The map says otherwise. The map says viscous barely human pirates attacked the Philippines in their lawful territory.
It’s time to stop screwing around with these pirates and sink their ships
I don't know who the party is preventing a US Navy littoral combat ship from clearing the area but they better change tune real fast and make it happen.
Now people are confused. Something suspect with this story.
The Philippine crew had been unarmed but are now demanding their seven guns back?
Second Thomas Shoal again.
Important to keep in mind four states claim this: China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Philippines.
And no one party has kept a monopoly on water cannon or other proactive measures.
Still the PRC's warmongering and national disgrace.
There was a four nation exercise there the other day whered the ships go
Don't worry. We have The New Zealand Navy to protect us now.
Their new Pavlova Cannon will launch meringue-based desserts at the Chinese aggressors causing all manner of inconveniences.
And can the Chinese please give theFilipino sailor his thumb back too!
With compensation, assuming these derelicts have any money.
Lots of posters beating their chests and demanding a war with China, a NUCLEAR power.
Oh, Uncle Sam will intervene IF he has any troops , ships or munitions available after funding wars in Ukraine and Gaza, and who knows where else.
So nuclear powers get to do whatever they want? How about the US, a nuclear power, permanently station some littoral combat ships around the shoal?
Are you under the impression the US has lost soldiers, sailors, or ships in Ukraine or Gaza?
WiseOneIn Kansai
Aaa.., China, Keeping it classy as always !!!
Please stop writing disputed sea like it is up in the air what belongs to what country, it's only being disputed by China, there is no question what belongs to who. If the Mongols started questioning why half the world doesn't belong to them anymore will you start calling China and Russia disputed territory? Time to start showing some kind of force, it's the only thing they know. Just do the same thing they are doing, give 3 warnings then take over their ships.
China is hardly the only nuclear power on the planet. Are we all suppose to shake and shiver?
The U.S. has the largest military in the world. maintains assets not just in the PI but in JPN, SK, AUSTR, GUAM, HAWAII all of which are in place to deal with Indo-Pacific matters. Not Ukraine or Gaza,
Sounds like China.
Who needs this?!
Outrageous, barbaric and violent behaviour by the Chinese.
Filipino people are peace-loving, but will only tolerate so much. I hope they come down on these illegal aggressors - as hard as possible. The free world has the Filipino's backs.
Make no mistake. There are countless warheads aimed at Beijing, Shanghai, HK etc too. Xi the Pooh wouldn't be that dumb, surely.
More chest beating eh....and down votes.
The US is waning....other nations on the ascendency.
And no, we shouldnt boast about something that leads to the planets extinction...nuclear war.
And yes, nuclear powers do what they want...history of USA, Israel, UK, France, Pakistan, India ...
Military commentators , not me, from the US forces {retired } are saying the US stockpile of weapons is falling rapidly, mainly for supplying Israel and Ukraine.
Not analysis.
Must offend some of the Uncle Sam boosters
This news, as reported in this fashion, makes hay out of the word "axe" for all the more dramatic effect.
Watched both videos - including the Philippine version of events and cannot see anything resembling an axe.
Interesting to note the screen grab from it (above main photo) does not feature any resembling an axe or even a hatchet.
At the 53 second mark a sailor holding something can be seen but it's a long bow to stretch and conclude it's an "axe-wielding sailor".
At the 43 second mark in the Philippine video one can clearly see a large missile being dangerously hurled at a Chinese coast guard boat by a Philippine sailor, could be a rock.
Also noteworthy, the attire of the Chinese coast guard is professional - high visibility life jackets, civil head protection and other appropriate gear like rescue gear/PFD nearby. Their boats are better and handled more competently too.
Philippine guys are in camo, combat helmets, heavy boots, some appear to have football-style shoulder guards for who knows what. The thumb thing is far from certain - it appears there may be a hand injury.
And if anyone thinks the US will initiate a war over fishing shoals they are sillier than....I dunno...Netanyahu.
And "littoral " is a geography term, boyo, refers to a coastal area, not ships.
Blah blah blah. Your (PRC) thugs shouldn't have been there in the first place. End of story. Go cry to the Permanent Court of Arbitration to contest the Philippines'... oh riiiight you can't...
Sounds really pathetic now after China seems to have called it but I hope they're feeling better
I dont think the US follows determinations of International Courts unless it suits.
And thats not how it works.
And more down votes....I'm trying to avoid drinking tonight.
Fishing shoals or no, an attack on Philippine boats and personnel is ground to invoke the US Philippines defense treaty
As is the U.S. the CCP isn’t going to go to war with the U.S. in a war they know they would currently lose.
Time for some allied pushback.
So I'm wondering why the silence
It is disputed sea - disputed by FOUR states including Taiwan (which supports China's position).
China never participated in any arbitration. And the alleged arbitration did not rule on sovereignty or delimit maritime boundaries.
Any statement to the opposite is false.
Oh, look everyone: it's that famous Chinese "peaceful rise" and "win-win cooperation" again.
Pirates, plain and simple.
The UNCLOS ruling was very clear. China should not be there:
Because of the reason mentioned above (Philippines has no sovereignty or a delimited maritime boundary for that shoal, even with the one-sided arbitration which didn't grant either).
US understands this and cannot invoke a defense treaty over claimed areas, perceived attack or not.
Even worse, it would be wholly inappropriate and illegal to enforce a contested ruling they know full well is flawed when they are not even party to UNCLOS.
Taking the upvotes and downvotes into consideration I guess this is why the CCP don't want anything to do with democracy.
An attack on a US or Philippine boat anywhere in the world is ground for invoking the mutual defense treaty.
Well, unless it's not.
Isn't it?
Forgot the detail about them also disputing CCPs claim for the whole of China, disputed territory as some would put it.
If you think that the U.S. or it's allies will "initiate" a war, then you are sillier than anybody. You clearly haven't grasped the fact that the West's military build up is to deter China from starting a war.
Total nonsense.
The guidelines reaffirm that an armed attack in the Pacific, including anywhere in the South China Sea, on either of their public vessels, aircraft, or armed forces – which includes their Coast Guards – would invoke mutual defense commitments under Articles IV and V of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty.
1) Irrelevant, per the above
2) The Philippines and China are both party to UNCLOS, which is what counts. China's behavior is 100% wrong, and constitutes piracy and state-sponsored terrorism
This wasn't an armed attack by any measure - actually a maritime coast guard safety-enforcement action relating to a derelict, illegally grounded vessel that is a hazard to navigation.
I'd suggest these ships be treated as any other pirate vessel. After it has been contained the CCP can choose to take responsibility or lie and say it went rogue, putting the choice in the hands of the CCP.
Not sure if you are Chinese or whether you live there or here in Japan, but you have absolutely nothing to gain from sucking up to the CCP, they are not working for the Chinese people, the Chinese are working for them and as they gain more control and power you will see more and more rights and freedoms disappear, you are only able to live a good life now (If you live in one of the big cities) because they still need you happy, once they don't we are back to the 1940s of Japan.
Didn't China board a Philippine vessel? Doesn't that constitute an attack?
Nope. For example, the US coast guard boards vessels everyday all around the world and detains/confiscates things including guns (mentioned in this article) and other contraband.
The Chinese are literally holding up a knife in the main picture of this article.
Well I'll leave you to your musings seems you're not really all that different from the other usual posters.
Anyway if it's true it's ground for invocation of treaty you should be happy that at least for now they seem to not know what to do about China asserting itself forcefully
Ossan "the wests military build up is to DETER CHINA from starting war "
Really ?
Why does the US and Europe, UK etc have bases in the ME ?
China over reach....into the ME ?
Sure mate, the "west " never initiate any's all deterrence.
Read some history.
Post WW2 has the US WON any wars against a determined adversary.
Libya...maybe, but left a shell of a country riven now by civil strife, like Iraq,
China would win any war in the South China sea and that's because, maybe , its opponents like US or Japan wont risk war over fishing shoals.
US cant even stop the Houthies affecting
again the Filipinos are attacking Chinese civilians. We need to kick out the uninvited guests from these islands and remove this piece of American scrap metal from Thomas Shoal.
Mr Goodman
No No No !
It was spears , swords, Axe and knives !
And the Philippine soldiers definitely showed too much restraint
Philippine forces are experts at combat
Push China out !
Mr Goodman
I mean really !
It all seems a bit pathetic
Why doesn't the Philippines have an operational warship there instead of a rust bucket
Why doesn't the Philippines use a warship to deliver supplies to the rust bucket ?
Don't be surprised if China dragging it off somewhere
Outfit the friendly nations in the area with US Shunk spray. Let the Chinese smell that on their coast guard vessels for a few months.
Cutting off a finger is barbaric. China should be ashamed of this behavior. The sailor who did it, should be extradited to the Philippines for trial for attempted murder.
If the skunk smell doesn't work, break out a 50 cal to make the point.
Again I'll say it. Give them some bigger boats for these resupply missions.
Was China testing the US?
A few days ago the US Canada Japan and the Philippines did naval exercises in the area why didn't they patrol around the area while the supply boat/s was doing its mission?
That has got to suck.
China does the same at the Indian border.
Overwhelm, attack then say it was a peaceful mission
Perhaps you wouldn’t have to worry about so many down votes if you weren’t so objectively wrong and ignorant about so much you post?
Liam Shibuya
All they need now are some flintlock pistols, cannons, and red macaws
Let me help you out with some more.
Perhaps you should wait and see whether China will be half as wealthy as the US before it gets old.
China's dog Russia blusters all of the time with actual nuclear threats and I'm sure you have no complaint about that.
So maybe China shouldn't cross another nuclear power, hrm?
If that is your claim, that the US has sent soldiers, sailors, and ships to Ukraine and Gaza, I can't convince you of the reality.
But next you will tell us the US is too warlike and always at war.
Just like China then. Fortunately, you don't have to give a fig about the US to see that the Philippines is being bullied by China.
I'm trying to help you out as best I can.
No, those bases are to deter China's ally Iran.
But then you will tell us that the US is too scared to start a war over the Second Thomas Shoal. Really need to make up your mind.
Pro-tip: your country has to go to war to have a distinguished military record. Maybe suffering 6x the number of battle deaths as the US in Korea is not something to be proud of.
China will win the war because the US and Japan won't risk war, huh? Not sure how to make sense of that statement. I suspect it is right up there with, "China won't give the US the pleasure of a war".
Again, your country has to have done some fighting of terrorism to comment on others fighting terrorism.
This but unironically.
Then you can pay for them to have the ships China has. Or do you think it is cool to make fun of poor countries?
That's why some live ammunition needs to be expended so boundaries are restored.
So only long knives for this act of barbarism?
It's a shame it wasn't proper ammunition.
Are we supposed to applaud China spending money on harassing smaller countries?
Still China's warmongering and China's barbarism.
The court did tell China to gtfo, though. Don't show up to court and you should expect an adverse judgement against you.
Lawless China doesn't get to make that determination.
Flawed my a. And fortunately the US doesn't have to be a party to back up an ally who is.
Then you won't object to some safety-enforcement action with equal sized ships and live ammunition.
I think it will be the US Navy that removes savages from around the Second Thomas Shoal.
Did I read this right? The Filipino sailors gave up their weapons when the perpetrators only had sticks and an ax? And why were they carrying weapons if they can’t use them? The order of battle has got to be reviewed by the Filipino chain of command
It looked like the pirates were grabbing everything they could, as you expect with pirates.
So their guns were no match for sticks and knives? Do the Filipinos know how to use guns?
They probably weren't certain whether they were authorized to open fire on savages. Hopefully next time the rules of engagement will be clearer.
As long as China is governed by the CCP, which seems to have its beliefs based on Chinese myths of ethnic superiority, and as long as the CCP can continue to manipulate their citizens to believe those myths and no others, the world is stuck with China and its subordinate states Russia,North Korea, Iran and who knows which other authoritarian nations stirring things up around the planet in their quest to be masters of the seas, lands and some place they call heavens. The authoritarians are on a modern day crusade to establish Xi as emperor uber alles. Maybe India and Modi can use their belief systems to say that India should be master over all. Yeat's "The Second Coming" comes to mind: "What rough beast, it' hour come around at last, slouches toward Belthlehem to be born". Old myths exchanged for other old myths. But most old myths probably did not factor in climate change, at least as far a I'm aware.
marc laden
The stupid BIIIDEN is sleeping under the table....... the world is in chaos ... China is emerging as a bully .. WE NEED A STRONG NEW WORLD LEADER..
VOTE to out Biden in November
China is the aggressor. The more aggressive they are, the more the world will condemn their actions and seek other providers of goods from other countries, even if they cost a bit more. Eventually, a Chinese Captain will really screw up and shoot or kill someone. Then the UN will have a general meeting on it, after 2 countries of the Security Council veto any proposals (obviously China and Russia).
Once all that happens, the non-Chinese nations in the area will ban together more, settle some differences, and come to some agreements for trade, self-defense, and sea convoys so there will be a third party in the area taking video of the actions from the aggressor nation. While I don't need a disinterested 3rd party releasing a video and description of what actually happens, other parts of the world do.
China is making mistakes being aggressive in the seas. How much will Xi like it when there are multiple Navy vessels in the region, on station with aircraft to show violations of international law by China?
Dong Yu
I hope all the countries in Asia should stand up against the Communist China for her dirty tricks.
Taiwan is not China. Japan is not China. The Philippines is definitely not China.
Dear world, let’s all boycott Chinese products until they respect other nation’s lands and seas.
China caught lying again, and there's video evidence
The crude bullies from China need to be taught a lesson with active resistance.
Wouldn't it be great if, tomorrow morning, we could wake up and see Mr Antonio Guterres on the TV holding a press-conference at UN HQ imploring the Chinese to Stop Immediately this barbaric treatment of the innocent Phillipine fishermen - this is like something out of the Dark Ages, fighting with sticks and axes. Who the hell do the Chinese think they are that they behave in such uncivilised manner; they need to be stopped right now.