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Obama, Clinton meet to discuss how to unite Democrats


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What will work well is that, Clinton and Obama discuss such that Obama will offer it to her, she gracefully rejects it but suggest/appoints one of her people for it. In that case, supporters of both camps can come together and work for the common good.

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Choosing Hillary would make him look weak and undermine his claim both to be a post-partisan uniter and a change agent. I think he'd be wiser to someone to shore up support in a electorally rich swing state or among Hispanics. Wouldn't hurt if his selection had managerial, military and FP experience to boot.

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"Clinton disavows push to make her vice president"

Which means she wants it bad.

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The Obama campaign is offering millions of dollars from the senator's war chest to poor old Hillary.

Is it a gift, or bribe, or payoff?


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That's a good suggestion. I think that would work.

However, as I see it the problems are two-fold. First, to hope for this scenario without securing an agreement from Clinton that she would play along could result in an unwanted acceptance of the vice-presidency offer. Second, to orchestrate a charade in which everyone plays a part seems to smack of politics as usual and is rather the antithesis of Obama's message.

I think the ball is really still in Clinton's court. I think the best thing she can do for the party is to rule out the vice-presidency for herself and to submit a short list of good candidates with the expressed hope that Obama will choose one of them. Then, if he does not do so, more fool he.

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"She was in good spirits and totally supportive, without qualification, of Senator Obama"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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Hillary's prize was the presidency. She didn't get it. There's no second fiddle. I really don't see Hillary as a 1st Mate. She wants her own ship.

So to get anything else that she may treasure, she'll play ball. She'll put on the pretty smile, do all the campaigning and be appreciative at any help she receives to pau her campaign debts. < :-)

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never happen anyway..the republicans hate her so much that her selection would strenghten McCain's campaign and possibly put him in the White House

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What about a cabinet position such as Secretary of State?

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super lib, i don't think she's smooth enough, diplomatically, to be SOS, but she seems to have reasonable attack-dog qualities, so maybe US Ambassador to the UN, where she can bully the third-world countries a bit

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Hillary's prize was the presidency. She didn't get it.

The consolation prize is senatorship, lucrative speaking gigs and the contempt of much of America.

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Why the hell would Obama want that old lady as his vice?? Sure he can find some sweet young thing to keep him company in the oval office.

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the republicans hate her so much that her selection would strenghten McCain's campaign and possibly put him in the White House" Not only repubs. Hey, she has garnered a lot of praise and she has garnered a lot of hate over the years.

I agree, put her on the ticket, and Obama is doomed. Besides, wouldn't she have more power as a senator?

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So senators have more power than the president and VP? Can I quote that statement next time bush is blamed for everything that has happened? Apparently, the powerful senators failed to stop an "illegal" war, so THEY must be to blame.

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SuperLib/Skip - Watch for her to wangle her way into becoming Senate majority leader. Though its popularity among Americans is hovering around 15 percent, it will improve her cred when she runs as the dems "I told you so" candidate in 2012.


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If the Clintons take the Vice-Presidency, does anyone foresee an unfortunate "accident" happening to Obama in near future.

There are already experts saying that if Obama becomes President, there will no doubt be assasination attempts.

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So, queen bee hillary is going to call for her drones to support obama? Nice way to tell her supporters that everything she has said all these past months were lies and pure bullsh!t.


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Unite the party? The outcome of this year's Dem nomination process basically refutes the long-standing "liberal" notion that America is too sexist and racist to nominate, let alone elect, anyone but a white male. The vote was almost perfectly split between a young, nominally 'black' male and an older 'white' female.

So it was true to a certain extent, but Dems have only discovered what conservatives have always known: the racism and sexism the media and academia constantly charge the country with was only a fact of American political life for those on the Left.

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"if Obama becomes president, there will no doubt be assassination attempts"

Heck, there haven't been any assassination attempts against the deeply unpopular Bush - why should there be any assassination attempts against the charismatic Obama?

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"if Obama becomes president, there will no doubt be assassination attempts"

Heck, there haven't been any assassination attempts against the deeply unpopular Bush - why should there be any assassination attempts against the charismatic Obama?

I reckon it's because the people whom Bush is unpopular with, are not in the demographic that tends to attempt assasinations.

The people who oppose a Black President however.....

<strong>Moderator: Stay on topic please.</strong>

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"Obama also said he would welcome help from former President Clinton, calling him "an enormous talent."

I would call him an enormous liar.

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You're right. It was only a fact of political life for those on the left. But it was and is a fact of life for non-whites and for women.

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"But it was and is a fact of life for non-whites and for women."

Sezwho - The two candidates' positions on the major issues are almost identical. But the Dem vote is almost neatly split. It therefore stands to reason that the deciding factor - for "liberals" - was either the candidate's skin color or gender. Democracy can not devolve much lower.

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I worry about your reasoning powers.

A little more than 1/2 of the American population is female. About 1/3 is non-white but only about 1/8 is black. 1/7 is Hispanic and the Hispanic vote largely went to Clinton. The last statistic that I heard showed that Obama won a majority of the female vote. So, I would be interested in hearing the chain of reasoning that suggests that a 50/50 vote means that the deciding factor was skin color or gender.

I don't think there is any doubt that for some people this was the deciding factor, but I think that the far simpler explanation is that Obama and Clinton were speaking to two different political concerns and that those concerns resonated equally among the group that you so indiscriminately term "liberal".

Furthermore, even if race and gender had been the deciding factor--and it was not--this would have tended to argue sexism and racism still exist in America. They do. But not from the evidence you claim.

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Loki520: A veteran senator does have more power than a VP. And yes, you are correct that they really can't blame Bush for everything. I have been saying ever since I got involved in JT.

SezWho: By Hispanic, what do you mean? Please, Break it down more. I resent that term Hispanic because it lumps us into one group, which is dominated by Mexican Americans. McCain will get a majority of the Border State Mexicans and he will probably get the Cuban and Dominican. I can't say anything for California though.

Skin color was a deciding factor mostly for Black Americans however, Black Non-Americans who are of hispanic in nature were not overly present. I am sure he did well amongst African Immigrant and Jamaicans, he also got a very and much larger than expected white vote too, which is something that I can say I am happy about. It kind puts a lot of things to rest.

McCain won't be getting any significant Black votes, there is resentment about him not supporting a state MLK holiday. If I was African American and didn't vote for Obama, I sure wouldn't let that out..

This is going to an interesting election. and I believe it is going to a very close split but not because of race. JMO.

Now, any news of any independents with significance popping up yet? Usually the media is not too friendly to them. Speaking of which, I believe Obama has been the Media's boy. Can't turn on a news program without him being part of it - good and bad, but hey, bad press has its benefits too.

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Yet again, the race card is being played on the behalf of the Democratic party. And once again, it's being played by a neo-con.

Making their own reality since Dec. 18, 2000.


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"Yet again, the race card is being played on the behalf of the Democratic party. And once again, it's being played by a neo-con."

LOL. taka chimes in, unable after all these years to define "neo-con" but still happy to think it's actually an insult he can use against anyone whose ideas discomfit him and fellow travelers stuck with the same blinkers of Political Correctness.

Superdelegate (the very existence of which basically proves the conservative point that "liberals" abhor liberty) Christine Pelosi (Yes, she's the daughter of Speaker Nancy), after one of the Dem debates: "[I'm] torn between my gender and my generation!"

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Superdelegate (the very existence of which basically proves the conservative point that "liberals" abhor liberty) Christine Pelosi (Yes, she's the daughter of Speaker Nancy), after one of the Dem debates: "[I'm] torn between my gender and my generation!"

Well, hopefully, Christine, unlike someone else's children I can think of, can turn to her parents for counsel and for an example of how to act.


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Yawn, the fight is over and now the real campaign begins. Uniting the party will depend on Hillary's supporters having a short memory. I've heard some pretty angry sound bites form her supporters so I'm not so sure.

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By Hispanic, I mean what Webster's dictionary means when it defines the word as "of, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent living in the United States; especially : one of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin". Your objection that the term is not sufficiently discriminatory is noted, however.

Nonetheless, I don't see how your remarks apply to the issue of whether or not the Democrats are divided along race and gender lines. So whether or not those of Cuban ancestry are separated from those of Mexican ancestry, when you look at the demographics of the US it is difficult to argue that because the vote was 50+% for a black man and 50-% for a white woman that "it stands to reason" that race and gender are the cause of the near tie.

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I just love to read all the rasism and hate that the republicans are trying to grow. With a few seeds of hate, the republicans put those lies and inuendos of hate into the race for the Whitehouse.

I knew as soon as our nominee was selected, the slime machine would get revving. < :-)

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Saw this over at the Mainichi boards. Looks like one U.S. newspaper is in need of a proofreader. Or, maybe not.



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I just love to read all the rasism and hate that the republicans are trying to grow.

adaydream - you sure about that claim?

Your guy obama is the one who writes in his book that he came to resent his mother and white heritage (even though it was his white grandparents who raised him in Hawaii). He then joins a bigoted racist church and calls its "pastor" his spiritual mentor akin to an uncle.

obama himself planted the seeds of racism bigotry in this campaign via his past words and actions, not the GOP.


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Your guy obama is the one who writes in his book that he came to resent his mother

I challenge you to supply the passage where he says he resented his mother.

obama himself planted the seeds of racism bigotry in this campaign via his past words and actions

LOL!!! Looks to me like the GOP shills are working overtime to dredge up false/inaccurate statements about Barack's past.

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What the mainstream media have failed to mention is that Obama and Clinton most likely held their meeting at this year's Bilderberg conference in Chantilly, Virginia.

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adaydream - "I just love to read all the rasism [racism] and hate that the republicans [Republicans] are trying to grow. With a few seeds of hate, the republicans [Republicans] put those lies and inuendos of hate into the race for the Whitehouse."

Do you see Republicans calling Obama the names that "liberals" - even African American ones - used to disparage Condi Rice or Colin Powell?

Obama's own pastor called the Sec of State "Condiskeeza" Rice - which is slang for same "ho" word rappers so casually drop.

Harry Belafonte is a UN rep, but that didn't stop him from calling Powell and Rice "House Negroes."

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yabits - Don't know how to use Google? Do your own research.

Translation: I have nothing.

You probably still have a lot of incomplete high school homework assignments.

Translation: Except my hate.

Keep up the good work Yabits.


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"Translation: I have nothing...Except my hate."

Who's got hate to spare? Who is the divider?

Quotes from Obama's books:

From Dreams of My Father:

"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites"

From Dreams of My Father:

" I found solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race".

From Dreams of my Father:

"The emotion between the races could never be pure..... the the other race [obviously white - but why only white?] would always remain just that: menacing, alien and apart".

From Dreams Of My Father:

"...never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. it was into my father's image, the black man, the son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself."

From Dreams Of My Father:

"There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs," he wrote. "It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out, and name names."

From Dreams Of My Father:

"I had grown accustomed, everywhere, to suspicions between the races..."

So yeah, taka, just who who is doing the hating?

Who has all the animosity?

Who is it that comes across quite content, eager and even proud, to inform people that race is what determines how he will deal with his fellow Americans?

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I'd say that you have the animosity and that you are doing the hating. But that's just off the top of my head and due mostly to the fact that you don't take the time to develop any of your ideas.

Obama thinks, speaks and writes in paragraphs. You seem to think in sentences and to quote in fragments. The tale that you want to tell is supported only by the fragments you extract and not by the wider narrative in which they appear.

I think you have to have a lot of animosity to be so ungenerous.

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Now now delegate. I know you like to ask a lot of questions so that you have fodder to tear others down, but you know the rules: if you want any answers from me, there is one, very specific question that I asked you, that you must answer first. You duck and dodge and change the subject, but, you never answer that question. So, let this be a lesson for you about EARNING something as opposed to just having it given to you. You can earn the answers you want, with a little honesty.



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"The tale that you want to tell is supported only by the fragments you extract and not by the wider narrative in which they appear."

Go on, sez. Give us the wider "context" that "liberal" politicians are always allowed but which is denied conservatives.

Have you actually read or heard read any of Obama's thoroughly doctrinaire views on race relations in America?

taka - I do believe I have answered repeatedly what you need to know most. Sorry I disabused of you of your pet conspiracy theory.

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taka - I do believe I have answered repeatedly what you need to know most.

But not the question I asked. You hide your shame poorly.


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Give us the wider "context" that "liberal" politicians are always allowed but which is denied conservatives.

LOL!! Liberals always grant conservatives enough rope to hang themselves. And they always do!

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super delegate,

How very nice of you to presume that I am behind in my reading or that I haven't really been paying attention.

Reading is a fine thing, but understanding is a better one. It does not matter how much you read if you cannot fairly assess what someone says.

To get you started on Obama, you might try:


I think that will give you some of the wider context you claim to be looking for. I don't much believe your claim, though. Your posts on Obama are redolent with animosity and hatred and your last post does nothing to clear the air.

Nothing has been denied to you--only that which you deny to yourself.

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Super D -- Thanks for posting the passages exposing obama as the racist snakeoil salesman that he is. Funny to see the obama apologists trying to explain what he really meant.


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Thanks to super_delegate for supplying the passages that show RRII in complete error when stating that Obama resented his mother.

The Democrats should be able to unify around Obama, not that the right-wingers won't do their best to lie, divide, swift-boat, misinform and otherwise thwart their efforts as they always do. Glad that McCain has lost his memory over the 2000 campaign, when the right-wingers turned on him.

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But not quite as funny as watching people work themselves into a fictitious lather over fictitious racism. There is no better cover for white racism than to accuse Obama of being a racist. The Obama-is-a-racist charge will find traction mostly among those who are too full of prejudice to even consider what the man is actually saying.

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There is no better cover for white racism than to accuse Obama of being a racist. The Obama-is-a-racist charge will find traction mostly among those who are too full of prejudice to even consider what the man is actually saying.

If the people attacking Obama as racist could come close to that kind of insight, they'd be far more dangerous. But it's precisely because they can't muster that level of intelligence that makes them the way they are: scared and hateful.

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Obama, Clinton meet to discuss how to unite Democrats

But, but, but ..... doesn't obama claim that he and he alone is America's Great Unifier?


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"The Obama-is-a-racist charge will find traction mostly among those who are too full of prejudice to even consider what the man is actually saying."

Well then , sez, why don't you explicate, for all us "racists."

What exactly are Barack Obama, the disgraced Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the disgraced Father Pflaeger , and Michelle Obama trying to say about America?

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What exactly are Barack Obama, the disgraced Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the disgraced Father Pflaeger , and Michelle Obama trying to say about America?

That it's a nation far from perfect. In fact, it's got some pretty deep flaws. And, speaking of Obama, those flaws will be better addressed by a Democratic Party working in harmony than they will by conservatives who would like to turn the clock back to some mythical time in the past when America was supposedly better.

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But, but, but ..... doesn't obama claim that he and he alone is America's Great Unifier?

No, he makes no such claim.

Actually, it was George W. Bush who claimed to be a uniter and not a divider. And he's been quite successful at uniting the opposition against his arrogance and ignorance.

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Fresh off the press: Clinton Backs Obama.

Mrs. Clinton offered nothing less than a full-throated endorsement for and embrace of Mr. Obama and his candidacy. --www.nytimes.com/2008/06/07/us/politics/07cnd-campaign.html

I saw the speech. At one point, she said those magic words, "We must join Obama in saying, 'Yes, We Can.'"

Harriet "inadequate black man" Christian must be sad.

So much for Democralypse Now. Steven Colbert, and all those who parodies, must be sad as well. 'Cause Hillary and Bill are gonna put all they can into electing Obama.

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super delegate,

I don't know if you are a racist or not. What I said that was that the pre-emption of the issue of race provides insulation against charges of racism. But if the shoe fits, you are welcome to wear it. It would tend to explain your fervor on this issue.

I can't explain what any of these people are "trying" to say about America. Karnak, I'm not. I suspect that the answer is close to what Yabits said. But you would be far better off to ask those questions of Pflaeger, Wright and the Obamas. I doubt, though, that you have ears to hear.

In my opinion, however, Pflaeger has undertaken advocacy for blacks in America. In so doing, racism is an essential issue for him. It doesn't surprise me that he steps on a some toes.

To a certain extent that is true for Wright as well, but Wright has always lived within the black experience. Wright's AIDS assertion is suspect but his calls for God to damn America are not existent. Those were his words, but that was not his context. His context was that black people should not be complacent and "go slow". Rather they should demand that America work for everyone and they should be vocal when it does not.

A year after federal troops forcefully integrated Alabama schools, Michelle was born in 1964 in Chicago, the host city to one of the US's worst race riots ever. She became an adult in 1985. She has been much criticized for her comment about her first adult pride in America. I don't find that comment so surprising. What did you especially want her to be proud of since 1985?

As for Obama, check out the link I gave you and get back to me.

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"According to people like yourself, any black person who is not a Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice is a closet racist."

Quite a leap there. I'd be curious to understand the uh, logic behind that one. I've seen Powell's name mentioned on a number of Lefty sites as a potential cabinet member to help lend the lightweight Obama some much-needed gravitas.

"In the white supremacists' attempts to define racism downwards we now see it encompassing any black person who refuses to allow whites to feel they are superior, and instead makes them uncomfortable."

You make me laugh. This is the sort of infantile response that the country and world is supposed to accept till November as a defense or explanation of Obama's disturbing writings about race in America and the impact of race on his development?

Anyone who highlights Obama's racist writings or his unbelievably poor choices for "spiritual" advisors, or his friendships with unrepentant terrorists is going to get called 'racist' or the even more ridiculous 'white supremacist' ?

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Obama's disturbing writings about race in America

What are you talking about?

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Quotes from Obama's books:

From Dreams of My Father: "I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites"

From Dreams of My Father: " I found solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race".

From Dreams of my Father: "The emotion between the races could never be pure..... the the other race [white] would always remain just that: menacing, alien and apart".

From Dreams Of My Father: "...never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. it was into my father's image, the black man, the son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself."

From Dreams Of My Father: "There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs," he wrote. "It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out, and name names."

From Dreams Of My Father: "I had grown accustomed, everywhere, to suspicions between the races..."

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super d -- You know the obama apologists will be lining up to explain what their hero really "meant to say" when he wrote all those things.

But the Republicans will be highlighting that he's written during the G.E. campaign. Once the GOP ad machine gets warmed up obama's dog walkers in the U.S. liberal media won't be able to hide the truths about the candidate they selected during the democrat primaries.


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Super Delegate,

Gee, I didn't know you were such an Obama fan. You actually not only read his book, but took the time to compile that list yourself....

Or, maybe not.

Maybe, someone else did. Some unnamed source.

And I am sure its an accurate as can be compilation.

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"The only thing worse than Clintonism may be what replaces it."

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So, how are you doing tracking down source and the accuracy of those most un-American quotes you say Obama wrote?

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"So, how are you doing tracking down source and the accuracy of those most un-American quotes you say Obama wrote?"

Danman, you're putting words in my mouth. I have not said what Obama wrote was un-American. I have said that what he wrote about race in America is disturbing.

You can argue my characterization of it as disturbing but there is no way you can tell me the media response would be the same if a 'white' candidate (or even a 'black' candidate who happened to be conservative) wrote anything like what Obama did or had not one but two pastors as wacked and obsessed with race as the ones that preach at Obama's "unabashedly black" Trinity Church.

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I characterized the words you say Obama wrote as un-American. Thus, no word putting into mouths has been done.

By me But you have.

You have put those most un-American words into Obama's mouth. You say he wrote them. Or rather, you've cut and pasted those words from some undisclosed source. Why should I, or anyone, believe they are true?

Why do you? Why are you so eager to discuss those words, and how the media plays them or doesn't play them, without verifying their accuracy?

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You know the obama apologists will be lining up to explain what their hero really "meant to say" when he wrote all those things.

Do you think Sen. McCain will loan us joe lieberman for that or is joe's "what he really meant to say" calendar full?


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super delegate,

"I ceased...", "I found...", "...could never be...would never be...", "...didn't speak... It was....I'd packed...", "There were...many of us chose...", "It remained...which side you were on..." and "I had grown...."

Do you notice anything about these verbs? What I see in them is that they are in past tenses or speculative moods. It seems to me that Obama is describing a journey of the soul.

I'm about as white as they come and my wife is Japanese. Our daughter is quaintly called "half" and does not at first glance look distinctly either. In Japan--or in the US--that's not so bad. Nonetheless, she has had to make many of the same choices and decisions that Obama talks about and she has gone through many of the same emotional spaces.

I'm guessing that in the US Obama has always looked distinctly black. I think it took some measure of courage for him to reveal how he got to where he is today from where he started and to (presumably honestly) recount his feelings. And I think that the measure of the man is who he is today. Otherwise we should all join in a chorus and repudiate the apostle Paul.

I don't know what would happen if a white candidate were to be equally candid about his thoughts and feelings about race. However, I suspect that there would always be a contingent of people who would mock him, as they mocked Carter for confessing to committing adultery in his heart. My best guess about how that would be received in the black community, though, is with welcome understanding.

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It seems to me that Obama is describing a journey of the soul....

Beautifully said, SezWho2!! (My personal situation is much like yours and, as a white person who grew up in an all-white community, had to learn to come to grips with my own latent feelings about race.)

However, I suspect that there would always be a contingent of people who would mock him..

What's worse than racism in the US today is this brand of cynicism you are pointing towards, this attempt by some to constantly spread hatred and suspicion, this constant need to tear someone else down.

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You assume the quotes attributed to Obama are authentic. That is a dodgy proposition.

Consider the source:

There is none. Just a bunch of quotes from a Dreams of My Father Hmmm, the book is titled "Dreams from my Father." An inauspicious sign.

Now, I have not read any of Obama's writings, and I doubt that Super D would either, let alone compile a list of damning quotes. From all this, I suspected that Super Delegate had found this compilation somewhere and posted it without verifying its accuracy. I cut and pasted the compiled quoted, googled it and sure enough, came up with:


After reading through this you may reassess the accuracy of the quotes that Super Delegate says Obama wrote.

Which is not say that I am certain they are fabrications. As I wrote above, I have not read any of Obama's books. For all I know Fact Check is biased too.

But I do know this: its very easy to make up a bunch of lies about a politician running for office and spread them around. One of the easiest ways, of course, is the Internet, the Great source of (dis)information. And there are many attack dogs across the political landscape who have absolutely no compunction about spreading such lies. They have the right to do so, within the limits that we all know, and the price for such freedom is eternal vigilance. Be vigilant in making people support their claims.

In truth, knowing Super Delegate's posting style, I suspected from the get go that his little list would be compromised, that he would have no little interest in substantiating its authenticity, and that is why after having discovered the likely bogus nature of these quotes, I challenged him to substantiate their accuracy. Because, knowing Super Delegate, I know that he is often much less interested in the truth and more interested in throwing stuff to see what sticks.

For this reason alone I suspected the quotes are fabrications.

But the most compelling reason why its a dodgy proposition to assume the quotes attributed to Obama by Super Delegate are for real is simple: Obama wrote his books to introduce himself to the public to get elected. Even if he thinks those things, and for all I know Obama does, he is a savvy guy; and any first year high-school student would know better than to talk about race and race relations with those words, in those tones, and expect to be liked by white people.

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Aside from the fact that you seem to be assuming that I'm assuming, I'm OK with what you've said and I think you've raised some good points. And, as it turns out, your assumption was correct.

However, if you'd like to look at some of the quotes that super delegate is talking about in wider context, you can check here:


Some of the quoted passages did not come from Obama. Others were taken out of context.

For my purpose, it does not matter whether he actually said all of these things or not. That the things that he did say have been taken out of context and that all these "passages" describe his growth process rather than his present attitude about race are sufficient to refute charges of racism.

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Thank you for the post. Yes, I think its the snarky cynicism that's going to tear us further apart before we come closer together.

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Touche. As Dr. Phil likes to say, "Assume makes an ass of you and me."

As for Obama's growth process, I don't think the American public really wants a full disclosure on race and race relations. In fact, I think white America will welcome an Obama Presidency just to put the past in the past without all the trouble of vetting it all out.

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white America will welcome an Obama Presidency just to put the past in the past without all the trouble of vetting it all out.

heh, keep believing that even though ever since the Wright scandal broke, hillary won state after state.

You liberals love polls so note that poll after poll shows obama is not even a match against Mr. McCain. Bear in mind that the Republican Party is currently headed by somebody who has a 28% approval rating. obama should be enjoying a double-digit edge over Mr. McCain. Instead, he running close to - and in some cases behind - McCain.

Also, anyone who's followed the dem selection process will notice the hillary did not have any problems winning the states that had primaries. She lost mostly in the states that had a caucus; places where the DNC and Lord Soros could control.

Fortunately, they won't be able to do that on Nov. 4th.

Of course, the white guilt liberals will bray on and on that after obama loses on Election Day it will be because whitey wants to keep a brotha down and overlook the fact that he's a woefully unqualified person who should be entrusted to be in control of a nuclear arsenal that can destroy the world approximately 50 times.


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Nothing in that rant of yours seems to bear upon the comment you supposedly are responding to. I guess its kind of a free association harangue you right-wingers just love.

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I guess its (sp) kind of a free association (sp) harangue you right-wingers just love.

Translation: You are right and I am wrong.


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I don't think the American public really wants a full disclosure on race and race relations

Yep, Americans desire a president who has a lunatic racist preacher whom he looks upon as an uncle and his spiritual mentor, and friends/financial backers who include a Syrian convicted felon and American terrorists who're still not sorry that they bombed government buildings including the Pentagon.

You mean that kind of a full disclosure? Heh, yeah, just keep believing that.


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Folks - If we've learned anything these last few days it's that the problem of uniting the party, and in fact most problems facing our country, can be solved with one of my special fist bumps.

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