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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Clinton expanding her campaign into 'red' states
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The chickens are coming home to roost.
Fred Wallace
Quick question, why is there no report on the massive information on this lady's practices in the media? It's becoming even harder to believe in unbiased entities. Even the slimy cnn had to admit to the insanity of the current dnc chair handing clinton debate questions. Seriously? Keep on kickin that can folks.
Black Sabbath
This is more about GOTV for the House than actually winning TX, for example.
For the same reasons that Fox "News" has been extremely biased against Obama for the past 8 years. Look into those reasons, and you'll get the answers to your question.
I guess the left-leaning media has decided to play Fox "News" game.
Bill Murphy
The chickens will come home to roost after the election.
I wonder if HRC realizes that when she doesn't have that delightfully kickable Donald to boot around after the election, she'll still have to answer for all she's said during the campaign?
For example, how will she massage her "I'm kinda against TPP" back into the original, behind closed doors version "global market" with which she entertained Wall Street? Will she bother to explain the return? (Don't expect her to say her "kinda" position was just to win votes.)
For example, how will she turn the "careful vetting" of immigrants promised during the campaign into the hemispheric "open borders" she so gushingly described in her leaked Brazil speech especially after later admitting - in another leak - that vetting just 60,000 Syrian refugees would be "impossible"? (Don't expect her to say her "vetting" position was just to win votes.)
There are so many more examples. Of course, in the unlikely event that Trump wins (and the Chicago Cubs win the WS), he would be in a similar position. But, that ain't gonna happen.
My original musing: I wonder if HRC realizes ... that she'll have to answer for all she's said during the campaign? I'm sure she realizes that, but, being a very able politician, will set about erasing it from the electorate's memory with a little help from friends in the media.
This kind of story comes up every election cycle.
Candidates spend money in states they know they will lose for a variety of reasons: To reassure state and local candidates, to fulfill commitments made to donors who have an interest in those states among other things. She is also still spending heavily in dark blue states like Washington and California.
Oh, I expect Fox "News" won't let up on her for her entire term. Don't worry.
Fred Wallace
LOL, huh? Fox news is the best you can do? So in your book, two wrongs make a right? What happened to this planet omg!!
Even more shame.
In this case, they make an even playing field.
No one can force Fox "News" to be a real news station, so the only way to counter them is to play their own game.
Makes me feel a sense of schadenfreude.
False equivalency. What CNN did was wrong, but Fox News has been so much worse for so much longer. Which is kind of why the email leaks have been anti-climactic so far. People are used to outright collusion between the media and politicians, mostly thanks to Fox News.
Anyone who remotes follows the news about classified documents is well aware that far too much information is inappropriately classified.
Second, we have a disgruntled former State Department employee whose feathers were ruffled because Hillary Clinton didn't follow some moronic unwritten rule on who should ride with her to a meeting.
Third, we have an unnamed source clearly sprouting hearsay about "quid pro quo."
So, the only "fire" and "smoke" I see here is an FBI agent who acted unethically in trying to strong arm a State Department employee to make a "quid pro quo" request to get more FBI personnel posted in probably some plush overseas assignment, of what the State Department person put a kibosh to.
Once again, where is Hillary in all of this?
Nowhere, once again!
Trump for POTUS!
Anything else is secondary......
Where was the outcry when George W lost 22 million emails? Oh, no where. He wasn't a black president
USA is turning into a racist misogynist nightmare. Who knew there were so many uneducated?
And the 60 embassy deaths that happened under his watch?
So far this research looks legit.
In other words, FOX is supposed to carry the water for Obama like the rest of the MSM and don't scrutinize because he's the first Black president and No matter what, we have to make him look good?
They finally decided not to be bias and cover both candidates and become reputable for obese?? We do live in hope.
LOL... Just LOL.
Actually and more precisely, it should be: "Mommy, why are Democrats so dishonest?" "Honey, being cold-hearted and cut throats is in their nature, fairness, honesty, ethics and all moral standards is something that's devoid from their nature and personality.
Meanwhile.... Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona is facing a lawsuit for protecting a federal law and keeping the border safe because he didn`t follow Obama protocol and simply allow anyone to wonder into the country
It is OK if Hillary takes money from other country diplomats to allow them to have a meeting with the US` top diplomat?
That can`t possible be any more illegal. That is like some stupid scheme from an Eddie Murphy film. Perhaps Trump has done some shady things but BLACMAIL to have access to an American diplomat?
Clap your hands together like a sea otter, Hillary people! You want WW3 and youre going to get it!
No, that's not why.
No, it's not ok, but neither did she do that.
Momma, what is that smell? That funky odor is a freshwater fish that has been cooking in the sun for a week on the beach. Avoid getting anywhere near that nasty mess.
Bill Murphy
Strangerland wrote: "Oh, I expect Fox "News" won't let up on her for her entire term. Don't worry"
... .... You mean she'll have to reconcile her inconsistent statements publicly? (As I hope anyone would insist?) I think the answer will be something like:
"Winning means never having to say you're sorry".
That's the same guy that made those BS ACORN videos that caused an organization that did a lot of good to get shut down over a lie. Those videos were proven to be highly edited dishonest misrepresentations of the truth. Your source has no credibility.
Dennis Bauer
Red states? the commies have reached the US of A?
Maricopa County’s notorious Sheriff Joe Arpaio is about to see the criminal justice system from the other side. Arpaio is being charged with contempt of court after violating a 2011 injunction to stop enforcing federal civil immigration law. ORDERED BY OBAMA!
Sept. 15th FACT!
Yesterday, the CEO of the Clinton Foundation, Donna Shalala, went on MSNBC and openly admitted to engaging in "pay-for-play" activities saying there is "no question" that Foundation donors received "courtesy appointments" during Hillary's tenure as Secretary of State.
Go ahead, try to twist things words as best as you can.
Sioux Chef
James O'Keefe . . . "reseach" . . . "legit" . . . LOL!
This should be a winner with Bush Republicans: Melania is blaming Billy Bush for her husband's nasty dirty potty mouth!
SO, borders should be left wide open and unprotected and if a rogue sheriff tries to defend his country by upholding the federal law, he should go to jail!?
If the top diplomat makes other countries pay to them directly to have a meeting, that is OK?
What is wrong with you people and logic?
Don''t believe it and don't forget JT is a part of the Liberal media trying to sanitize and filter news for the masses. TRUMP/PENCE 2017
Hilary Clinton's biggest disadvantage has probably been her gender. The 2016 election result may tell whether or not the Americans have been already to accept a Lady President. Trump's chauvinism and Melina's threat to sue the victims of her husband's sexual assaults hardly surprise anybody. There will be no place for Trump's in the US history, save for several negative notes about the election law.
Typical Hillary BS..attack the messenger, not the message.
I think you both are just too scared or brainwashed to give the video a chance. Doesn't matter. The criminal Hillary is now exposed, and this is 100 times better than any wikileak e-mail. Sayonara Hillary
He's a rogue alright... You "forgot" to mention he's also been accused of "abuse of power, misuse of funds, failure to investigate sex crimes, improper clearance of cases, unlawful enforcement of immigration laws, and election law violations, among others" (from Wikipedia). He also still thinks Obama's birth certificate was forged...
In Trump's case neither does losing.
For someone who keeps going on about Hillary being outside the law, you suddenly seem pretty eager to see someone be outside the law. Maybe you should try for some consistency.
Yesterday? I found a bunch of right-wing sites from as far back as last month claiming this, yet none of them had a video of it. Kind of like how they were promising for a video of Bill Clinton raping a 13 year old. This is just one of those lies the alt-right is spreading, that people without the ability to discern fact from fiction pick up on and naively believe.
That's not why he's going to jail. Maybe you should try reading the actual facts of the case.
What about your disbelief of anything from the MSM? To it's credit, the MSM includes a lot of journalists, some good, some bad. James O'Keefe is a hack. Don't you see the irony of someone that has been proven guilty of election manipulation "investigating" election manipulation on the other side?
I'll give the video a chance, but the guy has a track record of making fake videos...
two wrongs make a right? What happened to this planet omg!! Even more shame tell that to Donald Trump
No, it's not ok, but neither did she do that.
Uh-huh, that's not what the Wikileaks say? If I want to listen to liberal spin, I'll click on and watch Josh Earnest.
Correct, that's not what the Wikileaks say.
@Mr. Bum
That's not my definition. The corporate MSM, the "Big Six" news organizations that control 90% of what we see, hear and read.
That small group of people who all sit together on the same boards of news, Pharma, defense contractors, Wall Street, Banking, Lobbyists, etc. All supporting their chosen one, Hillary.
Granted, the Planned Parenthood vids had been doctored, but these are very clear cut. Remember the old lady in the wheel chair who got punched? Turns out she was trained for two weeks prior to the event to agitate Trump followers in order to get punched, and most important, filmed.
I expect this to be the way for the foreseeable future. I assume Trump has turned off a large portion of American to the Rube party permanently. Due to demographic changes in the US, this divide will presumably only grow wider. Also Trump's core support will never accept the "moderate" Rebs of previous years so the party itself will cease to function
Shriff Joe Arpaio was UPHOLDING FEDERAL LAW! not OBAMA LAW! and he is 84 and continually being voted back into his position, so the local people think he is doing his job!
Are you saying that the Clinton Fountdation didn`t accept money for face to face visits when she was Secretary of State? Here is the video of Donna...
whoops! Facts and Logic! OVERRULED!
Bill Murphy
Chindao wrote: "The 2016 election result may tell whether or not the Americans have been already to accept a Lady President." ... ... I disagree strongly. It's not about a woman, it's about this particular one. Of course, Dr. Jill Stein is also a candidate for the presidency and a woman. Though I doubt that some of her policies are workable and others simply would not get through a Congress where Greens are few, I am very favorably impressed by her speaking style and optimism. It's a great antidote for Trumpisms and Clintonisms. It's a pity that Bernie didn't take up her offer of top spot on the ticket. They still wouldn't win, but I think the Greens could have participated in the debates and kept them on real issues. ... ... Chindao, many people would not hesitate to vote for the right woman. That may be true of a gay male candidate (sorry to raise this example, but if we're talking about precedents...) It's a matter of character. And "people of character" don't seem to be stepping forward. That's America's true loss.
He's being prosecuted for the laws he violated, not the ones he upheld.
So if being voted in means that his illegal transgressions should be ignored, then you'd agree that if the people elect Hillary, any potential legal issues she has should be ignored, correct?
I just watched the video. I'm suspecting you didn't, or you would have realized that what you are claiming, and what she said, are not the same thing.
"He also still thinks Obama's birth certificate was forged..."
He sounds charming. Even Trump isn't flogging that racist crap these days. Perhaps this piece of crap can dig up material on Obama's birth from a jackal to please the right.
Perhaps this guy could run in 2020. Trump's retreat on birtherism may have been regarded as a sign of weakness by the deplorables.
Is this the same Joe Arpaio who parades prisoners down the street in pink shorts and flip-flops, and whose Tent City makes Gitmo look like the Waldorf Astoria?
Rather than look for Hillary's misdeeds and crimes on the "leftist media" why not look for them among the Republican Senators, and Representatives? They've been investigating her for eight years while Bill was the president (and came up with a bl*w job), and for the past several years as New York Senator, Secretary of State, and candidate.
And after spending your hard-earned tax dollars (assuming, unlike the Drumpf, you pay taxes) they've come up with.... Well, you can see that she's in jail and paying a heavy fine for all her.... wait... Hmmm. Well, money well spent, I say!
You mean, that's she's NIT innocent? You are so right on that.
Sioux Chef
You must not realize who that "messenger" is then. Everything that criminal has ever produced has been a fraud.
"Legit" . . . .still laughing at that.
Fred Wallace
@Strangerland, @MrBum
Like I've said countless of times, I care not for either crooks, and why is it that you never respond to the links I add as well? I've got another one for your consideration.
Bill Murphy
Strangerland wrote (quoting Bill Murphy first): " "Winning means never having to say you're sorry". In Trump's case neither" ... ... Let me tweak that original statement: "Losers never say they're sorry." I'm using "loser" here in the vernacular sense and do not mean simply "one who doesn't win". Just to clarify. ... ... However, I still don't think HRC will even attempt to clear up any confusion she may have caused by championing opposite positions during the campaign. She could (PG-13 warning) grope Donald Trump and many of her partisans wouldn't care.
You could be right. I'm not an idiot. I know when things are spliced and reedited. The hidden camera interviews look legit. So laugh all you want, until you can tell me HOW you think the video is bogus, then you're like one of those battery powered toys that laughs when you shake it.
Well, guess Trump was right after all.
Hillary doesn't belong in jail, she belongs in State Federal Prison.
Hillary for Prison 2017!
Mike L
Some of you must be paid trolls to keep making the same comments day after day.
@Fred Wallace
I was only responding to your implication that Fox News is only as bad as other news organizations.
Your first link was about a supposed attempt by the State Department to declassify emails that was eventually shot down by the FBI. It was wrong of the State Department but it failed, so is it really such a big deal? The email server scandal has been covered extensively, and this doesn't really add anything new to the story.
This link only confirms what most people already suspected about Clinton; she's pretty cozy with Wall Street. There's nothing particularly damning and concrete so far though. Also, Clinton belongs to a party that includes prominent members that speak out against corporate influence and corruption, so there's hope for her. Trump doesn't and is really the other side of the corruption coin. Or do you think not paying taxes is simply being a smart business man?
Maybe not, but they confirmed one thing for sure and that Hillary is without a doubt THE most corrupt politician that makes Nixon look decent.
Pretty obvious you only read the title of that article and not the content.
It's just as debunked as last time it was debunked.
Considering Trump has already been found guilty of bribing a judge and buying paintings of himself with charity money, you are most definitely incorrect.
Newsflash. Election is over. Clinton has won. Senate is flipping. House majority for Repubs is slipping and may be lost. Republican party is dying. But you just keep looking at emails all you want republicans. Trump is what you should be looking at and wondering why you let him destroy your party and give the election over to the real winners, the Democrats. Clinton will continue to keep America great. Thank you so much republicans. You picked a candidate that even the Hill can beat easily.
I did and I'm from California, sorry Strange, but as you can't tell me what I already know and have seen throughout the years.
No, she most definitely is, we also know for sure what happened with the FBI, the Wikileaks are proving to all of us with each passing day what we have always suspected and that is Hillary really belongs in prison.
Naw, 25 more days left and even if she does win, as long as the GOP retains the HOUSE, kinda hopeful about the Senate, I'll breath a lot easier. But if all else fails, at least if they can control the purse, that's a great thing, because liberals wouldn't know the first thing about being fiscally conservative, I mean with $10 Trillion and all....
Maybe and maybe not.
Could be, but not Conservatives, big difference.
Probably not, I think Trump really opened our eyes to the corrupt Washington elite that has stolen our basic voter rights.
I really don't know why you Smith and Strange care so much, you guys can't vote anyways, it just tickles me. I think the US can decide without the rest of the world trying to give us advice.
I watched the video, and I guess it looks kind of legit. About the old lady in the wheel chair, she was trained to "bird dog" or ask questions. The Trump fan still punched an old lady in a wheel chair with an oxygen tank. That still happened.
But as bad as staging protests and instigating confrontations at rallies is, you got to admit it's not as graphic and disturbing as O'keefe makes it out to be. Wouldn't it be great if he put some energy into uncovering the backroom deals that led to things like Republican Scott Walker preventing poisoned kids from suing lead makers. That's more disturbing than starting scuffles at rallies and government-funded organizations that actually help people. Yeah, he's still a hack.
But that's OK with you because he's not part of the corporate MSM?
When Trump starts his own third part after the landslide loss and the republican party becomes the Minshinto of US politics, that is a permanent minority party, then maybe the right-wingers will wake up and see what they have voted for in Trump. He has not just molested and attacked woman, he has done the same to your party and it will not recover. Again, thank you so much for destroying yourselves with racism, sexism, hatred, lies, immorality, criminality and just plain old stupidity in the form of the Donald. The rest of us can move the country forward progressively without you losers obstructing everything for no reason other than to retain power.
Fred Wallace
I believe pretty cozy is the understatement of the century. Even the amazing obama could not take on this cabal. Do you honestly expect a person with wall street on speed dial to attempt anything? Wake up man!! Politics aside, one needs to think ever more critically. Those that went before us committed the very same mistakes. How can we in the enlightened age commit the same thing? Do you really believe this individual with glaring criminal activities can lead authentically? Really?
Yes FizzBit over 2 million views on this video released today showing Clintons staff bragging about fixing the election with criminal acts. Democracy is all but dead unfortunately
Fred Wallace
Fizbit, strangerland, mrbum, black sabbath? Thoughts on michaelqtodds link? I'm desperate to hear it please!!
Bill Murphy
Re: bass4funk's cited voting fraud article. (
Gist: undocumented workers, i.e. illegals, can get a CA driver's license and the new law in CA will automatically register new or renewing drivers as voters in US elections. No mention of vetting.
... ... ... .... I think the most interesting comment in the article is a quote from CA SOS Alex Padilla: "Citizens should not be required to opt in to their fundamental right to vote. We do not have to opt in to other rights, such as free speech or due process. The right to vote should be no different." ... ... This is a matter of establishing one's qualification rather than actually exercising a right.
Case 1: With free speech you exercise the right by opening your mouth or pecking on a keyboard. No qualification needed. (I Amendment) Case 2: With due process you exercise that right (at least as far as a jury is concerned) when you accept trial by jury unless you waive it (V Amendment). Case 3: With voting you exercise the right by voting or not voting (XV, XIX, XXIV & XXVI Amendments). However, there is a necessary qualification: identifying yourself as a citizen of the US. (I wonder how often this is actually verified.)
On the other hand, in order to drive as a registered California driver there is a necessary, but different qualification: identifying yourself as a resident of California whether or not you are a US citizen.
I can understand officials of the State of California, as private citizens, wishing to increase the participation of eligible voters by making registration as simple as getting your license at the DMV or renewing it. It sounds virtuous. But, as members of political parties who are elected to state offices by those voters, I find their motives suspicious. Is it intent to commit fraud? I'm not a lawyer, but I'd hate to be the first poor sap illegal who shows up at a polling station and is challenged. He could probably be arrested and jailed or deported. Why not place the blame where it belongs: on the California law makers who passed the bill?
It would seem then that by praising the new license/voter registration law CA SOS Mr Padilla is inviting illegals to break the law in order to drive legally in California. I would hope that's not his intention, but it will be the result under this new law unless safeguards are taken such as stating clearly on the application that one is or is not an American citizen.
Remembering that one is not guilty of a crime until found guilt through due process, only a handful of legal drivers / illegal voters will ever be apprehended and prosecuted. Another Pandora's Box opened. Thank you State of California!
Your first link was about a supposed attempt by the State Department to declassify emails that was eventually shot down by the FBI. It was wrong of the State Department but it failed, so is it really such a big deal? ''
Even scheming to bribe a public official is illegal, and Kennedy apparently kept trying even after (supposedly) being refused, so it is a big deal -- felony corruption as Trump put it. At the least he should resign.
Fred Wallace
The silence from the hillary crowd is pretty telling. I guess there's no explaining your way out of this one huh?
Stronger together. America for Hillary. Hillary for America. ALL of America. 1/20/17 - "Madame President" !
Fred Wallace
Ok kurobune, it's all over for her actually, but ok, carry on.
You posted a link to an article, made a claim that doesn't support it, then somehow change that to what you've seen throughout the years.
You're all over the place.
Fred Wallace
@Strangerland, still waiting for a take on the massive revelation oh the corruption that's consumed the DNC. Really, go ahead and explain that please.
You guys have been going on about massive revelations and corruptions for years.
Give me a summary, I'll fact check it.
Fred Wallace
Fact check all you want please. The silence from the main stream is as usual not shocking. But feels good to finally get the word from the source so to speak.
Trump has certainly brought some interesting posters to JT with lots of interesting videos. Where do they go when Clinton wins the election?
Hey Fred, if you check above, I posted the video first, so I'm not sure why you're asking what I think about it.
Sure, give me a summary.
In other news, this is classic. Trump has been citing the USC/Los Angeles Times daily tracking poll as his favorite poll, as it consistently shows him in the lead. Well it turns out that poll was using sloppy polling methodology:
They've adjusted their polling methodology accordingly, and the poll that consistently showed Trump in the lead now shows Clinton ahead.
I bet he doesn't quote this one anymore.
Hasn't that been debunked ? The poll was the most accurate in 2012 so I doubt the methodology has been altered that much.
Fred Wallace
My bad fizbit, I just want some commentary from the usual crew, it's too much of a bombshell to quietly ignore.
And that right there folks is cognitive dissonance in over drive.
USA is the land of equal opportunity. USA is the promised land. USA is the land of free, brave and proud. Cliton has been in White House for 8 years. Trump has never been there. Cliton may be free however she is not brave and proud as Trump. Trump will bring back the glorious days of Post war USA.
To be fair, Americans citizens should give Trump has a chance staying at White House. Trump daddy will be so proud of his success.
Trump is destined to become POTUS. He will become another Thomas Jefferson, Theodo Roosevelt or Ronald Regan and make the America great again.
Trump rallies were large in red states. However Sanders broke tradition. His rallies were higher than any GOP candidates Hillary with Sanders supports, is going to listen to. GOP people frustrate with their nominee '
Fred Wallace
It's a 16 minutes exposition into the corruption in the dnc. Isn't that summarized enough for you?
@Mr Bum
LOL. Fair enough. Don't know about Walker and his story but I'm not surprised. I'm no republican and I dislike and don't trust most politicians. R's and D's.
Hey, just because Hillary only has leads within the margin of error in most swing states and is trailing Trump in Ohio even according to RealClearPolitics, and WikiLeaks, James O'Keefe, etc. will continue to dump Hillary-damaging emails and videoclips until election day, no worries, there's no chance Trump can win. It'll be a Hillary landslide!
I'm consistent, but yes, I do travel a lot.
Yes, EVEN IF. I've been in politics for over 30 years and I have seen a lot happen, even the unimaginable. Unlike liberals, I don't overestimate them and I don't underestimate interworks of politics.
President..oops, Secretary Clinton is gathering increasing support here in Georgia. She might be the first Democrat since her husband (in 92) to take our state.
Georgia's Hispanic/Latino population has greatly increased, and we've also seen significant growth in our Asian population too. Evangelicals play an important role -- but this is Jimmy Carter's state, and home to many religious people who would not vote for Trump on principle. In fact, Trump's candidacy has made many of them start to re-evaluate their support for Republicans in general.
(Yes, we have many of the bible "literalists" who think the universe was created in six days -- and minds that far out from reality sort of naturally gravitate downwards to the GOP. Their children attend schools and talk to a wider range of people so I don't hold out much hope for Republicans in Georgia in the decades ahead.)
Many of my neighbors and I laugh when the Trump and the Republicans are posed as those who can take on the "elite." One issue here has been the building of the new baseball stadium where the Braves will play next season -- abandoning the perfectly good Turner Field. It was an elite decision of the kind Trump would push -- on the backs of ordinary people.
So you know everyone in the State of Georgia? LMAO!
Apparently, you haven't read the carnage that Hillary has wrought with her slush fund AKA: Foundation, right?
Yes Fred, the O'Keefe video is jaw dropping. They were able to sucker these Dem apparatchiks so easily into bragging about their dishonest and gotcha schemes. Like I said, this is 100 times more powerful than any of the wiklileaks stuff.
Specifically Stranger, they admitted on camera that they all collude, the DNC, Hillary's campaign, the PACs, and the consultants. Making illegal phone calls to each other at the same time everyday to get updates.
Here's the problem. Some of us just had a gut feeling that these protestors were not average citizens exercising their right of free speech, but were paid and planted protestors disrupting the Trump rally's. When we suggested this, the posters here would pull out their favorite put downs like Tin foil hat or bubble, just to make themselves feel superior. Now it turns out we were right, and another conspiracy theory becomes fact. Now who's wearing the dunce hat and living on fantasy island? The guy even boasts about hiring homeless and mentally ill people for gods sake!
Hillary has no honor. She's just the establishments choice for a puppet.
Well I hope she learned her lesson. If you're going to shoot your mouth off like your begging to get punched, you shouldn't be so shocked when someone actually punches you.
"Hey, just because Hillary only has leads within the margin of error in most swing states and is trailing Trump in Ohio even according to RealClearPolitics, and WikiLeaks, James O'Keefe, etc. will continue to dump Hillary-damaging emails and videoclips until election day, no worries, there's no chance Trump can win. It'll be a Hillary landslide!"
I truly advise the people on this site who think Trump can win to put their money where their mouths are. Trump's odds are rising faster than his hand up a woman's skirt.
Some bookies are now offering 7/1. Get in quick before the videos posted by the birther start damaging Clinton and Trump's odds fall.
Come on, you risk-taking tough nuts. Remember the Brexit!
I understand statistical sampling. ( you're claiming pollsters need to call everyone or else it's not fair? Please tell me you are!)
The neighbors had a good laugh over someone making the baseless claim that the New York Times failed to do ONE article on Hillary Clinton over a seven-day period while it did nearly a dozen on Donald Trump. (Even the under-educated Trump supporters had a laugh. Some of them are growing tired of the baseless claims that Trump makes, and can start to see how crazy, dishonest, and anti-social he hardcore Trumpsters are. Hope abounds.)
One thing I'm NOT seeing in these conservative neighborhoods in Cobb County: Trump-Pence signs. At least not anywhere in the numbers seen for McCain 2008 and Romney 2012.
But, hey, I haven't seen EVERY house.
Or maybe not, maybe many people will be so disgusted with all the lying, voter fraud, the cheating that everyone knows will happen in many places and many will probably stay at home, you just don't know.
That was the best thing that could happen to Britain, the US with Hillary ain't gonna be so lucky.
Fred Wallace
@Strangerland Well too bad, this is a place of discourse I assumed. I guessed wrong. Good luck wrapping your mind around the acts perpetrated. And that's just part one. The media can not continue to bury truth. Next few days should be intersting indeed.
"Come on, you risk-taking tough nuts. Remember the Brexit!"
"That was the best thing that could happen to Britain, the US with Hillary ain't gonna be so lucky."
That's debatable. Anyway, I was taking about how many Republicans quote the Brexit as an example of when the pollsters got it completely wrong. I think this comparison is way off the mark. Anyway, some UK people cleaned up at the bookies by betting on leave.
There are Trump supporters on here who are still very confident. Your posts recently seem to have lost some of their ROFL on Trump winning. Come on, Bass, 7/1! Speculate to accumulate!
Had a long discussion with extended family about the election last weekend. Nobody likes any of the main candidates. Not the Dems, Reps, or Libs on the ballet here. They are voting for the Vice Pres and hoping "something happens" to the main candidate. On the drive home through rural America, was shocked to see all the Trump signs still in the yards. Honestly cannot remember seeing any Clinton signs. They really hate politicians and anything is better in their minds, I suppose.
Republican party has too many religious people for the "center", leaving only the crazy fringes remaining. They've pushed everyone I know out, including me due to their moral high ground stances. The dems more closely reflect my beliefs on those.
Really don't know how to vote for President this time. Mr. Trump appears to be a psychopath, just without the known violence displayed.
It is feeling like Ms. Clinton is inevitable and we just need to take our medicine until the next election cycle. With Trump out of the way post-elections, perhaps the republicans will listen to the center again?
Fred Wallace
@Fizzbit Spot on!! Can't wait for part two as well as the mental gymnastics of the hillary crowd!!
Like Obama's presidency.
Leaving was as good thing.
I'm just curious about the liberal mind. Sexual accusations are more important than the social and economic issues worrying the country. Bill assaults women, dismiss them, they are just trying to tear this man down, same thing with Trump, we have to investigate. Liberal hypocrisy. LOL One thing I will say, If Hillary does win, you guys and my job will keep me very busy, so financially for me, it could be a blessing, financially speaking that is.
One can hope so, but given how they shredded the last 2 autopsies of the last 2 failed Presidential bids, my guess it will be more of the same. Anyone who reaches out and tries to create a more moderate GOP gets a knife in their back by the fringe.
What we will most likely see is the GOP continuing their tradition of refusing to let government function as long as a Democrat is president. If they cant win, just break the system to turn off voters to the political process, then try to pick up the pieces through voter supression and low turnout in the next round.
Bill Murphy
bass4funk wrote: Well, guess Trump was right after all. (about vote rigging? - Bill Murphy) Strangerland responded: "Pretty obvious you only read the title of that article and not the content. It's just as debunked as last time it was debunked."
Bill Murphy wrote in response to bass4funk original website link posting (as above): "Gist: undocumented workers, i.e. illegals, can get a CA driver's license and the new law in CA will automatically register new or renewing drivers as voters in US elections. No mention of vetting."
I feel compelled to respond again as I, like bass4funk, accepted the allegation in the link at face value. I'll try to make this as short as possible with three points:
1: Can illegals get a CA drivers license? Answer: Yes, (California) "Assembly Bill (AB) 60 (Chapter 524: Statutes of 2013) requires the department to issue an original driver license to an applicant who is unable to submit satisfactory proof of legal presence in the United States." Source: California Department of Motor Vehicles.
2: Will the new law (A.B.1461) automatically register new or renewing drivers as voters in US elections?
Answer: Yes, in essence. The "Legislative Counsel's Digest" (the organ of the Office of Legislative Counsel, part of California state government) says the following re California New Motor Voter Act (A.B.1461) as the state bill is called: "Existing law, the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993, requires a state to, among other things, establish procedures to register a person to vote by application made simultaneously with an application for a new or renewal of a motor vehicle driver's license. The federal act requires the motor vehicle driver's license application to serve as an application for voter registration with respect to an election for federal office, unless the applicant fails to sign the application, and requires the application to be considered as updating the applicant's previous voter registration, if any. (I can't imagine an illegal person signing it.) "... Existing law generally requires an applicant for an original driver's license or state identification card to submit satisfactory proof to the department that the applicant's presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.
(Who can explain this apparent contradict between the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993 and California A.B.60?)
"... The person's motor vehicle records would then constitute a completed affidavit of registration and the person would be registered to vote, unless the person affirmatively declined to be registered to vote during a transaction with the department, the department did represent to the Secretary of State that the person attested that he or she meets all voter eligibility requirements, as specified, or the Secretary of State determines that the person is ineligible to vote."
(I can imagine an illegal person "affirmatively" declining.)
3: "Will (New Motor Voter Act - A.B.1461) register and allow illegal aliens to vote in US elections"? as the publisher, USA News Insider, October 18, 2016 ("California Signs Law Allowing Illegals To Vote") contends.
Answer: NO! USA News Insider quoted the Washington Post: (the Act) "... automatically registers to vote all eligible voters when they obtain or renew their drivers licenses at the Department of Motor Vehicles instead of requiring them to fill out a form."
No. There seem to be two applications involved that are submitted simultaneously. Voter registration will proceed "unless the applicant fails to sign the application." This application, I assume, means the voter registration. Under CA A.B.60 he/she can still obtain a license. The applicant would have to misrepresent him/herself to complete voter registration. I don't imagine many illegals would risk that (though, comparing them to the Americans who don't vote, perhaps they should be granted citizenship if they are so enthusiastic).
So, to summarize at last, the allegation by USA News Insider that a California bill (A.B.1461) will allow illegal aliens to vote in US elections, based on my research, is completely false. I apologize if I led anyone astray.
To be honest, if it's true, it's not cool.
But it also doesn't bother me that much.
Then you need to start the discourse. You posted a link to a video. I'm not going to go through the video to make your argument for you. If you write something for me to write back about, I will. Whenever I post a video, I summarize the point that I think the video makes. If I post a link I do the same. I don't expect someone else to try to figure out what it is I want to say.
If you saw your child drinking a bottle of bleach, you wouldn't stand by and allow it either.
Seriously?? I can't believe you just said that ROFL!
California is doing a good job and letting illegals vote and they'll probably get the New Black Panthers out again to intimidate people with the same thuggery tactics like last time. You libs crack me up! LMAO!
yabits: "Clinton is gathering increasing support here in Georgia...."
According to RealClearPolitics, most polls have Trump up 6%, out of the margin for error, but no worries, Trump has no chance to win Georgia.
"..but this is Jimmy Carter's state"
Jimmy Carter is tied with Obama for worst president ever.
Oh, this is interesting:
"Laura Ingraham: Hillarys record is fraudulent" ( she ain't lyin' ) ( Laura Ingraham )
And this: "Podesta and Other Clinton Staffers Lamented that the San Bernardino Shooter was a Muslim"
Fred Wallace
Oh boy...
"Jimmy Carter is tied with Obama for worst president ever."
Wrong. Nixon left office with the lowest approval ratings of all postwar presidents followed by George W. Bush. Carter is the third worst according to the US electorate. Obama is nowhere near those levels.
Bass claimed to know non-partisan historians who claimed Bush was a successful president but he later told me this wasn't true.
No, that didn't "still happen". The old lady very likely lied about being hit.
"She claimed he then punched her in the jaw, though she had no visible injury; his attorney claims touched him on the shoulder first, and then fell to the ground as he turned around. The national media covered her claims widely, while largely ignoring his. "
Given that she's a trained operator (according to the dirty tricks organization that provided her!), who should we believe about that? Her?
Not surprising. But flip it. What if Trump we're a professional team to hire people including homeless and mentally ill people to go to Hillary gatherings and start trouble for the sole reason to catch it on tape so it will run on CNN the for next 3 days with the headline "see how violent the left is?" Knowing in your heart that your fellow supporters wouldn't do that.
I bet these scum where all high fiving eachother when that 70 year old man punched that black guy.
Here's the description from the vid.
BTW, the guy in the video has been fired. After admitting collusion with the DNC, in the video.
According to the liberal progressive sites, yeah, I believe it.
What gets me is, when liberals lie, they feel nothing nor do they have any guilt or remorse, it just comes to them so easily. smh
This is quite interesting:
"Robert De Niro exposed by Donald Trump" ( it's mainly exposing Hillary )
"Bass claimed to know non-partisan historians who claimed Bush was a successful president but he later told me this wasn't true."
"What gets me is, when liberals lie, they feel nothing nor do they have any guilt or remorse, it just comes to them so easily. smh"
Keep watching the birther fella. You have no problem with lies. I found that out.
The GOP created a false narrative about voter fraud to push through voting restrictions that disproportionally impacts democrats. Trump took that and added steroids and is now claiming the entire election is rigged.
That puts GOP lawmakers in the awkward position of saying, "Hey, we didn't say it was THAT bad." They want to tweak the rules to benefit their party but still want to be able to claim that the final result is actually legitimate when they win.
Super... when are you going to wake up and realize that Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt candidate ever to run for president? Trump is like a little kindergarten girl in a pink dress compared to her.
Today's GOP depends on the Big Lie
Two Nobel Prize laureates honored by many, many millions of people the world over. Carter personally oversaw the elimination of a very serious disease. (Unfortunately, it wasn't Trumpism.) No doubt President Obama will go on to even greater things, as Mr. Carter did.
I will concede that Reagan was this country's greatest acting president. Trump can try to compete with that on Dancing with the Stars, although personally I think he's a natural for The Biggest Loser.
Hey yabits - take a look at this:
"Leaked Emails Show Hillary's Bullsh*t Rationale For TPP"
Black Sabbath
Yeah, she is. That's why she handily won the primary.
Lots of things only exist in the GOP bubble. Voter fraud, "unsafe" abortions, climate change denial, IRS targeting, Benghazi wrongdoing, trickle down economics, etc.
Black Sabbath
And that blabber threatens to suppress Republican voters. Which is why now Ryan and Pence and all the Republicans are disavowing it.
No honor. No shame.
Moreover, the Republican party must be destroyed. And, thanks to god, it looks like that very well may happen.
Ahh, the one that was started by Sidney Blumenthal and the Hillary Camp?
What a bunch of crap! The false narrative was created by liberals trying to lie and claim it doesn't exist when it does and has been a problem for many, many years. Pennsylvania has always been historically a politically corrupt city through the core. It's just insulting how liberals and Democrats think that everyone is so stupid! NY, NJ, Ohio and PA have always had problems with voter fraud and the Democrats know it. So yeah, Trump is right for the most part, the system is right, even Bernie Sanders knows that, but saying it isn't indicates people are eating a severely strong and laced Cheesecake.
The rules were tweaked by liberals whining about ID's, you have an ID, it stops any possibility of fraud-period. EVERYONE gets a FREE ID, you need one when you drive a car, travel, voting shouldn't be any different, that way, NO ONE can complain about anything. No honest person with conscious would contest this. But then again, we are talking about Democrats.....
See? It exists only in the bubble. Bass is a good foot soldier.
Oh I can't wait for election day. Some first time voters going for Trump will get snagged by the new rules. Wait in line for 3 hours to learn that your registration ID uses your middle initial whereas your license does not? Oh well, come back in 2020 you potential fraudster!!!
And here I thought all this time that Pennsylvania was a state. As a liberal, I'm not quite sure what to think of someone who claims to be an American and doesn't know that -- but I'm not surprised they're supporting Trump.
Video 2 from Project Veritas is out:
There are plenty of studies done by credible agencies. Even ones done by Republicans. No need for anti-immigrant websites.
I said that for a reason, if you want to throw ad homs and you can't see my point, but once again, I'm not surprised. liberals call themselves the Sainted and noble party and get on Trump for his mouth and liberals are worse. lol
Nope, you libs got that platform already.
Looks like the Hillarybots got the talking point to ignore the O'Keefe video. LOL.
It sounds pretty sleazy. I much prefer the Michelle Obama 'when they go low, we go high' approach. If you destroy your country in the process of winning, then what have you really won?
Anyways, what is your guys' proposed solution to this 'scandal'?
Kind of like how you said you've prospered under Obama.
Interesting how with all your complaining about democrats, they seem to be working well for you.
I sure did.:)
Just because it helps my pocket book more to having a Democrat in office doesn't mean, I think that Obama OR Hillary are good for the country.
Solution: Fire Hillary.
'Going high' doesn't mean misrepresenting celebrity groupie lifestyle as "assault", does it? Really unlikely an attorney would see even just that one paragraph and then baselessly extrapolate 'assault' from it unknowingly (unknowlingly as to the baselessness).
Some meme photos on a them popping up, left half of collage has Michelle in faux outrage with quote 'shaken me to my core', right half has Beyoncé twerking in reverse and with a quote from B. Obama, "Beyoncé could not be a better role model for my girls." Or variations on these.
Michelle has tweeted similar ("@Beyoncé Thank you for the beautiful letter and for being a role model who kids everywhere can look up to. –mo") but maybe that wasn't as good for the memes. (Tweet is at
Also got some "Beyoncé skittle" memes in google images.
And a B. Obama plus Jay Z (Mr. Beyoncé) version:
Why, nothing you wrote says she did anything.
Trump on the other hand directly incited violence:
Please point me at some posts where you've called for him to be fired. If you haven't, then your hypocrisy is telling, as you are calling for Hillary to be fired for something she didn't do, and not calling for Trump to be fired for the same thing, that he actually did.
If Hillary's people were inciting violence at Trump rallies, then anyone that was part of that should be rightly fired. That's not how democracy should work, and they show them to be no better than Trump.
Bass: "I said that for a reason."
Sorry, I must have missed something in the translation. What is you reason?
Black Sabbath
And are you gonna ignore the results of the election?
That historically Penn has politically a very corrupt city as well as NYC.
Either Hillary is too dumb to manage her own campaign and she shouldn't be President, or her campaign under her management is engaged in massive dirty tricks operations and voter fraud operations and she shouldn't be President.
As far as the Obamas taking the high road, today, after Scott Foval's firing, his mentor Bob Creamer also resigned. Bob Creamer has been involved with Obama since at least 2007, when he was reported as an ex-felon who was training young Obama campaign workers. Apparently he is a Obama hand-me-down Hillary's campaign is making use of for their dirty tricks.
Praising the Obamas for taking the high road after their involvement with Creamer and Obama's history with Tony Rezko, et al, seems, at best, excessively naive.
Note also that Bob Creamer's wife is Jan_Schakowsky, the US congresswoman for Chicago's North Side. She was on the board of and cosigned with Bob tax forms of the PAC he ran and from which his felony conviction derived from.
So you'd say the same about Trump then, right? Look at the scandals his campaign staff have had during this election.
You're still showing your hypocrisy. For the exact same things you are condemning Hillary's campaign for, you are not condemning Trump. He directly incited violence. He directly pushed the Russians to do cyber-terrorism on the US. Not his campaign staff, the man directly. He directly stated he assaults women, and had multiple women come forward.
So where are your calls for him to resign? And if they don't exist, how do you justify this hypocrisy?
Since you're making the claim, which of those haven't been debunked?
You need to check Google, not Google News, which draws primarily from the MSM.
I'm not a google news reader.
I provided a video of Trump inciting violence, and he is on record pushing Russia to hack Hillary's email. As well, he is threatening to have her arrested if he wins, which is constitutionally illegal.
So where are your calls for him to resign?
Trum' poll is high in Tex
There will be debate tonight but people. are more interested in nlcs enjoy inter mission shows
Strangerland: ... '... because (Trump comments)' ...
Basically you are bringing up a few offhand comments from Trump out of the probably thousands made over the last few years, and treating them as comparable to a widespread dirty tricks campaign by Hillary, and beyond that, treating them as comparable to her continued record of non-performance and malfeasance over the last 40 years, since her days in the Watergate investigation. Has she avoid malfeasance in any 5-year period in that 40?
See above re 'comments'. Note also that the people inciting violence were Hillary's paid operatives at Trump rallies, who were working in Hillary's dirty tricks campaign under discussion. Note also that 'video of Trump inciting violence' is referring to a comment he made telling supporters to stop people who are engaging in assault (actual assault, not the non-assault recently claimed by yourself and media on the hot mic tape). And: Video description: "Mar 20, 2016 - 'Please do not harm or touch the protester. This is a peaceful rally.' This message that is played at EVERY Donald Trump rally before the event begins is 100% concrete proof that neither Mr. Trump nor his campaign in any way encourages or incites violence."
As long as someone is doing the work the FBI should have done but didn't, because their chief is beholden, why should we care who is doing the hacking?
The FBI is not employed by Hillary, Hillary's campaign, the DNC, or Obama. They, and all governmental employees, are employed by the American people and should be doing their work in a non-partisan fashion. Not assisting in coverups and whitewashing. If the FBI chief had tanked the investigation for a Republican candidate you would have been all over that.
How is arrest "constitutionally illegal"? Many in the media are claiming this. So how would arresting Hillary be illegal? We are a republic of laws, aren't we? Hillary is not above the law, is she?
See above, and as noted before in some other thread, we basically have a 2-person choice. Hillary has fallen far to the negative side of the equation almost every chance granted her over the last 40 years. The closer we get to Election Day the more she's exposed as an operator worse than Nixon. But because she's blue party it seems you'd rather throw yourself to the ground and roll around in feigned agony over comments Trump made at rallies and on old videos.
I read that it was illegal to threaten an opponent with prison, but in fact checking myself right now (which I should have done in the first place), it appears that may not be the case.
But that said:
Except that he did not anywhere say he would "short-circuit the legal process", and there is plenty of justification for the view that Hillary "short-circuited the legal process" to avoid felony prosecution for various crimes related to her email server, including improper maintenance of classified information and government records, destruction of government records, obstruction of justice, perjury, and conspiracy.
There have been plenty of reports of FBI agents and DOJ prosecutors furious that Comey acting at the top let Hillary off and set up the investigation as a coverup, with extremely unusual provisions concerning the lack of rigor in obtaining evidence, the granting of immunities, mixing of witnesses and 'attorney privilege', signing of NDAs by federal agents, etc., contrary to his public assertions that 'agents' did it and that 'prosecutors' wouldn't continue such a case.
Removing obstacles to the legal process, including the removal or reprimanding of compromised federal employees, is not equivalent to 'throwing someone in jail', even when those obstacles are put in place by Clinton hacks running cover for the Democrats' presumptive heir.