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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Clinton lashes out at FBI's handling of new email review
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I said my piece in the article about resurgent e-mail. No need to repeat it hear. Again, the election will be won by Hillary ! Plain and simple. HRC 2016 ! ! ! Stronger tohether!
Clinton is largely to blame, for not being forthcoming on the emails and not ditching Huma Abedin a long time ago. If Trump's elected, I'm going to put a lot of blame on the Dems for not giving us a better candidate.
Abedin has been quite secretive about her upbringing in Saudi Arabia and work at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, so I wonder if this will shed light on any of that.
Of course having a sexual pervert husband who tried soliciting underage youths as a husband hasn't helped the cause, has it. This is just what the Trump people want.
Hahaha, NOW she's in a hurry for the emails to be reviewed!
Of course they have, being anally retentive. They find a toy which both fascinates and disturbs them and just cannot let it go.
Some of these are most likely what were deleted from her server and loaded onto Weiner's laptop where they can claim they’re no longer in Hillary’s or Uma’s possession. I don't believe for a second she seriously wants them released.
Jeff - you just jumped a whole lotta sharks, and along with you, the GOP. Good luck with that!
I still can't see why Americans would even consider either of these two being a possible pres.
What's the choice?
A liar or a fool?
Trump has 75 pending court hearings. Most notable is Trump Univ later in November and the child -rape case in December. So why are we focused on Wiener's sexting?
Gotta wonder if this whole white house bid isn't just an attempt to get to a position where he can quash the rape lawsuit.
Haaa Nemui
To be honest I'd rather see Donald win, but Disney didn't put him forward as a nominee.
Clinton is sinking to the bottom of the mire by lambasting the FBI for doing their job properly because she can't !
Astounding Obama's DOJ was asking the FBI to not make this development public. It just gets nastier and nastier with this woman. I thought Obama was bad, but this woman is just unbelievably corrupt, talking about Carlo Gambino corrupt.
Were they?
Dan Lewis
Yes. It is. She is. The whole thing is.
Yeah, shockingly...
In conversations with FBI counterparts hours before Comey disclosed that the FBI was hoping to review newly-discovered emails possibly "pertinent" to the Clinton probe, Justice Department officials emphasized that the department has long steered clear of taking such investigative actions close to an election if those actions could potentially influence the outcome of an election, sources said.
"why are we focused on Wiener's sexting?"
Not only Wiener's sexting, all of her criminal activities and corruption and, sure,the disastrous Obamacare she wants to continue. Hillary has more baggage than Delta Airlines.
Oh my...
"WIKILEAKS 1-22: FBI Evidence To Indict Hillary Clinton Under Espionage Act. Indictments Imminent"
"WIKILEAKS 1-22: President Obama's Revenge Entails FBI Indicting Hillary Clinton Before Election Day"
"Clinton Sure Liked the Idea of Rigging the Elections in Palestine"
"Clinton Is Probably Doomed Because of the FBI Probe"
Todd Topolski
I guess next time, the Democrats might want to consider NOT fielding a known totally corrupt candidate. Hillary made this mess on her own. She is the one who committed the crimes and corruption, no one else did. It is clear the democrat elites knew exactly how corrupt she was, yet they still let her win their primary, they have only themselves to blame.
No where in law or policy does it state the FBI should not investigate crimes and corruption of politicians because they are running for office. The policies about election interference stem from Hoover using his FBI to attain illegally, information about people to blackmail them into compliance with his wishes. That is what the FBI is barred from. Evidence of real crimes can and should be investigated because America does not need to be run by a known totally corrupt politician.
LMAO! Ok, Strange, once again stick the head in the sand and deny, you guys can use whatever euphemisms, interpretations, get analytical as much as you guys want and play down what is swirling around you and all the liberals. This is in real time, this is happening and Hillary and her lies are finally catching up to her, does that mean, she's finished? We don't know, maybe, maybe not, but I am happy that the world can see this woman for what she really is: a habitual chronic liar and she can't blame anyone else for this fallout but herself. Comey is finally doing the right thing, whatever you libs think, at least the man has realized this is not about him, it's about the American people deserve to know the truth.
The Republicans as well. The republicans should already be asking themselves how against a candidate as hated as Hillary, why they aren't absolutely destroying her in the polls.
Of course I'll deny your lies. Why would I accept them?
Pulled that number from where? Got a link, or a list? Know he's a billionaire, right?
Isn't this is the same case they tried to enter in California, and dropped (or that a judge dropped), and that an ex-Jerry-Springer producer is pushing under a fake name? You know the Guardian is ultra-liberal, right? And it's reporting this:
The article linked in phrase "Eventually, Merlan published a detailed account of how a handful of Trump opponents had aggressively shopped the story and all its flaws to the press.":
The article linked in phrase "The Guardian followed up with a report ":
NBC reporting that "not only were the emails not from Clinton, but they had nothing to do with her"
GOP lying like crazy to lather up their lunatic fringe
NBC reporting that "not only were the emails not from Clinton, but they had nothing to do with her"
Regardless of the emails Huma can still request and be given immunity for her testimony. If not they are all looking at very long jail sentences under a Trump administration.
I don't get why they would reopen the investigation if such were the case.
Trump is looking at a long jail sentence for child rape under a Clinton administration.
NCIS Reruns
Don't either of you folks know that the U.S. criminal justice system functions independently of the executive branch of the government?
We now know that Hillary was insulated by Obama and the DOJ as well as the majority of the MSM, those are the main reasons, the collision between all of these groups could without a doubt turn the tide. Taxes released to the media 3 days before the first debate, video tape coming out that Trump was saying he could do whatever he wants, a video from 12 years ago 2 days for the debate driving it home again and again and women claiming Trump allegedly grouped them, assaulted them 2 days before the debate. All perfectly timed, that's why he was slumping in the polls and now the reverse is happening, but this situation is different because we have a woman that is a public servant engaged in a very serious crime that now has the FBI take a NEW look at all of this which is a good thing and it has taken a toll on her and you see it in the polls.
I worked for many years for that network. If you even admit your a conservative, you're going to get flogged...repeatedly, razor and rock salts and all. Hey, go figure! There is a reason why they call it the National Barack Channel.
That is because they have not reopened the case. That is what the spin doctors are saying on the right. It is all just more lies. None of this makes Trump a better candidate at all. He is still a sociopath lying sexual criminal inept loser.
Sorry, I guess my irony was a little too subtle. I was pointing out the ridiculous of the statement I was replying to.
Trump is not going to arrest her personally obviously, but he will appoint an Attorney General, FBI director and judges to do their job. No warrant has even been issued for the emails in question so naturally there is wildly divergent speculation. Although I believe Huma did testify under oath that she didn't delete anything from the Clinton account on her own devices but did forward them to a Yahoo account that would make it easier to print. We already know she left classified information in the seat pocket of a car. There’s no way the FBI told any media more than this because it would violate the rules of criminal investigation procedure.
Sorry, but the FBI can get a warrant if they are denied by the DOJ they can ask for an injunction and take it to the Supreme Court if they have to. Either way, it reflects poorly and admiringly if the DOJ refuses to comply with the FBI, then we know for sure that they are without a doubt protecting Hillary and that in itself is against the law. Zurc, why are you angry??? It's not Trump who put Hillary is this situation. Hillary made her bed and let her lay and deal with it.
[ The controversy over Clinton’s email practices at the State Department has dogged her for more than a year. The former secretary of state has often been reluctant to weigh in on the matter — and defensive when she’s been pushed to do so.]
There would be no controversy if she had handled her email properly./hadn't deleted over 30,000 emails.
It's also worth noting that if you formulate policies and conduct yourself in ways that get innocent people killed (i.e. US embassy staff in Benghazi), strangely enough those things find a way to get back to you.
Really? Because it was determined that what got those staff killed were cuts to embassy budgets by the Republican congress, yet nothing seems to have got back to them.
[ Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received emails from her top aides warning about dangerous security conditions in Benghazi, Libya, in the run-up to the terrorist attack that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans there in 2012, documents disclosed on Friday show.
The messages were part of a batch of about 300 emails involving Benghazi that were made public by the State Department.
The emails, in addition to what they reveal about the Benghazi attack, offer glimpses into Mrs. Clinton’s thinking and executive style. In an exchange with aides about to testify on Capitol Hill, she wrote: “Well, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (as I have rationalized for years), so just survive and you’ll have triumphed!” ]
Except she was investigated for all these things ad nauseum and nothing found. Investigation after investigation did NOTHING to dent her presidential candidacy. That was the real goal, not justice. It didn't work. And still the GOP go after emails that aren't working for them. Banging their heads against that wall expecting different results.
BTW, if not for a GOP controlled senate George W would certainly be in jail for deleting 22 million emails, lying to the UN, and the Iraq war deaths. Actual demonstrable things. And he's not
Thankfully women of the USA are almost all voting Clinton according to 538. But it's still going to be a nasty 10 days of lies and mud.
Buckle up
You've admitted to being OCD. Are you now saying you also suffer multiple personality disorder?
FBI Comey is going to have to demonstrate how this is different or else resign for interfering in an election.
I've quoted that same quote many, many times in my life. By your logic, I'm guilty of Benghazi.
You wouldn't know that to read all the complaining in the media and on the boards, in a twist over Trump's comment.
For the media and pols it was probably mostly faux outrage, for the populace, who knows?
Yeah, thanks to Comey buckling under the DOJ and Obama, I think now he sees his error of his ways and NOW is trying to do the right thing, otherwise, this wouldn't come up if there was really nothing.
Well, it looks like thanks to Umma, it's finally working and thanks to Wikileaks as well.
Nice try, nice try LMAO! Too funny.
And thankfully, most men will be voting for Trump as well as Independents and NOW probably more people after this revelation.
Buckle up
Oh, I'm sure he will.
No, that would be Shirley MacLaine
In California, the bet is Clinton 1, Trump 587. The former Watergate prosecutor criticizes Comey's letter as "inappropriate." Hillary Clinton calls it "strange." What an electión
Lashes out is equal to that Clinton lies!!
Considering that Trump has been lashing out for months, and has been shown to be the biggest liar of any candidate ever, your logic may actually make sense.
The GOP's response linked below, with Hillary's big lie on that at the top, followed by sixteen points countering her statement:
I imagine Huma Abedin is barricaded in an office somewhere taking refuge under a desk. Sharing a device with her now estranged pervert of a husband Anthony Weiner is beyond reckless, it irresponsibly negligent.
Protocol dictates that FBI Director James Comey first action before penning letters to Congress, is to fully brief Hilary Clinton and appropriate legal representation to the reopening of the investigation. Unprecedented challenges await the future presidency in the first 100 days of office. Its requisite that political differences be set aside so a clear policy prevails to diffuse events in Syria descending into a intractable stand-off.
Also crucial decisions will need to be taken to strengthening Nato in the Balkans.
From RT so straight out the horse mouth. Iskander is an offensive first strike option.
Iskander missiles deployment to Kaliningrad part of drill, not secret – Russian military.....
Yes curious that the people involved in declaring her innocent were paid a lot of money and met with Bill for a meeting on an airplane...also interesting that she destroyed her phones and destroyed evidence after being subpoenaed by the US Congress.
Of course the rational conclusion is that she is truly innocent.
She knows VERY WELL why she's being re- investigated!! A genius at playing dumb!!
"And thankfully, most men will be voting for Trump as well as Independents and NOW probably more people after this revelation."
So, that's even more to add to the 67 million voters you claim he already has.
Do you think Trump could break the 75 million mark?
Maybe try reloading the page in your browser.
The last comment on the fish article page is yours, with time 10:27am:
The GOP's spin you mean. Remember, it was their own committee that found their own budget cuts to have caused the lack of security. Of course, the GOP didn't like it that their own committee found fault with their actions, so they tried to spin it another way. But the committee that actually studied all of the information is to be more believed than the spin doctors who want to push their lies.
Remember, this is the same party that is backing a convicted judge-bribing pedophile felon nazi racist for their leader.
Of course, cleared by the dozen desperate GOP committees that came to a close, with nothing
Too bad, so sad
Really, because when I googled 'their own committee' and "budget cuts" ("bengazhi committee" "budget cuts"), the first hit is from their own committee's website, which says:
The never ending Clinton scandalabra! The Clintons really do make me sick. (my opinion) It's enough already. Now blaming Comey?? What a joke, She and her cronies are so guilty.They should just get on a plane (funded by the taxpayers)and move to Qatar or some other country that donated millions to their faux foundation. Also I am so sick of hearing from her mouth, "this is very troubling news". People can only be suckered so many times before they wake up. Now if the voters would just open their minds a little and realize Hillary and her minions are shady,corrupt,sneaky con artists. People lie, I get it. Trump is not a knight in shining armor. Hillary on the other hand is definitely not "Madame President type of material" Bill and Hillary should beg for the peoples forgiveness. Good riddance!
That says it all!
Of course - they are Republicans. They don't want their own congress to look bad.
Remember, this is the same congress that literally shut down the government in 2014.
You might want to read the title and content of the article that you are commenting on.
Simon Foston
bass4funkOCT. 30, 2016 - 11:58AM JST
Of course you think that, you're hoping it's going to benefit Donald Trump. But even Congressional Republicans are raising doubts, such as Charles Grassley, chair of the Senate judiciary committee:
Or Texas Senator John Cornyn:
I don't suppose you think that's the kind of sensible, pragmatic attitude that Republicans should be taking, though.
that's proof? Proof is evidence, not slander. As is being reported elsewhere Clinton had nothing to do with it. It's just to dog whistle people
Simon Foston
bass4funkOCT. 30, 2016 - 11:58AM JST
Of course you think that, you're hoping it's going to benefit Donald Trump. But even Congressional Republicans are raising doubts, such as Charles Grassley, chair of the Senate judiciary committee:
Or Texas Senator John Cornyn:
I don't suppose you think that's the kind of sensible, pragmatic attitude that Republicans should be taking, though.
JefferyDomerOCT. 30, 2016 - 01:55PM JST
I suppose all that water will come in handy for when the Clintons, Obama, Biden etc get waterboarded, assuming Trump doesn't want to do anything even worse to them. You'll be looking forward to that, I suppose.
Comey has finally declared independence! Never to late. He now realizes it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
Nice try, but they are Republicans quoting that newspaper so beloved by the left, the Washington Post, and I notice you didn't have anything to say that countered the quote, or anything else substantive.
I responded to a similar post not too long ago and made a longish post about it. Basically, this: the Benghazi majority report, easily findable on the web, contrary to numerous posts claiming several Benghazi committees cleared Hillary, does not clear Hillary or the Obama administration. And IIRC, reading the first few pages of the report will easily tell you that.
Saw a nice tweet today!:
It's the same game it's been for years. The GOP is teasing itself with the thought that they can take the White House without having to change their message to grow their base.
This story is just another "please God oh please God oh please God" moment for them. Just give us this one last election and we promise we will try to attract more women and minorities next time.
yeah didn't read anything. If there is no direct evidence to charge her then she is just the rabid focus of endless slander.
It's not working
Say hello to Madam President
The Clintons only care about the Clintons. Thats what wiki leaks has taught us. What we thought was true has been verified in some form by wiki leaks. Comey knows it, the Democratic party knows it and Hillarys base knows it. Now getting them to admit it is damaging their "brand" is another thing. Comey is the first to acknowledge this. Very brave of him.
Comey will have to resign for interfering with an election with unfounded slander. that's not brave, that's being a GOP tool
Dandy Nong
interesting to see that majority of people would like to see clinton win... are you all cant wait for the final WW3? very interesting...
The right is acting like the left for once. That confuses people.
I don't think so, it's a very tight race.
It's interesting how Republicans just deny numbers are real when the numbers don't go their way. Romney says he'll get unemployment below 6% in 4 years. Obama does it in 2. Republicans come up with some bs about how this doesn't matter. Trump is being destroyed in the polls. Republicans claim he's winning, and that you can believe the polls but only the ones that put trump in the lead. Hillary will likely win the election. Republicans claim the voting is rigged, but only if trump wins.
It would be a joke and laughable if the consequences weren't so serious.
This is the most money/power hungry secretive and corrupt woman that will ever seek the office of Presidency.
Stronger without her!goreme
The US election is Hilary Clinton's to lose, and if by some chance she does, she will regret not disclosing her emails sooner.
Hillary Clinton is so sleazy.
It would be absolutely awful to have her as president.
I really hope she loses the election.
Her husband was sleazy too... horrible pair.
So now the FBI has taken it upon them to do some meddling at a very critical moment? Who the hell is behind this and what is their purpose? To bring justice? To what end actually? To secure fair elections?
most certainly not to play fair or allow a free election. For all the Trump on rigging elections it's the GOP's Comey that is now trying to sway. Comey has a long history against Clinton so not a surprise that he's the attack dog here
But all the GOP can do is talk about emails. Emails + Clinton are word fatigue. People have long since tuned it out. But it's all they have so that's what they do. Railing against Hillary for years didn't work, committee investigation after investigation after investigation didn't work.
All they have left is mud and slander and there will probably be much more in the next 10 days. The USA's democracy soiled by poor losers. What an ugly election
Exactly. This is a shameless attempt by Comey at influencing the election. I wonder what, or more likely how much Don the Con promised him if he helped rig the election. Oh the irony.
I can't see this changing anything anyway despite the frantic desperation of Trump's followers. It might even spur some Democrats to get out and vote more. People have long decided who they are voting for - this election is a stain on American democracy, get it over with already I for one can't wait.
People are talking about rigging... how about sleazy Bill Clinton's meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on her private plane just days before his sleazy wife... surprise, surprise... was let off the hook for her email outrage.
Loretta Lynch said late they talked about "grandchildren".
haha How stupid does she and the Clinton's think the American people are?!!
And if I become a Japanese citizen, I am stuck with Abe. When can I move to Mars?
If you are so concerned with lying, why are you supporting Trump? He is the biggest lier ever to run for president and lies far more than Clinton:
You can't argue with the facts:
The funny thing is that after going on and on about how the women that accused Trump of attacking them were definitely lying because of timing, not a single one of those people would even begin to consider the idea that Comey is doing the exact same thing to Hillary due to timing.
Because Bass is the most partisan poster on this board, and wouldn't consider Jesus if he was a democrat running against Satan.
Penske Nievko
This couldn't have come at a better time. Both Clinton and Trump have proven to be unelectable scumbags. Vote third party. Dump Trump and get rid of the Clintons.
i find it ridiculous how democrat voters will continue to try to attack Trump on XYZ issue in an article about Clinton getting investigated AGAIN after she most likely bought justice the first time around.
Just how low do your standards go, guys and gals? How many times are you willing to turn a blind eye to these emails that just keep appearing despite her best efforts to erase all the data?
Have you listened to what the 3rd party candidates have to say? Johnson has some good ideas, but if you listen to him talk long enough, you quickly come to realize he is definitely not qualified to be president. And Stein doesn't even really understand how the government works, she'd be a catastrophe.
I find it ridiculous that you think she could buy justice the first time around. The number of people who would have to be kept quiet, the money that when paid, could never be spent without raising suspicion. The fact that everyone approached would be corrupt enough to agree without approaching a single person who wouldn't refuse and go to the press or whatever. It's a conspiracy beyond the imagination. Have you ever heard of Occam's Razor?
And now you're blaming her for another investigation - when it's the exact same thing that she was investigated before. She didn't do anything new.
Clinton is bought and paid for by well many know whom...what she did as an elected official was illegal and any other person who works for the Feds, know full well they would be out of a job and on the streets..
The more I think about it, the more the meeting between Loretta Lynch and sleazy Bill Clinton makes me really angry.
Remember, it came just days before sleazy Hillary was let off the hook over her shocking email behavior.
Loretta Lynch said that the conversation was innocent — about grandchildren and golf and such — and did not touch on the investigation of the emails.
Hahaha... yeah we really are that stupid... we believe anything!!!
Bill Clinton was silent about the meeting. He has made no public comment.
Of course, sleazy Bill!!
Hillary Clinton said that the meeting between her husband and Lynch was innocent.
What a sleazy pair... disgusting.
As soon as "crooked Hillary" goes away,resigns her nomination or looses the election, the sooner we can finally put the Clintons behind us and make America great again!!
Hillary Clinton doesn't need all this aggravation, lol.
Oh my...
"Judge Jeanine Pirro 10/29/16 | FBI REOPENS Hillary Case! Judge Jeanine Opening Statement"
Oh, you're one of those who bought the lie that America isn't already great?
Poor guy.
Well, since Hillary is now toast...
" Trump and Pence outline their plans for America "
Bill Clinton had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky in the White House, probably while Hillary was in the building at the same time.
Then sleazy Bill makes a lovey-dovey speech about Hillary at this year's Democratic convention!!!
I wonder what Hillary thought when she watched the speech...
To be honest, I didn't know whether to laugh or throw up.
What did you make of it?
For me, it showed us what a fake couple they are.
If she had any integrity, she would have told him not to make such a barf-inducing fake speech.
If he had any integrity...
err... well... anyway...
They are just a sleazy couple with fake smiles and a fake relationship...
As if Trump cares what the Washington establishment thugs think.
Actually, I do.
If things go the way they are, Hillary will tighten that noose. One can only hope.
LMAO, I think it's more like "please God oh please God oh please God, we finally got caught and the jig is finally up, Mr. Soros, we are so sorry for letting you down"
HRC 2016 !
Trump-Pence 2016!
It is pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election,” Clinton said. She accused Trump of using the issue to confuse and mislead voters in the final leg of the campaign for the Nov. 8 election. THIS OLD BAG SHOULD BE ELECTRD FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE her entire campaign has been nothing but defending herself and not complaining about issues. The FBI asked that she turn over her emails which she lied about and said she didn't have, then all of a sudden she sabotaged her server and her aide who is taking the hit for her husband has emails. Wow this is watergate all over again. Interesting enough should she get elected she and her husband could go down in history as the first presidents to be impeached literally lol. Yes we have less than 11 days before the elections but hell the FBI asked 352 days ago for the emails and now she is trying to blame this on a Russian hack! Time to get the dentures checked HILIARY!
The argument about the Russians hacking into and stealing or influencing the DNP or Hillary's mails is falling and has been falling on deaf ears for awhile and people can now see that the Emperor really wears No clothes. Her lies are truly catching up to her, criminal all the way.
Gotta watch this, folks. It explains why Trump may win---or why this election may in fact be rigged.
I get the Hillary pantsuit thing now as it will work nicely w the ankle tracker next year with Trumps multiple lawsuits over sexual harassment, child molestation, and the Trump university saga , id put my money on Trump wearing an ankle tracker long before Hillary.
Trump may win because he's already got people out there voting twice for him. He's rigging the election.
Unlike other election, Disunited States should dump both candidates because they might be prosecuted in court. If Cliton or Trump will be jailed because of their crime, that election has been rigged with waste of time and money.
DIsunited States needs fresh person with new idea! Both candidates are not fresh. They are rotten tomatoes.
I didn't buy it, it was presented to me for free. TRUMP/PENCE 2017!
If only conservatives were that smart and sneaky.....
Well, she was that sneaky, just not that smart:
If only, because you know certainly aren't above it.
In your opinion, what exactly isn't great qbout the US? Be specific.
I really do find it hilarious the retorts of some Trumpsters. "Donald doesn't have to care what Washington thinks?" Huh? Why is that? Donald is running for president, not dictator. If, if Trump wins the election, he's going to have to work with Capitol Hill. After trashing and disparaging so many folks, do you Trumpsters actually expect people to forget all of that?
The do-nothing, obstructionist, Republican-led Congress.
As soon as emails were discovered on one of Weiner's phones, FBI Director Comey was between a rock and a hard place. There may not be a single new email, but copies already examined before -- but only a thorough investigation of them can determine that. Nobody knows at this point.
Comey had to risk this "discovery" being leaked even closer to Election Day, and risk being perceived as being involved in a cover-up -- or release the fact that emails were discovered and be viewed as trying to influence the outcome of the election
Much, of course, depends on the integrity of the opponents of Hillary Clinton not to rush to judgment before the investigation results are in -- and the readers here have abundant evidence that these Trump supporters have none.
Amazing how the media pretends Hillary isn't a criminal.
Raymond Chuang
Dear Madame Secretary--too bad.
Because your most-trusted political adviser (Huma Abedin) violated a lot of laws in storing (very likely) Classified emails on her personal cellphones and laptops (and that of her soon-to-be late husband, Anthony Weiner), the result could be quick dismissal of Abedin from Clinton's inner circle, which would be an immediate public-relations disaster for the Clinton campaign.
Democrats should ask Hillary to step down!
I think he did the right thing.
Amazing how the right pretends she is.
Republicans should ask Trump step down!
Trump said the following regarding this: "Now the evidence as I would imagine is so overwhelming because they wouldn’t have done this if it wasn’t overwhelming."
Trump lies. If the emails are copies of those investigated before, there is nothing overwhelming about them. The only thing known at this point is that it appears that emails exist.
“They found what may be some of the 33,000 missing and deleted emails,” he said.
And again, there may not be any missing emails.
Trump, in a civic sense, has no decency. He's every bit as scummy as Anthony Weiner.
And that's just to Bernie, but the list gets longer....
No, he's trying to run for president, the dictator is about to leave office and his minions are steadfast in holding the line and preserving the status quo of the Washington elite.
He has to work with congress, but the difference is, he has the power to clean the cesspool swamp in Washington.
She's actually worse.
Trump should ask all of the Washington elites to step down or take a very serious pay cut and they all have to use Obamacare and see how bad it is!
Hilary bots out in force tonight trying to come up with a new angle to keep her sheep from straying.
The dictator is her-her-herpa about to leave the derpa White House. Zinger. His minions this and his minions that. Dictator this and Dictator that. Your ugly orange god time and time claims he is going to do this and going to do. How the hell can he do all of this? Just give it a go, do be detailed.
Oh, does he? What power is that? Again, do be detailed.
Donald does love the uneducated. ROFLMAOBENGHAZI
Trump wins in a landslide. The peacful left will be in the streets burning cop cars and attacking Trump supporters.
The E-mails. The most boring 'scandal' in history. Out of thousands of emails not one 'grab' em by the pussy' moment. All it took was one Trump tape.
Stop the corruption in Washington, issue term limits on congress, appeal and replace Obamacare, focus more on private sector jobs, build a wall or at least focus on using technology to keep out all the illegals, cut taxes, get rid of the lobbyists, lower the corporate tax rate, rebuild our military, STOP the PC madness, make people more self-reliant. Pretty much everything that liberals hate.
More like Jumping off rooftops.
"More like Jumping off rooftops."
According to you, Trump has the kind of numbers that should ensure a landslide. Democrats should already be jumping off rooftops. 67 million already in the bag is enormous.
Do you think Trump could break the 80 million mark?
A careful study of the rise and fall of the great empires offers an well-known lesson: The internal conflict of interests and subsequent turmoils often brought about catastrophes. The vast majority of the silent Americans march toward future with love and hope. Future, like it or not, is our sort of religion. It's time for the Americans to demonstrate to the world that we have both the capacity and the will to retain our greatness. Go out, and vote for Hillary Clinton, our First Lady President.
There's nothing more haunting this Halloween than the thought of Hillary Clinton in the White House.
Simon Foston
takeda.shingen.1991@gmail.comOCT. 30, 2016 - 11:42PM JST
Notice how that question was ignored after the usual tea party Christmas list was rolled off?
Yes, Simon Foston....
To right-wing loonies, totally ignorant of the Constitution, a president can " issue term limits on congress."
What the loonies fail to remember is that in the post-Contract-on-America days, the Republicans controlled the White House (GW Bush) and both houses of congress.... And never made any gesture towards term limits. Why believe anything they say?
Actually, it is the American voters who can best apply term limits -- by simply refusing to vote for an incumbent -- past whatever limit they deem proper and reasonable. But you don't see the the ones who give so much lip service to it actually trying to practice it.
Trump wins in a landslide. The peacful left will be in the streets burning cop cars and attacking Trump supporters.
Except Biden who will offer an olive branch. He is like one of the old-time Dems, shifty but not evil.
Joe Biden on Smerconish: If Trump Wins, ‘I’ll Extend a Hand’
You don't get it. I figured that. smh....
Because idiots like Harry Reid coming up with the Nuclear Option to block any filibuster from the GOP. The man is proud of it, he thinks this is all a game, I am glad when he retires, I think the man is disgusting and condescending, he and Hillary are cut from the same cloth, ideology before the people. Good riddance to him. It is because of how the Democrats keep abusing power, everyone has had enough, this is giving the country a serious migraine.
In the words of HRC. Sometimes government needs to step in and show people, guide people in the right direction. I think in this situation, the people would understand. It's more than enough. Democrats are the absolute epitome of corruption, mafia style. Carlo Gambino and Joe Bonano would be turning over in their graves.
Lizz... I thought Biden was going to take Trump out behind the gym.
Breaking: The RCP average has Trump up 4.7 points in Texas. Hillary may not win Texas after all.
"FBI Director James Comey"
"Judge Jeanine: Comey disgraced and politicized the FBI"
Lizz... I thought Biden was going to take Trump out behind the gym.
That was if he was still in high school. Today he is just giving Her Royal Highness a gentle nudge—over the cliff.
You brought up term limits. The "blocking mechanism" is totally irrelevant since the GOP never even brought up term limits when they controlled both houses of Congress and the White House during most of W's two terms.
Or was bringing up filibustering a ridiculous try to deflect?
So Hillary Clinton Was Selling State Secrets To Saudi Arabia Via Her Saudi Assistant Huma - That's Called TREASON! We're talking HIGHLY CLASSIFIED spy satellite imagery of the area, on the ground human intel reports from the CIA, CLASSIFIED weapons specifications...
This woman needs to be legally tried for treason.
I don't understand the frustration, you should be happy that Trump brought it up. It would clear a lot of corruption that is the cancer of Washington or are you happy with the status quo?
Perhaps you are.
Theoretically, you're right! She should.
That's interesting, seeing as the only people who have so far suggested they'd be up in arms if their opponent wins are Trump supporters.
Thank you for the list, but again; You have already said, "As if Trump cares what the Washington establishment thugs think."
I am pointing out that Trump should care what Washington thinks. Of the list of things you wrote, no preaident has the power to do any of those things on their own. None. So, its garbage. Unless, of course, Trump usurps the constitution and rules like a dictator, or, he works with congress.
So, I will ask again; After trashing anyone and everyone who disagrees with him, how do Trump supporters honestly believe he can change Washington? The man is an arsonist, burns every bridge he comes across.
That wasn't the question. Stay on point. The GOP controlled both houses and the whitehouse under Bush. Not a peep about term limits. Why do you think they will bring it up this time around?
Hahaha, now I know why you, et al can keep saying 'Hillary cleared of Benghazi'. By not reading anything to the contrary, and just repeating 'cleared' to each other, or maybe reading off the HC campaign's daily 10:30am distribution of talking points.
Congressional committees don't convict anyone of anything, so I guess by that criteria any report that comes out of any congressional investigation clears everyone they are investigating. Mafia, Nixon, whoever, all 'cleared'.
Clinton tricks operatives have already been up in arms, not paying attention?:
Again, Turbo, any proof that Clinton ordered these violent protesters would be greatly appreciated.
Heh, you're asking republicans for proof. I hope you don't have high expectations, because they set a really low bar for proof.
After seeing the corruption and the collusion in Washington by actually both parties and in particular seeing how dirty and mafia like the Democrats have been. I think it's a very good idea to cut down on the corruption and limiting their terms, maybe we can cut down on all this madness!
Apparently, you haven't been watching the news or reading the papers. Even the staunchest far left sites have to cover this as painful as it is for them. Hillary chose to deceive the people and now this has come back to bite her like a sidewinder!
Again, Bass: After Trump has trashed anyone and everyone who disagrees with him, how do you expect capitol hill to work with him?
Furthermore, Trump has bragged for years about buying access to politicians. In fact, he very well could face a corruption trial for illegally using charity funds to donate to Pam Bondi, who then decided not to act on the Trump U scam. So, why do you think that Trump is going to "drain the swamp?" Still waiting on those tax releases, hes clearly hiding something.
Link please. I read a lot of news, and this is the first I've heard of it. But, Many people are questioning the timing of this. Comey knew of this for over a month. Can you say Hatch Act? Roflmaobenghazi
this article and most of the comments are nothing but bought and paid for hillary propaganda. hillarys crimes have nothing to do with trump.
Aww...have we struck a nerve?
They would HAVE to come to some agreement down the middle, even from the very start. That doesn't mean, they can't disagree. Trump may be a lot of things, but he's not stupid. You don't get to where he's at if you're stupid, otherwise everyone could achieve the same goals. We have a lot of stupid people in this country that are living paycheck to paycheck and that are milking the system, whatever the left says about Trump, cracks me up. None of these idiots have casinos, buildings or brand name products or created anything, quite the opposite, they took a lot of stuff from us, the people.
Could? So has he been served yet? If that were the case, the Feds would have already dropped that bomb on him. Anything else?
If he is, nothing came up so far. Maybe you can ask Comey to do an inquiry and get a deposition from him. Good luck with that.
Links? All the newspapers have been covering this, even the mainstream that are in the tank for her (majority) The Dems can question all they want, even if Comey knew about it, he doesn't like Trump, but he despises Hillary more and I think he realized how really dirty she is. Also, the FBI is not a monolithic group, there are many agent ps that know and think she should have been charged. Also remember, Guliani was a federal prosecutor, I know for a fact he has connections to the FBI and some of the agents, probably shared information, looked into these matters deeper with the emails from Wikileaks and found something that raised a red flag and brought it to Comey's attention.
One more thing. You said, why now? Now you know how many of us felt when the Democrats called these women to come out and allege these sexual assaults by Trump, the timing was so convenient, but for liberals and Dems, that was ok and justified and now you guys are crying foul? LMAO
You, who have been a proponent of Republican obstructionism for the past eighth years, who has directly stated that if the Democrats win, the Republicans should actively obstruct them even more, are suddenly saying the Democrats should not be obstructionist. Isn't that nice. So would you agree that the Republicans should also work to come to agreement in the middle if the democrats win?
Regardless of which party wins, I hope the other party will work to find a middle ground without being obstructionist.
That isn't going to happen, though. Trump is an arsonist, he's burnt about every bridge he's ever crossed. As unpopular as HRC, Trump is even more so. His own party hates him.
Absolutely disgusting, bass. None of those "idiots," scammed contractors living paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely hypocritical to assail the working poor for milking the system all the while pounding your chest like a monkey, bleating on about how brilliant Don the Con is for not paying taxes, cheating contractors, and milking the same system.
read it and weep. That's just the bottom of the barrel.
Thank you for provig my point. This was never about justice, just cheap political points. Looking forward to Comey getting lit up. We both know that's coming, just wonder if Giuliani will go down too. can't say he'd be missed.
Guess things not going Hillary's way. The Vedic prediction, and now this:
just read the law. hillary is now officially ineligible to hold any federal office
Did she really break the law — and would the penalty for breaking that law disqualify her from being president? The answers to those two questions are “yes,” and “yes.”
If someone were to ask you if there is a law that Hillary has broken that should end her campaign for president right now, you’d probably answer that the laws broken by Hillary are innumerable. But could you mention a specific law? Well, now you can, and it was hidden in plain sight. If we laypersons can figure it out, it sort of makes you wonder what the FBI was doing when investigating Hillary’s email server.
Apparently, the FBI forgot to visit the Cornell Law Library. Word for word from the Cornell Law Library Former United States Attorney General Michael Mukasey tells MSNBC that not only is Hillary Clinton’s private email server illegal, it “disqualifies” her from holding any federal office. Very specifically points to one federal law, Title 18. Section 2071.
So here’s the one law you need to know that should terminate her presidential campaign:
For those of us who do not have United States Code committed to memory, here’s what it says:”(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.”
Yes, it explicitly states “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”
So, yes, it really is that simple. Hillary is “disqualified from holding any office under the United States.” So the only question left really should be, who is going to replace her on the Democrat ticket?
Not officially, just your opinion. If she was officially ineligible, she wouldn't still be on the ballot.
It's never that simple. If it were, we wouldn't have lawyers.
No one. She's the democratic candidate, and likely the next president of the United States.
You may not know this, but that's the reason why he's so popular with the anti-establishment Volks.
And yet, you never mentioned anything about Obama's policies being the root cause for the discontent and angry in this country and he's not the only one that didn't pay taxes, NYT, Apple and many other corporations used the tax laws legally to reconstruct in order to stay in business, stay competitive and to continue paying their staff. Good on him.
Right back at you. The entire tax revelation, women accusers, backdoor talk right before the debates was equally a hit piece. But that's ok, right? Someone is going to get lit, but I doubt it'll be Guliani.
Simon Foston
bass4funkOCT. 31, 2016 - 01:53AM JST
What I get is that you made a comment you couldn't possibly back up, and when called on it you ignored it.
bass4funkOCT. 31, 2016 - 06:19PM JST
"Volks." Interesting choice of phrase, that. All sorts of connotations. "Ein Reich, ein volk..." and so on. Still doesn't go any way towards explaining how Trump has the "power" to bend the Washington GOP to his will.
I did say it. Not happy with my comment? Well....."
You speak German? Wow! Anyway, If Clinton could get something done and was mostly hated and Reagan who was mostly hated and Bush as well, then Trump should do equally as well. Not that hard, I know you libs think that it's impossible, so as a businessman, he'll work it out.
So what is the link between Trump and the anti-establishment Republicans? And why didn't those people support Bernie Sanders? His messages about helping the working class should have had more impact, IMHO.
Well if you're the owner of a small business trying to compete with Apple in some way it probably feels a little rigged against them.
Why on Earth would they want to support an all out Socialist???
Actually it has.
Now, emails reveal Donna Brazil, head of the DNC, leaked debate questions to Hillary ahead of time. CNN has severed ties with Brazil today. Hillary us finished.
If this Brazile thing has happened with Trump, the Strumpets would be spinning it as if he was smart for finding a way to get the questions ahead of time. Just like they praise him for not paying taxes.
Anyways, I don't see how you can blame Hillary for this.
From here on, the word "strumpet" will no longer be permitted on this discussion board.
Well, if Hillary wouldn't have taken the notes for that debate from her, then you can make that statement, but she did, so her fingerprints are all over this as well. Hillary DIDN'T have to get a leg up on the debate, she could have told Brazile, No, but she willing read the questions that Brazile provided for her.
Which you'd be praising Trump for if he did it.
Simon Foston
bass4funkNOV. 01, 2016 - 02:53AM JST
Doesn't bother me in the least if you want to make yourself look weaselly and evasive.
Actually no, but I do know what kind of people like to use words like "volk." Other than Germans, that is.
That comparison would work if Reagan and Bush had been hated by Republicans and Clinton had been hated by Democrats.
Oh! He's a businessman! I see! That makes all the difference. Hang on, though - Dick Fuld, Fred Goodwin, Bernie Madoff and Sir Philip Green are or were all businessmen too. You'd trust any of them to get things done? Also, it's obvious from his record of bankruptcies, losses, lawsuits, job cuts and generally screwing people over that Trump is an absolutely terrible businessman.
Anybody who at this point in time, with all these crimes out in the open, is still finding excuses for Clinton, is beyond being a "low information" voter.
WilliB, thats for sure!
Go away for a few weeks, come back and wow.. can't believe what Im reading.
I don't think Hillary is any saint, nor is any politician, and certainly not a multi-bankrupt, multiple failed businesses, "business" man who has a history of screwing over precisely the kind of people he is trying to garner votes from.
It would be nice to see America change up a bit, however more Sanders type change than electing someone who talks like a dictator, and has exposed a racist, xenophobic, ill-informed underbelly that most people in the rest of the world thought was the stuff of movies and nightmares.
Here are your choices, things as they are more or less, or someone for example that doesn't even understand the basics of America's relationship with its allies such as Japan, where many of us live.
Kathleen Foster
Setting up a private sever and private domain for conducting state business implies two things: 1] personal interest and personal gain outweigh the risk to US information security 2] gross negligence involved in handing over the management of public interest technology infrastructure and confidential information to non-state actors (ie, private citizens that are not state department employees and therefore not vetted to manage state-level information assets)
2 alone would get anyone fired for intentionally violating security policies, #1 is a path to an idictment from public office