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Clinton returns to campaign trail after pneumonia


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She will fall again and hopefully from the election.

-4 ( +14 / -17 )

I'm far more concerned about Mr Trump's health issues. Obesity and high cholesterol.

Couple that to the fallout from his criminal foundation and his possible gaol sentence for these crimes plus the xenophobic, bigoted and / or racist diatribes he's a heart attack waiting to happen....

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Trump turned over a copy to Dr Mehmet Oz

Dr Oz has long been criticized by the medical community. He has admitted his TV program is 'not a medical show'. He has been sued for pushing bogus supplements. He has the same credibility as Dr. Phil.

Oz is a highly educated snake oil salesman, the perfect shill for Trump, a master snake oil salesman. I'm sure Trump and Oz could form a perfect business partnership selling cure-alls to the wanna-believers who think there's a pill they can take to solve the problems of existence.

Trump meds, Trump Vodka and Trump U, too.

5 ( +9 / -3 )

...plans to lower taxes by $4.4 trillion over a decade and cut regulations...

Ha ha! - Here it comes again. He said last week he'll increase military spending and give mothers six weeks maternity leave - while cutting taxes. He just visited environmentally- hit Flint yesterday, and today he touts gutting the EPA. The man is a fraud and a menace. Anyone who votes for him is voting for Paul Ryan as president.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

And he's talking about how the problems in the black community need to be solved with better education - you know what that means? More spending on education. Which of course means more taxes.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I expect our little right wing friends here and elsewhere will soon claim HRC is responsible for their car not starting, or their child getting sick.

This is the mentality that lead to the Salem Witch Trials.

And in this day and age. Its enough to make you weep for the human condition.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

...or more debt. Let's face it, the only time the GOP cares about debt is when there is a Democratic president. Most likely, though, Stranger, we'll end up with slashed education spending to pay for the military and tax cuts for the rich. It's what Paul Ryan's always wanted.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

If Hillary is elected she'll be an invalid president with ageing bill making decisions behind the scenes.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Most likely, though, Stranger, we'll end up with slashed education spending to pay for the military and tax cuts for the rich.

Less money in education makes joining the military more appealing, for the 'free' education it brings. So the war mongers have a vested interest in doing exactly that.

If Hillary is elected she'll be an invalid president with ageing bill making decisions behind the scenes.

How do you know she wasn't the one making the decisions behind the scenes when Bill was president?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

you know what that means? More spending on education.

And what do you propose? Less, none?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I don't think you understand, Fred. Stranger and I support more spending on education as a way to reduce poverty and spur economic growth through productivity gains. It's the GOP that wants to reduce or eliminate Federal involvement in education.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

HRC already coming back strong with her rebuttal of Trump's complaining about the Flint MI pastor who shut him down in the middle of an uninvited political harrangue. The pastor did what Trump earlier said he did to rival Scott Walker in the GOP primary, 'sent him packing like a little boy.' Now Trump is the one acting butthurt, taking his pain out on a woman pastor.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


Its amazing what you can do when you snuff out corruption, fraud and wasteful tax spending isnt it?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

What has happened to journalism? FIrst of all, this story is pretty pointless. Of COURSE she is going to start campaigning again. We get that.

There is one nugget, or theme, in there that some young reporter needs to track down. Who was the US healthiest president? Nobody has ever figured that out, right? Why don't we know this? And we SHOULD know this, right? I am pretty sure that any POTUS before, let's say Lincoln or thereabouts, was probably a physical mess. I am guessing they ate way too much pork and salt. Their water was nasty.

And then you get to Grant, who MUST have been drunk half the time he was in office. We BELIEVE that Teddy Roosevelt had the constitution of a bull moose, but did he really? Kennedy was young, and fit but he had back problems and probably a drug habit. Kind of a question mark.... And there was a lot of drinking going on there. Nixon was pretty puritanical. LBJ was also a heavy drinker.

I am thinking that if you lined them all up, Trump and Hillary would be about the middle of the pack. At the healthy end, you would have T. Roosevelt, J. Carter, R. Nixon, and G. Ford (college football), and probably Obama, actually, and just offhand I will say Washington and Adams (both) and for least healthy, it would have to be Harrison, FDR, and (somebody help me out).

And just offhand, I would have to say that middle of the pack POTUS have been the best. Kennedy, Lincoln, Jefferson, one might say Reagan.

if we ONLY care about health because we want to make sure that the POTUS does not die in office, then wouldn't it make sense to vote for the most stable candidate in the first place? Dying in office is so rare anyway, and with today's medicine and methods, it is even more unlikely.

OK. Somebody go write that article. Give this to a cub reporter and have them get on it.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Now we have Don Jr making gas chamber/ Holocaust jokes in reference to the media. Can the Trump family go even a couple days without putridly puking on American values like freedom of the press?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

"If Hillary is elected she'll be an invalid president with ageing bill making decisions behind the scenes."

A ageing Bill Clinton making decisions behind the scenes is an infinitely better prospect than Trump.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Thank god their were some private recordings of her dehydration...wait...her pneumonia, otherwise Hillary's MSM would have killed the truth and all we'd be talking about is her slip and fall. Of course eyewitnesses would have said different, but then all the lefties would scream CONSPIRACY! and Putin!.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Its amazing what you can do when you snuff out corruption, fraud and wasteful tax spending isnt it?

Very, particularly considering the cost of the program he proposes will almost equal the cost of the program he intends to acquire funding from - gee, waste there must top 70%! It's a wonder nobody's noticed this before.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

We went through 8 years of VP Cheney, a man so unhealthy he literally didn't have a heart, just an old coffee can in his chest filled with pickle juice and a dirty black sock, and the same people who were okay with that are now concern-trolling Hillary because she had to take 3 days off? Lame.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

katsu, BUT, hillary is running for president not vp.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Great post, Speed! Let's not forget about Taft, the most obese - though otherwise, he seemed to be in good health (he was quite athletic). (Love that photo of him riding a water buffalo as governor of the Philippines.)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@ Laguna "plans to lower taxes by $4.4 trillion over a decade and cut regulations..."

It's easy to fix the unemployment rate in America and pay back debt. Borrow $10 trillion for 4 years.

$10 trillion will make $600 - $800 billion pa. America can make 8% pa off such a big amount of money. Even 6% would do it within 5 years.

That $800 billion will make $64 billion pa.

Each year the $10 trillion makes $800 billion. 800 * 5 = $4 trillion.

8% of 4 trillion is $320 billion pa every year in 5 years time.

1 million jobs will cost about $20 billion. That includes demand making jobs.

$20 billion * 16 = $320 billion dollars.

America can make 16 million jobs within 5 years time.

At 6% pa $250 billion pa and 13 million jobs.

Now America can pay back debt with all the extra money coming in from people working and gov payments saved.

Once 16 million jobs are made, you cut $600 billion from the $2.2 trillion dollar big biz handout's and use the extra work tax and tax money,, on paying back debt. Can also use the extra money saved from no people receiving gov payments....Full employment!

America can now payback $1.2 trillion dollars every year off it's debt. 18 years = 0 debt with full employment. In-fact America only has 15 million unemployed....They will need 1 million more workers or just bank the cash.

Obama is weak and even i can out do them all.

By all means reply logic and add it up yourself......It will work.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )


Are you getting this information from the economists that have created such incredible social economic plans that have resulted in 20t in debt, job losses, deterioration of manufacturing, lifelong welfare benefits, given your tax dollars to foreign nations, and allow politicians to collect a full pension ( in most cases over a hundred grand a year) after just a few years in public service? Those know it alls? The great economists? Those ones?

A great armchair student you are.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Ha ha! - Here it comes again. He said last week he'll increase military spending and give mothers six weeks maternity leave - while cutting taxes.

I know, lies are kicking themselves in the butt for not proposing that sooner. LOL

He just visited environmentally- hit Flint yesterday, and today he touts gutting the EPA.

Seriously, you think the EPA has done a fantastic job???.

The man is a fraud and a menace. Anyone who votes for him is voting for Paul Ryan as president.

So if you vote for Hillary, what are you getting? A Con? Well, a liar definitely.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

" “We’re offering ideas, not insults,” she said in a jab at her Republican rival."

Because calling Trump supporters "Deplorables", hILLary's 47% comment, is such a good idea that she and her supporters offer.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Laguna: He said last week he'll increase military spending and give mothers six weeks maternity leave - while cutting taxes.

Did you see the interview with his daughter where she talked about Trump employees having 6 weeks maternity leave? Turns out that's not true, but I can't imagine his supporters will care.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Did you see the interview with his daughter where she talked about Trump employees having 6 weeks maternity leave? Turns out that's not true.

Really? Prove it? Even if that is true, what wrong with him wanting to implement it now? If lobs came up with it it would be ok, right?

Also Hillary supporters don't care about her lies as well.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

God people are thick.

Got to love the no reply but but what? :)

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

speedy recovery for hilary. no matter what, she is still better then trump

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Republicans work as hard as they can against EPA purposes.

Republicans then claim the EPA is ineffective.


0 ( +5 / -5 )

By the comments written, everyone has a stronger sense of their own party above common sense of the party's capability. I am neither for or against either party, but to bring the same standard of questions to BOTH parties presented.

There are definately hings I DON'T like about both parties.

Members of both parties exhibit the inability to bring up better questions, other than 'just because that's the way ai want it' childish views.

Both parties ppl, plz grow up

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Until her next fall.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

So just pretend I posted the link and throw a couple of whaddabouts at me, and maybe a Benghazi.


I looked it up. Turns out it's spotty. Many of their companies only provide unpaid leave as designated by law. Some provide 8 weeks paid leave. Overall, their companies don't match Ivanka's claims.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

where is there proof on paper that Trump didn't provide maternity leave?

It's out there.

But I'd bet a dollar to a donut that you haven't bothered to fact check yourself by actually looking. Benghazi.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Are you getting this information from the economists that have created such incredible social economic plans that have resulted in 20t in debt, job losses, deterioration of manufacturing, lifelong welfare benefits, given your tax dollars to foreign nations, and allow politicians to collect a full pension ( in most cases over a hundred grand a year) after just a few years in public service?

No. Because economists do not create these things; politicians do. Economists simply calculate what will happen under any given scenario. They might make recommendations, but they do not legislate.

Now, obviously, economics is not an exact science, but neither is medicine. A doctor might mistake a diagnosis or not prescribe the most effective treatment, yet still, you'd rather see him than some guy off the street if you've got an ailment.

Final question: Why is it that the US is doing better economically than any other G7 member (forget Russia - ha ha!) except Germany?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Where are they hiding her doppelgänger now?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Absolutely no idea if she is going to pull off a win. Trump just has too much impetus and seems to be driving a head. I do not like Hillary, but I hate Trump and fear he will be the next president. I hope I am horribly mistaken.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

SuperLib: Did you see the interview with his daughter where she talked about Trump employees having 6 weeks maternity leave? Turns out that's not true.

bass4funk: Really? Prove it?

To you? I'll pass. Just pretend I posted the link and throw a couple of whaddabouts at me, and maybe a Benghazi.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Call it a "pneumonia scare" or "the flu". Pneumonia takes weeks to recover from.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Health exam for both candidates by independent physician(s) should clear up many speculations. Hillary is now being forced to cast her soft image for the final stretch in the campaign (LOL). The coming debate will be a major test for both. Normally under pneumonia attacked, patient is gasping for air and not just falling to the ground ? First excuse was dehydrated of heat exhaustion, and then pneumonia since last Friday !!!! Maybe October surprise is coming that even her minions will find hard to swallow. So far, not much about substance and contents, but only demonizing campaign with full of the series of lies. Watch out, Karma will catch up with Crooked, Corrupted, Criminal activities, and Cronyism politician(s) in due days.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

"She vowed to close her campaign against Donald Trump by giving Americans “something to vote for, not just against.”

So all she's given us is Trump bashing.

This is interesting: "Chaffetz on Clinton investigation: Subpoenas not optional" ( Fox News )

1 ( +4 / -3 )


Nothing? Just as I thought!!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


Exactly! They make recommendations to politicians. The politicians don`t use these recommendations? And it economists and armchair students slagging off anything Trump includes in his platform. Typical.

Well.. Theyve printed 2 or 3tril over the past few years, that mustve helped with the spending. 94,000,000 out of workforce.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

No. Because economists do not create these things; politicians do. Economists simply calculate what will happen under any given scenario. They might make recommendations, but they do not legislate.

True, but how about cutting about all the wasteful money that we're wasting on Obamacare? That would alleviate some of the financial mud holes and would help in implementing this law. Anyway, Page being a partisan, who else said that what Trump said was a lie, where is the proof?

Final question: Why is it that the US is doing better economically than any other G7 member (forget Russia - ha ha!) except Germany?

You seriously want to compare Germany's economic might to the US? Just because the US is doing better than Europe that as a whole has a very sluggish growth. It seems like liberals are totally content with 1.3 or 1.8% GDP? This has no became the new norm. Again, terrorism, we should just live with it, PC, just accept Wall St., accept racism, don't hold Dems accountable for anything call Blacks "super predators", throw more money at the problem, temporary solutions, waste more money, raise more taxes and make it even more difficult for the working class to afford anything Voting for Hillary is just another walk in the park of more corruption, kill off Free market solutions and let's go back to typical Washington politics.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Exactly! They make recommendations to politicians. The politicians don`t use these recommendations?

Just like with medicine, look around enough and you'll find someone to prescribe you what you've wanted all along anyway (or at least someone who wants to ride on your bandwagon - look at Michael Jackson's doctors, or Donald Trump's, for that matter). Then there are those in the profession who care more about being right than about being successful. That is true with medicine, with economics, and with pretty much any profession in the world.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Did you see the interview with his daughter where she talked about Trump employees having 6 weeks maternity leave? Turns out that's not true, but I can't imagine his supporters will care.>

Apparently there are select properties that have or during the campaign have begun to implement an eight-week paid parental leave policy for certain employees. Which she can correctly tout as an organization headed in the right direction compared to 90% of other private sector companies that do not go above and beyond the legally mandate requirements.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Which she can correctly tout as an organization headed in the right direction compared to 90% of other private sector companies that do not go above and beyond the legally mandate requirements.

She still lied. And, Lizz, under which administration were those legally mandated requirements instituted? I'll give you one guess.

2 ( +3 / -1 )



Laguna answered it here:

I don't think you understand, Fred. Stranger and I support more spending on education as a way to reduce poverty and spur economic growth through productivity gains.

I'm suspecting you thought that I was using 'more taxes' as a bad word, like the Republicans do. I'm ok with more taxes to pay for education though. In my opinion, education is the single best investment a society can make into itself, and improving education improves quality of life for everyone.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yep, a straight forward lie. No way around it unless you ignore it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

To vote for Trump, you have to believe:

Obama's birth certificate is fake. Clinton's medical records are fake. His own medical record and tax returns, which nobody has seen, are 100% real. That he can tell you. Believe him.
4 ( +6 / -2 )

What a load of total hokum. Being ill for 2 days gacve her a "new perspective"? I liked her "Even I had to take a break" comment - like she is soooo special.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

I'm ok with more taxes to pay for education though.

But as a European, you don't have to worry about it. Most Americans are fed up with paying more and more and more taxes!

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Yep, a straight forward lie.

Well, a falsehood at least. A lie requires that the speaker know it to be untruthful, whereas she may just not have had any clue what was actually happening in their companies.

But as a European

I'm not.

you don't have to worry about it.

Well, kind of. I still have family in the US, family that I care a lot for. So it does concern me.

Most Americans are fed up with paying more and more and more taxes!

I'd ask you for something to back up that assertion, but I know you'd just post a link to some right-wing article giving their opinion that Hillary sucks.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

No doctor on the planet would make a pneumonia diagnosis without an X-ray.

Her first instinct in every single situation is to lie.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

First excuse was dehydrated of heat exhaustion

Actually, the first (lie) Hillary/MSM damage control excuse was she got her shoe caught in a crack in the cement, or something like that. Then the amateur video surfaced. OUCH! Then the lies just kept on coming.

No reason to believe anything "that woman" (what she call Obama "that man") says anymore.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

bass:. Most Americans are fed up with paying more and more and more taxes!

Says the man who just defended a massive increase in military spending, which he will now attempt to justify. While still saying he is for lower taxes.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

This is all too funny. Quotes are from the LA Times:

Although Trump’s plan would cut taxes overall by $4.4 trillion over 10 years, he said that the lost federal revenue would amount to about $2.6 trillion under a so-called dynamic growth model, which assumes that the tax cuts would stimulate growth and thus generate additional revenues.

Pixie dust! Done that before starting from Reagan; never worked. (How's Kansas doing now, BTW?)

By its calculations, Trump’s economic team would make up for about $1.8 trillion of the $2.6 trillion deficit largely by negotiating more favorable trade deals, reforming energy policies and eliminating costly government regulations.

Okay, energy policies I can see (though nowhere near even that decimal point of $1.8 trillion), but trade policies? Does anyone here even know what he means by that? And the rest will come from eliminating the EPA and the FDA. All so the upper-tax brackets can get a 21% cut.

The remaining deficit would be shaved by reducing government spending, although Trump said there would be no reduction in defense and Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, which together make up about three-quarters of the federal budget.

Okay, let's throw Trump a bone and assume that the above somehow somewhat works out - he now has to cut $1 trillion from a budget limited to about ... twice that. This includes the FBI, CIA, FAA, highway, infrastructure, all that stuff - gone.

Well, basically, it's the Ryan budget. Vote Trump, get the House GOP.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Well, kind of. I still have family in the US, family that I care a lot for. So it does concern me.

But you can't vote.

Says the man who just defended a massive increase in military spending, which he will now attempt to justify. While still saying he is for lower taxes.

I do think the military in many areas needs to be trimmed, but NOT neutered, the way Obama has been doing it. But looking at Russia, North Korea and China, I do prefer a strong military. Obamacare won't keep us safe.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

But you can't vote.

I've never claimed otherwise!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Obamacare won't keep us safe.

It wasn't meant to. It was meant to increase the health of the population without access to health insurance not fight an unnecessary war.

True, but how about cutting about all the wasteful money that we're wasting on Obamacare?

Wasting money on healthcare??? Any money spent on Obamacare is much better spent there than on the war profiteers, which has been the biggest unnecessary cost. True, the U.S. needs a good defense, but do we really need a fleet of $148m F35s that can be defeated by 30 year old $19m F16s. Or the $450M littoral ships that fail on their first cruise.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I've never claimed otherwise!

Since you can't vote and are NOT a citizen, you really don't have to worry about anything. No need to stress out. I have family in Europe as well, but I could care less what happens, I know it like the back of my hand, but I just care about what happens in the States.

It wasn't meant to. It was meant to increase the health of the population without access to health insurance not fight an unnecessary war.

Seems like that's also slowly coming to a very slow end.

Wasting money on healthcare???

Too much of it, Yes.

Any money spent on Obamacare is much better spent there than on the war profiteers, which has been the biggest unnecessary cost.

Well, if you look at what North Korea, China and Russia are doing, it would be a safe bet to have our military ready and to take any possible preliminary caution.

True, the U.S. needs a good defense, but do we really need a fleet of $148m F35s that can be defeated by 30 year old $19m F16s. Or the $450M littoral ships that fail on their first cruise.

As I said, I think we do need to trim the military a bit, but we don't need to neuter it the way this president has done.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Since you can't vote and are NOT a citizen, you really don't have to worry about anything.

I don't have to worry about anything in the country of my citizenship neither, nor in Japan. But I choose to discuss issues.

No need to stress out.

I'm not.

I have family in Europe as well, but I could care less what happens

I guess that's the difference between you and me - I love my family and care about what happens to them.

And it's ironic that you say this, considering you've tried to tell Canada what they should and shouldn't do. I've never heard you mentioning you have family there. And yet you were stressing out and worrying about Canada, even though you don't stress out and worry about family in Europe.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

it obviously was not the hillary of today. cgi camera trickery. same as their using double of hiollary coming out of the hospital that they are calling chelseas apartment. something is amiss. i wonder how many bought and paid for hillary shills are on this forum?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I guess that's the difference between you and me - I love my family and care about what happens to them.

No difference here, why would I not love my family just because I don't want to get involved in European politics? With the exception you can't vote in the US. Sure you can care, but you can't do anything as far as being involved in the political election process, so I don't think you need to stress out because it doesn't involve you. I think you should relax.

And it's ironic that you say this, considering you've tried to tell Canada what they should and shouldn't do.

I said, one opinion, but Canada can do what it wants, I just said I wish the president could move there, that's all since he's so beloved there.

I've never heard you mentioning you have family there.

Yes, half of my family lives in Europe.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

No difference here, why would I not love my family just because I don't want to get involved in European politics?

You said you couldn't care less about what happens to your family.

With the exception you can't vote in the US. Sure you can care, but you can't do anything as far as being involved in the political election process, so I don't think you need to stress out because it doesn't involve you.

Sure it does. If Rump becomes president, it's going to throw the entire world economy for a loop. And that's just at the start. Add in anything that happens to my family in the US, then it most definitely does involve me.

I said, one opinion

Typical Bass - say one thing and do another.

Yes, half of my family lives in Europe.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong point I see.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@Strangerland Thanks for clarifying your point.


Nothing sticks.

Could that be because anyone that crosses the clint'ons ends up succumbing to something macabre? If not, I'd like you to name me just one person directly involved in shedding light on these individuals and lived to tell the tale. Please, I insist.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Could that be because anyone that crosses the clint'ons ends up succumbing to something macabre?

For the Clintons to be that shifty to be able to cover up all the things that the right has been trying to throw at Hillary for years, there would have to be ridiculous amounts of corruption, up to the president, in both parties, in multiple organizations, with no valid witnesses, leaving a trail of dead so huge as to handle the coverups without being so noticable as to be seen.

Or, the right could be coming up with a bunch of BS hoping it sticks.

Occam's razor.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"Nothing sticks. They scream emails. Nothing sicks."

Yeah, this is really gonna reflect on the FBI. But wait - even more devastating Wikileaks emails are coming!

This is interesting: " Ingraham: Clinton's power as president would go unchecked" ( Fox News )

But the real question is who will the DNC replace Hillary with? Kaine? Biden? Or if they want to beat Trump, Bernie?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

For the Clintons to be that shifty

They are.

there would have to be ridiculous amounts of corruption, up to the president, in both parties, in multiple organizations

There is.

Occam's razor

Sure why not.

However, strangerland, let's say it's unlikely, I still feel you can not name any person directly involved in shedding light on these individuals and lived to tell the tale. Pretty incredible coincidences.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


According to you, can vote in a European country as well as Japan and the US. I find it interesting that you show such a lack of interest in two of the countries you have the vote.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

However, strangerland, let's say it's unlikely, I still feel you can not name any person directly involved in shedding light on these individuals and lived to tell the tale. Pretty incredible coincidences.

Ridiculous is the word. And pretty incredible is also the word.

Hence Occam's Razor.

I know that goes above the head of anyone who has spouted off about Benghazi lots though.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Could that be because anyone that crosses the clint'ons ends up succumbing to something macabre?

Bill nailed it last night on some talk show when he said,

Most of her strongest supporters have either worked for her or done business with him.

Get it? It's because he always, always screws anyone who is the least bit subordinate to him! Ha ha! Good one, Bill. Now, Fred, the difference between your comment and Bill's is that Bill's happens to be true.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

At this point of our election cycle the only people still supporting Mrs. Clinton are the ones who won't support themselves. . . .

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

At this point of our election cycle the only people still supporting Mrs. Clinton are the ones who won't support themselves. . . .

Typical reductive reasoning.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

According to you, can vote in a European country as well as Japan and the US. I find it interesting that you show such a lack of interest in two of the countries you have the vote.

I just care what happens politically in the US.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

bass4funk and Strangerland, this ends your daily bickering. Please do not address each other any further on this thread.

"I just care what happens politically in the US."

That's a very narrow-minded view of the world. On a personal level, I'm sure you wouldn't like an incompetent government lowering the living standards of your family in their European country. Also, you should use your vote in Japan considering you live here and your US vote because you live there.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

our vote in Japan considering you live here and your US vote because you live there.

A man who drives through Compton on his daily commute while living in Kyushu and dealing with its natural disasters has well earned the right to vote in both the US and Japan AND his European homeland. As a CEO he created jobs so should be allowed to have even more votes.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


I think you are twisting it a bit. As I said before, I live 6 months out of the year in the US. I'm not the first to travel between countries.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

This is interesting: "Donald Trump's full economic speech" ( CNN! )

And this: " Donald Trump Returns for Another Mock Job Interview for President" ( The Tonight Show )

Jimmy Fallon asks Trump,"Why would you excel at this job?"

Trump's reply: "Because I love people, and I want to do right for people."

Good answer!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

it obviously was not the hillary of today. cgi camera trickery. same as their using double of hiollary coming out of the hospital that they are calling chelseas apartment. something is amiss. i wonder how many bought and paid for hillary shills are on this forum?

Welcome to the new GOP.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

"Jimmy Fallon asks Trump,"Why would you excel at this job?"

"Trump's reply: "Because I love people, and I want to do right for people."

Did he repeat his hilarious impression of a disabled person after that?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Did he repeat his hilarious impression of a disabled person after that?


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I think Mrs Clinton has Alzheimer's illness, she has forgotten A lot of things and her absurd behaviour brought her behaviour disable. She cover up her health as state secret for long time.

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Is an independent medical examination out of the question then? Seems to be too little transparency in either candidate, which also calls into question the economic application of truth in their campaigns.

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Ridiculous is the word. And pretty incredible is also the word.

Hence Occam's Razor.

I know that goes above the head of anyone who has spouted off about Benghazi lots though.

Dodge. Condescend. Ridicule.

No names as yet tho.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Condescend, yes. Ridicule, yes. Dodge, no. And I don't need to all names, I'm happy pointing out idiocy.

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And I don't need to all names, I'm happy pointing out idiocy.

Thanks for making my point. You can't name anyone simply because they do not exist. I guess some individuals really are above the law.

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The premise of your question makes no sense. It presumes that the claims you are making are true. I don't buy that premise in the first place.

If you really want someone who spoke out against the clintons and lived, how about Kenneth Starr and Monica Lewinsky? Why aren't they dead?

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how about Kenneth Starr and Monica Lewinsky? Why aren't they dead?

I'm sure you've heard of the term useful idiot, right?

Starr himself admitted, years later, regretting ever leading the Lewinsky investigation. He recently expressed praise for Clinton.


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"Interesting, Hillary makes a mistake and calls a group of people names, apologizes and we should move on and forget about the past, Trump does it and it's just unacceptable because WE liberals think his comments were offensive and we can never forget, Hillary...why bring it up, it's the past because liberals say so. Double standard? Ohhhh, yeah!"

What in the name of Benghaziing super predators are you votingonthreecontinentsing about now? You've been holding on to the super predator quote like a bull terrier with a bone.

What's good for the ROFL is good for the LMAO.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

But Fred, your premise is that everyone who ever crossed them ended up dead. Starr and Lewinsky tainted Bill's entire presidency, any write-up or documentary will always have that one section about the issue. That's not a useful idiot, that's a distinct attack.

So why didn't they end up dead before it could happen?

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that's a distinct attack.

And yet history clearly shows that the clint'ons lives only got better not worse after the 'attack' hence nothing as damning in hindsight.

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And yet history clearly shows that the clint'ons lives only got better not worse after the 'attack' hence nothing as damning in hindsight.

Oh, does the conspiracy theory show that the Clintons are also able to see the future, or have a time machine? That they knew what history would show? That they knew that hindsight would somehow make things better for them?

And considering the right is still spouting off about Bill's infidelity, it's obviously not as rosy as you would like to believe.

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does the conspiracy theory show that the Clintons are also able to see the future

There's the Dodge and ridicule again(sigh)

I merely meant to say that those individuals had no lasting impact on the professional crooks that the clint'ons are.

considering the right is still spouting off about Bill's infidelity

I guess all 17 individuals were making it up then(even more sighing)


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"Did he repeat his hilarious impression of a disabled person after that?"

Did Hillary repeat her awful 1/4 of all Americans are a basket of deplorables comment?

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Did Hillary repeat her awful 1/4 of all Americans are a basket of deplorables comment?

Fortunately she was classy enough to realize, accept, and apologize for her mistake after the fact. It would have been better had she not said it in the first place, but at least she did what was right afterwards. Trump still hasn't apologized for mocking a handicapped person.

And lets also look at the targets - she mocked racists, bigots, and people who want to restrict the freedoms of others. Trump mocked someone who was born that way and could not change even if he wanted to.

False equivalencies.

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