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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Clinton says Trump's rhetoric 'hateful, very prejudicial'
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At a campaign event focused on immigration, Clinton continued her criticism of the likely Republican nominee, saying that when he “talks about deporting 11 million immigrants, he’s talking about ripping apart families.”
Donald J. Trump is threatening a mass deportation that surpasses Stalin's purges.
Trump's hate for humanity is so far beyond the pale his only accomplishment will be the destruction of his own brand. It certainly seems as if Trump is suffering from mental illness. Perhaps his family needs to have an intervention.
(historical note: The Great Purge or the Great Terror was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union which occurred from 1936 to 1938.)
The reality of this man is coming clear to a large number of voters who, now, are filled with regret. This hatred for Mexicans is just the tip of the iceberg. The hatred his followers and he hold for the African Americans, the Jewish, the Asian Americans, the disabled: it smacks of the German Third Reich at its infancy. We must all be afraid, very afraid, of what can happen.
"it smacks of the German Third Reich at its infancy. We must all be afraid, very afraid, of what can happen." - comments
Fear is never the answer.
Silence is never the answer.
Never again will Americans accept the cheap racism of a demagogue.
No wonder these types populate "safe zones of hate" on marginalized media. That's why Macy's dropped the entire line of Trump's Chinese junk as soon as Trump called Mexicans rapists.
Kinda ironic timing - this is the day when Trump realizes, "Doh! Cassius Clay was Muslim?!"
The hubris of Clinton and her supporters is becoming more ridiculous every day! She's clearly looking after the interests of the big end of town but so many people are completely blind to this. And she's having to resort to the hollow racism argument because she has nothing of her own to offer - just more of the same. THAT's why people are turning to Trump. He's far from perfect, but he's a lot better than Clinton and that socialist Sanders. Contrary to what a large number of Democrat supporters and other lefties may claim, it's the left who seems to be the most violent and dangerous in their attempts to shut down free speech just because they don't like the candidate. How many Trump supporters do you see trying to block Hillary or Bernie and their supporters trying to hold a meeting? I'd say very close to zero. So much for the right to free speech.
Threatening to deport people who are in the country illegally -ie they shouldn't be there - is common sense and looking after the interests of people who are there legally. Where they are from is beside the point. And don't forget that the corrupt Mexican government supports illegal immigration to the north because remittances sent home are just about the country's biggest source of foreign-sourced income.
"THAT's why people are turning to Trump." - comments
Because hot fresh racism is delivered everyday to their tweet brains? Love to hear more about people turning to hate to solve the nation's issues. There must be dozens who see hate as an answer to Americans' needs.
Hillary is desperate, the only thing she can do now is hopelessly and in vain to try and stop the Trump phenomenon by using hate, slander and accusatory remarks to move the spotlight away from her and her serious mounting problems. The woman is absolutely pathetic.
Trump said that the judge in the Trump U case is biased because he is "Mexican." Can we get a nice, white judge in here?
Trump without a doubt has the right to question the appearance of impropriety of a judge that may indeed have some tendency to predispose him against the litigant, as does every American sincerely interested in their constitutional right to a fair trial. Ethnicity alone isn't grounds for recusal but if he thinks the judge has a specific conflict of interest or prejudice the place and the manner to make that argument is in the courtroom through his attorneys. Lawyers who are honest will not file a request they know is BS because their law licenses are on the line. What Trump needs to be able to do as a winning candidate is to communicate these concerns more succinctly. Throwing around words like Mexican and wall in the context of other incendiary comments on race is only going to make him a laughingstock in the general and push a lot of voters third party.
"Ethnicity alone isn't grounds for recusal but if he thinks the judge has a specific conflict of interest or prejudice the place and the manner to make that argument is in the courtroom through his attorneys." - comments
Ethnicity is what Trump has pushed in his complaint. Too late anyhow. The document dump sunk Trump.
There are a few problems with this comment:
1) The racism comment is very real, and not hollow. It needs to be attacked directly, because Trump's racism is one of the major problems issues that would become real if he were elected.
2) She has plenty of her own to offer. Just because you only listen to the soundbites and not her talks where she discusses policy, doesn't mean that the policy talks don't exist.
3) More of the same after one of the best presidencies in history, is a good thing.
All in all the above quote is empty, with no valid points in it whatsoever.
Hillary knows that her rabid supporters formulate their beliefs based upon emotional outbursts and sentimental rhetoric rather than rational thought and objective examination of facts. Which is why she uses phrases like “ . . . he’s talking about ripping apart families.”
It's clear, the Conservatives, the heartless beasts, will elect the man who will do such a thing. And only she can stop them. She plays them.
In a recent interview with an Arizona radio station, she confidently asserted that the U.S.-Mexico border is secure and migration from the Central American country was no longer a problem. "I think we've done a really good job securing the border . . . "And the result is that we have the most secure border we have ever had".
Lacking facts and logic, Hillary manipulates emotions and spins comical narratives to her compliant herd.
Um, he IS talking about ripping apart families.
They're on the verge of nominating such a man.
Considering only 1/3 of what Trump says is backed up by reality, and 2/3 of what Hillary says is, you should probably be more concerned with Trump than Hillary.
Little talk about the real issues of California from Hillary Clinton it seems.
"Hillary knows that her rabid supporters formulate their beliefs based upon emotional outbursts and sentimental rhetoric rather than rational thought and objective examination of facts."
You're not going to believe this but politicians play on emotions. Even the cool, sophisticated, measured rhetoric of a Trump speech with its flawless logic and lack of contradictions does seem to stir people up.
It's true that Trump's audience tends to more thoughtful and objective. The 20% of his support in South Carolina who think the abolition of slavery was a mistake are intellectual mavericks rather than racists. The emotion of hate has nothing to do with it.
"Considering only 1/3 of what Trump says is backed up by reality" - coments
Sympathy for the devil?
It's too late for Trump.
The California Federal Judge already granted the Washington Post's request for the depositions and documents from thr fraud "Trump University".
Trump continues his racist complaint but now it isn't any use.
Once the documents hit the streets the archetecture of Trump's fraud is going to mainline a revolt in the GOP-tea.
House Speaker Ryan has already condemned Trump's contempt for the rule of law.
The basis of the charges are 5,000 American Citizens Trump stole millions from. Stick the fork in the bigot.
I think Trump doles not know what is racism and he does not know if one was born in USA, they are natural citizen. Maybe he thought racism is same as aboorce race or Marathon race promotion?
Republicans, talking about how much you dislike Clinton doesn't excuse you from the fact that the man you are voting for is a straight up bigot. And everyone knows it. And you are voting for him anyway.
Some support his bigotry and genuinely want to see him get elected. Some tolerate the bigotry because they think he might have a chance to shake things up. And finally you have the ones who hate him but are pretending they like him because they don't want to lose ground to the dreaded Liberals.
So thanks for the talking points on Hillary. Try making yourself legitimate, then we can talk about the issues.
"Some tolerate the bigotry because they think he might have a chance to shake things up." - comments
Given Trump fraud charges it may be what is called a "shake down". Profiting from the suffering of others worked for Bush/Cheney, why not Trump? Because he's going to jail before January 20, 2017.
Yeah, real thoughtful:
@kc: you used to write Trump is a member of T party and I argued... Guess what, T party created new NEVERTRUMP movement, trying to get donation to buy TV ad time. Are you still claiming Trump has supporter
Comparisons to Stalin, etc? Out of your mind! Mr. Trump seems to be often repetitive, but if he is saying what he means, and people want what he says, then no surprise he will be elected to do it. Tell the truth, mind you!... So as far as I can see, and from what I've heard and read, let's trump it up...and tonne it down! ('cuze Mz. Clinton is lacking sincerity...) but god, some of you American liberals seem like 'holier than thou', eh . Very irritating, yet amusing at the same time.
How about they simply move in with you stranger? Surely you can sponsor and support them.
Reconcile that statement with this quote from the Huffington Post:
“If Hillary is going to confront and address this issue, she must look within herself. Time and again, she does not appear to be motivated by the truth, but instead, she behaves like a political attack machine motivated by an insatiable drive to win for herself at any cost.”
As a Trump supporter, are you SURE want to go down that road? Trump isn't particularly well known for telling the truth.
Thanks for the video link. I think most JT posters who are Trump supporters will see themselves in it or at least hear the same arguments they've been making for supporting Trump, their white nationalism champion.
It's not surprising to hear that some of the Trump supporters blame the media for the problems in the US today. But is that an admission they're incapable of reasoning beyond whatever they read in the media or hear on TV and radio? Are the media-is-evil folks saying they lack the wherewithal to decide for themselves what might be true, a little bit true, or false?
What does this have to do with the fact that he is talking about ripping apart families?
And yet, twice of what she says vs. what Trump says is backed up by reality. Your quote seems to say that one shouldn't vote for her because of Hillary, but the alternative would be to vote for someone who is only half as truthful as Hillary. That makes zero logical sense.
Instead of "Laureate Education" you might as well call it "Clinton University"
Are you suggesting that Trump University is a sham? Well done!
A lot of people happen to agree with that to some extent. I wouldn't even mind it if she had to drop out and we could get full support for Sanders. I like Sanders and he would utterly destroy Trump and it would be great to show the world the contrast between the two parties. Your rogue vs ours. But if that doesn't happen then I'll stick with Clinton. She's pragmatic and left leaning.
Trump, on the other hand, has been ridiculed by just about every retired high ranking military official in the US. They are being very, very clear on their warnings.
And he's a bigot. From what you've seen of his handling of race relations, does that make you more or less likely to vote for him?
What about her hateful, violent young supporters? Do they get free passes?
Everyone watch this link. Thugs attacking a peaceful Trump supporter for no reason:
When have I ever claimed to be a Trump supporter? I simply detest Hillary and all she represents. Don't forget there are other choices here.
The other choice is voting for Hillary, or not voting (which still ends up being a vote for Hillary).
Clintons mentor was a grand clan dragon. Kkk. Look it up. She is the real racist! Her husbands prison law in the 90s put so many more black men in jail for non violent crimes. They barter in men's souls and have a close relationship with the bushes. Can't believe the left is falling for her nonsense. I challenge all you hate supporters to watch a full trump speech and see what he has to say rather than regurgitating clips promoted by hitlerys main stream media and the weak repetitative race card.
If you make the claim, it's up to you to support your claim.
Sounds like something someone made up.
In Calif,Hillary and Bernie are in neck and neck. Analyzers say if Hillary loses to Bernie,, she will still win with delegate and Trump still has chance in Nov. The Judge Trump said Mexican used to help Bush,too. And that is why GNP got upset, analyzer explained. Feinstein said to both Clinton and Bernie do not split party. Seems no one of GOP people can talk to Trump.
A snippet:
"The threat to Trump posed by a serious Libertarian ticket cannot be dismissed, but the threat to Clinton may be more substantial. Libertarian principles have disproportionate appeal to younger voters."
jpn_guy - well written post, but whaddabout Hillary?
Historically libertarians have been associated with conservative politics and expressed principles associated with elements of the Republican Party platform. But that was back before the neo-cons, religious extremists and angry white nationalists took control of the current iteration of the Republican Party.
Texas A&M Aggie
Clinton says Trump's rhetoric 'hateful, very prejudicial'
And yet, Mrs. Bill "I Support Women's Rights" Clinton still has not commented on her Mexican flag waving thug followers who targeted and assaulted a pregnant white female in San Jose.
The human garbage that supports her uses tactics that match-up w/ the 1930's brown shirts in Germany: flag waving, violent scum. From here on out, they should be referred as such by all. Obviously; our current crop of U.S. propagandists in the MSM will not use the term - most have no idea of history and wouldn't know a brown shirt if they came up and hit them with a sack of rocks.
As an aside; Joseph Goebbels and his buddies never acknowledge the existence of the original brown shirts and their actions as well. Funny that; and also very ironic. It's also interesting that history, once again, is repeating itself. Just a different set of brown shirts and a different group of propagandists. . . .
That was my feeling as well except for the supporting Hillary part. I don't think these people actually vote. Just punks and gang members.
I'm worried about the backlash to these violent actions. Maybe Charles Manson will finally get his wish of a race war. I sure hope not, but people will not stand for this for too long. I'm afraid, there will be blood.
America definitely seems on the brink of a race war. Everyone seems angry, the blacks, the whites, the Latinos and the Asians. So much anger.
There are some who believe the US is being divided by design. Their hypothesis seems more possible every day. In my nearly 60 years I've never seen the US more divided. I stopped supporting one of the 2 parties years ago. The rhetoric and attacks (including name calling) to those with other points of view is saddening. The US seems to reach new lows on a weekly basis.
Was only a matter of time before Trump's comments at the beginning of the campaign come back to bite him.
And no better than ultra opportunist /shite-stirrer Hillary for that. But Trump should have known better.
Trump makes it easy for the media:
CNN's Jake Tapper: If you are saying that (Judge Curiel's) ethnicity makes him ineligible, isn't that the very definition of racism?
Trump: No, not at all. Now let me get out the old checkbook, and get the judge singing a different tune, just like my donations helped the Trump U lawsuits go away in Texas and W. Virginia. Curiel will join all the other hispanics supporting me like Gov. Susanna Martinez. Give em rally tickets and a yard sign and all is well.
(Artistic license was used to extend Trump's quote, but you know it's still right on the money.)
Hispanics are gonna love Trump. He said so himself.
Just, you know, don't have any of them in the court system.
what would be really great is for Trump to be jailed / fined for his Trump University frauds, and for Hillary to be jailed / fined for her email frauds. Then Sanders can clean up the mess.
If Clinton is the best the USA can offer and she's polling equal to Trump, then really you're toast
Her husbands prison law in the 90s put so many more black men in jail for non violent crimes.
As far as "Hillary U," in 2010, Bill Clinton was brought in to serve as honorary “Chancellor” at Laureate University for anyone that doesn't know, a part-time position at a for profit university for which he was collecting $16 million through early 2015 to dress up a leveraged buyout deal by his friends gone bad. Hillary is now against for profit educational institutions because their reputation is in tatters in the US, which is why the school now largely operates by bilking students in Latin America and Europe, still receiving huge grants for Laureate/Clinton Foundation projects from the government while she was SoS of course. So basically Clinton was being paid by a highly controversial private corporation and that corporation was also contributing to the Clinton Foundation and benefiting from State Department lowdown and greedy as it comes but the Clinton's have done so many shady, dishonest and illegal things that I think the Democrats have convinced themselves it's all one big conspiracy. Hopefully, their complacent arrogance will eventually be their downfall.
Walden University and Laureate Education, Inc named in class action lawsuit over systematic prolonging of the thesis and dissertation process
Systematic prolonging of the thesis and dissertation process?
The secret way past that is to mail twenty cereal box tops along with the usual hefty check to your degree mill of choice. Even better, don't attend a for profit college in the first place.
It's funny. The media is augmenting Hilary's attacks on trump but ignoring everything he says about her and just putting his stupid quotes out there. If you really want to see what these guys are saying you have to stop relying on the media to make your mind up for you and watch both Hillary Clinton speeches and trump speeches in full. Until then your all just making assumptions on clips from the news and hearsay.
Call it what she might want to but to many of the American people still feel Hillary for Prison and the FBI should stop being wimping out and indict her for violation of Securities Act and InfoSec. Frankly many of my US friends say that they are sick and tired of the cultural and politically correct over sensitive garbage that their current Administration and Hillary stand for. In a world stage a country should never bow down and involve cultural and political correctness else be faced at being overthrown.
We're tired of seeing illegals pouring into our country and nobody doing anything about it. The Border Patrol is neglected by the politicians in DC. And pontiffs acting like "politicians" encouraging the US to allow those immigrant into the country.
We're tired of all this PC crap and "tolerance."
We see what has happened in Germany. This is why 31 US state governors do not want islamic refugees into our country.
We're tired of watch the rioting and looting on the evening news . . . just because a white cop shoots a thuggish unarmed Black teenager who was the primary aggressor in the incident and initiated the assault.
We also don't like to see Washington snubbing our pals like Isreal, while sucking-up to the mullahs of Iran.
Pretty soon there will be no US flags in US classrooms. No more national anthems before a big game. Prob do away with "Christmas", "July 4th BBq's" and "Thanksgiving" . . . . because it might offend someone.
Even better, don't attend a for profit college in the first place.
Laureate turbocharged enrollment by lowering admission standards and through aggressive telemarketing practices that are banned in the US to eventually become known as the place to go when you failed everywhere else. Bill Clinton only stepped down when his role was exposed by the Washington Post and Hillary targeted it as a "bad actor" that failed to deliver on their promise to students.
Laureate Education Inc. Has Contributed Between $1-$5 Million To The Clinton Foundation And Has "Made Five Commitments Through The Clinton Global Initiative." "The university system - part of Laureate Education Inc., which according to Bloomberg is the world's largest for-profit college chain - has been a seven-figure donor to the Clinton Foundation, giving between $1 million and $5 million, according to the foundation's website. Laureate has also made five commitments through the Clinton Global Initiative." (Maggie Haberman, "Bill Clinton Ends Role With Chain Of For-Profit Colleges," The New York Times , 4/24/15)
Ok seriously why is Trump still in the running? The more crazy he sounds, the more votes he gets.
Lots of people have been doing lots about it. And on top of that, your anger at illegals is misguided. You've been sold a lie by politicians and corporations who want you to see illegals as the enemy, rather than the corporations and politicians who have created the circumstance in which illegals appear to be the enemy.
In short, you've bought their squirrel.
The trick to this was banks would actually give home loans at 0% down (equity) even to an average person that was deemed "credit worthy." This was standard practice at the time, the bank makes money processing the loan and as with most loans the Gov/Fed Reserve reimburses the bank for that loan, and most of these banks loans were just sold later anyway (little liability for doing a 0% equity loan). Now the standard practice is 20% equity = Trump University is not as easy to do. Do people remember Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac? --constantly hyped on CNBC, MSNBC all the time and were very big financial names.
I do not recommend Trump University unless you really love real estate. You can actually call any bank and find notes in default/threat of default and deal on them. There are people that love assets and people that love debt (assets/bonds) -Historically 2 very different financial groups.
This is the fourth article in June alone n this site that begins with "Clinton says," or "Clinton declares" something bad about Trump and the media give Hillary a platform to bash Trump. This is known as a bias.
If you want to complain about bias, you should first look at just how many more articles have started with 'Trump says' or 'Trump declares' over the past year. He has received much, much more media attention than Clinton has.
@Strangerland. I was being specific in regards to this site. Of course I would love to have more Hillary coverage on this site in regards to her emails and a few other things but I think the FBI is going to take care of that soon enough.
And? My comment doesn't change. Trump has had waaaaay more coverage on this site than Hillary has. You're showing your bias.
I can only speak for myself, but I'm tired of of racist rants and intolerance from white nationalists. However, I do believe in free speech so I know you have every right to continue to express your bigotry.
That's why we're are voting out the politicians that are in bed with these corporations and bad deals like nafta and tpp. We are not mad at the illegals, they are trying to have a better life like everyone else. But like everyone else in most legit countries there is a visa process to abide by. Why do I have to send so many documents and be vetted over and over again to renew my visa in Japan. Because they don't want criminals and welfare recipients coming into their country. It doesn't matter where you come from it matters who you are, If you can assimilate and what you can offer to their society. I don't see how you can argue this being a bad thing or racist.
@Strangerland. Turmp more coverage, yes? More platforms like "Trump says Hillary is something bad." No. Six to two in favor of Hillary. Check it out. The archives don't lie.
You check it out, your numbers are wrong. Trump has received significantly more coverage here than Hillary.
Coverage, yes. Platforms to attack Hillary, no.
Strangerland - we are talking about the main stream media as a whole. Test this out. Type Hillary into google news and read the headlines. Then type trump. You will get more positive stories on Hillary and a lot of negative on trump. There is an agenda here. There is plenty of baggage that Hillary has but the media is protecting her as they've done before with the clintons in the 90s.
Texas A&M Aggie
Clinton says Trump's rhetoric 'hateful, very prejudicial'
And what has Mrs. Bill Clinton to say about the ongoing "hateful and prejudicial" aggressions against Mr. Trump's supporters like the hate crime of targeting and attacking a white pregnant woman by the Mexican flag waving human garbage? What has Sen. Sanders said? They remain silent, which is a mistake. As a non-partisan, independent voter, this will be a reason why they would both lose in the general election. . . .
Yeah, because Trump is a moron, and Hillary isn't.
Go figure, the search results show reality. Mind Blown.
The implosion of Bush and resilience of Sanders shows that money is not all it's said to be. Trump has benefited greatly from extensive media coverage, something he himself has acknowledged. In the great availability and fragmentation of information and media, complaints about "MSM" grow increasingly pathetic.
The ultimate referees are the American people, and despite the inherent advantage the GOP has in the Electoral College, a Democrat will be elected for a third straight term - something rare in American history. The House will remain Republican only due to gerrymandering - Dems won 4% more votes in 2014 yet didn't regain control. This will further radicalize Repubs as the rump of their party grows increasingly concentrated in scattershot House districts - and the cycle will repeat.
A wildcard is the Senate - if, as looks increasingly likely, the Dems reclaim this, damage done by the House can be mitigated. Furthermore, 12 (or 16) years of Dem White House control will gradually replace that instituted by Reagan/Bush, putting the liberal trend started by Obama as a set characteristic of America.
Trump plays well into this. I'm glad he's the putitive GOP nominee - such a clown is only fitting for their swan song.
Absolute rubbish.
“I condemn all violence in our political arena,” Mrs. Clinton told CNN. “I condemned it when Donald Drumpf was inciting it and congratulating people who were engaging in it. I condemn it by those who are taking violent protests to physical assault against Donald Trump. This has to end. ” Hillary Clinton
Declaring that “no one in America should ever fear for their safety” at a political rally, Sen. Bernie Sanders condemned tonight the latest outbreak of violence at a Donald Trump campaign event.
There you go pointing out the truth. Don't you realize this destroys the republican bubble? Who will think of the republicans? Who will think of the republicans!!!
If you want to learn how to be a corrupt politician and get those US State Department grants there is only one "University" in the whole world that can teach you the fundamentals of Gov filth. Clinton University rah-rah. Why not learn from the best.
While we're on the subject of truth stranger, nothing says "truth and transparency" like Hillary aide Cheryl Mills going into the recent email deposition with seven lawyers, and giving responses that were so evasive that she couldn't even clearly vouch for her own honesty. It's been been described as "performance art".
But that's rather like praising an experienced criminal for doing well under police interrogation, after spending the last 20 years with the Clinton criminal organization, she's learned from the best.
Ahh, the good old 'but whaddabout...' deflection.
Please address the misinformation provided by Texas Maggie before trying to deflect away from the fact that she was 100% incorrect with what she said.
@Strangerland. My anger isn't misguided. You don't know all the run-ins & trouble these people caused to normal law abiding taxpaying Americans.
Bck n' '96, I was in a fender bender with an illegal. His fault. I had insurance. He didn't. (he was driving a piece of crap, btw) . . . . to make a long story short. My insurance went up.
The guy didn't even have BASIC English conversational skills. (Lucky my Spanish was decent enough to cater that distasteful scenario.) Worse, the guy didn't even have a DMV California Drivers License.
He wasn't . . . just like millions of others there, supposed to be there. How is my logic racist?
Everyone forgets that Clinton HAD and may still HAVE the kind of informatio0n needed and available to the President of the USA. Trump does NOT HAVE such information as she had access to and may still have.
Aside from the distractions of University/s, the important thing is to compare what is being "offered" with the above "perspective" in mind.
The key is not rhetoric but "action". Given the information Trump has, and the "perspective" he has in what kind of action he "may" take (not will take) is of value. He may change, may break all his positions, proposals and promises, once he has all the information available as President. Even the members of congress do not have ALL the information. And they are constantly changing positions. So it is premature to hold him to any position or to promises. But that is the nature of politics and of reality.
The important things is he is willing to take action with a "direction" and "purpose" the electorate can understand and identify with that is realistic and practical. Clinton on the other hand has only revealed "idealistic visions" which effect we cannot say is realistic or practical, only "desirable".
We all know that everyone wants "power" because he/she is "selfish". If Clinton wants to continue to enrich herself using the government, then Trump may be the same. The difference is in the "how" and "why" and "who ALSO benefits".
They have a lower crime rate than the general populace.
Anytime you blame an entire race/culture for the actions of a few, it's racist/bigoted.
But that wasn't even the point I was making this time. The fact is there are major problems in the USA, and illegals make a convenient point of focus for those who would seek to find a scapegoat, to divert attention from other issues. Trump for example - by focusing on illegals, he's managed to blind so many Americans to the fact that he's scammed a lot of people, that he's gotten rich through the status quo and through outsourcing his production, that he doesn't have a realistic foreign policy, and that he would be a dangerous person to have controlling the nuclear codes. By focusing on illegals, he's given the disenfranchised an easy target to hate, someone to blame for their problems, and something to focus on that isn't Trump's failings.
In short, he's sold you a squirrel, and disenfranchised people like you are lining up to buy one.
I look at it like this, plain and simple, you enter the country illegally, you don't have the right to be here or anywhere else for that matter, you are breaking the law and you should be held responsible and be subjected to the laws of that country and if that country says, "you go, you have to go." The millions of illegals in the states shouldn't be there to begin with, pure and simple. Every other country has strict regulations and laws regarding immigrants and we shouldn't be any different.
So, one can assume you will not be voting for Trump?
Strangerland is again quite correct. They have a lower crimw rate than 'normal law abiding citizens.' The whole 'illegal immigrant' which is nothing more a bunch of panic inducing lies swallowed hook, line, and sinker, by those feeling economically threatened by illegal immigrants. So, why not go after their employers, eh?
What logic? You mean hysteria? (Geesh)
Ok stranger, to paraphrase Hillary:
Trump deserves the blame, oh and I condemn anti-Trump violence.
Sanders on 3 June 2016:
Again, he actually scolds Trump, and as an afterthought, adds a rather limp reprimand of the protestors.
Truth is defined by our perceptions, that's human nature.
Thank you for acknowledging that both of them have condemned the violence.
The election is still a long way off. I will state unequivocally that I will NOT be voting for anyone on the ballot with a D following their name.
I second that . . . . I take it you also didn't buy that whole "vote for change" gimmick either. You're a good voter kabukideath.
That wasn't really my question, but its fair to say will be voting Trump, no? Therefore, you are a Trump supporter.
No, you are not 'sorry' to say it. You are really quite happy to, if it were otherwise, you wouldn't spew such nonsense.
Now, as per your claim: As you correctly noted, kinda hard to keep track of illegal immigrants, so, how can you possibly know they have a lower IQ? Any links?
Comments are full of the sort of shallow reasoning Trump's campaign has used to promote hate, racial and religious prejudice. Let's have a walk through the garden of Trump's harvest of hate . . .
I simply detest Hillary and all she represents. - This seems emotional from the source that claims emotion drives criticism of Trump.
I challenge all you hate supporters to watch a full trump speech and see what he has to say - What Trump has said is race, religion and ethnicity are targets for his campaign of hate. Otherwise Trump's speechs show no other content. Why not post his wisdom with sources?
These are just three examples of Trump's popularity I cannot understand. - What Trump is doing in his campaign is called the "long con." That means Trump began a foundation of racism in 2011 with the 'birther' prejudice and has repeated endlessly until Trump's marketing department showed Trump and FOXNews had harnessed hate based on race. What's not to understand? (excellent post at source)
Maybe Charles Manson will finally get his wish of a race war. - He can thank Donald J. Trump and Holocust Denier and KKK Grand Wizard David Duke. Trump refused three times on live television to condemn Duke and Duke's racism and Anti-Semitism.
why is Trump still in the running? The more crazy he sounds, the more votes he gets. - The international reader should remember, Trump garnered eleven million votes. Fourteen million Republicans voted against his racism.
You've been sold a lie by politicians and corporations who want you to see illegals as the enemy - This is the foundation of Donald J. Trump's campaign to 'Make America Hate Again'.
Democrat will be elected for a third straight term - something rare in American history. - Except for FDR, of course, in Trump's case, the GOP-tea has imploded from hate and their attacks on American Citizens and Veterans.
Many here are ferverant in their Trump-aholism.
Grasping for another deep swig from the vial of prejudice Trump has lampooned the GOP-tea with since beginning a campaign on hate for the Mexican People.
In fairness, Trump hasn't any policy except his twenty-five billion dollar wall and deporting eleven million people.
These two facts have defined Trump and his supporters because it is impossible to excise the cancer of Trump.
It is systemic in the GOP-tea DNA created by Newt Gengrich. (historical note: Gengrich was impeached as Speaker and fined $300,000 by the House of Representatives.)
Gengrich is an excellent starting point to better understand the politics of today's America. Trump is just the natural tumor of hate Gengrich infected the Republican brand with while FOXNews and Rush Limbaugh were the carriers of hate for profit.
What does Hillary have to say about there are more female executives than male executives in the Trump organization?
By that logic Sanders supporters are actually Hillary supporters. Is that your position as well?
Truth is defined by our perceptions, that's human nature. - in regard to philosophy this might have merit. In regard to reason it is fallacious.
Opinion is defined by perception. "Truth" isn't opinion. The opinion Trump is a great guy who loves America is undone by the facts that determine truth.
Why can't you answer a simple question? Will you or will you not be voting for Trump?
Many, if not most, Sanders supporters are ready to vote Hillary if Sanders doesn't get the nomination. You'll also see Sanders supporting her if that happens.
Apparently Hillary doesn't have anything to say about there are more female executives than male executives in the Trump organization.
Sanders supporters are ready to vote Hillary if Sanders doesn't get the nomination. You'll also see Sanders supporting her if that happens.
This is the character and nature of the Democrats. The Democrats aren't going to divide over a Sanders/Clinton campaign. Both supporters recognize the GOP-tea has offered a candidate of hate and defeating hate is done at the polls.
The US Gov thru DHS bring the "illegals" into the United States by third party and US Border Patrol must stand down and allow them in. This is done openly.
Ivanka Trump can be the first female president after two terms of Donald.
Trump began a foundation of racism in 2011 with the 'birther' prejudice - That accusation first surfaced from . . . the Hillary camp
A journalist would use a search to confirm this. It can't be confirmed because it is a lie. That isn't a matter of opinion.
That was never the question. Kabukideath tries to claim,that the left is voting out of emotion. Kc is merely pointing out KD's hypocrisy.
Then maybe he should drop that BS line. Maybe he should go after the American companies employing illegal immigrants? Why doesnt he do that? Because its not enough to satiate his core of bigots and racists. Introspection is garbage, blame the spics.
The point of emotion bears examination. As one commenter points up facts, sourced and accounted for, aren't "emotion". The result from facts is called 'reasoned judgement'.
Fact is that which enough people believe and truth is determined by how fervently they believe it. Anything can be true if someone repeats it loudly enough.
You need to read Orwell.
No, it's not.
Back in they day everyone believed the world was flat. That wasn't fact, it was belief/opinion. The fact is that the earth was round.
It can only be believed to be true - it's not actually true. This is something the Republicans have not figured out yet. They keep repeating the same untruths as if they will suddenly become true.
Media switched Trump to Hillary for insulting contest so Trump's income went down. He no longer pretend he is a billionaire.
I'm sorry, here you go.
Byron Tau, now a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, told via email that “we never found any links between the Clinton campaign and the rumors in 2008.”
source: Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’? - Robert Farley, July 2, 2015
This is ouroboros of the GOP'tea's invention. There are no facts, only opinion. That is a poor choice to base public policy on. Trump's campaign of hate is riddled with the 'birther' prejudice it is undoubtedly the creation of FOXNews and Donald J. Trump.
(What is interesting is a journalist has to be compelled by public shaming to search the facts of his prejudice.)
Bernie couldn't get Trump for debate even one channel tried to help Bernie. So he is still trying against Hillary but Hillary is not interested. On the contrary, she is eager to talk against Trump when she is nominated.
these trump vs Clinton they were best family friend until last year.
Trump suddenly became Republican last year and now they are bickering about every day,
That statement has no basis in reality, yet here you proclaim it as fact. You are symptomatic of your own premise.
Wouldn't it be prudent to wait until after the convention before making such speculative assumptions?
In pursuit of facts, the journalist who provides a Breitbart source for a Washington Post story has failed to consult the Washington Post.
The Post's article shows both, the falsehood of Trump's claim and that Trump has abandoned his 'brither' rants when shown his lies are hate based prejudice.
This then is the basis of Secretary Clinton's critique of Trump, his incessant need to justify hate.
Trump just went on record saying he thinks a Muslim judge would be biased against him. Pretty soon we won't have much of a pool to choose from for Supreme Court Justice since we've already eliminated Hispanics and Muslims.
On "Meet the Press," Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., was supportive of Donald Trump, but was careful not to be too supportive of some of presumptive nominees more incendiary comments.
The Senate majority leader told Chuck Todd he "couldn't disagree more" with Trump's recent attacks on the Hispanic judge presiding over the Trump University lawsuit. Trump has said Judge Gonzalo Curiel's Mexican heritage is an "absolute conflict" and has called for his recusal from the case. source NBC News, Meet the Press
Again, what the international reader will see is Trump's campaign of hate will have a few deeply resentful racists and the Republicans will simply walk away from Trump.
The Senate Majority Leader, Republican McConnell is setting up the fait accompli with House Speaker Republican Ryan. Trump may have the RNC Convention but he will not have the Republican Party.
Trump's calls for riots and violence will ring in the hollow halls of the Cleveland convention.
The strategy from Republicans isn't new.
It is one thing to win a primary, but a completely different matter to have the actual support of the Party.
Clinton's critique is far less important than the actions of the Republican Party to hand Trump his Mad Hatter's topper.
The difference is Trump's Chinese cap with be exchanged for a made in America Fool's Cap.
As Trump has shown, it isn't hate when it is what his fans believe. Like Trump, that's just being oneself.
If that's the American's cup of tea that is.
Kc, you can believe what you want and you have that right, but the hard facts remain.
Weigel writes: “In December 2007, a Clinton campaign worker named Judy Rose sent an e-mail asking whether Obama was a secret Muslim who intended to destroy America from the inside. She was fired and denounced.”
Here’s what Weigel doesn’t tell his readers:
The email wasn’t meant for public consumption. It was an internal email sent to just a handful of Democrats. Rose was only fired after the media discovered the email. Rose wasn’t merely a “Clinton campaign worker,” she was the volunteer chair of the Clinton campaign in Jones County, Iowa. A second Clinton staffer resigned just a few days later for the same offense. The emails were sent just a little more than a month before the crucial January of 2008 Iowa Caucus, which Hillary lost.
Further evidence that the Clinton campaign were the ones that started the entire birther rumor
As a journalist in the States observed, "Weigel writes: “In December 2007, a Clinton campaign worker named Judy Rose sent an e-mail".
Trump's campaign of hate is unlikely the result of "Rose wasn’t merely a “Clinton campaign worker,” she was the volunteer chair of the Clinton campaign in Jones County, Iowa."
As a journalist in the States may acknowledge as well, it is also unlikely a volunteer's email is what they used to call a "smoking gun" or direct connection to Secretary Clinton.
When the international reader considers the email of a Clinton volunteer from 2007 as the basis for a claim of genesis of Trump's 'birther' campaign, the connection is tenuous at best.
The reader may prefer the acknowledged and documented source reproduced here.
Byron Tau, now a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, told via email that “we never found any links between the Clinton campaign and the rumors in 2008.”
source: Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’? - Robert Farley, July 2, 2015
The subject remains unchanged in the article and the fallout from Trump's campaign of hate includes both Senate Majority Leader, Republican McConnell and Republican House Speaker Ryan refusing to endorse Trump's racist claim an American born Federal Judge is Trump's nemesis.
The conclusion may also be Secretary Clinton's critique of Trump's rhetoric is undeminished by the record of Trump's 'birther' campaign against President Obama's heritage.
Whoever started the birther movement, Trump ran with it and made it his. For years.
No you moron. If you don't think google along with Facebook are using algorithms and manipulating trending news cycles you are not paying attention to reality. The media even admitts they have no access to Hillary, everything's scripted when they interview her. if you want more fake politicians that routinely lie and afraid to answer questions go vote for the American oligarchy. The bushes clintons and Obamas really did a good job convincing people who are barely paying attention, don't do their own reasearch and rely on the mainstream and pop culture for their opinions and information that America is fine and dandy and globalism is going to make your life better. Get your food stamps and government welfare. Venezuela here we come!
how can you possibly know they have a lower IQ? Any links?
Its not necessary to provide links for that which is common knowledge. To make a long story short, I have lots of asians friens and lots of hispanic friends. The asians are far more educated and in a higher tax bracket than their hispanic counterparts.
I think some of us wondered if race had anything to do with Trump's position. Given what we've seen from Trump recently, what do you think?
IQ is not a person's level of education. It is their intelligence level compared with the average intelligence level of all people the same age. It also has nothing to do with taxes.
You're right. But if hispanics have higher IQ's why isn't this reflected so much throughout their communities? Compared to whites or asians they also score lower on tests.
You're right again. But I'd much rather be making a "good" annual salary than living at the poverty line for a couple generations.
In other words, Hillary gets a pass because, she's HRC, that's what you're really saying. Because many liberals don't want or can't bear to face the reality, Hillary is flawed candidate and even during the campaign, the Obama camp were furious over the allegations by the Hillary camp, but no one is surprised, that's what the Clinton's do and now they want to pass it off as if Trump came up with it. These people have no shame. Clinton's reputation was tarnished more than 30 years ago. It's never coming back.
In what way?
Tests are reflections of education, not intelligence. A person can be intelligent, and uneducated, and therefore do poorly on tests. A person can be not so intelligent, but educated, and therefore do better on tests.
If you aren't seeing Hispanics do well on tests (and I don't take that as being necessarily true, I'm just going off your words), it's because of poorer education, and is something that should be rectified, not disparaged.
Texas A&M Aggie
Just like those those at Jonestown, the Democratic Party sheep are guzzling down the liberal Kool Aid and betting our future on Mrs. Bill Clinton. But what they fail to realize is she is not her husband. She is just as corrupt, two-faced and full of lies as her husband. However, she does not have a a single ounce of his charisma.
She has a questionable track record of making public decisions that favor those who donate to the Clinton Crime Foundation. Her lone foreign-policy “achievement” is being a founding member of ISIS who helped launch an illegal war in Libya that not only cost the life of a U.S. ambassador in Benghazi but also helped transform that nation into ISIS’s latest stronghold.
When the American MSM lackeys write the post mortem of Mrs. Clinton's epic defeat, they will finally wake up to the fact that U.S. politics is rife with flawed folks who won elections, but they all had the one common characteristic: charisma. Mrs. Clinton is dry as toast who's incapable of spinning a story in a believable way.
As a non-partisan, independent voter, I want to be the first to thank the DNC-ISIS for backing such a poor candidate. . . .
Clinton has upped her attacks on Trump in recent days,"
Is this the same Clinton who set up a private email server that made America's national security secrets vulnerable?
Black Sabbath
Just say what it is:
Says the woman that support the institutionalized policy of affirmative action racism, supports the vilely racist Black Lives Matter movement, and has attacked and impugned the character of the women her husband has sexually abused. I am not defending Trump - but those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
I'm not an American citizen so I have no say about this but my feeling is while Trump is too honest which is dangerous in politics, Clinton is in politics too long she doesn't know the meaning of "honest" anymore.
God Americans got to face a tough choice.
How about Bill Clinton again?
Anybody, but Clinton. Even if it means... (choke, gag, puke, wheez)... Trump. This election really brings out the sad state of American Politics if these two are the best we can do. If this was 1802, I'd be heading west just to get away from this cesspool.
Political actions and politically correct rhetoric are by themselves "prejudicial" assuming that the correctness and righteousness of what they say and do are "superior" and "better" and even "god given".
Everyone is "prejudiced" in one way or another about every little thing that affects his/her life. Even that which we call "wisdom" is a form of "prejudice". So the problem here is in the use of the word "prejudice" that brings forth both rational as well as emotional reaction that not only divide but forces people to "choose" and take sides.
That is exactly what every leader wants, in order to organize and consolidate a following that will give him/her the power to control them. It is by this process that an organization of people, a society, is created and becomes united hopefully as a well coordinated, cooperative, efficient and effective body to face the world for survival. Every religion and every society has and uses it.
The word "prejudice" is by itself not a matter of "right" and "wrong" or "good" or "evil". That is a word used to describe a "judgement"made by each individual based upon his perspective, his values, his needs and wants, and his life experience to that point within the situation, circumstances and environment within which he has and wants to live in.
In that sense we are ALL prejudiced and this discussion or argument can go on for a very long time. And that is OK and probably needed in order to solidify unity within the USA and the world. It is by this exchange that does not become physical that is different from other animals and plants. But once it gets physical, we have a major problem. But this does not guarantee or assure us any peace and prosperity until every person is able to identify with and live with each others prejudices.
I for one do not think Trump's comments are "hateful, prejudicial" let alone racist?
Because Trump's comments about Hispanics and Muslims are very similar to the comments that appear in Japan Today with reference to Japanese.
If such comments when directed at Japanese are not "hateful, prejudicial" let alone racist by JT standards, I do not see how anyone can take offensive at what Trump says about Hispanics, Muslims, and other groups.
Penske Nievko
Clinton has no room to talk about Trump. I don't support Trump one bit, but if anyone thinks Hillary is any better, they are living in a dream world. She's just as slimy and crooked as Trump.
How about Obama for 4 more years?
That's a false equivalency. Even if you think that Hillary has her bad points, she is nothing like Trump.
Hillary is far worse than Trump as she has no honor and should acknowledge and accept responsibility for her actions involving Benhgazi and the email server issue both of which was aware as wrong. Immigration only takes away jobs if done illegally and that is what Trump is supporting his stance against "illegal immigrants" not the legal ones. Japan has many that only drain vital resources we need for every day use the US much the same. At one point the people in the US will have to wake up and realize that Hillary and Obama's view of "political correct and cultural sensitivity" will only make it easier for America's enemy's to run over them. China and Russia to name their biggest threats will not hesitate to take any American in front of everyone to make an example of and ram a bullet in the back of their head with no emotions what so ever. that is real...that is what Hillary will bring to the American public. Obama can be said in nearly accomplishing the job. Look at the encroachment by both China and Russia lately with Obama doing nothing.
You are right, she is much, much worse than Trump. For decades Hillary has supported government sponsored policies that benefit some citizens over others based solely on their race. That is the textbook definition of racism.
The NY Times has this headline:
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Call Each Other Unfit for Presidency
You know what, they're both right!
Ridiculous hairstyle and campaign sloganeering apart, Trump has said he wants to make peace with Russia, stop stupid interventionist actions, control the borders, and reign in rampant globalism. Obviously, many people support that.
The globalist cabale, the media, and some rabid American party fanatics who always cheer for their team no matter what, do not. Kind of sad to see that.
Aly Rustom
I have never read ANYTHING of the sort. Can you give us a concrete example? I am genuinely curious.