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Clinton wants Democratic Senate; Trump says she has to go to jail


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Trumpty Dumpty said "Build that wall!"

Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the Repub horses and all the Repub men

Couldn't put the party together again.

-1 ( +22 / -23 )

This whole election has been driven by conspiracy theories from the Trump campaign, but let's consider my favorite conspiracy theory, which is instead about the Trump campaign. Lots of people are speculating now that Trump is actually a ringer for Clinton because it's inconceivable to them that someone would be so incompetent as to campaign as badly as he does.

I'm not saying I believe it, I just think it's hilarious.

-11 ( +12 / -23 )

“I wouldn’t want to be in a foxhole with a lot of these people,

Tough talk that’s an insult to all who have been in the military and actually know what the expression means.

Trump’s rich daddy sent him to an exclusive military secondary school because young Don was so out of control and such an obnoxious bully that only a martial level discipline could keep him away from even more serious trouble.

Trump never served in the military. His rich daddy’s doctor helped him get a deferment so he could continue living the ruling class lifestyle of the rich and famous.

He claims he had his ‘Vietnam’ avoiding STD after sleeping with so many women. An insult to Vietnam vets.

He insults POW’s. He insults gold star families.

He wants the US to increase the size of the largest, most expensive, and most frightening military the world has ever seen.

He speaks flippantly about using nukes.

He’s a loose cannon with a hair trigger temper. The only people I can see trusting him as commander in chief with direct access to the red button are those who want the US to continue invading sovereign nations. And most frighteningly, dropping the big one. (Cue Randy Newman)

-11 ( +11 / -22 )


Ha ha ha. Doesn't really matter what motivates him, cause the Great Trumpkin is just a symptom. The disease is the Republican party.

A lot of lies will be told in the aftermath what's coming. But the facts are plain for all to see: Trumpy won the primary. He did so early, and never looked back. He did so because he went birther, nativist, sexist and blood-soil nationalist. Don't forget about half of the so-called Evangelicals chose Trump OVER Cruz. Because the are white Christian nationalists.

No matter how you slice it, 40% of those who vote Republican are open racists and religious bigots. Thems the facts. These openly racist, sexist and religious bigots forced Trumpy on the party despite everything the establishment Republicans pulled out. Why?

Because that the center of gravity of the Republican voter. Of the Republican party.

-12 ( +10 / -22 )

I can't imagine a more clear and present danger to this great country than Donald Trump. Why would anyone want to put our future into the hands of someone who clearly has no respect or use for our Constitution, who lied to avoid service to our country, who clearly has no morals, who cares nothing about the American people and sees them as tools to further his own selfish interests and who may have financial ties to countries that are less than friendly to the United States.

-13 ( +9 / -22 )

Lots of people are speculating now that Trump is actually a ringer for Clinton because it's inconceivable to them that someone would be so incompetent as to campaign as badly as he does.

I'll second that. People around me as well have half-jokingly speculated that this is some sort of Machiavelian plot cooked up between Trump and Clinton to get Clinton into the White House.

I think this joke persists for the same reason shows like the Daily Show and Last Week Tonight are so successful. We need the humor to help quell the fear and calm our possibly better instincts to run for the hills.

What is most terrifying about Trump is not Trump himself. I mean, yes, the man brings the definition of troll to a whole new level. But it's the unwavering support her still enjoys. These people are talking about revolution and repealing the 19th amendments and kangaroo courts and ostracizing broad swaths of the population if they don't agree with their dogma -- dogma pre-packaged and shoved down their willingly ignorant throats guide masterfully by Trump.

When -- not "if" -- when Clinton wins the election, I'm genuinely concerned with not only how Trump will behave, since he has very clearly committed to being the best villain he can from now until Election Day, but also with his disciples.

This is precisely how Hitler and Nazism rose to power in Germany, Precisely.

American and the world at large should be concerned. Very concerned.

-15 ( +7 / -22 )

The NYT and Erin Burnett of the CNN have revealed some shocking news: Two lady victims of Trump's "criminal hands" and "evil mind"claimed that Trump had sexually assaulted them on their business flights. Let's hope that the American GOP and Democrat leaders would help Trump to have their days before the Court. It's shameful that a university president still assumed that Trump would be a president of the USA. I would like to rise a question to the so-called "scholar:" Did you pass the moral qualification test before becoming a university president?

-16 ( +6 / -22 )

Neither Clinton nor Trump are fit to serve.

Time to scrub the board clean and start again, U.S.A.

-5 ( +10 / -15 )

All the lefties on here avoiding the real news from wikileaks on their corrupt candidate.

12 ( +29 / -17 )

Seems like the things are going back to the way they used to be. The Democrats are now more conservative than the Republicans.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

“That’s all they have left — pure negativity, pessimism,”

That's all they've had for years -- and it's entirely their own fault. Time and time again they've vowed to change in order to appeal to a wider base instead of just old, white men, but each and every time they retreated further, tail between legs, into hatred and then despair over the results. They never learn, and they deserve everything they are now suffering.

As for Trump and his prison comments -- pure desperation and deflection. The man is a racist, misogynist, and then some, and has flubbed all his failures down on people who worked for him, and the nation, so that he could avoid paying the taxes they all have to. If anyone deserves to go to jail, it's Trump.

And now thanks to him, and the GOP itselt, again, they are going down -- and this time in epic proportions.

-15 ( +8 / -23 )

All the lefties on here avoiding the real news from wikileaks on their corrupt candidate.

If Trump weren't so horrendous, the emails would be a huge headache for her. But it's becoming apparent to most of the American people that Trump is so unqualified to be president, that the emails don't even matter, because with all her faults, Clinton is not only infinitely more qualified, but Trump would in fact ruin the country.

If you're frustrated that the people aren't paying more attention to the emails, you should be angry that your party chose such an idiot that people are too distracted by him to even bother looking.

-11 ( +13 / -24 )

I miss JEB!

-15 ( +2 / -17 )


It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is guilty. She is simply above the law and represents everything wrong with DC.

Clintons Syria policy


How can you Hillary supporters not put that together?

4 ( +25 / -21 )

LFRagain: People around me as well have half-jokingly speculated that this is some sort of Machiavelian plot cooked up between Trump and Clinton to get Clinton into the White House.

Trump knows he will lose so he's building an army of anti-Hillary bots, and he's going to sell stuff to them after the election. That's my theory.

-13 ( +9 / -22 )


Wishful thinking but there won`t be anything to sell after Clinton picks a war with Russia.

6 ( +22 / -16 )

The one who should be lockup and throw key away is Donald Trump. This guy is really disgusting. I have heard about how he seduced and assault to beauty pageants in Hotel and his apartment before but I don't believe it. Now I believed all stories accused him of improper way touching women and raped women in the past and present.

-13 ( +8 / -21 )

I just don't get your war angle, Jeffery, so go ahead and count me out of any future discussions that you try to force on everyone.

The Washington Post is reporting that three women have come forward saying that Trump sexually molested them. Expect Trump to attack them and Bill Clinton. That should free up Hillary to focus on the issues.

-12 ( +11 / -23 )

It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is guilty.

What has been proven, Jeffery? Precisely what has been proven?

Clinton's Syria policy isn't a criminal issue. It's a policy issue. She didn't personally order the targeting of civilians. She didn't personally oversee the use of chemical weapons. She didn't invite ISIS to join the coalition of rebels fighting against Assad. What jailable offense did she actually commit?

Now, if you're going to talk about willfully mishandling classified information via her e-mail server, well, it would appear the FBI doesn't agree with you, or Trump, or the rest of his supporters who seem to believe the Internet is a perfectly fair and impartial courtroom of law. This "shadow of a doubt" you speak of hasn't even been remotely addressed, at least not in the actual, genuine, grown-up, legal definition of the term.

-11 ( +10 / -21 )

Seems like the readers back her and want world conflict to continue. Both are bad, that's why I back Putin for president.

13 ( +23 / -10 )

All the lefties on here avoiding the real news from wikileaks on their corrupt candidate.

I gotta agree with Strangerland`s take on this. In an election against almost any candidate other than Trump that Wikileaks scandal would be devastating for Clinton. When she was asked about it in the last debate, her answer was embarassingly weak and might normally have been the sort of thing that could sink a campaign, getting huge airplay. If these revalations had come out in the primaries, Sanders might have won the nomination. Or if she was running against a Rubio or Jeb Bush-type generic Republican candidate, she might have been sunk.

But instead the Republicans have a nominee with so many skeletons in his closet, and so prone to drawing attention to himself, that this otherwise damaging scandal has more or less floated by completely overshadowed by the constant drumbeat of much more interesting Trump-scandals.

Trump really makes Clinton scandal-proof for that reason. I am pretty sure that Clinton supporters are probably right now sitting on a few more extremely damaging tapes (like the much speculated on Apprentice out-takes which are said to contain much worse). There is no point in them releasing them now since Trump is already in free fall. But if some other Clinton scandal emerges in the last weeks of the campaign, all they have to do is release another recording of Trump saying or doing something outrageous and voila! Everybody stops paying attention to Clinton`s troubles.

This is the type of strategy that can only work against a candidate like Trump, and its probably the reason there are so few politicians like him.

-15 ( +6 / -21 )

Trump is spontaneous and bombastic--reckless qualities for being president. Clinton will do lots of stuff the GOP hates, but Trump would do things that they'd hate even more. A Trump presidency could be the end of the GOP. Many Republican leaders and insiders know this and so fight against him. They can bounce back from Clinton but not Trump.

What a pickle.

-13 ( +7 / -20 )

@rainyday and strangerland,

I guess Americans (mostly female chauvinists) dislike guy talk more than totally corrupt politicians. Goes to show you how effective 24 hr. smearing news is at brainwashing.

Crooked Hillary is not qualified at all. She`s a protected thug politician. Exactly what the world seems to like.

Just looking at a woman these days can be considered harassment. More hypersensitivity.

2 ( +22 / -20 )


All the lefties on here avoiding the real news from wikileaks on their corrupt candidate.

I agree that the leaks are bad and that the media seems to be glossing over them. But so far the level of corruption shown is what I expected of all pro-status-quo establishment politicians. I'm not excusing it, but I'm certain the establishment on the Republican side is just as bad if not worse with no progressive wing to keep them in check.

Despite what his supporters think, Trump is not an anti-establishment candidate. Other than his opposition to TPP, his policy proposals have been pretty standard establishment fare and pro-corporations. He also has no idea what he's doing, so he'll probably rely on his establishment advisors anyway. That combined with all his other problems that the media is rightfully covering makes him worse than "Corrupt Hillary."

-16 ( +6 / -22 )

I'm interested to see just how many idiots there are in the USA on election day.

-14 ( +5 / -19 )

The Clinton emails are so boring. Compared to Donald Trump, Hillary makes librarians and accountants look wild and crazy. I would much rather have a boring president like Clinton than a nut like Trump.

-15 ( +6 / -21 )

pointofviewOCT. 13, 2016 - 11:14AM JST

I guess Americans (mostly female chauvinists) dislike guy talk more than totally corrupt politicians. Goes to show you how effective 24 hr. smearing news is at brainwashing.

"Guy talk?" It was virtually a confession, for crying out loud. Trump says it was only words, not actions, and you believe him? He didn't say he wanted to hit on married women, or that he wanted to kiss and grope any woman he liked the look of, or anything hypothetical like that. He said he actually did it. Words and actions. Is that too hard a concept for Trump groupies to get their heads around?

-12 ( +8 / -20 )

pointofviewOCT. 13, 2016 - 09:26AM JST All the lefties on here avoiding the real news from wikileaks on their corrupt candidate.

Not really a lefty, but yeah, I'm even going further. I'm outright ignoring wikileaks as irrelevant.

It's trivially easy to alter or even outright fabricate a "leaked" email, and without multiple recipients corroborating it as accurate, there is no way to know if someone's "leaked" email was actually sent by them. Wikileaks has hardly shown itself to be a neutral observer of this election. Given that there have been numerous reports that wikileaks has been infiltrated by Russian officials with the intent of spreading anti-Nato-member propaganda, and I don't see any reason to take them at their word.

Now, you show me corroborated evidence that Hillary Clinton has committed a crime, and I promise not to vote for her. But vaguely asserting she's a "crook" without a shred of evidence beyond the claims of a dubious source like Wikileaks is frankly a waste of everyone's time.

-15 ( +6 / -21 )


Corruption in politics, endless lying, pay to play need to be covered and questioned in detail. Just look at the sh*t storm over Trump`s tape. Ridiculous. No comparison.

If the media only cared about the 70,000 sexual assaults on women in 2011 by criminal aliens as much as the hit piece on Trump.


You like your corruption then.

@Simon Foston,

What he said is talk youd hear at a bar. Nothing new. Its not nice what he said but it`s not nice because everyone has now heard it. Another hit piece.

14 ( +24 / -10 )

You have to look at Wikileaks in the context of Republicans. They think she has people killed, has a billion dollars, is about to die, planned Benghazi, etc. Leaks showing her positions as being more moderate than far left doesn't really have the same impact.

That being said, FoxNews.com has had exponentially more headline stories related to the leaks than Trump's sexual assaults. It might not register in the real world but it the bubble it is the single biggest story. The anti-Hillary bots come here to copy and paste what they've been told. Bass, Lizz, and Serrano especially have been caught copying fringe right articles and pasting them here.

-14 ( +8 / -22 )

I guess Americans (mostly female chauvinists) dislike guy talk more than totally corrupt politicians. Goes to show you how effective 24 hr. smearing news is at brainwashing.

Oh yes, because guy talk is clearly the only issue people are basing their decision on and Trump was miles ahead in the poles before that guy talk made the news.

Oh no wait, not that. The opposite of that. And as an aside, bragging about sexual assault isn`t something normal guys talk about.

The list of reasons he has given the public to strongly desire that he not become president is too long for me to list here and the whole Access Hollywood tape is just another addition to that.

Hillary has also given people reasons to vote against her, but nowhere near as many as Trump. Plus she has also given people reasons to vote for her by clearly delineating policy goals - people generally know what a vote for Hillary is a vote for in terms of policy. Trump hasn`t done that, he is basically just defining his campaign in terms of what his supporters are against, but not what they are for. A vote for him is a vote against Hillary, a vote against immigrants, etc, but he has given almost no policy goals outside of building a wall, deporting illegals and changing the tax system - and even these he has given no clear details on how they will be implemented.

-16 ( +6 / -22 )

"I'm interested to see just how many idiots there are in the USA on election day."

That'll be difficult to estimate unless you regard all deplorables as idiots.

-19 ( +3 / -22 )

"All the lefties on here avoiding the real news from wikileaks on their corrupt candidate"

Hahaha... no, but we don't care at all about the deflection attempts from your own mess. You made it, so 'man up' already. If Trump weren't so utterly horrendous and unqualified to lead the wikileaks would be bigger news, plain and simple. So go ahead and keep bringing them up, and keep on for whatever reason scream and screech about war in an attempt to deflect, too, but no matter what you say or do compared to Trump Hilary looks like a saint and is OVERqualified for the presidency, and she's going to be your next president. It's fact -- you know it, and so as she said, all you guys have left is pessimism and negativity.

Trump has not only played right into her and the Democrats hands, but he has also, in said negativity and desperation, revealed himself to be the clown and downright disgusting human being he is.

-16 ( +6 / -22 )

pointofviewOCT. 13, 2016 - 12:24PM JST

@Simon Foston, What he said is talk youd hear at a bar.

No. I wouldn't. I've never heard anyone talk like that. If I did I imagine they would get a smack in the mouth quite soon afterwards.

-16 ( +7 / -23 )

Momentum? Hillary has no momentum, the media is creating a fantasy for her to cover up her crimes and incompetence. The world should worry because Hillary already started a world war when she helped Isis come to power to form a world terror army and a new, slave industry. As the wave of violent invaders rape and kill across Europe, consider she did all of that as a secretary of state, with absolute power expect far worse.

Hillary wins means world war and a world recession.

11 ( +23 / -12 )

Simon Foston

pointofview: @Simon Foston, What he said is talk youd hear at a bar.

No. I wouldn't. I've never heard anyone talk like that. If I did I imagine they would get a smack in the mouth quite soon afterwards.

And yet those words evolved somewhere. I guess not in bars.


11 ( +21 / -10 )

Trump embodies many worrisome characteristics, but seriously, is he mentally okay? I mean, listen to the way he speaks:

I wouldn’t want to be in a foxhole with a lot of these people, that I can tell you, including Ryan. By the way, including Ryan, especially Ryan.

The way he repeats himself constantly is unnerving; it's almost like he has this running conversation going on in his brain, only part of which he shares with us. That would also explain his late-night Tweeting. And then,

Wouldn’t you think Paul Ryan would call and say good going. In front of just about the largest debate for a second-night debate in the history of the country. You’d think they’d say, ‘Great going, Don. Let’s go, let’s beat this crook. Let’s beat her, we’ve got to stop her.’ No, he doesn’t do that. There’s a whole deal going on, we’re going to figure it out. I always figure things out, here’s a whole sinister deal going on.

Sure, everyone likes validation, but no, he did not do well in either debate as every scientifically conducted poll indicates. A true leader is able to recognize his or her weaknesses and work to overcome them; Trump simply demands adoration. This segues with the remainder of the quote: Those not paying sufficient obsequence are necessarily part of some nefarious plot, whether knowingly ("Crook!") or not ("Fool!"). Whatever mechanisms comprise what makes up Trump's mental facilities are in overdrive now, apparently, intent on discovering what is the "whole sinister deal going on" because he "always figure(s) things out." He is not losing because a majority of Americans do not like him; he's losing due to some nefarious plot.

Paranoia, schizophrenia, grandiosity, narcissism - is it drug-induced? Perhaps. But for those in the language profession who pay attention not just to what people say but how they say it, something is seriously wrong with this man. He resembles increasingly any tinpot dictator in their last days, and the scary thing is that that is when they become the most dangerous.

-11 ( +11 / -22 )

Momentum? Hillary has no momentum, the media is creating a fantasy for her to cover up her crimes and incompetence.

It was pretty neck and neck but Clinton spiked immediately after the tape in nearly every poll. You're the one living in a fantasy. It's one thing to stick with Trump, but you really can't see how others would drop their support in droves after those comments came out? You and those "revolutionaries" worried about rigging and voter fraud aren't living in reality. Barring a major Wikileak revelation, it won't even be close.

-11 ( +8 / -19 )

Oh, and for those newly-minted prudes in histrionics over salty language, how did you feel about:


6 ( +19 / -13 )

Trumpty Dumpty said "Build that wall!"

Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the Repub horses and all the Repub men

Couldn't put the party together again.

That's a classic!

-16 ( +5 / -21 )

Wow, it's gotta suck to be Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway now, who was forced to pretend that her boss is not saying what he is saying or, even if he is, does not mean it. When asked whether Trump was serious about jailing Clinton if he's elected, she said:

No he's not, he's talking about the result. No, he's not. You're taking it literally. You're just stuck on this one thing.

Perhaps it is "locker room talk." Perhaps it is not. Either case would disqualify Trump from the presidency. Words have consequences, particularly for the president.

-10 ( +10 / -20 )


I guess Americans (mostly female chauvinists) dislike guy talk more than totally corrupt politicians.

A few points:

One, the vast majority of Americans do not condone sexual assault, even if it's characterized as boys-will-be-boys locker-room banter. My father didn't raise me to speak that way. My male friends throughout high school and college never spoke that way. And well-respected professional athletes don't speak this way, in the locker room or out.

You and other Trump supporters attempting to characterize his vulgar comments as something normal is vulgar in and of itself for countless reasons, not the least of which is that it's patently untrue that this is how civilized, educated, non-emotionally stunted males normally talk to each other about women when amongst themselves.

So, no. You can keep your misogyny to yourself. The backlash isn't spurred by so-called "female chauvinists." It's spurred by decent Americans, male and female alike, who know better.

Two, Clinton's corruption has yet to be definitely established. Rumors, innuendo, and circumstantial evidence do not a legal case make, friend. On the other hand, evidence of Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women does exist. In fact, primary source evidence of Donald Trump being an insufferable asshat is so ubiquitous that we're spoiled for choice. So, if you're going to speak about candidate flaws, look closer to home.

Three, yes, Americans are of course concerned about corruption, even the liberal ones. But they're also concerned that a Government of the People should be one that reflects the best version of ourselves and not the worst. If Clinton is indeed corrupt, as so many conservatives allege, then at least she has the common decency to not brag aloud about her transgressions.

Trump, on the other hand, with no shame and little regret, parades his lecherous depravity in front of the electorate, practically daring us to take issue with it. Tax evasion. Business incompetence. Putin-loving. Anti-due process. Multiple-divorcee. Infidelity. Infidelity. Infidelity. Wishful incest. Sexual assault. And he's the CONSERVATIVE nominee, FFS.

It absolutely offends all standards of right or reason that this man is anywhere near the presidency.

-9 ( +12 / -21 )


Trump embodies many worrisome characteristics, but seriously, is he mentally okay?

I wondered that about Bush too.

And Cheney is PSYCHOTIC.

With that background, I don't think Trump stands out particularly.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I feel sorry for all of you who claim to have never heard "locker room talk". Because now you have, and Trump has ruined your life.

Oh yeah and the women who protested outside Trump Tower by using even worse locker room talk. Such vulgarity in public. The website even censors the headline AND the URL. yet there they are, with their signs in full view of kids and holy people.


13 ( +23 / -10 )

yes, while trump was enjoying his deferment from the military, bill clinton was slogging through the jungle in viet nam and risking his life fighting for his country... NOT.

oh, at the risk of being labelled a conspiracy theorist, the alleged assaults by trump on these women took place how many decades ago? and they wait until 30 days before the election to come forward? And the timing with hilllarys wikileaks fiasco is purely coincidental, we are supposed to believe.

Its been famously said that inside every "liberal" is a fascist fighting to get out. I dont hear anything remotely close to concern from "progressives" about the obvious planning and manipulation of this dirty tricks campaign agaisnt trump.

12 ( +23 / -11 )

Locker room 'bots are going to be busy the next few days as more and more women come forward with their accounts of being sexually assaulted by Donald J Trump.

Trump 'groped woman like an octopus'


The Party of the "Moral Compass". Haven't heard that once this election cycle from out Independent Republicans. It seems like they change their talking points quicker than Trump gets divorced...

-15 ( +6 / -21 )

Those kinds of statements would mean a lot more if Trump weren't such an unqualified douche bag.

-12 ( +9 / -21 )

Laguna: "Wow, it's gotta suck to be Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway now, who was forced to pretend that her boss is not saying what he is saying or, even if he is, does not mean it."

I feel even more sorry for his family, and particularly his daughter, Ivanka, who has not only had to defend her dad after he said he would sleep with her, but also who claims to be a 'strong, independent, and modern woman' but needs to defend her dad who could grab her and others by the p^^^y and would love him for it because he's rich and famous. And his poor wife, too, who can't do anything but steal other people's words and then stand back silently and defend her husband as he slanders and assaults women! I wonder whom he takes it out on when he gets home.

Blacklabel: "I feel sorry for all of you who claim to have never heard "locker room talk". Because now you have, and Trump has ruined your life."

Well, feel sorry for others if it helps you deflect, bud, but the real crime in all this are Trump fans who are now trying to claim that sexual assault is 'not really a crime' in the man's defence. Just goes to show you how abhorrent these people are. And no, the should not be pitied; fans of Trump should be locked in an asylum.

-11 ( +10 / -21 )

Hillary Clinton for Prison!

Martha Stewart got sent to prison for allegedly obstructing an investigation into her financial investments. Hillary lies bald-faced under oath and investigation gets quashed from above so she continues to walk the streets.

14 ( +24 / -10 )

I feel sorry for all of you who claim to have never heard "locker room talk". Because now you have, and Trump has ruined your life.

We were never going to vote for him anyway. It's the former Trump supporters you should be worried about.

Oh yeah and the women who protested outside Trump Tower by using even worse locker room talk. Such vulgarity in public.

Yeah, that might hurt them when they decide to run for President. On second thought, it won't because it's entirely different when its the perpetrator of abuse that uses that kind of language.

-14 ( +6 / -20 )

Mr Bum, actually, public displays of vulgarity are distasteful and just plain vulgar. Another step in the degeneration of society.

20 ( +24 / -4 )

turbotsatOCT. 13, 2016 - 01:29PM JST Simon Foston

pointofview: @Simon Foston, What he said is talk youd hear at a bar.

No. I wouldn't. I've never heard anyone talk like that. If I did I imagine they would get a smack in the mouth quite soon afterwards.

And yet those words evolved somewhere. I guess not in bars.

Probably in the brains of sleazy playboys with a hyper-inflated sense of entitlement and a view of other people as existing purely for their benefit or pleasure. Or the kinds of bars, clubs and parties such lowlifes frequent.

-13 ( +7 / -20 )


How about doing mocking imitations of the handicapped in public, judging women by their appearance and calling them fat pigs in public, talking about a woman's blood from wherever in public, etc. all as a presidential candidate. This is Trump we're talking about FFS... Another step in the degeneration of society indeed.

-12 ( +9 / -21 )

More and more women coming forward about Trump, just like others and I said they would when the tape of Trump came out, and to which some Republican posters said, "What accusers" followed soon after by, "I'm no conspiracy theorist... but why did they wait so long to come out?", followed now by, "I'm not sure assault is a crime", etc. It is simply amazing how low some people will go. Even some of the more partisan, radical-right posters who defend the guy haven't had the heart to come on today and defend him. Perhaps they have finally realised he cannot be defended, plain and simple.

-9 ( +10 / -19 )

Where did the mad rumours about Clinton having people bumped off start? I've seen quite a few reports from Trump supporters who bang on about that. Then there's the Benghazi thing... are people saying she organised the attack on the embassy? The private server... was it secure? If so what's the problem?

-15 ( +5 / -20 )

MrBum, trump is nothing to do with me.

13 ( +18 / -5 )

Outrider: "MrBum, trump is nothing to do with me."

Yeah, no, not at all! Especially not when you are suggesting the women coming forward are all part of a conspiracy and are not actually victims, in Trump's defence. But nope... "is (sic) nothing to do with me" at all!

"I dont hear anything remotely close to concern from "progressives" about the obvious planning and manipulation of this dirty tricks campaign agaisnt trump."

Nope... nothing at all.

"To put things in perspective, a hidden recording device would have caught a hell of a lot worse in terms of vulgarity and misogyny from , e.g, LBJ or JFK."

Certainly not defending him, because he "is nothing to do with me".

(in defence of Trump... again) "I'll say it again; a beauty queen is not supposed to pork out on tortillas, black beans, and louisiana sausage."

Nah, nothing to do with you at all.

-11 ( +10 / -21 )

More and more women coming forward about Trump, just like others and I said they would when the tape of Trump came out,

My grandmother has just told me she was sexually harassed by Trump 35 years ago. One thing I do not understand about my granny is 35 years time gap of waiting patiently for her allegation. She forgot what did she eat on yesterday. Suprisingly she remembered Trump hands like octopus and everywhere on her body.

She even mentioned Trump will make America grope again.

Do I have to believe her? By the way , she told me Trump whispered the sexy sentences from Fifty shades of Grey. Have this book been published 35 years ago?

That women allegations have some twists and turns like "Life of Pi" movie ending. I hate to admit that Trump may be old enough to be my father however he is hundred times better looking and fabulously rich and famous.

10 ( +19 / -9 )

Athletes: "My grandmother has just told me she was sexually harassed by Trump 35 years ago. One thing I do not understand about my granny is 35 years time gap of waiting patiently for her allegation."

Did you know that there has been a 40% increase in women calling hotlines to report assaults since the Trump tape came out? You know why, they have had enough, and many are becoming emboldened. You know what else, many people won't talk about what they saw, did, and experienced in war or what have you until their death bed or some major revelation occurs because they can't bring themselves to face it, or perhaps lack the courage and support. I mean, you guys telling these women they are not victims/survivors, claiming they are like your senile grandmother, and suggesting that assault is not a crime and the women are part of a conspiracy certainly can't have anything to do with them not wanting to come forward, can it?

Once one allegation was made about Bill Cosby, others came forward. Were they all lying too, my friend? Some people don't want to relive the experience or confront it when they are being spat on by a man who says he can "grab their p~~~y and they won't say anything", because they know that once again they will be shamed and vilified by people like you.

And now the defenders are out again trying to hammer women down and set the clock back on abuse to a time when it was "okay". It's never okay, bud, much as defenders want to avoid that fact.

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

I guess Americans (mostly female chauvinists) dislike guy talk more than totally corrupt politicians.

The guy talk is only the symptom. The disease is a candidate who is a fundamentally flawed human being. If it were only the 'locker room talk' (which, he fired a candidate on the Apprentice for by the way), then it wouldn't be nearly as devastating to him. But it's this coupled with all the rest of his failings that is sinking him. The straw on the camel's back as it were.

If the media only cared about the 70,000 sexual assaults on women in 2011 by criminal aliens as much as the hit piece on Trump.

The alt-right has no place to complain about imbalanced numbers, when they are hysteric about Muslims, and passe about guns.

As for the whole 'never heard locker room talk' etc, personally I've said things when in the company of close friends that would disqualify me from being president and/or a politician. I'm no stranger to locker room talk, though not of the 'I can sexually assault and get away with it' talk, which is reprehensible, but rather just talking about what we've done with girls, or would like to.

But there are four major differences between me and Trump:

1) I'm not trying to become president.

2) I know I'm not qualified to be president.

3) I'm not stupid enough to say things like that outside of the company of close friends. Not to some chump on a bus that is at best an acquaintance.

4) I've never sexually assaulted anyone.

People trying to say that locker room talk is no big deal are missing out on the fact that we aren't talking about Joe Blow at the gym, we're talking about a guy who is trying to be the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet.

Before this election, that meant a bar that was set extremely high. It needed to be someone of exceptional moral turpitude, a history of service, and a personable individual.

Trump has brought the bar down to 'that douche who made some money but is still a douche'.

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

Latest polling shows that a majority of Americans think that Trump is racist and sexist. At the same time, a majority of Americans think that Clinton is corrupt and over secretive.

I know which of those alternatives I'd take.... neither one is appealing, but only one is truly damaging to the country and the political system.

As for Trump's "locker room talk", let's be honest. Most men out there are petrified at the thought that their wives and/or girlfriends are going to ask them, "do men REALLY talk that way about women?". They can either tell the truth and risk being castrated, or lie and keep their body parts intact.

But the reality is that a lot of men have either said something like Trump did, or been present when another guy did. It's all part of boasting and self aggrandizement, trying to look like the "cool guy" in the room. Stupid and immature? Absolutely. Something to be proud of? Of course not. Is it worth more media time than issues like terrorism, energy policy, the economy, etc? Not really. Just shows the utter depths to which the Democrats will sink to drag Hillary across the finish line.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

Atilla, corruption and bad secrecy isnt potentially damaging for the nation?

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Outrider, Uh.... that's my point. Corruption and secrecy are worse in a President than racism/sexism.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Atilla, sorry abt that.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Attilathehungry: "As for Trump's "locker room talk", let's be honest. Most men out there are petrified at the thought that their wives and/or girlfriends are going to ask them, "do men REALLY talk that way about women?". "

Once again, trying to justify the man's comments by suggesting "we've all done that". I've never talked like Trump has -- bragging about SEXUAL ASSAULT. If you have, that makes you as bad as him. YOU may be afraid your better half finding out you talk like that, but why would the majority of men, who do no such thing, be afraid? And don't fool yourself -- a real man doesn't need to brag about getting away with assault because he's rich and famous, nor need to be rich and famous to be intimate with or even just touch a person -- he gets their consent.

You guys truly are a sorry bunch, and please don't pretend you are standing in on behalf of real men.

-9 ( +8 / -17 )

IF trump promised to jail clinton if he got in he win wouldn't he? At least one of the two would be out of the way LOL.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Smith, I didn't brag about sexual assault. Neither did Trump. He was engaged in a time honored male practice known as "bullsh!tting". A strange kind of bonding ritual that is very common. I think the Brits would call it being "one of the lads". It's ignorant and immature, but not criminal. And certainly not worth all the handbag-clutching and teary over-earnest virtue signalling that this non-event has caused.

It's a different world today than even 10 years ago when Trump, as a private citizen, sat on a bus and had what he assumed was a private conversation with a b-list reporter and tried to impress him with tales of womanizing and nampa skill.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Clinton is not only infinitely more qualified, but Trump would in fact ruin the country

True on the first wrong on the second. Country's been in ruins for quite a while now. Onward with the decline. Keep on kickin that can.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Outrider, Uh.... that's my point. Corruption and secrecy are worse in a President than racism/sexism.

Secrecy is an absolute requirement of the president. They are the leader of the nation, the idea that they should not be secretive is about is ridiculous as it gets. Considering how much you guys have been going on about the supposed confidentiality issues with her home email server, the fact that you'd now be complaining that she is secretive after previously complaining she wasn't secretive just shows that the goal is to smear, not to find the best leader.

As for her corruption - the alt-right has you guys convinced she's corrupt. But her history and record in the real world shows otherwise.

So lets look at the alternate, racism and sexism, which you guys say is better. Half the country is women, and a huge portion of the population is non-white/non-christian. All men are supposed to be equal, but we have a guy who has shown he doesn't consider over half the country to be equal. And he is supposed to set in place laws to protect that equality? To ensure that the people feel like they belong in society? To run a free nation?

And he's supposed to somehow get the people, over half of whom he feels superior to based purely on race and sex, to follow his lead?

You're living in an alt-right fantasy world.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

AttilathehungryOCT. 13, 2016 - 06:07PM JST

As for Trump's "locker room talk", let's be honest. Most men out there are petrified at the thought that their wives and/or girlfriends are going to ask them, "do men REALLY talk that way about women?".

I'm not worried in the least. My answer, which I consider perfectly honest, is, "Yes, if they're revolting scumbags like Donald Trump."

-7 ( +7 / -14 )

"Clinton wants Democratic Senate"

No kidding, really? How about a Democratic House, a free pass around jail and the moon too, lol.

This is interesting: "Clinton Obtained Debate Question In Advance/ Colludes with Entire Media" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MM3_LKqrTY

5 ( +11 / -6 )

@wipeout...yes it is interesting watching both candidates circling the drain. This campaign is way down in the bowels of repugnance and both candidates are equally as guilty. As I have said many times if forced I would choose Hillary over Trump however on these boards it seems you need to be all in for Clinton or your opinion is not accepted. That is OK I have always been comfortable out of the mainstream or out of the system (even when I was in it).

@ Fred Wallace - you seem pretty balanced and I agree with you. Clinton is more qualified but she is the status quo and electing her would result in more of the same (perhaps further exponential growth of the debt which will hit 20 trilllion before years end (exclusive of unfunded liabilities...which is the real elephant in the closet).

But heck...people would rather talk about Trump grabbing crotch (and I am no Trump supporter)

We have (to restate) reached the bowels of repugnance in the U.S. in this election

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

As our fine First Lady has said, "When they go low, you go high." Hang in there, Hillary ! Stronger together ! HILLARY CLINTON soon to be our 45th President ! 1/20/17 - "Madame President" !

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Tokyo-Engr, exactly.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

@Tokyo-Eng My vote will still go to the Democrat Jim Webb

So in effect your vote will help elect either Trump or Clinton, the candidates you claim to dislike.

It's easy to see why people are dissatisfied with this year's choices and why some will write-in their own preferences, but I don't understand their self-expressed sanctimony for doing so.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

PTownsend, there you go. Its ok to recognize how low quality both main candidates are - just as long as you support hillary.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Clinton will win, Trump will not. Discussion won't change it. Enjoy it with popcorn.

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

Mr. Townsend

There is no "self expressed sanctimony".

I am merely one of the unwashed masses and that is REALLY who I would like to see elected President...really!

So am I not allowed to vote for my candidate of choice? This sounds like fascism or something I would expect from the old USSR

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Trump, in the not-too-distant future, can trade notes with cellmate Bernie Madoff about how rigged the system is and how he was set up. Just like every other inmate.

Trump's biggest crime is civic: Fomenting distrust in the American people towards our democratic processes.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

@yabits.. Perhaps Mr. Trump will be in a position to trade notes with the piece of %#$& Madoff. And perhaps Ms. Clinton will join them as well.

Trump is just full of it....while Ms. Clinton is a bit more polished based on experience. In the end however I think they both may be eligible to enjoy the company of Mr. Madoff and they can exchange secrets, recipes, and other knowledge that the rich and famous are privy to that we, the unwashed masses, are not.

Amazing how the U.S. emulates the U.S.S.R. more an more each day, a regime (the U.S.S.R.) that I fought against and was trained to despise and hate.

Dachas and private cars for those in power (let us take this to another level such as Gore and Di Caprio taking private jets to climate change conferences - not to mention the carbon footprint of Trump. Clinton and Obama) while we low life folks are chastised for perhaps wanting to drive a SUV (or in my case an F150).

Animal Farm anyone?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Question: How many young men 18-40 are looking forward to getting drafted by Hillary and fighting a global war against Russia?

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Word has it that when Pence dumps Trump they have Bill Cosby lined up. Trump/Cosby ticket.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Serrano: "Question: How many young men 18-40 are looking forward to getting drafted by Hillary and fighting a global war against Russia?"

You guys are truly sad. Not only do you belong to a party and defend a man that claims groping without permission can't be called 'assault' and claim "we all talk like that" when addressing what Trump said (then deny you've ever talked like that when confronted), now it's deflection with "war! war! war!" despite all of Trump's bombast and threats towards other ethnicities, genders, nations, religions, and everything else.

Amazing the level of desperation!

zucronium: "Word has it that when Pence dumps Trump they have Bill Cosby lined up. Trump/Cosby ticket."

No doubt! THey'll sweep the ladies off their feet! Or just let them stand their while they sexually assault them and then threaten them into secrecy.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Trump will lose the election, then his wife, then his business empire.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

"Word has it that when Pence dumps Trump"

Har! zurc, even if he wanted to dump Trump, which he doesn't, he can't! hehe

"you guys ( Trump supporters ) are truly sad"

Yeah, we're the deplorable irredeemables. But you guys are truly sad in that despite all the evidence we already have, with more coming out every day, of Clinton's corruption, you still support her.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Hillary = more war, more weapons sales, more death, more corruption, more untransparent transparency. Adult children vote for Hillary's lies.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

FizzBit: "Hillary = more war, more weapons sales, more death, more corruption, more untransparent transparency."

First, notice how you said "more war", not just war. Who started the current wars the US is involved in -- meaning who put US forces in the nations where they are currently fighting? Which president (and there was no time machine!)? Second, you guys suddenly deflecting with "more war" and "WWIII", etc., seem to think Trump is going to usher in an era of peace?? HAHAHA!!!

One things definitely sure, though, no matter what you guys try to create in terms of hypotheticals and what ifs; another woman Trump assaulted, as well as several women who said Trump barged in on them while they were undressed (and the Stein interviews with Trump admitting "I do that kind of stuff") are out. Also, all sorts of rights groups are demanding Apprentice tapes be released. If Trump has nothing to hide, why not release them? Oh wait.. the guy can't even release his tax documents, and has now openly declared he's going to sue the women who are accusing him of assault. Trump is a different kind of scumbag, and just as bad are those who defend him. It's no wonder he's afraid of Hilary being "the devil" -- there's a special spot in hell reserved for him.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

wipeout: @turbostat: Always happy to explain it for you. It's not the use of words like pussy and a couple of others that I'd happily include in my post but that JT filters prevent. I like those words, and yes, I've had many conversations that included them. It's the description of his actions, which acknowledge criminal behaviour, and also the claim that he can get away with it because of wealth and fame. People are going to make him eat those words. And those are the conversations which many - I'll hazard most - of us are saying we simply do not have

Then that's you, but others seem to be complaining about the use of vulgar language. Never mind that famous play, The Vagina Monologues. How many shows has it had around the world? Did it skip NYC and DC? Double standard, much?

And if you are one of the ones claiming to complain only about 'assault', then it would be interesting to know why you are claiming he's talking about assault. Obviously he was not talking to Billy Bush about assault but about star struck groupies and the like, where the word 'can' applies. In a private conversation, before appearing in a segment on a show called, of all things, 'Access Hollywood'. Imagine that!

Rasmussen poll today has Trump up over Hillary by 2 points in a 4-way match, where yesterday in the same poll he was under Hillary by 4 points. So we'll see how this plays out: http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/10/13/rasmussen-poll-donald-trump-leads-clinton-two-points/

smithinjapan: ... it's one holder who is so completely sad that they have made bot accounts and actually went through the whole history of this thread, clicking, logging out, clicking again, logging out, logging in, clicking, ... LFRAgain: Hee hee! It would seem someone here has a ridiculous amount of time on their hands, considering the silly effort it would take to effectively create what looks to be at least 15 distinct JT login identities ...

How can you tell, can you see JT traffic logs?

Do you think Melania will start a 'bimbo eruption' team? Maybe she can do that and still run for President herself in a few years. Because, y'know, standing up for women.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

A lot of Republicans are probably asking if Wikileaks gives refunds on donations.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Especially as there is to be a criminal case against Trump disciple and New Jersey pie shop, Chris Christie....

The Meltdown cannot be controlled.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

I really hate the fact that Bernie was never given a fair chance and that the DNC rigged everything in Hillarys favour.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Bernie didn't have a chance because Hillary dominated the minority vote. The end.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Hillary dominated the minority vote ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H rigged the Democratic primaries. (fixed)

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Ok, so she rigged them and got away with it. Let me give you a tissue and we can all move on with our lives.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Question: How many young men 18-40 are looking forward to getting drafted by Hillary and fighting a global war against Russia?

Ahhh, it's nice to be able to count on consistent truisms in life. The sun rises in the east. The sky is blue. Water is wet. Election Day is the last Tuesday of November. And conservative posters here at JT try to reinvent themselves as longtime "independent" libertarians.

I'd laugh at your entirely feigned concern about global wars if not for the outrageous support you and your ilk poured towards Bush, Cheney & Associates'™ war in Iraq over a decade ago, a war we're still seeing dire repurcussions from (I'll give you a hint about what I mean by that. Four letters. The first letter is "I." The last three rhyme with "sis."), and a war that you now alternatively either blame Obama for starting or blame for not finishing by putting enough young men 18-40 on the ground to fight a protracted urban battle against guerrillas that kicked, ironically enough, Russia's ass throughout the 70s.

Of course, the consistency with which you determine whether Obama's too hawkish or too weak, much less whether war is good for business or bad for it depends almost entirely on the delicate condition of your bowels on any given day, so that part's harder to set my watch by, but I'm really just looking at broader themes this morning.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

superlib, thats right, hillary is corrupt. no big deal right? Whats all the fuss abt?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@outrider - correct - she is corrupt as well as the DNC. The only reason Wasserman Shultz is out is because she got caught. Republicans no better at all.

But as you said - why all the fuss? We should just get over it and quit our "whining"

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yep. Hillary is corupt and its no big deal. She also kills people and has a billion dollars in the bank.

Oh well.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

There seems to be a mysterious reversal in the thumbs up/down for comments about Trump on JT. Suddenly anything positive about Trump is getting multiple thumbs up which was never the case before. Seems a bit fishy..... Anyway, he's still going to lose and as more and more women speak out about his sleazy, predatory behavior, the debate will be only whether he's going to lose by 8% or 10% or even 15%!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

There seems to be a mysterious reversal in the thumbs up/down for comments about Trump on JT. Suddenly anything positive about Trump is getting multiple thumbs up which was never the case before.

Yeah. It seems some of our esteemed conservative friends on the site (without naming any names, but it might rhyme with with flurbostat) got a bit flustered with his candidates catastrophic self-emolation and created at least 15 unique Japan Today usernames so he could meticulously log in and out with every single one of them, and just troll this thread with his ability to click thumbs-up or thumbs-down icons.

Impressive, really, when you consider the focused' driven, almost obsessive single-mindedness of it. And when I say "impressive," what I really mean is "one can short of a six-pack."

2 ( +2 / -0 )

serendipitous: There seems to be a mysterious reversal in the thumbs up/down for comments about Trump on JT. Suddenly anything positive about Trump is getting multiple thumbs up which was never the case before. Seems a bit fishy.....

LFRAgain: Yeah. It seems some of our esteemed conservative friends on the site (without naming any names, but it might rhyme with with flurbostat) got a bit flustered with his candidates catastrophic self-emolation and created at least 15 unique Japan Today usernames so he could meticulously log in and out with every single one of them, and just troll this thread with his ability to click thumbs-up or thumbs-down icons.

Haha, no, that didn't happen. It would be interesting if you could summarize any evidence, including your 'intuition'. Do you have access to traffic logs, or are you just making this up based on your feelings?

I did notice a net upvote of +7 or so on one of my posts, and some upvotes on some other posters' nearby pro-Trump or anti-Hillary posts. My theory at the time was that some 4chan posters or other Trumpkins were attracted by a subtitle excerpt of a youtube video attributed to Anonymous, about an explosive video of Bill Clinton they purportedly were going to release soon, subtitle text here: http://pastebin.com/qKwafVTg (my post or two, the post they were in reply to, and Strangerland's post or two in reply to me were all deleted sometime after mod noticed them).

'Attracted some 4chan posters or other Trumpkins' because JT comments board text shows up very soon in Google results. If someone googled for the leading text of the video's subtitles they might have seen my post at the top of the results, and maybe it was even the only hit (in fact I googled it just now, and the pastebin is the only hit on google, the JT post having been deleted forever from the webosphere). I didn't see the subtitle text myself when googling for it initially, so I had to download and extract it.

Otherwise, I don't have an explanation for those few posts getting net upvotes. Almost always the voting patterns of the Hill-bots here result in net downvotes for such posts.

HOWEVER ... that theory just blown out of the water, looking back at what was deleted the deleted posts had net downvotes before deletion. The two posts that had net upvotes both referenced The Vagina Monologues. Not the Bill Clinton video.

No Hillarybot bothered to answer those TVM posts, that I can see. Maybe they were all left speechless. Or maybe some people just like and upvote any posts with the V-word in them.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

But props for the spirited defense.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I guess the TVM angle isn't it, either. The post excerpting Trump's lawyer's cease-and-desist letter to the NYT got +7 votes, too, with no mention of TVM.

You do realize we're talking a swing of only 10 votes or so, right? From -3 or so to +7 or so, on a few distantly-related posts? That's what your conspiracy theory is based on. Are you just irked that JT posters are showing evidence of higher IQ than is usual?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I learned to touchtype a long, long time ago. But, enjoy your evening as well :).

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Tokyo-Engr wrote: "Animal Farm anyone?" ... ... Forget for a moment Trump's suave repartee about women. I had heard that before these well-timed revelations a very large percentage of American women wanted HRC in the WH anyway because she is a woman. So, following Tokyo-Engr's lead let me finish with an appropriate slogan for all good progressive Democrats: "Two boobs good, two moobs bad."

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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