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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2016.Confident Trump says he could 'shoot people' and not lose voters
By Steve Holland and Ginger Gibson PELLA, Iowa©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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The harder he tries to lose, the more popular he becomes.
OF COURSE, he could, ESPECIALLY if it was a black or Latino! Now, if it was a white guy or gal, then he might have to do some explaining, but this could all be done with "that person was an undesirable." And, do not fret, Trump would not spend ONE hour in jail or probably even be charged with a crime (notice the right wing freaks who have taken over a wild life refuge and have sacked it!--no charges and a friendly handshake from the sherrif. Not the case with three blacks that did this over a decade ago.) Well, Trump, the same could be said for Adolf Hitler. He could have killed anyone and no one would not have objected. This is the difference between you and Bernie Sanders or Hillary.It would be game over for either one of these with their followers. Kind of shows the difference between right-wingers and those who are liberals, huh?
This man is absurd, and his "fans" are even more absurd.
What he actually said: "They say I have the most loyal people - did you ever see that? - where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters,"
Although was it Trump coming up with this out of the blue or was he quoting someone else? Who is the they, in “They say?”
By posting this I'm not making a comparison to 1930's Germany because I don't believe history repeats itself in perfectly identical ways. Mighty similar, however.
Oh, Pie!
You can't stop Trump. He represents the millions of the scared, gun-loving, arrogant, racist Americans. Sadly, there's really nothing anyone can do to stop him, even those in his own party. I say, let him win. He'll be worse than Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. combined. Hopefully I'll find a new country to reside in before then. Wish me luck.
What an outstanding group of human beings leading the GOP pack.
No rational person running for president would say something like that. But then again Trump and his Trump mobsters are not rational people.
I keep thinking Trump is the insane guy raving on a street corner and Cruz is the insane serial killer leading a relatively quiet but equally twisted existence. Both are equally terrifying should they ever gain the presidency.
Trump is about as 'Christian' as my dog's best friend is a fire hydrant. Fido uses it when convenient, but that's about it.
Many Americans think Trump is nuts and are afraid of him. I'm pretty sure Putin and Xi will be also.
Choosing a president in the US is so screwed up. I've been reading that even if Sanders soundly wins the nomination, that Hillary will use her "super delegates" to unseat him. What's up with that? Would any of you prefer another Bush? I will vote for Trump or Sanders, never Hillary. Why Trump? Because he's not a politician. People are tired of this right/left BS, and that's where Trump comes in. Any comments of his should be taken as campaign rhetoric, nothing more.
This is total BS. You might as well connect your brain to CNN and just mouth what ever they say. One more time, people are TIRED of politicians, TIRED of the MSM that controls the message, TIRED of watching these two parties put their interests first before the peoples interest. I have no idea what Trump will do if he gets elected, but I know what the Dems and Reps will do, nothing different. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who votes for a Dem or Rep should be ashamed of themselves for continuing this charade for the last 35 years since Reagan.
Trump clearly looks down on his supporters, continually patronizes them, and obviously feels substantial contempt toward them.
Could it be that he is running a reality show production, not a political campaign? The longer I watch the GOP race unfold, the more I suspect that he is trolling/punking us all.
I know it seems somewhat unlikely, but just possibly when all is said and done he will stand in front of the cameras and say, "gocha!" He will then tell the world that his campaign was all an orchestrated farce — that he wanted to show how absurd the political system really is, and how malleable and easily manipulable the masses really are. If so, he will have crafted an epic hoax that people will refer to for generations to come, and the ultimate reality show.
I know that scenario seems far-fetched (I'd give it a 5% likelihood of panning out), but I wouldn't put it past him and wouldn't be completely surprised if that is what happens in the end.
Sioux Center, Iowa (CNN) Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone
What a sick, sick person.
How some are drawn to this adolescent appeal surely defines the content of the Trump fan club.
As far as content of Trump's character? Moral bankruptcy and elderly temper tantrums seems a lousy resume for the Office of the President.
As an Italian, Trump reminds me of Berlusconi. But he is way more dangerous and even more absurd.
"Many Americans think Trump is nuts and are afraid of him. I'm pretty sure Putin and Xi will be also."
Rather than fearing him, Putin seems to have a bit of time for Trump. Talk of shooting people will no doubt endear him to Putin further.
Do you spend every waking moment thinking about/hating China?
No rational person running for president would say something like that.
Really ? Some of you people are the ones that clearly reek of desperation. Trump was making fun of the media for saying it in the first place. The audience was laughing and clapping. Humor often isn't rational, obviously, .
I had to laugh at that because it is painfully true. Kindred spirits no doubt.
Trump delivers the possibility that the U.S. could have its own Putin at the helm. Plus, with Palin his likely pick as VP running mate, what possibly could go wrong?
Sure you can. It's called the general election. And months of GOP fighting over their base have given democrats ample fuel for winning it. Check Trump's numbers - he may have the majority of Republicans, but he doesn't have anywhere near the majority of the nation.
Y'know, he's probably right. He's still a pathetic loser, though. John Lennon had the guts to say, "We're more popular than Jesus now" - and he was a glasses-wearing socialist! I'd be more impressed if the Donald took his schtick in that direction: "Jesus - yuuuge guy. Lotsa fans, topped the polls. Still crucified. He's revered 'cause he was crucufied. I like people that weren't crucified, OK?"
What Trump ACTUALLY said:
"They say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that?" Trump said to his supporters in Sioux Center, Iowa. He continued: "Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody. And I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's like incredible."
What the authors of this article claim Trump said:
It appears that Steve Holland and Ginger Gibson are attempting to create the news, instead of reporting the news. Trump was actually talking about what OTHER people have said about him.
But why let the truth get in the way of a good political smear?
That's why we should all vote for Bernie.
It's sad how many 'mericans think that 'fear' is a good thing. We don't need a POTUS that is feared, you do recall we have the strongest military and the largest economy, right?
I'm not a Trump fan (in fact I think he's a raving megalomaniac) but what Lizz said is true and the Reuters article somehow omits that part of his sentence.
Trump was quoting unnamed sources who had supposedly said (as an example of how mindlessly faithful Trump's supporters are) that Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue, shoot people, and his supporters would still be with him.
Once again this is Trump pulling his "others say" routine so he can claim total deniability. More than likely, it was ONE Trump fanboy who said it and of course Trump turns it into "others".
What an extremely asinine thing for someone to say. Oh yeah, the Donald said it !
I don't see what you are getting at. The direct quote in and of itself, in context, is a well-deserved, self-inflicted "political smear" revealing Trump's true colors.
It certainly makes him seem no less abhorrent and megalomaniacal than the paraphrased reporting of Holland and Gibson.
Remember, Trump said this with pride as if his invincibility thanks to the mindless "no matter what" loyalty of his supporters were a good thing, contrasting himself against the other GOP candidates whose support, as he said, is either “soft” or “they have no people.”
You're right. Someone else said it. Trump repeated it. And the media chose to blame Trump for it. Again.
Now you're just being redundant.
That still begs the simple question, was Trump outraged by the statement, or proud of it?
You are clearly missing the boat here. He is obviously being criticized not for originating the statement, but for agreeing with it and regarding it as a good thing that he is so popular that he could shoot somebody and not lose any voters — which clearly shows how much he looks down on his supporters.
Trump does have a lot in common with Putin it seems. Putin also shoots people in the street and he stays in power. That is why they praise each other. Oh, just a few months ago the red dog republicans were saying Trump was a passing fancy. No, Trump is your leader and is exactly what the republican party has become since the Tea Party types took over. That is white, angry, paranoid, a puppet for the rich, racist and totally clueless. Many liberals predicting the end of the republican party years ago and now we see it playing out in full. The republicans are a sick, sick organisation now and need to go the way of the Whigs. The USA and the world will be better off when Trump puts the dagger in the heart of the republican party.
Trump may have been repeating someone else's words (though I don't see that his comment really says that), but even if he is - he also said the words, and with the belief behind them. So who cares if he was repeating someone else's words - he said them too which makes him culpable for them.
Fox Sora Winters
Maybe he should try shooting his own voters, just to test that theory out. Will he still be so sure once he has no voters left?
You'd think so, but because he invoked the vague "they say", anyone who tries to take him to task for saying it will get threatened with a lawsuit, GUARANTEED. It's the Trump modus operandi.
It's like if he said "they say that all Jews should be executed" and expecting to get away with it because Hitler said it first.
If you repeat someone's words, then they also become your words. Unless you are clear in the repetition that you don't agree with the words.
Yes, hating a dictatorship that gives the Chinese people no say in their government and is threatening all of Asia. Why do you spend ever waking moment defending such evil? Nationalism gone to your head?
Donald Trump appeals to the under-educated, mostly white male, portion of the population who see conspiracy theories behind every blade of grass. That portion of the electorate typically votes Republican, even though the "party" has done nothing for them, and they see Trump as a savior of their "rights" and entitlements.
They are the voters who are typically covert (well maybe many overt) racist and think America is going to hell because of diversity. Trump plays on their fears and pushes the right buttons that make them think he is "one of them" Yet the reality is he is the furthest thing from it.
I get the impression that Trump is the rich man's version of Al Bundy from "Married with Children"
Generally speaking, I expect my presidential candidates to have social awareness higher than a 3 year old pleading, "But mooooom, Bobby said it first!" Don't you?
"Yes, hating a dictatorship that gives the Chinese people no say in their government and is threatening all of Asia. Why do you spend ever waking moment defending such evil? Nationalism gone to your head?"
I can't remember ever defending the CCP. I have defended Chinese people against ignorant, hateful people who never have and never would set foot in the country.
World peace and stability would be under a far greater threat from another war-mongering, rich-kid rightist leading the USA than from China.
Nationalism gone to my head? I'm not sure what you mean by that. I despise nationalism and patriotism. By the way, your handle is an interesting one.
The US is looking rather scary with all this trump crap going on..........hopefully there are enough sensible people left in the "" greatest""" country to save itself from its ever increasing numbers of idiots popping up there!!
Texas A&M Aggie
A lot was left out in this article. Silly, impotent media. . . . .
Here's a deal: he shoots himself, I vote for him!
I could say the same thing... Has Trump finally jumped the shark?
This is Japan......where the media only puts out what it thinks you need to read or hear.
True, but that's what the MSM bubbleheads want. Anything to support their right/left fantasies. The insults are amazing to read.
When did Trump shoot someone? Had no idea he murdered people.
Kinda like Sanders is becoming the leader of the Democrats. That's equally as frightening that we have a 74 year old Brooklyn Bolshevik trying to get into the White House.
So what about the Blacks and Hispanic (Americans that are voting for Trump)?
Well, it's amazing how you liberals supposedly are for freedom of speech and diversity and yet, you guys want a one party progressive movement. As I have always said, liberals are a lying bunch. But I will submit to you this and something that you libs need to understand, but for some reason don't. The Democratic party is the exact mirror opposite of what the GOP is going through. The difference is, Trump is very entertaining and sucking out all the air out of the room and the Democrats are beyond boring. Watching Clinton and Sanders together is mustering all the strength in your body to watch them without falling into a deep coma. But make no mistake, most people are not happy with another Clinton presidency either and many are flocking to this old socialist. Now you are starting to see the liberal divide.
And the Democrats and this admin. are beyond pathetic and you wonder why Trump is gaining???
As well as Sanders does to the Democrats.
Last time I checked, Sanders still believes in private property ownership. You're just as bad as the "libs" you deride.
This MSM term is stupid. It covers all major media - CNN, Fox "News" and the rest.
Yes, it covers "corporate" media. All for profit and division, not for the truth.
"The difference is, Trump is very entertaining and sucking out all the air out of the room and the Democrats are beyond boring. Watching Clinton and Sanders together is mustering all the strength in your body to watch them without falling into a deep coma."
This is very revealing. Entertainment is the key. It's the mindset of the tabloid reader. It's like preferring a Murdoch tabloid in print or on air to The Washington Post.
Yes, Trump is more entertaining.
Donald Trump is a loose canon and divisive. However he is a self made billionaire. He has got many pretty women. He can travel with his own big plane. He is free from pleasing powerful lobby groups as their representatives. He can spend his own money for the campaign. He can talk anything as he wants.
It makes him unique for becoming honest candidate for next president. He does not need any of the political correctness.Thomas Jefferson said I prefer not to lose Liberty over winning more votes with Lies and broken promises.
At least, Trump may be a better President than current one.
WOW, nice opinion of everyone. Do you usually cover everyone under your "blanket-O-lies"?
As in "Yes You Can"
True, Trump is smart enough to use the "entertainment" system that's been electing presidents for the last 35 years. It's what's in the heart that matters, right? And I see only a black hole for Hillary. I see true heart in Sanders and will vote for him ONLY if I think he WILL break-up the banks.
Wakayama Mama
Not the smartest thing to say during a campaign...
But it's very difficult for him to lose voters because the other candidates are so terrible. As Fizzbit said:
Well, it's difficult for him to lose voters, because the morons who support him lack the intelligence to see just how bad the things he says are. On that note, it's also difficult for him to gain voters, because all the people stupid enough to support him already do. The sad thing is that such a significant number of people support him. The good thing is that not enough Americans are so stupid as to vote for him to become president.
I lived in Japan from 1995 to 2005 and reside in the US now. I'm not sure how many American posters on this site actually reside in Japan, but to those of you who do my comments are for you:
You can say what you want about Trump meteoric rise. You can be for him or against him. My comments are not about that. When you live in Japan to a certain degree you are living in a box. I know because I experienced it first hand. Your only news about what's going on back home comes from the tv, internet, magazines, emails/phone calls to friends and families back in the states, etc. I say this not as a bad thing, but because it is the truth. Now, I will try to convey to you what I am am experiencing at work and in everyday life in America. 60% (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc.) of the American people (and all political parties) are absolutely fed up with the direction of the country. Right-leaning people are angry because of the direction the country has taken under President Obama. Left-leaning people are either disappointed or downright angry because they believe President Obama hasn't taken the country even further to the left. NOBODY CAN BE SATISFIED! The other 40% of the American people are basically "out to lunch" and couldn't care about anything outside of their own lives.
Trump is equally hated by all of the establishment (Republican and Democrat). The Republican establishment, especially the elitist highly educated George Will-types, cannot believe that Trump has essentially "jumped the line" and is beating all of the other candidates. They are seething with rage and it is easy to see (hear) their frustrations by watching any of the establishment talk shows and publications (i.e. "The National Review"). My personal opinion is that the Republican establishment would be just as butt-hurt if Cruz was leading in the polls. The Democratic establishment thinks Donald Trump is a dangerous buffoon because of his political views. Either way both establishments are missing the whole point.
As I said before, 60% of the American people who more or less hold middle-right or middle-left political opinions are so damn frustrated with the direction of the country over the past twelve years (4 of Bush Jr. and 8 of Obama). They are frustrated over many things such as wage stagnation, political correctness, poor education for their children, rising health care costs (Affordable Health Care Act be damned), uncertain employment, terrorism, illegal immigration, the national debt, etc. Underlying all this is both parties are so beholden to special interest groups and lobbyists that almost nothing gets done for the sake of the American people. Both parties are to blame. The average American worker DOES gives a damn about the country. So many times over the past two or three years I have heard many fellow Americans say things like, "All these career politicians are screwing us over. It's like the politicians don't give a damn about doing the right thing. They're all crooks. And the most important thing.... I WISH SOMEONE COULD COME ALONG AND BLOW THIS THING UP. HOW ABOUT A RESET ON CONGRESS! WE NEED PEOPLE IN OFFICE WHO ARE MORE LIKE THE FOUNDING FATHERS WHO SERVED IN OFFICE FOR A TERM OR TWO AND WENT BACK TO THEIR FARMS OR BUSINESSES.." I hear these things in everyday life; work, waiting in line at the Post Office, waiting at the car wash, sitting in the doctor/dentist office waiting room, etc. I hear these things coming from young people fresh out of college, workers in their 30s, 40s, 50, seniors, Grandmas, Grampas, everyone. People are fed up with the status quo.
So, here comes along Trump. Whether you're for him or against Trump speaks his mind, is unscripted, definitely is not politically correct, and comes across as genuine (even if you don't believe in his views). Donald Trump is definitely not a politician (obviously) and does come across to a lot of American people as someone who will BLOW THINGS UP in Washington. Trump's style is refreshing to a lot of Americans. Just a small example of Trump's popularity. I live in Henderson, NV (few minutes to Las Vegas). This past Friday afternoon (maybe Thursday) Trump had a campaign rally at the South Point Arena (South Point Casino). The venue holds 4,600 permanent seats and probably another 1,000 if you place temporary seats in the arena floor. Anyways, the place was packed. The South Point had to turn away thousands of people because the place was packed to capacity to hear him speak. Now say what you will, "They're just Trump nuts or something similar." But, even Trumps hardest detractors have to admit the numbers of people he's pulling is amazing. No other candidate, Republican or Democrat, is even close.
In closing, I ask the American people living/working in Japan to consider the downright anger at both establishments. I mean even a Socialist borderline Communist, Bernie Sanders, is giving Hillary a scare in the Democratic nomination race. People are tired of the same old same old.
Wakayama Mama
When people need to resort to calling others stupid, it's usually because they don't have a valid argument. But then again, I guess there are lots of stupid people, who fell for Obama's campaign lies TWICE, and for W. Bush's campaign lies TWICE, and so on and on...
People are fed up with politicians. I don't particularly like Trump, but he is by far the best of the candidates. I hope he wins.
That's great, but the man still believes in heavy income redistribution. No thanks! Sad thing is or good thing depending on your point of view, the man will never get into the White House, so we don't need to even entertain that thought.
So what is your Interputation of the truth? Something that makes you feel good or that you agree with or fits your worldview? Sorry, but that's not how the media operates.
A lot of people felt exactly the same way about the current president in 2008 and 2012 now the shoe is on the other foot.
You guys need to stop going by your predictions, you're not good at it. You guys said the GOP wouldn't retake congress and you guys said that Trump is a fad and will blow over. You guys thought he could circumvent the constitution and the Supreme Court stopped him twice. At this point, you guys should just tread lightly with the comments because you don't know what or how this all will end. It'll be either Trump or Hillary, but as for Sanders and Cruz, definitely a long shot.
Well, that's true, they voted for Obama twice, go figure.....
By what measure?
"former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg might launch an independent run for president."
He's not going to win.
"Trump has been a difficult target for criticism from his rivals because not all of his supporters are conservatives"
What's up with that?
Even from 'the box' I am well aware of how frustrated Americans are, but they are uniformed idiots if they think Trump will fix A SINGLE THING wrong with the current situation. Trump is a rich man, who will do things to help his rich buddies, just like all the establishment politicians do.
His 'speaking his mind' is also uniformed, ignorant or straight out lies. They like him speaking his mind, but his mind is full of garbage. He will ruin our international relations, and probably make it a lot easier for ISIS to grow. People who support him are authoritarians, who don't bother thinking things through for themselves.
Speaking of Trumps lies, have you heard him talk about Japan? He still thinks it's the bubble era when Japan was more powerful, and fails to recognise how many Japanese cars are now built in the U.S. by U.S. workers.
"That's great, but the man still believes in heavy income redistribution. No thanks!"
Enormous wealth distribution has been going on for three and a half decades and continues with people like yourself cheering it on. Your disagreement with Sanders is just a simple case of the direction of this redistribution.
All new wealth will continue to be pumped upstairs under Clinton or Trump. If you have the kind of wealth you claim to have, you've got nothing to worry about.
No wonder TRUMP has supporter with news like those from FOX NEWS which are feeding lies about NO GO ZONE in Paris just to scare the people :
"No wonder TRUMP has supporter with news like those from FOX NEWS which are feeding lies about NO GO ZONE in Paris just to scare the people :"
Don't forget the 'terrorism expert' on Fox claiming that the 2nd largest city in the UK was 100% Muslim with non-Muslims unable to enter including the police. Unfortunately, it didn't occur to Fox to ask if there was a police force in Birmingham or if that police force was also 100% Muslim.
With a bit of luck Trump would shoot some people in NYC and then get taken out by a SWAT team.
Problem solved!
we had this with Rob Ford. People without an idea flock to rich idiot windbags and just want to watch the world burn. They don't care about reason or actions and is the worst of the worst of democratic engagement. Yet his ward keep right on electing him time and time again. It's a sick joke.
I'm not a USAer, but hopefully there are more people upset by Trump than enamoured and Sanders takes the Presidency. Bloomberg in the race doesn't mean he'll win either. Bloomberg in the field would just split the vote and help a Trump victory. Clinton also represents money politics that doesn't help the country. Only Sanders has an unprecedented number of individual donations. But the Billionaires own the MSM, so he's dismissed along with voters who want off this merry-go-round immediately.
Billionaires in charge is not how America will stop pandering to billionaires.
I've never cheered it on and I know where you're going with this. I'm talking about the huge entitlement apperatus that's breaking the countries financial back. This president keeps spending like no other president, we're printing more money and the debt is climbing and in the meantime, the people are getting less, wages are down. We don't need anymore of that.
For entitlements on a massive scale (which he could never, ever deliver) you bet I do! The last thing we need is an old Bolshevik relic in the White House.
I'm not worried about myself, but I do worry for the average American person.
I've been there myself in Paris, Germany and the Netherlands, I know for a fact there are lots of them or are you saying now that Europe equally doesn't have a problem with radical Muslims or many of the Muslim refugee men raping women. So I guess all the news outlets are lying, right? Ever wonder for example why in Sweden, they are never allowed to talk about a perpetrators nationality? Gee, I wonder why that is?
One commenter on another site said "He was joking, you libtards" lol
Probably most readers here are too young to remember former U.S.President Reagan's joke about the Soviet Union:
"My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw the Soviet Union forever. Bombing begins in 5 minutes."
I do not know anyone who says they will vote for Trump, and I hope that that means that he will not be the next President.
Trump is an arrogant racist as is the party he now leads. It is as simple as that. It is the perfect match. The KKK is fully supportive of Trump. Trump retweets neo-nazi propaganda, he did this a few days ago. The haters have found their man, a billionaire to help make them poorer and more angry over time. Republicans are such saps. They vote against their own interests because basically they are stupid. Trump is exactly what they deserve.
His 'speaking his mind' is also uniformed, ignorant or straight out lies. They like him speaking his mind, but his mind is full of garbage.
On the other hand, Trump does seem conceited and arrogant enough to avoid failing in front of the world at all cost.
I think we can all agree he is a crony capitalist/national/populist at heart that will no doubt make deals with the establishment to get things done but he has also promised that as president, he would not talk as much, be less combative and have a much different tone than as candidate.
Ok then. Why doesn't he start explaining some actual policies then?
"I do not know anyone who says they will vote for Trump." There are. Namely people like the Bundies.
Ok then. Why doesn't he start explaining some actual policies then?
The Trump movement is drawing millions of "lost voters" to care again for a few basic reasons : He's self-funded (doesn't beg from anyone), speaks his mind with clarity, genuinely wants to help, and has a track record of massive business success. Read the "Art of the Deal" for insight into the dynamics of the mind of a true leader In a nutshell, if embarking on a certain course of action would cost you too much today, wait and check back from time to time. Eventually a better opportunity will present itself. There are plenty of specific policy solutions in his other books that will be laid out in detail in the coming months and years.
Really? Do you have proof that he's a racist or do you proof that anyone supporting him is a racist for that matter?
He's probably as racist as Democrats are for less taxation.
The KKK was founded by the Dixie Democrats. By the way, what's going with the Oscars and not having enough equality and diversity. The liberal Hollywood society isn't as tolerant as one might think. I guess that means, libs can not only be selectively racists, but they can be the biggest hypocrites as well.
Hey, if Sanders were to become president, we would be poorer than North Korea. With the debt we have and the way Sanders wants to tax us all into oblivion, the dollar would become worthless.
Lol, coming from the group that only cares about stealing from others.
Trump and Cruz are a reflection of the base of the Republican Party. Trump has the racist vote locked up, Cruz has the evangelical nut jobs. Together they make up a majority of the GOP voters. Remember when people were saying Trump supporters were just a fringe element? Looks like the fringe has taken over.
Nothing wrong with that, if you are a believer in conservative views.
Again, unless you are against conservative principles, it shouldn't bother you. But I feel the same about the Democrats. You have Hillary who doesn't have a shred of decency, integrity, accountability or honesty in her soul. She will position herself to be for any liberal cause and going against her own principles depending on what the voters want or what the political climate is for that day.
Sanders in stark contrast is honest and direct and at least he will tell you the truth that he wants to redistribute everyone's income and promises to give free stuff. The man wants $15 an hour increase job wages? The man is a certifiable loon. Walmart did that and guess what happened, they are now closing a few hundred stores, prime example how his socialist ideas will NOT work in the US and all of the lazy kids that believe that are setting themselves up for a huge disappointment.
Trump is an arrogant racist as is the party he now leads.
And Hillary is a straight up criminal....
Lizz is an arrogant racist. See how easy it is? Show some class and stop parroting the MSM. Watch some of his interviews from 5, 10, 20 years ago and get a better picture.
I'll suggest that Trump was amazed that SOMEONE ELSE SAID Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody - and wouldn't lose any voters. Trump was commenting on someone else's claim. Trump commented, "OK? It's like incredible."
To repeat what Trump ACTUALLY said, "THEY say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that?" Trump said to his supporters in Sioux Center, Iowa. He continued: "Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody. And I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's like incredible."
Your party is against each other in a way I've not seen before. Did you see the GOP response to the State of the Union? They openly attacked their leading candidate. The guy in 2nd place, Ted Cruz, is also loathed by other GOP party members. How did your party end up with so much hatred for each other?
The article was written by Thomsen Reuters correspondents. From England, not Japan.
"And Hillary is a straight up criminal...." That's just an opinion unless there is an actual indictment.
This is a common forum, not a legal forum. We're speaking in the vernacular, here, not in legalese. So, yes, an opinion.
But Lizz's link raises some important new information (or maybe I just haven't been paying attention, lately).
Apparently concerted efforts were made by more than three of Hillary's top aides to copy top-secret info from secure servers into emails that they could send to Hillary over non-secure channels. It's difficult to believe that they made the decision to do that without a directive from her.
However, never underestimate the power of the media to forgive their favored party. Lerner got away with it.
Then let's say "I don't like Hillary because....(fill in the banks)"
Some people say GWB should go to prison for war crimes.
Others say that Obama should go to prison because he faked his passport (he was really born in Kenya). Trump is convinced of Obama's birthplace in Kenya.
He has received millions of dollars of contributions to his campaign. Sure he didn't 'beg' for them, but just convinced people they wanted to give him money. You may admire that, but I call it cunning. He said he would finance his own campaign, why is there a way for people to so easily donate?
He says 'I'll be great' I'll be the best at that' Yes, it's clear. It is also meaningless rubbish.
Genuinely wants to help? Who? How? The only people I see him helping is his rich friends by giving them tax cuts.
Haha. He has had FOUR bankruptcies, and he started his first company with a million dollars and his daddy's name that came with contacts and reputation. He then got an estimates 50 million when daddy passed. With that kind of money in the bank, anyone can afford to 'wait' for better opportunities.He is selling snake oil.
There has already been a batch of emails released by the State Dept in which Hillary orders her staff to take a classified set of talking points, strip it of it’s classified markings, and then send it over an unsecured channel. That is a felony showing criminal intent right there worth at least 10 years in prison.
So when the FBI comes out in a few weeks with a recommendation to refer charges to the Department of Justice Attorney General Loretta Lynch would then decide whether to indict. Whatever Lynch decides, there will be a maelstrom if FBI agents found substantial evidence of criminal wrongdoing which they almost certainly have, including Clinton Foundation donors that wielded influence over her while she was in office. That alone will be enough to derail her candidacy for felonious and criminal corruption in the highest echelons of the US government.
Your party is against each other in a way I've not seen before.
True and the same goes for the Dems, I have never, in fact, the country has never seen a Bolshevik trying to get into the White House and now the Dems are fearing a Sanders presidency, something that Obama doesn't want. The man doesn't like Hillary, but who else can he support? Biden isn't running. I'll give you this, the GOP is running a funny race with Trump in it, very entertaining. But the Dems, anybody watching at all? Hillary is boring as hell and Sanders ONLY talks about giving away free stuff and making young kids salivate for something they will never get. Less entertaining, but entertaining nonetheless.
Sure, I understand. But that has nothing to do with how the voters feel. Has you already know, Trump is attacked on a daily basis, so my question to you is, is he losing in the polls? Are his numbers rapidly falling? I think you already know the answer to that.
It's called diversity, something the Democrats desperately need, claim they have, but believe in a monolithic one party, one thought movement.
In the majority of the publics eyes, she is a criminal and the FBI didn't conclude their investigation, so on that end, the jury is out, but for the feds, case is still very open.
This just made me laugh. You expect us to cry over Walmarts closing? The Walton family is the richest in the country, worth an estimated 140 BILLION dollars, why should they have that kind of money and have their employees receiving welfare? That's the problem with conservatives, you think the Waltons and the Trumps of the world deserve to be filthy rich while dodging taxes and making money off of exploiting the powerless.
LOL The liberals of Washington DC are the most upset of all at Walmart breaking a promise to move into low income areas.
You think an article showing that Walmart LIED and went back on a deal, because of their greediness makes the liberals hypocrites?
Notice that the right wing apologists do not defend the racism of their leaders, they cannot any longer. Six months ago all the usual right wing types would point to Carson to show how they are not racist. No more. Carson has imploded as I predicted, no way the whites only crowd that runs the Republican party would vote for a black candidate. No the KKK is endorsing Trump, and Trump is happy about that. Rather than admit the truth the republicans simply make up stuff about the democratic candidates. Calling Sanders a communist is insane but I am sure that the drug addict Limbaugh is doing so and hence his ditto heads do the same on JT, as they cannot think for themselves at all. It all does not matter as whoever the racist republicans nominate in the end, most likely Trump at this point, they will be crushed come November. None of the band of losers and misfits in the republican clown car are electable with the exception perhaps of Kasich. He is currently polling at 10%, he is not crazy enough to win the nomination.
You think an article showing that Walmart LIED and went back on a deal, because of their greediness makes the liberals hypocrites?
Not if the DC council raised wages in an effort to insulate Walmart from competition, which would have been the unintended effect since small businesses are the least able to absorb a dramatic increase in their labor costs. The government still obviously wants them to come in to low income areas under any conditions.
Actually, that kind of comment doesn't surprise me. This is why liberals don't get the big picture, it's bigger than Walmart. The point is, Sanders wants to pay people $15 wages, so you think in retail or in restaurants, they can sustain, keep a lot of employees, keep extremely low prices and just eat up the cost without passing it on to the customers?? They did this in Seattle with many restaurants and a big chunk of them closed now.
I'm not going to get into the semantics of how the Walton family runs their business, I could care less, but anyone that works there and isn't happy with the conditions of the company should go somewhere else in search of employment. Regardless, someone will fill the vacant position and someone always needs work.
LOL, what on Earth are you talking about? Of course, the Walton's and Trump pay huge amount of taxes. Even with Sanders whacky idea of wanting to tax the rich or the 1% how much should he tax? 70-90%? I hope you know that 1% of the wealthy rich is not even close enough to fulfill Sanders plan of income redistribution. That means, he would have to tax the middle class to make up the difference and at this point, that is not a wise thing to do, given the economy is still sluggish and people aren't feeling safe to go out in droves to spend money and it will continue to be like that until the people feel safe and secure to go out and spend and Bernie or more of Obama's policies won't change that.
I'm talking about money in offshore accounts and the like. Dodging taxes, as in not paying ANY tax
Come on now. You say that people who disagree with work conditions should go somewhere else, but in the same breath you say that people who need work will work there. You pretend to advocate for the freedom to choose your workplace, but it really comes out as ''quit complaining and work for that crappy company you hate.'' You openly admit that some people don't have a choice in the matter (someone always needs work), but why should they be forced to work for a terrible company just because they are poor? Rather than fixing the broken system to help them have a secure income with higher wages and better employment opportunities.
The opportunities just aren't there for people to move on to with the current system we've had for years, why continue perpetuating that?
Jimizo hit the nail on the head. Wealth distribution has been going on for the longest time, going right up to the richest and staying there. You just disagree with having a more even distribution.
Exactly. When I worked somewhere, I never complained, money is money and if it wasn't enough, I went somewhere else. Better having a job than having either NO job or spooning off the government. I never did that would never do that and I was not raised to do that.
If you really need money and you have no choice or do you think sitting at home on your parents couch or just thumbing your nose at the system will get you by? This is a reason why a lot of people hire illegals and Mexicans to do these low paid wage jobs, they never complain, they just work and want to make money to provide for their families and then they move up the economic ladder, can afford nicer homes, cars, better education for their kids, become entrepreneurial and open up their own business. They do it the honest way, nowadays, everyone wants something for free and that's just not going to happen.
In the meantime, how are you going to make a living? There are other ways to make a better system, boycotting or threatening a company or corporation is not the way to do it.
The last year of Bush's admin. we started to see a huge rise in unemployment and then we had Obama had 7 years to do something and he just made things worse. Very bad, as a matter of fact.
No, if we have a president that will cut taxes and stimulate growth by giving tax breaks to companies to hire and properly train people that's a start, bring the corporate tax down, you will start to see some life again. Give people jobs in the private sector, people make money, people spend money, you are starting to put money back into the economy. 7 years and this guy did nothing, Obamacare doesn't work if you can't pay for it and since the life of it depends on the middle class keeping it alive, it's getting harder to do that.
Who's racist?
If that were true, even slightly, Carson would have never gotten this far in the campaign and once again, the party of (LOL, tolerance-supposedly) has to be divisive and inject race into everything. When it's the Democrats that are the biggest hypocrites as well as racists...sorry, selective racists.
Are you sure? How do you know this? Did he say that verbatim?
No, you just need to turn on any channel and watch the lies come out of their own mouths and Hillary and Obama are the masters of that. Sanders to his credit is an honest man, even decent, but a fool with ideas that will never work.
Ohhhh, NO it's not, definitely not! in fact, it's pretty much an accurate assessment of what the man really is and what he stands for.
Didn't Obama and Bill do drugs as well?
So that's the reason why Limbaugh is a Millionaire?? I must be doing something wrong then.
Yeah, yeah, said the same thing about the GOP retaking the congress.....
Kasich has as much chance of winning the nomination as Martin O'Malley does on the Dems side.
It's amusing the media still keeps bringing up Jeb Bush as much as possible in anything on Trump and now Cruz. Bush has been completely exposed as less than nothing in this race as he brings absolutely nothing new and represents a hereditary entitlement even conservatives should find repulsive to the bone. He even looks like a confused moron standing around not knowing what's going. Stronger world leaders would eat him alive - let him go
Nice side step to what my post really said. For most, there are no better jobs to move on to. You were lucky and had something to move on to. I never said anything about government handouts.
Since you brought up illegals, when Trump builds his wall and kicks them all out, who will they hire? Maybe they'll forced to raise wages since the workforce will be demanding more and there aren't any illegals who will work without complaining.
And illegals do it the honest way? Your seem to contradict your ideology. If they did things the honest way, they wouldn't have entered the US illegally. According to your party, they should be deported and their businesses closed down.
"Calling Sanders a communist is insane"
"Ohhhh, NO it's not, definitely not! in fact, it's pretty much an accurate assessment of what the man really is and what he stands for."
I think Fox News should publish a dictionary so we can be clear on what its viewers mean by particular terms. It could start with something like:
Liberal: One who accepts evolution, does not accept the fact Obama is either a Muslim or an atheist and thinks sending soldiers to die in losing battles is a bad idea. They also think Santa Claus and Jesus are/were not white. They also want to make belief in the latter a capital offence.
Communist: One who thinks pumping all new wealth up to the already outrageously rich is not a good idea.
It really could help to reduce misunderstandings.
Can't argue with you there. Definitely a huge disappointment.
No, you just don't want to accept the harsh reality of the mindset of many Americans these days. Wasn't like that 25 years ago.
So what do you propose? I'm for creating more jobs in the private sector, less taxation and definitely less government.
Now you and I both know what Trump is advocating will never, ever happen.
I don't think we have to worry about that. I think even Trump knows, that's a very slippery slope he's campaigning on and even nuttier for anyone to believe that.
Meaning when they work, ethically speaking.
My party? I'm not a Republican for the record.
From this point forward, Yes.
I am saying there is NO GO ZONE in Paris as defined by FOX NEWS, zone, blatant lies says under the famous protection of "freedom of speech" which is in fact seems to be used more and more like "freedom of saying crap" which is scary for a news Network. Also Birmingham in UK being a 100% muslims only city, I am surprise you are baking up those attempt said by some idiots trying to manipulate the audience. I can assure you, you can still visit Paris even if you are not a muslim, watch the video link I posted and see for yourself.
Well then, don't use illegals as an example if you want to deport them. Find a good domestic example, it would better help your cause.
Right, wasn't like that 25 years ago or earlier . Everyone just kept their noses to the grindstone. People didn't unionize and fight for wages and worker's rights against the wealthy. The strikes seemed to have accomplished a lot for them. When unions were busted up, the corporations were happy and workers started losing what they gained. I understand hard work, and I'm not advocating for anything different. But it's unacceptable to have people so wealthy when there are many people living in/falling into poverty. Where's the compassion?
What I don't want to accept is that we can't make a better country for everyone that gives everyone a fair chance. Holding onto the majority of the wealth by a few does not accomplish that.
Who is 'you guys'? I made that post. I never claimed the GOP wouldn't retake congress (I actually predicted the actual result), and I have never said that Trump is a fad, nor that he will blow over. And on top of that, you are telling me to stop making predictions, but as you can see from the quote above, I didn't predict anything, so how could I stop making predictions?
It's all your MSM's fault.
I like that :)
No, the interpretation is that there are NO GO Zones for people that are not Muslims. Sure, you are free to go, but you are taking a risk, a huge risk.
You mean, you want to hear speech that that makes you feel comfortable.
If it weren't true, these cities wouldn't have a problem with many of the radicals that cause problems in these areas. It's like, "who are you going to believe, me or my lying eyes?"
I have been to Paris many times, that doesn't mean there isn't a problem with Islam and Muslims assimilating throughout Europe and that's the basic point of the argument. You can't deny it, it's an epidemic and Germany, I think is now kicking itself in the rear for opening up the flood gates to allow all these refugees in.
I never mentioned you or called you out. When I do, you would know by now. So no worries.
"In the majority of the publics eyes, she is a criminal and the FBI didn't conclude their investigation, so on that end, the jury is out, but for the feds, case is still very open." If that were true she would have dropped out a long time ago. Is FOX news reporting on an impending arrest of Hillary? If not then it's just personal opinion of not liking her.
So how is the FBI investigation for Obama faking his passport? "In the majority of the puclics eyes" he was born in Kenya and illegally faked his passport which means a 10-year sentence in a Supermax prison. What say you?
"Didn't Obama and Bill do drugs as well?" Not pain killer junkies
"Also Birmingham in UK being a 100% muslims only city, I am surprise you are baking up those attempt said by some idiots trying to manipulate the audience."
"If it weren't true, these cities wouldn't have a problem with many of the radicals that cause problems in these areas. It's like, "who are you going to believe, me or my lying eyes?"
What is this? A 'terrorism expert' on Fox claimed Birmingham was 100% Muslim. I'll repeat that, 100% Muslim. He went on to say that this city ( the second largest city in the UK ) was a no-go zone for non-Muslims. This is outrageously inaccurate and downright stupid. How could this clown make a claim like this and not be questioned on these ridiculous figures on air?
You are an elite journalist. Not some partisan hack. Accuracy, honesty and plain common sense mean something in your profession, don't they? I'm surprised you are being so evasive here.
If it were true I very much doubt my brother would be happy for his (very obviously non-Muslim) wife and daughter to take frequent shopping trips into the heart of Brum. He's probably not so happy about the money they spend, but he's not concerned about where his women go, he knows they're as safe in Brum as they are anywhere else in the country. And No, that does not mean the whole of the country is quaking in its boots under the so-called Muslim threat. There are no 'no go zones' in the UK. Your lying eyes (or, I suspect, the lying camera lens of Fox News) are deceiving you, bass.
Yeah it was written on the walls and reported as such well before the elections. I remember having a conversation about the low turnouts the Democrats usually have and the high number of Democratic seats up for grabs since the last election was a landslide. was reporting that a Democratic candidate would need to have a 5-6% lead by election day to have a chance of winning. I remember talking about that, too. I've seen Bass make the same erroneous statement a dozen times but I just ignore it. It's bass. I believe in his memory we were all saying that everyone loves Obama and they will prove it in the election with a landslide blue victory.
You're breaking out on your own on this one, huh? I follow the bubble and I don't see many articles saying the Democrats are in as bad of shape as the GOP. But I suppose you have to have some kind of response.
So what happens to your party if Trump wins the nomination? Or Cruz? What happens during the convention?
FOX news should be ignored.
No, hard drugs.
Sure, if you don't want to get assaulted, will that happen or could it happen, there is always a high possibility. That was the main point and he was right.
Because you don't like to hear the truth about that. Next you'll be saying, Germany is safe and doesn't have a problem with radical Islam or NO go zones either.
He did bring up the figures later in an interview when he was back in the studio.
Just a Journalist, I am an ELITE bass player for sure!
Seriously, I am not, but I have been in very dicey situations before reporting on these No Go Zones before it became an international Household name over 16 years ago.
I never said that, but the fact remains it is there. I lived with it and seen it, grew up in Germany and spent 5 years in Sweden, so I know there is a huge problem with Muslims assimilating in a western society, that is something you can't deny.
Actually, No. Not at all. But nice try, Cleo.
Hey, I feel the same about most libs and moving on.... But remember, you were huffing and puffing that the GOP wouldn't take the House and then the Senate and what happened? Yeah, I know you too and I just say...oh well... This election is not a coronation and thinking that Hillary has a lock on it would be a very serious mistake.
You said that and we'll also be singing a sigh of relief and joy once he's out of office and that will be in exactly 288 more days!!!
Counting the days? LOL There are some things you can compromise on for political purposes, and somethings you shouldn't. Obama caved so easily to big pharma that I lost all respect I had for the guy. What's really strange is the ignorance of his supporters who refuse to recognize how much of a war monger he is. The light bulb in the closet is out.
Hillary's very tenacious.
"No, hard drugs." Obama did Meth?
"how much of a war monger he is. " What wars did he start?
"Muslims assimilating in a western society" What's going to happen?
"that will be in exactly 288 more days!!!" And in comes Trump with higher taxes. Which is better, Obama with lower taxes or Trump with higher?
How about Yemen? Oh, and by the way, Presidents don't "start" wars anymore, they just send in private contractors, or didn't you know that?
So in fact, you are saying it?
Whatever you may have seen in Germany or Sweden, what can it possibly telly about Birmingham? Have you ever been to Birmingham? Or even to the UK?
What, then? What exactly did you see, when, and where?
As you can see from the above quotes, you quoted my post, and responded to what I had written. So you did in fact call me out - by quoting my text.
And you were very clearly wrong in what you said when calling me out. I never predicted the republicans wouldn't retake congress, and I have never said Trump was a fad that would fade away. So once again, I ask, who is 'you guys', and why are you including me with them?
I've figured it out. the whole ISIL is just bullshit and cover for Wahhabist/saudi Arabia terror actions. The BBC will call it ISIL to avoid the obvious, the US Brit Saudi jerks are killing people for you.Trump will never play these stupid games.
"How about Yemen?" I don't recall any American invasions in Yemen. How many American troops have died there?
Well...that's your opinion. You might be right..and you might be wrong.
So, a war...for you...only consists of troops on the ground? The US is the #1 arms seller. Who's are those weapons being used against the Yemens? Boy, connecting the dots for you is kind of difficult eh?
No more so than your prediction that Trump won't play said games. You may be write, and you may be wrong.
"So, a war...for you...only consists of troops on the ground?" I didn't realize the Obama sends private mercenaries to drive tanks, bomb targets, and mow down the enemies with heavy artillery instead of American GIs. Interesting.
@strangerland touche
Are you really that naive? You're a joke! You really don't care that Obama and US bombs are killing innocent people. You're just trying to create an excuse, based on your evil presumptions, to get my response. Good for you! You won!
"...US bombs..." Which have been sold in screwed up parts of the world for decades. Other than the selling of bombs do you think Obama is a great president?
Yes, 3 times.
I'm not going around the Mulberry bush with you again about this, I already told you.
Can we now get back on topic?
bass4funk and Strangerland, please do not address each other any further on this thread since, once again, all you are doing is bickering.
So all Obama needs to do is just simply stop these bomb sales (which for some reason I'm hearing they are only going on during the Obama presidency and no other presidency) and he would be a great president. I understand that Obama is not perfect but if it is presented that all a president has to do is one thing to become a perfect president it sounds like a pretty competent leader to me.
I can't believe it! A Rasmussen poll has Hillary and the Trumpster in a virtual dead heat with 37% going for Hillary and 36% going for the Trumpster! But then it might be Sanders vs Trump, or Sanders vs Jeb if Jeb can get his energy level up, lol
Oh, ok. Well then I must be confusing this with another message board where we talked about the GOP doing well in the 2010 election. Moving on...
So what happens to your party if Trump wins the nomination? Or Cruz? What will the convention be like?
Ha-ha . . . I remember that too. I wasn't a JT poster then, but in other circles, it was the same talk, same huffing and puffing. Then look what happened- the Grand Ole' Party seized both houses. RofL !
Good point bass-
Anyone who hates America wishes Trump would win. Too bad for them because Trump will feel the Bern.
Anyone who loves America will want Clinton / Sanders to face the problems of illegal immigration / border enforcement, radical islam, North Korea, refugees coming into the US and prompt medical care for US Vets.
How about if anyone wants to give up democracy and embrace radical progressive socialism vote for Sanders.
So if you are Republican then hope for Trump (with higher taxes and single payer healthcare which he said he liked in the past). What other choices are worth considering for you guys? The best you guys can hope for is a Republican socialist who wants more government spending and more government control. He's push everyone out for Republican WH hopefuls. Really no other choice.
No he didn't. His campaign is fair and square. When he speaks the people listen. He's not pushing anyone out, past politics and unsuccessful campaigns have already done that.
OK, so he is better than other candidates even though he will raise taxes and continue on the path to single payer healthcare. Fair enough. You want a Republican even though it means the continuation of the growth of public healthcare and higher taxes.
Wakayama Mama
..and the US has been carrying drone strikes in Yemen since 2002, killing 100's if not 1000's of civilians. Obama has been bought by the same people who have bought essentially all candidates, except possibly Trump.
So that's a negative on Talking Heads....check
Strange....because Talking Heads was supposed to be an open minded group
Oh how things have changed.
A Realist
I think it would depend on who he shot. If it were a liberal or a journalist he might win some votes.
He said, he wasn't going for a single payer healthcare, No one wants that, he never indicated in his campaign he is going to do that, please stop making stuff up. He said, he wasn't, so there is no way for you to say otherwise.
"and the US has been carrying drone strikes in Yemen since 2002" Who was president then and why all the obsession as to this being Obama's thing? No matter who is president next it will keep going. Go drones!
"he wasn't going for a single payer healthcare, No one wants that" No, he will after he is elected. Watch. yes, lots of people have it already and continue to have it- poor, handicapped, and old people. It works for them. He is not saying that directly because he wants his base to elect him. When he is elected there will be more public healthcare. Maybe even more than what a Democrat would implement. It's a fact that the Conservatives invented ObamaCare anyway.
More proof that public healthcare will go up under Trump: He will raise taxes. He did say that. Some of those taxes will go to more public healthcare. Where else would it go?
"I think it would depend on who he shot. If it were a liberal or a journalist he might win some votes." This quote proves that more gun control is needed.
Derp Man
@Oh pie
Please take to Canada with you also i read something and it said the Queen of England was going to take back America if Trump becomes president.
I'm afraid that if Trump did stand on New York's Fifth Avenue and shoot people, he would still have ignorant American's votes. It's saddening in a way.
Seeing that many of his supporters are gun-nuts, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump shooting someone would be the deciding factor in how he would win the nomination.
This guy is annoying and shouldn't be a candidate for president.
If you want to believe that go right ahead. I'm not stopping you. Lol
You are the one who wants Trump with more taxes. What else are the taxes going to go to? You don't just levy more taxes and not spend. Public healthcare's growth will not just stop. It will increase, especially with Trump's higher tax rates.
Hmmm... Hillary can cover for her husbands multiple sexual assaults and still get women to vote for her. Being a New York big mouth, I think Trump got jealous and tried to one up her.
No, I don't want Trump, but I'll take him over Hillary. But we just don't know what he will do yet.
OK, you want Trump with higher taxes and more public healthcare than Hillary. After all the Republicans invented ObamaCare. So with Trump we can expect higher taxes and more public healthcare vs. Clinton and just....."bad character". So I know exactly what Trump will do with Public healthcare - which is it will be made bigger with the higher taxes he will charge,
You want Trump because there is no one else in the Republic party who has a chance. Any Republican is better than the best Democrat, right? And he will get rid of all the Mexicans and Muslims. I thought you wanted that. He is the illegal "eliminator". And you want him to bring back all the jobs from China and all that so all Smartphones are made in the USA as you said.
Most of you posters have no idea of what Donald Trump is saying because most of you are caught up in what the newspaper what you to believe! This guy has talked about just about any and everyone he could care less about what ethnicity a person is because his money rules. His ambition is to confuse the masses with his satirical jokes. What he said was he could shot people and not lose votes. In other words he was saying Hil-LAIR-y could to could shoot or have people shot and still not lose votes. This lady has no problem with lying she says she is the best candidate to protect the American people. My question is how she could protect her embassy staff let alone protect her private emails. This lady has too much garbage and she needs to be sprayed with Lysol toilet cleaner and flushed she needs to quit!!!!
That's your opinion, you don't speak for me or for other people, but I do appreciate your opinion.
But Trump will raise taxes because he said he would. I can't believe he will actually DECREASE the public sector involvement in healthcare. It can go only one way and that's up (with Trump's raising of taxes)
Some diehard conservatives think that Hillary should do hard time. What did she do? Sell government secrets? This is the same obsessive pattern when conservatives have always thought that Obama should have been sentenced to 10 years for falsifying official Department of State documents. But there have been no felony indictments of Obama in all the years he's been president.
Ok, just difference of opinion. You believe what you and so will I.
Include me in that group.
The question should be what DAMAGE overall to the security of the country did she do with her classified emails?
That's what the FBI are looking into.
Obama will be out in 286 days, soon we all don't need to worry about him anymore. Good days to come.
Who cares, his clock is running out.
"That's what the FBI are looking into." Have you talked to your news sources? How much money did she receive for selling out the USA.
"Who cares, his clock is running out." But a felony is a felony. If Hillary and Obama are not arrested as you think they should be that will be one, maybe two Democrat presidents in office who committed serious crimes without being arrested.
"The question should be what DAMAGE overall to the security of the country did she do with her classified emails?" What damage, exactly? You have sources, don't you?
@nishikat That's what the FBI are looking into." Have you talked to your news sources? How much money did she receive for selling out the USA.
No one comes out of office telling the citizens of the US they are broke and have to borrow money. No one daughter comes out of college and gets a job at NBC making $400k a year and buys a 4.5 million apartment in Manhattan . No one comes out of office and less than 15 years later their net worth is of 75 million and have money funneled to a foundation from the Saudis. When the 5 star General Patreus compromised US security violating security he was demoted and guess who was the fire starter for seeing his demotion in rank and pay HILLIARY!! Look I know about special access clearances and top secret clearances, if that happened to any american working in and around and they violated the protection of such material it means you are out, BUT H-l-LIAR-Y is untouchable, she lies through her teeth she as too much baggage. She panders to the audience that is in front of her and then goes to another audience and says totally the opposite thing. On gay rights she straight out said she was against it, and denied it too, until the media showed her on TV saying it and then denying it!!!
"Who cares, his clock is running out." But a felony is a felony. If Hillary and Obama are not arrested as you think they should be that will be one, maybe two Democrat presidents in office who committed serious crimes without being arrested.
Yes, you are correct a felony is a felony for ordinary citizens but when you are a CLINTON its not even a crime!!!!
"The question should be what DAMAGE overall to the security of the country did she do with her classified emails?" What damage, exactly? You have sources, don't you?
As for what damage did she do to the overall security of the country? Are you crazy do you think they would share that with the media. Evidently you have never had access to such material and if I did HAVE SOURCES I WOULDN'T TELL YOU!!
It makes me laugh that so many people go on about how Hillary is a liar and a criminal, yet even with dozens of investigations, she hasn't been found to have lied about anything nor done anything criminal.
The sad thing is that this repetition actually does influence the not-so-intelligent into believing these things are true. The sadder thing is just how many people that includes in the US.
Misunderstood. For eight long years so many Conservatives like yourself have been obsessed with wanting to see Obama being arrested for falsifying official Department of State records (which is a ten-year sentence generally). But with all this obsession of the illegal acts that Obama did - no arrest. Don't Conservatives who hate Obama and want him arrested for that alleged crime feel frustrated? It seems there is nothing there. Now I see the same pattern with Hillary. All this obsession for what Hillary did and so far nothing. It will continue to be nothing. Whether she becomes president or not there will be nothing. The only WH official to be found guilty these recent years was Scooter Libby who did reveal US secrets, tried and found guilty in court, disbarred and other punishments like not being able to vote for a while. He is a felon because it was the outcome of the courts and is a disgrace.
Some things Dems were obsessed with was Romney evading taxes and hiding money overseas which was false which was not true.
But OK, let Trump be president then. He will raise taxes and the amount of public healthcare will go up anyway. Especially since ObamaCare was invented by the Republicans. Go Trump, higher taxes and more public healthcare in the USA. Fine with me, I guess.
That's what the FBI are investigating now
I don't care about Obama, he'll be gone soon enough, we're talking about Hillary.
That's for the FBI to determine and the if charges are filed (one can only hope) then it will be the job of the FBI director to recommend them and the DOJ to go forward with charging her officially.
She and her husband are lawyers, go figure.
What's even worse is that you have some people dangling on hope and a prayer that Hillary is not only innocent, but popular and that people think she isn't a flawed candidate when nothing could be further from the truth.
"What's even worse is that you have some people dangling on hope and a prayer that Hillary is not only innocent, but popular and that people think she isn't a flawed candidate when nothing could be further from the truth." OK, fine, then Trump with higher taxes and more public healthcare. Fine with me.
"She and her husband are lawyers, go figure." Scooter Libby?
"That's for the FBI to determine and the if charges are filed (one can only hope) then it will be the job of the FBI director to recommend them and the DOJ to go forward with charging her officially." Yes, they did that with Libby. Investigated, tried, convicted and disbarred. Nothing with Obama and nothing with Hillary.
Not yet at least, but let's just see what James Comey has to say first. If you don't mind, I'll take his word on what he thinks is good for Hillary.
Did Hillary really sell secrets to ISIS? Then she should be busted.
She had her aides systematically remove classification headers from classified info so it could be mailed to her insecure account on an insecure private server that wandered around the country maintained by amateurs, if Putin doesn't have a full backup copy of that server he'll want to know the reason why.
The a-hole should shoot himself. Sure would make the world a better place.
A.N. Other
Well, Dick Cheney did, so he could be on to something.
Yeah Farmboy, but when it comes to Turnip I think Bush is right.
Of course, he has no one.
Louis Amsel
I wish he win, but his chance is pretty low unless every white people vote for him. because he sure as hell is not getting votes from the other ethnic groups.
ghoneim mohamed
Neither Trump,nor Hillary Clinton win.Lets wait and see.
Oh, and former Defense Secretary Robert Gates agrees! :D