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© 2020 AFPCoronavirus spreads fear and racism worldwide
By Andrew Beatty SYDNEY©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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I promise you this isn't going away. There's never been a pandemic in the history of human beings without this. Small scale, large scale, there will always be people blaming the outsider literally since the dawn of time. We will never rid ourselves of this reaction because it's coded into our genetic makeup. The time to have a come to Jesus moment about it will be after this virus has passed. If people start to blame racism and xenophobia for the fear over the virus you're going to get an added dose of resentment with every single new case outside of Wuhan. Adding resentment on top of already existing fear is the absolute worst thing we could do about this. This type of emergency needs to be approached outside of the political realm. I mean, of course there's probably tons of people who are only afraid because they dislike the Chinese but if you then apply the same label to people who are genuinely and reasonably concerned about this virus then you're just stoking the flames. Then the next virus that comes out of China you're going to get a bigger backlash and a few more generations of people being needlessly afraid.
The Italians are taking it to another level by refusing Taiwanese. I know Many Italians are essentially right wing bordering on racist, but any simple geography and history lesson will show you that Taiwan is a different island. Different passports too.
There are Taiwanese tourists stranded in Italy and Taiwan is struggling to get return flights out. And Taiwan currently has one of the best records in containing this coronavirus.
And yet, which nation so far has not engaged in this kind of racism against Chinese?
Yup, Japan. Oh, the irony.
In fact there was a Quartz article today that highlighted how impressed many Chinese were at Japan's response to the coronavirus.
Many Chinese netizens were impressed by things such as masks donated to China by language schools in Japan, and how relaxed Japan's response was as compared to other nations.
And I thought racism is wiped out completely in this planet till I read this news article.
Virus do not discriminate human races, but only people do. All people are equal in viral infection.
I wouldn't die on that hill. Do you live in Japan? There's plenty of anti-Chinese sentiment in Japan in general and you only need to talk to a few people about masks to have it bubble up in regards to the Coronavirus. It's an every day conversation amongst my daughters preschool moms, and they're not reticent about their feelings about Chinese tourists/residents right now either.
Donating some masks to China doesn't mean you're not a bigot. Just wait, if the virus starts to leak out into the average Japanese population things won't be very pleasant for Chinese communities here for very long.
Bungle, VERY good points.
Particularly, in view of the fact that many Western media outlets have taken prc money.
Watch the video and you get what you wanna know.
The same in South Korea, but this would be the same everywhere regardless of the number of actual petition
If this Virus had started in Europe the attitude would have been identical. European flights would be stopped from the country of origin and as it spread, from all of Europe. It is not because people do not like Chinese it is because China is the epicenter. It is a reaction to try to avoid getting sick and it is a natural reaction. To call it racism is to be on the wrong track. It is much simpler than that.
Bugle Boy of Company B
Actually, it is.
I wonder why this years Olympics hosts with record Chinese tourism income is being so relaxed about coronavirus bans......................................................
The next virus? After SARS in 2002/2003, this Wuhan coronavirus 2019-nCoV, there's going to be a "next time"? China is going to continue with these wet markets that are an obvious threat to the health of the entire planet?
Bigots just need an excuse to show their bigotry.
Virus or otherwise they are still bigots!!
Dr. Theopolis
Well...human nature, fear of the unknown, you can't fix that.
Racism and xenophobia will never disappear.
The concept of nations and of "others" is an exclusionary one.
The next virus? After SARS in 2002/2003, this Wuhan coronavirus 2019-nCoV, there's going to be a "next time"? China is going to continue with these wet markets that are an obvious threat to the health of the entire planet?
Given the population density it's not surprising that new viruses emerge there. It's not strange to assume that this would be the 'next' in this situation. Of course eating bushmeat is a problem, but it's not the only place in the world that people eat it, nor do I think that people will stop eating it just because the WHO says they should. Viruses are inevitably going to evolve and jump species so containment should be the number one priority which the Chinese government absolutely failed to do in the first stages of the outbreak. Once it's been contained then we can talk about how to prevent the 'next one'. I'm more concerned with it not spreading right now.
As an engineer I would rather look at facts. Spitting on people, making derogatory remarks, and vilifying people for the way they look is unacceptable and backwards. On the other hand taking sensible precautions (as Singapore did, Australia did, and the US follows) is responsible.
I saw this article where The Wuhan Institute of Virology of the China Academy of Sciences has applied for a patent on the use of Gilead Sciences' experimental U.S. antiviral drug.
Now this just gets more interesting;
At the risk of sounding racist (I am not as I am not directing this at average Chinese citizens or people) things in China look a but suspicious to me.
This is a hypothetical what if question. What if you are a big country who thinks it's no 1 in the world, sees itself being overtaken by another country , economical, militarily , technologically , educationally and is in a quandary how to respond, first you could put tariffs in place to try and hurt them economically , but what if that isn't working, how could you hurt that country, by targeting maybe the two most important things that keeps that economic giant running, food and health. What if there are no options on the table, you can't strike them militarily that would cause a worldwide uproar, but you could somehow slow them down. What if a virus attacked a main source of food, lets say pigs, and if that is successful, but the economic giant still keeps rolling. What if we could create a virus that has no vaccine to treat it, and somehow start a health outbreak , lets say in just one city and cause a panic. Now who would benefit from these two hypothetical scenarios?? There is a lot said about cyber warfare, hacking , vote rigging, data gathering, but , what if we can add another warfare into the mix, Biological warfare. So many countries worldwide have the ability, and would be so hard to prove the guilty actors. As I said this is all hypothetical.
I read about it a few days ago on ABC News Australia online. However, it was like this:
Gold Coast surgeon Rhea Liang tweeted on Thursday that one of her patients joked about not shaking her hand because of coronavirus.
Dr Liang didn't find it funny at all. Instead she felt offended by racism.
It is more akin to an insensitive joke. Not racism. By the way, I am Asian.
Some people would be afraid of people who come from the epicenter of the outbreak.
Whether you think thats logical or not, it will happen.
That’s true. Some regular posters here are rabidly anti-Chinese. You can almost hear the teeth grind if someone posts anything positive about that country.
non party
Where are all the masks? 99% masks are maid in China. Now no mask in any store in Japan. I heard buying and selling the masks in the black market is a big business in China. It has found that millions of boxes of masks has been bought and being send to China. it is a big business, a black business. That is why no mask in ANY SHOP in JAPAN.... We need to stop it. Immediately stop exporting mask from Japan. I hope govt official note this matter. I need a mask. an one can find one for me in Japan? if yes please tell me.
John Beara
There's a good side effect of coronavirus... i just got a flight for 12000 yens for Korea!!! (south)
John Beara
flight from narita
Congratulations, you've earned your tinfoil hat.
That would be one of the stupidest plans ever put to practice, mate.
Do you really think the US is using biological warfare to cripple the Chinese economy via what amounts to a rough flu that mostly kills old people? Are you really unaware how stupid that would be? Beyond the zillions of ethical codes that would violate, you'd literally be putting the entire world at risk including yourself to only slightly slow down the economy of one of your biggest allies. Screwing with China's economy will screw with everyone's economy, it will only hurt the US. Plus it's a Coronovirus, it will more than likely clear up as it gets warmer.
Stop spreading nonsense.
It is not racism to fear disease.
Having said that abuse and vilification based on race is plainly wrong.
However, with the aggressive spread and high number of cases associated with this virus then I would err on the side of caution ie I would try to avoid groups of Chinese the same way I try to avoid any large gatherings, of any people....
For yr information , now we have 20 victims , in Japan. Are these people ignorant ???. In u.s.a , how many americans are infected ???.In germany, how many germans are infected ???. People have better grow up,stand togather to fight this attack as a community. Therefore , tell me now, if these peope are going to see iidentity cards ???.
No more donations to australian bush fire from the Chinese communities around the world. Very sorry.
On my train home this evening in Osaka I observed two Chinese students happily chatting away in their native tongue. No one sat next to them or stood in front of them despite the carriage being quite full.
Identification with a group is built into humans. Of course it will not disappear. This does not automatically mean racism and xenophobia, which are value judgements.
Nation states are the basis for democracy. Abolish them and you are back to empires and tribalism. The concept of a borderless world is insanity.
Japan - 34
On February 5, the 11 new cases were confirmed in Japan, raising the country's total to 34 infections.
This is the lastest report 5 hrs ago.
Hating an entire race is disgraceful and displays ignorance and weakness.
Wanting to protect your nation as much as possible from a deadly virus, by blocking ALL races coming from a region where a virus is rampant, is NOT xenophobia. Its common sense.
As you hear these racism has become the one against all Asians, most of Non-asian cannnot tell Chinese from others, whereas Asians think they can tell the difference among each other through WAHTEVER just like Europeans think they can tell the difference between Brits, French, Germans, etc.
My Point? It is what you perceive it as Japanese more inherent aversion to China is totally different from
this ridiculous discrimination against all Yellows.
I don't see the racism against the people of China but rather what their Government has caused and thus makes it appear to be racist. The CCP kept the world misinformed, and kept things secret that information had to literally be leaked out regarding the real issues behind the scenes and not told to the world. Keep in mind that SARS, MERS and now the coronavirus all came from China. Keep in mind that the CCP though fully aware of the situation continued to allow infected persons out of their country and around the world. Can anyone in their right mind think otherwise and for a country who preaches "in the name of peace" but does the opposite well, you get what you preach. What is unfortunate is that the CCP takes its people with it, which it shouldn't as they are the ones suffering. An example is the lady with the child who are literally begging and pleading for almost what seemed an eternity to get her child with leukemia to a hospital for her medication and checkup. The many videos of doctors overworked with fatigue, literally passing out, the many videos, photos of people literally dying on the streets, hospital hallways etc. What are we to do? So no I see more of anger towards their government because for 1 have yet to hear of any of Xi's government officials come down with any of the coronavirus has anyone?
I have yet to see footage of Life Emperor Xi in Wuhan, lending solidarity to the many thousands of healthcare staff. Whats the bet he is cocooned as far removed as possible from the workers battling this disaster. "Man of the People"? More like gutless coward.
You are wrong because you are confusing "anti-PRC" with "anti-China". Those who are against the CCP dictatorship support democracy for the people of Hong Kong and Taiwan. Besides, such people are dwarfed by the number of anti-Japan posters here.
I think a good example the other day was an article about racism towards Chinese. You immediately zoomed in on the issue, admittedly real, about fellow Chinese discriminating against the people of Wuhan. The issue of racism against Chinese didn’t seem to warrant a word. Nothing to do with the CCP.
It’s just that I’ve spent a lot of time in China and have some very good friends there. You are quite rabid on this issue.
Maybe, but it’s understandable. Is the leader of your country on the front line battling bushfires?
Asian are not immune from their own racism, in their country where they are the majority, this why they should treat foreigners in their country, with respect because racism can be returned in kind by others
The issue of racism against Chinese didn’t seem to warrant a word. Nothing to do with the CCP.
Of course if your in China your being closely monitored by the CCP and therefore have to be supportive of anything to do with the CCP, we get that. However since many of us outside of the CCP real can. It has everything to do with the CCP as it is no huge secret that people in China do not have human rights at least like the rest of the free world. It is unfortunate to see this affect the great good in Chinese people as most are hard working and only trying to make a living with what his handed out to them by the Central Communist Party (CCP) without fear of ended up in some prison or their family members paying the price for their mistakes in speaking out against the CCP.
You misunderstood me. I was referring to an article which outlined discrimination towards Chinese people around the world and discrimination against the people of Wuhan by fellow Chinese. I pointed out that the poster immediately zoomed in on discrimination by Chinese and not by non-Chinese. This is a pattern. It’s rabid.
I have no time whatsoever for the CCP ( check out what I’ve written about these bullies if you can be bothered ), but I do have a lot of time for my Chinese friends in China. The rabid anti-Chinese posters here, lightning off the mark to criticise and quash anything that could be regarded as even remotely positive about China, are obsessed.
It’s pathological with some.
Their have not been racism against the Chinese, in the city I live in, people are still flocking to this Chinese restaurant
I am rabidy against the CCP dictatorship as I believe they, through the Cultural Revolution destroyed everything that was great about China, and I whioleheartedly support the courageous people of Taiwan and Hong Kong in their resistance against authoritarianism.
You have just proven how you can not distinguish between being "anti-CCP" and "anti-Chinese".
So, China has nothing good now? Have you spent much time in China? Any time whatsoever in China?
I am against the CCP too. I just find you reaction to anything about China runs far deeper than just dislike of the CCP. Your reaction to the article in question was revealing - nothing to say about racism towards Chinese by non-Chinese, but a spotlight on just part of the article which showed Chinese people in a bad light, not the CCP in a bad light.
As I said, a pattern, and a very unpleasant one.
At least some Japanese showed their support to the fellow Chinese. Call it small thing, but it is not fake. Chinese people and Chinese govt publically appreciated it. That is China. Never ignore small thing from small neighbours, and treat every nation, every people, the same respects.
What is it called when virtually all of the people wearing face masks and avoiding Chinese people are of Chinese origin? Just look at the pictures. Impossible to find an image of a non Asian wearing a mask walking around a Chinatown in Canada.
I keep my eyes on the hysteria but my neck of the woods is still pretty normal. We have a big Chinese and Asian community. Will see what happens later.
And the behavior of the Chinese government and Chinese citizens tend to add fuel to the fire.
They are not helping the situation at all. The Chinese government concealed the information regarding the outbreak until it spread across the entire country and to the rest of the world. Chinese citizens who traveled abroad continue to hide the fact that they have been to infectious zones, lie about their records and refuse to turn themselves in for examination. Some even resorted to traveling to Japan in order to escape the infection all the while realizing they may be carriers of said disease.
So while this alleged emerging racism is unfortunate, the Chinese aren't helping. Not one bit. Worse, they have brought trouble to their East Asian neighbors, and force everyone else to partake a fault not of their making.
Akie, considering this incident is part of the track-record for your precious Chinese Ministry of Health, I'd say that department is a joke, an even bigger joke than the bought & paid for WHO.
"But you do realise that Taiwan claims sovereignty over all of mainland China as well, right?"
Only claimed by the somewhat delusional KMT.
China has WHO and the UN by the balls and others I'm sure. I see that Chinese love their government much but I get the feeling the Wuhan people who are sick and blocked inside their homes aren't very happy right now. But it's already too late. It's already game over. This theme will be played over and over again as China's expansion gets bigger and bigger. Well, it is what it is.
As if anti-Asia racism wasn't bad already...
Lol...something ELSE to call “Racist”... Lol
Let’s beat that racism horse some more - it’s not dead enough yet.
He's probably busy keeping the people of YOUR country from infecting his people AND helping people affected by the bushfires.