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Countries reaching beyond borders to silence dissidents: Human Rights Watch


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Don't forget journalist Julian Assange. Certain countries are reaching beyond their borders to crush his dissent and journalism.

-2 ( +15 / -17 )

Don't forget that the most active Government suppresor of dissidents is China.

"The existence of confidential Chinese government blacklists barring overseas-based pro-democracy and human rights activists from returning to China has long been suspected by the exiled Chinese dissident community and other concerned observers. "


12 ( +18 / -6 )

Nothing new. Many countries have their dirty secrets.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

JJEToday 03:22 pm JST

Don't forget journalist Julian Assange. Certain countries are reaching beyond their borders to crush his dissent and journalism.

Assange needs to dissent to his own darn country.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Yes, recently quite some countries do that, some systematically, others beginning recently. But it won't help them so much, maybe temporarily or a bit postponing, of course on a more historically dimensioned time line. In fact they are now overdue for the history garbage can, right in the moment they show their intrinsic weakness when they feel the need to apply such measures as part of their regime's last survival attempts. That doesn't mean that they disappear tomorrow or next month, but many of us will still be living witnesses when they soon disappear one way or another.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

The Russian helicopter pilot who flew to Ukraine and got his two innocent fellow servicemen killed all for $500,000 didn't get get to spend much of it. "Someone" tracked him down to Spain and put 5 bullets into his body. No one has claimed responsibility but a Russian spokesman seemed very happy when reporting the news.

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

Mr KiplingToday 04:07 pm JST

The Russian helicopter pilot who flew to Ukraine and got his two innocent fellow servicemen killed all for $500,000 didn't get get to spend much of it. "Someone" tracked him down to Spain and put 5 bullets into his body. No one has claimed responsibility but a Russian spokesman seemed very happy when reporting the news.

Yes and this just demonstrates the lack of civilization in Russia.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

The Russians and the PRC are the biggest violators here.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Also the Americans, Brits, Israelis, and many more.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Yes and this just demonstrates the lack of civilization in Russia.

The Ukrainians shot and killed the two other Russians in the helicopter. They knew nothing about the pilots plans, making him responsible for their deaths. That is why he was found and dispatched.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

The world leaders of today are doing their utmost to normalise the morals of Hitler long demonized by sanctimonious hypocrites professing to love human rights. The horrendous hi-tech violence we have already witnessed in the first quarter of the 21st century and its equanimous acceptance by millions of the comfortably numb makes one despair of humanity. More Nuremberg-style trials for mass murderers and their enablers are needed to send a message and deter the inexcusable carnage of warmongers.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Mr Kipling

That is why he was found and dispatched.

Yeah, right. I would have thought flying a helicopter into enemy territory and defecting to be a bigger reason for why he was found and shot.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Countries reaching beyond borders to silence dissidents

You mean like Julian Assange?

1 ( +6 / -5 )

The Brits were the best with their cloak-and-dagger episodes. Mossad has killed thousands just like the CIA.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Assange dared to hang out the blood-soaked dirty linen of "They Who Must Be Obeyed" and their hireling executioners whose faces are always well-hidden (for "nazional security" reasons) and for his insolence has been methodically tortured with malice aforethought by the ruthless powers-that-be with smiley faces. The years of White House gaslighting have worked a treat on the gullible minds of millions whose Orwellian chorus of hate in unison with their controllers beggars belief.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Every nation and or Leader has it's or his own dirty laundry and closet full of bones, don't be a fool thinking that no nation or leader are not " Reaching Beyond Borders"

National security require doing What Ever It Takes to secure the nation interests.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Add China, Russia, and NK to that list!!!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Why is US missing from the list next to Saudi Arabia? Julian Assange and few others have been the victims of the same mentality.

2 ( +6 / -4 )


Yeah, right. I would have thought flying a helicopter into enemy territory and defecting to be a bigger reason for why he was found and shot.

I would think that was reason enough. But the Russian media are saying it was his disloyalty to his comrades that killed him. But of course they would say that wouldn't they.

Either way he didn't enjoy his $500k.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Australian police launched a program to advise Australians on what to do if they think foreign governments are targeting them

That's good. Maybe they can also launch an inquiry into how they targeted their own citizens who dissented against their draconian Covid measures.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Let's also not forget how Barry O'Bama canceled Edward Snowden's passport MIDFLIGHT, thus stranding him in the No-Man's Land of the Moscow airport, forcing him to become trapped in Russia or face certain death in the USA for exposing the long-suspected Global Surveillance of Five Eyes. How very Orwellian indeed!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

The U.S.A. with its CIA should head the list. They have no respect for national borders. Al Quaeda, etc., etc.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

"In written submissions, he and Mr Fitzgerald added: "The evidence showed that the US was prepared to go to any lengths, including misusing its own criminal justice system, to sustain impunity for US officials in respect of the torture/war crimes committed in its infamous 'war on terror', and to suppress those actors and courts willing and prepared to try to bring those crimes to account.

"Mr Assange was one of those targets."

The full article (BBC):


-2 ( +3 / -5 )

No comparison between the US and allies, and China and Russia.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

"Methods... include killings, abductions, unlawful removals, abuse of consular services, the targeting and collective punishment of relatives, and digital attacks," an HRW report said.

Somebody got busted again!

A cache of leaked Chinese hacking documents just confirmed experts' warnings about how compromised the US could be


They own people snitching on them!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Let's also not forget how Barry O'Bama canceled Edward Snowden's passport MIDFLIGHT

What? Saint Obama did that?

No comparison between the US and allies, and China and Russia.

Correct. The US is far worse.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

The report details 75 cases of governments in more than two dozen countries -- including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Belarus and Cambodia -- carrying out "human rights abuses... to silence or deter dissent" over the past 15 years.

Odd paragraph, in its choice of four countries.

It gets even odder when you go to HRW's PR for this story, distributed to the wires. Let's look at the countries they cited as an example:

The report includes over 75 cases previously documented by Human Rights Watch committed by over two dozen governments, including Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Türkiye, Turkmenistan, and the United Arab Emirates. The cases are not exhaustive but instead offer a snapshot of cases across four regions.


The story has a link to this report.

https://www.hrw.org/report/2024/02/22/we-will-find-you/global-look-how-governments-repress-nationals-abroad. Lets take a country from the above example. Maybe China?

"The Chinese government maintains surveillance of the Chinese diaspora around the world, including pro-democracy students and academics." Plus "students and faculty were harassed and intimidated, including by threats of physical violence or being doxxed (having their personal information posted online). Students and academics are broadly aware that such surveillance takes place, and many take steps to self-censor."

They also describe how the Chinese government "pursues censorship and surveillance of its citizens abroad through [a popular social media app] that includes messaging, financial services, and several other functions."

We also find the tactics described in the report being used to continue its campaign of repression of Uyghurs, in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwest China.

But also cite a case of how they allegedly abducted the China-born Swedish citizen and book publisher Gui Minhai from his home in Thailand.

Keep up the good work, HRW.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Countries reaching beyond borders to silence dissidents: Human Rights Watch

Assange anyone?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

A Washington Post journalist was famously murdered by a Saudi prince and the US government just looked the other way

1 ( +2 / -1 )

For the people saying Assange is a silenced dissident, he is still alive and still able to send out his ramblings, such as they are. The fact he has nothing to say without his hacker collective doesn't mean he is silenced.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

BertieWoosterFeb. 22 08:50 pm JST

The U.S.A. with its CIA should head the list. They have no respect for national borders. Al Quaeda, etc., etc.

And the fact that you believe the US should limit itself to sending extradition requests to Syria and Afghanistan I think says it all.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Hervé L'EisaFeb. 22 08:45 pm JST

Let's also not forget how Barry O'Bama canceled Edward Snowden's passport MIDFLIGHT, thus stranding him in the No-Man's Land of the Moscow airport, forcing him to become trapped in Russia or face certain death in the USA for exposing the long-suspected Global Surveillance of Five Eyes. How very Orwellian indeed!

And I suppose you think the US should have just let him roam free after betraying his oath and country six ways from Sunday. Not how any country operates.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


A Washington Post journalist was famously murdered by a Saudi prince and the US government just looked the other way

Can't risk Jared's 2 billion deal with the murderer....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

LegrandeToday 12:45 am JST

A Washington Post journalist was famously murdered by a Saudi prince and the US government just looked the other way

And then you will tell us that it is right and proper that BRICS let Saudi Arabia into their investment club.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

"Methods... include killings, abductions, unlawful removals, abuse of consular services, the targeting and collective punishment of relatives, and digital attacks," an HRW report said.

China got busted again!

A cache of leaked Chinese hacking documents just confirmed experts' warnings about how compromised the US could be


They own people snitching on them!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

For the people saying Assange is a silenced dissident, he is still alive and still able to send out his ramblings, such as they are. 

Not for lack of trying by the Americans.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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