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COVID-19 vaccine latest flashpoint in White House campaign


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You can't trust anything this blubberbutt says. It's time for his remaining followers to desert him.

20 ( +23 / -3 )

We need a vaccine and we need it now

We need a vaccine that’s been properly vetted, and we need it when it’s been properly vetted.

I’m not taking any vaccine rushed by politicians who just want to get re-elected. I’ll put my faith in the scientific process, not moron politicians thanks.

16 ( +16 / -0 )

disparaging” for political gain a vaccine he repeatedly has said could be available before the election.

Trump's being 'disparaged' once again because of his history of dishonesty. A male who averages 12 'misinformations' a DAY cannot be trusted. The Republican Party has set up a 'rapid response' team to quickly cover for him. Online the Republicans are supported by one of the Kremlin's troll armies plus other far right groups. Slimy business-male, slimier politician attracting slimy followers.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

“I would trust the word of public health experts and scientists, but not Donald Trump,” Harris said.

Pretty much sums it up. And Trump did it to himself.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Fauci is a scientist who parrots your partisan liberal talking points for sure.

This is why America has been a complete and abject failure with the virus. Liberals parrot the scientific conclusions, not the other way around. That’s why countries that followed the same advice Fauci gave have been able to reopen their economies and get along with life, and why countries that haven’t have been such a failure.

Only a moron would try to pretend Trump’s America hasn’t entirely failed in its response to Covid.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

typical Fauci. Says a lot while saying nothing. "not sure", "unlikely.... but not impossible"

Typical Trump: "I didn't say that thing I said."

“What I said is by the end of the year, but I think it could even be sooner that that,” he said about a vaccine. “It could be during the month of October, actually could be before November.”

12 ( +13 / -1 )

I like the part where the 3 Drug Companies got tired of being pressured to release a vaccine prematurely and publicly and jointly announced that they would not even apply for FDA approval until the companies themselves were sure that it was safe and effective.

Smart move as messing this up would damage their other businesses. Trump doesn’t care about them, his hoard or anyone other than Trump.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Trump said he'd be signing a huge healthcare bill in August. 

It was a rinse and repeat of the BS he claimed in 2016. It will be bigger and better and cheaper and everyone will be insured. In other words, a fantasy not based in reality

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Fauci is a scientist who parrots your partisan liberal talking points for sure.

Lolol Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean he's a partisan hack. If he's such a partisan liberal, why doesn't Donald just fire him?

Dont need a mask, it doesnt work. Oh, never mind you need a mask. and a face shield and some goggles couldnt hurt.

Yeah, that's exactly how science works.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

we have come to the point where Dems and liberals are rooting against there being a vaccine by the end of next month. Why? Politics again. 

I’m excitedly waiting for a vaccine that has been properly vetted. You’d have to be a moron to take one that has not had proper testing, simply because trump is trying to fix his failure of a presidency. You be the guinea pig please. I’ll wait for one that is properly vetted.

There are literally no vaccines out there that have been under stage three trials long enough to be completed by November. So you’d be an idiot to take their vaccine that has not passed the stage three trial.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Well, as a Trump supporter, I think it's terrible that there are so many people questioning our President's honesty and expertise in handling this virus - I mean, just look at the facts;

He correctly assessed the virus was a "hoax", was "contained", and was "just one person from China"...

He then demonstrated his brilliance by recommending everyone "inject disinfectant" as a potential cure...

Then working with world-class doctors, he promoted another cure from an expert that thinks our medications contain "Alien DNA" and that our government has been infiltrated by "Alien Lizards"...

And us Trump supporters are smart too - we understand the virus is spread by 5G network towers...

So heck, I'm fully confident of President Trump's claims on a vaccine - wouldn't you be?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

I wouldn't trust her word on anything. 

And you trust trumps word on everything.

Orher people can use the two facts above to see exactly how credible you are.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

We need a vaccine now.

And I want a toilet made of solid gold.

Neither are gonna happen anytime soon.

I'll bet you on it.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

How can something not work at all in March but suddenly works, and is mandatory, by April.

It doesn’t take much logic to come up with the answer to that question. If go so far as to say even those slightly less than average intelligence could answer the question.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Politicizing what should be a 100% scientific development is not going to do any good, not for the specific vaccine effort and specially not for the safety and efficacy tests to be conducted in the future.

Phase III trials do not really need to be run for years, but if the best knowledge we have about how to identify factors of risk make it so at least 6 months are necessary there is no justification for not testing for that long.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Of course Dems would be against it because it would mean that more people could vote, and they don't want that.

I don't think you understand the arguments over voting by mail.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Trump's problem is that once the science started to be settled, he refused to promote it. There was conflicting information in the beginning, but eventually the scientists were talking about wearing masks, social distancing, and tracing, and we were seeing positive results in other countries.

Trump decided to go in the opposite direction. He held rallies with no social distancing. He made fun of people wearing masks. We lost prescious time as his supporters and Republican governors followed his lead and infected more and more people.

That's 100% on him. Talking about "Fauci's politics" is a red herring. Fauci wasn't telling people to hold large rallies with no masks.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

@Blacklabel, Fauci is only keeping his lips zipped. And the reason has nothing to do with the virus, nor the science trying to overcome it. The reason for that plunks his butt down in the oval office, daily.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

For Trump there is the small problem of the time constant. All 3 vaccine candidates need 30,000 candidates each of various backgrounds. That takes time.

Then they need 2 shots 28 days apart. Phase 3 trials started July 28 (according to Google). So an absolute minimum of August 28th. In reality the last vaccinations are happening now.

THEN you need to look at the candidates for a minimum of 3 months to examine safety (including rare health issues) and effectiveness. So 12/10 or there about. So no, short of cutting corners, there is ZERO POSSIBILITY that a vaccine will be approved before the election

THEN you have to execute a program that will inject everyone in the US twice; about 660 million doses. Spring at the absolute earliest More likely summer By that time there could easily be 700k.

Trump is now doing what he did in business; lie deny and promise great things in the future

Still waiting on that healthcare plan, btw.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

We need a vaccine and we need it now

I agree with that to bring the world back to normal.

But not on all costs...

6 ( +6 / -0 )

nah thats how flip flopping in the winds of political partisanship works.

Political partisanship? Lololol then why doesn't Donald fire Fauci? Does he not get how partisan he is?

How can something not work at all in March but suddenly works, and is mandatory, by April.

How can our universe be Heliocentric? Everyone knows it's geocentric, and it's been this way for aeons. Do you see how absurd your logic is?

When newly discovered facts challenge our old beliefs, we change our beliefs. Its simple. Really.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Trump insisted he hasn't said a vaccine could be ready before November, although he said so repeatedly and as recently as Friday.

He is not even a good liar!!!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Bill Gates Warns First Batch of COVID-19 Vaccines ‘Won’t Be Ideal’


5 ( +5 / -0 )

Trump insisted he hasn't said a vaccine could be ready before November, although he said so repeatedly and as recently as Friday.

The president then proceeded to say what he had just denied ever saying.

Just about sums it up really

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Cadet Bone Spurs lacks credibility as each time he opens his trap he spews nothing but fake news, disinformation and misinformation.

The United States of America has been under an official state of emergency since November 8, 2016, “another date that will live in infamy”.

He will continue doing the same until he is ejected from the White House and “Make the USA Sane Again”.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Trump should import Sputnik V from Russia...

Hmm, Some people are saying that Trump might have already gotten a call from the Kremlin making him an offer he can't refuse to please HMV Putinik by importing a zillion doses of Putin's party favors at warp speed for Trump's tremendous "October Surprise". Perhaps Sputnik V will be Trump's Russian Halloween treat, or else the trick might be, "how about if we inject you with our Novichok to kill Covid?"

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The knee jerk "everything Trump says is a lie" approach has been disproven so many times it mystifies me that people still spout it at every opportunity.

Just exactly how many times have his apparent lies been proven to be true? Educate us please because as far as I can tell he is just another fast talking salesman/conman who will tell any lie they think they can get away with to close the deal. I have had to suffer through too many such flimflam artists in my life to be impressed by this fellow's dog and pony show.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The media will attack and smear anything that Trump recommends.

Since now he is talking positively about a vaccine, the media will collectively turn antivaccine.

Since I am not in favour of the vaccine solution, in this case, this is a good thing.

So Fox, WSJ, Drudge, and OANN will "smear anything that Trump recommends"? Sometimes I think the more pertinent topic are the smears, distortions and excessive power of the right wing / neo-fascist media. And please by all means don't take the vaccine. More job security for me.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I had another comment, but I think i’ll take the advice of epidemiologists, PhDs, you know SCIENTISTS, over a 15 year old daughter.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Trump was rich before taking office, for him the job is a step down financially.....

Hard to know how rich Trump was or is as he’s hiding his tax returns. There is an argument that he’s using the presidency to enrich himself and his family. Again, it’s hard to tell due to the lack of transparency.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

“They'll say anything,” 

Hello, is pot there? This is kettle.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I’m wondering when they’ll talk about policy on any issue, they keep blabbing what they won’t do,

Their policies for not being Bolsheviks or not defunding the police are quite clearly laid out for you to continually ignore at www.Joebiden.com

Shall I pop round and click on it for you?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

trump has warehouses full of pandemic goods which is on-sold to the highest bidder.

trump will have a personnel interest, for personnel gain in a vaccine.

trump DOES NOTHING, until such time he can derive a CASH-FLOW.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

From injecting chlorox to a real vaccine within a couple months of one another. Who is crazy enough and dumb enough to trust this president with his political hacks and cronies in place? No way! Where’s Dr. Fauci?!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The president then proceeded to say what he had just denied ever saying.

And his base flip-flopped along with him.

Not surprising that the pro-Russians, Republicans and others in the far right are framing this discussion using 'political' as a negative. The pro-authoritarian pushers continue their assaults on systems which include democratic principles, systems where 'politics is played'.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

besides ushering in more radical socialism, what specifically do these people want to do

Because anyone not of extremely low intelligence believes anyone in America is pushing radical socialism! ROFL

3 ( +4 / -1 )

2 months until the orange buffoon is consigned to history.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Also the myth that Trump somehow does things to make money for himself or his family is also farfetched. 

It's not a myth.

no evidence (apart from trifling things like use of his golf course or whatever). 

LMAO, "no evidence (except for all this evidence)". Beyond parody.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

also Sneezy, "all this evidence"?? Like some vague allegations about tiny amounts that he might have directed to his hotels or conference centre or whatever.....

You're the guy who said "there's no evidence, also I'm ignoring the evidence" my dude.

And it's not "vague allegations" that he "might have" done something. He used the office of President of the United States for personal profit because he is a criminal.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

If this political stunt to issue unproven half bake vaccines to the masses before the orange man's election.

I gotta feeling there is going to be a lot of people turning anti-vax at least until december.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Of course the vaccines shouldn’t be approved until after long term testing, and we can’t forget the rushed 2009 swine flu disaster, but the impact of lockdowns, business closure, paranoia, stress, domestic violence, eviction, debt...maybe just give the populous some placebo vaccine, make them go back to normal and get herd immunity. Vaccine will come in time, not timelines.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Under a program Trump calls “Operation Warp Speed,”

'Warp speed' sounds like a modern blitzkreig. Trump and regime continue to follow playbooks set up by Mussolini, then augmented by the Austrian corporal, now stretched even farther right by Putin.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Also the myth that Trump somehow does things to make money for himself or his family is also farfetched. no evidence (apart from trifling things like use of his golf course or whatever). Far more evidence that Bidens use their position or connections to government to make serious money.....

What? Joe Biden was the poorest man in the Senate, probably the least graft and corruption prone politician in a good long time. Lots of Senators from both major parties have vast wealth. Biden was the poor man of the Senate, which is not a bad thing to me.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

If this political stunt to issue unproven half bake vaccines

Good question. I'm curious what Trump supporters say about their Trump's latest vaccine message, especially those supporters who've said the vaccine is a mind control tool being pushed by lizards in human clothing setting up those who get the vaccine for a later chip implant. Those who follow 8chan/kun and Qanon, what's the latest thinking with regard to this issue. Has JZ Knight channeled Ramtha to find out what her 35,000 year old man might say?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Personally, I don't mind being a guinea pig. Give me the vaccine as a test or after approved. I just want to get rid of those infernal masks. If I die from a mistake, well, I'm going to die of something anyway. Even an experiment that doesn't give the hoped for results will further the cause.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Russia has their "sputnik" vaccine and China has a couple of vaccines and have been giving it to high risk workers since June so there is a very good chance that the US will have a vaccine by October.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Biden poor?  and his son?  and his brother? 

Seems to me that Big Orange is the one who doesn't need to rely on graft to make money.

also Sneezy, "all this evidence"??  Like some vague allegations about tiny amounts that he might have directed to his hotels or conference centre or whatever.....

The whole OMB narrative just blots out any valid criticisms of his last 3 years.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

@yeah. You don’t have to wear a mask. Just social distance and wash your hands, don’t touch your face.

vaccine is a multi-billion dollar business. Choice which company in god you trust to spend your money. You do know you can’t sue for side effects, right?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

If my kid is right, we don't need a vaccine. My 15 y/o daughter has been claiming for some months that as soon as president Biden/Harris is sworn in, studies will suddenly show "scientific evidence" that the virus has mutated to a much less virulent form and therefore all the shutdowns and distancing are no longer needed. The virus will have run its course.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

There are no such reports.

Probably you should follow things more closely

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

I think it a little bit ridiculous to think he is just saying things about the vaccine based on no data from drug companies or consultation with bureaucrats who are running the programme.  The knee jerk "everything Trump says is a lie" approach has been disproven so many times it mystifies me that people still spout it at every opportunity.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Also the myth that Trump somehow does things to make money for himself or his family is also farfetched.  no evidence (apart from trifling things like use of his golf course or whatever).  Far more evidence that Bidens use their position or connections to government to make serious money.....

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The United States of America has been under an official state of emergency since November 8, 2016, “another date that will live in infamy”.

The Democrats have never accepted the results of the 2016 election and instead of working with him for the American people, have done and continue to do everything they can to remove him from office. What a bunch of pathetic losers.

He will continue doing the same until he is ejected from the White House and “Make the USA Sane Again”.

He's going to hand over the presidency to the next Republican president on Jan. 20, 2025.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

I had another comment, but I think i’ll take the advice of epidemiologists, PhDs, you know SCIENTISTS, over a 15 year old daughter.

Here's a scientific fact for you: The lockdowns and the resulting job losses and economic devastation have caused A LOT of hardship and suffering.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )


trump has warehouses full of pandemic goods which is on-sold to the highest bidder.

trump will have a personnel interest, for personnel gain in a vaccine.

trump DOES NOTHING, until such time he can derive a CASH-FLOW.

Trump was rich before taking office, for him the job is a step down financially..... quite the opposite as people like Joe BIden and the Clintons who used their entire life to get rich from public office. I very much prefer the Trump situation.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

The media will attack and smear anything that Trump recommends.

Since now he is talking positively about a vaccine, the media will collectively turn antivaccine.

Since I am not in favour of the vaccine solution, in this case, this is a good thing.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

nah thats how flip flopping in the winds of political partisanship works. How can something not work at all in March but suddenly works, and is mandatory, by April.


Yeah, that's exactly how science works.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

I wouldn't trust her word on anything. She says she believed Biden's sexual harrassment accusers, then joins his ticket as his VP. She says she listened to Tupac while she was smoking marijuana before Tupac ever released anything, and prosecuted black people for smoking marijuana. What a hypocrite and liar.

Not only that, but when will these two, I’m wondering when they’ll talk about policy on any issue, they keep blabbing what they won’t do, but besides ushering in more radical socialism, what specifically do these people want to do, I bit late to explain these things.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Fauci is a scientist who parrots your partisan liberal talking points for sure.

Dont need a mask, it doesnt work. Oh, never mind you need a mask. and a face shield and some goggles couldnt hurt.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

Trump leveled the accusation a day after Sen. Kamala Harris, the Democrats' vice presidential candidate, said she “would not trust his word” on getting the vaccine

I wouldn't trust her word on anything. She says she believed Biden's sexual harrassment accusers, then joins his ticket as his VP. She says she listened to Tupac while she was smoking marijuana before Tupac ever released anything, and prosecuted black people for smoking marijuana. What a hypocrite and liar.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

we have come to the point where Dems and liberals are rooting against there being a vaccine by the end of next month. Why? Politics again.

Dems will immediately squash anything that is hopeful unless it comes from a Dem presidential candidate or a Bill Gates/Fauci duo.

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

typical Fauci. Says a lot while saying nothing. "not sure", "unlikely.... but not impossible"

So he is basically guessing along with everyone else. But liberal media loves his name, so he always has to say whatever the most pessimistic thing he can, then when it happens flip flop back and say he told us so from the beginning.

Dr Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious-disease expert and a member of the White House coronavirus task force, told CNN last week that it is unlikely but “not impossible” that a vaccine could win approval in October, instead of November or December.

Fauci added that he's “pretty sure” a vaccine would not be approved for Americans unless it was both safe and effective.

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

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