Japan Today

Major Biden victory as Congress passes huge COVID relief plan

By Michael Mathes

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"socialist agenda"

'Socialism' is used as a negative term primarily by the far right when public money is used to help those failed by the US economy. What the right want is more socialism for the 'elite' 'establishment', programs like the Republican's tax breaks for the richest and subsidies for their corporations.

On a socialism for the rich aside, this is interesting. I thought Trump supporters claimed he was so rich that he, his family and appointees would never feed from the public trough.



7 ( +16 / -9 )

If the 'pubs are lucky, the dems will let them use some of the relief money to buy tissues to wipe up their tears due to Sleepy Joe legislating without them, and the stress they get from his huge support as a result of said actions.

I guess maybe they should have tried being bipatrisan sometime in the past 20 years. Maybe then the dems would have entertained their whining.

7 ( +16 / -9 )

Finally, Making America Great Again!

Not a single GOP congress member voted for well being of Americans.

5 ( +17 / -12 )

Printing money out of thin air always helps. Now how about giving a press conference?, it’s only been 48 days

-3 ( +14 / -17 )

Printing money out of thin air always helps. 

I agree, depending on the circumstances. Massive govt and monetary stimulus pulled us out of the Global Financial Crisis, as well as the Great Depression of the 30s, when enormous govt spending and central planning for WW2 turned the US from a poverty stricken society with an economy in ruins into the the world's undisputed leader in terms of prosperity, technology and political influence - in just a few years.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Yes Yeah .. That was really tough ..

But such a kind of victory is possible only by Biden..

Major Biden

-7 ( +7 / -14 )

But such a kind of victory is possible only by Biden.. 

Major Biden

Here’s me thinking it was an adjective for the victory and not a title for Biden. Thank you for clearing that up.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Trump wanted $2,000 stimulus checks. Republicans supported this, including the two failed senate candidates in Georgia.

But now $1,400 stimulus checks are called socialism.

5 ( +16 / -11 )

I just wish the us government was honest.

And all of us wish the GOP and their supporters were honest, but alas, everyday they seem to plunge deeper into the abyss of hypocrisy and bad faith.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Complete waste - economy already on the middle of a recovery. Biden on his way to becoming the new debt king.

-5 ( +11 / -16 )

Woo hoo $1400 whole dollars. Why that just may pay one months rent.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Republican lawmakers decry what they call the bill's "socialist agenda" and its massive cost, saying more than 90 percent does not go to directly combating COVID-19.

These idiots fall over each other to give tax cuts to the rich, but cry socialism when money is given to those who need it.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Biden on his way to becoming the new debt king.

Can he make a list of his own achievements and put this on it?

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Complete waste - economy already on the middle of a recovery. Biden on his way to becoming the new debt king.

"It's too much!!!"

Woo hoo $1400 whole dollars. Why that just may pay one months rent.

"It's not enough!!!"

10 ( +11 / -1 )

~75% of which is completely UNRELATED to the virus, all at the expense of working people. USSA.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

Complete waste - economy already on the middle of a recovery.

So to the millions of people on the verge of or in poverty, who can't afford the next rent or feed their kids, you're just saying, "Hey, the economy is recovering, you don't need help!"?

You people all watch way too much fox news. And need to suffer some hard times yourself so you can learn some humility and basic human decency.

3 ( +10 / -7 )


"Biden on his way to becoming the new debt king."

Where's the "debt"? The money will start being spent in a few days time. So where did the cash come from? A loan? An account somewhere? Or does the govt spend the money first and then arrange a loan for it.... afterward?!?.

The assumption that the US is "borrowing" its own money (that it issues) - and therefore racks up "debt" - is non-sensical.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

I stand corrected(verified by "Politifact") :

“About 9 percent of it [is] actually going to COVID, meaning 91 percent of it [is] not even COVID-related,”

More pork than a pig farm.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Complete waste - economy already on the middle of a recovery. Biden on his way to becoming the new debt king.

But in actuality there is a silver lining to all of this, Biden is actually helping the GOP and definitely helping them to retake the house, so as bad as it is, it’s a good thing so old Joe just laid down the groundwork for them to retake the house in two years and then the Senate. This is exactly a repeat of what happened after Obama and minions had their majorities in all 3 branches and the Democrats bungled and squandered everything, they lost the house 2011 and then the Senate and 2014 so it’s déjà vu once again.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

I don't know what's more idiotic, democrats printing money out of thin air under the guise of Covid Relief when less than 10% of it is actually earmarked for that, or the ignorance of liberals on this site who forget how Dumbocrats blocked Trump's $2000 stimulus bill!

You people all watch way too much fox news. And need to suffer some hard times yourself so you can learn some humility and basic human decency.

How very human of you. Oops, I meant Democrat. You have to have an ounce of decency to be human.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )


Complete waste - economy already on the middle of a recovery. Biden on his way to becoming the new debt king.

But in actuality there is a silver lining to all of this, Biden is actually helping the GOP and definitely helping them to retake the house, so as bad as it is, it’s a good thing so old Joe just laid down the groundwork for them to retake the house in two years and then the Senate

Not sure how you determine that considering that this bill has 75% public support, it is more likely to help the Dems in the midterms.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

It baffles that such a large stimulus is really required now, when the worst of the coronavirus seems to be behind us. I envy the US at least in that they have made huge progress in vaccinations (developed in the US) whereas Japan is nowhere with vaccinations and hasn’t even seen a single local vaccine developed yet. The former POTUS had backwards messaging and contributed to the high death count in the US I believe, but at least the former administration did see to it that vaccines were developed in spite of their stupid leader.

Biden visited a business billed as Washington's oldest hardware store, which has benefited from the Paycheck Protection Program begun under Donald Trump's administration to help businesses stay afloat during the crisis.

"We're going to continue this," Biden said of the PPP as he chatted with store owner Mike Siegel.

This is good. The PPP is started by the prior administration and the current administration is continuing with a program from the prior administration. I like that.

But it does seem that there is much in the 1.9 trillion that has nothing much to do with the coronavirus. I mean they were trying to out a minimum wage doubling to 15 dollars in there, which they couldn’t do because it broke the reconciliation rules. I am certain that is not the only non-coronavirus policy in there.

I’m going to sell some of my US stock funds later this year, hopefully before things turn south if I am smart enough. Still, vaccinations are progressing and jobs are coming back, so there should be some good times ahead in the short run, I figure...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The assumption that the US is "borrowing" its own money (that it issues) - and therefore racks up "debt" - is non-sensical.

No it is not. The debt is real. The US Treasury will sell bonds for the amount of money spent by Congress above and beyond tax receipts. The US has to pay the face value of the bond plus interest at the date of maturity. A little over half the US outstanding debt is owned by people and institutions (banks, brokerages, mutual and retirement funds, etc. including the Federal Reserve) in the US. The rest is owned by foreign entities. Japanese and Chinese interests each own about 10% of the outstanding US Treasury notes with Chinese holdings just ever so slightly larger than those of the Japanese.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Not sure how you determine that considering that this bill has 75% public support,

I don’t know a single person in my neighborhood that was polled about it, and not to mention a big amount of those people don’t know the exact details of what’s in it, when I talk to people why does support it and if they know what’s in it I hear a lot of people that just can’t give me a definitive answer, so from the optics of it, it might look good, but then again talking about déjà vu the Democrats at the same thing about Obama care and look what kind of monstrosity that turned out to be, so once again history is repeating itself, I will just be happy once the Republicans retake the house allow this madness will come to a much needed grinding end.

it is more likely to help the Dems in the midterms.

The Dems said the exact same Think about Obama care and we really don’t need to go into history as far as to what happened in 2011.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Conservatives are incapable of understanding nuance

That is not the case at all. They understand perfectly well but chose to craft lies hoping to discredit their political opposition. Their voter suppression policies are couched in great nuance to disguise their true intent.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

You only have to go back a decade for one of your predictions to have been correct.

Not one, two which completely devastated the Democrats until recently, so I feel good at this point to quote “James Brown.”

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Woo hoo $1400 whole dollars. Why that just may pay one months rent.

That might be enough to stave off eviction. Remember about 17 million households in the US are behind on their rent or their mortgage with about 6 million at immediate risk of eviction. Landlords likewise are behind for lack of payment from their tenants.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Biden and the Democrats pass desperately needed legislation to provide real benefits to those in need (admittedly, it's not perfect).

GOP does not provide a single vote in either house for legislation that has an approval North of 75% for the general electorate and a solid majority of self-identified Republicans.

All the while, the GOP cries about cancel culture, Dr. Seuss (notably that was NOT the Democratic Party, but the Seuss foundation, and they never actually read the books that are being withdrawn, but Green Eggs and Ham, which is not.), An androgynous vegetable toy and an extinct species of hominoid.

Yeah, that is going to be a SOLID election strategy.....

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

 or the ignorance of liberals on this site who forget how Dumbocrats blocked Trump's $2000 stimulus bill!

Sigh. We didn't forget the truth. Here is the truth. The Democrat majority House fully supported the $2000 stimulus check bill but the Republican majority Senate refused to go along. In fact the previous Senate would not agree to a stimulus bill of more than $600 million.

One thing the House held out against the original wording of the Trump administration proposal was a section that shielded businesses from any liability related to the pandemic. The Repubs wanted business to be able to do what they wanted to customers and employees without worrying about legal consequences. The Democrats refused to go along with this. If you look at the conditions in businesses such as meat packing plants and warehousing where the infection and death rates were high you can maybe understand why the Democrats didn't want to let business off the hook and take advantage of their employees.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Didn’t I just read that they have to borrow $6000 to give $1000?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

I don't know what's more idiotic, democrats printing money out of thin air under the guise of Covid Relief when less than 10% of it is actually earmarked for that,

That's a big lie.

or the ignorance of liberals on this site who forget how Dumbocrats blocked Trump's $2000 stimulus bill!

This is an even bigger lie.

You live in an alternate reality.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

"That might be enough to stave off eviction. Remember about 17 million households in the US are behind on their rent or their mortgage with about 6 million at immediate risk of eviction. Landlords likewise are behind for lack of payment from their tenants."

All 50 states have eviction restrictions in place. Oklahoma's is the soonest to expire, November this year. Most expire January 1, 2022.

$1400 is nothing for the average person. Especially as the mega corporations have been doing business without restriction during the year long lockdowns.

What about all the family owned businesses that will never reopen? How will they be compensated? Their employees are unemployed. Is $1400 going to see them through next month or the month after? How about the lost benefits? Is Congress enacting legislation for them? Of course not. That doesn't pay off their K Street Lobbyist buddies.

As usual the US uniparty (Dempublicans and Republicrats) care more about their Wall Street pals and Banking cartels than the average person. Just like in 2009 the average person can bug off but Wall Street gets the bail outs.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

A Reuters/Ipsos national opinion poll, conducted March 8-9, showed that 70% of Americans support the plan,

Which Americans? Where, what Demographics, who and how many were polled, how many independent and extreme center media outlets showed a favorable view? I believe that number when it comes to liberals, but conservatives, not buying it, Nope.

The failed Republicans will be remembered in the next election.

Lol! They sure will like they did with Obamacare and they wanted their anger to be heard, that’s why the Dems lost the House two years later after it was passed.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

What about all the family owned businesses that will never reopen?... Is Congress enacting legislation for them? Of course not.

Why do you assume that?


If you own a restaurant or venue:

There’s about $25 billion in assistance for restaurants and bars, but it isn’t yet clear how that will be distributed throughout the region.

There is also about $1.25 billion earmarked for the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG), which will help music venues, promoters, and other kinds of performance space — such as local theaters — that have been closed during the pandemic. Previously, club and theater owners had to choose to apply for SVOG funds or “PPP2″ loans, but can now use the loans to continue operations as they await SVOG money.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Does this help the huge increase in the number of children in captivity for illegally crossing the border?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Republican lawmakers decry what they call the bill's "socialist agenda" and its massive cost, saying more than 90 percent does not go to directly combating COVID-19.

Who on earth would believe that?

I mean, even if you didn't research anything at all and live entirely in the conservative bubble, doesn't that statement just sound a bit fishy to you? There's no part of you that says, "What a minute, that just sounds crazy unbelievable to me?"

The package has bipartisan support from Americans so this is a huge win for the Dems. The GOP had a chance to share the spotlight and help out of the working class but I guess they deciding spreading lies to win a battle they have no chance of winning was the....better option?


5 ( +6 / -1 )


1 ( +1 / -0 )

But in actuality there is a silver lining to all of this, Biden is actually helping the GOP and definitely helping them to retake the house, so as bad as it is, it’s a good thing so old Joe just laid down the groundwork for them to retake the house in two years and then the Senate. 

That old chestnut again?

so it’s déjà vu once again.

You mean reimagining a defeat as a future predicted victory which never happens, again?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

@Desert Tortoise

The US Treasury will sell bonds for the amount of money spent by Congress above and beyond tax receipts.

Yes, it will,,, but doesn't have to. The money will be spent, saved and invested by then so what's the point of issuing "debt" at that point?

If the bonds aren't issued, nothing economic will happen, just a certain number on a spreadsheet will be changed. Or, alternatively the govt can issue the bonds and then the Fed can buy them. which is what central banks do anyway, especially in Japan. It can even cancel all that "debt" if it chose to.

The debt is real.

Haha, no it isn't. The US government isn't a household, It is the monopoly issuer of dollars, which is why its non-sensical to believe that it "borrows" these dollars.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I don't know what's more idiotic, democrats printing money out of thin air under the guise of Covid Relief when less than 10% of it is actually earmarked for that, or the ignorance of liberals on this site who forget how Dumbocrats blocked Trump's $2000 stimulus bill!

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when I see people were tricked into believing this.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Which Americans? Where, what Demographics, who and how many were polled, how many independent and extreme center media outlets showed a favorable view? I believe that number when it comes to liberals, but conservatives, not buying it, Nope.

These are all things you can look up in the poll's data. "I'm too lazy to look things up, therefore they don't exist" isn't the excellent argument you think it is.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

That old chestnut again?

The GOP made spread from it in 2011

You mean reimagining a defeat as a future predicted victory which never happens, again?

Which will be revealed in 2011.....again.

these are all things you can look up in the poll's data

I did, but found nothing....odd. But yeah, the polls said Obamacare was widely popular and that’s why the GOP won the House because all the polls said the ACA was a hit.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )


Everything you need to know.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Just wanted to point out that states have measures that prevent evictions, but the tab keeps running. People might be able to stay in their rental for now but at some point the entire bill, all of the back rent, will have to be paid. $1,400 won't make a dent in that.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The passage of the "relief" bill is just the down payment on the Dems' installment plan for a recovery from the country's four-year MAGAdisaster. Biden's "socialism" will have a fighting chance to save America, not the nauseating green eggs and baloney served up by the wretched Republicans in thrall of their disgraced and discredited leader.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

@ ArtistAtLarge

Yeah, yeah, blah, blah.

Oh yes got to apply for all these super great things. Been there done that. Baltimore, Maryland floods of 2007. My bicycle shop was flooded out of existence. Got to hire a lawyer and accountant to apply for them as all the legalese is impossible for us average folk to even begin to apply ourselves. The reason my wife, family, and I moved here to Japan and left the USA.

Yep that cash gets squeezed down to about 30% for you after legal and accounting fees. So how does that help? It doesn't but our Uniparty masters can salve themselves with their usual mantra "We did SOMETHING".

Just like in 2009 Obama saying that wealthy Americans should be taxed at higher rates, even if the imposition of those new taxes produces no net benefit for the federal treasury.  By his own admission, Obama's insistence on increasing taxes for wealthy Americans was not about generating government revenue or reducing government debt, but rather about punishing individual Americans for having acquired too much personal wealth.  It was a way for Obama to prove that he takes income inequality seriously while doing nothing about it.

Small businesses have been punished for not being super corporations that feed the Uniparty. They never shopuld have been put in these situations to begin with.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Only BIden can get passed this in the congress.

If Trump was proposing this bill he would never get passed it in the congress. Period.

So our Biden is a Saint. He is a hero. Let praise him up to the sky

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

I don’t know a single person in my neighborhood that was polled about it, 

Your anecdote doesn't disprove that a poll was taken.

I don't know a single person who is a moderator for JT, but that doesn't mean that such people don't exist or that they may be posting among us.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Buying votes was always their favorite tool...

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Judging by the huge amount of savings that American have salted away in the past year, most households re better off now than they were a year ago and do not need any more government cheese.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Why would they call it a COVID relief plan if only 9% of it is for COVID relief?

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

This porkulus maximus 'stimulus package" will cost every single tax paying American $5,570. Some "major Biden victory".

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Your anecdote doesn't disprove that a poll was taken.

Doesn’t prove anything either.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

Both Forbes and the WSJ have undertaken auditing.

Also, it is worth mentioning that $4 trillion had already been allocated to numerous programs.

Is There Wasteful Spending In The New $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Bill?


There are undoubtedly radical policy agendas being peddled from the extreme left/right.

Both are politically hobbled, day one.

From there inability, dogma to an ideological belief.

A conviction that has no place in 21st politics or society.

The extreme/radical left has no basis in socialism, or social justice.

It is a delusionary/illusional endeavor to associate the two or believe otherwise.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Your anecdote doesn't disprove that a poll was taken.

Doesn’t prove anything either.

Exactly. Your anecdote has no relevance to the topic of polls taken.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Complete waste - economy already on the middle of a recovery. Biden on his way to becoming the new debt king.

$7.8trillion added to the deficit in Trumps 4 yrs, and now the GOP and Trump supporters want to be fiscally responsible!? GOP only wanted to give $900 to each American as the didnt think they were worth anymore

4 ( +4 / -0 )


Which Americans? Where, what Demographics, who and how many were polled, how many independent and extreme center media outlets showed a favorable view? I believe that number when it comes to liberals, but conservatives, not buying it, Nope.

Sure. Plant your head firmly in the sand.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

This porkulus maximus 'stimulus package" will cost every single tax paying American $5,570. Some "major Biden victory".

and how much does it cost every American for the $7.8trillion added to the deficit under Trumps 4yrs!?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

If Trump was proposing this bill he would never get passed it in the congress. Period.

probably not as the GOP when they controlled the senate said $900 was enough, Trumps $2000 was too much, seems like the dems have met in between

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Democrats continuing to help Main Street whilst republicans continue to spit in the faces of hard working Americans that weren’t fortunate enough to have chosen their parents correctly.

Ha! Until they’re voted out of office in 4 years!

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Major Biden victory as Congress passes huge COVID relief plan

Saw some analysis of this pork plan.... fundamentally it is a bailout plan for the "blue" states which destroyed their economy with their stupid lockdowns. The label is completely misleading.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Biding already enjoying a popularity Trump didn't even come close to, because Biden is ACTUALLY doing what he promised, planned, and spelled out. Well done. The US is gaining back some of the respect it lost under Trump.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Exactly. Your anecdote has no relevance to the topic of polls taken

As a voter I vehemently disagree. Nice try.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

$7.8trillion added to the deficit in Trumps 4 yrs, and now the GOP and Trump supporters want to be fiscally responsible!? GOP only wanted to give $900 to each American as the didnt think they were worth anymore

Uh-huh, nice try, the debt doesn’t just stop because Trump was in office, now Biden is in office and he’ll exceed Trump’s debt 2 fold by this years end, no worries.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )


All the figures from the pandemic are horrific.

The overall figures (if disregard outliers like the NY nursing home deaths caused by the local leader) are pretty similar all over the world, regardless of what politicians did or did not. The most clear correllation that I have yet seen is the one to obesity. With an obesity rate of whopping 37 %, the US pretty is pretty much where you would expect it to be.

Trump could have done better and more in handling it.

Empty talking point,. He as well as anyone could expect, and the establishment puppet Biden would not had different results.

He and his wife were secretly vaccinated in January. Why no public announcement?

Didnt everyone in govmt get the shot as soon as it became available? Tell us you would not bash him if he did not get it.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Which will be revealed in 2011.....again.

Truly, the 45ists don't even know what year they live in.

This is a significant victory for the Biden administration. It's not enough, of course but it beats bailing out the rich.

Hopefully, post-Biden, we'll see an America that understands and embraces socialism.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Repubs in 2018: Let's give $1.9 trillion in permanent tax breaks to the Top 1%...all unfunded and on the nation's credit card - adding to the already historic deficit...

Repubs in 2021: $1.9 trillion for the poor, the unemployed, the middle class? Are you crazy? That's just socialism and left-wing priorities...and look at the deficit!

Says it all, doesn't it...

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Truly, the 45ists don't even know what year they live in.

Liberals don’t even know what year they got bounced

This is a significant victory for the Biden administration.

...and the GOP going forward.

Hopefully, post-Biden, we'll see an America that understands and embraces socialism.

At this point and God willing, we won’t.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

As a voter I vehemently disagree. Nice try.

You disagreed with mail votes, too. Yet you voted by mail.

Liberals don’t even know what year they got bounced

Tell that to a liberal. I realise that memory tends to disappoint us as we get older, but if I can just remind you, I'm not a liberal.

..and the GOP going forward.

Into the abyss.

At this point and God willing, we won’t.

Why do the far right always play the religion card? Socialism is much more likely to come around than being listened in on by deities.

(That said, the excellent JC was a great example of early proto-socialism.)

9 ( +10 / -1 )

This Pelosi-engineered "relief package" (Biden's fingerprints are not to be found on the creation of any of this legislation) is a major smackdown to the millennials and Gen X'ers. They think they got over by having up to $50,000 of their student loan debts forgiven when it really is only a minuscule downpayment on what their generations will now have to pay back for decades to come. Those youngsters just got punked by the democrats big time.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

a major smackdown to the millennials and Gen X'ers... Those youngsters 

Many millennials are in or approaching their 40s, with the majority in their 30s. Gen Xers are almost all in their late 40s at their youngest, to their early 60s.

You don't know what a young person is.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Those youngsters just got punked by the democrats big time.

If only they were obscenely rich like those who got tax breaks from 45, eh.

Oh, and your avatar is a falsehood.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

You disagreed with mail votes, too. Yet you voted by mail.

Absentee, yes and I’m also registered in the county where I voted so they have all my information and mug shots that I had to provide before I could receive my ballot. So yes, ID’s and verification the way it should be

I realise that memory tends to disappoint us as we get older,

You are definitely talking to the wrong person now.

Why do the far right always play the religion card?

I don’t. I never tell people what and how to believe

Socialism is much more likely to come around

Naw...after seeing California, I doubt it.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Those youngsters just got punked by the democrats big time.

If you want to know what "punked" is, just ask The Q Shaman...

A far-right Arizona conspiracy theorist known as "QAnon Shaman," who stormed the Capitol in a fur headdress with horns, says he feels "duped" by Trump...


Now that's getting punked...maybe even "smacked down" too...

Can't wait until we hear from the other 300 that were arrested...

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Absentee, yes and I’m also registered in the county where I voted so they have all my information and mug shots that I had to provide before I could receive my ballot. So yes, ID’s and verification the way it should be

You are definitely talking to the wrong person now.

Been talking to the wrong person since joining.

I don’t. I never tell people what and how to believe

You constantly bring a deity into the conversation and try and force your religious beliefs on us. Enough of the cultural and religious hegemony, please.

Naw...after seeing California, I doubt it.

And when you saw it in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Spain, Denmark and other countries?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

*Been talking to the wrong person since joining.*


You constantly bring a deity into the conversation

A figure speech a metaphor, no one‘s pushing religion on you, calm down.

And when you saw it in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Spain, Denmark and other countries?

Sorry, I care more about the US only and what happens in it.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

I’m also registered in the county where I voted

This is true of every single voter.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Trump spent $3.5 trillion on relief.

It’s not a spending competition though is it?

Circumstances last year when the economies were getting locked down and now when the economies are re-opening, render a stimulus size comparison rather meaningless.

I mean, even if you didn't research anything at all and live entirely in the conservative bubble, doesn't that statement just sound a bit fishy to you? There's no part of you that says, "What a minute, that just sounds crazy unbelievable to me?"

Well they did include a minimum wage doubling in the stimulus plan at first, so it’s no great leap of the imagination to think that other stuff unrelated to the coronavirus situation would be in there too.

I mean seriously if the republicans were in control I’m sure they’d be stashing republican stuff like more military spending into the plan as well.


You think Democrats spending pooh is pure white? Come on!

The problem with democratic government everywhere is that they spend too much money because that’s the best way politicians know to get themselves re-elected.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

This is true of every single voter.

and in order to get an absentee valid I have to show ID and verification, he left that one out, so once again voter IDs should be mandatory and once that’s establish, I wouldn’t have any problem with mail in voting.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Repubs in 2018: Let's give $1.9 trillion in permanent tax breaks to the Top 1%...all unfunded and on the nation's credit card - adding to the already historic deficit...

I could swear those tax breaks were had by a far broader section of tax payers than just the top 1%.

Repubs in 2021: $1.9 trillion for the poor, the unemployed, the middle class? Are you crazy? That's just socialism and left-wing priorities...and look at the deficit!

I believe their opposition to the bill was to the 1.7 trillion that had nothing to do with coronavirus. If the actual coronavirus spending had been passed separately there would no doubt be a different voting result.

By the way, it’s not the deficit that matters, it’s the government spending that matters. As the great Milton Friedman taught the world, including us non-Americans

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

and in order to get an absentee valid I have to show ID and verification, he left that one out, so once again voter IDs should be mandatory and once that’s establish, I wouldn’t have any problem with mail in voting.

I think mandatory voter IDs should only be applied for Republican voters.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Printing money out of thin air always helps. Now how about giving a press conference?, it’s only been 48 days

Seeing his massively huge approval numbers (higher than anything Trump ever got in four years), it's pretty clear that he doesn't need to do press conferences. See, Trump thought being a good president meant standing up and getting crowds of people excited. Whereas Biden understands being a good president means running the country and taking care of the people.

It's a black and white contrast of the difference between incompetence and competence.

The people have spoken.

Elections have consequences.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Well, who would have guessed this....a Repub Senator who voted against the bill is already taking credit for it...

*Shortly after Democrats in Congress passed President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief legislation, a Republican senator was already trying to take some credit for the popular bill ― even though he and every single other Republican voted against it. *

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) tweeted on Wednesday that independent restaurant operators were going to get billions of dollars coming their rescue, thanks to the COVID-19 relief bill about to become law. 


"I voted against this bill so you wouldn't get this aid, as did all the other Repub Senators, but since the Dems passed it let me take credit for it anyway"....

How's that for integrity and truthfulness, huh? There's your Repub party...

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I think mandatory voter IDs should only be applied for Republican voters.

Everyone, doesn’t matter if you’re Republican or Democrat or libertarian or atheist

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Everyone, doesn’t matter if you’re Republican or Democrat or libertarian or atheist

No, Republicans only. Independent or Democratic registered voters should not need ID, Republicans need to show two forms. If it doesn't reduce the GOP turnout, then we can think about expanding it to other groups.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

No, Republicans only.

Ok, let’s deal with reality, either we all have IDs or no one gets to vote

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

500000 Americans have died of CoVid, one of the dead is my uncle. He died around Christmastime, I wish he were here now in order to get vaccinated.

so since Brian and became president, not a single person died of the vaccine or from the virus? What kind of magical powers does this man behold

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

What kind of magical powers does this man behold

The power of competence. It's a refreshing change.

Long live Joe!

9 ( +10 / -1 )

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