Japan Today

Crimea to vote on joining Russia

By Richard Balmforth and Mike Collett-White

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"In Kiev, the Ukrainian parliament voted to dissolve Crimea’s regional assembly, which has organized the referendum"

So if Crimea's regional assembly refuses to back down, the Ukraine government can send in troops to enforce the parliament vote, right? The Russian military wouldn't risk a confrontation with a neighboring country in that neighboring country's territory would they? They would? Cripes, what do the Chinese have to say about this?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I am a supporter of people voting in favor of Russia . It's interference of Europe & the US is ridiculous. Neither Europe or the US can afford to provide funding to Ukraine without robbing the working class of decent living in the US & Europe. It appears the US is loosing support of many countries because the US politician attempts to encourage other leaders of foreign countries that the only country that is correct is Correct. All one has to do is watch how Israel is taking advantage of Palestine by continuing to steal land & building new houses & it appears the Sec of State is accepting what Israel is doing by being silent & yet laws etc spoken by so called Ukraine leaders that has outraged Russia is improper.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Like threatening to beat your wife bloody if she tries to divorce you and shack up with another man.

Oh no! That other man does not love you! I love you and will prove it by mashing your face in! And it will stay here and be happy or it gets the stick again!

This is love American style, as it was with the American Civil War. Stay here woman or you get Sherman's march to the sea!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

We live in the global village. If and when other nation follows Russia's illegal aggression in Crimea against Ukraine as an example, the never ending war around the world will follow. The bully Putin is pulling back Russia to the dark side of the unknown. It seems the progress of human civilization is turning backward, recently and why?? It must be very hard for Ukraine to see the day light, even after many sacrifices. Shame to all the bullies.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I am a supporter of people voting in favor of Russia.

If it's a FREE and FAIR election, why not?

It's interference of Europe & the US is ridiculous. Neither Europe or the US can afford to provide funding to Ukraine without robbing the working class of decent living in the US & Europe.

But Putin sending in masked troops unmarked uniforms, unmarked vehicles and and then has the audacity wanting to be called Self Defense Force.

It appears the US is loosing support of many countries because the US politician attempts to encourage other leaders of foreign countries that the only country that is correct is Correct.

What are you talking about? Except for Putin the megalomaniac, EVERYONE is condemning what he is doing. I'm not a supporter of Obama and I think he made a lot of mistakes along the way, however, I do think he is trying now which is all you can do, and if they can isolate the Ruble and freeze all the bank accounts of the Oligarchs, block all Russian visas and just tighten the economical noose around their neck! even a thug like Putin would start to get a lot of pressure from these tycoon Oligarths and when people like them loose too much money, even the great Putin can fair only for so long. Either way, you just cannot annex a country because YOU want to. In that case, what happens if Putin wants Alaska back? Or how about the Baltic States? This aggression has to stop and now Europe is realizing that they really do need to all come together and unite to stop this guy.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The referendum is a farce as it does not include an option for Crimea to remain with Ukraine. Plus, it will be a Putin-style vote, in which the ballot boxes are stuffed beforehand.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Article reads like its a pack of school children arguing on the playground over who can be whose friend. Jeebus faxing cripes! Russia needs to shut up and let Ukraine alone and stop sending troops to Crimea and withdraw those already sent. Putin needs to shut about ethic Russians in Ukraine as they are Ukrainians and not Russians. Ukraine and the western nations need to shut up about Crimea and let them go if they want to go. Everybody needs to get their troops off the borders.

And you got to love the propaganda. Putin is said to threaten and has been accused of "action" in Ukraine though I have not seen any proof of that. But an American missile destroyer just "extends exercises" in the Black Sea and its not labeled as a threat. Just a friendly destroyer, smile and wave! And NATO's air patrols on the border are just to show "resolve".

I hate propaganda. Its just more kid stuff. Everybody grow the hell up.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The referendum in Crimea being described as illegal by the same group of countries that gave official recognition to a government in Kiev that was established by the violent overthrow of an elected president. The west is going out of its way to make Putin look like the good guy. He has many recent precedents behind him such as the annexation/secession of Kosovo.

The German opposition leader is worth listening to. He is angry that his country is supporting a regime that includes members of a party whose leader is quoted as saying "Grab the guns, fight the Russian pigs, the Germans, the Jew pigs and others."

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I hear there are people in Dagestan who want a vote on their own referendum.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I noticed that posters (or voters) here are anti-Russian mostly. I don't know how people can be so wrong about something.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Looks like the vote will pass. Putin's next question will be: How can I get troops into east Ukraine?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

@Arthur Dumbolov

Well, they are American or European for the most part. And the western propaganda is very good at zombifying its audience. I live in the E.U. and the official media here is strictly controlled by the ruling parties. Varies slightly by region, of course, but the general tendency is the same. Freedom of speech is a very relative concept, you know. It gets more relative the more "freedom" you get. And since they cannot read news in Russian, they only get a one-sided view.

I AM glad though that despite the media blockage of dissenting opinions, there are still a lot of Europeans with a brain in their heads and they understand that fighting Russia on this issue is the equivalent of self-mutilation in the genital area. If the E.U. forces sanctions, they will suffer far more than Russia in the process. The husband wants to deprive the wife of fun, so he cuts his own willy. Congratulations, the Darwin award is forthcoming. Ultimately it's a question of how deeply the current politicians in the E.U. have sold themselves to U.S. interests. Because those interests are the direct opposite of what is good for the E.U. population, and a lot of so-called normal people realise that.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Putin's next question will be: How can I get troops into east Ukraine?

Well stated. I wish the west had simply spent more of its time and words pointing out to the people in Crimea what could happen to them as Russian troops flood in. If their bid for cessation from Ukraine had been supported, they just might have listened, and opted for guarantees of a certain amount of sovereignty rather than just blindly joining up with Russia with hat in hand.

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