Japan Today

Cruz defeats Trump in Iowa; Clinton, Sanders in tight race


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Not sure how to take this. On the one hand its nice to see Trump lose, on the other hand it is nauseating to see Cruz win something.

Gonna go look out the window at traffic passing by for a bit now.

12 ( +18 / -6 )

it is nauseating to see Cruz win something.

Suck it up. It's likely Cruz will start to dominate and pull away with this thing. I imagine Trump doesn't handle losing well and is bound to lash out and self-destruct.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Is Ted Cruz a candidate, sincere apologies, I clearly have the misguided impression this was a reference of a 'Madame du Pompadour' courtesan

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Ted Cruz, a fiery, conservative Texas senator loathed by his own party’s leaders,

. . . and by a vast majority of American voters. If he gets the nomination, Cruz's obnoxious personality and tactics, not to mention his outlandish policy proposals, will ensure that the presidency and congress go to the Democrats. Cruz is unelectable.

So maybe this is good news.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

This election is really fracturing the GOP.. On one hand, Ted Cruz most likely will get the Nomination. On the other hand, if Trump isn't nominated; he's taking himself and his fans and running as a third party... If he does that then the Republicans will not win, and most likely will lose in the next 5~ Elections due to such a schism. The National Republican Convention really does have a dilemma.. Nominate Trump and have the party ripped apart by the fact that his policies are so radical and not-reflective of the majority of republicans; or nominate Cruz and have nearly half of their party leave.

This election is just a shambles for everyone though, it's a complete and utter joke.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Is USA with 320,090,857 potential candidates, is left with a chose between Hillary Rodham Clinton, only 28% of the electorate believe Clinton has a honest bone in her body, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Bernard "Bernie" Sanders ? Come on really??

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

I imagine Trump doesn't handle losing well and is bound to lash out and self-destruct.

I hope so! I look forward to that, both the self-destructing, and the destruction it causes.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Trump HAS been self-destructing for awhile; some of his comments like: "My voters so loyal I could go into the middle of Fifth Avenue (New York) and shoot someone, and I'd still get elected" Isn't that a bit outrageous? For anyone else it would be political suicide.. I feel like self destruction over Iowa could lead to a win overall, and that's a scary thought (I walk down fifth avenue every day, and I don't think Trump-radar has been invented yet >.<).

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I was surprised that Trump had polled so well in Iowa given his apathy towards Christianity. Also, the Iowa caucus system makes it difficult for those not traditionally involved in politics to participate. However, Trump still tops the polls in New Hampshire and South Carolina. He's far from done.

Poor Jeb! Fifth place mostly by margin of error. I wonder whatever will become of him.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I'd think the first few electoral states have fairly different biases and so Cruz/Trump/Rubio coming in at 28/23/23 are not likely to have the same ordering throughout. And Hillary and Bernie definitely not.


The election dates for 2016, up to and including Super Tuesday are as follows:

February 1: Iowa caucus (both parties)

February 9: New Hampshire primary (both parties)

February 20: Nevada Democratic caucuses and South Carolina Republican primary

February 23: Nevada Republican caucuses

February 27: South Carolina Democratic primary

March 1: Super Tuesday: Primaries/caucuses for both parties in several states (The participating states include: Alabama, Alaska (GOP), Arkansas, Colorado caucuses, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota caucuses, North Dakota Republican caucuses, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming Republican caucuses.)

March 8: Idaho caucuses and primary

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Santorum, Huckabee now Cruz?

Heh. WTf Iowa?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

If I had a vote, my pencil would be focused on plasticmonkey, no sarcasm , that Mr Hackenbacker logic

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The Iowa caucus is not an "election" in the way some of you apparently are imagining it. And untold thousands of working-class people on evening shifts who can't get special permission to participate or can't afford the loss of hourly pay are essentially disenfranchised.

It's another media circus after months and months of media circuses. Let's see how the "primaries" turn out, shall we?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Hi Jeff Ogrisseg, a 'media circus' that ultimately decides a President whose policy decisions can literally precipitate Armageddon...

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

It would be better for the US if Cruz wins the nod anyway, if this is an indication of things to come. Of course there is no way the Republicans will win the WH this year, but they ESPECIALLY won't with Cruz at the helm -- far too religious right. Trump is far too extreme as well, of course, but he would still have a lot of backers that wouldn't flip like some will if Cruz get the Republican nod. There's the added bonus, too, that Trump may well freak out and quit and run as an independent, stealing that many more votes from the GOP with him.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Oh, BTW ... re diversity in voting results in Iowa ...

Republican candidates: Hispanics 51 pct, Non-Hispanic Caucasian: 23 pct


-9 ( +4 / -13 )

A tie in Iowa is not bad for Sanders since polls had him at almost double Clinton's numbers in New Hampshire going in. I don't hate Clinton, but she represents the status quo. I think Sanders will actually be the change that Obama promised and the change we need. Even Elizabeth Warren seemed to be endorsing him without officially endorsing him in a recent editorial, and you don't get more anti-coporate-criminal than her.

Like others have rightfully mentioned, both Trump and Cruz haven't got a chance in a general election.

Feel the Bern!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Interesting piece here on money and politics detailing how much each GOP candidate and their "affiliated" (No! That would be illegal!) PACs spent in total and per vote. It notes:

Bush and his super PAC, Right to Rise, have spent about $14.1 million on ads in Iowa. ... Since he received just 2.8 percent of the vote in Iowa Monday night -- and walked away with zero delegates -- Bush ended up spending about $2,800 per vote. That's about 18 times as much money as first-place winner Ted Cruz spent for each vote he received. It's also 34 times as much as silver medalist Donald Trump spent, and 10 times the amount spent by third-place winner Marco Rubio.

Poor Jeb! He actually finished sixth, behind Rand Paul.


2 ( +3 / -1 )

What a great night! Rubio & Cruz, I wish they could both win!

And well done Bernie. I hope he gets the nomination. Let's have an honest election with both sides saying what they mean. Usually we get a moderate claiming to be a conservative and a liberal claiming to be a moderate. Let's have a real and unashamed conservative facing a real and unashamed liberal.

I'm loving this election. Can't wait to vote.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Iowa seems to enjoy selecting Republican candidates who on the surface present themselves as sincere and devout Christians but when you peel off the veneer they turn out to be hateful, selfish opportunists. Oh, and who don't win the GOP nomination.

The two candidates who should be most excited about this are Sanders and Rubio. Sanders, because this will finally be evidence to Hillary that she has to deal with Sanders, and having her campaign surreptitiously make up stories about "Bernie-bros" isn't going to do the job. Her only hope is to try and co-opt some of his policies in order to have a shot. So even if Bernie loses, Bernie wins (and IMHO, America wins). Rubio, because he's the most likely GOP winner now, despite polling in 3rd place. Cruz's victory here was not on his merits, but rather a rejection of Trump. If the GOP caucuses showed us anything, it's that the two front-runners are too loathed by the public to win. Rubio is not a great leader for America, but he's very much a neo-con in addition to being somewhat likable, young, and photogenic.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


That's really is pretty sad... He sure did fall far from the bush.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

it would have been an upset if trump won, actually. for him to even place so high in a state where evangelicals are a majority shows how much pull trump has and how little the electorate cares about "experience." i mean, he's been pro-abortion, thrice divorced, and pro-gay marriage, and he still finished in 2nd place!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Biggest winner tonight on the Republican side is Marco Rubio - nobody expected him to finish so close to 2nd place Trump. In fact, they're so close, Trump and Rubio would end up with the same # of Iowa delegates. Rubio would now be the favorite of establishment Republicans to converge on, once other Republican candidates start dropping out.

Next place winner would be Ted Cruz - he went from struggling to win Iowa, to winning Iowa with a comfortable margin over Trump. Trump took Iowa for granted - he kept proclaiming that he's leading on all the Iowa polls and didn't go to every Iowa county like his opponents, but the polls turned up wrong. (Y'know what Trump hasn't done for several hours? Tweet. He's currently at a loss for words.)

Biggest winner on the Democrat side is Bernie Sanders, no matter how the final count ends up. He started out so far back of Hillary Clinton at Iowa months ago, but end up in a dead heat. So the momentum is on his side, even if he ends up with slightly less # of Iowa delegates.

Now onto the next one, in a long marathon that is the Primaries.

(BTW, the US is kinda strange due to Primaries. Not only do voters vote for the Presidency - they also vote who even gets to run for the Presidency.)

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Two caucuses flipped a coin over who would win Bernie or Hillary. I'd call that a tie for the whole State

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Very few candidates have been brave enough to oppose the ethanol boondoggle while running in Iowa. This time only one of the 15 candidates did - Ted Cruz - and he was rewarded for sticking to his principles.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

TravelingSalesFEB. 02, 2016 - 05:56PM JST Very few candidates have been brave enough to oppose the ethanol boondoggle while running in Iowa. This time only one of the 15 candidates did - Ted Cruz - and he was rewarded for sticking to his principles.

Cruz slimed his way around the issue.


1 ( +4 / -3 )

In following the US political scene, and have to wonder why Clinton is not behind bars and allowed to run for the US Oval office is quite disappointing to the integrity of the office but after the other Clinton, the crooked Bush, followed by more corruption as in Obama,and yet this Clinton is not in some US prison is shocking. With this said should Trump lose and not get the nomination the crooked, corrupted Clinton will win, hands down Cruz is not the one for the job.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

The governor of Iowa (and father of the head of the ethanol lobby) said it most clearly:

"He's opposed to the wind energy tax credit. He's opposed to ethanol and biodiesel. And we have tens of thousands of jobs and a lot of farm income dependent on that," Branstad said. "And I know there's a lot of people working in those ethanol refineries and farmers that are not going to vote for somebody that opposes something that's so important to our state's economy."

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Republicans o'Iowa, you really are crazy. 2016: Ted Cruz 2012: Rick Santorum 2008: Mike Huckabee

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Are we going to be rid of seeing trumps ugly face on the news every day now?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Everything one needs to know about Hillary Clinton begins and finishes at Benghazi...Clinton mislaid the US electorate once, Clinton will do this again whenever it suits her.......

Hillary Clinton's big Benghazi lie......


-4 ( +3 / -7 )

As i expected,Trump has almost no chance,his political fire works and big flashes wont work on the ground,presidency elections is totally different story and calculations,he got talented how to gain enemies.he didnt realize big demographic changes,new generation interests,mentality,hopes,dreams,desires.Everything were telling he is out of time.On the other hand,i said before i believe Competition will be between Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders,the result of Iowa should clearly Hillary wont win.Sanders who was almost unknown few months ago,swept her!We should take into consideration the huge funds of Hillary compared with Sanders,and the heavy weight lobbies like Wall street,Media,mega companies,etc. Universities,and high schools students proved-as i expected-will lead the great changes and expectations not only in States,but all over the world.If Hillary will be defeated next week in Hampshire,which i have no doubt will happen,Bernie will win democrats nomination,AND HEREBY I EXPECT HIM TO WIN American presidency.All best luck for Sanders and wonderful young American generation.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Trump ultimately is societies poke in the eye protest against mediocrity, the US electorate deserve a whole lot more.........

US election 2016: What you need to know......


-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Rubio is way too high for my liking, even in a blue state. They need to pound this guy on amnesty and his government money credit card fiasco and hard.

When Sanders can't win outright with all the white liberal college kids in Iowa there are only going to be a few states left that are possible for me. Of course Hillary has her legal and other troubles so they are essentially in a stalemate for now. But the Bernie movement doesn't have nearly the punch of Obama and he didn't get even close to the massive turnout that Obama had in 2008

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

@presto345 - You sound just like The Donald.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Rubio is way too high for my liking, even in a blue state. They need to pound this guy on amnesty and his government money credit card fiasco and hard.

Oh, he will be pounded, for those reasons and more (a guy who could never balance his own budget demanding that America balance its budget?). His GOP brethren no doubt have a whole long list of transgressions to pound him with which they have been saving for an opportune moment, which would be now. Perhaps we'll be made quite aware why he was vetted by Romney for the VP slot and was passed over. Should be deer-in-the-headlights kind of fun.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Very interesting.....the man with all the money was at 3%. And the woman with all the money in a dead heat.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Gotta agree with you for once, MarkG. It is somewhat heartening in this era of Citizens United.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

So let check out the Global view ......

Germany ....

America's Agitator: Donald Trump Is the World's Most Dangerous Man.....

Donald Trump is the leader of a new, hate-filled authoritarian movement. Nothing would be more harmful to the idea of the West and world peace than if he were to be elected president. George W. Bush's America would seem like a place of logic and reason in comparison


UK Guardian .... Lucia Graves, (dripping wet liberal)....worth a read....

Iowa proved Bernie Sanders can win – and that Hillary Clinton is beatable....

The strength of the Vermont senator’s ‘radical’ message propelled him to a near-tie in the first caucus. It will have repercussions on Democrats for years to come....


France 24 ....

Republican Cruz beats Trump in Iowa caucus, Clinton claims narrow victory........

US Senator Ted Cruz stunned billionaire Donald Trump by winning the most votes in the Republican Iowa caucus on Monday while Democrat Hillary Clinton's campaign claimed victory after edging past Bernie Sanders by 0.4 percent.......


Japan.....Well a Reuters after thought from Japan News ....

Cruz tops Trump; Clinton edges Sanders

I’m just honored,” Trump said......(The mind boggles)


Agency from Japan Times too ... . Virtual tie raises doubts: Can Hillary Clinton close the deal?

She has had every possible structural and organizational advantage and Sanders fought her to a draw,” said Dan Schnur, director of the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at the University of Southern California.“This is almost a moment by moment rerun of 2008,” Schnur said. “The difference is her competition is not as tough this time.


Russia .....Just for the comments

Bernie Sanders urges raw vote count release from Iowa caucus after virtual tie with Clinton

There were six instances where a coin was tossed to determine the Iowa winner, and Clinton won all six.


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I just got a mail from my bookie mate in the UK. He told me the bookies are watching the money on Rubio very carefully.

Worth a flutter?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

"Ted Cruz, a fiery, conservative Texas senator loathed by his own party’s leaders"

What's up with that?

"Clinton, the former secretary of state, U.S. senator and first lady, entered the Democratic race as the heavily favored front-runner.... Two straight defeats could set off alarms within the party and throw into question her ability to defeat the Republican nominee."

How could she possibly lose to the Republican nominee?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Hi Jimzo ....William Hill......Rep Can...3/1 Trump/Mr humble ho hum pull the other one....hair piece aside who knows

Next President... 4/5 Clinton; 9/4 Rubio; 5/1 Trump; 6/1 Sanders; 12/1 Cruz; 33/1 Bloomberg; 33/1 Bush; 66/1 Christie; 80/1 Romney. Others – 100/1 and upwards- on request.

Party To Win Election... 4/6 Dem; 5/4 Rep; 14/1 Independent

Republican Candidate... 8/13 Rubio; 3/1 Trump; 5/1 Cruz; 16/1 Bush; 50/1 Christie; 50/1 Kasich. Others- 100/1 and upwards- on request.

Democrat Candidate... 2/11 Clinton; 7/2 Sanders; 18/1 Biden.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Nobody remembers who comes in second place....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Apologies Jimizo not Jimzo no rudeness intended

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ann Coulter had an interesting take:

Trump is the leading vote-getter tonight, among natural-born-American candidates.

Not sure what she means - "vote-getter"? - but as GOP Illuminati, she must know what she's talking about.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I agree with Lostrune2.

No candidate claimed a mandate. Sanders has momentum. Rubio is most electable in general election. Trump will run as independent and split the vote.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Good summary provided on AOL . . .

"Trump's indelible pride had set him up for a huge fall. In his mind, there seemed to be little doubt that Iowa would be a landslide in his favor. Trump would win and win easily—according to Trump. It was typical braggadocio from the property tycoon who brushes aside criticism on a daily basis, even when it is rooted in plain-as-day facts from his past that counter his current narrative."

AOL's summary includes the exact characteristics American's don't want in the Oval Office.

A "property tycoon who brushes aside criticism on a daily basis, even when it is rooted in plain-as-day facts," isn't fit for the office.

Now the GOP can get back to snake fascination and a Messiah of a different sort. Time for Hallelujah and a returm to that olde tyme religion. (Did you know Cruz is the next Savior? His Dad says so.)

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Cruz is not American born, so that he will not be qualified for the Presidential race unless we amend the Constitution.What are we going to do with this trouble maker? He has never been liked by his own party since the day he shut down the government and spoiled a reputation of Republican party. .

I am surprised Clinton and Saunders are in tight race. Free University and free of everything sounds too good. My parents always taught me wisdom that I never buy anything if the story is too sweet.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

It's another media circus after months and months of media circuses.

First it was the Hunger Games. Now media circus(es), spot on statement. Boy oh boy, gotta love americas political scene.This election is going to be as big as, or somewhere near, the whole (Al Gore) "I want a recount" gig.

No candidate claimed a mandate. Sanders has momentum. Rubio is most electable in general election.

Great observation. Rubio came out nearly 2nd. wft . . . But Ted put a lil' effort into Iowa. Trump did not.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Americans are apparently in a rebellious phase this year. For the NHL All-Star Game a journeyman "enforcer" was voted-in by the public and then made the MVP after the game, even though by the All Star Game he had been demoted to the AHL.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

No candidate claimed a mandate. Sanders has momentum. Rubio is most electable in general election.

Except about Rubio being electable. Aside from all of the skeletons that will soon be pulled from his closet, he's a junior senator, which, according to the GOP playbook used against Obama over the last seven years, leaves him unqualified for the presidency. He's also far too conservative and not particularly liked in his home state of Florida. I sense that the GOP is overlooking these serious concerns in their relief that they may not be stuck with Trump or Cruz.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I sense that the GOP is overlooking these serious concerns in their relief that they may not be stuck with Trump or Cruz.

Me too. But hey, the primaries are around the corner. Time to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Heh- gota love down & dirty (american) politics. . . . . Remember toward the end of the Gore/Bush election, they tried to dig into Bush's alcoholic past?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Laguna: Except about Rubio being electable. ..., he's a junior senator, which, according to the GOP playbook used against Obama over the last seven years, leaves him unqualified for the presidency.

Hahaha, but for the Democratic playbook for the last 10 years, leaves him eminently qualified for the presidency. As applied to both Obama and Hillary. In fact, the less experience the better. In about 20 years we'll be electing the dogcatcher from Podunk to the presidency.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I'm sure most of us have read that Cruz won, Trump did not, and Rubio surged. We've also read Sanders and Clinton in a dead heat. Here are some other interpretations:

On the Republican side: Sure, Trump's "Winner" brand took a beating. Because he lost. That ain't winning the way Charlie Sheen and Trump are always "winning." And Trump supporters, of course, more than any other constituency are fickle to who is currently on top and 'winning."'

So, Loser Trump is a thing. Type in loser.com and it redirects to Trump's Wikipedia page. That's gotta hurt.


I think Trump did VERY WELL in Iowa, has lost before, and will go charging forward with little dent on his Trumpmentum. Here's why:

First, Trump had no ground game. In Iowa. If you don't know what that means, well, let's just say that's like that character in in that film Chariots of Fire Lord Something or Other who prepared for the Olympics by running hurdles with filled champagne glasses carefully balanced on the hurdles. To check if he cleared the hurdles. Trump spent more on hats than on staff.

Cruz, of course, spent the past year in Iowa, working the precincts and working the precincts and working the precincts. Gettting local bigwig endorsements, working the precincts and working the precincsts. Did I mention Cruz worked the precincts? Trump went to three.

And, of course, Iowa is Cruz territory. The religious right makes of nearly 2/3 of Republican caucus goers. Cruz is a right wing zealot. Trump has been married three times who veryone knowsis barely religious, so much so that he can't even remember how to say Second Corinthians.

And yet, with Iowa all that it is, how Cruz should have clobbered Trump, how this was HIS state, in that it is the most favorable demographic you're gonna find for Cruz (caucus state, White, very conservative, and religious) he barely squeeked past Trump.

That is, IMO, quite a setback for Cruz.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Trump has been married three times who veryone knowsis barely religious, so much so that he can't even remember how to say Second Corinthians.

Who cares? Marriage doesn't work 1/2 the time anyways.

Hillary has been "cheated" on for some time. Perhaps she should've moved on too. It'd be better to have a clean slate going into the campaign than to say, "Corinthians." Trumps past marriages have no bearing on the presidency compared to Hillary's cheating husband's legacy.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I'm really liking what Sanders is doing. He is dominating the youth vote and they are the hardest people to get to come out and vote. If he can get them energized in the political process then it will help the Democrats in November. Republicans do much better in elections with low turnout which is why they cut programs that encourage voter registration.

If Sanders can keep it close he will force Clinton to (hopefully) take strong positions against money in Washington. We have 9 months to hear Sanders vet his policies, more than enough time to let him sink or swim by his own hand. I think both candidates are good for Democrats. I'd love to see Bernie on the VP ticket to watch him debate the Republican VP candidate.

Trump shouldn't be too concerned. I think Cruz was winning in Iowa a short time before. Trump made a late push but ultimately the people who voted split things up. Cruz's win doesn't mean much given the demographics of the state. Rubio was a big surprise and I was glad to see it.

I'm watching CNN now and Cruz is giving a speech about the return of Reagan. Those of us outside the bubble always chuckle when we hear this since men like Cruz would attack Reagan for being a liberal if he were around today.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

As for Rubio,

Did you hear the joke about how the guy who didn’t even get a quarter of Republican support and came in third place? He “won” the caucus.

Prepare for establishment Republicans and their allies in the media playing this till the bitter end.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Republicans struggle to survive,nothing new,nothing interesting,amazing,or inspiring about it as usual,no matter who will win nomination,all are different faces for one coin.I would rather show great interest in Democratic nomination,because it shows big difference on all levels.Hillary Clinton represents last image of classical stream of Democrats,While Bernie Sanders represents renewing American dream,and new rising power,hope and inspiration. About Trump,i can say,he was more amusing,light political comedy show,fine,but now lets talk seriously!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

nice Iowa/Cruz/Trump analysis Black Sabbath

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Is USA with 320,090,857 potential candidates, is left with a chose between Hillary Rodham Clinton, only 28% of the electorate believe Clinton has a honest bone in her body, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Bernard "Bernie" Sanders ? Come on really??

I have to agree. How can a nation that has achieved so much only be capable of mustering this bunch of political pygmies for the highest office in the land? I've gotten to the point where I cannot but feel compelled to attack both the Dem's and the Republicans. Hillary Clinton is a huge joke - and I mean huuuge! This supremely unlikable and divisive women is being investigated by the FBI for various ill deeds in mishandling of the nations most sensitive secrets - including risking the identities of various human intelligence assets (ala Valerie Plame). Who is her competition? Bernie Sanders, another ancient Caucasian who calls himself - with a straight face - a Socialist. And get this, he came within a coin toss of beating Clinton in Iowa. He is odds on favorite of beating her in New Hampshire - which only proves that money doesn't always buy elections. On the Right you got another unlikable character in Ted Cruz who can't even get along with people in his own party. And he is the one that the Republicans in Iowa liked best. Then there is Trump - another joke of a candidate who is a parody of the himself and nothing more than a reality show personality. Bush? More proof that money cannot buy an election. No more Bush's (or Clinton's) please. Carson, a supremely accomplished and decent man but is very much out of his element in the political sphere. Besides Rubio there are another half dozen candidates that couldn't get traction with a pair of track spikes. Rubio seems to be the only one that I can even take seriously. He is very inexperienced- though less so than Obama when he was elected- but that isn't saying much. He believes in amnesty so the rule of law doesn't mean much to him either. America has been run into the ground over the last decade or so. The future looks bleak.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

America has been run into the ground over the last decade or so.

So true, but IMO, and this is debatable, it all started with the assaination of JFK. It was L.B. Johnson that started robbing the Social Security fund, and it has continued to this day. Johnson's only way to get his "Great Society" off the ground was to compromise with the war/fear mongers and escalate the Vietnam war. It was this compromise that hindered the full implementation of his GS, and it failed. These two points in US history were never really challenged by either party after the fact, and continue to this day. Nixon taking the dollar off the gold standard gave the central bankers all they needed to run the economy and the politics. Is it a coincidence that wages have not increased since the 70's? I think not.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Hi Wolfpack, the comment is valid, the President of the United States is commander in chief of the United States Armed Forces with all the implications to global peace for generations to come.

Political analysts consider Hilary Clinton a solid front runner not only for the democrats nomination also a sure fire favorite to enter the White House. Not only is Hilary Clinton unable to follow even basic security procedures that ultimately cost lives , but is out of touch with whole sections of the electorate.

Goldman Sachs involvement with the Clinton campaign strategy and financing is another example of her underlining unprincipled behavior in application of double standards, deploring the nation's wealth collected by the1 percent, only to cosying up to the very institutions who empower thus ensuring the situation maintains the status quo......

There is more than a hint of desperation to reach the white house at any cost within Hilary Clinton's campaign strategy.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Is Cruz and his supporters 100% sure the Democrats won't be able to claim he's not eligible to run for president being as how he was born in Canada? I don't think he should be barred from running just because he is not a "natural-born" U.S. citizen, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but could this actually cause legal trouble for him?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Is Cruz and his supporters 100% sure the Democrats won't be able to claim he's not eligible to run for president being as how he was born in Canada?

That is an excellent point. I would also ask Clinton supporters if they are 100% sure she will not be charged by the FBI for felonies related to mishandling highly classified government information? The Democrats seem certain that she is untouchable - which is why Americans on both the Left and the Right have become fed up with about establishment politicians and those closely allied with them. No one from the big banks and no federal government regulators were prosecuted for the 2008 financial crisis. The IRS targeting of private organizations prior to the 2012 election, the flouting of immigration law, the failure to own up to the debacle in Benghazi, all of this has people totally disgusted with the American system of government.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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