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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Cruz drops out of GOP race after Indiana loss to Trump
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Black Sabbath
Great news!
Team Dem is gonna clean up!
I believe Clinton will be the presidential nominee but party elders will convince her cabinet has to include Sanders and invite Sanders and his supporters to join Democratic party.
I'm not a Democrat, but Trump scares the hell outa me. Clinton would be a better president.
It's reasonable, given how they've generally been respectful toward each other despite being competitors.
Then again, maybe they only seem respectful in comparison to Cruz/Trump, where the candidates are willing to stoop to things like attacking the attractiveness of their rival's wives or debating the size of their rival's genitals.
Radical islam and nobody doing nuthing about illegal immigration, crime . . . scares the hell outa me. Go Trump!!
I'm really glad Cruz is out. That guy gave me the creeps.
A president with close family ties to the KKK doesn't scare you?
Cruz tried every scam he could, but with a schnoz like that -life can be difficult. He was entertaining and sold many newspapers. What will CNN and Fox News do now to sell their tripe?
Republicans really should dissolve their party, I mean BOTH trump & cruz are major major bad news, absolutely horrible candidates & they were 1& 2 in the race..........disgusting!
If the Repubs rally around trump we are in for probably the worst US election in history campaigning wise, beyond scary.
If it gets bad could a civil war be in the future there, from the outside looking in the US aint very pretty these days, hasn't been for a while sadly
The Republican Party has thrown up a lot of comedy characters in previous races like Palin or Bachman and many of its members of congress are straight out of the isolation ward, but this is terrifying. This isn't funny anymore. It's dangerous.
A man who tickles the fancy of racists and bigots in the US and beyond could be one election victory away from being the most powerful politician in the world. It's already an example to far right headcases the world over of what this kind of campaign can achieve.
The majority of French people were disgusted when Trump admirer and National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen was one election away from the presidency and voted overwhelmingly for the less-than-loved Chirac to stop him. Let's hope this will be repeated.
Cruz had so many strikes against him he violated Three Strikes Laws. (Criminal statutes that mandate increased sentences for repeat offenders, usually after three serious crimes.)
Cruz's case not "criminal" but figuratively, the GOP hated him and froze him out after Cruz forced the loss of two billion in direct cost to American Taxpayers with his Government Shutdown to kill healthcare for tens of millions of Americans.
Black Sabbath
Let me put it this way:
Its not impossible that Trump will win; its just highly improbable. I'll be posting why this is so over the next few days, but for now, I wish to address your and others fears that he is the Republican nominee for the President of the United States.
In nearly every scenario, Trump can only win if the economy tanks -- and even then he has much fewer than even odds.
For Brits, here's what you can do: keep things stable in Europe. NO BREXIT.
This guy is not even liked and repected among Republican congressmen. Hope he is quitting all the way from politics. Goodbye Cruz.
Cruz loved to. Lie whenhewas expected to discuss issues. Do anyone know Carly's plan? She will not go back to HP but there are many similar Japan Inc. Always searching her type persons. Better than working for habitual liar.
HAHAHAHA!!! Good riddance! This guy was the biggest liar of the bunch, BY FAR! He is nothing but a snake, puts out blatant lies, and then avoids questions about his policies, beliefs, and said lies despite the questions being repeated to his face. On top of that he is a bigot, a misogynist, a racist, and obviously doesn't think LGBT community are human beings, and he's hated IN HIS OWN PARTY!
It was quite fun watching him utter the words that he's giving up, and I'm not sorry that it was great to wash the crushing effect it had on those he duped.
So now Trump is in, which means the Dems win no matter who they end up fielding. Not to worry, Repubs... weasels like Rubio are already holding back endorsements because they think they have a chance at 2020, so there are still lots of losers and spineless liars to believe in soon. But for now, you have to bite the bullet and realise the next president will be a democrat.
Ted Cruz can now stop being a useless presidential candidate and return to his roots. Being a useless Senator. Ms. Clinton has successfully withstood decades of Republican attacks and brushed back Trey Gowdy's inquisitors in an 11 hour hearing. Drumph can't debate beyond two hours. I will enjoy his humiliation.
With 19 trillion in debt, some of us feel that the economy has already tanked. I sure hope Trump takes down the central banking fantasy. Some where over the rainbow........
She IS the teflon woman! I have nothing against a woman becoming president, just not Hillary Clinton.
I don't follow other countries political issues, but seems to me that Trump is the best candidate to represent the US during tough times. Though he is strong, his dealings are fair unlike Ms Clinton who is still facing an indictment that really says she's dirty. I don't know but I wouldn't want someone like that as a US President.
RE: sensei258May. 04, 2016 - 10:51AM JST I'm not a Democrat, but Trump scares the hell outa me. Clinton would be a better president.
I would be more afraid of a possible criminal and such maladies that continue to follow the Clinton's, i.e. Bengazhi, the email servers, etc...that is scary to think one is above the law.
Cruz, like his fellow Texan former governor Rick Perry, has been delusional about his chances. It's really noteworthy how so many conservative American politicians --- seem so detached from reality.
I truly cannot stand Clinton. She has no qualifications to be President, and given her downright criminal past, while Sec of State, shouldn't be nominated, but she will be.
Trump is disgusting. He's a nutcase. I'm a Republican, and there is no way in hell I'll vote for him.
So, the Criminal, or the nutcase. Think I'm either going to sit this out, or vote for the Libertarian candidate, if there is one on the ballot.
Molenir: "So, the Criminal, or the nutcase. Think I'm either going to sit this out, or vote for the Libertarian candidate, if there is one on the ballot."
And that, my friend, is why there will be no contest and the Dems will win. Most Republicans will either vote for Clinton now, or else sit it out, on top of every one of the Democrats, plus people rushing to legally immigrate so they can vote, will vote for Clinton.
The Indiana polls had Hillary at 53% and Bernie at 43. Never put your faith in them. The pulse of the nation is a better indicator. That's why Trump will win and Hillary will lose. The MSM will always prop up Hillary, but it's the people who vote, and the average citizen don't like her.
Fizz, the Indiana Democratic primary was open. Self-identified Democrats broke for Clinton 54 to 46 percent, not far off from the polling. But that wasn’t enough to compensate for Sanders 70 to 30 percent share if independents.
Good point Laguna. Polls by the general population still went in Hilary's favor.
OK, time to get behind Trump. Even if you didn't like him at first, he is now the only option to defeat Hillary and stop the continual expansion of government. Open your wallets - you can send him up to $2,700 (or $5,400 if you send before June 7 & mark half for the primary). Let's go guys, there's a Clinton to stop!
People don't like Obama, didn't like Bush, didn't like Clinton, didn't like Bush, didn't like Reagan. didn't like Carter, didn't like Ford, didn't like Nixon, didn't like Johnson, didn't like Kennedy...
I guess Eishenhower was the last president anyone liked?
This election, like all now, doesn't matter. After the election, the people in control take the president-elect into a room and show them the Zapruder film over and over and explain to them WHO is really in charge and the consequences for not following their orders.
Here is a good read. Trump can win the election in November. If Trump wins, I am planning to leave US and live in Japan.
This is wonderful news finally we can get on with a real fight to get rid of the Clintons once and for all. Trump will make a wonderful president and can help us recover from eight years of insanity and run away liberal propaganda. Cruz was never a serious possilblity but he was backed by the power brokers of the Republican elite because they knew they could not control or dominate Trump. Trump will be a fine leader.
Good post, global. How the #NeverTrump movement reacts - and, more importantly, how Trump deals with being defacto GOP leader, will mean a lot. As usual, with Trump, no one can say.
Still, now that the tea leaves are settling and the future more clearly seen, there are a multitude of issues that should galvanize even the most die-hard pf Bernie supporters. One example: Supreme Court Justice Ted Cruz. Think about it.
Why not move to Mexico or the Philippines? A lot cheaper.
Oh yeah....good read my foot. Can you get anymore biased? This writer is the lair.
Cruz should quit and play Dracula on TV. He is a creature of the dark. Like Barnabas Collins. Perfect.
Trump is what the clueless republicans deserve. They are being fooled again by a con man but they are so dumb they do not know it yet. He only cares about other rich people, that is all he knows. Yet the Fox news white old angry and mostly racist class will once again vote against their own self interests for someone that will if elected screw them over once again. It is so predictable, even trite. One could feel sorry for the poor louts if they were not so sad. If the end they deserve what they get, to be punished by the folks they vote for over an over again.
The Zapruder fantasy really was outstanding. But it takes 2nd place to the Traveling Sales person advising us how to double our donations to billionaire Trump. As if!
Texas A&M Aggie
This was truly a remarkable day in American politics. Mr. Trump is now the presumptive GOP candidate. He started as a joke candidate. The pundits trashed him from left and right. But, somehow, he resonated with ordinary Americans and gained traction in the polls and the voting booths. The National Review, the leading conservative magazine, devoted a complete issue to attacking Mr. Trump. He survived that broadside.
His GOP competitors spent 10's of millions of dollars on attack ads against him. He spent virtually nothing. He said stupid things, insulted virtually everyone, and still he kept winning. This is actually a unique event in modern American history. No outsider has ever done what Mr.Trump has just accomplished.
How did he do it? He chose a great campaign slogan and he hammered illegal immigration, bad trade agreements, job losses, and political correctness. He used his media savvy to garner free airtime his opponents from both parties could only dream of and he found ways to dominate just about every media news cycle. He spent virtually nothing on advertising and his whole campaign was run on a shoestring. In contrast, Jeb Bush blew through $130 million and got nowhere.
Mr. Trump now gets to really run wild and free at this point and can begin shelling Mrs. Bill Clinton while she must contend with having to drag Sen. Saunders around attached by his teeth to her ankle.
For us non-partisan, independent voters, this is going to be an interesting/entertaining next few weeks.
A nonpartisan Texan? The entertaining thing is knowing Texas gave us Cruz in the first place, not to mention Rick Perry and who knows whatever goofball politicians.
"A nonpartisan Texan"
I promised my dear old friend in Texas I would always speak up for the decent people of that state. I lived there and met some great people. My friend is not a gun-totin, Jesus lovin' yokel and sees Cruz yet another GOP boil on the arse of Texas. My friend often sends me links to the roaring insanity of arguably the most cracked of GOP crackpots, Texan lawmaker Louis Gohmert. Some of it is beyond belief. That said, Gohmert is at least funny - Cruz is utterly revolting.
The mother of all Texan wacko politicians went by a nickname that kinda rhymes with the ancient name for the region abutting the Nile River.
Mirai Hayashi
Sanders isn't out yet!.. He could still pull an Obama on her late in the game.
Sanders is just waiting for the FBI.
I have a jokingly plausible but unsubstantiated theory about the hundreds of FBI agents looking into Mrs. Clinton. It seems like a great way to build up overtime leave days before going on a nice long vacation to avoid hearing the rightwingers complaining when indictments are not forthcoming.
One conservative pundit remarked that simply the act of supporting Trump disqualifies that person from higher office. GOPers face a very delicate game here: Go Christy with full support, pretend this isn't happening, or vocally oppose. If the pundit is right and Trump goes down in flames, the former will go down with him - this isn't like supporting Romney or McCain, after all. Telling will be who Trump manages to convince to be his running mate. (Condeleeza Rice would be best for him, but she leans towards the latter group).
ghoneim mohamed
Good luck Trump,i wish you all the best.Do it Trump,wipe Hillary,kick her out.All the best Trump.
Polls mean's anyone's game, but the options between Clinton and Trump leave much to be desired....
Seriously... Hillary and Trump.....just where has America come to?
Not surprising, no other candidate had a chance. People have long underestimated Trump, and regardless of the outrageous things he says, he is no fool. He has run in the past, and pulled out, as he knows when to quit. But don't think his previous runs were simply publicity stunts, Trump is a man who learns from mistakes, and his previous runs were the foundation for his current run.
Hillary is also no fool, but people are greatly overestimating her. Those who know Hillary either hate her, or respect her, none love her, almost none like her. Given a choice between working for Hillary and Satan, more than a few would choose the latter.
For those who think that the election is a slam dunk for Hillary and her party, I wouldn't bet any money on that happening. If Hillary is indicted (she is currently under investigation by the FBI, as you may know), Sanders may indeed become his party's candidate. But Hillary or Sanders are not going to be as strong against Trump as many people here may think.
ghoneim mohamed
I appreciate your post and agree with you.
Oh, yeah - that. Forget Condeleeza Rice as Trump's running mate, even in the snowball-in-hell chance that she would accept - she used a private server similar to that used by Clinton. As did Colin Powell.
But go ahead and put all of your eggs in one basket - they are sterile anyway. What Trump supporters might want to pay attention to is the rapid progression through the courts of THREE separate lawsuits against Trump regarding Trump "University" (he had previously been served with a Federal injunction prohibiting him from using the later part of the name as misleading advertising). Looks like things are headed to active trial beginning late summer - and whether he wins or loses, it will be a wonderful reminder of the many times he has separated suckers from their cash and hung them out to dry.
Frederic Bastiat
The voters spoke. Y'all ought to also pay attention. Trump TROUNCED, and the Dems are not thrilled with either Dem candidate. The latest poll shows Trump beating Clinton. Tea leaves.
Do you all notice We don't find Trump hater criticizing every other comment ? You all are discussing peacefully. GOP has only one to choose. DEM, both of them are peaceful. There will be no more entertainment. We can concentrate to figure who will return USA back to the best country in the world.
Texas A&M Aggie
As a non-partisan, independent voter, I am sure the democrats have a game plan but The DNC Powers That Be already know that whatever that plan is it won't work against Mr. Trump. They don't say that explicitly but I'd wager a Lone Star. For example, American voters can fully expect Mr. Trump's businesses to come up and his taxes and his "real" wealth. In fact, I think they believe just that alone will kill Mr. Trump in his supporters' eyes.
But, Mr. Trump has shown to have had effective responses to cannon lobs against himself, his family and his businesses. It took a while but Trump's opponents and critics slowly began to realize -- hey, this stuff doesn't work on him. That's because he's not afraid to respond and when he does so he lobs a few cannonballs himself. Unlike some past GOP canddidates who stood on stage holding their skirts down lest a strong breeze provide for an immodest moment. Mr. Trump's republican professional politician opponents learned a painful lesson that being PC is not in his wheelhouse.
Of course, the dems will get some votes. They have the "Safe Space" crowd all sewed up along with the professional grievance groups. But considering an avowed socialist kicked her ass in Indiana today, time will tell if those groups are big enough voting blocs to return Mrs. Clinton to the White House. . . .
LoL. That's kinda' how I felt when Obama was 1st elected. Ohwell, I had to deal with it. But I never blamed myself cause I never bought that whole "vote for change" pitch.
Good post TX. Looks like folks better go out for more popcorn. Let's see Hilary throw some PC @Trump. I double-dare her!
The GOP/Tea now has a television Game Show Host for a candidate.
Maybe that's better than a war profiteer for a Vice President under Bush?
What the Trump fans miss in their delirium is Government is of and by Game Show.
Donald J. Trump has slain the wicked witch and proved the desperate racists and gun nuts are a minority in America. (ten million votes does not a majority make)
In a national election, character counts.
Trump's character has led him to racism and contempt for the America People. (selling them out to Chinese hats and neckties)
When Trump is indicted in the $40 million dollar class action fraud case New York will prosecute him for, the GOP/Tea will have a Game Show Host and Felon for a candidate.
The American People will laugh the jackass of the stage and into the Attica Correctional Facility.
Or Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will rescue the GOP/Tea. Or maybe he won't.
HA-HA-HAA- . . . . that ain't gona happen. Trump WON fair n' square. (even Cruz knows this.)
You mean like the FBI all over Hillary? Remember, lives were lost as a result of her debacle. She's lying about it. Just like when her hubby went on TV worldwide (lying) and saying: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
"Condeleeza Rice . . . - she used a private server similar to that used by Clinton. As did Colin Powell." - comments
Rightly pointed out
The Trumpers who depend on an inditement of Secretary of State HR Clinton are a tiny band who cheer Trump.
Trump used them to fan anger and hate defining Trump.
It isn't surprising to see high school drop outs support a game show host. Trump is right where they are intellectually and morally. Ignorance does make the heart grow fonder of Trump.
Tex, you don't seem to grasp the immense difference between the GOP primary and the general election. See, Trump's fellow Repubs couldn't attack him on policy (seems to have become a no-no - instead, it's all "Yeah, but I'm even MORE for/against it."!), and besides, those are exactly the areas where he'll attack her.
No, she'll go after policy to pin him down on all of the outlandish stances he's taken so far. Watching him try to explain how he'll get Mexico to build a wall will annoy Hispanics; how he'll force China to export less and import more, big business; how he'll force our foreign partners to be more active, the Pentagon; torture, the CIA - and pushing him to clarify his heretofore squishiness on social spending, particularly Medicare and Social Security, will annoy either the GOP establishment or the elderly, depending on which side he eventually comes down on (and don't pretend you know - he probably hasn't even decided himself). He'll end up annoying everyone and exposing his ignorance and fecklness, and he'll do it soon.
"Clinton already has turned her attention to the general election. She and Trump now plunge into a six- month battle for the presidency"
What if she gets indicted, which is still a possibility being as how she's being investigated by 12 FBI agents?
Looking forward to a Democratic landslide where Trump is utterly trumped. Even when he loses he'll no doubt claim the system is rigged, the world is unfair and try to sue someone.....!
Wait - you think that four Americans died in Libya because Clinton kept work email on a private server?
You really need to go back and review the facts, my friend.
Ur right kc. Hillary ain't all that bad. She was on board with the Bush administration after 9/11. Perhaps she's still got that fire left in her. Remember what she said about the terrorists? "There will be NO safe harbor for them."
"Looking forward to a Democratic landslide where Trump is utterly trumped"
Rasmussen has Trump leading Hillary 41% to 39%, and this is before she gets indicted, lol, but no worries, she has the Electoral College vote locked up even if she loses the popular vote. Unless Trump wins Florida, or New York or Pennsylvania or... oh! my! God!
"Good post TX. Looks like folks better go out for more popcorn. Let's see Hilary throw some PC @Trump. I double-dare her"
Watch you don't choke on the popcorn if he cracks another knob joke. That's what the GOP debates have engendered - a belief that debates mean popcorn and behaviour on the level of cracking rolled-up towels on bare backsides in the showers.
The GOP has partly shifted from an emphasis on firearms, evolution-denying and Jesus to a reality TV star cracking jokes about his knob and the audience are slack-jawed in awe.
True, Wc. It was during her term as Secretary of State that bin Laden was brought to justice, after all. (I'm sure we'll see that famous Situation Room photo a lot more.) In fact, she's rather too trigger-happy for most Dems; funny thing is, though that should please the Repubs, it won't (except for the establishment and the Pentagon who are baffled and alarmed by Trump's contradictory, shifting stances).
I know. That was a low blow. But hey the anti-Trump posters will use anything dirty on Trump. Fight fire with fire till Nov.
Well if he clearly wins by more votes, then there'll be no bickering. The only reason why Trumps was claiming a rigged system was because it was rumored that he would NOT be the gop nominee . . . . although he had cleary won more votes.
The only sore losers are the anti-Trumpers. This is why we've seen violence at his rallies and police cars being destroyed.
If (until Nov.) Trump keeps winning, we'll be seeing more of this violence and lawlessness.
If Hillary keeps winning, there will be no violence and lawlessness from the Trump crowd.
The country swirling down the drain and so many argueing with the rescue team. In part, I am sure due to the relentless PC subversion efforts of American educational system in the class room.
Washington Post's Dana Milbank reports how a Muslim American woman got jumped outside Starbucks in our nation's capital by--predictably--a Trump supporter. Police have video to help find the perp. That was just the first of many examples Milbank lists to show how bold and brazen the bigots think they have license to be now.
Yikes!! Was she wearing a burqa? That attire ought to be banned in our nations capital. It's very unamerican.
Don't believe me? If a western gal wore biker shorts and a midriff with her hair down and make-up on . . .. . she'd prob be stoned to death in places like Mecca or Medina.
Make america great again or whole again. Trump / Hillary, hurry-hurry, step-right-up, take ur pick.
Farewell, Cruz! You never stood a snowball in hell's chance, anyway. At least you can go back to the Senate and resume your do-nothing career. You get richer, your constituents suffer.
Exactly! - 'cause the best way to Make America Great Again is to raise its intolerance level to those displayed in Mecca or Medina! That'll show 'em!
"Yikes!! Was she wearing a burqa? That attire ought to be banned in our nations capital. It's very unamerican.
Don't believe me? If a western gal wore biker shorts and a midriff with her hair down and make-up on . . .. . she'd prob be stoned to death in places like Mecca or Medina."
Terrifying comment. Let's hope Trump can only rely on fruit hanging as low as this.
Not a burqa, a hijab. It's doubtful if the blonde ditz attacker even knew the difference. That will open a legal can of worms if Trump bans women from placing cloth coverings on their heads... though I would hope he also bans cowboy hats and baseball caps on women to help teach them some feminine style. I predict his first cabinet pick would be a new position called Director of Fashion and Pageants or something asinine along those lines.
Yep, post fashon police at the shopping malls to protect kids from seeing all the broads with sailor tattoos, flannel logging shirts, vaping on e-cigs and swearing like truckers. It's an affront to the great fashion designers and would never pass muster at Miss Universe. Only Trump can make America's malls safe for the little children again!
Kasich will announce to suspend this evening.
Here is a good read. Trump can win the election in November. If Trump wins, I am planning to leave US and live in Japan.
There is no doubt he can and probably will win. The Republicans have close to 10 million more votes in the primaries so far than 2008 while the Dems are down over 6 million from the same year. I am certain there are pundits running around telling you that these numbers do not matter. I bet you they are the same ones who assured you that Trump would never be the Republican nominee. lol
Republican 2008 Republican 2016 Net Change Democrat 2008 Democrat 2016 Net ChangeIndiana 410,501 1,106,836 696,335 1,265,028 637,024 -628,004
Oh, Pie!
Make America Great Again! Go Trump! Take my high energy!
Hillary is concentrating in New Jersey GOP is now Trump but Dem has two candidate yet,
Republicans had over a dozen candidates while the Democrats didn't have much drama in choosing Clinton, who most assumed would win. Not quite apples to apples. Republicans also have the danger of Democrats going to the polls just to vote against Trump, and (hopefully) voting for other Democrats in other races. And finally, you have Republicans who simply will choose not to vote if their choice is Trump.
What a flip! What was thought to go to a contested convention ends. And the Dems with 2 very different candidates still struggling to gain the nomination. Bernie seems more popular and Hillary still gains in the losses. Add the Super D's and Hillary over the top. I'm with deadbeatles above, what if she is indicted? It is clear she broke protocol in security with her antics.
I listened interview of Sanders wife. She explains Sander's ideology better than her husband. Was she some kind of teacher?
Trump recruited people to select VP.
""She (Sanders wife) explains Sander's ideology better than her husband. Was she some kind of teacher? - comments
Still, no one has explained why Trump supporters pledged allegiance to Trump and not the United States of America at Trump loyalty rallies. What is Trump teaching?
And if he wins, you would be so right!
So what do you think about the poor souls that vote for Hillary?
So who does Hillary care about? My God, the woman refuses even to make her speeches public, now why is that?
But if moderators like Maddow on msnbc openly hug and endorse Clinton that's ok? Acceptable?
And if she loses,then that means, the people were vindicated.
Many people who seem to dislike Trump don't realize the ongoing issues affecting large areas of the USA that have been more or less ignored by the last 4 presidents. He's finally addressing it. Illegal aliens. During 1.5 years in Japan, I was only asked to show my ARC (Alien Registration Card) once. I was proud to produce it & show local law enforcement. My feeling was that if I had a country I would want to know who is visiting and have some kind of registration system. Over here in the USA we're Here in Southern California every single aspect of life is affected by illegal aliens: jobs, housing, traffic, shopping, education, etc. Something needs to be done. We put great faith in Obama who didn't deliver on everything he promised & I'm sure Trump won't either....
Heh. Good one bass. The Almighty Dollar?
"Obama who didn't deliver on everything he promised & I'm sure Trump won't either" - comments
Congress but the Congress can overturn a veto. Trump has three strikes already. The Republicans hate him, the Democrats tolerate him and the American People see Trump as the bigot dunce leading a parade of racist wife beaters.
The American People will Veto Trump.
The rest of Trump's disgust for Americans is moot. (Keep selling your Chinese chum Trump, the whole world is watching)
No the don't. He's been selected the nominee. Cruz, Rubio, Kaisich all did poorly. Not Trump. He won fair n' square. Get over it already.
Really? Hillary is getting nearly all the Black vote. Everyone knows they're always beating their women. Care to wear that shoe??
"Black vote. Everyone knows they're always beating their women" - comments
Confirmation of the character of Trump supporters, well done.
But the people love him, in case you haven't notice, none of the 17 candidates are still in the race.
The Dems as usual are underestimating a political rival, happened so many times, but the Dems never learn. Also, Hillary protected her stalking predator husband, that's equally as bad, but with Bill, you have physical evidence, Trump, he said, she said.
What happens if they veto Hillary?
Unlike Obama that cares what the world thinks instead of caring for what Americans want first, just proves and solidifies the reason why so many people love Trump.
Oh!! YOU can say it, BUT i CANNOT?? You libs are so 1-sided. Just wear the shoe. Everyone know Black culture is secretly notorious of men beating their women.
Ever heard of a pimp??
The real irony of The Donald is that he isn't a real Republican at all! he isn't an outsider, he is a carpetbagger!
"Everyone know Black culture is secretly notorious of men beating their women. Ever heard of a pimp?? - comments
Is there any chance Donald J. Trump's influence on the racists of America has been anything but positive?
Reading this comment proves another facet of the Trump fans. This is what Donald J. Trump has fertilized with his wealth and ignorance. A harvest of hate.
(Apologies to JT, however, silence is never the answer to racism. Never Again. Never be silent when racism surfaces from the vile goo of hate and the support of a political opportunist like Donald J. Trump. The whole world is watching.)
So in other words, every single person be they Black, White, Asian or Hispanic, they are emphatically and without a doubt racist? Can you prove that? If not, you are just voicing your personal opinion.
Obama and Hilary didn't spread love over the last 8 years, that's for sure! We're it not for this disastrous president, we wouldn't have a Trump.
Then you should be fighting the Democratic Party tooth and nail with the utmost vitriol, a party that breeds government dependence, EBT and food stamps is as low as you can get.
Finally he's gone! Lyin' Ted, definitely the worst candidate in the history of the US
Simon Foston
Still going on and on and on and on and on about Obama and Hilary like a scratched CD that keeps skipping. I don't suppose it's occurred to you or that you would care to entertain the possibility that were it not for Republican congressmen and governors doing such an awful job in opposition over the past eight years, one of them might have clinched the nomination.
Why is it that liberals hate hearing the truth so much. You guys carry on and on Trump, who's not even president yet, bu when people make comments about liberals, particularly our Tyrannical president, you guys cry foul. Come on, a bit of fairness would be appreciated.
You live fail to accept that we have had a president that, for the last 7 years had a horrible reputation for defying congress, unwilling to work with them-meaning, the GOP which was the underlying catalyst for the GOP NOT trusting the president and returning the favor and being equally as bullheaded. We're it not for this guy, we wouldn't have a Trump or a Sanders.
Mirai Hayashi
The sad thing is, if Hillary is indicted, Sanders will NOT become the presumptuous nominee. Washington expects that the delegates will turn to Biden to become the nominee. I will lose all faith in American democracy if nominee who didn't go through the primary process gets elected as president.
Simon Foston
Why bring up the topic of Hillary Clinton at all? This article is about the Republican nomination. Getting drawn into discussions about Democrats is playing into the hands of people who would prefer to deflect attention away from how mediocre the Republican candidates are.
Why? Because it's reverent to the general election.Trump is now the nominee and that means, as the last man standing, it's just him and Clinton and that will be front and center. So it's open season on exposing Hillary for what she really is, a weak and very flawed and unpopular candidate as is Trump, so you have two unpopular candidates that want to get into the White House and all kid gloves are off, even if Dems want to run around with their fingers in their ears and refuse to deal with the facts. This is dealing head on with this 2 man race now.
Simon Foston
This is an article about the Republican nomination, not Hillary Clinton or the presidential election as a whole, so it is not "reverent." Or relevant. You're not putting much coherent thought into these comments, are you.