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© Thomson Reuters 2022.Daughter of ultra-nationalist Russian ideologue killed in suspected car bomb attack
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Wow. It’s hit home now. Just, wow.
The sins of the fathers... although it sounds like she was no saint herself. In any case, hope the Russians understand what is bringing this on. It will unify many in their hatred of Ukraine, sadly, if there was any sympathy before, but the more it starts to happen the more they may start to truly question why.
The Avenger
So much needless death. I wonder if her father still thinks it is worth it.
This is terrorism, this perpetrators must be punished!
This has all the marks of a FSB false flag operation to offset the victories Ukraine has achieved in Crimea this week...change the subject, ramp up the outrage, crack down more on dissidents....
Putin did the same thing in 1999 when he blew up apartments in three Russian cities and blamed it on the Chechens...
Images of The Godfather when Michael's wife, Apollonia, was blown up in their car.
What about the not-so-free parts of Ukraine? I'm thinking of those mainly Russian-speaking areas where use of the Russian language was restricted.
The father sounds like a complete nutter talking about new Russian empire and the enslavement of other nations. All these other nations should end the practice of using Russian in their lands so that Russia cant claim to be absorbing Russian speakers into Russia. They should also consider expelling those who speak Russian at home as a first language.
For those who deny Putin is just like Hitler, just look at those he surrounds himself with and their views of a new larger Russian empire. Putin is using the Hitler playbook, dusted off and almost play for play doing what Hitler did. Putin's Russia is the modern Nazi's and you need to keep an eye open for what nationality Putin wants exterminated from Europe. He has already called Jews Nazi's, so he may try to continue Hitlers work in killing Jews.
The girl who died with others in her fathers car was tragic, but if her views were the same as her fathers then she would have been a target herself at some point.
Utter madness coming out of Russia with delusions of a grand Russia dominating Europe and taking over other nations and people. Putin and his supporters need to go, sooner rather than later.
there were no such areas. The Russian language was freely spoken throughout Ukraine.
were you shouting this when Putin was assassinating his opposition or poisoning his fellow countrymen (while in foreign countries)
Russians and non-ethnic Russians who support rejoining the "motherland" are from the region. Never knew so many people supported the Soviet Union handing over land to Ukraine (closet Communist supporters in this place?).
Since 2014, Ukrainian nationalists have bombed the Donbass (Donbas) region and the surrounding area. The US has military bases in Japan, South Korea, and throughout Europe are encroaching on the Russian Federation (despite the demise of the Warsaw Pact).
Many areas of Ukraine (expanded under the Soviet Union) were built and developed by Russians.
You can't invade where you come from. Thus, the Russian Federation entered to protect people who want to join the motherland because of constant threats by nationalists in Ukraine.
Buddhists (Buryat), Christians, Muslims, and countless ethnic groups are fighting in unity with the Russian Federation. While Ukraine seeks to erase Slavic and Russian roots.
Thank you for correcting my misunderstanding. I guess the text below from Wikipedia is wrong.
All cultural, artistic, recreational and entertainment events must be in Ukrainian, unless the use of other languages is justified for artistic reasons or for the purpose of protecting ethnic minority languages.[99][16] All schools and universities are required to teach in Ukrainian, although special exemptions apply to certain ethnic minority languages, to English and to other official languages of the European Union.
Contrary to the minority languages which are EU official languages, Russian, Belarusian and Yiddish are granted no exemption for the purposes of the law.
englisc aspyrgend
Pity he changed his plan and decided to travel separately at the last minute. They say the Devil looks after his own.
There is far too little understanding in the rest of the world as to how deeply evil and intrinsically fascist the philosophical underpinning of the thinking of those in power in russia is. A major source of that is this man and his daughter was a prominent and enthusiastic mouthpiece for his views in her role in the media.
This all helps to undermine the Poo tin narrative that he has brought peace, prosperity and security to the russian people. A blatant lie but as Goebbels said:-
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it”
It's a shame. War is horrible...
Innocent civilians have been killed every day in Ukraine for the last 6 months. It looks like the horror is spreading to Crimea and Russia.
Not one Ukranian propoganda has reported this woman death,guess Ukrainain are not take responsibility for this, because they know the hell it will bring to them, killing someone because they say or stand for something,they should not be killed,the US has not said anything,if that was Ukrainain inspired the US will throw Zelensky under the bus within hours,it could of FSB inspired,this is not the first time Putin killed Russian to bolster support
It is more likely to be other Russians than Ukrainians who made the bombing. Someone/group was able to get close enough to plant a car bomb. Putin has taken out several of his opposition figures. More have fled for their safety. She supported the Putin war in Ukraine.
How many Ukrainians have lost their loved ones to Putin?
Yes you can. Russian troops aren't welcomed in Ukraine.
This is basically like saying the war of 1812 wasn't an invasion of the US, because the original colonies were British.
Putin's invasion of Ukraine is at fault. Whether Ukraine has anything to with it, or it was the act of Russians who are against Alexander Dugin's facist ideology, time will tell. But the root cause will remain with Putin.
The shifting morality positions depending on who is lying/killing/cheating/stealing are quite interesting to observe here.
It is, isn't it? It's very telling how some people here couldn't care less, literally say they don't care what happens to Ukrainians, but get all up in arms when a Fascist is assassinated.
While I'd never advocate for murdering anyone, I have 0 sympathy for Ms. Dugina.
Wallace,more Ukrainain will lose their lives,Putin can use this like he did on Chechen
englisc aspyrgend
Far more likely than a Ukrainian operation, the difficulty of such an operation makes it unlikely given the limited benefit. In the 90’s there were a lot of assassinations by car bomb in russia so the likelihood of this being “in house” so to speak is far greater.
Boy it hurts when you loose your own child, just a reminder how painful it is to loose a child. Mr. Dugin must be feeling the pain of the thousands of Ukraine and Russians alike who paid the ultimate price.
Your own country has been involved in 19 wars since the end of WW2 and you want to discuss morality.
Haaa Nemui
It all leads back to one man. Yeah I agree, the President of Russia must be punished.
Ukrainain have denied,the assassin, Russian call for a swift retaliation against Kiev
That would certainly help explain why Russia has fared so poorly in Ukraine.
Haaa Nemui
Inside job then? We know how much the Russians have been trying to get more people to join up recently. Increasing the age of eligibility, pardoning the scum of the earth in their prisons, and now this? New lows.
that’s how the kremlin propaganda department will spin it.
no they won’t !
Ukroforces are unable to stage any sizeable counterattack, their air force and best tank / infantry units are decimated and on the brink of collapse, their fortified areas built for the last eight years at Donbass are taken one by one, all that Ukroforces can do are some sabotage and drone attacks. Yeah, it's obvious who has fared poorly.
In order to have some morale booster Ukraine switched from terrorist attacks on civilian population to terrorist attacks on family members of people they do not like. They won't like the consequences.
Haaa Nemui
There is no confirmation yet that it has anything to do with Ukraine. She may even have been the target. Her father may even have been involved or at least warned beforehand. He still let her get in the car. I have no evidence but neither do you or anyone posting here on this tonight.