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Democrats aren't buying Trump's shutdown-ending 'compromise'


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Playing with time is always a game of power

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The art of the deal? More like the art of the not so smart deal. Pelosi is just destroying the fake President.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Grow up Dems, quit squabbling and start doing your job.

Perhaps Trump needs to sort out the Republican Senate before you start blaming the Dems for doing their job.

Trump's plan seems to stand little chance of getting the 60 votes needed in the Senate.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Trump's remarks from the Diplomatic Room marked the second time he has addressed the nation as the partial shutdown drags on. On this occasion, he sought to strike a diplomatic tone, emphasizing the need to work across the aisle. He maintained a border barrier was needed to block what he describes as the flow of drugs and crime into the country — but described "steel barriers in high-priority locations" instead of "a 2,000-mile concrete structure from sea to sea."

"Mexico will pay", "it will be a big beautiful pre-caste concrete wall", "its s steel barrier at high priority locations..."

This is Trump "moonwalking" - saying he's going forward when he's going backward. Donnie the Caveman.

"Trump proposes amnesty," tweeted conservative firebrand Ann Coulter. "We voted for Trump and got Jeb!" she said, in a reference to Trump's 2016 rival, Jeb Bush.

Ouch..."Jeb" Trump....that's a sick burn...

To ensure wall funding, Trump said he would extend temporary protections for three years for "Dreamers," young people brought to the country illegally as children. Administration officials said the protections would apply only to the approximately 700,000 people currently enrolled in the Obama-era program shielding them from deportation, and not all those who could be eligible. The plan would offer no pathway to citizenship for those immigrants — a deal breaker for many Democrats.

No pathway to citizenship, no deal...

Listen to what says Trump tomorrow - or you can listen to Ingram, Malkin and Limbaugh tonight and you'll already know.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

"Trump proposes amnesty," tweeted conservative firebrand Ann Coulter. "We voted for Trump and got Jeb!" she said, in a reference to Trump's 2016 rival, Jeb Bush.

Odd how those who usually rail against the media are fine with having the likes of Coulter, Fox et al, setting the agenda.

And as the First Republic crumbles, the shutdown bites... the fear and loathing stoked up by Coulter and cronies spills over.


4 ( +7 / -3 )

Hooray the Dems. Trump's Wall is a waste of money which could be better spent in other ways on border security and with better results. However, it has become more than that now. It's now about politics and not about border security. He can't allow his prime campaign promise to fail, despite it's failings. And he is a worthless man who is prepared to hurt his people to see his folly come to fruition. He did this to the government workers and he can undo it (and so can the Reps if Mitch would just get his tongue out of Trump's butthole) in a moment.

Dems, never capitulate to this idiot's demands. Stay strong.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Democrats dismissed Trump's proposal even before his formal remarks.

Pretty much all you need to know. The rest of the article is just filler.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

It’s not just Dems, no one with a modicum of intelligence is Buying his desperation. He still has the unintelligent, of course, but even some of them are starting to see the truth as they line up for food because they’re not getting paid over Trump’s self-proclaimed shutdown. Must be awfully hard medicine for them in particular.

And where’s Mitch? The man is LITERALLY cowering in hiding somewhere. What a craven fool.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

More like, 'Grow up Trump'. He started this ridiculous, pointless shutdown over his ridiculous, pointless wall and is 100% responsible for it and his ridiculous, pointless presidency.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Pretty much all you need to know.  The rest of the article is just filler.

You're assuming the Dems didn't know the proposal before it was formally announced. I'm certain you're incorrect, but I know that won't stop you trying to paint the Dems as unreasonable in this particular point.

This is all you need to know because it demonstrates Trump doesn't even have the support of the senate:

Trump's plan seems to stand little chance of getting the 60 votes needed in the Senate. 

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Odd how those who usually rail against the media are fine with having the likes of Coulter, Fox et al, setting the agenda.

That’s ok, when you expert conservatives giving their political opinions and advice that’s a good thing, the last administration did the same with the liberal networks, so it’s all good.

And as the First Republic crumbles, the shutdown bites... the fear and loathing stoked up by Coulter and cronies spills over.

It already crumbled and now for some reason the liberals want to keep it in the gutter, don’t understand why that is.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

It already crumbled and now for some reason the liberals want to keep it in the gutter, don’t understand why that is.

It hasn't crumbled, but I'll play along. It crumbled under Bush II and Obama brought it back!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Obama was not setting policy via twitter after watching Morning Joe.

No, but msnbc, Jeffrey Imelt, Sharpton and Maddow did.

It hasn't crumbled

Not only did it crumble, but driving through California should send chills through everyone’s spine. If the Dems don’t want to take Trump on his offer, so be it, by the way where is McConnell? The socialists are eager to pass their Marxist agenda and he is nowhere to be found, the impatience is growing. Nancy.....

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

This really pisses me off to no end.

It's just pathetic that Democrats won't compromise, they are just acting like a 5-year old that didn't get their ice cream cone. They don't want to make a deal that would enable Trump to fulfill yet another campaign promise.

Dems, never capitulate to this idiot's demands. Stay strong.

Mr. President, never capitulate to the idiot Democrats' demands. Stay strong.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

This really pisses me off to no end.

It's just pathetic that Democrats won't compromise

The people have been clear they don’t want to spend the money on the wall. The Democrats are standing fast on that position. You can bet that if the people wanted the wall, the Democrats would already have folded. So your problem is that the American people don’t want the wall. Maybe you’re right to be pissed off that you’re in the minority in America, but nevertheless that’s how it is. Want the wall? Get the people to want the wall. Or get Mexico to pay for it.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

They don't want to make a deal that would enable Trump to fulfill yet another campaign promise.

Trump never promised America would pay for a wall.

You may be fuzzy on the details but the rest of us are clear.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

They don't want to make a deal that would enable Trump to fulfill yet another campaign promise.

The only people who can help Trump fulfill his campaign promise are the Mexicans.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Stranger: The people have been clear they don’t want to spend the money on the wall.

They never polled me. These polls that claim the majority of Americans don't want to spend money on a decent physical barrier so the border patrol can do their job are BS.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

In exchange for allowing those who were brought to the States illegally as babies to promise to leave in three years, Trump will allow Congress to give him 6 billion dollars. What a deal! How could anyone say no to such a great deal?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Show me a single piece of evidence of this. Just one.

Double your pleasure.



Yes, the world's fifth largest economy is an utter wasteland. Keep grasping at straws

For the 1-3% it’s a paradise, they can afford walls, the rest though



-7 ( +1 / -8 )

They don't want to make a deal that would enable Trump to fulfill yet another campaign promise.

Didn’t he say he was going to throw all illegal immigrants out as well as making Mexico pay for the wall?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

And you conveniently assume they did. That’s why you wait until after someone announces something to rebut. You have to at least pretend you listened and thought.

So why at 4pm did they reject due to lack of needed things being included. Things that Trump announced at 4:05pm were included?

Fail. 2nd time as their other podium speech rebutted things he didn’t say too.

You're assuming the Dems didn't know the proposal before it was formally announced.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The only people who can help Trump fulfill his campaign promise are the Mexicans.

No, the U.S. Congress can fund the wall, but if they don't, Trump will declare a national emergency and order the military to build it. Either way he's going to fulfill that promise, adding it to the slew of promises already kept.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Didn’t he say he was going to throw all illegal immigrants out as well as making Mexico pay for the wall?

Democrats also said that they were for border security. Been waiting 30 years for the border to be sealed and yet.....

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Pelosi: “For one thing, this proposal does not include the permanent solution for the Dreamers and TPS recipients that our country needs and supports”

i have a solution, if no deal, we deport them because they are illegally here. Permanent enough solution for you?

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

All illegals should be removed and go to the back of the line.

Just as all you liberals would support if there were 20 million illegals here in Japan.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

a decent physical barrier

I never thought I’d see the day when the word ‘wall’ became off-limits.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Stranger: The people have been clear they don’t want to spend the money on the wall.

They never polled me. These polls that claim the majority of Americans don't want to spend money on a decent physical barrier so the border patrol can do their job are BS.

"I couldn't care less what 350,000,000 people said, if they didn't poll me, it ain't true..."

Sometimes I wonder if these Trumpers are pulling our leg - they can't be that stupid, but then...

All illegals should be removed and go to the back of the line.

Just as all you liberals would support if there were 20 million illegals here in Japan.

They say something like this...

Pelosi: “For one thing, this proposal does not include the permanent solution for the Dreamers and TPS recipients that our country needs and supports”

i have a solution, if no deal, we deport them because they are illegally here. Permanent enough solution for you?

And this...

No, the U.S. Congress can fund the wall, but if they don't, Trump will declare a national emergency and order the military to build it. Either way he's going to fulfill that promise, adding it to the slew of promises already kept.

No he isn't, and Trumpers will find some convenient excuse to rationalize it. But make no mistake, it a FAIL...

As we can see, the Trumpers here are in a real tizzy - their Oracle has just offered amnesty to illegal immigrants - "Oh the horror!" And he's getting roasted by the far right wing nuts who once supported him, showing him as much loyalty as he shows his former cabinet members.

Trumpworld is in meltdown - and that's just with this latest shutdown cave. When you factor in Cohen and suborning perjury, their heads are exploding...

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Nobody’s head exploding. I’m just telling you that the deal has everything you want and everything you are gonna get and more than you should get.

So take it. If you don’t I don’t wanna hear about the precious Dreamers or people not getting paid. That’s on you guys now.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

"I couldn't care less what 350,000,000 people said, if they didn't poll me, it ain't true..."


Sometimes I wonder if these Trumpers are pulling our leg - they can't be that stupid, but then

We say the same thing about the TDS haters in the US.

As we can see, the Trumpers here are in a real tizzy - their Oracle has just offered amnesty to illegal immigrants - "Oh the horror!" And he's getting roasted by the far right wing nuts who once supported him, showing him as much loyalty as he shows his former cabinet members. 

Trumpworld is in meltdown - and that's just with this latest shutdown cave. When you factor in Cohen and suborning perjury, their heads are exploding...

How is it in meltdown with the President isn’t even suffering poll wise on the wall? I think the liberals heads are exploding because every single day and every single trap they

lay is like watching the Roadrunner show.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

TDS? Trump Desires Stormy?

Trump Defeats Socialists.

He's getting creamed - the people took him for for his word for once - "I own the shutdown, I'll take the mantle". Even Fox can't spin it any other way..."Pelosi and Schumer are winning"

Impossible, if the President were getting creamed then the Dems would have been able to get their progressive legislation through, seems like a stalemate to me, impasse at best, so when the Dems accomplish something legislatively and the President has absolutely nothing then I will tip my hat, until then, here we both are. Let’s see CNN and Mika, Joe and Lemon Spin this.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

the last administration did the same with the liberal networks, so it’s all good.

the liberals want to keep it in the gutter, don’t understand why that is.

The socialists are eager to pass their Marxist agenda

I think the liberals heads are exploding

I think some people don't have a basic understanding of politics outside of their own ill-defined outlook.

Trump is the architect of this mess. And whilst it's amusing on the surface, when you realise that this is people's lives and livelyhoods at stake, it becomes something much more serious.

The cheerleading from the right as America implodes is quite something, though.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

How long before Donny boy changes his mind, now that Coulter is challenging his manhood again.

TDS?Trump Desires Stormy?

Priceless .

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I'm not a Republican and I'm not a Democrat. I support both, depending on the issue at hand. In this case I have changed my mind. SOME parts of the US/Mexico border NEED a wall. Whoever disagrees is just plain and simply wrong. Period.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

I think some people don't have a basic understanding of politics outside of their own ill-defined outlook.

...and yet so many liberals think that they do, a bit annoying actually.

Trump is the architect of this mess. And whilst it's amusing on the surface, when you realise that this is people's lives and livelyhoods at stake, it becomes something much more serious.

The cheerleading from the right as America implodes is quite something, though.

Trump is not the architect of this, he never wanted it, all the Dems had to do was fund his wall, he would have given the Democrat socialists anything they wanted, even giving 700,000 DACA dreamers citizenship, but once again, the obstructionists Democrats said no, so then they don’t get their agenda passed as well. Liberals blame Trump and we blame Pelosi, total impasse. So if the Democrats are serious, they will take the initiative to do something, vote to protect our southern border and Trump can reciprocate deals they may want, but as of now, not going to happen, shame on Pelosi, shame on the Democrat Marxists.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

she tells it like it is and that is good, we all need constructive criticism.

She doesn't tell it like it is, though. She's made a career out of vilifying others, suggesting Muslims should be converted to Christianity and denigrating women's rights to name but a few of her moments.

I can see why some people like her, though. Her language is simplistic and appeals to angry, impotently raging types.

But constructive criticism isn't what she does. She's an self-confessed stirrer, nothing more than that.

Coulter calls everyone names, good and bad, that’s why I like her

And yet if one of your bette noire liberals did such a thing, you'd be all over them. Odd, that.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

They don't want to make a deal that would enable Trump to fulfill yet another campaign promise.

exactly the same as what the republican tries to do with Obama, Trump is holding American workers hostage because he refuses to budge on his 5.6billion partial wall, yet he offers to bring back DACA , which was there originally before he took it away, LOL where is the compromise in any of that. Make no mistake Trump will never get his sea to sea wall, he may get a partial barrier and fence for the rest, the US border will always be porous no matter what Trump tries to do.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

...and yet so many liberals think that they do, a bit annoying actually.

Seeing as you can't tell the difference between liberals, socialists and Marxists, I'll take your comment with a large pinch of salt.

Trump is not the architect of this, he never wanted it, all the Dems had to do was fund his wall

Er, literally, he wanted a wall from the beginning. Over and over and over again. He pushed the agenda, lied about who would pay for it and stirred up division and racial animosity over it.

shame on Pelosi, shame on the Democrat Marxists.

Pelosi is about as Marxist as Gerry Adams is an Ulster Loyalist. SMH, etc.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Trump was the one who put the DACAs in limbo to begin with, and his offer is to get us back to where we were, temporarily, for 3 years?

Nah. No wall for you.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Dems accomplish something legislatively and the President has absolutely nothing then I will tip my hat,

compared to when Trump controlled the house / senate he could ram any legislation through he wanted, but now the tide has turned and Trump has no choice but to compromise, that in itself is a victory. Holding AMerican workers hostage will only make them turn on him more. Still got more funding legistaltion , and debt ceilings to be raised in the next 2yrs wonder if Trump will continue to hold the American works hostage for that also. Come 2020 we'll see if American want another 4yrs of this Trump circus or bring down the big top for good

2 ( +3 / -1 )


President Donald Trump on Saturday boasted to reporters about how well San Antonio’s border wall is working. But the Texas city is 150 miles from the Mexican border and has no wall.

“Everybody knows that walls work. You look at different places, they put up a wall, no problem,” Trump said outside the White House. “You look at San Antonio, you look at so many different places, they go from one of the most unsafe cities in the country to one of the safest cities, immediately, immediately.”


The shutdown and the wall of lies. All this winning and honesty is just too, too much.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Trump is not the architect of this

When did his statement that he would accept responsibility for the shutdown and not blame the democrats become null and void?

As soon as he said it?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

What? You don't believe Fox News? Mika and Joe don't have to say anything, when Coulter is calling him "Jeb" and every other far right nutter is saying he's supporting amnesty. Can't wait to hear what Limbaugh calls him...

Big time meltdown....

I don’t belive Democrats, but I believe how nutty their lapdogs are. Mika, Joe and Lemon are the embodiment of TV liberal msm joke and not that funny. Coulter calls everyone names, good and bad, that’s why I like her and so many people including the President, she tells it like it is and that is good, we all need constructive criticism. As for the meltdown the liberals just can’t seem to get this President down, they funny.

Well, a typical diversion - trying to introduce Democrats into what is entirely a Conservative food fight.

Your gal Coulter, who as has been cited above is nothing but a provocateur for pay, says Trump reneges on his campaign promise and is no better than Jeb Bush - a real insult in Trump-world. A slam more worse than any Liberal could make.

Yet you say you "like her"... So who's right - "Jeb" or Coulter?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

If both the right and left are criticizing Trumps proposal, it must be a reasonable compromise that anyone remaining in the political center should be open to.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

@Wolfpack, fair point. But if a very expensive wall is completely unacceptable to one side but a complete necessity for the other, where do you go? Personally I'd give him the money in return for some very strong action on gun control. And you know what, I think that in his heart Trump wants stronger gun control. Would his base consider that a fair trade?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

She doesn't tell it like it is, though.

Yes, she does I’m regards to how the conservative base thinks. She also gets under liberals skin like no other an added bonus.

She's made a career out of vilifying others, suggesting Muslims should be converted to Christianity and denigrating women's rights to name but a few of her moments.

I can see why some people like her, though. Her language is simplistic and appeals to angry, impotently raging types.

That’s just nonsense, but I will digress, she’s attacked liberals almost as viciously as the liberals have attacked her, so liberals like to dish it, but can’t take it and also, there is nothing wrong with Ann wanting to put America and Americans first and I understand that, now liberals will call racism to anything, it just has no bite in it whatsoever because when liberals think fast food is racist, you just can’t take them seriously anymore. Ann has been always hawkish about the border as many of us are, whereas the Democrats have not, kudos to her for pushing the issue and pushing the President on the issue, love the woman.

But constructive criticism isn't what she does. She's an self-confessed stirrer, nothing more than that.

We say the same about the House Democrats....really.

And yet if one of your bette noire liberals did such a thing, you'd be all over them. Odd, that.

It’s the liberals mantra, kinda desensitized to it.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

It is not that Democrats are not buying it -- the vast majority of the American people are not buying it. Dead on arrival.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The shutdown and the wall of lies. All this winning and honesty is just too, too much.

So is the ACA, one big costly lie.

Well, a typical diversion - trying to introduce Democrats into what is entirely a Conservative food fight.

....with the Democrats being drawn into it and getting hit with the cabbage.

Your gal Coulter, who as has been cited above is nothing but a provocateur for pay, says Trump reneges on his campaign promise and is no better than Jeb Bush - a real insult in Trump-world. A slam more worse than any Liberal could make.

Yet you say you "like her"... So who's right - "Jeb" or Coulter?

Yeah, nice try, always liked the woman and Trump reneging on a promise? Out of over 200 a few isn’t that bad, can live with that. Also, don’t know why you talk about Jeb, why not talk about Kasich or Rubio, keep digging. Lol

No one cares about these people and Trump doesn’t even talk to the guy, but Ann is a different story, smart, lots of brains and if that person can jab a needle under the establishments skin, they alright in my book. She funny.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

The fact Pelosi made her statements before Trump made his proposal just shows she is not willing to compromise or negotiate. This is going to backfire on the Dems. Trump is offering EXACTLY what they want, and they still won't budge. Point made.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Question for the anti-wall/Trumpers -

Why does Nancy "Let's Talk In Private" Pelosi refuse to meet with Angel Moms?

Hint: She doesn't have the guts.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The Democrats don't care about the people. All I hear is nope, open the gov't so we can sit on our ass again and accomplish nothing like we always do.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Pelosi, Schumer and even Obama and Hillary have voted for 600 miles of steel slat fencing, pedestrian and vehicle barriers in the past. They are desperate not to give an inch to the President because their radical open borders base would riot and begin perotests in their offices again. The racist La Raza and radical open borders groups have them pinned between a rock and political exile.

It is unbelievable watching Pelosi refuse to meet with Angel families and instead doing all they can to meet the demands of groups demanding the American Dream for Mexicans and Central Americans.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Pelosi, Schumer and even Obama and Hillary have voted for 600 miles of steel slat fencing, pedestrian and vehicle barriers in the past. They are desperate not to give an inch to the President because their radical open borders base would riot and begin perotests in their offices again.

How dare they not give Trump what he wants, even when the people don't want what he wants, and what he didn't campaign on. How dare they not waste American's money on things the Americans don't want. How dare they represent the people. HOW DARE THEY!!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

These polls that claim the majority of Americans don't want to spend money on a decent physical barrier so the border patrol can do their job are BS.

Heh, Republicans denying reality again.

Sorry, the people have been very clear Trump is at fault for Trump's shutdown, and they have been clear that they don't want Trump's shutdown nor Trump's wall.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

So is the ACA, one big costly lie.

Hah - when you're outfoxed on the wall/shutdown and have nothing to answer with, just insert a diversion...

Well, a typical diversion - trying to introduce Democrats into what is entirely a Conservative food fight.

....with the Democrats being drawn into it and getting hit with the cabbage.

See above - and Trump is tossing cabbage at Ann and Ann is tossing grenades back at Trump - internal Repub food fight. Ann seems to be winning...

Your gal Coulter, who as has been cited above is nothing but a provocateur for pay, says Trump reneges on his campaign promise and is no better than Jeb Bush - a real insult in Trump-world. A slam more worse than any Liberal could make.

Yet you say you "like her"... So who's right - "Jeb" or Coulter?

Yeah, nice try, always liked the woman and Trump reneging on a promise? Out of over 200 a few isn’t that bad, can live with that. Also, don’t know why you talk about Jeb, why not talk about Kasich or Rubio, keep digging. Lol

I was expecting another swing and a miss - just like with Don Jr/Eric saying they get all their money from Russia and Daddy saying "no investments". So who is right and who do you support - Trump's deal or Coulter calling it "amnesty"? Simple question...

No one cares about these people and Trump doesn’t even talk to the guy, but Ann is a different story, smart, lots of brains and if that person can jab a needle under the establishments skin, they alright in my book. She funny.

She sure jabbed one at Trump - "Jeb" - that's a smackdown...do you agree with her?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

they don't want Trump's shutdown nor Trump's wall.

Yes, they have been very clear, Mr. President, hold the line.



0 ( +2 / -2 )

Democrats aren't buying Trump's shutdown-ending 'compromise'

The Democrats decided in January 2018 that they were not going to cooperate with anything the Republicans wanted to do. This isn't a new low for the Democrats, it's the same ol' low they reached when they decided to replace good government with "resist".

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Hah - when you're outfoxed on the wall/shutdown 

Trump is a pragmatist, interested in winning the long term political game. He is capitalizing on every opportunity to expose the Democrats for who they truly are. The Democrats will never be able to say that Trump didn't do everything he could to reach out to them which makes them look even worse.

He will fund the wall with emergency funds and end the shutdown but after revealing the Dems for what they are: clueless opportunists.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

She ( Coulter ) sure jabbed one at Trump - "Jeb" - that's a smackdown...do you agree with her?

Like Trump, Coulter isn't perfect. But both of them make the Democrats look like morons.

Speaking of smackdowns, it will be a long time before anyone tops what Trump did the other day in canceling Nancy's excursion to Europe in the middle of a gov't shutdown. Unless Trump tops it himself.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

She ( Coulter ) sure jabbed one at Trump - "Jeb" - that's a smackdown...do you agree with her?

Like Trump, Coulter isn't perfect. But both of them make the Democrats look like morons.

Can't answer the question, can you...

Speaking of smackdowns, it will be a long time before anyone tops what Trump did the other day in canceling Nancy's excursion to Europe in the middle of a gov't shutdown. Unless Trump tops it himself.

"We didn't elect Jeb" - ouch.....

I was expecting another swing and a miss - just like with Don Jr/Eric saying they get all their money from Russia and Daddy saying "no investments". So who is right and who do you support - Trump's deal or Coulter calling it "amnesty"? Simple question...

Come on Trumpers - simple question - why all the silence? Who's right here Trump (deal) or Coulter (amnesty)?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

As a non-American I find it amazing that one man has the power to shut down a nation's government, no wonder the US is only 21 in the world's democracy rankings.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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