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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2016.Democrats sue Trump for alleged voter intimidation in four states
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Quintessentially the Republican party. Get ready for more lawsuits Trump & followers. About time we get rid of this racist, obstructionist, immoral, back to the 19th century - party.
Its all about voter suppression, conspiracy theories, emails, and Wikileaks at this point for the GOP. Not so much policy.
Black Sabbath
The GOP Is more a hate group than a political party.
And he's got Fox 'news' and the alt right media blaring to Trump's low info followers an easy to remember meme to distract them from Trump's huuuuge number of bigleague problems.
Clinton emails. Trump admitting sexual assault. Clinton emails. Trump charity fraud. Clinton emails. Trump calls for nuclear proliferation. Clinton emails. Trump calls for national stop and frisk. Clinton emails. Trump violates trade embargo with Cuba. Clinton emails. Trump sued over Trump U fraud. Clinton emails. Trump bribes DA. Clinton emails. Trump doesnt pay taxes for 20 years. Clinton emails. Trump employs campaign manager involved in illegal corruption with Russia. Clinton emails. Trump calls for ban of an entire religion from entering US. Clinton emails. Trump lied about support for Iraq War over and over in debate. Clinton emails. Trump in court for rape of a minor. Clinton emails. Trump unaware of Russia's Crimea occupation. Clinton emails. Trump unaware of situation in Syria. Clinton emails. Trump penalized for racist housing discrimination. Clinton emails. Trump files for bankrupcy 6 times. Clinton emails. Trump goes 0-3 in debates by showing scant knowledge of world politics. Clinton emails. Trump slams people for being POWs. Clinton emails. Trump calls mexicans rapists. Clinton emails. Trump questions judge's integrity because of parent's heritage. Clinton emails. Trump deletes emails involved in casino scandal. Clinton emails. Trump commits insurance fraud after florida hurricane. Clinton emails. Trump has dozens of assault victims and witnesses come forward with allegations of abuse. Clinton emails. Trump attacks former Ms America for being overweight. Clinton emails. Trump tweets about sex tapes at 3am. Clinton emails. Trump calls for US citizens to be sent to Gitmo. Clinton emails. Trump calls for more extreme forms of torture to be used. Clinton emails. Trump asks why cant we use our nukes if we have them. Clinton emails. Trump calls for offensive bombing attack on sovereign nations because someone gave the middle finger. Clinton emails. Trump calls to kill women and children of suspected terrorists. Clinton emails. Trump says women should be punished for having abortions. Clinton emails. Trump makes fun of disabled people. Clinton emails. Trump calls for end of freedom of the press. Clinton emails. Trump calls global warming a Chinese hoax. Clinton emails. Trump praises Putin and Kim Jong Un's strong leadership. Clinton emails. Trump openly admits to not paying his employees during debate. Clinton emails. Trump calls Obama an illegitimate noncitizen hundreds of times over 7 years. Clinton emails. Trump uses campaign donations to enrich his own businesses. Clinton emails. Trump says Ted Cruz involved in JFK assassination unironically citing National Enquirer. Clinton emails. Trump says laziness is an inherent trait in black people. Clinton emails.
Which international 'financiers' is he beholden to?
But, but, clinton's emails!
Christopher Smith
This whole presidential election campaign is just like one lousy reality show.
It confirms your prejudice? Why do you think Wikileaks hasn't hacked Trump's tax info? And if they have, why haven't they published it?
Simon Foston
bass4funkNOV. 01, 2016 - 01:00PM JST
It wasn't a comment about liberals you added the "LMAO" to.
Lizz: "Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly
You are just now receiving this misinformation?
Simon Foston
wtfjapanNOV. 01, 2016 - 10:49AM JST
Right, I don't suppose any Trump groupies will be in the mood to talk about the information about Trump/Russia connections the FBI is allegedly sitting on, allegations that Trump's companies destroyed documents requested in court orders, or people like Alberto Gonzales criticising James Comey. Not to mention Trump blabbering on about this Clinton email thing being bigger than Watergate when in fact it's starting to look pretty inconsequential.
Simon Foston
bass4funkNOV. 01, 2016 - 11:40AM JST
Well, you do seem to have a bit of a blind spot when it comes to Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein. I don't suppose you have anything to say about why Epstein would have 14 phone numbers for Trump and his people, including emergency numbers, car numbers and numbers for his security guard.
What, you find child abuse amusing?
I do find it interesting that you people keep repeating 'the debate', without specifying which debate that was.
Which debate was it?
Just shocking what the GOP has become:
Four individuals, led by Republican Shane Hubers, have attempted to purge 139 voters (most of them black Democrats) from the rolls in Beaufort County by challenging their registration. Voters whose registration is challenged are informed via mail and must appear at a county board of elections or return a notarized form. Otherwise their voting rights are nullified.
Fantasy framed as fact. By the Japan Correspondent of the Daily Trump.
Do you actually think it's funny that Trump glories in his ability to assault women (and girls) because he's a rich member of the NY elite? You seem to think that laws against assaulting women apply only to the peasants, not the elite.
Ah, yes. The voter intimidation case heard round the (conservative) world.
But that's old hat.
The new thing is to create websites where you can print "election monitor" badges with your picture on them. You can also join with Trump directly to be a monitor: Open to everyone!
Surely, it is a criminal offence to engage in voter interference? Where are the news feeds of people being arrested then? And where are the FBI? Oh, that's right! They are too busy investigating Clinton for her criminality .......,,
I will vote for Putin.
Meanwhile we have an actual case of in-person voter fraud. That would be number 32 out of the last billion. And guess what, it was a Trump supporter caught voting twice. What a surprise. So Donny was not as grotesquely wrong on this as we all thought - just he was looking in the wrong direction!
I am not partisan. I think both the Republican and Democratic parties have far too much power. This 60 Minutes segment shows that elected officials in DC probably spend more time working for their respective parties than for their constituents. I think the power the party hierarchies have must be curtailed and would like to see them taken on, but fear a loose cannon like Trump trying to do so. I am more anti-Trump than pro-Hillary.
I am appalled that anyone can joke about a self-confessed sexual predator like Trump. But then right wingers on this site have long decried being PC. They may be 1st Amendment protected, but I think joking about sexual assaults is disgusting.
This is precisely the reason that the Supreme Court should not have gutted the Voting Rights act earlier this year. Many states cannot be trusted to run elections in a fair and transparent manner. Provisions already exist at state level throughout the US for hiring poll watchers, who are temporary county or ward employees there to assist those with questions, disabilities,etc. The poll trolls that Trump has summoned have neither status nor training, and intend not to assist voters but to intimidate them. They should be subject to arrest if they encroach on polling places or create physical or psychological barriers to citizens seeking to exercise their right to vote.
He (Don the Con) is practicing voter "depression". Get the electorate feeling so bad about the election cycle this time around and they'll not even bother to vote. A woman in one of the Carolinas was found to have voted for The Trumpster twice, saying that she was afraid her first ballot would be tampered with. All for naught Donald, all for naught. On the morning of 11/9, we will have made history and voted in a female for the first time as POTUS.. It's her time ! 1/20/17 - "Madame President" ! GO HILLARY ! ! !
What happens on election day in the us, do parties reps hand out how-to-vote leaflets (how to vote for us that is) at or near polling places?
That's what we have in oz, can't stand it. I like the sausage sizzle atmosphere but overly pushy party reps ruin it for me. Elction day is about voters, let them decide.
i don't understand - what are poll watchers gonna do to me if I vote for Hillary, shoot me?
I doubt Black voters can be intimidated in this day and age. I assume if some Rube KKK morons showed up at a voting booth, they would themselves be lynched, and no one on Earth would shed a tear. Anyway the Reb breed has already committed fraud this election so the Dems are entitled to a proportionate response
nothing about that or are we just cherry picking on a cool Monday morning? cherry picking! holy crap there are so many cherries on Trumps tree its about to collapse, but but Clintons emails!!
"Happened in 1980, so be careful what you wish for."
Ok. So where are you getting the 67 million Trump votes already in the bag from? Who's saying this?
Yeah, Jimizo - numbers are hard. One particularly prolific JT poster has difficulty with the number of branches of the Federal government (he tends to count the Senate and House separately, which would result in four). Then there's Trump, who, despite trying to keep a low profile, can't help but say insane things - like this:
Don't worry - I did the math for you: That would equal 64,484.2 illegal immigrants pouring over what would physically have to be every nook and cranny of all US borders, each and every minute, for an entire week. Still, you can't pin this solely on Trump; Republicans have always sucked at math. Take a look at any GOP budget proposal over the last four decades. (They suck at science, too, but that's a different story.)
Reality has a liberal bias - that is, gravity and mathematics and all that "sciency" stuff exists independent of vain human hope, something conservatives seem to have difficulty coming to terms with. A week from tomorrow, after the chickens have come home to roost, Putin writes off his little venture, Trump heads off in earnest to his Trump TV venture, and the GOP begins to realize the extent to which they have been had, well, even then, for many Americans, 2+2 will still not equal 4. But the majority of Americans - those who get it - will move on and do our best to move America further along into the 21st c., despite the human detritus we must drag behind us.
In their desperate attempts to alter the final results, Trump and his cronies--including though not limited to Vladimir Putin's admirers or puppets who have advocated a people's democracy--would do anything to undermine our constitutional administration, to transform the USA to a sort of "third world country." I'm wondering whether Trump and his cronies know that this Maoist expression has been rejuvenated in China as the Zhonghua gongchandang making Xi Jin-ping its "core" leader? Director Comey should have informed the Americans about the danger of our enemies' interferences into our election and confirm his investigation into the hacking of the Democrat e-mails. There will be no problem with better relations between the two peoples of the Russian Federation and the USA. Bit it would be a betrayal if one capitalizes our democratic foundation to serve our enemies' espionnages.
Looks like the GOP has created a monster (ala Frankenstein) and now they are going to have to live with it. Even SOH Paul Ryan has made it known that he voted early "for our nominee'. COULDN'T EVEN BRING HIMSELF TO SAY THE GUY'S NAME. (in the same breath mentioning Hillary several times) Also, the Gov. of my state, John Kasich (R), could not support Trump, and wrote in John McCain. Surprised he didn't write in his own name. They (GOP) don't even have the cahone to back the guy they've nominated ! GO HILLARY ! ! ! We're stronger together !
That's a major part of it. I would have much preferred Bernie, and to be honest, I think most of what has come out recently has shown that he was a much better candidate.
But she's still infinitely better than Trump, even with the scandals that have come out.
That she's not Trump. Plus a whole whack of other things. But keep in mind that most important one - she's not Trump.
Yeah, he only has to worry about being found guilty of raping a child.
The only person caught so far in election fraud this election is a Trump supporter who voted twice.
If Hillary loses, the election was rigged.
"I think many of us believe that if Trump loses, the election is not only rigged, but the Dems have huge backup, the MSM, the DOJ, the BLM, so all the bias and racist groups."
Given the crackpot beliefs flying around on the right - Obama may be a Muslim and declare martial law or Sharia in the next few days to name but one, it wouldn't surprise me if these lunatics think that Beelzebub himself is in on the rigging.
Another lunatic belief flying around is Trump has 67 million voters in the bag already. How nuts is that?
Neal Stephenson sold the Snow Crash virus to the Democrats.
The first reason I'm very interested in the 67 million figure is that I'm concerned about what a Trump presidency could do to civilization.
The second reason I'm interested is I like to place sizeable bets on the outcomes of the UK and US elections. I've been looking at the numbers pretty carefully and 67 million votes already in the bag for Trump is enormous and blows my idea for a bet clean out of the water.
The expression 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence' is very apt here. I just want to see it before I place my wager.
Not sure? I admire the honesty. No one is sure. You are putting your faith in a guy who has no history of policy, nothing you can hang your hat on as a workable or even a coherent plan, and obviously reacts from the gut in hostile ways despite his advisors attempting to help him.
I'm finding many Trump fans who aren't a "deplorable" simply feel that destroying the system is an acceptable risk since its not doing anything for them. Nothing left to lose, so pray to Trump to make you great again.
As Michael Moore said, it will be the biggest f*#@ you the world has ever seen, and people will feel good about it until they realize what they've actually done.
Unfortunately some people aren't smart enough to be able to look ahead to see what the results of that f%#@ you will be.
Not sure why Lizz is down voted for merely stating a fact.
Sure, Trump is a horrible candidate and yes, Ms. Clinton is more qualified for office however the e-mail issue is a big deal in my well as getting the debate questions in advance, etc., etc., etc.
I agree with many sentiments expressed by anti-Trump posters however what Trump is doing monitoring polls is in no way equivalent to what the KKK did and to say so does nothing to help anyone. Remember the New Black Panther party?
Unfortunately Americans are now stuck with one of these 2 becoming our next President.
@cheers lizz thanks for the info
All Americans know how to do is sue one another. It was not always this way.
Nevada supposed to be Republican state but moreClinton. Voting machines used voting that computing how many each got is easy color us to know. Ads by local candidates were all full with lies. But so far Hillary is winning Nevada.
@PTownsend - thanks for the explanation and link. I am quite against Trump and also anti Clinton.
You made this statement,
" I think both the Republican and Democratic parties have far too much power. This 60 Minutes segment shows that elected officials in DC probably spend more time working for their respective parties than for their constituents. I think the power the party hierarchies have must be curtailed and would like to see them taken on but fear a loose cannon like Trump trying to do so"
I completely agree with you - 100%. I also would be willing to bet there are some people supporting Trump who would agree with the basic premise of your statement and believe Trump would challenge this power. I do not think Trump would challenge this power and I also agree he is a loose cannon as well which could be a dangerous thing.
I wonder if there are people that vehemently disagree with each other on this website but would agree on the basic premise that the current power structure in the U.S. (2-parties dominating) is not healthy and is in the end corrupt.
A strong 3rd Party would possible help alleviate this.
@Superlib - a couple of comments on your post.
"Ah, yes. The voter intimidation case heard round the (conservative) world."
So is this due to the fact that some/most media outlets did not report this? This did really happen. I am trying to understand what you mean here.
"The new thing is to create websites where you can print "election monitor" badges with your picture on them. You can also join with Trump directly to be a monitor: Open to everyone!"
I followed your link and I see he is soliciting data which should match voter registration data. I believe this is illegal in some jurisdictions. I did not see any reference to printing an election monitor badge on his website. Is there another site where you found that? I am very curious about this as again the legality of this varies by jurisdiction.
It'll be nothing but drivel from now until Nov 8th under Trumpet voter repression
What do you think, should we keep playing with them, or let them in on the secret?
Ok, I'll let the secret out of the bag.
Sorry boys, we've actually got secret Democrat new sites where you can only get in after getting a brain scan to prove you support Hillary. We've actually used UV signals from computer screens to hypnotize your brains so that even if the URL is in front of you, your brain filters it out so you can't see it. In those news sites, we've come up with ways for all of us to vote between 3 and 16 times each, and we discuss how exactly we'll make it happen without you guys knowing.
The others are going to be mad at me, but I can't play with your guys' heads any longer, I feel bad for it.
My apologies, folks. The incident of the woman voting twice took place in Iowa.
And look at what we've got at the top of the Republicans - a liar molester, and a molester who ran a network of liars.
Men in general are quick to believe that which they wish to be true.
I think that is just about right. Americans are literally being taught to hate one another and their own heritage. The government, the media, and big business are an incestuous group whose top ranks rotate around and support one another - read the Podesta emails for a good example of this unsavory system in action. Meanwhile tens of millions cannot find a job or one that will support a middle class way of life. The $20 trillion debt cannot possibly be paid and the interest on it alone has become a major budget item. Relative to past generations the future is beginning to look bleak. Why not tear down the corrupted system represented so perfectly by the now ultra-wealthy Clintons?
I agree. I was really hoping for Bernie, I think he is the one candidate who would have made a major change for the better. Hillary probably won't change much. Trump will ruin the country. The rest of the Republican candidates, with the possible exception of Bush (never thought I'd say that) and Paul would have turned the country into a racist cesspit.
To be honest, it's not just the Republican party that needs reflection after this election. The Democratic party needs it as well, both to fix their rules so that a candidate like Bernie doesn't have the cards stacked against him, and to put together a comprehensive party effort to not lower down to the level of the Republicans.
But on a personal level, I'm having a great time playing their game against them and watching them get angrier and angrier.
You realize the only person found voting more than once so far this election is a Republican, right?
Trump will win in a landslide. The only people staying with Hillary are .....well, they'd stick with her no matter what.
She and her fellow crooked followers are petrified and desperate.
Hillary has brought lying and deceit to dizzying high levels. What a disgrace.
Hillary, Huma, Doug Bank, Bob Creamer, Donna Brazile, the clinton Foundation - it just never stops. Unbelievably corrupt. But they'll be gone soon.
Chair woman to the DNC and CNN contributor Donna Brazile stepped down specifically due to wikileaks,
She was fired by CNN....who by the way must have given her the questions to hand off to Hillary for the CNN debate.
@Strangerland - I agree she is a better candidate than Trump. However the sad part of this is that Americans (I am American) are lowering themselves to the best of 2 bad candidates rather than finding the best. This has been a general trend in many aspects of the U.S. over the past few decades......we are no longer even in the top 10 (or top 20 in many cases) in things that matter, i.e., educational metrics, infant mortality, etc. etc. etc. I remember graduating from university and the opportunities I had seemed endless, as with my class mates. I look at the opportunities kids coming out of college have today and it is nowhere near what I had. It almost is like watching the fall of the Roman empire
Because Wikileaks aren't hackers.
They are a media organization that publishes material given to them by whistleblowers around the world. How does anyone in 2016 not know this?
@PTownsend - Often I disagree with you (merely because I do not like Ms. Clinton and I feel you are quite partison - I am not a Republican by the way) but here you make a good point and I fully agree with you. Bass's previous comment was distasteful to say the least. This topic is not funny or humorous - it is quite serious.
Whether the allegations against Trump are true remains to be seen. The allegations involve Jeff Epstein (operator of the infamous Lolita Express) who ironically is also good friends with President Bill Clinton, who flew the Express.
This election is a mess and is at the bottom of the barrel. Ms. Clinton is obviously much more qualified than Mr. Trump to hold the office of President but neither Mr. Trump nor Ms. Clinton are worthy of this office.
Everything we've seen suggests that every person at the top of the Democrat organization is a proven liar: The Clintons, Donna Brazile, Podesta, Debbie Waterboy-Schmutz. Here we have the head of the DNC, in her capacity as a CNN commentator, getting privileged access and then dishonestly sharing questions ahead of debates with Hillary. The debate is rigged if one candidate can prep for specific questions.
Cheating is a way of life for these people.
Happened in 1980, so be careful what you wish for.
Being confident about his supporters and knowing what we know about the Wikileaks should give anyone that believes in the free and fair political process some cause as to how this election could turn out.
If the facts don't agree with Clinton ideology, they get voted down here. The way it works. It's pretty obvious which side is leading in the hate department, and it's not the Trump side.
What is striking about Lizz's comment is that this occurred during the primary debates, against members of her own political party. It is more evidence that Bernie Sanders was railroaded by the establishment and the Clinton machine. So we had Wasserman Shultz resign and now Brazile is fired by CNN. The whole thing stinks.
I do not understand why Sanders' supporters can support Ms. Clinton, unless it is to ensure Trump does not become the next President (which would be the logical conclusion)
Hmmm, there are many women that say he didn't, so now who's telling the truth? You weren't there, nor was I.
Coordinated 4 state effort = straws!
Funny that the whole Dem machine just got busted for doing the same thing.
Pathetic and scared establishment? Priceless!
This is ridiculous spin by the dnc. How is doing exit polling a threat to voters. This is just fear mongering because they know they might get caught in election fraud. It already came out in the project veritas top DNC officials ammittig their fraud. Again the dnc trying to fool their base. Dispicable people. I feel sorry for the average democratic voter. You guys need to take your party back.
Frederic Bastiat
As Democrats like to say, "vote early, and vote often. Several times, if possible."
Frederic Bastiat
" You realize the only person found voting more than once so far this election is a Republican, right?"
You must only listen to CNN.
It varies by state by is generally illegal for candidates to engage in campaigning within 25 to more than 100 feet from the entrance of a polling station (or along the sidewalk if there is curbside voting).
It hasn't stopped Bill and Hillary Clinton from violating electioneering laws on multiple occasions in several states over the years.. shaking hands with poll workers, schmoozing with voters, with huge motorcades (like that is not intimidation). Most recently walking around various precinct stations a few weeks ago during early voting. No surprise they weren't arrested ? I think not.
Todd Topolski
Lol what a joke. Sorry Democrats but it's your side which assaults homeless women, has violent riots and lunches trump supporters. And let's not forget the cugdel waving new black panthers in Philadelphia in Obama's elections at policing places threatening people.
Yeah, the Hillary lovers probably won't, I'm kinda aware of that.
Many of us feel the same about libs that post on here.
Ok, so it happens on both sides. But you can go back for over 50 years of Dems rigging elections, didn't always work, but they have been and now they caught one or two Trump supporters? Oh, here we go! Lol I think many of us believe that if Trump loses, the election is not only rigged, but the Dems have huge backup, the MSM, the DOJ, the BLM, so all the bias and racist groups.
He's smiling, with good reason and thank God for that! At least he doesn't have to worry about the FBI investigating him.
Besides the lies, corruption, dirty backdoor dealings, No policies, what else does she have to offer?
Why? Dems have been doing this for years and now Dems are shocked if She's me Republicans do it? Lol The liberal hypocrisy is always best served up cold.
To counteract the Black Panthers with clubs I think he means. This crap went down four years ago as well.
"Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly
I find liberals amusing.
If the allegations are true, NO, I do not. I have seen so many women that say the opposite that he's nothing like the things the other women say. So I'm not saying that Trump is guilt free, but I question the time when this all came out and at the time, liberals seemed to have been ok with it coming out and now that the shoe is on the other foot and the FBI is pressing for an investigation, Democrats are crying foul? You guys are hypocrites! Clinton accusers come forward, it's history, it was a long time ago. Trump accusers coming out, he's guilty, we need to investigate.... Liberals are just partisan to the bone, straight up.
Hmmmm, did I ever say that? Why you libs love gossiping so much?
This just proves that Wikileaks is enormously credible, especially when refering to voter suppression, fraud, etc.
Chair woman to the DNC and CNN contributor Donna Brazile stepped down specifically due to wikileaks,
If someone was at the polls intimidating people, they would get arrested. Recently a person was driven away from a polling place for wearing a "Make America Great" hat. With the revelations from the videos of the Dem operatives sending their own people or hiring people to disrupt Trump rallies, and cases of dead voters still voting in some places, makes me think that this is just a ploy to draw some of the heat off of the Hillary campaign. After all, it is the Republicans who have been claiming voter fraud, and surprisingly the polls show people can find it believable or not as unfavorable a comment. Just an attempt to get back some polling numbers I think,
Ahhhh, well, good luck with that. He ain't Bill Clinton. I think he likes his women older. LMAO!
PTownsend, what about the mails that the FBI have or the mails about her involvement in the other matters pertaining to her foundation, temper, lies about the keystone pipeline, big government, immigration, nothing about that or are we just cherry picking on a cool Monday morning?
"Low info followers?" You mean, Independent thinking, NOT part of the herd. Ok, so If I compile a list of Hillary's problems, you'll be scrolling this field until late this evening.
Ask Assange? Maybe he thinks that Hillary is over the top corrupt and doesn't deserve to be president. He's right about that, for once.
Voter intimidation? Isn`t that rich coming from the DNC who hired and trained agitators to go to Trump rallies and cause violence. Admitted on camera (Project Veritas) supported by the numbers on Wikileaks and White House visitor registration.
But the real story today is Donna Brazile who was "let go" (FIRED) from CNN for giving Clinton the script of questions for the CNN live debate!