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DeSantis signs bills targeting drag shows, transgender kids and the use of bathrooms and pronouns


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He signed the bills in front of a cheering crowd at the evangelical Cambridge Christian School in Tampa. 

Well, the best way to get the evangelical vote is by being cruel to sexual minorities. Because God is Love and all that.

“It’s kind of sad that we even have some of these discussions,”

You started it, you disingenuous little schmuck.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

“If he’s so confident in his policies, don’t go hiding behind signing the bills at a Christian school or place where you’re more prone to get praise for your bigotry,” Jones said. “Do it out in the community. “

Which is exactly why he will never be US president. The community outside of a few kooks in Florida see what a despicable twerp he is.

Becoming US President or any leader for that matter is less about being likeable than being less unlikeable than the alternative. There will always be a lesser evil than this faker.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The odious little worm has got nothing but culture war issues to appeal to voters, and that appeals because that's what they've been fed by the likes of Tucker Carlson.

Meanwhile in the real world, Red states have the highest rates of gun death, but that's not important because a man put on women's clothing to read a book.

The Republican Party is beyond satire.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

DeSantis signs bills targeting drag shows, transgender kids and the use of bathrooms and pronouns

DeSantis getting it done with legislation that matters to....?

He does encapsulize the whole the whole raison d'etre of republican pols for their crony corporate backers.

Distract voters from actual issues and foster resentment and rancor.


6 ( +7 / -1 )

The only good news is that his gay-bashing homophobic policies are an anathema to the large majority of the electorate that is not. So are his abortion laws, his gun laws and his insistence that nothing bad has ever happened to people because of the color of their skin and that we definitely don’t need to talk about it if it did.

The man is an unlikeable bullying jerk with tissue-thin skin and that comes out clearly in every one of these signings.

His “agenda”, which seems to consist of screaming “Woke!” And ducking questions will not play outside of Faux land - not in the swing states and not with key voting demographics.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

“I’m tired of all these liberals and democrats telling me how to raise my kids, run my business and live my life. I want the right to tell me how to do it because I can’t think for myself”

5 ( +6 / -1 )

While I am not against any of these fringe extreme minority groups, I feel their voice as extreme minorities has been heard way too much. The USA is a democracy run by the majority.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

While I am not against any of these fringe extreme minority groups I feel their voice as extreme minorities has been heard way too much.

I couldn’t describe desantis and his fans better myself.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

More policy from DeSantis that won't play well in swing states for a national election.

Look....you can't regulate away transgenders. Every day their support grows despite protest from older bigots and Christians.

This legislation will be rendered meaningless sooner rather than later. It's just a matter of time.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

While I am not against any of these fringe extreme minority groups, I feel their voice as extreme minorities has been heard way too much. The USA is a democracy run by the majority.

How about other “fringe minorities”? Blacks only make up 12.5% of the population. Shall we enact laws restricting where they can use the water fountain (again)?

Jews? They’re a relatively small minority. How about we restrict where they can live?

A representative democracy consists of majority rule AND minority rights which cannot be infringed at the whim of whatever buffoon who doesn’t happen to like them and who finds bullying them politically expedient.

And every 5th grader literate in civics knows this.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Jim Dandy

While I am not against any of these fringe extreme minority groups, I feel their voice as extreme minorities has been heard way too much. The USA is a democracy run by the majority.

Except the majority of people in the US do not believe in banning gender-affirming care or preventing children from attending drag shows. They want parents to decide those things not Ron DeSantis.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Give Rick-star Ron-Ron a break!

His endorsed candidates got their collective butts handed to them twice including the mayor of Jacksonville, where his boo spent 4X the amount of his challenger and lost. To a woman no less!

So of course he has to sneak off to sign a bunch of exclusionary bills that will be struck down in the courts in front of some fawning toadies.

Can’t you see his ego needs a good fluffing?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Republic Rep. Randy Fine, who sponsored the ban on gender-affirming care for minors, invoked his religion to defend the state’s actions.

“God does not make mistakes with our children,” Fine said.

I wonder what God thought about the 17 school children shot dead a Parkland HS in your state Rep Fine...was that a "mistake"? Or maybe the mistake was lax gun laws that permitted a sick, psychotic, lunatic to easily buy an assault weapon - lax laws promoted by far-right gun nuts like you and RINO Ron...

And does anyone else here find it ironic that someone accused of being a "Groomer" of young high school girls, might be gay, and is in the same political party as George "RuPaul" Santos is preaching morals to us?

Besides according to one Florida resident in Mar-A-Lago, his fight with Disney is a complete "disaster" and DeSantis has turned Florida into "one of the worst states to live in the US"....


Or is the person making those accusations a slanderous liar?

What do the MAGA-faithful here think?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

where they can use the water fountain (again)?

straw.man much?

what the bill actually does it to protect our children from age inappropriate ideology and “lifestyles”.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Yeah the fact that his endorsed candidates just lost shows he was chosen only because Trump asked us to pick him.

never been more obvious and he should he grateful.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Getting back to normalcy.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Yeah the fact that his endorsed candidates just lost shows he was chosen only because Trump asked us to pick him.

never been more obvious and he should he grateful.

Sounds like you disagree with Bass - he think DeSantis is a "rockstar"...

Glad to see you agree with Trump that he's a "disaster" and had led Florida to be one the "worst" states in the US...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

He's tired from his overseas trip paid for by taxpayers.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The straw man argument is to create issues that don't exist like CRT in grade schools, or teachers sexualizing children.

That is the Ron-Ron special.

If it were capable of nuance, it would realize that Jim argues for marginalizing minorities just because he doesn't care for them under the guise of "majority rights".

Using the same argument, one could make the same (but utterly ridiculous) argument to limit the rights of other minorities - in this case black Americans and Jewish Americans, via the idea of majority rule.

The fact that in the past these exact limitations have been visited upon these exact groups for this exact reason, only furthers the argument.

Everyone seems to get the analogy but one of us.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

what the bill actually does it to protect our children from age inappropriate ideology and “lifestyles”.

Maybe someday he’ll sign a bill to protect Florida children from the things that really impact them negatively. Hint, it ain’t Disney.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yeah the fact that his endorsed candidates just lost shows he was chosen only because Trump asked us to pick him.

And sang his praises. Don't forget that part.

So, you do whatever Less Intelligent Voldemort asks you to do? You have no capability for independent thought or free will of your own?

That does explain rather a lot.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Glad to see you agree with Trump that he's a "disaster" and had led Florida to be one the "worst" states in the US...

Nope didn’t say that all.

said he personally exists in his job at the mercy of Trump and Trump’s voters.

He needs to remember that.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Everyone seems to get the analogy but one of us.

six paragraphs of meandering nonsense isn’t needed to explain something that “everyone gets”.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Glad to see you agree with Trump that he's a "disaster" and had led Florida to be one the "worst" states in the US...Nope didn’t say that all.

Actually you JUST said exactly that.

he was chosen only because Trump asked us to pick him.

Only - adverb Solely. For a singular cause or reason. To the exclusion of all else.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Everyone seems to get the analogy but one of us.

six paragraphs of meandering nonsense isn’t needed to explain something that “everyone gets”.

I would try to keep it more to your level, but this sight sadly, does not support visual aids like MEMEs (or sock puppets) that would allow a person of your "cognition" to more easily understand.

Like I say, everyone else seems to have understood it rather easily.

What is your excuse?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Actually you JUST said exactly that.

Can you post where I said exactly that? I think there are reading comprehension problems again between the words I said and what you wanted to hear.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

People claiming to be Christian and hetero sure are insecure in themselves, and we all get to suffer due to their manifold insecurities. Is your neighbors sexual proclivities any of your business? Is the quality of your marriage or family life dependent on the religious observance of your neighbors? Is it even any of your doggone business? And who are you to dictate to your neighbors how to raise their kids? If your life is effed up it is your problem, not due to something your neighbor did or did not do. Is your neighbor dressing in drag really going to harm you or your family? Really? Be honest. Live your life but don't dictate to others how to live theirs. MYOB. You can dislike someone but you can't tell your neighbor they have to be like you so you can like them. They have every right as a citizen to be something you might happen to detest.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

That someone was picked only/solely because Trump told his voters to do so?

neither means or even loosely infers that he is a “disaster” nor does it mean Florida is one of the “worst” states.

Neither is the case.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Nothing is restricting your “neighbors” it is restricting adults in positions of authority over children. from misusing that power and position over other people’s children against their wishes.

its also an elected government official setting limitations on government provided services while setting policy on those based on what voters selected him to do.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Nothing is restricting your “neighbors” it is restricting adults in positions of authority over children. from misusing that power and position over other people’s children against their wishes.

It bans the state health insurance from covering gender affirming care, so yes, it is quite literally restricting your neighbors in addition to hurting transgender youth for life.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Of course there is a reason.

it’s some of the people who elected him. so he wants to show them he is doing what he was elected to do so that he can have their support for what’s next.

same as when Biden signs stuff in front of the people it’s targeted to. Politics 101.

if “religion” is the only societal thing left that cares about protecting our children, so be it. Whatever it takes.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Nothing is restricting your “neighbors” it is restricting adults in positions of authority over children. from misusing that power and position over other people’s children against their wishes.

It is very much so when a state tells parents they cannot treat their children's sexual dysphoria. The state is even threatening to arrest parents for child abuse for following the recommendations of every medical authority in the US. It is a gross abuse of the state's authority.

its also an elected government official setting limitations on government provided services while setting policy on those based on what voters selected him to do.

If I or my employer's health insurance is paying for a child's treatment there are no "public services" involved and the state needs to stay the hell out of a parents and child's medical care.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Sounds like such a family needs to move to another state then. As nothing illegal is being done, just the will of voters in muh democracy!

like retired basketball player Dwayne Wade who claimed he moved out of Florida due to these policies. yet moved in 2019 before any of them were even enacted.

enjoy Cali, fake news Dwayne.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


Sounds like such a family needs to move to another state then. As nothing illegal is being done, just the will of voters in muh democracy!

These laws are a clear violation of the 1st amendment, so likely to be struck down by the courts.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

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