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Despite harsh reviews, Trump resists new debate approach


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“Why would we change if we won the debate?”

He definitely won the debate according to the CBS poll, you know, the one that wasn't held. Or maybe he meant an online poll, one where you can click your preferred candidate many times over by just revisiting the website.

Trump's supporters remind me of my neighbour's dog. I fooled that dog several times by picking up a stick and pretending it to throw. But eventually the dog learned and found out I wasn't for real - I never fooled it again. Trump supporters, however, keep chasing that imaginary stick thrown by Trump, over and over and over again, probably until the end of time if they had the chance. They never learn.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

“If she ever got the chance, she would put the Oval Office up for sale,” Trump told

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. (Wiki)

You know the Don wants to re-brand the US with his name. The White Trump House, the Trump Grand Canyon, etc.

He must be thinking one way for him to pay off his debts to international financiers is to sell off US assets.

Release your tax info, Don! What ARE you hiding?

13 ( +18 / -5 )

There was nothing wrong with that mic except the person speaking into it.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Please, Donald, yes! Please don't change a single thing about how you prep for a debate. I like things just the way they are: The Donald - Unfiltered! Uncensored! Unleashed!©

The absolute best irony of the entire debate was that despite a monthlong effort to paint Clinton as lacking the physical stamina necessary to be president, it turned out to be Trump left huffing, puffing, and red faced at the end of a sustained 50-minute ass whooping.

If he can't find the physical and mental fortitude to make it through a 95-minute debate where presumably half of the audience was on his side, how the hell is he going to make it in the Oval Office, or standing in front of what will most certainly be a hostile Congress, or sitting across the table from any number of foreign leaders he will invariably piss off with his decidedly obnoxious Trumpiness?

And he's still got two more of these debates to muddle through. Hope he has Doc Bornstein on speed-dial.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

"I know the left is running wild with ludicrous accusations of Trump possibles doing blow,"

It's those partisans, Bass. They'll say anything no matter how wild and ludicrous to score a cheap point.

Oh, which do you think is more ludicrous, Trump possibly using coke or Obama possibly being a Muslim? I know you're on the fence on the second question.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

I found "Sniffles the Clown" to be very entertaining. He shouldn't change a thing .. only.. next time, take an even bigger hit of blow to make sure your confidence is "up to snuff".

10 ( +14 / -4 )


Every anti-Trump comment equals your vote for a warmonger. How that can sit with you all I'll never understand.

Are you not aware that Trump has implied that he would consider using nukes, increase military spending, kill the families of terrorists, steal the resources of invaded countries, etc., or do you just not care? He also seems to idolize that peace-loving hippie Putin.

I bet you're going to use that weak excuse of Trump's lack of actual policy-making experience to absolve him while doing the opposite for Clinton. But you can make an educated guess at what a Trump presidency would look like you know... If he's serious about his claims, he'll be worse than Clinton. If he's not (and I think this might be the case), he'll leave the warmongering decisions to his establishment Republicans advisors. We all know what a bunch of tree huggers they are too, right?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

SerranoSEP. 29, 2016 - 09:16PM JST

Anyone who thinks Hillary won that debate really is on another planet.

Right, we're on Earth with the rest of the human race, where are you exactly?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

I love the mic excuse. Always an excuse. Trump has an inability to accept that he may have failings.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

DeBlasio could never make a city as safe as Giuliani did. The man wouldn't even have the guts to aggressively go after the mafia like Guliani did, but DeBlasio is good at making NY. Sanctuary city and allowing more homeless and more crime into the city, he's good at that, I'll give him props for that,

Crime rates have trended downwards since the 1990s. They fell during Giuliani's time in office, and rational people can rationally discuss precisely what his role was in that trend. What they can't do is attribute that fall in crime to Giuliani, and then turn around and pretend a continuation of that fall under DeBlasio isn't happening or that somehow Giuliani is responsible for the fall in crime under his watch but that DeBlasio isn't responsible for the fall in crime under his watch.

Let's stop wasting people's time with partisan nonsense and have a discussion based on facts, please.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

The Donald looked like some random schmuck plucked from a nearby street!(no dis respect to schmucks, I am one myself!)

The guy was just winging it, lying, making up crap on crap, its was painful to watch this goofball!

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Despite harsh reviews, Trump resists new debate approach

Gee, what a bummer.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

I think one of the biggest points Hillary scored in the debate was pointing out Trump freaking out about the Iranians giving an American boat the bird, and being willing to start a war over that.

Anyone who cannot control their temper enough to suck that up, and is willing to start a war over something so trivial, should not be president, and DEFINITELY should not have the nuclear codes.

Anyone who thinks someone who routinely gets into Twitter wars has the right mindset to be controlling the nuclear codes is risking all our lives with their stupidity.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I'm more worried about a woman who lies about getting shot, lies about the reason for the attack in Benghazi, lies about her emails and is EXTREMELY CARELESS, and her people all get immunity.

This is the real problem, isn't it. That a woman did all of these things. In this election Trump has lied at a (conservative) rate of 4:1 compared to Hillary. She is held to a different standard because she is a woman.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

So we can look forward to the freeloader Trump telling us over and over again how he's created a hugely successful business. Yawn.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

"I actually think he did as good as he could, style-wise, especially if we compare that with the Trump we saw at primaries debates."

That's part of the problem. GOP candidates' debates are now so puerile and idiotic, it's hard to change to a higher gear for an intelligent debate. I don't think Trump has that gear anyway but this is a problem all GOP candidates will have.

Trump did the impossible - he made these debates even stupider. This is a considerable feat when you consider that this was a stage full of cross-eyed lunatics denying evolution in the past.

Dare to dream what 2020 could bring.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Give the guy as much rope as he requires. He'll do us all a favor and hang himself ! (Not literally, folks) GO HILLARY ! 1/20/17 - "Madame President !

7 ( +8 / -1 )

It's hard to believe it has come this far. Half of America is on its way to putting Homer Simpson in the White House only the joke is going to be on them if it transpires. I'm less worried about Trump himself than whoever will be pulling the strings. He obviously hasn't a clue about policy and will have to farm out every decision that needs to be made. Lost touch with reality doesn't even begin to describe the political situation America is in today. Clinton may be 4 more years of the same but better the devil you know than putting all your bets in turning the country into a reality show.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

If Giuliani thinks Trump won that debate, he really is on another planet.

7 ( +8 / -1 )


Embarrassing for Hillary, maybe. She never did bother to take up the Mexican president's offer to visit. Could be she was too tired.

Ask the Mexican president who he prefers/respects more after Trump's meeting and Clinton's snub. Sorry, it's embarrassing for Trump.

I guess you've missed Trump's statements saying nuclear weapons remain the single biggest danger to the world.

Maybe you missed the reports that he wondered why we have nukes if we can't use them. I don't actually believe he'll use them, but I do believe he needed to be told why. You know... because he's not too bright.

Anyone who thinks Hillary won that debate really is on another planet.

Even some of his supporters here admit he lost by normal debate standards. Hence the "She's a lawyer, what do you expect? But don't worry, he'll clobber her next time!" comments.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Of course Trump isn't going to change. Change requires effort and learning, something that low-energy Trump just isn't prepared for.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Let the delusional fantasist wallow in the belief that he 'won' the debate, and have him prepare in exactly the same manner next time! More disappointing that Giuliani, previously thought to have some brain function, has been swept up in this nonsense but good luck to him.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Giuliani as a top adviser is clearly the source of Trump's 'stop and frisk' idea. He ran out of luck when he had to drop out of the NY senate race against, drumroll, HRC and hasn't been in office since. Must be angling for Attorney General under Trump, but are all those DeBlasio voters interested in Giuliani anymore?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I wonder when was the last time Hillary played some kinds of sports?

I wonder when was the last time FDR played some kinds of sports? And he served 4 terms, leading America out of the Great Depression and toward victory in WWII. This is all the new right-wingers have against Clinton: conspiracy theories and tabloid trivialities.

He doesn't have to change anything, Reagan didn't either

Reagan was no Trump. He knew policy, he thought about it, and he articulated it well (whatever one may have thought about it). Trump does none of those things. He blows hot air. He talks about how great he is, where he owns properties, and how stupid everybody else is. If Reagan were alive today, he'd be voting for Clinton. As his VP will be doing. It's a no-brainer.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

He doesn't have to change anything, Reagan didn't either and he did horrible in his first debate, he held his own,got his feet wet, is acclamating himself and will learn from his missed chances, fine tune them and be ready to really dig in her at the next debate.

You do realize you are contradicting yourself in a single sentence? He doesnt have to change. All he has to do is, like Reagan, learn from his mistakes, fine tune his strategy (in other words.....change) and hell do better next time?

That makes no sense.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Are you not aware that Trump has implied that he would consider using nukes, increase military spending, kill the families of terrorists, steal the resources of invaded countries, etc.

He was ready to start war because some Iranian soldiers on a ship flipped the bird to some American boat.

That's the most war-mongering presidential candidate ever.

6 ( +6 / -0 )


. . Trump possibly using coke or Obama possibly being a Muslim? I know you're on the fence on the second question.


And that answer right there is precisely why no one but your own echo chamber of Trump sycophants will give even the briefest moment of consideration to the things you contribute here. There's simply no point. You try to sounds reasonable by peppering your posts with discussions about law and fairness, but that goes right down the toilet when you perpetuate bigoted garbage like this.

One, Obama isn't Muslim. He's been a practicing Christian for at least 25 years.

Two, so what if he is Muslim? You got a problem with that?

6 ( +6 / -0 )


Bad news for Hillary - she's already used up virtually all of her ammunition - the birther BS, Trump's tax returns, his politically incorrect references to some women.

Trump Foundation, embarrassing meeting with Mexican president, Trump University, desire to use nukes, politically incorrect references about virtually everyone else...

She ain't got nothing left, whereas Trump still has yet to get her on the emails ( that was barely touched in the first debate), the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi and a host of other stuff, lol

So one thing that was touched on (not just barely), one thing he's in no position to be pointing fingers about, and one dead horse that has been beaten by a dozen Republican investigations. What else does he have? Bill Clinton's affairs? He better pray Chelsea is not in the audience for that one.

He won't go after the one thing that would hurt her the most, her Wall Street and corporate ties. I wonder why?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

She ain't got nothing left....

MrBum, I agree - she's got plenty left. In addition to your list, let's not forget that his continual refusal to release his tax returns means it will remain fair game. Adding to his money woes is the mutlibillion dollar fine the US has imposed on Deutsche Bank for its role in the 2007 housing crisis, from which Trump has borrowed $364 million. The bank insists it will only pay a small fraction of this, say two or three billion. Much more and the bank will be forced to recall Trump's loans, which would likely require him to create liquidity by selling a couple of buildings and also disappear one of the few lines of credit he still has available.

Never before in history has a potential president been burdened by such a blatant conflict of interest. Oh, yes, there is much, much left in Hillary's ammunition bag.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Laguna : Much more and the bank will be forced to recall Trump's loans, which would likely require him to create liquidity by selling a couple of buildings and also disappear one of the few lines of credit he still has available.

Couple that to the 800 million he lost last year due to the "softening" of the New York property market ....


And what about his debts to the Russians and the Chinese? It's about time Trump came clean on his murky finances. It's a clear national security issue.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Bad news for Hillary - she's already used up virtually all of her ammunition - the birther BS, Trump's tax returns, his politically incorrect references to some women. She ain't got nothing left...

I'm not too proud to repost my own stuff.

I don't think Clinton has even started in on Trump yet. The birther issue, sexism, and racism still have plenty of mileage. Not to mention Trump's attacks on veterans, Gold Star families, people with special needs, and, of course, Mexican-Americans in his characterization that immigrants to this nation, legal or otherwise, are thieves, rapists, and killers being "sent" to the US by the Mexican government.

And, of course, there's The Wall™ and Trump University fraud lawsuits and the unpaid back-taxes and unpaid wages his company owes at numerous properties across the United States.

Clinton has also barely even scratched the surface of Trump's numerous questionable ties to Russia and Vladimir Putin.

And then we've got the issue of Trump's proposed War on Muslim Americans to muddle through.

And we haven't even gotten to the salient truth that Trump has virtually nothing in terms of concrete, actionable ideas to address, fix, or otherwise acknowledge any of the above.

Oh, Hilary's got plenty of material to work with, and that's without revisiting the new material he provided when he boasted about not paying taxes, criticized a beauty queen for "getting fat," and went on a ridiculous tirade against Rosie O'Donnell.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Trump lost the debate. Let's move on.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I'll say it again; a beauty queen is not supposed to pork out on tortillas, black beans, and louisiana sausage.

And I'll say it 'cause it needs to be said. Stop going out of your way to be an ass.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

"On the issues she won" Isn't that what it is all about ? The issues. Not the schoolyard names and antics most of us gave up in the third or fourth grade? 1/20/17 - "Madame President" !

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Trump has the advantage of being able to pick apart Clinton's career, while he hasn't had the chance to get in office and trip over himself like everyone does. So he attempts to make Bill Clinton responsible for ISIS, etc. ( I hate giving them all caps) Remember folks, just follow the money. It's not that difficult. Old tech fighting new tech. Old revenue fighting new revenue. The business world has grown a whole new fleet of sociopaths. The more connections in government the better off they are. Ask the bigger questions. Who are these people in the Senate? Why did they dip into social security without asking the people in the U.S.? Why do they subsidize giant corporations and military failures? Why were G.I.'s in Iraq driving in vehicles that offered minimal protection? (they wound up putting their own armor plating on them during the amBush administration)

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The funniest thing was to see the Mexican Peso rise by about 1.5% during the debate after it became clear Trump was doing poorly. That said, I'm not impressed with either candidate.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

"I know the left is running wild with ludicrous accusations of Trump possibles doing blow,"

It's those partisans, Bass. They'll say anything no matter how wild and ludicrous to score a cheap point.

Oh, which do you think is more ludicrous, Trump possibly using coke or Obama possibly being a Muslim? I know you're on the fence on the second question.

And I think the difference is that most liberals, or myself at least, speak about Trump possibly doing coke in irony, to point out the stupidity of partisan attacks based on suspicion rather than actual factual evidence, whereas the right actually believes the attacks they are spouting. In other word, it's a tat, for tits.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Hmmm... Maybe Trump doesn't really want to win. He just wants to do good enough to inflate the value of Trump name.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I just don't think Trump CAN change his style not in a fortnight anyway.

That's because his issues aren't style issues, they are core character flaws. Someone can change what they say, but few can change who they are, and Trump has absolutely no intention whatsoever of changing who he is.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Pressure is building on Donald. The VP debate will be interesting; their main task is to defend their bosses, and Pence will have a doosie of a task - I expect Kaine will hammer Pence on abortion rights (Trump has historically supported these; Pence is vehemently opposed) and the budget (Pence is a balanced budget guy; Trump's proposed budget would explode the deficit). Likely, Kaine will come out on top.

The next presidential debate is town hall style, so Trump will have no excuse to blame the moderator. He'll also have to walk around instead of staying rooted near his water bottle. Most troubling for the Trump campaign, as the questions come mostly from citizens, they should be addressed with great consideration to compassion, something Trump is quite low on. He'll also feel pressure to come out strong and attack Hillary where she's weakest, which would have been appropriate in the first debate but will not in the second. I sense further disaster for the Trumpster.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

"she's running as a serious politician."

"She's running as the establishment Wall Street candidate with more lies and less style."

There is some truth in that. You must be furious that the deplorables elected one of their own who got a bit of a spanking in the debate by a Wall Street candidate.

Say hello to Ted Cruz for us. How's he doing in the basket?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Yes riding on the coat tails of the industrial military complex more like!! Nice(sigh)

Military industrial complex didn't go into full swing until after the war. Had FDR survived (he died before the end of the war btw), I doubt he would've allowed it to happen. Trump fans and facts... sigh

5 ( +5 / -0 )

@Fred Wallace

plasticmonkey's original point was that Clinton's health is a non-issue purported by Trump. His comparison was simply to point out that FDR was one of our best presidents despite his bigger health problems.

Your attacking him instead of Trump who is pushing the talking point is what made me think you're a Trump fan. I apologize if I was wrong.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

This is interesting:

Anonymous poster is addicted to posting irrelevant and non-sensical pro-Trump youtube links on JT.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Donald Trump is still talking about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, and what he’s saying is still not “I’m sorry.”

5 ( +5 / -0 )

He's going to need a bigger taco bowl.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

This is a textbook case of a "lazy-man's guide to winning the presidency. Takes in cash, but does not spend it--too much energy, does not prepare for devates and wings it. THAT my readers is a right-winger. Sit around, make barking noises, looks tough and collects a paycheck.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

If Trump somehow tries to blame Hillary for Lewinsky, she can politely enquire whether Mrs Trump no. 1 was to blame for him leaving her for Mrs Trump no.2, whether Mrs Trump no. 2 was to blame for him leaving her for Mrs Trump no. 3, and whether Mrs Trump no. 3 would be to blame if he left her for a Mrs Trump no. 4.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

bass4funkSEP. 29, 2016 - 11:34AM JST http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/30/opinion/police-respect-squandered-in-attacks-on-de-blasio.html?_r=0

Yeah, is your intention to portray NYT police as petulant spoiled children who throw tantrums when questioned? Because that's not a problem with DeBlasio.


From the first freaking line in your own link:

As crime in New York City continues to hit new lows, and Central Park is statistically safer than ever, violent crime has increased dramatically in other city parks.

Crime is down. Do you even read these things? Who do you think you're fooling?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

That is such a garbage story. Machado knew the rules of her contract and basically said, so what and decided to eat, get fat and now because she violated her contract, and possibly got called names, it's Trump's fault?

You've obviously missed the entire controversy (Trump probably did too). I don't think that anyone would disagree that Miss Universe gaining weight would be a problem, considering what her job was and how she got it. Well, some extremists probably would, but the large majority of the populace is going to understand that problem.

The controversy is his temperament and bigotry he showed in his handling of the matter. It's not that he was angry she didn't live up to her expectations, it's that in that anger he called her Miss Piggy (shows a horrible, unprofessional temperament) and Miss Housekeeping (shows bigotry against Latinos).

But once again we have the right willing to give him a pass for everything, because he is their anointed one. ROBenghaziFL!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

"She is held to a different standard because she's a woman"

Perhaps that plays a part but I get the sense she's held to a different standard because she's running as a serious politician.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

It's amazing how liberals can have insight to how the departed would think about the current election.

If Reagan were alive and healthy among us this day, I believe he'd be having a discussion with his VP about why the very much alive George HW Bush is supporting Hillary. He might also phone over to the Arizona Republic and ask why, for the first time in over 120 years -- they are endorsing the Democrat.

Daddy Bush might say to him: "But Ron, remember your 11th commandment about speaking ill of fellow Republicans? How many times would you allow someone to violate it before tossing them aside?"

It's amazing how right-wingers can have so little imagination.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Boy, sure is a lot of Trump hatred here.

So, that makes you a Trump lover?

Tell me, Fizz, what do you love about Trump?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Hillary Clinton Demolished Trump on Monday


"On the bright side, he [Trump] crushed Hillary in the Drudge online poll, so there's that.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I just don't think Trump CAN change his style not in a fortnight anyway. He is all about abrasiveness, over assertiveness, interrupting ppl, populist rhetoric etc. I actually think he did as good as he could, style-wise, especially if we compare that with the Trump we saw at primaries debates.

That's who he is.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Let's hope that Trump will not open the sworm-can of Monica as he threatened after the first debate. Trump, of course, has not been known for his gentleness, but it would be disastrous for his political future if he treats Hilary Clinton in the same way he treated his former playgirls. Frankly, I cannot buy the idea of having the US First Lady who already posed her nudity on a playboy cover.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Rigged Podium Electronics, Hand Signals & More - Click Here

Clinton Caught Cheating Again With Another Ear Piece - Click Here

Trump and his Strumpets will try to find any excuse to detract from his failings. They've run the most involved smear campaign ever, and she's still winning the debate, and winning in the polls.

As I've mentioned in the past, this has been an amazing smear campaign, and it will be analyzed by political strategists for years to come, but the fact that she's even close to him after the smear campaign shows just how flawed a candidate he is. If it had been pretty much any other candidate they'd be destroying her.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I'll say it again; a beauty queen is not supposed to pork out on tortillas, black beans, and louisiana sausage.

Quick quiz. As an employer, you find your 18 year old employee in breach of their contract. Do you:

A - Remind the employee of their contractual obligations

B - Fire them

C - Humiliate them by making disparaging and racist comments about them

2 ( +2 / -0 )

You forgot Republican answer D:

Pressure them to have sex with you.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

serrano is very quiet today

1 ( +1 / -0 )


1 ( +1 / -0 )

bass4funkSEP. 29, 2016 - 09:45PM JST It's amazing how liberals can have insight to how the departed would think about the current election.

So wait, I just caught you in an outright lie and instead of acknowledging and owning up to it you're just going to change the subject?

I guess this explains why you support Trump so much.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

bass4funk SEP. 30, 2016 - 08:19AM JST Machado knew the rules of her contract and basically said, so what and decided to eat, get fat and now because she violated her contract, and possibly got called names, it's Trump's fault?

Problem is that Trump should've told her privately. Not in front of the public.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Military industrial complex didn't go into full swing until after the war.

My point was it's initiation not expansion.


Had FDR survived (he died before the end of the war btw), I doubt he would've allowed it to happen.

Well he didn't so we can't know if he would or would not have been able to stand up to the complex.

Trump fans and facts... sigh

For the nth time, please try and understand that not all people that disagree with you are trump folk. If I can speak honestly, the entire process reeks of putrid corruption. I'm still amazed at how the wool is pulled over eyes every four years with the same worn out talking points that really amount to nothing, pitting folks against one another only to be screwed over afterwards. It's really the twilight zone!!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

fred, correct. its funny how many times its been assumed on this site that Im a rabid trump supporter just because I have serious doubts abt hillary and the whole political farce.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

hillary - the new FDR. Next joke, please.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

she lies and she cheats and she destroys and everyone in the usa knows it Blatant Revelations Of Clinton CHEATING At The Debate

Rigged Podium Electronics, Hand Signals & More - Click Here

Clinton Caught Cheating Again With Another Ear Piece - Click Here

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Donald Trump is still talking about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, and what he’s saying is still not “I’m sorry.”

That is such a garbage story. Machado knew the rules of her contract and basically said, so what and decided to eat, get fat and now because she violated her contract, and possibly got called names, it's Trump's fault? Granted IF Trump DID call the woman names, it's inappropriate and uncalled for, but when CNN did the story, Trump tried to help her, all the woman had to do in order not to bring the media in and get worldwide scrutiny was to avoid breaching her contract, that's on her.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


No sweat.



-6 ( +0 / -6 )

This is more interesting: " Black Trump Supporters Shut Down Mainstream Media Lies"

( Youtuber Th3BurningR3d )

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I wonder when was the last time FDR played some kinds of sports? And he served 4 terms, leading America out of the Great Depression and toward victory in WWII.

I'll have what he's having!! Where to start?

I wonder when was the last time FDR played some kinds of sports? And he served 4 terms.

hillary is no FOR. Not by a long shot. The very comparison is cringe worthy.

leading America out of the Great Depression and toward victory in WWII

Yes riding on the coat tails of the industrial military complex more like!! Nice(sigh)

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

"Trump lost the debate. Let's move on."

Hillary lost the debate. Let's move on.

See how that works, Super?

"Anyone who thinks Hillary won that debate really is on another planet."

"Right, we're on Earth with the rest of the human race, where are you exactly?"

Har! That one made me laugh, I gave you a thumbs up on that one Simon, lol

This is interesting:"

"WAKE UP BLACK PEOPLE, Vote Donald Trump 2016, Hilary for PRISON 2016 "

( Youtuber SoCal Trojan619 )

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Why isn't Hillary up 50 points again?

This is interesting: " Gingrich: Miss Universe attack may blow up in Clinton's face"( wildly popular Fox News )

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

It's amazing how right-wingers can have so little imagination.

I'm sorry, what was that you were saying earlier? LOL

Trump lost the debate. Let's move on.

To liberals and Hillary supporters, Yes, but to Trump supporters and overall, he held his own, so I would say on the issues she won, everything else was a tie.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

I'll say it again; a beauty queen is not supposed to pork out on tortillas, black beans, and louisiana sausage.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

"Despite harsh reviews"

Heh, some of the life-long registered Democrats I know were angry with Trump for not being more aggressive. They are voting for him.

"Boy, sure is a lot of Trump hatred here."

Well, Fizz, this is, after all, JT. And the Hillary supporters know deep down America is not going to vote in the biggest liar and most corrupt and arrogant candidate in history, Hillary Clinton.

"The guy was just winging it, lying, making up crap on crap,"

No, but Hillary had memorized virtually all of her crap on crap.

Bad news for Hillary - she's already used up virtually all of her ammunition - the birther BS, Trump's tax returns, his politically incorrect references to some women. She ain't got nothing left, whereas Trump still has yet to get her on the emails ( that was barely touched in the first debate ), the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi and a host of other stuff, lol

"she's running as a serious politician."

She's running as the establishment Wall Street candidate with more lies and less style.

This is interesting: "FBI James Comey Says If FBI Agent Owned Private Email Server Like Clinton No Indictments"

( Youtuber, author, columnist and journalist H.A. Goodman ) ( he's voting for Jill Stein )

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

"embarrassing meeting with Mexican president"

Embarrassing for Hillary, maybe. She never did bother to take up the Mexican president's offer to visit. Could be she was too tired.

"( Trump's ) desire to use nukes"

I guess you've missed Trump's statements saying nuclear weapons remain the single biggest danger to the world.

Anyone who thinks Hillary won that debate really is on another planet.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

This is all the new right-wingers have against Clinton: conspiracy theories and tabloid trivialities.

Ahhh, you mean like the sniffling that Trump did and blamed it on him possibly doing blow? Right-wingers are not the only ones that deal in the world of conspiracy theories.

Reagan was no Trump. He knew policy, he thought about it, and he articulated it well (whatever one may have thought about it). Trump does none of those things. He blows hot air.

Different time, different kind of society. Washington wasn't AS corrupt as it is today.

He talks about how great he is, where he owns properties, and how stupid everybody else is. If Reagan were alive today, he'd be voting for Clinton. As his VP will be doing. It's a no-brainer.

It's amazing how liberals can have insight to how the departed would think about the current election.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Giuliani as a top adviser is clearly the source of Trump's 'stop and frisk' idea. He ran out of luck when he had to drop out of the NY senate race against, drumroll, HRC and hasn't been in office since. Must be angling for Attorney General under Trump, but are all those DeBlasio voters interested in Giuliani anymore?

DeBlasio could never make a city as safe as Giuliani did. The man wouldn't even have the guts to aggressively go after the mafia like Guliani did, but DeBlasio is good at making NY. Sanctuary city and allowing more homeless and more crime into the city, he's good at that, I'll give him props for that,

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

Let's Make America Great Again! Vote For Donald Trump 2016!

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Even if Trump paid no tax, it still wouldn't mean the US and the world would be better with Hillary as President. Just about everyone I know minimizes their taxes. In fact, even the people who argue for higher taxes try to minimize their taxes. I don't see many people offering to pay more tax.

I'm more worried about a woman who lies about getting shot, lies about the reason for the attack in Benghazi, lies about her emails and is EXTREMELY CARELESS, and her people all get immunity.

Her corruption and deceit makes japanese politicians look like angels.

She won the debate. She's a lawyer with decades of experience in debating and hiding behind words.

Says she was shot at then later can just say she "Misspoke". She's been proven to be a complete liar.

But she knows how to stand up in public and use prepared phrases and sentences. And she knew how to attack and denigrate all of Bill's women.

And this time she didn't cough 300 times and fall over.

Trump is not experienced at debating. He'll be better next time.

But in the end, it doesn't matter what the media talking heads say - they've been wrong about Trump for over a year now. It matters what the people think. And nobody is excited about Hillary at all.

First woman President - that's all she's got going for her, and the media who hate the Republicans and Trump.

Hardly anyone likes Hillary. NObody even turns up for her rallies. Nobody is interested.

Next time, Trump knows what to expect. He will destroy her next time.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

Boy, sure is a lot of Trump hatred here. Every anti-Trump comment equals your vote for a warmonger. How that can sit with you all I'll never understand. Good thing the warmonger is going to lose, and us deplorables are going to save you from getting blood on your hands. Oh wait, you probably voted for the peace prize winner so it's too late, you all already have blood on your hands.

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

Please, Donald, yes! Please don't change a single thing about how you prep for a debate. I like things just the way they are: The Donald - Unfiltered! Uncensored! Unleashed!©

He doesn't have to change anything, Reagan didn't either and he did horrible in his first debate, he held his own,got his feet wet, is acclamating himself and will learn from his missed chances, fine tune them and be ready to really dig in her at the next debate.

The absolute best irony of the entire debate was that despite a monthlong effort to paint Clinton as lacking the physical stamina necessary to be president, it turned out to be Trump left huffing, puffing, and red faced at the end of a sustained 50-minute ass whooping.

Sorry, the huffing and puffing stems from the audio engineers not properly decompressing his mic, not an unusual thing to happen. I know the left is running wild with ludicrous accusations of Trump possibles doing blow, but if you are a musician or work in TV proper mic calibration is everything, now having said that, if you have a runny nose, it just adds to the audio amplification and can be extremely noticeable.

If he can't find the physical and mental fortitude to make it through a 95-minute debate where presumably half of the audience was on his side, how the hell is he going to make it in the Oval Office, or standing in front of what will most certainly be a hostile Congress, or sitting across the table from any number of foreign leaders he will invariably piss off with his decidedly obnoxious Trumpiness?

When Trump needs help to stand and needs medication to stay awake, ill keep my mouth shut, until then....I wonder when was the last time Hillary played some kinds of sports?

And he's still got two more of these debates to muddle through. Hope he has Doc Bornstein on speed-dial.

I think Hillary is the one with her blood clots we really need to be concerned about?

-17 ( +4 / -21 )

What they can't do is attribute that fall in crime to Giuliani, and then turn around and pretend a continuation of that fall under DeBlasio isn't happening or that somehow Giuliani is responsible for the fall in crime under his watch but that DeBlasio isn't responsible for the fall in crime under his watch.


The comparison, which covered more than 1,100 city parks, showed cases of rape increased 40 percent, felony assaults jumped 34 percent and robberies spiked 15 percent. Murders were up 200 percent, from two to six. In total, 417 people reported being the victims of violent crimes compared to 340 in the prior nine months.


Most of the police have utter contempt for this guy and his liberal polices are making that city once again, unsafe.

Oh, which do you think is more ludicrous, Trump possibly using coke or Obama possibly being a Muslim? I know you're on the fence on the second question.


-17 ( +1 / -18 )

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