Weakened and divided after a bruising budget standoff and two-week government shutdown, Republicans bickered Sunday over who to blame for the resulting damage to their party brand.
The party suffered a major hit in the polls after the crisis, with more Americans blaming Republicans than Democrats or President Barack Obama for the shutdown.
Asked about the lasting impact on Republicans, a dour Senator Lindsey Graham told CBS television that it is a time of "soul-searching" within his party.
"It's a wake-up call," Graham told CBS television's "Face the Nation" program, adding that his party's self-inflicted woes have played into the hands of Obama and congressional Democrats.
"I think we've learned this was a political gift to the president by the Republican party at a time he needed it the most," said Graham, a longtime party elder.
"As a party we have to do soul-searching," Graham said.
Republican leaders acknowledged Sunday that they were still assessing how to recover from the debacle that saw the party acquiesce to Obama and his allies, with little to show for it.
The standoff was precipitated in large part by Republican opposition to the president's signature health reform program, dubbed Obamacare by its opponents, that went forward even in the midst of the shutdown, although the rollout has generally been viewed as somewhat rocky.
Top Senate Republican Mitch McConnell on Sunday decried burn-the-house-down tactics employed by the Tea Party, which spearheaded a shutdown he said has proved antithetical to Republicans' cause.
"Shutting down the government, in my view, is not conservative policy," McConnell told CBS's "Face the Nation" program.
"A number of us were saying in July that this strategy could not and would not work -- and of course it didn't. So there will not be another government shutdown. You can count on that."
Another party Brahmin, former Florida Gov Jeb Bush, told ABC that the Tea Party-led shutdown set the party back.
"Tactically it was a mistake to focus on something that couldn't be achieved," said Bush, a centrist known for a pragmatic approach to politics.
"I do a lot of traveling overseas and when we have these political conversations that are not grounded in reality, the rest of the world looks at us as untrustworthy," said Bush, brother of former President George W Bush, who is said to be an aspirant to the White House as well.
The in-house divisions roiling Republicans have been surprising in a party known for its unity and discipline.
During and even since the crisis, fractious Republicans have seemed almost as much at odds with each other as they have been with Obama.
Longtime conservative activist Richard Viguerie in remarks published Sunday in the New York Times went as far as to call the infighting a "civil war in the GOP."
The party has been hard-pressed to accommodate the libertarian-leaning, conservative Tea Party, which embraces a hardline position that eschews cooperation across party aisles.
Congress late Wednesday gave final approval to a budget compromise that ended a 16-day government shutdown and raised the borrowing limit just hours before the US reached the maximum and could have begun having to default on its bills.
The Tea Party, which spearheaded the revolt against Obamacare, was led in their revolt by upstart Senate Republican Ted Cruz of Texas, who was unrepentant Sunday, declaring to ABC: "I will do anything and continue to do anything I can to stop the train wreck that is Obamacare."
The Tea Party does not represent a majority of the U.S. electorate, or even most Republicans, but their numbers are sufficiently large to influence elections and stall legislative initiatives when they march, as they almost always do, in lockstep.
The GOP tried Sunday to pivot attention back to their opposition against Obamacare, but they were still were distracted by having to address frequent questions about party unity.
In addition to slamming the Tea Party, centrist Republicans also have had unkind words in recent days for the conservative Heritage Foundation.
The think tank has been funding many of the Tea party's efforts and candidates -- including giving its backing to a hardliner who will challenge Republican Senate leader McConnell.
Even conservative stalwart Senator Orrin Hatch said last week that the powerful think tank "is in danger of losing its clout and its power around Washington, DC."
The budget deal put off a more definitive resolution to the nation's spending battles, with Cruz and other Tea Party conservatives failing to rule out more brass knuckle tactics -- including possibly another shutdown -- rather than yielding to Democrats' wishes.
"We didn't win this battle, but I am encouraged that we have demonstrated when the American people stand up, the House of Representatives will listen and I hope in time the Senate will listen also," Cruz said.
© (C) 2013 AFP
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Pretentious Republican Tool
Yeah, as if.
. . . . . any of them have a soul.
So if trying to be fiscally responsible and trying to manage the national debt to ensure the party that believes the ONLY to fix any long term solution is creating more debt and it equates to having no soul, well, then you're right.
Jean Val-Jean
" Yeah, as if. . . . . . any of them have a soul."
True, the RINOs sold their souls decades ago, McCONnell, McCain, Graham chief of them. They are the walking dead.
I'm hoping that Graham has a lot of time to 'search his soul' following his primary defeat.
Get Real
How many jobs did the GOP create with this tactic?
Hahaha.... this just gets funnier and funnier. And funnier still is seeing some posters here in denial that the Republicans took a beating and are engaged in in-fighting that will ensure they lose the next election.
I think it's the other way around. No one is denying that the Republicans don't have a lot of internal problems they do. We know it, they know it, the good thing about it is that at least they are not in lockstep like the DEMS want you to think they are. Believe me, once Obama's imperial reign is done, watch the Democratic Party start to unfurl. You'll have the old Hilary establishment going against, possibly Biden, just got a itch he'll run against the progressives of the party that want to take the country and turn it into the next Stockholm. The unity that you guys think you have that Kumbaya moment will erode faster then you think. Also, don't hatch your chickens before they are counted. You guys did that in 2009, bragging and all, overspent, the people hated it and you guys lost the House after 2 years of owning everything, the Repubs had no power, but you guys messed it up and you guys got the boot.
So I'd be very careful for what you wish for. :-)
'I will do anything and continue to do anything I can to stop the train wreck that is Obamacare'. Do anything apart from think. One poster described the Tea Party as 'economic terrorists' which I thought was a bit extreme. I think I was wrong. These words are chilling and more so for the sane Republicans here. These crackpots are more than capable of pulling a similar stunt again and completely destroying the already crumbling credibility of the GOP.
bass4funk: "The unity that you guys think you have that Kumbaya moment will erode faster then you think. Also, don't hatch your chickens before they are counted."
Jimizo is right: the tea party are nothing but economic terrorists, and the quote he mentions proves it. They have absolutely NO interest in the people, or the nation, only in saying 'no'.
I'll tel you this, in that context in the smaller picture in their hearts of hearts, they care, that's why this whole debacle started, but in the bigger picture of reality, BOTH parties care more about ideology....let me say that again BOTH PARTIES and if you think otherwise, I'd advise to not drink the sweetened Kool--aid
@ bass4funk: You are correct on this assumption. Back in 2008, one of my relatives who is well known politically in the state of AR who has been a long time Clinton supporter, and they knew of her personally didn't support Hillary. Other members of my family who were long time "Clintonites" had sort of a falling out with this family member on her support for Obama, and the discussion was how could she just drop Hillary after all that they have worked on while she was 1st Lady and through the Clinton presidency.
Believe it or not, many of the Dems supporters in AR were much like my relatives, arguing among themselves back in 2008 on who to support, Hillary or Obama. Take a look at how when Oprah, who was on the "Hillary" tain jumped track and supported Obama, putting many women voters off the Oprah bandwagon, and see the results of her network on how viewership is down.
There will be some infighting, and frankly that is probably a good thing. We keep hearing the President talk about compromise, and yet the parties can't compromise within their own internal organizations, so how are they going to do it across the aisle?
bass4funk: I agree with you that both parties adhere to certain ideologies, the problem is that the tea-party fools adhere to one that is far more destructive, and definitely not democratic in the least. The system is broken, and the tea-party insists it will do ANYTHING to make sure it stays that way. They succeeded in doing what Al Qaida wanted to do, but could not. The Republicans have been made a laughing stock because of this, and now they are struggling internally, with tea party radicals saying they will push out anyone who was for restarting the government and against the shut down and looming default. How sick are these people?
about a few hundred years too late...
They will blame each other. Primaries.
Here we go again. Again.
Be careful, Mitch. Word has it that you have a target on your back. And no, it's not from the Democrats.
You don't need to go overseas to find people who think like that. Everyone and his brother knew Republicans would lose. And boy did they. Worst. Ratings. Ever.
Ted's skull is pretty thick. He'll do well with the Tea Party supporters.
Greed, anger and stupidity by Republicans leaders are only ruining the US economy, and that is what they really want, isn't it??
Pretentious Republican Tool
The bill comes due and you pay it. That is how you maintain good credit. People who are too stupid to realize our country needs good credit, and realize the time to fight budget battles is during the budget process and not when the debt ceiling needs to be raised do not deserve any respect at all. They are simply ignorant. Respect the process or our country's credit rating will suffer and that gets even more expensive. These guys are not heroes they just demagog and get really ignorant people to follow them; bill creating and bill paying are two separate processes. People so ignorant as to not know that difference should not be governing. But it is totally clear that their constituency and others that support their actions can't begin to understand what raising the debt limit is all about. But I do enjoy when people expose themselves by making comments that show their level of NON understanding.
The GOP has a problem?
They had a problem when they got beat in 2008.
They had a problem when they got beat again in 2012.
Now that they're breaking apart, they're going to have even bigger problems since it's now virtually guaranteed they're going to get beat - again - in 2016.
Serial losers.
No one does losing better than the GOP, and it's ironic that their own splinter terrorist group, the Tea Party, is behind the self destruction of the Right while also saving America from its worst political scourge - the GOP.
For that I'd like to offer my heartfelt thanks to Ted Cruz and his pals.
Ted Cruz is a tool. He took a hostage everyone knew even the GOP would never dare shoot (the debt ceiling) to bargain over an issue everyone knew the Dems would never compromise over (the ACA); the results played out like physics, yet he has the temerity now to blame others in his own party for the debacle his own recklessness and stupidity brought about. Yet some in the GOP still support him! If there were a political Darwin Award, it would be in with the lot of them.
Now it is on to the budget, where the elephant in the closet will become quite apparent. The"independent conservative" claim that reining in the deficit is the premier task of our times will be exposed to be as fraudulent as Cruz when they refuse to compromise on revenues. If the deficit is so important, shouldn't people like Romney, who exploited the “carried interest” and lower taxes on dividends and capital gains loopholes, pay more by tightening or eliminating these loopholes? What about major corporations such as GE that pay almost no Federal taxes? Why is the United States alone amongst advanced countries on capping contributions to such entitlements as Social Security?
Certainly, anyone truly concerned about the deficit would look at these and other revenue issues to create a balanced plan for solving the problem - but most in the GOP really care not a whit about the deficit. They simply want to model the United States on the economic system of China.
@Bassfunk - I have to laugh a lot at many of your posts - detached as they often are from reason or economic understanding. Normally I wouldn't post to you directly, but I just loved how you said:
That's just brilliant! Have you concept of how successful Sweden's economy is? Or how incredibly happy the people there are with their socialist, constitutional monarchy version of capitalism. Mate, they kick the US's arse in every important study. You'd be so lucky to have your government aim to be more like Sweden.
No, I am not Swedish.. certainly wish I lived there sometimes.
How many wake up calls do they need?
And little good will come from the few remaining moderates calls to awaken - common sense has been comatose within the GOP now since living memory, the freaks in the tea party are already preparing their suicide vests for next Feb....
I hear the first 20 pages of Hillary's 2016 victory speech is going to be hysterical laughter - "hahahahahaha hahahahahaha haha ha HAHAHA hahahahahaha.." followed by the key consolatory line, "Three in a row, baby. Bite that, GOP!" :-)
It's so friggin unbelievable that "we/YOU" are still bickering between these two parties who have OBviously no respect for the average citizen, they BOth love the Ctrl + Print button, love the kickbacks that the cheap chinese goods bring them, and wanna frack the nation until the swill seeps from the ground. I don't agree with the Tea P, but at least they stand for something. Baaaa
My suggestion to the Republicans: Accept that most citizens in the long run want to see an organized and fair approach to health care. (Remember Romney implemented a universal health care plan for Massachusetts!) Work instead on controlling costs within the framework of ACA. Remember that USA spends twice as much on health care per citizen as comparable developed nations ... it means there is room for improvement. My humble suggestion is create a lower level of doctor or allow nurse practitioners to handle the most common medical problems. Supply and demand, it's capitalism. Doctors are trained to an extremely high level, and they have to go through long grueling internships at hospitals. For the highest levels of doctors and surgeons this is all necessary. But GP's and pediatricians could get by with compact, streamlined, and role specific training. Currently doctors fees are rising far faster than inflation, so medical care is going to take a larger and larger share of the GDP regardless of whether ACA is implemented or not, UNLESS something is done to address the supply/demand issue.
Where on heck do you get this stuff from? Seriously?! As much as I think most liberals have good intent, but whacked ideas, there is no way on God's green earth that you can say that with a straight face. That is just simply NOT true.
Really? As I recall it was your President that botched the whole Syria fiasco and a fiasco it was. Your president still never answered ANY questions as to what happened in Benghazi, it just boggles the mind. And don't that the Republicans will ever let that sit, so like Obama blaming Bush, your President will get an earful of this until the family and everyone else gets answers. You like most liberals can NEVER, EVER say with deep honesty that your President screwed up, NOT only with the whole Syria debacle which was beyond bad, but with the Middle East and made Putin and Russia walk out like a bandit.
Same to the Dems, same to the Dems
Government dependency, Socialist income redistributionist, lack of job creation, borrowing, borrowing, debt, debt, debt, punishing success in the private sector. I think the party that is ruining the US, economy are the people occupying the White House, you know, the Donkey party. There is another name for a Donkey and it rhymes with pass.
Yes, and so does congress (that would include Democrats)
So did the liberals that's why they lost the House in 2010
Why should conservatives go and follow the President of the cliff and fund something that they don't believe in?
Now that they're breaking apart, they're going to have even bigger problems since it's now virtually guaranteed they're going to get beat - again - in 2016.
Problems, Hey! With the shutdown of the Obamacare computers the glitches and subsidies being so outrageously high, Amazon doesn't have this problem, so why? 6 billion to set this thing up, the Dems had 3 years to get this thing up and running and that hasn't happened, which goes to show, big government is incapable of doing anything properly. Give it a year. Then we really will see who will have a bigger problem.
You mean the American people, YES
Obama the absent President that sends his minion Reid to speak on his behalf, Chicago ghetto politics at its absolute worse. The people are getting screwed by both parties and yes, the Dems DO CARE ABOUT THEIR OWN SELF-INTEREST as well, I know this might come to liberals as a surprise, but Yes, it is happening. You want to believe Barack Hussein is the savior, but the harsh reality is...well....You know what they say, Can't beat a dead horse.
As do I. Cruz is da man, raised over $1.19 million and the funds keep coming in. Someone is getting the message.
Ted Cruz is a tool. He took a hostage everyone knew even the GOP would never dare shoot (the debt ceiling) to bargain over an issue everyone knew the Dems would never compromise over (the ACA); the results played out like physics, yet he has the temerity now to blame others in his own party for the debacle his own recklessness and stupidity brought about. Yet some in the GOP still support him! If there were a political Darwin Award, it would be in with the lot of them.
Cruz gets mad props for going against the cowardly Republicans that are the dinosaurs of the party and want to stand mainly on principles and what their constituents voted for. Yeah, the old guards don't like it, but he is the future and he's not going anywhere, so hopefully he and Paul and remake the Republican party and bring it back to its true roots.
Still waiting for Obama and the liberals to address the debt. When do you think Obama will talk about the borrowing and the $17 Trillion and the additional 7 Trillion he borrowed?
As long as the liberals are in charge that will never happen, NEVER. But hey, they thought they knew better too in 2008 and what happened to the House? They seriously want to go that road again?????
Good, means your paying attention and you know that you guys are wrong. Math is something that liberals for some reason always get a bad grade in. Same goes to you jay.
I do, been there many times, love the country, just don't want America to be like it. That was the point I was trying to make.
No, They can have it, don't want it. I like my life very happy and what I have without big government, NO thanks. I'm not lazy.
That's the worst case scenario, God forbid, I don't envy the Swedes, NOT at all.
Great! I heard the Surstromming is great this time of year. Ticket prices are low now, so....
The choice of words in this article is so loaded, it could be written by a Democrat party hack. Well, I in a way you can argue it was. This is a prime example of how the media in the US (with very few exceptions) is acting as the de-facto propaganda arm of one of the two political partys. As a result, the other one is at a permanent disadvantage.
Somebody with a different perspective might as well argue that the Democrat party with their blatant disrespect for taxpayers money and democratic traditions (such as enforcing a massive new entitlement program on a purely partyline vote) are tarnishing the political system of the country.
But there you go; looking at the voting record of the press explains the media bias that we have. Check also out how many journalists are permanently moving in and out of the current administration.
Bass4funk: you call Cruz, basically a terrorist, 'da man'. I think that about says it all.
Start the speeches for the Dem election, again, in 2016! I'd suggest start the Republican excuses, but they've been going on for how long now?
Let me guess, bass, you're just going to say 'no'.
Oh, please, when it comes to excuses, liberals practically invented the word.
I'll put it to you like this, if you insist on calling him a terrorist because he's generally concerned about the borrowing the debt and massive ludicrous entitlements and the the constant spending and standing on the country being "fiscally* conservative, then yes, perhaps he is a terrorist. A terrorist in the sense, I happily support.
It's sooo easy to spot the tools Bwahahahha
Bass - "Obama the absent President that sends his minion Reid to speak on his behalf, Chicago ghetto politics at its absolute worse."
Bass, you still haven't told me where I can buy a 'Chicago ghetto politics' manual.
Is it www.GOP-Fantasy.com or
Www. GOP-True-Lies.com ?
Just askin' :-)
The bickering had better stop before next year, or the Dems will make strides in 2014, and we'll be saying "Madam President" in 2017 !
Ted Cruz and his radical pals are creating even more good news for Americans. :-)
Democrats Have A Shot At Taking Back The House As Republican Popularity Continues To Drop: Poll
It's in Rahm's office.
It's www.liberal-lunacy.org
Just sayin.
Oh, and that with the House is just a shot, it's not a given, so before you pull the cork and claim victory, you don't want to do a repeat of Bush sitting on that aircraft carrier with "Mission Accomplished" in the background. Remember what happened? A lot can happen until midterm, it can go either way, so if hypothetically, the Dems win the House, I guarantee the fireworks will start and every independent non-Obamabot or anti-party political group will sit back and watch the real chaos unfold. The only thing I care about is the country and the people.
Still waiting for Republicans to realize it was never about the debt, it was about a default. Which they almost got. Can you imagine what that would have done to our cost of debt? Can you imagine the impact a default would have had on our economy and the deficit?
SuperLib: "Can you imagine what that would have done to our cost of debt? Can you imagine the impact a default would have had on our economy and the deficit?"
You're talking to a guy who thinks this is the American Revolution, and that tea party is not just a named used to abuse.
Glad you have come around to see the truth of the matter. This is not a right or wrong issue, it is an all wrong all the time issue on behalf of the tea party terrorists. They only know how to destroy things, not to build them. Just like any other set of terrorists.
But regarding the republican brand, it is this: old, tired, 100% white, greedy, selfish and destructive. Cruz will lead the band of know nothings to its logical conclusion, total failure. But we can count on the usual suspects to cut and paste their tired drivel in defense of the indefensible. I frankly do not know how they handle being wrong all time.
zucronium: "I frankly do not know how they handle being wrong all time."
Self-hatred and denial. It's not really that complex. Maybe add a lot of inferiority complex.
If Republicans follow the same script as last time then the talk of soul searching will be replaced by talk of media bias sometime in the next 72 hours.
SuperLib: "If Republicans follow the same script as last time then the talk of soul searching will be replaced by talk of media bias sometime in the next 72 hours."
You're 72 hours too late for that -- they've been talking about 'liberal media' for the past few days.
Aren't the Democrats tarnished at all being as how they've presided over an additional $7 billion to the national debt over just the last 5 years ?
The republicans problems;
Tea Party
Ignorance & greedsmithinjapan
Serrano: "Aren't the Democrats tarnished at all being as how they've presided over an additional $7 billion to the national debt over just the last 5 years ?"
You mean the money used trying to balance the surplus bush turned into the biggest debt the US had faced to date, including to fund two illegal wars?
I like my life very happy and what I have without big government.
Reading that statement is laughable. That is the problem with America, a huge government bureaucracy! Something our forefathers never envisioned. And it shows, like the Obamacare server glitch. Oh, yeah, big government, what a joke.
The left wing in America has destroyed the minority community and has turned them into entitlement slaves! but this is the very thing you see in many socialist countries and having a president that doesn't respect human dignity, hardwork and value should be vilified at every angle.
Big government is for modest countries with modest ambitions.
There was No way Boehner was going to let that happen. I know msnbc would like you guys to believe that, but even going out on a limb the way the Republicans did, there was no way that was going to happen, so NO, I couldn't imagine it happening. No, back to that debt we were talking about....
More like talking to a guy that doesn't believe in liberal lunacy.
And the president is suffering from the opposite, that's his complex. Only problem is, he's not God. He might think otherwise though.
Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing about liberals forcing us to take a healthcare plan that some of us don't need. That in itself is not only unconstitutional, but it is terrorism in its purest form.
Terrorist, eh? So what did the liberals build and not destroy, what was a great liberal achievement besides playing the Robin Hood game? Ahhh, you just terra formed California into the socialist state that it is. Highest in cost of living, in taxes, unemployment. Job well done
That was a racist statement you just made. So now we know that EVERY single WHITE person is greedy and selfish, not to mention Republican. So why is the Obama administration so devoid of any color or minorities? Who's the racist?
Once you guys have the Obamacare in full swing, I'll sit on the sidelines watching the trainwreck unravel in slo mo. That will be the nail that seals your guys fate.
The democrats and progressive problems;
Hoping for more government dependency, love taxes than they love life itself, siphoning off other people's money. Whichever equates to greed.SushiSake3
Smith: "You mean the money used trying to balance the surplus bush turned into the biggest debt the US had faced to date, including to fund two illegal wars?"
Exactly, exactly.....to borrow a phrase from one of our long time conservative 'pals.' :-)
"If Republicans follow the same script as last time then the talk of soul searching will be replaced by talk of media bias sometime in the next 72 hours."
WilliB seems to be already leading the charge into Denial.
La la la, bash the head against the wall and blame everyone but the economic terrorists that manufactured the crisis.
I doubt many of our "independent conservatives" will make it to the midterm elections without some sort of a mental breakdown should the trend continue.
This article is about the Republican civil war. Notice how the "independent conservatives" here try to change it to how much they hate liberal Democrats.
That pretty much says it all: until recently, the irrational right wing hatred everything about America they are not kind of kept their hatred of each other in check.
No longer.
And I'm Lovin It.
Zurcronium: But regarding the republican brand, it is this: old, tired, 100% white, greedy, selfish and destructive.
Bass: That was a racist statement you just made.
Haha, your claim that that statement is racist only shows you don't understand it. Zurc is bang on. The Republican brand is all those things.
But Zurc failed to mention one other important characteristic of the Republican 'brand.' - by wanting to repeal Obamacare, the GOP also wants hardworking Americans to die broke and lonely with no health insurance.
If you don't already understand this, perhaps you should start reading up on the GOP's 'policy' platform.
My pleasure. :-)
You got that right.
And, BTW, the irony of it all is that according to the latest poll, Americans now like Obamacare more than the Republicans.
Way to go, Baggers!
I'm begninng to think Rafael 'Calgary' Cruz (R- Canada) is secretly a Canadian spy! He engeneered the whole thing just to get single payer the US!!
The biggest debt? So you are trying to deflect and dismiss and say, $17 Trillion is nothing to sneeze at. By the way, Serrano keeps asking you liberals a question, but like the president, none of you want to answer. And you guys don't have a money management problem?!!! Geeez!
Right back at you buddy
Bass"The left wing in America has destroyed the minority community and has turned them into entitlement slaves!"
What is it they say about the truth and Freedom or light and disinfectant?? ...Oh, beats me. :-)
"but this is the very thing you see in many socialist countries and having a president that doesn't respect human dignity, hardwork and value should be vilified at every angle."
"hardwork" is two words, not one, and value cannot be "vilified at every angle."
I know that, apparently you don't understand about attention grabbers. I wanted to show they go "handinhand" to put focus and emphasis on the word. Look, if Eminem can do it.....
One thing about liberals, it's never a dull moment.
I am blaming the people terrorists in power and the ongoing reign, that are holding the torch, the crown (giggle) the scepter.
Who said, liberals are working with a full deck?!! lol
And the same to you as well. Is that your best?
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting, we all have to sit and listen to the same liberal talking points, but if a conservative says something, it gets dismissed. Yabits, nice try.
Don't bet on that. Liberal cockiness once again at its worst.
Only crazy people completely disconnected from reality, think that he doesn't. The main problem with the Democratic party, they used to stand for something, now the party has been hijacked by socialist elitists, and it's being led by their supreme anointed leader.
Heh, "Raphaël" Cruz will be as relevant as his Alaskan neighbour Sarah Palin by the midterms. It's an amazement to me it takes so long for these nut jobs to be seen for what they really are.
Sad thing is, liberals will never see ANY error in their ways, that why we are in this conundrum.
The conundrum of the Republican Party's tarnished brand is all due to liberals. Right.
The more you write, the more you sound like Marsh Applewhite.
You getting those messages from Star Trek re-runs? Anointed? The last time I checked, Barack Obama entered and won primaries, just like any other candidate. "Anointed" is a word used by fringe lunatics who can't accept the reality that Mr. Obama was elected by a majority of American voters who have not been "hijacked" -- another fringe loony word.
But he acts like a supreme ruler, smug, stubborn, conceded, in love with his self-inflating ego. So yes, the anointed one!
But it's ok for you and liberals to never accept his royal to make constant remarks about Bush, But Obama, we can't? Here we go again...
""Anointed" is a word used by fringe lunatics"
Well, that's what they are.
There's intelligent criticism and, from there, the scale goes down to complete idiocy. And, for now, it's the idiots who keep tarnishing the Republican brand. From the looks of things, it's not so much a "tea party" to the conservative wing as it is a tar baby.
Can't? I say: "Keep up the great work. By all means, keep talking." Better the idiots do their number on the Republican Party than on the entire country.
Practice what you preach, brother.
bass4funk: "But he acts like a supreme ruler, smug, stubborn, conceded, in love with his self-inflating ego. So yes, the anointed one!"
I like the 'but' at the beginning of your comment. Proves you know your previous statements were wrong. You're fighting a losing battle, same as the tea party morons, and destroying what was once a party that stood for something -- the GOP. Personally, I say good riddance and laugh at what you guys have brought on yourself, but it is indeed a shame to see the denial, the insecurity, the lies, the betrayals, etc. Didn't a GOP congressman just now resign? hahaha.
I like the 'but' at the beginning of your comment. Proves you know your previous statements were wrong.
That's your opinion
NOT fighting a losing battle, that's what liberals hope that conservatives throw in the towel, sorry, NO dice.
Well, just wait until next year, Obama is already dropping in the polls quite significantly and with the Healthcare coming on full line by next year, you guys will destroy yourselves, rest assured.
and the cost of maintaining America's status as a bloated superpower. When it's pointed out to you that that is big government too, your response is some pointless burble about Obama and ACA.
Why is it that you liberals are always so irrational and emotional. I said, countless times, I prefer a strong military, but I do think you make in certain areas cuts, I don't have a problem with that, unlike you liberals that just want to neuter it.
Small government is for small countries like Switzerland, Iceland or Denmark. America isn't even ready to have a serious debate about small government, let alone do what it would take to achieve it. Just because the right wing uses the term as a rallying cry for their own narrow set of interests doesn't mean they understand it.
WTF?? Wrong, sorry. You can keep that Stalinist idea. If Liberals would focus MORE on growth in the private sector create more jobs, lower taxes, more revenue, before BIG government destroyed California when the bureaucracy was small and manageable the state was running smoothly with the 5th largest economy. Now look at it, overblown with taxes, who wants to live in a state where half of your money is taken away. California failed and continues to fail. The state is nearing bankruptcy, but as usual, liberals don't, care, don't understand, as long as they can tax you into oblivion, so be it. Once California is out of commission, the rest of the states will follow.
Smith: "You mean the money used trying to balance the surplus bush turned into the biggest debt the US had faced to date, including to fund two illegal wars?"
Heck, for one of those illegal wars ( Afghanistan ), Obama ordered an illegal surge! What gives?
How so? Stalin was a follower of Karl Marx, Lenin, the communist system. Or is it that object to the right for not embracing these socialist tenants?
The ignorance ends when liberals try to BS the American people thinking that big government is the way, when it's not. We are founded on Freedom, small government. Individualism, the pursuit of happiness and NOT have a giant government apperatus machine controlling our lives. As isaid, before to you liberals, you think California is shining becon of liberal socialist ideas? No, it's not, quite the opposite. Big government failed California. No wonder many people are moving to Texas. Ignorance is, when liberals don't get the clear picture that their policies overall for America when it comes to running the government are horrible and disasterous.
@bass4funk ... " No wonder many people are moving to Texas. Ignorance is ..."
Most of my family lives in Texas, if you think that the liberals will turn it into a blue state, boy do I have a bridge to sell you. That is a wild wet dream fantasy. Many of the Hispanics that have always lived there a lot have voted Republican. In 2004 Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote. NPR says a lot of things all day, I know, I like them, even though they sometimes drift off into the unreality zone. There was a reason as to why Obama didn't spend a lot of time campaigning there.
Sorry, guy, not going to work.
Let's backtrack - I say "Small government is for small countries like Switzerland, Iceland or Denmark. America isn't even ready to have a serious debate about small government, let alone do what it would take to achieve it. Just because the right wing uses the term as a rallying cry for their own narrow set of interests doesn't mean they understand it."
Dude, stop wasting your time, the data is out there, it won't work, you liberals NEVER get that, I don't know why that is. You think the way to prosperity is MORE government, you are wrong, totally. California is THE best example of it. Don't even have to say anymore about that, the numbers speak for themselves.
It's not meaningless, what Obama is doing is socialism in its purest form, income redistribution, spreading the wealth. Wanting to increase massive entitlements which again is what's breaking California.
It seems like you are a serious astute supporter of Stalinism or income redistribution and wanting the government to take charge of Americans lives.
Sorry, but you liberals are the ones trying to convince people and the ignorant ones will buy it thinking that big government is the only way, you keep preaching to the choir, if you like. But it's all garbage. But nice try, wipeout.
Time to start over. Give the republicans to the tea party and the other right wingers, the dems to the loopy left and other hippie wannabees and start a centrist party. Who's up for that?
More good news on the Republican Civil War:
"The convention left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths and we're not going to see that again," predicted Shaun Kenney, a former spokesman for the Virginia GOP who runs a conservative web site. "It's going to be like divorce court."
Ah, the sweet, sweet taste of impending victory.
BOTH parties have spent too much of their time pandering to the extreme fringe of partisan politics. America needs a viable third party in order to shake things-up and force the two sides to compromise. The ones that do the best job will get the most of the crucial swing votes from disenfranchised moderates and win the next election.
@gelendestrasse Yessir!!! It is definitely time to support a third party in the US. I am an Independent, social conservative-leaning moderate. We have not had any representation in a very long time. We are the swing voters who are left choosing the lesser of two evils. I believe that the middle ground is based on compromise. It is a plateau of Terra Firma that will eventually humble both sides of the isle. No one gets everything they want, but everybody would get some of what they want in equal shares. I am sick of these partisan politics that re-enforce tribal competitiveness. A decade ago the Repubs were drunk on their own hubris. Now the Dems show the same kind of pathetic displays. I think many have become sick of the entire process. It is not working. We are more divided than ever and we need to fix it.
The Repubs have ruined themselves by not supporting their base. So many broken promises. The Dems are on a temporary high but it will not last because a backlash is inevitable. The Independents will steadily rise in the USA because we are fed-up with the fringe lunatics on both sides of the aisle. When the middle ground moderates take center-stage, we will leave these tribal partisan war parties fighting amongst themselves while we march boldly into the future.
As Republicans, the first thing we need to do is kick out these Tea Party Clowns. Let them know that their agenda will not be tolerated. Do not allow any of their people to run under the Republican ticket anywhere. If they want to pursue their agenda of , "Obama's a Muslim and his birth certificate is fake," let them do that as a third party. Let's see how long that lasts.
The only reason some of their candidates have succeeded is because people were fooled into thinking they were Republicans.
So here's what we do:
Run on a platform of lower taxes for both individuals and corporations. Investigate a flat tax. Look at moving revenue from income tax to a VAT Seriously take a look at getting rid of the Fed Cut wasteful government spending. Let states make their own decisions on education spending Campaign finance reformSimon Foston
If they can win enough elections elsewhere they hardly need to bother, and if the Republicans can't get their act together they might just manage it. "Might" being the operative word - it does have to be admitted that liberals are very good at being ineffectual.