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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Early Harris-Walz rallies feature big crowds, talk of 'joy' and unsolicited GOP counterprogramming
It is an important move, and to differentiate herself from Trump should also introduce a negative income tax for the majority of labor that would be a step toward a UBI.
And guarantees that billionaires and corporations are not paying lower tax rates than their labor.
Congrats to Walz it has been very effective. Just watch one of Jordan Klepper's videos to see all the ignorance and bizarre carnival atmosphere on display at a MAGA rally
This is important. MAGA like to portray the White House as being behind Trump’s indictments, which couldn’t be further from the truth. The courts will lock Trump up, voters have to vote him out in November.
And where was the felon?
After his patchy rally in Montana, he seems to have gone back into cryo at Mara-lard-butt. He’ll come out for a round of cheating from his golf cart soon.
Harris’s crowd size is now so large that he’s not satisfied lying about the size of his own rallies.
Now he’s trying to claim hers are AI, lol.
FT poll: Harris now more trusted on the economy.
Trump would sell American military secrets to America's enemies to be able to get those numbers.
Simon Foston
JohnToday 07:26 am JST
I can't think of any reason to go to one of his rallies anyway. If I went to any political rally I'd be expecting to get soaring oratory about how the candidate was going to save the country, not stream of consciousness waffle about helicopter pilots who are more handsome than Tom Cruise and also a bit taller.
That will never happen. Ever. Never met a liberal that didn’t love a tax hike.
They try to overtax them, the rich always have the ability to relocate and move their assets and go somewhere that is more tax friendly, you want to penalize the job creators, good luck. Just look how many mega corporations left California. The elites will always have the last word.
Not for long
To expose Walz for the radical Socialist he truly is. Can’t wait for the debates
But you'd go for speeches on electric boat motors, sharks, and Hannibal Lector wouldn't you? No one knows more about these topics than Grandpa Trump. No one! He's the premier authority.
Simon Foston
bass4funkToday 07:37 am JST
What, like somewhere the government is even more deeply corrupt and all the politicians are deep down in billionaires' pockets?
Yes, if they're creating crappy low-paid jobs and keeping most of the profits for themselves.
Just sayin' lol
You can’t, you’re not American, so no need, you’re not going through what millions of Americans are going through and feeling about their daily lives
He does and it’s on his site. And nothing wrong with a bit of humor. The guy is hilarious. I think the left are just so focused and fixated on Trump they fail to even acknowledge or show his policies, but it’s all there.
He'd better hope people don't just think it makes him look more deluded and grandpa like...
If I were as old as him, I'd probably try to avoid the grandpa vibes myself.
Sir, neither are you, what a coincidence!!!
He missed his calling in stand up comedy, that waddle, those dance moves and that confused speech, I am rolling on the floor and laughing!!!
You can see the desperation and panic in Trump's face - and in his further mental meltdown...
"Former Los Angeles city councilman and California state Sen. Nate Holden said Friday that he was with former President Donald Trump in the helicopter ride that made an emergency landing, despite Trump saying it was former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.
“Willie is the short Black guy living in San Francisco,” Holden said in an interview with Politico late Friday. “I’m a tall Black guy living in Los Angeles.” “I guess we all look alike,” he added.
Trump told reporters gathered at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on Thursday that he was involved in a helicopter emergency landing with Brown, who has since rejected Trump’s account as “obviously wrong” during a phone call with CNN. “I’ve never been in a helicopter with him in my life,” Brown said.
Let's see, confuses Jean with Marla on the stand, calls his current wife "Mercedes", says his opponent is "Obama", thinks he's in Dallas when he's in Phoenix, now can't remember who he was in a helicopter with...
And there you go MAGA-fans - more evidence that your guy is deep into dementia…
How many more of these can he suffer before the Repubs tell him to go back to MAL and call up Nikki?
“Just one in four registered voters rated economic conditions as either “excellent” or “good,” and 42 per cent said they would be “much” or “somewhat” better off if Trump won another four years in the White House. Just 33 per cent said they would be “much” or “somewhat” better off under a Harris presidency.”
the Biden economy = the Harris economy. She has released zero economic policy other than no taxes on tips. That sounds oddly familiar from somewhere.
You gotta wonder what percentage of the Republican electorate is entirely jealous that the Democrats were smart enough to take their grandpa off the ballot.
Me neither sir, they all love hikes that are taxing!!!
Such clarity of thought can only come from a billionaire I too moved all my assets to a deserted island, no taxes and everything is free!!
I don’t think there’ll be a debate, JD with his eyeliner will stare out Walz!!!
You mean you guys can't dance to Kid Rock and Ted Nugent?
Maybe that's why your boys are all Doom and Gloom.
To be in the company of billionaires is an honor, what clarity of thought sir. A pity you don’t get tips in Japan, you could have been a trillionaire !!!
Walz has gone into media hiding along with Kamala.
cant have any inconvenient questions about his multiple scandals or her stolen nomination after it’s confirmed by Biden that they forced him out.
Yeah, at a rally with 10,000 people, lol.
These bs accusations have no effect on anyone but cult goobers and the intellectually deficient.
Sad, what?
How??? Just wait for the debates
The word on the street is that the Trump campaign has a new sponsor, but the name doesn't ring well for their campaign, so they're only supplying money and product: Depends.
More lib spin….hmmm
What a breathtaking response sir, comparing donald’s confused fib to a tax policy!!!
The depth of your intellect is astounding!!!
OK, here's another crack at these today - will it be another JD? Just Dodge?
1) Your evangelical supporters believe in the sanctity of life and that life begins at conception - no exceptions and no compromise. Do you believe life begins at conception and is any abortion after conception “murdering children”?
2) A majority of your supporters believe the COVID vaccine is poisonous and can kill you. Yet you went on Fox News and stated "it's safe and it works, and frankly all of my supporters should take it”. Do you still believe the vaccine is a medical miracle and safe, and what do you say to your supporters who think you are trying to poison them?
3) You are an adherent of the Great Replacement Theory (GRT) that holds brown immigrants are replacing white culture and Christian religion. But JD Vance’s wife is the daughter of brown immigrants and she is Hindu and doesn't believe in Jesus or a Christian God - aren’t her, her husband, and their children part of the GRT?
4) It’s been reported that Egypt President Al-Sisi gave your campaign in 2016 $10 million, and that it was transferred via a Egyption intelligence operator in small bills in duffel bags. After you became President, you approved a $1 billion defense package for Egypt that had been on hold. Did your campaign receive this money and if so, why didn’t you report it as it is illegal to receive donations from overseas governments? Was it an illegal bribe and quid-pro-quo for the defense aid package being released?
You keep regurgitating the same thing every, single day, all the debunked crap as if it’s going to change anything. I guess you have nothing else to contribute, let’s go once more around the mulberry bush. Lol
And the answer....
"JD is in the House!".....they'd rather talk about "mulberry bushes" than the sanctity of life or the poisonous COVID vaccine....
It's now official MAGA campaign strategy - JUST DODGE the hard questions...we saw if from Vance's Sunday show interviews and we see it on this thread...
Clear as day - MAGA-surrender...
What did we see from the Sunday show interviews of Walz?
oh, right….
Well, it's Sunday here now, and Walz is all over the news.
I hope that he and Kamala don't do a single interview, then beat your boy, just to stick it to you guys.
Seriously, Walz should never do an interview just to stick it to the Republicans. Annoy the hell out of them.
More movement in the betting markets.
After becoming favourite in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, Harris/Walz also now favourite to win Nevada.
Odds on them taking Arizona and Georgia also shortening.
Serious money being put down by the looks of it.
Still early days but worth keeping an eye on.
Simon Foston
lincolnmanToday 08:56 am JST
His supporters seem to think they're awesome though. Maybe they're actually being serious, or they've spent so much time professing their love for Donald Trump that their egos couldn't withstand admitting the truth.
Our MAGA-friends here try to cope with the Harris/Walz surge and the constant Trump mental glitches by blustering about the "next debate"....
But when you ask them to answer several debate questions, they all run and hide....dodging with nonsense about "mulberry bushes"...
It's just another example of MAGA-world self-imploding...
No, they have been campaigning. There are no Walz scandals that anyone cares about.
And Biden wasn’t forced out.
Meanwhile Sleepy Don goes back into cryo for some “executive time” and a fresh coat of shellac!
I care about Walz scandals and I am someone. Good on you for admitting he had multiple scandals, you just falsely think “no one cares”.
Walz has had zero interviews just like Kamala.
Joe Biden himself admits he was forced out. There is an article on this site with 0 comments all about it.
You are a Putin supporter, though, so not sure what you are concerned about.
So let's see if any of our MAGA-friends here have any more courage than dodging JD...
Do YOU support DeSantis's 6 week abortion ban? Do you prefer it to Trump's 15 week ban?
If you believe life begins at conception, aren't both bans still "killing babies"?
Stolen valor is concerning. It’s a severe character flaw.
Cards fan
He doesn't have any scandals. Cheap lies and smears from the backers of the draft dodging felon. Only an idiot would think Walz's "scandals" are worse than Trump.
Very true sir, you are the 1%
Very true sir, no one cares for JDs misogyny!!
Yes sir, the person on the rallies is someone else!
An abomination is what it is sir, I am outraged!!!
Trump's bonespur dodges aren't though I guess. Pathetic.
The funniest part of MAGA red-baiting and how it will be ineffective against Walz is how illogical it can be.
Like when they interview an old lady at a MAGA rally complaining about her medical benefits being cut when Trump was in office and blaming it on 'socialism'.
Or the guy at a MAGA complaining about Biden's far-left policies raising inflation and creating 'Corporate Marxism'.
You really cannot make this stuff up.
No you don’t. You won’t vote for Walz.
I should have been clearer. Nobody who will vote for him cares. People who are scrambling for an attack do, but it doesn’t matter. Nobody who will vote for him cares.
Yup. They will, in time. No need to rush.
Is serving your country for 24 years as big a concern as instigating an insurrection to overthrow the government because you lost?
I don’t think it is.
And no other sentient being thinks it’s a big problem either.
Such clear thoughts, amazing!!!
That’s MAGA humor for you, better than any stand up. Titter, titter, titter!
I did and neighbors are banging on the walls!!!
Correction: No one outside the moron’s cult of goober rubes cares about this bs lie that only draws attention to the Insurrectionist in chief’s cowardice.
There was no insurrection and when you have a growing number of your own men calling you a coward that is a bit unsettling, not to mention, that the way you govern is a deep concern as well.
More and more people think it is.
The Progressive left doesn't, everyone else does.
Ok, then convince half of the country, because the polls to this begging question doesn't agree with youer premise.
Well, that is irrelevant in the sense that he served his country in other ways through his real estate empire.
How so? Judging by the numbers and movement, it is.
Here we go...Lol
Welcome to the world of corporate Capitalism
Bob Fosse
As usual in the face of criticism and dashed hopes all the maga have is waaaaaaaa, conspiracies and pendulums.
It’s truly pathetic.
Bob Fosse
lol give the man a medal of valor.
The funniest thing about this is that you are probably serious.
Watch this CNN interview with Walz's superior officer who contradicted the narrative about how he came to leave the military. They sabotaged the interview then promptly cut him off when they didn't like what he said.