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© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Epstein suicide sparks fresh round of conspiracy theories
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Let the chips fall where they may.
Be they Democrats or Republicans, let's rip open this can of worms!
Toasted Heretic
I'm not one for conspiracy theories. Especially ones with anti-Semitic overtones.
And of course, it's not surprising to see the man who oversees the Federal BoP blaming a suspicious death on his predecessor from 20 years ago.
Still, this stinks all over. It stinks of the elite sex predators getting away with their filth.
And the victims of his heinous crimes (and those carried out by his rich friends) - will they ever get closure on this?
He was "suicided"
Placed on suicide watch, but then taken off it just before he 'suicided'.
Camera malfunction at the time of event.
Guards asked to leave and carry out maintenence somewhere else at the time of event.
Epstein claimed someone made an attempt on his life 2 weeks ago.
Epstein is ex-Mossad.
All. Very. Suspicious.
Black Sabbath
"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
-- Donald Trump
The Republican so-called president is sick in his head and so is the GOP for being being silent.
Epstein died while in custody in Trump's own racketeering outfit formerly called the DOJ.
It was irresponsible of Barr to announce Epstein's death a suicide without an autopsy. It was irresponsible, reckless and malicious for Trump to insinuate Clinton murdered him.
B. Jay
How on earth was he not on suicide watch? He attempted killing himself last month. I can't help but think that a lot of powerful and influential people wanted him dead so they kinda facilitated this. The guy was going to disclose an awful lot in his trial. Remember Donny Dump once called him a " terrific guy ".
Toasted Heretic
The men involved in this ring all apparently enjoy the company of young women.
Whether or not the man's death is self-inflicted or something more sinister - the story behind the man, the type of rich sexual predators he entertained, should ring alarm bells.
The man is dead but the truth isn't.
I hope it comes out soon & those involved get to do serious time. Regardless of their politics or impeccable lineage.
No Business
I'd love to know who killed him and how.
Raw Beer
Epstein certainly had reasons for killing himself, but the authorities had no valid excuse to take him off suicide watch.
That certainly is the common MO, we've seen this many times. I would add that the cameras were probably maintained/run by a security company based you know where...
Epstein seemingly was in a class of his own with the depth of his involvment in literally disgusting operations.
But for "our man Trump" to deny any real association is just false.
Tons of stuff exist that pre-dates the presidential era, when there was no anti-trump conspiracy being fed by leftist extremists - lol.
Just a snippet from the times -
*"....Trump in 1992 directed Florida businessman George Houraney—who would later accuse Trump of sexually harassing his former girlfriend and business partner, Jill Harth—to organize a members’ only “calendar girl” competition at Mar-a-Lago. After Houraney “arranged to have some contestants fly in,” he told the Times in an interview Monday, he discovered that there would be only two attendees. “At the very first party, I said, ‘Who’s coming tonight? I have 28 girls coming.’ It was him and Epstein,” Houraney recalled. “I said, ‘Donald, this is supposed to be a party with V.I.P.s. You’re telling me it’s you and Epstein?’” The anecdote underscores the friendship between the pair, and suggests that their relationship proceeded in spite of warnings about Epstein’s behavior. Houraney “pretty much had to ban Jeff from my events,” he said. “Trump didn’t care about that.”..."*
Yep. What a refreshing lack of partisanship.
A dead pedophile at no state expense, good result
Cogito Ergo Sum
The dead tell no tales.
His kind repulse me but I'd have loved him to have his day in court. For one's rights to be protected one must protect others' rights.
He was "suicided" ( implying that he was killed )
You would have to be really gullible to believe he committed suicide.
Epstein was silenced.
Best one I’ve heard is that he isn’t dead. Wheeled out of jail and given a new identity, like in Eraser.
Right. So who was behind it?
Are you going with the conspiracy theory Trump is advertising? My guess would be that your political leanings would rule Trump involvement out from the start.
Raw Beer
He might not be dead. You can see pictures taken while transferring the body; just search for "jeffrey epstein body" on Google Images. The nose (and perhaps the ears) don't quite match.
I don't think he is on a beach enjoying himself, but perhaps in a safe location, where they are trying to extract more information from him. I just hope he will never be a free man again.
Right. So who was behind it?
Don't know yet. But no worries, we have those pure, loyal, hard-working FBI guys without a shred of corruption on the case.
My guess would be that your political leanings would rule Trump involvement out from the start.
Can't rule it out. Keep in mind though that Trump never flew on Lolita Express, whereas a predecessor did so several times.
Now, that’s more like it.
Proper conspiracy theory. Great stuff.
The gauntlet is down. Someone needs to step up.
So what is he supposed to do or say? That’s the job for the DOJ to handle.
Wow, racketeering now.....the creative of liberals is getting better, no doubt about it.
Oh, there are so many liberal conspiracy theories out there about the President and liberals gloss over that. Anyway, it doesn’t matter, Trump said what he said, I hope liberals will wake and give the President the same benefit of a doubt like they do with Clinton.
@Stormcrow - agree completely however there are rich and powerful on both sides and it is not likely we will ever know the real truth.
Chip Star
Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, the state where some of Epstein's alleged sexual abuse crimes took place, suggested the possibility that others might have been involved in Epstein's death
Every time a conservative opens their mouth a conspiracy theory gets its wings.
Chip Star
Such as the Continetak Army having had air superiority and taken British airfields?
How on Earth are political parties supposed to come into this? It's nothing to do with Liberals, Republicans or Democrats. There was a prostitution service for underage girls. They serviced people in high places with plenty of money and plenty of clout. These people aren’t liberal or republic or dems, they think they are above all of that. And they think they are above the law. We need more people like Snowden and Assange to blow the whistle on corruption like this. Blow it wide open and let's have some real justice.
Trump is a racist, talk about flying conspiracy theories....
Trump's new conspiracy theory tomorrow;
Obama and Hillary did it - Michelle distracted the guards while Obama and Hillary roped over the 30 foot wall and down the other side. Vince Foster and Seth Rich drove the getaway car (they're not dead, that was just a deep state fake-out).
Jim Clapper (he's real smart) hacked the alarm systems and opened the doors. And Eric Holder made the secret poison that made it look like he hanged himself...
Get more details on Sean Hannity's show tonight....
Love how liberals immediately call it a conspiracy theory.
so it’s no more likely that someone could have killed Epstein than Vladimir Putin installed the President of the USA?
You guys loved that one so much you spent 2.5 years looking into it.
Liberals? Trump is now a Liberal?
Amen! You just slam dunked it.
trump isn’t calling it
trump Isn’t calling it a “conspiracy theory” to try to immediately discredit it. You are.
we don’t even get ONE day to consider that something else besides what we were told could have possibly happened? But you get 2.5 years.
Chip Star
No, no. Conspiracy theories don't have piles of direct evidence.
Chip Star
This road, again? Remember the 300,000 investigations into Hillary before you start complaining.
Interesting how in The Guardian's article "Who were the rich and powerful people in Jeffrey Epstein's circle?" there's a 19 year old photo of Epstein with Trump and then girlfriend Melania at Mar-a-Lago. No photos of any former president who flew on the Lolita Express several times though.
So because Hillary got investigated long ago Epstein died exactly as we were told? No connection.
so you have to wait until the active investigation into his death is over and we get to speculate every day for the next 2.5 years until it is.
True. But real journalists and truth tellers like these are all dead, locked away in prison or in exile. We are left with pretend journalists who only want to promote their favorite political party, heck with the truth.
A pedophilia ring and dodgy "suicide" of the main witness who could implicate world leaders, and all people here can moan about is "Trump" this and "Trump" that. Sorry, but that's how sheep bleat. When are Americans going to wake up?
He sure did - I'm glad both your eyes opened and you can now see the truth...
What? He re-tweeted this;
"Died of SUICIDE on 24/7 SUICIDE WATCH ? Yeah right! How does that happen," Terrence K. Williams, a conservative commentator wrote in the message retweeted by Trump. In a two-minute-long selfie video recording, Williams alleged that the Clintons were responsible for Epstein's death.
Less than 12 hours, and the Great Orange Conspirator in Chief is out tweeting alt-right nut job conspiracy theories...
So according to you, he must be a Liberal...
A certain former US president who flew with Epstein on the Lolita Express 27 times, several times inexplicably leaving behind his secret service detail, is breathing a big sigh of relief today.
Toasted Heretic
I know, right? There is no CT about it, his racism has been proved hundreds of times but still some out there are in denial.
That said, why is this man dead? Who would gain from his "suicide" and if he was on watch, how did it happen?
Toasted Heretic
And a certain well known sexual predator who boasts about grabbing women must also be relieved.
For now.
Bring these predators to justice. All of them.
Chip Star
Sure there is. Conservatives never want to see the connections right in front of their faces.
Playing the victim card.
I certainly hope so. But Im afraid we’re talking about very powerful people here who will protect themselves by any means - threats, money, whatever it takes.
A current US President who lived next door to Epstein and invited him to Mar-A-Lago numerous times, and had a party with just Epstein and 28 girls must be breathing a really big sigh of relief - his wife too....
Says who? Don’t know what happened yet. Why so quick to try to say it’s conspiracy theory and not just a conspiracy?
Toasted Heretic
Like retweeting conspiracy theories.
Yes, the good part is that these people can now be directly be held responsible without having to have an Epstein trial first.
The lawyer for the girls - Epsteins victims - prosecuting Epstein said that Trump is the only one who helped the lawyer and the girls.
Because everything Donnie tweets is an alt-right nut-job conspiracy theory - I would think you as a Trump supporter would know that...
Epstein may have actually killed himself. He had good reason to do so. Perhaps he chuckled one last time thinking of all the conspiracy theories that his suicide would launch.
Oh like the “conspiracy theory” that the FBI and Hillary paid a foreign spy for that dossier? Oops
lets see the autopsy photos and interview the guards and see the video from his cell first. Active investigation so you have to wait.
conspiracy theories
Putin might have had Epstein killed to protect Trump. I bet a lot of people here who still believe the Russia collusion conspiracy theory believe that one.
Everything starts with “questions about....”.
So anything that is questioned is a “conspiracy theory”?
@Toasted Heretic,
uh, retweets wasnt what I had in mind.
Epstein may have actually killed himself.
I gotta ask you, Ike-in-Tokyo-from-89, do you really believe that?
It's very possible someone had him killed.
But unless there is actually something to show that, then anyone claiming that you'd have to be stupid to believe he wasn't killed, doesn't realize you'd also have to be just as stupid to believe he was. Without the evidence, either determination is illogical. None of us know what happened, and it's equally as plausible a suicide as a murder. In reality though, only one of those things happened.
FBI paid? You mean the dossier initially funded by a conservative group? Ooops...
You may want to tell your President that so he quits tweeting out nut-job conspiracy theories...
By the way, you never answered, does that make him a Liberal?
For the 3rd time liberals are calling it “conspiracy theory” not Trump. So no Trump is not a liberal.
He is not calling this a conspiracy theory, he says it is possible this happened, which it is at least possible that he was “suicided” by someone.
Per the dossier- Not talking “initially” funded. We said the FBI and Hillary paid for it too. All of you said that was “conspiracy theory”. But lo and behold, it happened just as we said. Oops.
Of course, reading through this thread, all the conspiracy theorists are on the right. Go figure.
Blacklabel - you are off message today - it is Trump, the Trump fanboys and Kremlin accounts who are supporting the conspiracy theories, not they liberals.
You say this and it is fine:
we say the same thing, liberals dismiss it and start screaming “conspiracy theory” on day 1 of the investigation .
You even said “very” possible. I agree. N
Now who would benefit from his death? All the liberals/Dems listed in the documents.
Supporting what conspiracy theory?
We are saying someone could have killed him. That’s not a conspiracy theory.
Trump for one. There are allegations of him getting handjobs from underage girls at Epsteins parties. And since your team is so into conspiracies - consider who would be best placed to be able to have someone killed in jail, than the guy who isn't even accountable to the justice system?
Not that I'm saying he did it. There is literally nothing to support that idea. But you asked who would benefit.
We are saying it’s very possible someone had him killed. Exactly what you said. Have concluded nothing.
Strange the Russia collusion was never immediately identified as “unsubstantiated speculation” by online “theorists” or “conjecture” on day 1 of an active investigation.
Toasted Heretic
Yes. That's called a conspiracy theory.
Semantics aside, I think a lot of people think that the death is unusual and convenient, at least.
But which CT do we go with?
Once again, as is typical with some, it boils down to what the "team" narrative is.
Personally, I'd like to see Epstein's cabal of traffickers, enablers, abusers and elitists all brought to justice.
I do not care which side of the house they sit on.
Interesting theory you have on this conspiracy.
Or rather
Epstein suicide sparks fresh round MSM misdirection headlines about “conspiracy theories” to keep talk of prominent Democratic leaders connected to Epstein's criminal sex club out of the story.
hehe, this harkens back to this comment:
Read the first quote above.
I he really dead ? i wonder
At this point the conspiracy is that he actually killed himself...
Norman Goodman
Man with alleged sexual and criminal dirt (the worst kind in 'murica) on America's most rich and powerful.....unfairly denied alleged suicide attempt already....suicide watch cancelled....he commits suicide. (cough) Yeah right.
A conspiracy is only a theory until its proven. Many have been.
Well they arrested him based off of information they already have, and his death doesn't change any of that. That's to say if there are famous people involved that information didn't suddenly go away with his death.
My guess was he was just a POS knowing he was about to spend the rest of his life in jail and killed himself. No real mystery.
Then why was Trump one of the first to re-tweet a far-right, nut-job conspiracy theory?
And why does his staff keep repeating them?
Sure looks like someone is trying some misdirection...
...''The 45th president is a reckless buffoon, a conspiratorial racist moron, whose weird comments should be disregarded by sensible people.''
David Frum, The AlanticBraze
Half the population of the US predicted this one, so chalk up a conspiracy theory that happened to be true.
Keep repeating that - in the real world we'll just look at Trump's re-tweet of a alt-right nut-job conspiracy theory... He must be getting more Liberal everyday....
Boy does that sound familiar - "It's possible Obama wasn't born in the US" - the one of the biggest conspiracy theories ever...and one proved false, much to the humiliation of the author...
We understand you don't want to talk about who initially funded it;
The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website funded in large part by New York hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer, initially retained the firm Fusion GPS that conducted opposition research on Donald Trump and a number of other Republican candidates.
Hard to have an honest conversation with someone who isn't willing to deal with the reality of what Trump says and does.
Trump for one. There are allegations of him getting handjobs from underage girls at Epsteins parties.
Yeah, those allegations have about as much credibility as Christine Blasey Ford's allegations against Kavanaugh. Trump was not the president who flew on Lolita Express to Epstein's island at least several times.
" "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
Said in 2002, before many people knew what Epstein was up to.
" Trump was not the president who flew on Lolita Express to Epstein's island at least several times"
Correct. 29 times, court records show....Trump was not on the fight manifests even once, and somehow he's more evil than ol' Bill and his near 30 times down there, a couple times ducking his Secret Service detail to board the plane. It's OK if it's a Democrat, as their long history of shutting one eye shows.....Jack Kennedy's endless conquests in the White House pool, Teddy's never-prosecuted manslaughter at Chappaquiddick, Elizabeth Warren turning out to be only 1/650-1/2500 Native American after a lifetime of self-promotion as a Native American with a full-blooded NA grandmother (can you imagine the horror if a Republican did this!? Where's the cultural appropriation brigade when you need them?), Bill's cigar escapades....I could go on but I'm too disgusted. Trump saying Epstein's a nice guy 17 years ago is worse than all this because Trump!
The jail wardens didn't inspect his ell every 30 minutes the night before even though he was under suicide watch.
He wasn't under suicide watch. Other prisoners have killed themselves in the same unit as Epstein. I'm sure someone had a motive to have them murdered as well. Doesn't mean that it in fact happened.
Norman Goodman
"Doesn't mean that it in fact happened."
We have great reasons to suspect though. Its not like America's injustice system gives us all the pertinent information or the press can be completely yeah....we suspect. We even STRONGLY suspect. My road to this point was paved with lies I can prove were lies and many a plot hole has been filled, much later than it could have been.
"that information didn't suddenly go away with his death."
Some did. And so did a lot of redundancy. Suddenly that information just got a hell of a lot easier to make disappear.
I predict this dies off after a few weeks.
You know if it were a Democrat, the Republicans would never stop going on about it. Pizzagate, Hillarygate, GateGate, Everygate, NRAGate, MoronGate, and all of the millions of other gates they've gated us with have shown they will gate all the gates they can gate.
When you are supporting a notorious conspiracy theorist, I suppose you have to be at the very least sympathetic.
Yeah, that's true. My point also being that when you to get these really big fish, some are not really all that different from one another? They're rich, they're arrogant and they've committed crimes, so treat them as such.
Should've said: . . . some are not really all that different from one another, are they?
No, it hasn’t, not even once.
That’s what Barr is trying to determine.
To a lot of high profile people, If would seem so.
What on
I can agree to that. Nice to see liberals advocating free for fairness of the justice system.
We have great reasons to suspect though.
And no one is stopping it. There are also camera everywhere in the MCC so it shouldn't be hard to figure out what actually happened.
Lets add another conspiracy theory idea into the fray - The SAS bumped him off in order to protect the Royal Family.
Toasted Heretic
It has been proved, it's all on video, in print , online. Myself and others have highlighted it hundreds of times for you. Every racist, bigoted thing he's said is all there for everyone to see. Take those blinkers off.
I'm not going to waste your time or mine posting them up again.
I wouldn't know, not being a liberal. Why do white nationalists assume everyone who doesn't agree with them is a liberal?
Oh, you've said before you're not one of those. My apologies, I don't know why I'd call you that, after so many times being told you're not.
MSNBC hosts now blaming AG Barr and “the Russians” for Epstein’s “suicide”.
Even most liberals don’t believe Epstein killed himself. You just especially want to immediately rule out anyone named Clinton or anyone else on your team.
No, it hasn’t and that was all by the liberal media
No blinders, I too, as well as others have highlighted and posted hundred of times that he isn’t and how every fabrication was baseless ans without merit.
Probably shouldn’t, I think so.
You’re not a conservative either so that kind of narrows it down to one more option.
Why do liberals think that everyone that disagrees with them is a racist or a white nationalist?
I’m surprised you’re shocked, you should have known that was coming, how could it not?
Nippori Nick
I have read some articles about the psychological and intellectual make up of people who make a habit of believing all these "conspiracy theories" no matter how ludicrous they may seem.
Let's just say you don't find a lot of Mensa candidates in that group.
Anyone who thinks it's a conspiracy theory to think something fishy went on here isn't playing with a full deck.
But this is not the biggest political scandal in modern history. The attempted coup on a duly elected sitting U.S. President should take that honor.
Yep, and after 2.5 years, they came to the conclusion that Vladimir Putin did indeed meddle in Americas elections, so, in fact, not a conspiracy theory.
Trump isn't a liberal and he's been re-tweeting conspiracy theories as fast as his fingers allow.
Not surprised by the conspiracy theories. This guy involved a lot of prominent men in his pedo shenanigans. Senator Mitchell, Governor Richardson, and Prince Andrew are not likely the only ones. Not smart for Trump to start on former President Clinton though. I doubt many would be shocked if it were true but given his own inquisition that was belatedly proven to be untrue, it’s irresponsible to do the same to others.
No. Making a conclusion with literally zero evidence is a logical failure. Trying to claim that others not falling to the same logical failure as "not playing with a full deck" is also a logical failure.
Really, just a failure all around.
Toasted Heretic
It's fascinating that some will not only deny the facts of Trump's racism from well-documented rental misdemeanors, to the vile birther movement and beyond. It also doesn't paint his supporters in a good light.
Because there's only liberals and conservatives in the political spectrum. Ignoring the myriad of different ideologies, viewpoints and politics in the world. Again with the denials.
That's the point I'm making. How ridiculous it is to keep calling someone a liberal when they have stated numerous times that they're not. Hence my making a lazy statement about white nationalists (being the only option). It's clearly gone over someone's head.
Toasted Heretic
I'm no fan of Clinton, but yes, I guess some could paint it as an attempted coup on his presidency at the time.
By one partisan side, hardly factual
*And everything else these other sub-groups that fall under those two umbrellas.
I'm waiting for this Epstein thing to blow over within 6 months, and slowly disappear from the news entirely, which in and of itself will be telling. Main Stream Media.
Not only will the Epstein case just blow over and go away, if there is any investigation into Epstein so called suicide look for all government investigated material to be classified and if presented to the Public through FOIA request it will be highly redacted to protect the guilty, I mean agents. Also they will stall on release of information even if forced to release through court orders, they will dribble it out extra slow, because let's face it, the Federal level of government is the law they are above it all.
As for any camera video that's the first thing the FBI confiscates never to be seen again, or just deny that it ever existed.
Notice how we've had 2 Mass Shootings just before this Epstein Suicide, and we also have an escalation in things such as the TAPS act pushed by the Republicans, they will eventually take away one of your Bill of Rights ( Due Process ) and proceed to go after the rest. I'd say Hate speech is a good start to finish off the 1st amendment. Can't really say any of the above is a Conspiracy Theory as most of this is in the news daily, gun control, hate speech, it's all about control over you, and to top it all off the State through their Propaganda Arm Main Stream Media has got everybody jumping on the bandwagon to take away their own rights for all of this safety they will provide you, LOL hard to make this stuff up, but they're trying extra hard, and a lot of folks are buying into it. The People involved in this Epstein scandal will go to any lengths to shut this thing down, now look for the Main Stream Media to change small items in their Story, emphasis on the Story.
I don't think we should dismiss the conspiracy so quickly. After all, Trump and Epstein used to associate closely together and both have a strong interest in young women. Perhaps Trump ordered this to save any embarrassment during a trial. There was also the risk that he might have been called as a witness, which might have led to him perjuring himself.
Far better for Trump that he suicide himself.
@Blacklabel - if I remember correctly, at the time of the nerve agent poisonings in England last year, you were among the loudest voices calling out a conspiracy to tar Russia and pointing the finger at the British security services.
You stopped after the evidence became overwhelming that Russia was behind the attempted assassinations.
We should always question the motives of those who shout "conspiracy".
After all, Trump and Epstein used to associate closely together
Nowhere near as closely as Epstein and Bill Clinton who flew on the Lolita Express quite a few times as opposed to Trump's zero times.
Perhaps Trump ordered this to save any embarrassment during a trial.
Talk about conspiracy theories, that whopper's bigger than Burger King makes.
Far better for Trump that he suicide himself.
Really disgusting comment. I wouldn't say that even about the Clintons. I just want to see them brought to justice.
i see the parrots are out on this one. repeating the slime that pedophiles are throwing out blame shifting to trump. if trump had anything to do with this pedophile, epstein would have been arrested a long time ago. trump is responsible for his arrest, as well as record pedo and human trafficking arrests, since he became president.
And we just want to see Trump brought to justice - what's the difference?
Once again the right is freaking out that people are treating Trump like they treated Obama.
Toasted Heretic
Stopped reading after the latest denigrating people as animals trope.
Whatever politics one subscribes to, Epstein's death should worry a lot of the elite involved. And rightly so.
This is not some partisan slanging match or campaign nonsense.
This is sexual abuse and taking advantage of young women by the rich and powerful.
Let's see if I understand this;
twenty two people are viciously murdered by a white racist in El Paso, but William Barr and the U.S. DOJ are completely silent. Crickets make more noise than these guys.
Next, a very rich sexual predator, and friend of Trump, dies while in custody, and now William Barr and the U.S. DOJ are very concerned.
What is wrong with this picture?
“ After all, Trump and Epstein used to associate closely together and both have a strong interest in young women. “
No, they didn’t. Epstein gave Trump a lift to New York from Florida 2-3 times as they lived near each other in both places but they were never friends or closed associates. I find it hilarious that the New York Intelligencer, in its article about Epstein’s arrest, used a photo of ‘Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell at Mar-a-Lago in 2000. “ trying to rub Epstein’s crimes all over Trump with a 19-year-old photo, obviously the only one they can find.
“In this week’s statement, Clinton said he knew nothing of Epstein’s “terrible crimes” and that the two hadn’t spoken in a decade. But the picture of their relationship painted by the former president doesn’t square with flight logs that put Clinton on Epstein’s jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” 26 times between 2001 and 2003. Or with Gawker’s 2015 report on Epstein’s little black book, which included “21 contact numbers and various email addresses for Clinton.” Alleged Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre also claimed in a 2015 affidavit that Clinton visited the financier’s private island, though Clinton denies it.”
Why is the coroner’s report late?
Surely, there can’t be many ways to bow out in prison?
A most convenient suicide! Purely coincidetally, the suicide watch was off, all cameras pointed in the other direction, and all personnel overworked and suddenly tired. If I was a conspiracy theorist with a long memory, I would watch out for some of the prison staff to get surprisingly wealthy in a couple of years from now. But then, who has a long memory? Certainly not the mainstream media, if the story does not meet their narrative.
Progressive university administrators have seen to that already by holding kangaroo courts over alleged rapes on college campuses all over the USA.
As for hard drives those are the first things aides to a former prominent Democrat presidential hopeful destroyed with the contents never seen again.
Toasted Heretic
I just think it's a pity he's dead as his victims don't get proper closure. Let's hope the investigations into his associates is thorough.
What I know is that a man facing the rest of his life in prison without his accustomed “comforts” and facing hostility from other inmates is dead.
I think he decided on the quickest way to go.
He may have anticipated attempts on his life as well.
Not much to live for. Get it over.
Raw Beer
Apparently, someone insisted on placing in the autopsy team a guy in his 80's who was also involved in the autopsy of JFK and MLK!
I do not know exactly what happened, but I am sure that what ever the official version is, it is BS.
Curious why Trump would have his appointee Barr, a lifelong member and legal protector of the far right establishment faction, have Dr. Michael Baden involved. Or do you think Trump's playing golf at one of his properties (on the taxpayer's dime) and Barr hasn't told him.
Joe Blow
Thank you for providing us with the Democratic party's talking points.
William Bjornson
THE MOST FAR OUT AND OBFUSCATINGLY INSULTING IS THE "CONSPIRACY THEORY" THAT IT WAS A SUICIDE! AND HERE WE DO NOT JUST HAVE THE 'THEORY' WE HAVE ALSO THE OBVIOUS, OBVIOUS CONSPIRACY! Assassination has become just another political tool and too common plot line for 'important witnesses'. Odd that we buy it so easily in fantasy and when we see it in Human Reality, we become the dumb 'captain' who couldn't see a clue if it were lodged in his cornea. The man was murdered. Something went awry the first attempt and nothing went awry, COULD go awry in the sequel. No mention if his cell door was locked have I seen. Why do people always fall for the 'conspiracy theory' accusation from the government without questioning the always sketchy accounts which gov stamps as 'official' and so many Americans swallow as truth? Because Americans break out in hives if exposed to too much 'detail'. Psychogenic hives, factallergies, itchy anxieties, and all brought to resolution and relief when OUR GOVERNMENT SAYS with a wave of a spokesperson's hand: "These aren't the truths you're looking for..." We fall for it every time.
If the FBI is in the foreground or Background on any investigation, you can be sure upon close scrutiny the bucket will not hold water because of all the countless holes in it, in so doing it is the State that creates Conspiracy theories by not telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, classified and redacted in these situations creates conspiracy theories, what the State really wants is for the citizens to accept every single word they utter as Gospel from above, and after all the lies, that's going to be impossible. Already just on Epstein's death alone the story starts to become more weird by the day as it always does when the Federal Government is involved.
From CBS Morning,
Shrieking heard from Jeffrey Epstein's jail cell the morning he died will get weird it always does and the PR arm of the State will see to that.
This is still open for comments? Wow! OK, then -
Epstein's apparent suicide
Yeah, right! Apparent to who? Gullible people?
Wonder if Trump is going to say the Clintons are behind this....
"I did not have suicidal relations with that inmate."
There are conspiracy theories and there are conspiracy theories. In this particular case I would say the more unlikely conspiracy theory is that there was a massive accidentaly confluence of a unusual events that allowed Epstein to kill Epstein.