Japan Today

EU does not want to decouple from China but must protect itself, says EU trade chief

By Brenda Goh

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Relations have become tense due to Beijing's ties with Moscow 

Putin is visiting Beijing in October. Whenever Xi and Putin meet they makes waves.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

He could hardly admit that the EU 'cooling relations' with China are to protect itself from AMERICAN hostility.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

quercetumSep. 23 06:30 pm JST

Relations have become tense due to Beijing's ties with Moscow 

Putin is visiting Beijing in October. Whenever Xi and Putin meet they makes waves.

Only in their Orwellian countries.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

RichardPearceToday 04:34 am JST

He could hardly admit that the EU 'cooling relations' with China are to protect itself from AMERICAN hostility.

I believe some sources are in order that the EU isn't doing this on their own. The US was right to use every bit of leverage to try to get vital communications equipment to not be supplied by hostile countries.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The European Union has no intention to decouple from China 

European, like the American ruling caste want to continue to not pay decent wages to their workers, and will use cheap Chinese labor instead. The 'western' brand of allegedly 'free' market capitalism and also the Chinese brand of state capitalism both fully exploit workers so the ruling caste can continue to maintain their wealth and power.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

PT, Chinese labor isn't cheap anymore. The low wage, low training work isn't happening in China, it's happening in countries in China's region, in factories under contract to Chinese businesses, then shipped to China where the knowledge work is done by educated and reasonably compensated Chinese.

There's a reason why years ago, the top 10 sources of peer reviewed academic papers in the 'strategic sciences' were mostly Chinese universities and research parks, and now that holds true for the top 10 sources of 'important' (highly cited by other papers) ones, too.

China has a healthy middle class who AREN'T being burdened by having to 'bail out' oligarchs and developers who, after years of reaping high private profits want the losses to be eaten by the taxpayers.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

RichardPearceToday 02:35 pm JST

PT, Chinese labor isn't cheap anymore. The low wage, low training work isn't happening in China, it's happening in countries in China's region, in factories under contract to Chinese businesses, then shipped to China where the knowledge work is done by educated and reasonably compensated Chinese.

Is this your belief about China today or your dream about some hypothetical future? Last I heard there was 20% youth unemployment in China because nobody wants knowledge work done there.

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