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Ex-Pence adviser says Trump bungled virus; she's for Biden


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Trump bungled the virus and continues to do so. He's got golf games to play that are more important to him than the health of the nation.

Trump and his fellow 'elite' care nothing for the Americans devastated by the messes Trump's made. After all, those hit hardest by Covid45 have been those at the lower end of the economic spectrum, especially Black, Hispanic and Native peoples, humans the Republican 'elite' have never cared a single thing about. And that typically have never voted Republican.

Trump's bungling another example of how he's divided the county more widely than it's ever been.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

I'm not a rusted on Trump supporter, and I actually think Trump has made so many off the cuff stumble since the campaign began that Biden was a sure winner.

Until recent times...

For me, unfortunately, the Biden campaign, for what ever reason has turned the race into a Trump good guy vs Trump bad guy race, all about Trump, no policy, nothing about the people, or the country, or where the country sits in the world. Is the Biden camp that confident it can win without policies?

What's with the autocue speeches also, does the Biden campaign thinks Biden doesn't have the ability to speak freely? Very unpresidential looking, or is his health actually an issue?

IMHO, either the Biden camp is wildly optimistic of a win, or they're loosing steam, and Trump is finally getting a chance (again). Note, Trump is dominating the media (bad press didn't damage his chances at the last election, it just elevated his presence to voters). Trump is still speaking freely (like a president should), Trump is the ONLY one speaking about country matters, world matters, VS Biden speaking about Trump and Trump only.

If I was a betting man, I'd say they're neck n neck now, whereas 3 months ago, Biden was a sure winner.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

She's nuts. That's why she's a former advisor and not a current advisor.

former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci.

Yeah, Mooch didn't last long. What an idiot.

Trump bungled the virus and continues to do so. 

Well that's just, like, your opinion, man. My opinion is no he didn't and no he doesn't.

You want to know who bungled the virus? The governor of New York, Andrew COVID patients in nursing homes Cuomo, and that's a fact.

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

You want to know who bungled the virus? The governor of New York, Andrew COVID patients in nursing homes Cuomo, and that's a fact.

Agreed! But of course the media thinks voters still believe their fake news.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

She's nuts. That's why she's a former advisor and not a current advisor.

Admit it Serrano, you've never heard of her until you read this article.  So not sure where you got your "she's nuts" info from.  The reason she is not a current advisor is she resigned in protest at the complete shambles this racist  (aptly named) White House has become.  It's called integrity.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

What else hasn't Trump bungled? The evidence has been accumulating for the past 60+ years for anyone who can read and, since 2016, the damning historical record has grown exponentially like the virus.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

You want to know who bungled the virus? The governor of New York, Andrew COVID patients in nursing homes Cuomo, and that's a fact.

Typical Trump supporter response. Deflect. Deflect. Deflect. Accept no responsibility whatsoever. It's like Trump blaming Biden for not instituting a mask mandate, even though only the president has the power to do so. Last time I checked, Biden was not the president. But Trump, like you, wants to blame others for his failings.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Why do so many former Trump employees hate him and say they are not voting for him?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Another nobody who can vote however they like. All these people know they won’t be part of the second term Trump administration so why not audition for Biden?

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Three days and no answers from the Trump supporters on this question - will today be the day they find some courage and reply?

Couldn't get any Trump supporters to reply and explain this to us yesterday - any today?

And the silence from Trump supporters continues to be deafening.....

In summary, Trump acknowledges in Feb and Mar the virus is "a killer", "deadly", it "rips you apart", it's "highly contagious - airborne", "it's the plague"....yet he held 19 rallies since then with no distancing and masks...

He also acknowledged in Mar that the virus isn't just affecting old people, it's "young people too - plenty of young people". But then in May he says to open schools because; "it has very little impact on young people"....

Once again, Trump supporters, please explain this to us...

3 ( +4 / -1 )

What's with the autocue speeches also, does the Biden campaign thinks Biden doesn't have the ability to speak freely? Very unpresidential looking, or is his health actually an issue?

Biden is a cipher, he can never win the election.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

She’s not alone. Scientific American have publicly endorsed Biden. The first time in their 175 year history to back a presidential candidate.

That’s quite something.

Last week 78 of former trump corona favorite Scott Atlas’ colleagues at Stanford signed an open letter denouncing his ideas as dangerous and unscientific.

These are all not anonymous sources but lauded professionals who can’t stand by and watch trump’s lies cost lives.

But of course they must all be Biden fans right? Maybe they have that ‘herd mentality (sic)’ trump was just talking about.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The worst type of POTUS (or any 'leader') is someone who thinks he/she is better (and cleaner) than everyone else. It is shocking that even 20% of Americans can't see through Trump's pathetic lies and BS. You could see how uncomfortable he was taking questions from actual people, but not being able to answer them coherently at all. All the descriptions of him in recent books ring true. He's insecure, can't concentrate for long on a topic, craves any kind of praise to help with his insecurities, and just cares about himself and some members of his sad, dysfunctional family. The US needs the opposite. Biden may be a bit old but he'll still be a million times better than Trump.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Trump himself told journalist Bob Woodward in recorded interviews that he intentionally downplayed the virus in public comments even though he was fully aware of the danger it posed. 

Combine this admission with retweets of articles calling mask wearing "Anti-American"....and this is what you get...

A pastor in Idaho who called himself a "no-masker" during a service and repeatedly questioned the veracity of coronavirus case reporting is in the ICU after contracting Covid-19.


Just one of the thousands of Trump supporters this President has either put in the hospital or the grave...

We've seen it all before - the cult leader killing his flock....

2 ( +3 / -1 )

A pastor in Idaho who called himself a "no-masker" during a service and repeatedly questioned the veracity of coronavirus case reporting is in the ICU after contracting Covid-19.


2 ( +2 / -0 )

He's not exactly clean himself. God knows what STD he carries. And yet news of more women which have had the Trump tongue forced down their throats and being subjected to a handsy pervert.

The strange thing is not why this child is a deranged, lying narcissist. You get those types everywhere. The strange thing is why so many people are easily brainwashed. The child despises these people and yet they still cling onto him like a baby clinging onto its mother even though she repeatedly verbally and physically abuses the baby.

Anyway, I hope they continue to NOT wear masks at these Republican meetings. The 'final solution', as they say?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

German owned, despite the "Scientific American" name. try again. foreign election interference?

Scientific American have publicly endorsed Biden. The first time in their 175 year history to back a presidential candidate.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

German owned, despite the "Scientific American" name. try again. foreign election interference?

Foreign election interference is allowed now, since Trump encouraged and received it from the Russians in 2016.

The Democrats should be trying to secure all of the foreign election interference they can find, they MUST play the Republican game if they are to win.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

German owned, despite the "Scientific American" name. try again. foreign election interference?

Comments of this type always make it so easy for us to understand how trump managed to hoodwink so many people.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

is "Scientific American" NOT German owned? Ruins your whole point of someone supposed to care that a magazine endorsed someone. Of course they endorsed Biden, German ownership. Next.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

is "Scientific American" NOT German owned?

Who cares if they are? Nothing wrong with it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

ah ok so a German magazine endorsing Biden, also nothing wrong with that.

Just doesnt mean what the poster claimed it means. Just means Germany want Biden to win, as does China and Iran.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

what are the odds that "disgusting" was added to the actual comment.

All but that one word is likely true, but she had to go and ruin it by adding a word that is totally out of place.

“'Maybe this COVID thing is a good thing. I don’t like shaking hands with people. I don’t have to shake hands with these disgusting people.'”

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Trump is not a doctor. There's not much he can do besides supporting the agency that's responsible for the medical/science aspect. And the agency as well as many others is part of the good old boys club that want him to fail, want him to look bad. The reason why the numbers look so bad in the US is because there are people who want to undermine the Trump presidency. Other countries don't have that problem. Other countries manipulate data to make them look good. The enemies within in this country manipulate data to make this country under Trump look bad so he can blame him right before election.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Just means Germany want Biden to win, as does China and Iran.

No. Not at all.

It means the longest running magazine in America is fed up with trump. It’s a science magazine, as scientists they have a duty to oppose fake science. This is a huge step they explicitly say they do not take lightly.

Why haven’t they supported a presidential candidate until now? They didn’t think of it before? How convenient for your ‘narrative’.

Most of America also want Biden to win by the way.

Dismissing anything because it is foreign owned you’ll have to tread on a few eggshells if trump’s your ticket.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Three days and no answers from the Trump supporters on this question - will today be the day they find some courage and reply?

Still unanswered - looks like there's no courage today either....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

“The truth is he doesn't actually care about anyone else but himself,” she says.

I bet even Melania knows this to be true.

Olivia Troye is the latest former member of the Trump administration to speak out against him and urge voters to deny him a second term. She joins a growing list that includes Miles Taylor, former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, and former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci.

Abandon ship! The Trumpatanic is full of holes and sinking rapidly.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Trump will go down in history as having the highest number of people having either left his staff or were fired. The only people who continue to stay and support him are his family members on his staff. That should be indicative of the type of person he is.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Blacklabel: All these people know they won’t be part of the second term Trump administration so why not audition for Biden?

Sounds as good as any other made up response you could give.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Another disgruntled ticked off former employee acting like a cry baby....yaaawn.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

I actually added her on Linkedin. She is very proud of her government service and seems wouldnt mind to continue it under Biden.

Sounds as good as any other made up response you could give.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I thiink you just made that up on the spot to have a response. Prove me wrong.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The COVID-19 presidency has been 4 years of chaos, golfing, and attack-Tweets. How can there be ANYONE in the US who would vote for 4 more years of it? Illogical, Captain.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

a good thing because it would stop him from having to shake hands with “disgusting people."

Works both ways

2 ( +2 / -0 )

If Trump were the Captain of the Titanic...

There is no iceberg - it's a hoax....

OK, there's an iceberg but it's in another ocean...

The iceberg is not dangerous, it's just a single ice cube...

The iceberg was made by China...

We won't hit the iceberg...

OK, we hit the iceberg but we won't sink...

The hole in our ship is small and all that water rushing in "will disappear"...

Wearing a life-vest is "Anti-American"...

OK, we're sinking - you should have bought a lifeboat before boarding...

We're now 60 feet underwater, and no need to panic, the Titanic is a submarine...trust me, trust me...

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Admit it Serrano, you've never heard of her until you read this article. 


So not sure where you got your "she's nuts" info from.

From the nuts stuff she's saying now about Trump.

If Trump were the Captain of the Titanic... There is no iceberg - it's a hoax....

Then the Titanic sails on to New York and sets a speed record! Jajajajajaja

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

her Linkedin is public. ask her yourself why she threw away a perfectly good government career over Trump hate and if she is happy now being stuck helping law enforcement fight insurance fraud.

I thiink you just made that up on the spot to have a response. Prove me wrong.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Blacklabel:. her Linkedin is public. ask her yourself why she threw away a perfectly good government career over Trump hate

Im sorry, did you prove her Trump hate isn't legitimate? Because I missed that part.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

It may be legitimate. But its still not a reason to throw away a promising government career that she had just started since 2015. to go work on insurance fraud with law enforcement? arent those guys like, bad?

After all, Biden will be elected President in just 45 days, wont he? wont he?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

No worries. We will leave the discussion without any proof of your claims.

Have a nice one.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

After all, Biden will be elected President in just 45 days, wont he? wont he?

Of course! He's ahead in all the polls!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

If Trump were the Captain of the Titanic... There is no iceberg - it's a hoax....

Then the Titanic sails on to New York and sets a speed record! Jajajajajaja

Sure, with over 200K deaths....

And why won't you or any other Trump supporter answer this?

In summary, Trump acknowledges in Feb and Mar the virus is "a killer", "deadly", it "rips you apart", it's "highly contagious - airborne", "it's the plague"....yet he held 19 rallies since then with no distancing and masks...

He also acknowledged in Mar that the virus isn't just affecting old people, it's "young people too - plenty of young people". But then in May he says to open schools because; "it has very little impact on young people"....

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Yeah the polls were looking good.

So Politico had to drop their 42%Dem/31%Republican sampled poll, followed by Reuters and their 39%/31% Dem oversample poll.

like that is actually what the voting pool looks like?

Biden is winning by much less than the oversamples/margins of error.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Based on his success with the virus, Trump has decided to go into the safety business - he has two new products;

A Trump smoke detector - it's the only one on the market that stays silent when it detects smoke so you don't panic...

A Trump life preserver - it melts in water so it doesn't limit your freedom...

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Another disgruntled ticked off former employee acting like a cry baby....yaaawn.

Well, you have to question why like 70% of Trump's staff is like these. Either he is a terrible employer, or he doesn't know how to hire people. Trump has the highest turnover rate of any president that I know of. The only ones who stay with him are his family members. Maybe for Trump, nepotism is the only way he knows how to hire people.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Well, you have to question why like 70% of Trump's staff is like these.

We don’t know the details of each person or their reasons, so we shouldn’t speculate.

Either he is a terrible employer, or he doesn't know how to hire people.

Or he has people that just shouldn’t be there in the first place

Trump has the highest turnover rate of any president that I know of. The only ones who stay with him are his family members.

Maybe for Trump, nepotism is the only way he knows how to hire people

Miller is there Conway would have stayed if her daughter wouldn’t have been acting like a nut. But I personally think it’s a great idea nepotism, better actually. Worked for the Kennedy’s and Bushes and Roosevelt’s.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

like that is actually what the voting pool looks like?

Pretty much, yeah.

New data from Ballot Access News, which tracks registrations in the 31 states that require voters to register by party, shows that independents account for 29.09 percent of voters in them, compared with 28.87 percent for Republicans. As recently as 2004, Republicans outpaced independents by nearly 10 percentage points.

There are still way more registered Democrats; 39.66 percent of voters are registered with that party.


Sorry bro.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

And why won't you or any other Trump supporter answer this?

In summary, Trump acknowledges in Feb and Mar the virus is "a killer", "deadly", it "rips you apart", it's "highly contagious - airborne", "it's the plague"....yet he held 19 rallies since then with no distancing and masks...

He also acknowledged in Mar that the virus isn't just affecting old people, it's "young people too - plenty of young people". But then in May he says to open schools because; "it has very little impact on young people"....

Well, three days and not one Trump supporter would explain the above - so we're left to assess Trump's words on tape on their own...and we can conclude;

1) He knew how dangerous this virus was in Feb and Mar - it was "a killer" and "deadly"....yet even knowing this, he downplayed the danger and held rallies with no distancing or masks, putting his supporter's lives and their families at risk...

2) He knew in Mar that young people in addition to older folks were catching the virus - "plenty of young people".....yet he lied and went out in May in a bid to open schools and said "it had very little impact on young people"...

Donald Trump put his reelection before the lives of his supporters and the lives of YOUR children...

How many have died as a result?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

you missed the other 19. wonder how many of those states Trump won in 2016?

oh just 15 of them.

Sorry bro.

in the 31 states that require voters to register by party,

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

She's nuts

Trump is nuts when he said to inject Mr. Clean to treat covid-19. Stay safe in Japan MAGA people. Much better numbers and you don't have to deal with non mask conspiracy people mask less in the Tokyo and Osaka subways. And if you do get sick then you don't have to worry about TrumpCare giving you the shaft.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

you missed the other 19. wonder how many of those states Trump won in 2016?

oh just 15 of them.

Sorry bro.

That's not relevant to the discussion. Unless you have registered voter data for those states you'd like to provide us with?

I doubt it, though.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

31%/35%/34% (Repub/Dem/Independent) was the 2016 election breakdown by party.

So yeah there are about 4% more Dems nationwide but most of that difference comes from only California and New York.

I highly doubt that this adviser voted for Trump last time either, so no big loss.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

just provided you with all 50 states. last election. enjoy bro.

there is no 11% difference between Dems and Repubs in the election cycle.

Also you must know that people like me are "independents" now, right?

Because we dont want to get harassed by liberals.

sorry again.

Unless you have registered voter data for those states you'd like to provide us with?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

31%/35%/34% (Repub/Dem/Independent) was the 2016 election breakdown by party.

Why do you think 2016 data is more relevant to 2020 than 2020 data?

You really need to try harder than this. Sorry to say it bro, but you need to keep with the times.

Also you must know that people like me are "independents" now, right?

Oh, that's weird. You used to assert over and over again, just a few months ago, that you were a "sensible Democrat" who liked Trump. I guess that easily seen-through gimmick outwore its usefulness, huh?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

because your 2020 data is incomplete and excludes the 15 states that Trump won.

Mine has all the states.

I was a Democrat, now Im an "independent".

Just like all of you who parrot liberal narratives all day long then say "who me? Im not a liberal" here.

Why do you think 2016 data is more relevant to 2020 than 2020 data?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

you have a bigger problem than you imagine then.

if there really are 11% more Dems that Repubs (there are not).....

why is Biden only winning by 5.8% nationally with around a 3% margin of error?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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