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Family says military changed Dallas suspect; robot use defended


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*Military service changed the Dallas gunman from an extrovert into a hermit, his parents said in an interview excerpt published Monday.

Micah Johnson’s mother, Delphine Johnson, told TheBlaze website in an interview that her son wanted to be a police officer as a child. His six years in the Army Reserve, including a tour in Afghanistan, were “not what Micah thought it would be ... what he thought the military represented, it just didn’t live up to his expectations.” According to the military lawyer who represented him, Johnson was accused of sexually harassing a female soldier while deployed.*

So now Micah Johnson's the victim?? Unbelievable!

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

The police chief again defended the decision to use the robot, saying he had “already killed us in a grave way, and officers were in surgery that didn’t make it.” “This wasn’t an ethical dilemma for me,” Brown said. “I’d do it again ... to save our officers’ lives.”

So police chiefs have the right to assassinate citizens now? wow!

0 ( +5 / -5 )

No, I don't read that into it Bass. It may be the sitting ducks Afghanistan occupation he didn't like. The current administration does not use the military as a military should be used. They must see, tollerate and look the other way. That and little or no female action.

These lunatics don't consider their actions very much. Not only are dozens of families scared by his actions even his own is greiving and perhaps looking within for all the answers and regrets.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

And if a robot uses too much force it can be sentenced to the tool shed or placed on "desk" service. #Robot Lives Matter.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Well, the Fembots weren't sent in. One of those may have been shot short or ending Micah's rampage. Though Sharpton would be using the race card more because I only seen white Fembots.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

This wasn’t an ethical dilemma for me,” Brown said. “I’d do it again ... to save our officers’ lives -- article

Bravo, Chief Brown. Your decision saved us state taxpayers a whole lotta money to house and feed this mass murderer before getting a much deserved hot shot on death row in Huntsville.

Johnson picked the wrong place to do his crimes. We don't coddle cop killers in this part of the country. Bottom line: Don't Mess With Texas. . . .

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Chief Brown did make the right decision. He did give the negotiators hours of time to try and have him give up. We learned it was a racially motivated hate crime. Johnson is better off dead.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

For years, one of the reasons that gun-nutters have been giving for not restricting guns is that the people may need to be able to rise up against the police.

This guy did just that.

Is this really what you want for yourself America?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

I think what really happened is that they decided to shoot Johnson with the shotgun on the robot. There really was no tactical urgency in killing him, though. Johnson was pinned down. No hostages. He was not running free and the police had him surrounded. He was not in a position to continue shooting and, if he had, he would have run out of bullets. No one else was in immediate jeopardy. The police had Johnson cornered and could have waited him out. So if he is better off dead because they chose not to, he is better off because he saved the tax payers of Texas a long drawn out trial and ultimate execution by lethal injection.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Friday morning rush hour was approaching diverting police into traffic control may have played into the timing Lizz.

Who knows what would happen if he was captured alive. He may have gotten off like Hillary had. OJ, Kasey Anthony....slight technicalities offer huge impact. Law enforcement has it tough and I appreciate them!

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The Fifth Amendment says to the federal government that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, uses the same eleven words, called the Due Process Clause, to describe a legal obligation of all states.

"Taxpayers money" should not even be an afterthought when upholding our constitutional laws. If anyone is that concerned about taxpayers money so much so that you think it's OK to tear up the constitution to save a few bucks, well then, move to North Korea or get your head retooled.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Who knows what would happen if he was captured alive. He may have gotten off like Hillary had. OJ, Kasey Anthony....slight technicalities offer huge impact. Law enforcement has it tough and I appreciate them

As corrupt as this administration is, I wouldn't doubt it for a second. I too, as well, appreciate our fine men and women in blue, they don't get enough praise and recognition.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

I'm with Fizz on this. The guy was obviously guilty and likely would have faced the death penalty, but the decision to forgo the due process of the legal system and kill him is a very slipperly slope. Who cares how long they would have had to wait him out. This isn't a 3rd world country where you shoot people in the street because your afraid of...oh wait, thats exactly what America has become.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I too, as well, appreciate our fine men and women in blue

And yet you preach support for the second amendment, which is used as an argument that the people may need to rise up against the police - like this guy did.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state

...2nd Amendment

Johnson was exactly that: a well-trained, one-man militia, armed by the NRA

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Boy you anti gun guys are the true loons! The NRA is full of damn good people and it is very insulting of your simplistic uninformed views. Were you guys raised in USSR or what? Even hard core communists don't try and control as much as you guys. I'll stick with the rational free world chumps.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The use of the robot worries me. It's the same as just lobbing a grenade in there, just different delivery.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Johnson was not about to surrender peacefully. He laughed when told how many men in blue he had killed. Bomb making material was found in his home. Since he said he'd planted bombs around the city, the police did not know if he had explosives strapped to him. This was a case of a desire by Johnson to die via suicide by cop. Texans applaud Chief Brown for making the call to honored his request. . . .

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Military service changed the Dallas gunman from an extrovert into a hermit

Pointing the finger & not wearing the shoe. ( . . . yawn) The military changes people for the better. Where they learn core values needed in the future and or if they pursue higher education after military.

No. This guy was brainwashed by the Black Power ideology. Goes to show what one motivated soldier and his rifle can do.

The use of the robot worries me. It's the same as just lobbing a grenade in there, just different delivery.

Huh?? Think about it from a Command and Control perspective. There are 5 officers killed, several more wounded. There's an active shooter in a city, protect and serve right? Do you risk more officers lives by going in full breach? The negotiator couldn't talk Micah down. The suspect clearly wasn't going down without a fight. The clock is ticking.

The deployment of a bomb-robot was the best option. Show the suspects and terrorists, we mean business.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

They're so scared they used robots. Then again, if we had Robot Police, then maybe racial profiling and targeting would be less of an issue.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

They're so scared they used robots.

Darn right they're scared. You'd be a fool not to. At the end of their 10 or 12 hr shifts. . . . cops just want to go home turn on the tube and have a beer too.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

So, (essentially) a drone with wheels being used on a US citizen on US soil.

Another positive step for humanity...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

No one else was in immediate jeopardy. The police had Johnson cornered and could have waited him out.

He stated he had planted bombs throughout the city. If the bombs existed, he could have detonated them by remote control at any time during extended negotiations. The police had no way of knowing whether or not the bombs existed. Continuing to talk to the guy, deploying tear gas, etc., or using some other tactic to get him to surrender could have resulted in him getting irritated enough to set off the bombs. Turns out there were no bombs. However, no one knew that at the time. Frankly, I'd rather see the police blow the guy away, than have to deal with the mass casualties that would have resulted by bombs he set off while the police were trying to talk him into surrendering.

Also, I can't see how the Army "changed" him. He was not regular Army and was not involved in combat while deployed to Afghanistan. If he had spent six years in the Army, i.e., being a soldier 247365, I could accept his parents thinking the Army "changed" him somehow.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Were you guys raised in USSR or what?

No, the truly free world. Where we aren't forced to pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

He stated he had planted bombs throughout the city. If the bombs existed, he could have detonated them by remote control at any time during extended negotiations.

Or they could have been on a timer and now they can't interrogate him to stop them. Hypotheticals have no bearing on deciding if someone should live or die, especially not without a trial. Still no immediate danger that was solved by shooting him.

Same for being scared. Cops are supposed to be trained to make rational decisions despite fear.

@MarkG I'll take your arguments seriously when you can actually make an argument better than insults.

And if a robot uses too much force it can be sentenced to the tool shed or placed on "desk" service. #Robot Lives Matter.

You are literally comparing black men and women to something that is not human.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Boy you anti gun guys are the true loons! Crazy is crazy. If these (5) cops were not able to defend themselves I doubt you would be able to either. The real solution is gun control. Yes, you can still own, and perhaps even carry, but not these crazy deadly semi autos. Ownership of semi autos I'm sure will go the way of the ownership of machine guns.

Also, are you in Japan? It's funny when people here slam anti gun nuts on JT but happily live in a gun free zone that's a whole country. Of course if you are posting from the USA that's another story.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Even hard core communists don't try and control as much as you guys

Two words: Kinder Surprise.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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