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Far-right parties kick off campaigns for European Parliament elections

By Mathieu Foulkes

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Being Patriotic and being far right are two different definitions.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

It's not matter of nationalism and "right wingers". Italy is collapsing because of mass immigration. It's a social disaster caused by a human trafficking that with the word "humanity" has nothing to do. I hope Salvini is really the man who can save my Country.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

The last "left" governments in Italy, only obeyed passively to France and Germany without considering Italy interests. Italians are desperate. We need a change, or Italy is doomed. If only the EU had treated Italy with respect and humanity, we wouldn't be at this point of desperation. You can't force on a small peninsula both austerity AND millions of Africans that Italian taxpayers must feed. It's Crazy.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

In these days, the usual German NGO wanted to force Italy to accept other "migrants". Salvini told them to bring them to Germany. I don't see why a German NGO must force "migrants" on Italian territory.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Another point, that your typical "buonisti" like to ignore: you DON'T help Africa literally stealing their young men and "importing" them in Europe. These young men should remain in Africa for the sake of their continent, to build prosperity there. Also today, Europeans treat Africans like inferior human beings who can't live without European "assistenzialismo". This is basically like Europe keeps Africa underdeveloped and in a situation of Perpetual exploitation.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

I don't kmow why the main stream media doesn't pick it up but virtually all migration to Europe and other westernsphere today is as a result of conflicts, and Russia is fueling the severity. They 'may' not have started it, but they are very active at making it more severe.

The closer a country get to Russia, the more divided it is or will be.

Whether it's Russian arms fueling and prolonging conflicts, political meddling, market disruptions, or plain old wrecking like in Ukraine, the result is a more divided country and the dismantling of democratic institutions, and unfortunately Europe is at the coalface of this wrecking ball.

China is not helping either because they get to mop up the spoils.

IMHO, right or left is irrelevant, they/we are all making a mess of our own countries, and at any other time it would have been considered treasonous.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )


No mention of the US destabilizing the middle east and parts of Africa? Yes, American troops are deployed there too. Russia may be covert, but its small fries compared to the overt and covert US actions.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

No mention of the US destabilizing the middle east and parts of Africa? Yes, American troops are deployed there too. Russia may be covert, but its small fries compared to the overt and covert US actions.

The last time I looked the brave men and women of American forces were a key factor in decimating the ISIS caliphate and liberating hundreds of thousands, which in the process stemmed the flow of refugees to Europe.

So, in this discussion about European politics, what would you know about America destabilizing the MENA region, pray us tell in details?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Recall the Ukraine coup of 2014? A then sitting senator and other US officials were there. Any wonder the crimeans wanted out.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Actively interfering in elections all over too...but god forbid any country interferes in American elections.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Many fear the May 26 vote will be a wake-up call for Brussels on the reality that Europe's anti-immigration and blood-and-soil patriotic forces have moved from the fringes to the mainstream.

Isn't it about time that Brussels "woke" up, at least publically, to the fact that many voters object to the various governments open call for unregulated immigration to their own counties, as well as those various governments pressuring other countries to also accept unwanted immigrants?

0 ( +3 / -3 )


Google: maps of US military bases around the world, troops in Africa, troops in middle east, 1953 coup in Iran, etc. Did you want me to reference in MLA or APA format too? ;)

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Google: maps of US military bases around the world, troops in Africa, troops in middle east, 1953 coup in Iran, etc. Did you want me to reference in MLA or APA format too? ;)

In this discussion on campaigns for European Parliament elections, you complained that there was:

No mention of the US destabilizing the middle east and parts of Africa? Yes, American troops are deployed there too. Russia may be covert, but its small fries compared to the overt and covert US actions.

I replied that brave men and women of American forces were a key factor in decimating the ISIS caliphate and liberating hundreds of thousands, which in the process stemmed the flow of refugees to Europe.

And asked you, what would you know about America destabilizing the Middle East and North Africa region, in detail, in relation to European Parliament elections.

You seem to have no answer and are entirely confused, i.e. the 1953 coup d'etat in Iran is entirely irrelevant.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

No mention of the US destabilizing the middle east and parts of Africa? Yes, American troops are deployed there too. 

The only reason why the US becomes involved in the ME is due to the inability of these nations to maintain stable governance that does not interfere in the affairs of other nations by exporting Islamic extremist ideology and terrorism. If people are not complaining about America’s refusal to help less fortunate nations they are complaining of not helping in the way that best suits their own ideological sensibilities.

A good example of this hypocritical criticism of America can be seen with Venezuela today. Like in Iran and Syria, Russia has military advisers in the country to prop up its failed government. The people are suffering dire deprivations with massive food, medical, and power shortages. The US could easily dislodge Madura and help restore legitimacy to its government but fears the imperialism pushback that the radical Leftists in Central and South America always stoke in order to maintain its oppressive control over these impoverished people.

As for Africa, the US has much less overall influence than the old colonial powers Great Britain and France and more recently China.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

@wipeout: Italy was VERY rich during the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and also the 90s have been good. The economic messaggio started after Euro.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The economic mess*

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@zichi: Roman Empire? Seriously? Apparently sarcasm is big here. Before Euro, Italy was the 5th economic Power worldwide, despite being a small peninsula with a relatively small population. We are STILL the 8th economic Power and Italian families are STILL rich enough, they don't have heavie debts like families in other Countries. Probably it's for this reason the EU wants Italian familes Money.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@zichi and wipeout: there's something that probably many people don't know, but actually your "average" Italian is way richer than your "average" German.

Read this: https://snbchf.com/italy-euro-exit/european-wealth-italy-germany/

"European Wealth Reports: Why “Median” Italians are Far Richer than Germans"

This is the reason why Germans have always envied to some extent Italians and Germany is so harsh towards Italy. Italians own properties, homes, etc. Germans were NEVER able to create the same level of wealth, indeed your average German lives in rented homes, and this fact is well known both in Germany and Italy, and one reason why germans always envied Italians. This is why Germany is always saying that "italy can afford this and that, the migrants, and whatever".

Italians have created this level of wealth with hard work for decades, plus they've always been huge savers, they don't want the EU steals their wealth like is happening for years.

Sure, overall Germany is stronger economically then Italy, but if we are speaking about individuals, the situation is WAY different, and both Germans and Italians know it. If you read that article, you can understand the real situation.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Has Italy ever thrived? It's always been seen from outside as a bit of a mess

Most think the renaissance is the foundation of modern western culture and civilization. Ever heard of Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Galileo and so on?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Again, please people, read this:

Median Wealth 

After rumours and big expectations, on the 21st of March 2013, the Bundesbank presented its first report on German households’ finances and wealth; while, in December one for Italy had been published. According to the German Bundesbank, the European reports showed a median wealth of around 163’400 € in Italy vs. 51’400 € for Germans.

As for average wealth, Germans are richer with 195’000 € against 157’000 € for Italy implying that wealth is unequally distributed in Gemany and pretty equally in Italy. Moreover wealth is inequivally distributed between East Germany’s average of 67500€ and the West 230240€. As opposed to Italians with 68.4%, less Germans, namely 44.2% own their home.

Source: https://snbchf.com/italy-euro-exit/european-wealth-italy-germany/

Germany always forced huge burders on Italy in these years post Euro (austerity, migrants, etc.) because they know this fact VERY WELL. Germans always envied Italian lifestyle and this will never change, until Italy will collapse, like they want.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@zichi: Okay, sorry.

 If I wasn't living in Japan, I probably would live in Italy.

Like basically almost every person in Europe, except for the French maybe. Italian lifestyle is lovely.

Anyway, the article that I linked explains many things. And this one is REALLY scary from an Italian point of view:

Today, a more comprehensive look at the wealth of nations, including both the public and private sectors, might also be helpful: if the Euro were to be saved, how should the burden of adjustment be divided between member countries? And within the countries, who has to take the largest part of the financial pain? All these questions, despite being at the very core of political and economic developments, are extremely complex and sensitive, thus often neglected in public debates and by the press. Here we present a very humble picture of the financial role of Italy’s households, sketching a few interpretations of how all this came about in the last fifty to sixty years or so.

Source: https://snbchf.com/italy-euro-exit/european-wealth-italy-germany/

If Germany (and the German-centric EU) hopes to save Euro by using Italian families wealth, well, it's obvious that many Italians want the Italexit before it's too late. It's not Italians fault if they are better savers than the Germans and others. This explains WHY many Italians are supporting Salvini and right wingers, it's not only about "migrants".

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@wipeout: read this in particular, please:

Where does the Italian Wealth Come from?

Household wealth is clearly the result of accumulated savings. At least until the mid 1990s Italy had one of the highest saving rates of advanced countries (around 20% of disposable income).

Savings in turn, may be allocated to liquid financial resources or invested in real estate and precious objects. The estimates by the BoI show that in 2007, 50% (53% in 2011) of Italian household total assets are attributable to real estate. This seems a relatively high share compared to other countries, especially compared to Germany, that can be explained by looking at Italy’s economic history and its socio-cultural traits.

Source: https://snbchf.com/italy-euro-exit/european-wealth-italy-germany/

I hope I replied your question, now. Italians are not the "mess and failure" that you think. It's really the opposite.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Germany ruined the EU because of its own faults. Germans blame South Europeans for their own failure as a "rich Country but with poor people", anyway it's not South Europe fault if Germany chose to become basically "the China of Europe".

Read also this article if you want to understand the EU situation, and why Germany is basically "the China of Europe":


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Also, when I say "South Europe", this doesn't mean South Europe is all the same. Italy ISN'T Greece. Not even Spain.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Anyway, since the Germans feel they are the poors who are "saving" the EU, while Italians feel they are the ones who are saving the EU, the EU (ruled by GERMANY) should let Countries like Italy TO LEAVE.

Since Italy is such a problem, if Italy leaves the EU, Germans should be happy...which is their problem, uh?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@wipeout: so, are you trying to ignore everything I wrote? Plus, also today Italy has many "eccellenze", and exactly, which Country should be copied, today, to learn how to run a democracy, run an economy, operate a legal system and so on? Please, tell me. But there are many areas where other Countries can learn from Italy, for example from our universal health system.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@wipeout: plus, if you didn't notice, today Italy is supported by HALF Europe at least, against the France/Germany ruling of Europe, that brought us Europeans to the current social disaster. We are finally reacting.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@wipeout: never heard about Antonio Meucci? Alessandro Volta? Rita Levi Montalcini and many others? Italy isn't only about Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Also today, Italian brands, style, fashion, design, food are some of the most copied things in the world. We must protect our eccellenze but also under this point of view the EU worked AGAINST Italian interests. There are so many reasons why we are tired of the EU.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


It's always been seen from outside as a bit of a mess.

Huh? My ex girlfriend was an industrial designer and her and her Japanese colleagues viewed Italy as the mecca. The most coveted qualification for them was to be educated or have work experience in Milan or elsewhere in the country. Japanese manufacturers have long contracted Italian design houses, because the talent and expertise found there can't be found in their own country, she used to tell me.

And....Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini - you can't be a "mess" and manufacture the world's most advanced, highest quality automobiles.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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