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FBI clears Clinton after new email review


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Now voters will also clear her from Presidential duties and send her home.

-14 ( +15 / -29 )

This is no more than just - Comey should have investigated first before making a preliminary announcement. Though it may have hurt the Senate turning democratic, I believe that enough people will see through Donnie's anti-Semitic nonsense. Am cautiously positive, especially since its looking like Clinton is doing well in NV and NC. Hopefully Florida will turn blue as well, and its game over, you're fired Donnie. For good, so he can crawl back under the rock he came from.

19 ( +28 / -9 )

Shes like a giant, flicking away the little GOP flies.

9 ( +18 / -9 )

Good. Please let that be enough and give Trump and his trash the hiding they deserve on Tuesday.

18 ( +27 / -9 )

Madame President sounds pretty good to me. This has been a nothing sandwich since the beginning.

11 ( +22 / -11 )

"And it took guts for Director Comey to make the move that he made in light of the kind of opposition he had where they’re trying to protect her from criminal prosecution. You know that. It took a lot of guts.” -Donald J. Trump 10/31/16

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Well, I imagine anyone who believed what Trump said about those emails being the "motherlode" must be feeling a bit stupid around now. I do hope the disappointment isn't too unbearable.

12 ( +20 / -8 )

hillary crowd here, congratulations, really, I have questions though, that was the quickest investigation of emails ever. The count was about 600,000. Warrant was obtained on Sunday I believe so that is 7 days. That would be a rate of about 85,000 per day, about 3,500 per hour, 60 per minute, so that is about 1 per second. How many people were investigating? Does this actually constitute thorough investigation in your minds? Seriously?!

-18 ( +14 / -32 )

Don't know, don't care. Comey had no business making such announcements without even having a search warrant. One per second? You are assuming that there is only onevperson checking the emails, I am sure there are more people than that on this case.

Next,vmost of those emails are duplicates of already examined emails. so, yeah, good enough for me.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

Hope the American people will choose the lesser evil = Clinton!

Hmm, you do realize less evil makes no logical sense right? So we have literally come down to the choice between spider or snake venom? This can not and must not be what democracy stands for. Sad.

-12 ( +9 / -21 )

hillary crowd here, congratulations, really, I have questions though, that was the quickest investigation of emails ever. The count was about 600,000. Warrant was obtained on Sunday I believe so that is 7 days. That would be a rate of about 85,000 per day, about 3,500 per hour, 60 per minute, so that is about 1 per second. How many people were investigating? Does this actually constitute thorough investigation in your minds? Seriously?!

Where are you getting this number of 600,000 from? Personally, I don't think I've written 600,000 emails in my entire life, do you really think Hillary wrote this many mails?

If you're number is correct, it probably means there were 600,000 emails on the account in question, not 600,000 Hillary emails. Of those 600,000, 99% were probably spam, and could be discarded without examination. Then of the rest, the majority would not have had anything to do with Hillary.

Going through all the emails from one sender to another's account, even if they where prolifically emailing each other, would be pretty easy to cover by a group of people working round the clock for a week.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

It doesn't matter, nothing changes as to what Hillary is and what she has done and now the choice will be up to the people. Bottom line is, the woman is a criminal, it doesn't take the FBI to reinforce that point of view of how the public feels about the woman.

-28 ( +8 / -36 )

What a farce.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

What Comey really is saying is "Okay okay, she's innocent of everything! Now lay off and leave me alone!"

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Of those 600,000, 99% were probably spam, and could be discarded without examination

Where pray tell do you summize that from?

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

The content of the emails isn't a relevant issue. Comey articulated a false standard of legal “intent” in his July statement. He said she had no intent to violate the espionage statute. He said she had no intent to violate the espionage statute...well yes, she wasn't reckless but instead "extremely careless", but since she wasn't intentionally extremely careless, she did nothing wrong -

Having set up a phony standard to apply to her, we could have video of Hillary handing national secrets to the head of ISIS and Comey would say “it doesn’t change my conclusions from July.”

-10 ( +7 / -17 )

The National Jewish Democratic Council said the ad’s use of anti-Semitic stereotypes is “shocking and dangerous.”

Watch how Trump (AKA Von Clownstick) insisted on calling comedian Jon Stewart by his birth name:


6 ( +9 / -3 )

The only people who can't detect a fishy smell in this case are those who are holding their noses and voting "Hillary."

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

It doesn't matter, nothing changes as to what Hillary is and what she has done

Exactly, and we now have a verdict on what she is: not guilty, and what she's done: nothing illegal.

Where pray tell do you summize that from?

Wait, have you never used email before? I though everyone had. But I can't figure out how anyone who has ever had an email account doesn't know that 99% of the mail that comes through is spam.

Or are you of the belief that Hillary sent 600,000 emails to her assistant?

6 ( +13 / -7 )

we could have video of Hillary handing national secrets to the head of ISIS and Comey would say “it doesn’t change my conclusions from July.”

Well, yeah, that's exactly what he would say. That investigation would be completely separate. He'd start a new investigation, one that would include malicious intent for handing secrets to ISIS, and that's where people go to jail.

But anyway, she won. Time to move on?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Not even remotely surprising to see the Republicans trying to spin this as if she has done something wrong, after yet ANOTHER investigation that found her innocent of wrongdoing.

These people LOVE when there is an investigation against her, but when the results of the investigations don't support their tin-foil hat beliefs, they just pretend like the investigation doesn't matter.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Confidential State Department emails were found on a computer used by sex pervert Anthony Weiner who has no security clearance. How can that be okay? America is beginning to look a lot like the old Soviet Union.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

Fred Wallace, excellent points abt the credibility of the "investigation". Very reasonable and sensible points. and look at the down votes you get. The US looks terrible with this election and all thats gone with it.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

Simon FostonNOV. 07, 2016 - 07:48AM JST Well, I imagine anyone who believed what Trump said about those emails being the "motherlode" must be feeling a bit stupid around now. I do hope the disappointment isn't too unbearable.

To feel stupid one has to acknowledge that they were wrong. The GOP has been in a decades-long project to refuse to accept any information that contradicts their "beliefs" on any subject, be it religion, gun control, health care, economics, LGBT issues, or global warming. Trump's supporters are the final product of this project, having practiced doublethink so skillfully they can do it at a whim no matter what the evidence says.

Fred WallaceNOV. 07, 2016 - 07:48AM JST I have questions though, that was the quickest investigation of emails ever.

Perhaps you have forgotten that the vast majority of those emails were not sent by Hillary?

Or perhaps you've simply forgotten that in the United States a person is innocent until proven guilty?

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Confidential State Department emails were found on a computer used by sex pervert Anthony Weiner who has no security clearance.

No confidential mails were found on his computer.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

i like how all the Trumpsters were all for the Comey investigation, but when you don't get the news you wanted, its all just a conspiracy.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

The lie has served its purpose to rig the election as Trump wished, ironically in his favour, but he left that part out.

However the Deplorables have sent the population to the polls in record high early turnout to eradicate them so in spite of all their machinations it should still be a win for Clinton on Tuesday

6 ( +8 / -2 )

This election best summed up by a line from Simon and Garfunkals Mrs Robinson, "Everywhere you look at this you lose."

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

What an embarrassment. Something is not right with Comey as this type of investigation could not be wrapped up in so short of time (I am not saying what the outcome should be - just you cannot do a proper investigation in such a short amount of time).

So we have a very close race and someone completely unfit for office (Trump) could actually get elected. Trump should be beaten by 30-40 points. The problem is we have someone who obviously believes she is above the law running against him. I think if Sanders was running he would have taken this election handily.

What concerns me more is the latest revelation that Ms. Clinton's maid was actually printing and handling classified documents for her and was being instructed to do so by her staff. This is beyond the "e-mail" scandal and is a felony. This is what should be investigated.

Now we have people actually calling supporters on the other side names, and the names being used "Deplorable" was created by one of the candidates.

The whole system is broken.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )


-14 ( +2 / -16 )

It is very unclear what information from Hillary Huma or Anthony may have forwarded on their devices. There is irrefutable evidence that Hillary sent classified material over her unclassified server and sent it directly to her daughter, but used a pseudonym. Did the FBI check all possible names ? That establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that Hillary knew what she was doing. It was a purposeful act.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Something is not right with Comey as this type of investigation could not be wrapped up in so short of time (I am not saying what the outcome should be - just you cannot do a proper investigation in such a short amount of time).

Why not? Please explain the logic behind this statement.

There is irrefutable evidence that Hillary sent classified material over her unclassified server and sent it directly to her daughter, but used a pseudonym.

Is there? You make a lot of claims that when looked at more closely, end up being entirely false. Such as your claim that the guy who rushed Trump's stage yesterday was named in Hillary's wikileaks emails as a democratic plant (the wikileakes were not Hillary's, the mentions of the guys name were nothing other than orders by products for him).

So if there really is 'irrefutable' evidence, please support this, as the claims you make have been shown to be dubious.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

It's very fast to check 600,000 emails if in fact some of them are identical to those previously found in the first analysis of Hilary's email. Each message is "hashed." A hash is a unique identifier generated by a mathematical routine that guarantees different messages will have different hashes.

So, they hash all of the 600,000 or so emails. This should only take a minute or so given current computers' processing power. Then, they compare these hashes to the existing hashes and toss those that are identical. This is actually very, very fast, and the entire process will take at most a few minutes. Note that one need not compare the hash, say, h1, to the hashes of all 600,000 to see if it has a match. A simple technique is a binary search (look it up on Wikipedia). In this case it will take less than 20 comparisons per message, and on the average it will take about 10.

Certainly, the FBI hashed all of the previous messages. This is quite standard for enabling quick data searches. And note that hashing works not only on text but on all data as well.


7 ( +8 / -1 )

That Chelsea has an alter ego of Diane Reynolds ? The State Department acknowledged it directly.

State Department release shows Clinton sent daughter material that was later classified


The State Department on Friday released a 2009 email chain that shows then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton forwarding to her daughter material that the department classified last year.

At issue is a December 2009 email that President Barack Obama's trade adviser, Michael Froman, sent to senior White House and State Department staff members. After it made its way up to Clinton, she sent it to "Diane Reynolds," an email pseudonym for Chelsea Clinton.I believe there are also Benghazi emails under this nickname.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

comey's has problem and should retire, he did the wrong thing before election day. horrible man.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

It gives the world and the vast majority of the US the perception that law enforcement is crooked and is pulling punches based on whether a target is politically connected and wealthy.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

@Strangerland - and William James

Mr. James you make an excellent point and this is a true statement. If all e-mails were identical then yes, this is possible, but I would have a hard time imagining that they would be all identical and in that case it would seem unlikely this investigation could be wrapped up so quickly.

Also Mr. James, one item in your favor (about the speed at which this can be completed) is what Comey actually said, "FBI Director James Comey, in a brief letter to Congress, said his agents have gone through all of the messages sent or received by Mrs. Clinton during her four-year tenure in the State Department that were on Ms. Abedin’s laptop." I still remain skeptical however that a proper investigation could be finished so quickly.

I still stand by my original post that there is something not right here.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

katsu78NOV. 07, 2016 - 09:02AM JST

Or perhaps you've simply forgotten that in the United States a person is innocent until proven guilty?

That appears to be a principle that certain conservatives only apply to people they approve of.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

This whole campaign has been slow torture, akin to being forced to listen to fingernails scraping on a blackboard, nonstop, for the past 18 months.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Lizz - as I suspected, more misinformation from the right. The material she mailed was not classified when she mailed it.

Mr. James you make an excellent point and this is a true statement. If all e-mails were identical then yes, this is possible, but I would have a hard time imagining that they would be all identical and in that case it would seem unlikely this investigation could be wrapped up so quickly.

It's likely that a significant number of the emails would have already been examined from the other side.

And considering that it is pretty much impossible that Hillary would have mailed here assistant 600,000 emails, the likelihood is that the HUGE majority of the emails had nothing to do with her, and could be discarded. A simple program can scan the headers of the emails to determine if Hillary was a sender or receiver of the emails, isolating only those that had anything to do with her.

So now you have a significantly smaller number of emails, of which previously examined emails do not need to be examined.

Why couldn't this be done in a week by a team of people? I'm not seeing the logic there.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

i like how all the Trumpsters were all for the Comey investigation, but when you don't get the news you wanted, its all just a conspiracy.

It ain't over till the fat lady's in jail.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Wow! Kinda feels like everything has been scripted.....

Suddenly out of the blue he reopens the investigation, and suddenly recloses. Emotional rollercoaster for many people. Many pissed off people I imagine.


Make the problem, get the reaction you planned for, offer the solution! This tactic has been used time and time again to control people and do business.

Now, it shall be interesting to see what reaction is, followed by the solution.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Suddenly out of the blue he reopens the investigation, and suddenly recloses.

It was suddenly re-opened insofar as they found new mails. It was suddenly re-closed as they finished the investigation.

I know you people really want to find a conspiracy. But there just isn't one to be found.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Comey said the review has not changed the bureau’s assessment from earlier this year that Clinton should not be prosecuted for her handling of classified information at the State Department.

I cannot for the life of me understand what is wrong with Comey. Hillary ordered that classified documents be placed on an unsecured server. That is all that is needed to go after her for a crime. Furthermore, those documents were exposed to unauthorized access. It is known that some unauthorized persons have seen these classified documents. This is all well known and not in dispute. Her "intent" doesn't matter in the least when it comes to mishandling classified materials. There is a sailor in jail right now for inappropriately taking pictures of his workspaces in a submarine. His intent was not to commit espionage. And yet Hillary gets away with everything that she has done. That's some serious BS right there. Comey has simply made himself a part of the corrupt system he is supposed to police.

Hillary is a criminal. She will be allowed to get away with it just as those who come into the country illegally are allowed to get away with it, just as those who used the IRS to go after their political opponents have gotten away with it, just as the racist black panther was able to get away with racial intimidation during the 2008 election. This is - sadly - today's America. A nation regressing in it's respect for the rule of law and the idea of equal treatment under the law. The rich, the wealthy, the well-connected make the law on the fly and in plain view of the people.

And guess what? The people will endorse this degradation of the rule of law by electing Hillary president on Tuesday. Why? Because her opponent is a buffoon.

What does that say about America? It says America is in decline. How will American's react to seeing this lawlessness go unchallenged? In Washington it will be total and complete gridlock - at least I hope so. And I completely endorse it. Grind America to a halt. For the average citizen it will be the continued degradation of societal mores and the continued chipping away at the respect for the rule of law as they can so clearly see it is not applied equally to those who are not politically connected.

Americans deserve the coming acrimony and dysfunction. No pleas for unity or for the common good will be heeded when coming from those that represent such an openly corrupt system of government. Every word of dissent and gumming of the works is an act of patriotism. I hope more and more Americans decide to take this path now that the corruption has been so clearly exposed (read the WikiLeaks documents too). American democracy needs an overhaul. It's is rotten to the core.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

"Bottom line is, the woman is a criminal, it doesn't take the FBI to reinforce that point of view of how the public feels about the woman"

By "the public", do you mean all five quarters of the public?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

There is gonna be a lot more coming. If not from Comey then from the rank and file FBI agents.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

It ain't over till the fat lady's in jail.

But that would mean justice and I see no indication that America is up to the task.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Yes, maybe the rank FBI agents will release a music video to the old punk song 'Frigging in the Rigging.' Might be a 'surprise' hit.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Lizz - as I suspected, more misinformation from the right. The material she mailed was not classified when she mailed it.

That is true. The question then becomes why is Chelsea getting ANY emails from the State Department? Nevermind from National Security advisers on an insecure IT system under a pseudonym. Colin Powell did it too ? The Russians put it there ? The fact of the matter is this type of information never should have been outside of a govt computer, device or printed per procedure.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

@Strangerland - What I would like to see is more information from Comey. Perhaps if he provided a bit more explanation of what they did and how (without going into details) and then quantifying the amount of e-mails requiring manual or human inspection it would be more convincing.

Regarding Lizz's comment; You are correct - the article states the information was not classified at the time. However I am wondering why on earth she would send this to her daughter and to an account her daughter has using a pseudonym.

What I would like to see investigated further is her maid handling and printing classified information and documents.

I still hold my belief she is more qualified than Mr. Trump to be our next President but there is alot of baggage out there.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

@Strangerland No confidential mails were found on his computer. True Weiner is a pediphile it's not private emails that's all a smoke screen this lady is more than just that read between the lines Bill his wife Wiener and his wife there is something going on and the FBI won't say what it is but ask yourself have you EVER seen HILIARY wearing a dress? The emails found have pictures now go from there and think about who was sharing pictures and why would her emails be on wieners computer? Peds share pictures!!!!

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Why would Comey even start the investigating in the first place unless there was something truly damning, especially given the timing????????????????????????????

Seems like theatre to me.

Anyone swallowing this probably think OJ Simpson was also innocent.

However, the damage is already done to Clinton. I doubt there is enough time for this to fully digest with the public. Shall be interesting.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

The headline must have been written by the Clinton campaign?

She was not "cleared," the FBI is not asking for a grand jury or recommending DOJ prosecute.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

FBI's analysts have been teadinng and analyzing sine last results in sum er and could not find discrepancy. So they had to give up. To discredit FBI works, please submit your teseach method,, nation's top kit socialists are informed. I suggest you can doo that if you think it is rigged?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The Clinton Foundation is still under investigation although it is quite obvious the only thing that will get immediate results, is Trump being elected and him tasking his Justice Department to follow this corruption wherever it leads......which is just about everyone Clinton knows in a federal prison (when the facts justify it of course).

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

What the emails do reveal is exactly what many of us have long said: Clintons make little distinction between the private and public aspects of their lives, between the pursuit of personal enrichment, the operation of a nonprofit, and their participation in politics.

And, what emails or memos still exist that these hackers, Russian or not, could be withholding for leverage after the election with another possible President Clinton?

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Whatever Comey's intentions were the damage had been done since absentee voters would have already voted before this news and many would still question FBI's investigation result so close to voting.

As for people considering Trump, do you really want a Sociopath and conspiracy nut like Trump to be the president of the US to lead your country?

6 ( +8 / -2 )


Who is Clinton`s top aid Huma Abedin?


-12 ( +2 / -14 )

That is true. The question then becomes why...

Ahh Lizz, each time we show you to be wrong, you just shift the goalposts again.

think about who was sharing pictures and why would her emails be on wieners computer? Peds share pictures!!!!

Wow, so now the accusation is that Clinton is a pedophile, and was sharing child porn with Wiener?

You guys are going off the rails.

Why would Comey even start the investigating in the first place unless there was something truly damning

The premise of your question is ridiculous. You are trying to say that something damning must have existed or he wouldn't have started an investigation, but how would he know something damning existed without starting the investigation?

So to answer your question, he started the investigation to see if something damning existed. Then, after investigating, he found nothing damning existed. The only way to know if something damning existed was to investigate.

The Clinton Foundation is still under investigation

No it's not: <www.mediaite.com/tv/nbc-news-pete-williams-reports-fbi-really-isnt-conducting-clinton-foundation-investigation/>

And, what emails or memos still exist that these hackers, Russian or not, could be withholding for leverage after the election with another possible President Clinton?

And the same could be said about what they could be holding for leverage against Trump. Or Stein. Or Johnson. Or Sanders. Or Rand Paul. Or Kaine. Or Pence. Or anyone on the entire planet.

So let's just stick to reality, ok?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

And the same could be said about what they could be holding for leverage against Trump. Or Stein. Or Johnson. Or Sanders. Or Rand Paul. Or Kaine. Or Pence. Or anyone on the entire planet. So let's just stick to reality, ok?

They weren't compromised as Hillary was, so let's just stick to facts.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Fred Wallace, hillary crowd here, congratulations, really, I have questions though, that was the quickest investigation of emails ever. The count was about 600,000. Warrant was obtained on Sunday I believe so that is 7 days. That would be a rate of about 85,000 per day, about 3,500 per hour, 60 per minute, so that is about 1 per second. How many people were investigating? Does this actually constitute thorough investigation in your minds? Seriously?!

Fred Wallace, the FBI doesn't need to read all emails. The software will detect classified documents. After software has detected words in email and then the FBI peoples will read that document and decide whether that email has included classified information or not. That's why the FBI has sorting out quickly.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

They weren't compromised as Hillary was

How do you know? Are you omnipotent?

so let's just stick to facts.

Ok, the fact is that there is absolutely nothing whatsoever to show that the Russians or anyone has anything that would give them leverage of Clinton.

So yeah, let's stick to facts.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

@Strangerland, you stated, "Ahh Lizz, each time we show you to be wrong, you just shift the goalposts again."

I did not make the post Lizz made or the same claim, however I have the same question. Why on earth are these e-mails sent to Chelsea Clinton and to an account where Chelsea is using a pseudonym. This is a logical and reasonable question.

Regarding recent Wikileaks - I find this one particularly interesting. I would imagine Bernie Sanders supporters would also find this a bit troubling.


-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Seems like theatre to me.

With a Republican (wannabe) choreographer.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Why on earth are these e-mails sent to Chelsea Clinton and to an account where Chelsea is using a pseudonym.

It's a fair question. I honestly have no idea.

Regarding the pseudonym, I don't use my full or real name on ANY email account. Literally not a single one, not even my work emails. In these days of data mining and identity fraud, it's a matter of protection of my identity.

As for why Clinton was sending Chelsea the emails - I don't know. But I would guess it's something the investigation looked at when determining whether or not to recommend prosecution.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

She probably savveed any email she received and she sent. And never deleted anything.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Ok, the fact is that there is absolutely nothing whatsoever to show that the Russians or anyone has anything that would give them leverage of Clinton. So yeah, let's stick to facts.

I was referring to the fact that Hillary was hacked.

You also need to learn the distinction between confidential and classified. Oh and how do you know there were no confidential emails on Weiner's computer? Are you omnipotent?

You appear to be deliberately obtuse, making noise with the non-sequitur, it's an old communist trick you know.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

I was referring to the fact that Hillary was hacked.

Yeah, but then you speculated that someone may have something on her. Speculation is not fact.

You also need to learn the distinction between confidential and classified.

I know that the mail Clinton sent Chelsea was not classified when she sent it.

Oh and how do you know there were no confidential emails on Weiner's computer? Are you omnipotent?

I don't - I was simply making as baseless a statement as the one that claimed there were. The original poster put that out there without any basis in reality.

Now, non-existence cannot be proven, so if you believe that there were classified emails in Wieners computer, the onus is on you to prove it, not on me to prove there weren't.

You appear to be deliberately obtuse, making noise with the non-sequitur, it's an old communist trick you know.

Heh, calling someone a communist when you cannot refute their logic is an old McCarthy trick.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Now, non-existence cannot be proven, so if you believe that there were classified emails in Wieners computer, the onus is on you to prove it, not on me to prove there weren't.

There shouldn't have been any government emails on the laptop of any private citizen. As Clinton reminds us in this hilarious new Trump tv ad, she is after all "the most transparent public official ever", all the while destroying hard drives, cell phones and Blackberrys with any tool at her disposal because, well, they "just weren't needed anymore."

The Clinton Way


-8 ( +1 / -9 )

RE: FBI Director James Comey abruptly announced Sunday that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges related to newly discovered emails from her tenure at the State Department,

1/ How can the FBI clear someone whose name was on an email that mentions GOV business outside a secured FED network system? hmmm

What country will Comey be moving to and avoid extradition, taxes and live a very comfortable life. Follow the money...
-5 ( +2 / -7 )

There shouldn't have been any government emails on the laptop of any private citizen.

You can't just make things up and expect us to believe them you know.

Or in other words, the rule you just tried to make up doesn't actually exist.

1/ How can the FBI clear someone whose name was on an email that mentions GOV business outside a secured FED network system?

How? That's exactly what they are empowered to do.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

First of all, Comey is Comey, a paid Clinton operative with a history of running cover for Clintons and getting paid by their foundation. He is not the entire FBI, neither is he the entire intelligence and law enforcement community of the United States Federal government. He is one guy. Admittedly a high-profile powerful guy, but one guy nonetheless. One guy who has been proven to be compromised via Clinton Foundation dollars and other "coincidental" tells, has proven to still be one compromised guy. Let's not unconditionally concede the war because a single spy was found to be working for the enemy. Second, Comey's letter addresses one single investigation of the ongoing five (5) we know about, and his language was hedged. He did not say "All investigations into Hillary AND the CLINTON FOUNDATION are hereby closed". Far from it. Remember, wikileaks showed up the Clinton camp desperately wanted the press to focus on Benghazi in order to steer away from the private server. Hillary's emails are a distraction from the multi-billion dollar golden egg-laying goose, the Clinton Foundation. All those investigations are still ongoing. In fact, Hillary's investigation is still ongoing. The FBI is a lot of people, and some of them are just as must patriots as you and I are, and they aren't going to break the law and betray America because their compromised CEO says to. Third, the iWeiner emails were supposedly investigated, analyzed, cross-referenced, and determined to contain no evidence of any crime. This is impossible on the face of it, and is a fabricated lie. This lie could be a feint to deflect attention and give the suspects a false sense of security. 650,000 emails "investigated" in 9 days 72,222 emails a day 3009 emails an hour, 24 hours a day 50 emails a minute- about 1 per second. No investigation has taken place. You can't even convert 650,000 email into a sorted list in 9 days, let alone know anything about the contents and implications of the internal references. This could be similar to the police announcing "They have no suspect and no motive" in a high-profile case, while staking out the perp's home, knowing he will get sloppy. Comey could well have set a trap for the Clinton machine that they are about to fall into and get ground up by. We don't know yet, because the game is not over. Finally, there are a lot more leaks and hacks than you may not be aware of. A lot. And this data is being given to and being made available to parties who can and will do something about it. I'm not just talking about the remnant of patriots in the FBI or CIA either. The Clinton cabal has double-crossed several very powerful, unforgiving parties. These slights will not go unanswered. Nor will they be limited to legal or peace recourse. So take a deep breath. This ain't over by a long shot. The first shot has finally been fired at our treasonous enemy. Wars are never won on the first shot. But we will win.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

The only people who can't detect a fishy smell in this case are those who are holding their noses and voting "Hillary." Trumps multiple sexual harassment charges, child molestation charge, Trump Univeristy fiasco, morally and financial bankrupt as a business man yet managed to keep his personal wealth intact while paying no taxes. multiple affairs with women while married to another, anti Muslim, anti-immigrant.... Holding noses!? LOL Trump supporters nasal passages are non-existent and there blind as a bat

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Breaking News! Clinton Foundation donates 300 million to the Comey Foundation. Establishment rules. Live long and prosper suckers!

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

It gives the world and the vast majority of the US the perception that law enforcement is crooked and is pulling punches based on whether a target is politically connected and wealthy.


It gives the world and the vast majority of the US the perception that law enforcement is crooked and is pulling punches based on whether the target's opponent is politically connected and wealthy.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

First of all, Comey is Comey, a paid Clinton operative with a history of running cover for Clintons and getting paid by their foundation.

Heh, faced with the fact that reality doesn't match their fantasies, the right is now making things up and claiming them as reality.

Seriously ? Didn't Clinton mention in her Goldman Sachs speech that State computers were targets of hackers every hour of the day

So as a result of that, government employees are restricted from ever sending any emails to private email accounts? And how exactly do you expect government to run when the only people it can email are other government people?

That makes all of no sense whatsoever.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

As head of the relevant federal agency Clinton herself has acknowledged she is responsible when the accounts of close adviser Ms. Abedin and other government business end up on a child porn computer.


FBI finds emails related to Hillary Clinton's State Department tenure

The FBI has found emails related to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state on the laptop belonging to the estranged husband of Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, according to a U.S. official.

These emails, CBS News’ Andres Triay reports, are not duplicates of emails found on Secretary Clinton’s private server. At this point, however, it remains to be seen whether these emails are significant to the FBI’s investigation into Clinton. It is also not known how many relevant emails there are.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

They're freaking out. Hillary wins again. Unstoppable!!

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Absolutely nothing in your post says anything about national security information.

Well, that would have been to Chelsea. We don't know what was on the Weiner laptop, although any amount of official business should obviously not have been in his hands. It isn't necessary to hang your hat on any specific piece of information or disclosure when a new wrongdoing comes to light practically every other day.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

It's Weiner's device - it stands to reason most of those emails are related to Weiner and not Hillary (thus those could be discarded right away). That leaves some that's related to Hillary. Then take out the duplicates from previous investigations. Then whatever's left, check to see if those are relevant to the investigation.

Since FBI director Comey cleared the emails: (1) either none of those emails are relevant to the investigation, or (2) some emails are relevant to the investigation, but there's no crime or classified information in those relevant emails.

Now, here's a question to ponder: if the FBI could've done this investigation so quickly, why didn't they just keep quiet about it (instead of first sending a letter to Congress) and do the investigation first, then (1) if nothing comes out of the investigation, then just keep being quiet about it since nothing's changed, or (2) if something comes out of the investigation, then that's when to send the letter to Congress when they actually have something to present?

Because the way it happened now, the FBI has inadvertently affected the elections (there's more than just the Presidential election going on; there's also the Senate and House elections too) - which is against department policy. And since Comey made an announcement with the letter to Congress, he had no choice but to speak up before the elections when nothing came of it, in order to stop the mess he got the FBI into. While Trump is in no position to say anything bad about Comey, just a week after praising Comey's guts.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The sound of whips cracking on a dead horse is getting a bit repetitive.

I preferred the very entertaining poll results telling us things like 93% of Americans think Hillary should be in jail or Hillary will get around 20 million votes.

Can't we go back to those things? It was fun.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

FBI has inadvertently affected the (Senate, House and Presidential) elections


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Well, that would have been to Chelsea.

Nope. Once again you're wrong - the message she sent to Chelsea was not classified when she sent it: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-clinton-email-daughter-20161104-story.html

We don't know what was on the Weiner laptop

But you know who does know? The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the people tasked with investigating the mails, and the people who have come right out and said there was nothing there after that investigation. Yet you keep speculating as if you know more than they do. Yeah, right.

Any amount of official business should obviously not have been in his hands.

How do you know any of them were official business? How do you know the questions weren't from when he was a member of Congress? How do you know the mails weren't purely Clinton campaign males and nothing to do with the official business? Oh, you don't. Because you have clearly stated that you don't know what was in the mails.

It isn't necessary to hang your hat on any specific piece of information or disclosure when a new wrongdoing comes to light practically every other day.

Yes, it is. It's this mistaken belief of yours which is why the Republican party is falling apart - because you people have no ability to discern reality from crazed-hypothesis.

This is making us the laughing stock of the world.

The Republican party is making you the laughing stock of the world.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

A fitting conclusion to the most farcical election campaign in US history. It won't end though, even after Trump the Traitor is thrashed tomorrow, as he will likely found a right-wing media franchise so he can continuously mope while also making insane money off his sheep. No matter what the result, Trump wins

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@dcog - yes this election has been a farce. Amazing the election is this close at this stage of the game. If the Democrats put forth a different candidate this would have been long over.

I agree - no matter what the result Trump wins. Also - no matter what the result Clinton wins. They will continue to be paid high sums for speaking.

The whole thing is a farce

1 ( +3 / -2 )

FBI has inadvertently affected the (Senate, House and Presidential) elections


Do ya believe FBI director Comey did this intentionally?

That would make this an even bigger black eye to the FBI and its reputation - affecting elections with no evidence to show for doing it

That's one man's action that could ruin a whole venerable institution and not to be taken lightly

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Long history of Clinton funding Laura`s group. Emails also show the pricing of how much to transport the children. First thing Clinton did when she took over in Haiti was get Laura off the hook!

Heh, you guys are going right off the rails now.

Are you actually a Democrat? I can't imagine that a true Trump supporter would post something like this and expect it to actually have any effect on Clinton supporters. The only thing I can think is that it's a Democrat troll, posting to try to alienate moderate Republicans from voting for Trump.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Jimizo, that "cracking" sound is not (at least solely) coming from dead-horse whipping - it is the sound of cognitive dissonance. Comey went from a right-wing whipping boy to hero back to whipping-boy so quickly many have whiplash. He's a Republican who was appointed by a Democrat, and he's in Hillary's pocket unless he's not. Some poster above wrote about "rank-and-file FBI agents" - I saw the same term used today by Trump. Seems to be the meme de jour: that corrupt officials at the top are preventing the honest workers down below from exposing corruption.

Except no one has every stated exactly what Hillary is guilty of. It's clear to those with technological knowledge (that excludes Trump) that perusing any number of emails over eight days is cake. They turn out to be duplicates of mails already perused, and those turn out to be mundane communications which contain no material classified or sensitive to national security. I remind my students to be careful with email because you never know where what you've written will end up; that is what's happened here. Nothing to see.

Yet many are so convinced that Hillary must be guilty of SOMETHING that they contort each tidbit of info to fit whatever meme is de jour. This is similar to the way evangelical Christians approach science. Occam's razor would have that she is guilty of nothing: given that more attention has been paid to Clinton's so-called crimes than all other issues combined in this campaign, if any illegality had been committed no matter how small, it would have been exposed.

So, yes, Clinton is entirely innocent, and, yes, global warming is occurring.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

It's hilarious to watch those who were only yesterday declaring Comey a hero going back to calling him names again. Hahaha... Trump's campaign advisor is having one HELL of a time trying to defend this, trying to defend Trump calling the military "losers", trying to defend them announcing Hilary was being indicted even AFTER FOX admitted it was wrong, trying to defend Trump's own son and others announcing it was an assassination attempt even after it was clear it was not, trying to defend the absolutely wrong statement that polls are being kept ILLEGALLY open in some areas when they are not, etc. The woman is probably on the verge of jumping off a bridge -- her smile is so fake her face is cracking open.

The only thing the Republicans have got going for them is that a racist judge has lifted the ban on voter intimidation in one area (Ohio, I think), so their KKK friends can go out, armed, and start harassing blacks and minorities again in the hopes that some won't vote.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

So, yes, Clinton is entirely innocent, and, yes, global warming is occurring.

The Paris Climate Agreement faces no threat from the White House.

Bye, Donald‼️

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Hahaha... Trump is clearly losing it more than every in the last couple of days. Now he is declaring that despite Comey and the FBI clearing her AGAIN of all charges, Trump himself somehow knows she is guilty, and is once again saying if he is elected she will "face justice".

"You can't do it folks. Hillary Clinton is guilty.”

And of course no proof at all to present, just like his fans on this site who have the majority of their family in one place, and yet somehow half of their family somewhere else -- but can't name their sources on news!

8 ( +9 / -1 )

whichever way the election goes the campaign has exposed terrible contradictions in the US govt and law enforcement. Most of the world (I know, strangerland, "define most, blah blah blah") has been shocked by the whole dirty mess. And, sorry to burst the "progressives" bubble, but this FBI debacle has done nothing to put to rest concerns and distrust re hillary - if anything people are smelling a rat.

Should hillary win she'll be carrying even more baggage than she previously had into the white house. A most unfortunate choice for nominee that the Dem party made. It really does look like Rome in serious decline. History does indeed repeat itself.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Outrider: It's not whom the Dems put in that's the problem as much as people refusing to see the facts and preferring to carry on with the fiction. Trump himself INSISTS she is guilty despite being cleared numerous times and having ZERO proof to the contrary (and most of the 'proof' people will spout about on here is also non-existent). This election has been nothing but a smear campaign, which both sides are guilty of to an extent, and regardless of who wins the US will NOT be in a better position for it. I guarantee that when Hilary wins there will be cries for impeachment and Bengazi whining again within a week, despite being cleared of THAT as well. They've ALREADY been on the rigged election horse for weeks, so you can bet that is going to come into play as well, and they are Not going to accept defeat gracefully.

All the same, with Hillary in there it'll just be four years of her trying to shake off the party of the 'no' saying no all the time and fomenting rebellion in the nation. With Trump there would be no country left within a year. I would like to think the GOP will take a step back after this election and go back to their roots and produce a better platform, and better candidates, but they've failed to do that since 2008 and I guarantee they won't learn from this, either. The media are all saying, including Republicans in many cases, that the best thing that can happen for the GOP would be for them to lose in a landslide and have the House and Senate threatened. Then they might actually have to change. I don't see it, though -- I think it'll be a big loss, but the GOP will just blame the loss on fictional conspiracies, and characters like Donald, Cruz, and others will be foaming at the mouth to be the nominee to run in 2020, doing the same thing as they did months ago and are doing now.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

if any illegality had been committed no matter how small, it would have been exposed.

The Clinton Foundation has been investigated for over a year by the FBI (and continuing) which does tell us something even if that it is being deliberately slow walked.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )


I am one person who is staunchly against Mr. Trump, to an equal extreme as those who endlessly defend Ms. Clinton. In my day to day activities most people I talk to and communicate with dislike both candidates. Those that support one candidate seem to hate the other...to an extreme. I have never quite seen this level of division.

Your last paragraph is quite true. Whoever wins this election the U.S. ends up with a damaged candidate.

Ms. Clinton is obviously much more qualified for the office of the President, something I have never denied (and I do mean much). However she has way too much baggage for my comfort zone.

Having her maid print and handle classified information is irresponsible to the extreme and a felony.


Using dirt to neutralize Bernie Sanders is unbelievable. https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/794756750926876672

The focus of Wikileaks now is on Ms. Clinton, however they also did a pretty good job of deconstructing the Bush follies as well. Wikileaks has outed the corruption that is the U.S. government. Whether the American people are willing to do something about it remains to be seen. I am not confident this will happen.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

this FBI debacle has done nothing to put to rest concerns and distrust re hillary - if anything people are smelling a rat.

You don't say? You think the endless accusations regardless of whether they're disproved might have something to do with her image?

As bad as the information that was revealed was, I'm almost certain we'd find equally bad if not worse if the emails of every other politician and yes, businessman too, were leaked. It may have been involuntary, but Clinton's skeletons have been revealed. Yet we still don't know what Trump is hiding in his tax returns.

I'm also more concerned about the one-sidedness of the leaks and Russia's obvious preference in the election. I would think anyone worried about national security would be too.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

The Clinton Foundation has been investigated for over a year by the FBI (and continuing)

Nope: <www.mediaite.com/tv/nbc-news-pete-williams-reports-fbi-really-isnt-conducting-clinton-foundation-investigation/>

2 ( +4 / -2 )

bass4funkNOV. 07, 2016 - 08:32AM JST

It doesn't matter, nothing changes as to what Hillary is and what she has done and now the choice will be up to the people. Bottom line is, the woman is a criminal, it doesn't take the FBI to reinforce that point of view of how the public feels about the woman.

If by the "public" you mean the people who say they'll be in arms outside the White House if Hillary Clinton wins and rough up protesters at Trump rallies, not because they're paid to but because they want to. I'm sure you're right. And if one were to apply the same rigourous procedure for determining guilt and innocence to Donald Trump that you have applied to Hillary Clinton, well... she's never been charged with or convicted of anything in court but she's a criminal. Trump hasn't been convicted of anything either, so does that make him a traitor and a child molester?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

@Mr. Bum - I completely agree with you regarding Mr. Trump's tax returns. The Republican Party should have demanded he release these as well. We can only speculate what might be in there. I am sure he is equally corrupt as Ms. Clinton if not more so.

Also Wikileaks has already revealed dirty deeds done by Republicans. They are not in the limelight now. Everyone says the Russians prefer Donald Trump. There are some that think Putin actually prefers Ms. Clinton. There is a good article about this below. I found it a good read but it did not concretely answer my questions.


My issue is that in the end we should not lower the bar to the point where the American public has to choose between the best of 2 bad candidates. The Republicans put forward no one that inspired me this election cycle while the Democrats put forth one (Jim Webb). In the end the candidate that seems most true to her beliefs is Dr. Jill Stein.

Regardless the outcome will be interesting and there are sure to be some unhappy folks. If the election is close it will not be good for the overall "health" of the United States (or dis-United States)

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


That is pretty impressive! You must have searched for quite a while to find THEE only reporter who doesn`t think the Clinton Foundation is not under investigation.

Here is a quick google list of 3 other news pundits that think other wise (out of like 1000 other pudits who also claim it is under investigation!)




-4 ( +2 / -6 )

The focus here should be is Clinton dependable and trustworthy? It is plain to see that she is not. Hiding information, denial and ineptness are all evident in her actions. The FBI investigation has cleared her of criminality not stupidness!

Do the people of the US want her as president?

The votes will decide-maybe......

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Having her maid print and handle classified information is irresponsible to the extreme and a felony.

Tokyo-Engr, sometimes you seem quite rational but then suddenly bolt off into cuckoo-land. Using the New York Post as primary reference material generally is a bad idea. Conservatives, disappointed Comey has disappeared their "last" hope, are clearly now desperately chucking whatever bomb they can imagine ("imagine" being the operative word here). There is no there there, again.


3 ( +4 / -1 )

I scroll all the way down to the bottom, and all I find is this empty box.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

At a rally in the Detroit suburbs, Mr Trump insisted it would have been impossible for the FBI to review what has been reported to be as many as 650,000 emails in such a short time.

Silicon Valley must be both in stitches, and very nervous


4 ( +5 / -1 )

That is pretty impressive! You must have searched for quite a while to find THEE only reporter who doesn`t think the Clinton Foundation is not under investigation.

See how you fact checked that? Now start doing it to everything you post. It gets rid of confirmation bias.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

It doesn't matter, nothing changes as to what Hillary is and what she has done and now the choice will be up to the people. Bottom line is, the woman is a criminal, it doesn't take the FBI to reinforce that point of view of how the public feels about the woman.

So if the people (read Trump supporters) believe Clinton is guilty then she is? You know, that just reinforces my view of Trump supporters as a mob. Mob rule - the types who would hang a person based on hysterical baying from the crowd. The again a suppose a lot of them also believe in the Zombie Apocalypse, cloud seeding by governments to create global warming, the UN planning to attack America and monster truck racing should be an Olympic event.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Comey should have investigated first before making a preliminary announcement.

Yes, even a child would have come to that conclusion. Now the moment has come for Americans to seal the fate of their nation's future. We can only hope they will make the right choices for the right reasons.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Comey knew that running a secret investigation on more emails would surely have gotten out - as much as the alt-right likes to dream that there are conspiracy theories out there that in which dozens, hundreds and even thousands of people have been pressured into silence, the reality is that it's extremely hard to keep a secret secret. And with something as big as a renewed investigation into emails going on behind the scenes, it's almost guaranteed that someone would blab. If that happened, he's doomed, people would be asking why he hadn't said anything etc.

He did the right thing by announcing it, and then getting it cleared up ASAP. Yeah, it was damaging to the Clinton campaign, but that's sometimes the way things go.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It's hilarious to watch those who were only yesterday declaring Comey a hero going back to calling him names again. Hahaha...

What gets me when I read through a lot of the ridiculous posts by a lot of Europeans, they get more excited about Hillary the criminal than Americans that maybe might vote for her, but don't really like her, but they dislike Trump more, the Europeans just go complete insane with their Hillarybots emotional support. LMAO

Trump's campaign advisor is having one HELL of a time trying to defend this, trying to defend Trump calling the military "losers", trying to defend them announcing Hilary was being indicted even AFTER FOX admitted it was wrong, trying to defend Trump's own son and others announcing it was an assassination attempt even after it was clear it was not, trying to defend the absolutely wrong statement that polls are being kept ILLEGALLY open in some areas when they are not, etc. The woman is probably on the verge of jumping off a bridge -- her smile is so fake her face is cracking open.

Hey, there is so much more about Hillary we can talk about. But it's kinda boring because....well, the woman is boring. Obama was the worst, but at least, he wasn't boring. Hillary on the other hand willl put everyone to sleep. She would

The only thing the Republicans have got going for them is that a racist judge has lifted the ban on voter intimidation in one area (Ohio, I think),

Racist?? How so? Let me get this straight, according to you, agreeing with Trump makes you a racist? What? Lol

so their KKK friends can go out, armed, and start harassing blacks and minorities again in the hopes that some won't vote.

But when Hillary gets support from the KKK that's ok? Wow! You liberals......smh.

That is pretty impressive! You must have searched for quite a while to find THEE only reporter who doesn`t think the Clinton Foundation is not under investigation.

He tends to do that a lot.

she's never been charged with or convicted of anything in court but she's a criminal. Trump hasn't been convicted of anything either, so does that make him a traitor and a child molester?

I come to the realization that the definition of what a "criminal" is, is different for Americans and for Europeans. For most Americans everything that she has done and the list is 5 miles long for most Americans, they think she should be under the prison, for Europeans, they seem quite content with the US choosing a criminal woman as president. But it's just like conservatives can't run fast enough from their criminals and liberals and Dems embrace them wholeheartedly.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

The focus here should be is Clinton dependable and trustworthy? It is plain to see that she is not.

I agree with this. On my list for people who should be president, I'd put her 2nd last. Unfortunately, the guy I'd put last is also running for president... :(

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Wow "Crooked Hillary is much more crooked than we thought. Just saving the best for last. Can't wait to see the Clinton Foundation implode! The FBI is very smart, they will use all their resources to make sure Huma is humiliated and banished from Washington and Bill and "crooked Hillary" spend the remaining few years of their life together wearing orange.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

This from the Guardian:

"Rocker Ted Nugent grabbed his crotch and shouted: “I got your blue state right here, baby!” at a Donald Trump rally as he sought to boost the Republican’s vote in the traditionally Democratic state of Michigan......

Trump later came on stage, with the words: “Unbelievable what’s going on, thank you.”


5 ( +6 / -1 )


I read your article

I agree the emails were not classified when sent.

The argument Ms. Clinton did not ask her to do this is weak

In this case however I would call this a non starter

This does it change my feeling about Ms. Clinton but I've read your link and acknowledge about timing of classification

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It seems the Weiner emails are duplicates

That's why the investigation finished quickly

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Hillary's new campaign slogan: "I haven't been arrested yet!"

This is thought provoking:

"Stop Hydrogen Hillary"


And what's up with Hillary, Huma Abedin and Anthony Wiener?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

"Rocker Ted Nugent grabbed his crotch and shouted: “I got your blue state right here, baby!” at a Donald Trump rally as he sought to boost the Republican’s vote in the traditionally Democratic state of Michigan......

Love uncle Ted. Kudos!

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

We can only hope they will make the right choices for the right reasons.

Tricky seeing as there's no right choices.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Hillary and weiner will always be linked in peoples minds.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Republicans usually get pretty dark after Clinton gets cleared from whatever new investigation they've gotten themselves worked up about. Mob rule doesn't like the wrong answer.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

somehow, I dont think weve seen the last of weiner.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Wikileaks email disclosure proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the Clinton Foundation paid for Chelsea's wedding . . . Using a charity's funds to pay for personal expenses is clearly a felony . . . Will Comey excuse this criminal behavior also?

An excerpt of an email Doug Band, former Clinton aide, wrote to John Podesta, now Hillary’s campaign chairman, regarding Chelsea's spending habits:

“The investigation into her getting paid for campaigning, using foundation resources for her wedding and life for a decade, taxes on money from her parents….”

“I hope that you will speak to her and end this. Once we go down this road….”

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Typical Nugent BS. Well guys, it's a 5 or 6 state race now. He has to win them ALL and then flip a blue state (sorry Ted!) to win the election. He CANNOT and WILL NOT do that. His conservative argument in these closing days is too little too late. He has spent WAY too much time in trying to disqualify Hillary instead of qualifying himself. Too much rides on the result of this contest. He and his extremist views and childish behavior have been all the motivation we should need. Let's not go back to the old days and the old ways. Let's make history and elect Hillary Rodham Clinton the first female POTUS in the history of this ALREADY GREAT nation ! SHE will represent ALL Americans. SHE won't shut out Muslims, deport Hispanics, disrespect other women, or belittle the disabled. Just because you don't like where the bus is going, you don't put a drunk in the driver's seat, right ? Vote for HRC tomorrow (US EST) and let's make history TOGETHER. It's HER time ! 1/20/17 - "Madame President" !

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Perhaps Comey gave the Clintons the conclusion they demanded because he didn't want to end up like Vince Foster.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Republicans usually get pretty dark after Clinton gets cleared from whatever new investigation they've gotten themselves worked up about. Mob rule doesn't like the wrong answer.

No, Americans get dark at how corrupt our system of justice is, generally speaking. As for mob rule, Creamer and Foval are the masters of that trade. But Trump could pull this off. Go Trump! Even if he doesn't as long as the GOP can retain the Senate, I'm all good.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Super: "Mob rule doesn't like the wrong answer."

If it weren't for "mob rule," Super, the United States would still be a British colony.

Kurobune: "1/20/17 Madame President!" Dream on, Kurobune.

Oh my...

Trey Gowdy Reaction to James Comey Final Conclusion on New Hillary Emails 11/6/16


Judge Jeanine Pirro Explosive Interview Today 11/6/16 W Sean Hannity FBI clears Clinton -- again


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Tricky seeing as there's no right choices.

Trump is the definite wrong choice.

Republicans usually get pretty dark after Clinton gets cleared from whatever new investigation they've gotten themselves worked up about.

Just wait until Wed/Thur. And the next four years.

Wikileaks email disclosure proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the Clinton Foundation paid for Chelsea's wedding

Really? You have a quote from a guy out of context. Do you have a link to the actual mail contents? Republicans are pros at taking comments out of context and declaring they absolutely mean whatever it is they want them to mean. Remember that time they went off about how Michael Moore was saying that voting Trump would be the biggest f*** you to the world, but then they left out his next comments that talked about how they would be morons for doing so?

And let's not forget, 'beyond a reasonable doubt' doesn't mean much, when republicans don't doubt anything said about Hillary. Beyond a reasonable doubt has a little heavier of a meaning for the rest of the world.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Trump is the definite wrong choice.

Actually, Hilary is worse. But then again, I'm not talking about her supporters or it's irreverent what the international crowd thinks about this election.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Republicans usually get pretty dark after Clinton gets cleared from whatever new investigation they've gotten themselves worked up about.

Yeah, Super - it's actually quite pathetic. "Blind alley" is their main street; mice in a maze have more common sense.

Exhibit: the comments above alleging that the Clinton Foundation paid for Chelsea's wedding. Let us consider this: An article originating in the New York Post based on emails hacked likely by Russia from a Clinton adviser's account sent be a separate adviser which may or may not be real and, if real, may or may not have been doctored, and if real and undoctored may or may not represent reality - we're talking hearsay upon hearsay upon hearsay upon hearsay here - THIS is what will finally bring Hillary down!

It always begins this way, and it always ends with an impotent whimper - and a scramble to find the next scandal.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Laguna, did you mean, "impotent weiner" ?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Actually, Hilary is worse.

It's starting to look like the voters are going to disagree with you.

Exhibit: the comments above alleging that the Clinton Foundation paid for Chelsea's wedding. Let us consider this: An article originating in the New York Post based on emails hacked likely by Russia from a Clinton adviser's account sent be a separate adviser which may or may not be real and, if real, may or may not have been doctored, and if real and undoctored may or may not represent reality - we're talking hearsay upon hearsay upon hearsay upon hearsay here - THIS is what will finally bring Hillary down!

As I said, the definition of 'a reasonable doubt' is significantly different for the alt-right than for the sane.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Is it true that the Trump campaign took away his Twitter access? Oh please God say its true...heh.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Outrider - Ha ha! It would serve him right and leave the world a better place. I'm glad that Abedin finally left him; he's clearly irredeemable. Bill, though, seems to have learned his lesson. I've been married 25 years, time enough for me to understand when a marriage should be fought for and when it should be abandoned.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"Trump is the definite wrong choice"

No, Hillary Above The Law Clinton is definitely the wrong choice. Most American voters will understand this clearly Tuesday.

The DOJ finally cracked down on the FBI shutting down this investigation. This blatant injustice will result in the opposite effect that Obama and Hillary hope for.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Really? You have a quote from a guy out of context. Do you have a link to the actual mail contents? Republicans are pros at taking comments out of context and declaring they absolutely mean whatever it is they want them to mean.

Here you go, gotta love how the email starts out. "I learned from the best"


-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Is it true that the Trump campaign took away his Twitter access?

Yes, it is true. They've also had him glued to a teleprompter for the last ten days or so. That's why the news has been so slow - but don't worry, Super: On Wednesday, we'll see Trump Unhinged, Chapter Two: The Alleged Theft.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Here you go, gotta love how the email starts out. "I learned from the best"

And you consider that 'beyond a reasonable doubt'? That one-line mail that mentions an investigation, doesn't provide any facts or evidence, and doesn't even mention the conclusion of said investigation? By a guy who may not even know what he's talking about?

Thanks for proving my point about how you guys are willing to see a conspiracy in literally anything. You only discredit yourselves.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

It's starting to look like the voters are going to disagree with you.

I don't hink so, I think more that you have a lot of voters that won't go to the polls as opposed to women and Hispanics, dead people voter fraud, you could get a leg up on the election. I'm not saying it's wide spread, but in the battleground states, I do believe the fix is in to a degree.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Love uncle Ted. Kudos!

I'm sure Abraham Lincoln would have loved seeing the better angels of our nature being expressed by a crotch-grabbing, foul-mouthed moron like Ted Nugent. Thanks, bass, for verifying for the umpteenth time what today's GOP is all about: unfocused adolescent rage.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

What investigation?

The investigation mentioned in the email.

The email was released ONLY YESTERDAY!!!!

The email was from 2012. I would imagine that if any investigation happened, it's been well completed by now.

There's something I want to say, something along the lines of you obviously being able to read, but needing some work on comprehension.

But you know, it may not even be that. I think you can probably comprehend, you are just so desperate to believe there is a conspiracy out there, that you will literally believe anything the alt-right tells you.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Well, at least trumps use of the TelePrompTer these last several days has put the lie to the cherished belief/hope that was sweeping the hillaryites that trump couldn't read.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Kabuki, it sounds more convincing in the original Russian. Read it here at Sputnik.


2 ( +3 / -1 )

When Gaddafi was dragged on the road and stabbed multiple times by mobs in Lybra, Hilary Cliton laughed told to reporter as We came, we saw and he died. How insensitive and cruel she was?

Even she will win, she is already damaged good. She is also disgusting, dishonest, dismissiable, dishonorable and deplorable person.

Cliton may be another Richard Nixon who will be another watergate story.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

But you know, it may not even be that. I think you can probably comprehend, you are just so desperate to believe there is a conspiracy out there, that you will literally believe anything the alt-right tells you.

Must I repeat myself? They make no distinction between the private and public aspects of their lives, between the pursuit of personal enrichment, the operation of a nonprofit, and participation in U.S. politics. What all of this shows is that the entire Clinton clan is willing and able to blur any and all lines.

To deny that shines a light on your blind partisanship.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

FlyFalcon, EXACTLY right. She's a horrible human being.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

They make no distinction between the private and public aspects of their lives, between the pursuit of personal enrichment, the operation of a nonprofit, and participation in U.S. politics.

Kabuki, my poor boy, your tender sentiments tug at my heartstrings. Certainly, in an ideal world, people like Bill Clinton, who grew up in an impoverished household and spent most of his life working for the government, simply should have slid back into his government pension after retirement. That does not happen in the real world, and there are strong arguments that it should not. Either way, clearly the Clintons DO make quite clear distinctions between their three roles - if they did not, they would be in a world of legal trouble. Your link above about suspicions that the Clinton Foundation had paid for Chelsea's wedding is a case in point. Think of the countless millions of dollars that have been spent investigating the Clintons: if this accusation were true, it would indicate that right-wing fanatics are not only misguided (which they are) but completely incompetent (which they are not).

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"it sounds more convincing in the original Russian."

Sure, Laguna, keep blaming the Russians for Hillary's troubles, lol.

Oh my...

"Obama Says Donald Trump Is The Best Candidate To Clean Up The Mess He Made"


-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Must I repeat myself?

You can repeat it all you want, if it doesn't bother you that you look foolish for repeatedly saying something that isn't born by reality.

They make no distinction between the private and public aspects of their lives, between the pursuit of personal enrichment, the operation of a nonprofit, and participation in U.S. politics. What all of this shows is that the entire Clinton clan is willing and able to blur any and all lines.

Really? This line from the email said all that?

The investigation into her getting paid for campaigning, using foundation resources for her wedding and life for a decade, taxes on money from her parents….

That line that wasn't followed up by anything supporting it, nor anything that an investigation happened, what the results of said investigation were, or whether or not the writer even knew what he was talking about? That line somehow said that they make no distinction between the private and public aspects of their lives, between the pursuit of personal enrichment, the operation of a nonprofit, and participation in U.S. politics. What all of this shows is that the entire Clinton clan is willing and able to blur any and all lines?

I have to admit, I misspoke in my earlier post. I don't think you are actually able to comprehend.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

FlyFalcon, Nixon had his flaws but was essentially a very human type of person. Hillary is cold-blooded with a lot of blood on her hands. If she's president it will be disastrous.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

I'm not talking about her supporters

I will always say that Trump Conservatives think Obama was born in Kenya. Trump's campaign is based 100% on that.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Must I repeat myself?

Why stop now? Don't expect me to suddenly start believing it though.

They make no distinction between the private and public aspects of their lives, between the pursuit of personal enrichment, the operation of a nonprofit, and participation in U.S. politics. What all of this shows is that the entire Clinton clan is willing and able to blur any and all lines.

You got all that from the following?

The investigation into her getting paid for campaigning, using foundation resources for her wedding and life for a decade, taxes on money from her parents….

(Note that there was no follow up, nor any other information in the email whatsoever)

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Outrider at Nov. 07, 2016 - 07:01PM JST Hillary and weiner will always be linked in peoples minds. ... ... ... Like Watergate and "Tricky Dick" Nixon?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Bill Murphy, I think there's a definite connection there!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Outrider: If Hillary dumps Bill after the next "bimbo eruption", Weiner will be available as he'll have no wife and no job. He'll just be hanging out.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Oh my...

Black Trump Supporters Explain Why They are Voting for DONALD TRUMP!


Here's an interesting comment from that:

"I'm living on the other side of the world in Europe, but I want to vote for Trump. Don't waste your last chance America. GL. :) "

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

"it's irrelevant what the international crowd thinks about this election"

The winner of the US election affects people worldwide. The last time a GOP headbanger got in, he set the Middle East on fire and saw the world economy fly off the cliff.

Closer to home, one sixteenth of my family Iives in the US ( three quarters live in the UK, a third eleswere in Europe and the other half dotted around elsewhere ). All of these people will be affected.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Should the US care about what the rest of the world thinks about a president Trump?


Some quotes:

Mr. Trump’s own statements should make those allies doubt, but so too should his unpredictability. If you’re a national leader, and the United States is no longer a reliable guarantor of your security, you start to look for new arrangements. You might get closer to other powers, like China or Russia, or develop new weapons, even try to get the bomb.

Donald Trump has questioned U.S. commitment to NATO. He’s talked about his admiration for Mr. Putin. That makes Eastern European allies nervous. Maybe they’ll start to worry about criticizing Russia, or imposing sanctions, or opposing Moscow’s will.

Think about what Canada would do if its trade grew uncertain: If a President Trump might tear up NAFTA and gum up U.S. borders with extreme vetting, Canada would work harder at other trade ties. You’d bet on free-trade talks with China moving faster.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Iran authority has executed their Nuclear Sicentist not long ago The motive was exposing their nuclear program secrets to western nation. Clinton may not transmit classfied information intentionally. She is so careless and incompetent for exposing state secrets with personal emails!

Imagine Cliton is the foreign minister of Iran or North Korea, her fate has been already sealed as silence of the lamb.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Why not just let the whole damn world vote in the US election, and just give up on the quaint notion of sovereignty in favor of one world government.

Thanks, bass, for verifying for the umpteenth time what today's GOP is all about: unfocused adolescent rage.

Doesn't empirical evidence prove that to be better description of Bernie's supporters, and now by proxy, Hillary supporters?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Fred WallaceNOV. 07, 2016 - 07:48AM JST

hillary crowd here, congratulations, really, I have questions though, that was the quickest investigation of emails ever. The count was about 600,000. Warrant was obtained on Sunday I believe so that is 7 days. That would be a rate of about 85,000 per day, about 3,500 per hour, 60 per minute, so that is about 1 per second. How many people were investigating? Does this actually constitute thorough investigation in your minds? Seriously?!

Fred, you like many Trump supporters, only want to hear what you want to hear and it must be in line with Trumps lying rhetoric. If you had read further you would have notice the majority of the emails were duplicates (not that hard to search using basic search apps) from the search in July, the rest had nothing to do with Hillary.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Doesn't empirical evidence prove that to be better description of Bernie's supporters, and now by proxy, Hillary supporters?


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Closer to home, one sixteenth of my family Iives in the US ( three quarters live in the UK, a third eleswere in Europe and the other half dotted around elsewhere ). All of these people will be affected.

Nope, the Black humor is not working. I keep saying, liberals are good when it comes to spending other people's money until they run out it, but when it comes to humor, better leave it alone. Lol

I'm sure Abraham Lincoln would have loved seeing the better angels of our nature being expressed by a crotch-grabbing, foul-mouthed moron like Ted Nugent. Thanks, bass, for verifying for the umpteenth time what today's GOP is all about: unfocused adolescent rage.

Funny, coming from the group that supports a candidate that needs Katy Perry, Madonna, willing to give BJs to anyone that wants to vote for her and idiots like Jay Z that have to use the F-word and N-word every 5 seconds because they're too stupid to articulate their brain thoughts. But the Democratic Party is all about Hollyweird and show, beyond that, they're a joke and not a good one in fact.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

"Funny, coming from the group that supports a candidate that needs Katy Perry, Madonna, willing to give BJs to anyone that wants to vote for her and idiots like Jay Z that have to use the F-word and N-word every 5 seconds because they're too stupid to articulate their brain thoughts."

But you give "kudos" to "uncle" Ted Nugent for grabbing his genitals onstage and saying: “I got your blue state right here, baby!”?

I suppose it's better than grabbing other people's genitals because you're famous.

Didn't the GOP throw a load of cash at Justin Beiber to do a gig but couldn't get him? Scott Bayou or whatever his name is turned up though.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Funny, coming from the group that

Trump Conservatives are the group that 100% believes that Obama was born in Kenya and Trump's campaign was based on that.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Speaking of Jay-Z:

(Trump surrogate) Scottie Nell Hughes Called Molotov Cocktail A ‘Mazel Tov Cocktail’ On CNN


They are just so, so dumb.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

bass4funkNOV. 07, 2016 - 05:30PM JST

I come to the realization that the definition of what a "criminal" is, is different for Americans and for Europeans.

I always thought a criminal was someone who had been proven guilty of an illegal act and thus tied and convicted.

For most Americans everything that she has done and the list is 5 miles long for most Americans, they think...

You're that sure you know what most Americans think, are you? But it does kind of raise the question why, if Clinton is that bad and Trump is the master entrepreneur and bastion of moral fibre you're making him out to be, the election isn't Trump's to lose.

...for Europeans, they seem quite content with the US choosing a criminal...

Nothing at all racist or inflammatory about that comment, then. I think most Europeans would be content for Hillary Clinton to be disqualified from being president if the allegations against her were proven and she was found guilty in a fair and impartial trial. Perhaps you don't think that's necessary, in which case you may find there are certain Europeans you have quite a lot in common with.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Oh my...

Here’s the astonishing truth the media’s not talking about and Democrats refuse to believe — Donald Trump is getting more than double, and sometimes more than triple, the black vote Romney got 4 years ago.

Recent polling by Remington Research shows Trump getting 22% in Florida, Romney got 5 percent. In North Carolina, Trump’s getting 19%, Romney got 4 percent. Trump’s getting 22% of black voters in Wisconsin compared with Romney’s 6% 4 years ago. And in Pennsylvania, Trump scores an astounding 29% against Romney’s 7% share in 2012.

Nationally, Romney received less than 7% of the black vote in 2012. Even Trump’s worst numbers among African-Americans show him getting 19%, and some polls show him doing much better.

But no worries, Hillary supporters, after the FBI caved to Hillary for the second time, she should be up by 50 points over Trump by tomorrow!

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Trump when the FBI were looking at the new emails:

Her rival, Donald Trump, also remarked on the letter, telling rallygoers: “The system might not be as rigged as I thought.”

And once the case was closed, and there was no case to answer:

'Right now she's being protected by a rigged system!' he exclaimed.

Which is it Donald? You only respect the FBI when they seem to fit into your own narrative?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Hey Donnie supporters - not too late to change your mind you know! Turn to the blue, lighter, brighter side of life. You'll see it is infinitely better over here. And you'll likely save yourself a lot of heartache in about 36 hours.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Oh my....

The Remington Research Group was founded by former Ted Cruz campaign manager Jeff Roe, who as hired by Donald Trump to produce pro-Trump swing state presidential polls. According to the geoup, Trump is outpolling Romney among Mormon voters.

Believe what you want, but qt your own peril.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It's too late, but it seemingly won't affect the final result. Hillary Clinton will be the US first Lady President. The so-called October Surprise was simply an aberration of the legal procedure. It's time for the USA and its trusted friends to march ahead. The characteristics of the constitutional democracy have, once more, been consolidated through the unavoidable change within the globalization.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

nishikat at Nov. 07, 2016 - 10:26PM JST Funny, coming from the group that

Trump Conservatives are the group that 100% believes that Obama was born in Kenya and Trump's campaign was based on that. ... ... ... ...

Thank you, nishikat, for using the term "Trump Conservatives". I think the terms are mutually exclusive. For me, "Conservatives" describe an intelligentsia who, for the most part, have rejected Trump. On the other hand, those average voters who have embraced Trump don't care at all about ideology. Mainstream Republican politicians - most not members of that intelligentsia - by their failure to offer the electorate something to ease their "pain" (inability to maintain a middle class lifestyle) have allowed Trump to make them irrelevant. Most have refused to endorse Trump, but people don't care. And, should Trump be defeated, there will be a huge vacuum which will not be filled by Republicans or Democrats. A triumphalist Hillary Clinton will not be able to "heal" the American body politic which has a gaping hole in its center. Who or what will fill the void?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

But you give "kudos" to "uncle" Ted Nugent for grabbing his genitals onstage and saying: “I got your blue state right here, baby!”?

They were his and not someone else's at least. Can't fault him for that.

Didn't the GOP throw a load of cash at Justin Beiber to do a gig but couldn't get him? Scott Bayou or whatever his name is turned up though.

And thank God for that!

I always thought a criminal was someone who had been proven guilty of an illegal act and thus tied and convicted.

So you're on that OJ bandwagon analogy as well? Jeeeez!

You're that sure you know what most Americans think, are you?

Go to a Hillary rally and go to a Trump rally, if Hillary can get 1/3 of the supporters in a venue to see her like with Trump, she would be ecstatic!

But it does kind of raise the question why, if Clinton is that bad and Trump is the master entrepreneur and bastion of moral fibre you're making him out to be, the election isn't Trump's to lose.

Hmmmm.....go back to the Wikileaks and the initial FBI reports...that might jog your memory.

Nothing at all racist or inflammatory about that comment, then. I think most Europeans would be content for Hillary Clinton to be disqualified from being president if the allegations against her were proven and she was found guilty in a fair and impartial trial.

I don't think most of us really care if it appeases Europeans or not as to how or what they think about our elections.

Perhaps you don't think that's necessary, in which case you may find there are certain Europeans you have quite a lot in common with.

Don't scare me!

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

They were his and not someone else's at least.

It's a sad day for America when Ted Nugent is a higher-class human being than the presidential candidate.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

"It's a sad day for America when Ted Nugent is a higher-class human being than the presidential candidate"

If Trump loses, I think Trump acolyte Charlie Sheen could run on the GOP ticket in 2020. He just needs a VP pick with impeccably insane religious views and the Trumpers here woukd still be screaming about Benghazi.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

bass4funkNOV. 07, 2016 - 11:47PM JST

So you're on that OJ bandwagon analogy as well? Jeeeez!

So you don't mind people who don't like Donald Trump calling him a rapist and a traitor. Ok.

Go to a Hillary rally and go to a Trump rally, if Hillary can get 1/3 of the supporters in a venue to see her like with Trump, she would be ecstatic!

I think I'll just wait for the results to come in and see what the popular vote is.

Hmmmm.....go back to the Wikileaks and the initial FBI reports...that might jog your memory.

All I can really ascertain from the Wikileaks and the FBI stuff going down is that Clinton wouldn't stand a chance against a competent candidate.

I don't think most of us really care if it appeases Europeans or not as to how or what they think about our elections.

Well, it was you who mentioned Europeans in the first place.

"Perhaps you don't think that's necessary, in which case you may find there are certain Europeans you have quite a lot in common with."

Don't scare me!

I'm sure they wouldn't. You would probably all get along just fine.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Watching the news now, and Trump is STILL going on about Beyonce, Jay-Z, etc. He's jealous that nobody in showbiz or the music industry would touch him with a barge pole. (Apart from Chachi or perhaps Kirk Cameron).

2 ( +5 / -3 )

And oldy but a goody -- for one. last. time!


Clinton is going to win, and win big. I had an offer going last summer. You all remember it. It went like this: If Clinton wins, you go away for six months. If Trump wins, I go away for six months. No sock puppets. Just. Go. Away.

Only one you had the guts to take it. Fizzbit.

I am so certain that Fizzbitt will be going away for six months, I am so confident in my gal, that I now re-offer my bet to all those here who support Trump. Cause not only do I know that Clinton is gonna win, I know you know that as well.

And yet you continue to talk, talk talk,

C'mon righties. Buck up!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

E-mail story disappeared from talks now, Both sixes are back to enticing minority voters and women.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

If you wanted to beat Hillary, you shouldn't have put all your eggs into a basket with a crooked, racist billionaire and Vladmir Putin.

But you didn't. And the FBI can't help you now.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

If you wanted to beat Trump, you shouldn't have nominated the biggest liar and the most corrupt presidential candidate in history. But you didn't. And the DOJ,Comey and Barack and Michelle Obama won't be enough to help you now.

Oh my...

WIKILEAKS 1-32: Hillary Clinton Gives Classified Intelligence to Housekeeper. FBI Indictment Needed


WIKILEAKS 33 JUST RELEASED: Clinton Facing Benghazi Perjury Charges. FBI IRS Probes Foundation


Comey Again Refuses to Indict Clinton: I Doubt It Will Save her Campaign


Final Prediction For the 2016 Election


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

If you wanted to beat Trump, you shouldn't have nominated the biggest liar and the most corrupt presidential candidate in history.

And that's you analysis after reviewing all former presidential candidates in history? I had no idea you were such a scholar, Serrano!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

650,000 emails "investigated" in 9 days 72,222 emails a day 3009 emails an hour, 24 hours a day 50 emails a minute- about 1 per second. No investigation has taken place. You can't even convert 650,000 email into a sorted list in 9 days, let alone know anything about the contents and implications of the internal references.

And in the country that develops computer processors that conduct billions of operations a second. (or is that just a lie put round by liberals and the Chinese.)

Step 1: Search the mails for those that passed through Clinton's private server. Should take no more than a few minutes. (But involves words such as RegEx and other commie/technical things, so maybe you're right to be suspicious.) Step 2: Find among those mails any that you don't already have in your possession. Should take a few more minutes. (Involves more lizard terms such as hashes. So best to be armed during this stage.) Step 3: Read the mails found in Step 2. Depending on how many were found, the literacy level of the reader, and the number of long words in the mails, it could take anywhere from 0 seconds to forever. Step 4: Lock her up or not.

(Sorry for the cynicism. But really...)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Bil Murphy, weiner hanging out is a scary image!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

WIKILEAKS 1-32: Hillary Clinton Gives Classified Intelligence to Housekeeper. FBI Indictment Needed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y24nMcDZ1Y

Comey has more than enough based on what is publicly known to ask for an indictment. So her housekeeper is handling secret info - "what difference at this point does it make?" Comey has just decided that no matter how obvious the case is he isn't going to pursue it. The rule of law in America is for those with the correct political views. Comey must know that now and is willing to risk leaks from those who actually care about the rule of law from within the FBI. My guess is that he has the case cordoned off from them and under the guy who got a ton a money for his wife's political campaign. See how that works? Heck he was probably on the plane with Bubba and Loretta Lynch right before Comey let her off the first time around. The corruption stinks to high heaven.

Hillary is a criminal but no one cares about the rule of law. Corruption is rife in politics. Ask the millions of illegals openly flaunting the law, ask the sailor in jail right now for six pictures in his sub but who had no intent of exposing secrets, ask those targeted by the IRS during the 2012 election, ask those who are forced to buy an insurance policy of the governments choosing, ask those denied a job or slot in a university because of their skin color, and on, on.... It's whatever you can get away with. American's see that and will act accordingly.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Comey has more than enough based on what is publicly known to ask for an indictment.

Gotta love how internet hacks, who are neither qualified to determine this, nor have examined the evidence, think they know more than a guy who is qualified to determine this, and has examined the evidence.

They should post their thoughts on Youtube. They would become world-renowned experts in no time! Comey would have to worry about them stealing his job.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

If Trump loses, I think Trump acolyte Charlie Sheen could run on the GOP ticket in 2020. He just needs a VP pick with impeccably insane religious views and the Trumpers here woukd still be screaming about Benghazi.

Equally, if Hillary loses, Hillary acolyte Beyonce could shake her run as the next potential Democratic nominee and have Katy Perry as her running mate and Kanye West as the next head of the DOJ. Talk about a Cirque du Soleil freak show. Lol

So you don't mind people who don't like Donald Trump calling him a rapist and a traitor. Ok.

Hillary doesn't mind if anyone blames her about her emails, corruption or Benghazi either, go figure.....

I think I'll just wait for the results to come in and see what the popular vote is.

It's not the same thing as cheating or busing illegals and getting as many dead people to vote for you IMSHO.

All I can really ascertain from the Wikileaks and the FBI stuff going down is that Clinton wouldn't stand a chance against a competent candidate.

And most of us ascertain that the system is rigged.

If you wanted to beat Hillary, you shouldn't have put all your eggs into a basket with a crooked, racist billionaire and Vladmir Putin.

No, it's just Hilary was extremely lucky, she had the corrupt Washington establishment as well as the media behind her, that's more then enough to sling you anywhere you want to go in the political realm. By the way, do you have proof that the FBI concretely have confirmed that Vlad and Trump are friends, best pals?

But you didn't. And the FBI can't help you now.

They weren't supposed to help, Wikileaks already gave us what the public needs to know, the woman is corrupt to the core.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

And most of us ascertain that the system is rigged.

You guys only claim that when it shows Trump behind. When it shows him ahead, suddenly the system is entirely legit.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

bass4funkNOV. 08, 2016 - 09:17AM JST

"So you don't mind people who don't like Donald Trump calling him a rapist and a traitor. Ok."

Hillary doesn't mind if anyone blames her about her emails, corruption or Benghazi either, go figure.....

Hillary's okay with people calling her a crook, in other words? Did you really think that response through at all?

It's not the same thing as cheating or busing illegals and getting as many dead people to vote for you IMSHO.

We'll see if anything is proven there. But how about this kind of thing?

In emails, state and county Republican officials lobbied members of at least 17 county election boards to keep early-voting sites open for shorter hours on weekends and in evenings – times that usually see disproportionately high turnout by Democratic voters. Reuters obtained the emails through a public records request.

And most of us ascertain that the system is rigged.

By the way, do you have proof that the FBI concretely have confirmed that Vlad and Trump are friends, best pals?

Happy to parrot Trump's baseless gibberish about the system being rigged, I see, but then you get all precious whenever anyone makes any sort of allegation about Trump and Putin. No double standards there at all, then.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Wolfpack, good post. it aint gonna be popular on this site.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Almost as unpopular as the fact that Trump cheated on his current wife, after bleating on about Bill's indiscretions of 20 years ago.

The right doesn't seem to want to touch this one with a 10ft pole.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

StrangerlandNOV. 08, 2016 - 10:17AM JST

Almost as unpopular as the fact that Trump cheated on his current wife, after bleating on about Bill's indiscretions of 20 years ago.

After saying earlier Bill Clinton's impeachment was ridiculous and that he and Hillary were both fine people. Something else his fans seem to be reluctant to discuss.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Nothing to SEE here, MOVE along, Move Along.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


Even liberal/Democrat-led states like California. The Democrats are irresponsible leaders.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The finding does not surprise me a bit.

The GOP has done everything it can for 30 years to blow smoke at Hillary and then claim there must be a fire all around her. It amounts to a big can of bupkus. People need to stop thinking that this is reality and start seeing it as a tactic.

The reality is that anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, could be accused of all kinds of things by disgruntled employees, weird neighbors, ex-lovers, or even crazy family members of being or doing this or that. I don't know of ANYBODY who follows all procedures to the letter... for anything... the good employees try to get things done within reasonable parameters. Actually, let me say that I do know of one enterprise I worked with a long long time ago that followed all procedures to the letter... McDonald's. My observation is that anything more complicated than flipping a burger these days is bound to lead to... inconsistencies.

In the real world, you try to find the best people for the job, avoid crazy people, and get the job done. Apparently, Hillary did not do anything that Colin Powell did not do. Maybe she is not an email whiz kid. Who knew?

So. This thing does not resonate with me, or the FBI, who have a lot more context and information about it than I do. I don't expect gullible uneducated people to understand that. I expect them to vote for Trump.

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I worked for the government and I expect Hillary to be smarter than our MAIL ROOM crew. And more professional. Many Asians have to laugh at her lack of credibility.

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Did you commoners really expect anything else to happen.

This investigation has been brought to you.....bought and paid for by the Clinton Foundation.

Thank you for your "Blind" support.

Sincerely Hillary.

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its looking like Clinton is doing well in NV and NC. Hopefully Florida will turn blue as well, and its game over, you're fired Donnie. For good, so he can crawl back under the rock he came from.

Any other great predictions?

I was following Bill Mitchell who said on the day before the election that the chance of Trump winning was 100%.

New York Times is now apologizing to readers for their biased coverage.

Most of the major polls had a response rate of approximately 9%. When nobody was home they would just talk to some teenage boy. Hey who are mommy and daddy going to vote for?

Now that "Donnie" is evicting that black family and moving into the White House it will be like moving to under a rock compared to the luxe pad he had in New York.

I really hope America gets a woman president someday. a good woman president. I dream of a Ivanka.

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I really hope America gets a woman president someday. a good woman president.

It never matters what gender/race the president is. What matters is the US always needs a GOOD president. Obama was a "good" president. Not the best, but much better than the alternatives that were available at the time. Now he's being followed by a president that will have to prove he's "good" or at least decent compared to the alternative. HC didn't carry herself as a person who was "good" just a woman president. Plus as I had mentioned quite long ago, some people don't like presidential "dynasties". One Clinton was enough. One Reagan was enough... Somehow we got two Bush's.

So far Trump's got so many marks against him on a global scale... it's going to be hard for him to amaze honest American's

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FBI clears Clinton

They did and they did her in.

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