Japan Today

Florida pastor cancels plan to burn Qurans on 9/11


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Good News ! Now Jones should convey "Eid Mubarak" (Happy Ramadan) greetings to Islamic World !

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It will be fun to read how the loons on the right wing will spin this.

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In Afghanistan, hundreds of angry Afghans burned an American flag and chanted “Death to the Christians” It's perfectly alright for these people to burn the american flag and shout death to christians, but we want to bur a couple of books gets their panties in a wad. I wish I had a book to burn and shout death to muslims.

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This is a problem of few extreme individuals out of 300 million people who live free in the U.S. In every country, regardless of Christian, Muslim, or Buddhist majority, you will have issues that are not favorable to their govenment and majority of the people. The Quran issue will gradually fade away in a short time because top govenment and military officials of U.S. has already made a statement that they are not supporting these people. Other countries know this. They are not dumb.

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KPooh...totally different idea...burning a flag (not a religious item) and burning the Quran...different all together

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Now that this guy's achieved notoriety he can start recruiting for his own personal jihads.

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I'm afraid I have to agree with Kkumanopooh. 50-50 or not? USA is always a gaming target, and the attackers always have ample reasoning to criticize US. But if you think that's cute and righteous etc. think again because what goes around comes around. I ain't burning nothing this week, but sooner or later, this type of action (writing Satanic Verses, buring Quran's etc.) is bound to happen if the crazies of Iran, including their "leaders" keep cheap talking the USA and any other countries it tends to differ with. Not much different than N.Korea problem, but more people to deal with in conflict.

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The muslims of the world that are not radical should find these lunatics and shut them down, because they give all muslims a bad name. But they don't and here lies the problem. Take care of the lunatics. I'm pretty sure there are more good muslims than bad so clean your house please. meloveulongtime to me it is and that is how I look at it.

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It will be fun to read how the loons on the left wing will spin this.

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So some idiot burns your flag and that makes you want to burn the flag of another country just because a few knuckleheads did it? By that logic, you would be no different.

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I don't get it....what does burning something do?? It just breeds more radicals and puts more targets on innocent heads.

I am tired of this whole tit for tat mentality that people have these days.

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What happened to love thy neighbor? Or turn the other cheek?

Personally I think terrorists be slowly tortured to death, but this is absolutely childish.

And it's just making things worse.

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burning a flag (not a religious item) and burning the Quran...different all together" Why? what if you believe more in your country than some god? Why do you get the right to nail it?

anyway, I'd like to know what happened to all those bibles that were confiscated from us in 90 Saudi Arabia. There were a lot. So I checked, and found this: http://www.mail-archive.com/islamkristen@yahoogroups.com/msg06120.html along with a few others but I'm not surprised that most media lays off of it.

The old white guy is a big mouthed wimp. If you say you're gonna do something, do it.

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The generals on the ground won!

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I still can't believe the reaction to this around the world.

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skipthesong: "Why? what if you believe more in your country than some god? Why do you get the right to nail it?"

You're correct in that so long as either (or both) is offensive it is wrong to do it (especially if it's in order to offend). However, I would have to say that the gravity of the acts are not quite the same. A flag is a symbol, and burning it may or may not offend the individual. The Quran is a holy book, and burning that book in particular offends not only the entire religion (to which more than a billion belong), but clearly many outside the religion as well.

Again, don't get me wrong -- both acts are morally reprehensible -- but aside from that they are not the same thing. Quite frankly I couldn't see myself being angry at either and giving the nut-job who burns it the satisfaction of getting a rise out of me. At the end of the day it wouldn't destroy my faith in the flag or religion; it was just the sad and desperate act of the person responsible for destroying it (them). But that's me.

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“We are, of course, now against any other group burning Qurans,” Jones said during the news conference. We would right now ask no one to burn Qurans. We are absolutely strong on that. It is not the time to do it.”

I think he will have "burn Qurans" copyrighted and trademarked now. It was his idea and anyone else trying it will have the fiery wrath of lawyers come down upon them. Al Sharpton did this. He would say things like, 'we will not march today, but we are vigilant..' yaddayadda Jones' 'It is not the time to do it' comment is his warning that he is prepared to be a jerk any time world events warrant it. Thanks Pastor Jones.

Well, how wonderful that this is all over THIS TIME. The Pastor Jones reality show will be back again soon, so buy your tickets now. T-shirts on sale from our website. The theme should be sung to the tune of Barbara Ann: Burn burn burn, burn burn Quran, burn burn burn, burn burn BURN Qu ra a an..

What is the over-under for someone copycatting this? I give it less than a week, but no big news coverage for about two weeks. CNN will cover something like this in 8 days. Mark your calendars. CNN will cover a Bible burning before that, in about 4 days.

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look out for copy cats. It was a mistake to give this guy the spot light.

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A Florida minister who had created an international furor

Actually, it was the MSM that "created an international furor" by giving Jones his 15 minutes of fame. Where were they this time last year when he put up on the signboard outside his church: "Islam Is The Devil"?


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I am pretty sure the ACLU will want to clarify the pastor's remarks by informing Americans that unlike in Canada or Europe if you want to burn a Quran you are within your rights to do so.

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How a so called "man of the cloth" could go round spouting off such hatred and disrespect and still garner credibility is pathetic." Where have you been?

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I am so often ashamed of some people in my country. Why is it that the most hateful rednecks are the ones most often setting the example for America? Perhaps it is because the peaceful, global minded people of America are too busy doing things that really matter. Like doing volunteer work or advocating peaceful actions.

Religion is a madness that too often infects followers with assurances that they are "right" and everyone else is wrong. When in reality no single person of any faith can say with absolute certainty that he or she is any more right than any other follower of any other faith. Religion is just that, faith, not proof and certainly not absolute. And yet it drives people to extreme madness, violence, repression and hatred.

This 911 my music project will perform a show with music inspired by traditions for Iran, Afghanistan and other Muslim nations. The instruments were made by Muslim makers. I am American, my band members Japanese. We will remember the tragedy of 911 in our performance and honor those lost by showing that we can mix cultures and traditions and celebrate humanity and peace. I wish this minister would follow in our example and hold a session of reconciliation between faiths and cultures too.

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It's fascinating to see the concern from politicians and US generals over the proposed book burning. On the one hand we are told that Islam is a peaceful religion which we should respect. However, we are then told that if anyone should dare to torch the book on which it is based there will be mayhem, riots, uproar etc.

If Islam truly is a peaceful religion then many of its adherents appear to misunderstand it entirely.

Let's not forget that all so-called "holy" books are no different from any random piece of fiction you can find in a bookshop: they were all made up by a person and are intrinsically no more "holy" than the text in this comment. If you want to print out this comment and burn it, go ahead. I don't care.

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Muslims around the world were dancing in the streets on Setpember 11th, 2001. Why should any American be all that upset about burning some paper? This is truly ridiculous! Depite what General Pretreus says, I hardly think that burning a Koran will make Muslims hate America any more than they already do. Look what has been going on in the Middle East already and there has only been "talk" about burning a Koran.

This is another example of how Islamist's are causing those in the West to cower in fear of what the terrorists amoung them might do. Where are the moderate Muslims of the world that we always hear about? There are a few people in Florida that are threatening to burn a book; it's not like they are threatening to burn Muslims? Muslims need to be more tolerant of others and not be so threatening over a symbolic act that does no physical harm to anyone.

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If nothing else, Americans and possibly other peoples are getting a good education about Islam and the Muslim faith in general. The more talk about Islam the better it is. Events like this help to bring to light how much all peoples of every religious belief to look at their own God and hopefully see the good that is the basis of all religions,"treat your fellow human as you have him/her treat you"

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Ahh religion. The root of all evil.

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Muslims around the world were dancing in the streets on Setpember 11th, 2001.

A total lie. The vast majority of the Muslim world was utterly horrified. The only place where cheering was noted was in the occupied territories of Palestine.

Besides this pastor has now gone and flipped again to going ahead with the burnings.

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I wish this minister would follow in our example and hold a session of reconciliation between faiths and cultures too." Why just him? Why not ask that of a great many Muslims, who for some reason either keep failing to understand what is being taught to them (if it is really peaceful) or being taught hate. As a person who lost over 800 co-workers on 9-11, I find you sales point disgusting. Its not that WE can't live in harmony - its them. Just look at their lands and look at the US. You are more of the problem than the solution. Actually, you not much different than this pastor, both using 9-11 as your disgusting sales pitch.

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Obama, the top U.S. general in Afghanistan and several Christian leaders ... said (Jones') actions would endanger U.S. soldiers

Since when do the Islamists need an excuse to attack us?


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A child of seven or eight understands that "tolerance" is a two-way street.

I think the pastor's work is done - - his tiny church garnered world wide attention for its relatively common communal sentiment as regards the ideology of Islam.

The elites in the media can no longer manage the narrative, not when the rest of us see that one party in this is perpetually outraged and ready to commit violence at the slightest perceived provocation.

When we in America see truly liberal (in the classic sense of the word) nations like Denmark and Holland under attack we know we too are being threatened.

Pre 9-11 I don't think any of my friends and acquaintances knew that Saudi Arabia would not allow within its borders the construction of a single church or synagogue; or that upon arrival in that country,the spiritual home of the Islamic faith, Westerners carrying a Bible have it taken away and if returned they find the New Testament was ripped out.

Now they all seem to know...

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In Afghanistan, hundreds of angry Afghans ... chanted “Death to the Christians” to protest the planned Quran burning.

Obama should hop on AF-1, go over there and give a lecture to the Afghans about having tolerance.


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Obama should hop on AF-1, go over there and give a lecture to the Afghans about having tolerance." classic! Maybe he should see what's up with those bibles that were confiscated from us during Desert Shield or Hillary should look into Saudi bible burnings.

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1.5 billion Mohammedans got played, by a hillbilly pastor.

There will be more of this.

It is a response to the proposed mosque at Ground Zero.

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How a so called "man of the cloth" could go round spouting off such hatred and disrespect and still garner credibility is pathetic." Where have you been?

What I find amazing, is that its oh so terrible for some "man of the cloth" to be doing this, but its perfectly fine for an imam to go around issuing fatwahs calling for attacks against Americans, for people to be murdered etc. Thats perfectly fine, but if its a "christian" minister, then oh no!

1.5 billion Mohammedans got played, by a hillbilly pastor.

lol, yep.

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So, Terry Jones is considered to be a radical Christian extremist for wanting to exercise his First Admendment right to burn copies of the Koran. He has been condemned by the following: Obama, Clinton, the AG, the FBI, an Army general and 99.99% of the Christian, Jewish and Muslim population of the United States. Yet, he has not nor does he have plans to behead, maim or kill anyone.

Although his actions are extreme -- but legal under U.S. law -- there might be a strong lesson here for what leftists claim are legions of "peace loving" Muslims all over the globe.

Why doesn’t just one of them stand up against their extremist terrorist Muslim brothers and sisters and condemn them? Are they afraid they may start a movement that could cause peace throughout the world?


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Skipthesong. "You are more of the problem than the solution. Actually, you not much different than this pastor, both using 9-11 as your disgusting sales pitch."

What the hell are you talking about? Sales? How is a free performance that honors peace and offers reconcilation a sales pitch? Did I even say where it was happening.

What a clueless post you have. I see that hatred for things you don't understand is alive and well in you nine years later. Have not learned anything in this time? The fear, hatred and divisions that led to 911 are what we need to be working hard to get rid of. And that is what I am committed to. Trying to get people to see beyond the propaganda and media nonsense to see that people, normal good intentioned people are the majority in both America and in Islamic countries. People who love their families, care for others, try to live good lives and do right by the world. These are the majority, the VAST MAJORITY of human beings of any and all faiths.

You people point fingers at Islam as a whole instead of the tiny minority of radicals that undertake these crimes. You don't even bother to recognize that the overwhealming majority of Muslims were equally shocked and saddened by the attacks.

And you fail to ask why our culture is a target? It is easy for you to remember 911 and forget all the senseless loss of life in Muslim countries that fueled the hatred that led to 911. Our country is not pure or innocent in this matter either.

We must start to see beyond the lables and the fears and learn to love, appreciate and respect each other. I am an atheist, I personally believe religion is a plague on humanity. But I can understand and respect others for having faith so long as their faith is peaceful and tolerant, which most of the world's ordinary people are.

So on 911 we participate in an event that is about peace and understanding. If you are too hateful and primative to understand such a gesture of reconcilation that is your problem skipthesong. But you should learn to respect people who believe in other things and who are willing to try to work torwards better understanding. If you do not, then you contribute to the madness, division and hatred that led to 911 and this ministers continuation of the pointless conflict between peoples.

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I guess he was afraid for his church. Maybe if he went threw with the burning of the koran, the Muslims would probably burn down his church in retaliation.

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OK. This is funny. I just read that the Westboro Baptist church burned a Quran (Koran) in 2008 in Washington DC, publicized it, and nobody batted an eye.

So Pastor Jones cannot trademark his stunt, and it looks like he is a copycatter already. Surprise surprise.

This is proof that Pastor Jones was the beneficiary of a slow news cycle. His little protest belongs on a shelf with Balloon Boy and the Goodtimes virus. He had better sell his t-shirts quickly. They are already ironic.

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I am amazed by the kindergarten mentality by some posters. Because people in some other country burn Bibles and chant death to Christians we should should also burn the Koran and wish death to the Muslims. Not better than the radicals they denounce.

RomeoRamenII: Although his actions are extreme -- but legal under U.S. law -- there might be a strong lesson here for what leftists claim are legions of "peace loving" Muslims all over the globe. Why doesn’t just one of them stand up against their extremist terrorist Muslim brothers and sisters and condemn them? Are they afraid they may start a movement that could cause peace throughout the world?

They do but you don't listen to them. Are you open to dialog with them? Your posts in previous various threads show that you aren't. Just focus of the few radicals...

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"Religion is a madness that too often infects followers with assurances that they are "right" and everyone else is wrong."

Ugh. It is so much worse than that. Religion inspires them to act on that belief, ignore whatever destruction they do to themselves and others, persist in doing whatever they are inspired to do, and never ever consider their beliefs or actions.

Religious fervor and psychosis are indistinguishable. Unfortunately, as William Burroughs might have said, they spread the virus among the flock.

Yabits and dancing. "A total lie. The vast majority of the Muslim world was utterly horrified. The only place where cheering was noted was in the occupied territories of Palestine."

Good on you Yabits. I see a lot of "selective memory" running around among right-wing kooks. The more lies get repeated, the more people believe it, especially ignorant people. I applaud your calling a lie a lie. Pound that stuff hard wherever you see it. These movements of kooks rely on replacing things that we know with things we are uncertain about.

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Looks like the good Pastor will lose his church anyway as he also runs his furniture business out of it and hence wy he has to pay $140.000 very soon.

Glad he canceled it and glad he comes to NY for the talk.

But agree with others while guys like him are within their rights they are also very dangerous at the same time. And, IMHO, no better than the radicals they denounce.

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Oh dear, another day where the childish behavior from an indebted nobody becomes major international news.

First we had days where it was all about the Islamic center a few blocks from ground zero ("the ground zero mosque") and now all about Quran burning.

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Molenir: What I find amazing, is that its oh so terrible for some "man of the cloth" to be doing this, but its perfectly fine for an imam to go around issuing fatwahs calling for attacks against Americans, for people to be murdered etc. Thats perfectly fine, but if its a "christian" minister, then oh no!

Who said it was fine? Whatever they say, are all Muslims following? Yes or no?

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UPDATE: It is not CANCELED, it is SUSPENDED. Check out Yahoo News.

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Suspended? Until next year? I thought the point was to do it on 9-11?

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In a Muslim country like Afghanistan, it is against the law to possess a Bible. The penalty: death. Who seems to be more tolerant? I say a nation that allows the Koran to exist and be read without fear of reprisal is the nation of tolerance. The nation that maintains a one-sided view of religion lacks tolerance.


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Another reason for the outrage may be that the image of burning books brings back images of HItler and the Nazis to some people.

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RomeoRamenII: In a Muslim country like Afghanistan, it is against the law to possess a Bible. The penalty: death. Who seems to be more tolerant? I say a nation that allows the Koran to exist and be read without fear of reprisal is the nation of tolerance. The nation that maintains a one-sided view of religion lacks tolerance.

Muslim countries like Egypt, Algeria, Syria, etc, it is allowed to possess a Bible and practice your religion without fear. What are you trying to say?

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It's depressing to know that a potential book burning is getting exponential coverage, commentary, and condemnation than a potential stoning that might happen in Iran. There's something a bit screwy with our priorities.

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I know, I know, another above anglo from a good school trying to educate us on how nice harmony is... doing that at the expense of others feelings. "you contribute to the madness, division and hatred that led to 911 and this ministers continuation of the pointless conflict between peoples." I'll be you any amount of money I have personally help more Muslims prior to 9-11 (Kuwait, Kosovo, Somalia) providing everything from vaccines to dental care. Yes yes, we know your show now. America the bad, Islam lands the pure and innocent.

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I thought this pastor was a nutcase, and still do. However he may just be brilliant also, he made the media, the white house, and the whole word display their arrogance and hypocrisy. When people were torching churches in the South, or anti-gay violence, or anti-Semitic violence, or [insert almost any event here - ex: BP oil spill] the White House and government don't say or do a thing. But someone just threatens to burn a Koran (doesn't promote violence, and turns out doesn't actually do it), the government, the media, and the world freaks out. Some small-town backwoods mental case just twisted the whole world around his finger, and shown better than anyone else can how the US bends over backwards to (naively and unsuccessfully) appease the radicals in the Middle East.

Why was this whole thing news anyway? Why is it STILL all over CNN as BREAKING NEWS? Absolutely pathetic and hilarious.

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how this guy got any press in the first place is the problem. Every nut and quack in the world will think they can get fame this way soon. He was a nobody.....

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how this guy got any press in the first place is the problem. Every nut and quack in the world will think they can get fame this way soon.

liberal reporters happy to show their own "sensitivity" by trying to show the rest of America in a bad light.

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skipthesong. "Yes yes, we know your show now. America the bad, Islam lands the pure and innocent."

You and I rarely agree on much to startu, but this time you are way off the path friend.

First of all I have no love for any religion, Islam included. But I have respect for all religions and an appreciation of the cultural heritage they bring to the world. All relgions are both good and bad for people. This does not diminish my respect for them, though it motivates my reason to remain non-religious personally.

Second. Noone said American bad, Islam good. Black and white distinctions like this are absurd, as is your assumption. But it is unfair to paint either side as fully innocent. I have been involved in political activism for 25 years and have seen policies that invited blowback from nearly every nation in the world. US policies in the East have been dreadfully short sighted for a very long time. And it is those policies that have invited violence and hatred.

Equally Islam has tolerated the growth of radicalism, with some nations taking full advantage of it for political purposes. This must be condemned. But to condemn Islam for the actions of a tiny minority is wrong, evil minded and ignorant of the reality that Islam is generally a religion of peace.

So knock of the broad sweeping assertions and clue in my friend. We need to be working on ways to unite people, not divide them. Burning holy texts isn't respectful or tolerant. We have to start by being better than the few out there who would continue to do wrong. For Muslims it means reaching out more for understanding and friendship. For us it means putting an end to hate and doing the same.

I hope you get it now.

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I just read this article and.... Huh? They are going to move the mosque to prevent a Koran burning???? That can't be right!! I smell some face saving... Weird weird story...

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Hey, tkoind2, will you guys takes requests? If so, how about playing "In America" by the Charlie Daniels Band?



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"In Afghanistan, hundreds of angry Afghans burned an American flag and chanted “Death to the Christians” to protest the planned Quran burning."

How come we don't see non-Muslims burning Qurans and chanting "Death to the Muslims" after the 9/11 attacks?

"I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan" - Now THIS is how you get respect from the media!

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RomeoRamenII. Funny!!

The gathering has people playing other forms of music. Very mixed evening with a singular point, wishing for peace. I know sounds like a lefty liberal thing. But then why do we think so whenever someone suggests peace or reconcilliation.

The odd thing is that the reaction to some extremist like the koran burning guy is often offset by equally negative reactions to people trying to do things that could help provide reconcilliation. The Mosque in NY is a civic center with Christian and Jewish support. Sounds like the perfect effort to show a desire for understanding in hopes of avoiding future 911s. And yet so many people are so upset about it.

I just simply wish for people to learn to appreciate and tolerate differences. Only then, and I do mean ONLY THEN, can we ever hope to avoid future 911s. Or at least discourage such tragic events.

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However he may just be brilliant also, he made the media, the white house, and the whole word display their arrogance and hypocrisy.

Well the only people who might consider this nutcase to be brilliant is somebody with a single digit IQ.

The idiot cannot even figure out who is behind building the NY mosque. He smells a victory on the NY mosque issue because some local Moslem assures him so.

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This whole thing is an huge, attention-whoring mess.

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tkoind2 writes:

the reality that Islam is generally a religion of peace

Not sure what reality you're living in, but for the rest of us, Muslims are killing their own believers in droves in the Middle East. Islamoterrorists have killed more civilians in Iraq and Afganistan than any American or foreign troops stationed in those countries. Muslim radicals are killing innocent civilians in Pakistan every day. Tens of thousands have been butchered by Muslim radicals.

Burning a few Korans is nothing compared to how many thousands of people have been tortured or killed in the name of Islam.


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Apparently the FBI went to him and told him the 9/11 mosque imam had agreed to move the victory mosque away from ground zero. So he cancelled his Koran burning stunt.

Unsurprisingly, imam Rauf then turned around and claimed there was no such deal. Standard muslim negotiating practise -- welcome to what Isreal has to deal with every time they talk to PAL leaders.

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Muslims are killing their own believers in droves in the Middle East. Islamoterrorists have killed more civilians in Iraq and Afganistan than any American or foreign troops stationed in those countries.

In 1994 Hutus(Christian) killed 800,000 Tutsis(Chirstians) in a span of 100 days in Rwanda.

So should we generalize that savage Christians are massacring other Christians world over.

That would seem right by your warped logic of senseless extrapolations.

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WilliB: the victory mosque away from ground zero

I'll never be able to distort anything more than you did...


yeah but you know... for some posters, it's not the right Christians. It doesn't count...

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“I told the pastor that I personally believe the mosque should not be there, and I will do everything in my power to make sure it is moved,” Musri said.

So even this imam believes the mosque should not be there. He must hate Muslims too.

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Well the only people who might consider this nutcase to be brilliant is somebody with a single digit IQ.

Well, you really like to keep repeating the "stupid" insults. You must have an inferiority complex about this. :-) I would love to see you comment and actually offer an opinion.

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ulysses that is African tribe against African tribe. Not one basing their killing on a religion. Get a clue dude.

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Get a clue dude.

you'll be waiting a looong time.

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tkoind2: Sounds like the perfect effort to show a desire for understanding in hopes of avoiding future 911s.

You can't have it both ways. You can't paint the 9/11 perpetrators as a tiny, misguided, radical group that doesn't represent Islam, then swing back around and say we need to change our ways with respect to Islam to prevent future 9/11s. It doesn't make any sense to say that we need to build bridges with Islam to prevent people who have nothing to do with Islam from attacking us.

I support building bridges between the West and Muslims, but I don't think it's going to make that much of a difference to brainwashed Islamic radicals living in caves. I'm doing it more for the vast majority of moderates that exist on both sides. If you want to insist that the hijackers are not representatives of Islam then your criticism of the West about Islam becomes irrelevant. You have to choose one or the other.....blame the West and bring the 9/11 hijackers under the fold of Islam, or don't blame the West and say that the hijackers were loners acting on their own against the vast majority of regular Muslims.

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Mikehuntz: your brilliant logic is just overwhelming.

Tribes have a right to kill each other but religions don't. Dove's outreach center might need a new head, care to apply?

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Mikehuntz: your brilliant logic is just overwhelming.

Mike, you should know that ulysses is much smarter than all of us. He keeps telling us that so it must be true. :-D

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Burning holy books is not a good idea. That said, it doesn't take much to provoke hysterical crowds in Pakistan, and the hundreds of millions of dollars in flood relief bought their good will for about... two weeks. Back to square one.

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That said, it doesn't take much to provoke hysterical crowds in Pakistan,

or in the CNN newsroom, or the leftwing on this site.

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or in the CNN newsroom, or the leftwing on this site.

I watched it on BBC. Your mirroring my post to flaunt US political issues is really a cheap shot, manfromamerica.

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RomeoramenII. "Not sure what reality you're living in, but for the rest of us, Muslims are killing their own believers in droves in the Middle East."

Put down the TV remote and step back from the Fox network buddy.

There has been violence around the world as long as there have been people. And sure there is a lot of political and religious violence in the middle east. Much of that driven by long standing racial and ideological conflicts as well as religious.

We live in a time where radicals subvert ideas and theologies to suit their own twisted objectives. Islam has sadly been heavily victimized in this case.

You need to remember that Islamic people make up an very substantial portion of the world's population. The vast majority of whom live in peace as the people of any other faith. So how can you, with any kind of reasoning, condemn an entire faith for the actions of a few?

Did you condemn all of Christianity when Christian Serbs started executing Muslims. Have you see documentaries condemning Christianity for the actions of Christian Nazis during WWII and their elimination of the Jews? Or Ruwandan Christians for executing their neighbors?

To condemn all of Islam for the actions of a few is absurd. Can you control the radical right wing Christians in Eastern Washington, or the abortion clinic bombers? Can you control the IRA or their opponents who are also religiously motivated? Yet you expect Islamic people from all over the world to somehow control the few twisted radicals.

Shame on you for such medieval universal condemnation of something you don't even understand. Learn about the many faiths inside Islam and you may find it has more in common with the Jewish and Christian faiths than you may be comfortable with.

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tkoind2 - good post.

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Thanks, tkoind2. Actually I've always felt reassured that no matter how much antipathy a Sunni or Shiite might hold towards me, odds are they're far more likely to whack each other.

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I watched it on BBC. Your mirroring my post to flaunt US political issues is really a cheap shot, manfromamerica.

LOL! I watched it on CNN, it is almost non-stop CNN news for the last several days.

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Beelzebub. And what about antipathy between born again Christians and Catholics in the Philippines? Or the long angry history between Catholics and Protestants?

Walls and conflicts infect Christianity as much as Islam. And have done so for hundreds of years. What makes your Christian history any better than that of Islam? Both are rife with imperfections as any human endeavor is destined to be.

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manfromamerica: Thanks buddy!! So how do you feel about the preacher and the imam?

Both speak for themselves. None of them represent my ideas. The so called "preacher" had way too much publicity. The Mosque? The imam? I don't know. How long can you wait before building a mosque and how far from ground zero? They also own the land (or am I wrong?)

The debate is not if Islam is bad, right-wing, left-wing, burning books, what books, which book burns better, etc. The preacher is just an idiot.

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How long can you wait before building a mosque and how far from ground zero?

Don't know, don't care. I think both of these issues (the mosque and the preacher) shouldn't be given any media airtime.

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" To condemn all of Islam for the actions of a few is absurd. "

A well-known, comfortable slogan. But the fact is that those "few" (and there is actually quite a number of those few) get their indoctrination directly from islam and islamic teachers.

And as long is islam does not get a reform that problem will continue. But don´t expect the ground zero mosque imam to be of any help in such a reform. He insists that islam needs no reform and that the perfect state is the islamic caliphate under Shariah. And not Western democray, which he declares has failed.

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The Muslim world needs to take it easy and be more tolerant. Why do they have to be so offended when we hatefully desecrate their religion? And where are the moderates? The pastor made it clear that this is about radicals. The moderates should support the burning of their own holy book, and realize that it's not about them per se. Moderate Christians would have no problem burning their Bible if it was to protest radical Christians. Guess there's just no moderates Muslims!

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Talk to your Japanese or Chinese or non-Muslim African acquaintances about this manufactured outrage. It is only North America and Europe's so-called progressive, Leftish and liberal elites and those who parrot their opinions who are moved to "concern" on this matter.

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" The Muslim world needs to take it easy and be more tolerant. Why do they have to be so offended when we hatefully desecrate their religion? And where are the moderates? "

It is of course about islamic supremacy. For the radicals, nothing else counts but the rule of islam over non-islam. And the moderates? They are against the ground zero mosque, they are for a reform of islam, but they get little traction and no help from the Western intellectuals. What they do get aplenty is death threats.

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What they do get aplenty is death threats.

Don't you mean blessings from martyrs?

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Airion: ? moderate Muslims would say that burning the Koran is stupid. Did you actually asked one or this is just a supposition? I talked about that with a fellow Muslim (the drinking kind).

WilliB: Some people wants power. Religion is one of the vehicle. Not saying it OK. Radicals of all sort must be marginalized. Showing the others why those radicals are wrong. Build new bridges or burn the existing one? A preacher telling to whom want to listen that he will burn a Koran is not helping and others supporting that perfectly OK since some in other countries burn Bibles is even more idiotic.

He insists that islam needs no reform and that the perfect state is the islamic caliphate under Shariah.

Communism, capitalism, shariah for whom want to believe are perfect in theory. Are all Muslims following this imam? What are you trying to say?

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"The Muslim world needs to take it easy and be more tolerant. Why do they have to be so offended when we hatefully desecrate their religion?"

I find it absolutely classic that those two lines are back to back.

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WilliB. And what about reforms to address the source of the anger? Has US policy with regard to Palestine improved? We still tolerate Apartheid like behavior by Israel in order to retain our strategic ally in area.

Or our tolerance of the repressive Saudi government?

Add to that an unwarranted war in Iraq and failed approach to rebuilding Afghanistan after our invasion.

Religion is not the sole source of animosity for these radicals. There are 40+ years of bad MidEast policy and cold war thinking that helped get us there. Don't forget it was the US and not anyone else who trained the Mujahadin who made up a lot of the Al Qaida forces.

But it is convenient for the west to forget these activities and to just point fingers at the entirety of Islam. When in fact the cycle of violence runs deep on both sides.

I do blame the bad Imams out there, but still their numbers are tiny compared to the entirety of Islam. And you have your share of Rabid and potentially violent right wing Christian pastors out there. Not to mention the damage done to Africa from the Catholic churches abject failure to advocate the use of condoms to stem the tide of HIV and AIDS in Africa. And for what, some belief that they are doing God's work by discouraging condoms.

Religions all have their nut job followers. If you want the world to blame all of Christianity on the actions and preachings of a few crazy or radical Christians, then go ahead and blame all of Islam for the actions of a few. But it really isn't at all right is it? It is clearly wrong.

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Airion: ? moderate Muslims would say that burning the Koran is stupid. Did you actually asked one or this is just a supposition? I talked about that with a fellow Muslim (the drinking kind).

A friend of a friend has a friend whose cousin knew a guy who had a friend who is Muslim, and he said that "the Yankees rule!" and "the Red Sox suck!"

He also said something about a mosque.

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WilliB, they don't get any help from the pastor's Quran burning either, which was basically my point. It's just as offensive to them as it is to the radicals, which is why the pastor's position is so stupid.

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TimRussert. "Leftish and liberal elites"

Before long the rightwing peanut gallery will be blaming us for the weather too. Or for the delay in seasonal changes. Or perhaps for the actions of the universe. I can see them panting over their Fox News channel eagerly, breathlessly awaiting the chance to point their long white fingers at the evil liberal. Wishing instead to put us all in camps.

Give it a rest Tim. This debate has nothing to do with left or right. It has everything to do with common sense, intelligence and a little global sensitivity.

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I can see them panting over their Fox News channel eagerly,

again with that cliche?!? I'm stuck with CNN in Japan. Boy that's painful to watch.

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Wishing instead to put us all in camps.

oooooo, Republicans are Nazis. How... original?

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You can substitute any TV news network. They all accomplish the same thing, they keep everyone afraid, worried and focused on pinpoints of information rather than encouraging people to see the bigger picture.

So knock yourself out with any news network you feel eager to pant over.

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tkoind2: We live in a time where radicals subvert ideas and theologies to suit their own twisted objectives.

So Americans need to evaluate our actions and attitudes regarding Islam to reconcile the emotions of people you describe as radicals who subvert ideas and theologies to suit their own twisted objectives?

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how about addressing the topic ManfromAmerica?

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You can substitute any TV news network. They all accomplish the same thing, they keep everyone afraid, worried and focused on pinpoints of information rather than encouraging people to see the bigger picture.

Cool. I can agree with you on this.

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tkoind2: I have many times. In the shortest summary: I think both of these issues (the mosque and the preacher) shouldn't be given any media airtime.

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tkoind2 wrote:

Put down the TV remote and step back from the Fox network buddy.

And you need to put down your latest issue of al-Queada Quarterly and look around at what's going on in the world. In addition to burning a copies of the Koran, cartoons, poems, Western culture or citizenship, not being a believer in Islam, being the wrong flavor of believer in Islam, girls attending schools, etc., ect., ect. ... also trigger attacks. But I've yet to read one story where muslims have independently taken it upon themselves to hunt down and permanately eleminiate those who're giving their religion a bad name without any outside influence (i.e., the U.S. or NATO forces involvement). When that happens I will then begin to alter my opinion that Islam is not a moderate religion; that the Koran teaches the subjugation of the world; by force if necessary.

Also, you earlier wrote:

It is easy for you to remember 911 and forget all the senseless loss of life in Muslim countries that fueled the hatred that led to 911.

Nobody burned a Koran to cause 9/11, did they? No. Our taking sides in a conflict that has existed since biblical times was a primary catalyst for that and remains so in the suicide bombings and continued violence that goes on over there.

To say that this small church's decision to engage in a legal act of protest is going to increase the danger level to our troops is absurd. As a Desert Storm veteran, all my band of brothers and sisters (decades before I arrived there and years after I left) have been in danger in that part of the world; put there by our government. This pastor's decision -- whatever it turns out to be -- will change nothing.

Peace in the Middle East? A laughable concept. I would need additional hands and fingers to count the number of times this has been discussed in my lifetime by politicians who ignore some very basic realities regarding the situation.


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I am so often ashamed of some people in my country. Why is it that the most hateful rednecks are the ones most often setting the example for America?

Amen to that.

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"The Muslim world needs to take it easy and be more tolerant. Why do they have to be so offended when we hatefully desecrate their religion?"

I find it absolutely classic that those two lines are back to back.


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RomeoRamenll, isn't Afghanistan a war for the hearts and minds of the Afghan people, who are Muslim? You don't think Quran burning would work as propaganda to turn more of them against America? That doesn't damage the mission at all?

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manfromamerica: I think both of these issues (the mosque and the preacher) shouldn't be given any media airtime.


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@"I can see them panting over their Fox News channel eagerly, breathlessly awaiting the chance to point their long white fingers at the evil liberal. Wishing instead to put us all in camps."

I don't have a television. And sorry , but I am not 100 percent "white," and don't really see why that is even an issue. Islam is an ideology masking as a religion. Race is immaterial. Camps? FDR put people in camps. And we know what party he represented, don't we.

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Airion --

Obama, calling Afghanistan "the right war", a war against radical Islam. He's said that time and time again.

That written, Obama has made things a hundred times worse by making the comments he made yesterday. He all but invited attacks against Americans by telling the world that we expect terror acts if this book burning goes forward.

According to Obama, if this pastor does this the Islamoterrorists might fly planes into buildings, try to blow up U.S, embassies, and kill innocent men, women and children......

Oh wait, they already have.

However, Obama's comments did expose a freudian slip that he himself made. While telling Americans we must be tolerant of muslims, he knows that muslims are violent and prone to murder over the slightest of things.


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And sorry, but I am not 100 percent "white," and don't really see why that is even an issue. Islam is an ideology masking as a religion. Race is immaterial. Camps? FDR put people in camps. And we know what party he represented, don't we.

Heh, game, set and match to TimRussert.


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"Race is immaterial." the guy says, which has a lot of truth to it, but then he labels every single person who follows a religion as being exactly the same, following an ideal, not a religion; doesn't matter if it's Islam or Christianity, as clear but the nutty pastor. 'Tis a shame one shows such obvious intolerance when purporting to be objective.

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"FDR put people in camps. And we know what party he represented, don't we."

Poor grammar aside, I believe you are pointing out that this guy -- almost 70 years ago -- was a member of the Democratic party, much like Kennedy, your greatest president ever. But that's neither here nor there since the parties were COMPLETELY different to what they are today.

RR: "Heh, game, set and match to TimRussert."

Yeah, RR. Pretending things are the same now as they were back then in the parties is ludicrous, almost like saying the blunderbusses and flint-lock pistols people used in the US when it first became a Republic are the same as the Uzis you can get according to the constitution today.

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RRII: "According to Obama, if this pastor does this the Islamoterrorists might fly planes into buildings, try to blow up U.S, embassies, and kill innocent men, women and children......"

I KNOW!! If only we all put our heads in the sand like you and ignored the obvious, we could pretend it wasn't factual to being with! Obama saying it might happen will MAKE it happen, because he's really that powerful! It would NEVER have happened due to the pastor's actions, only Obama's words. And you claim Democrats think he's "the One"?

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"... we could pretend it wasn't factual to being with!"

My bad... that's "...BEGIN with", not "...being with".

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RR: "Obama, calling Afghanistan "the right war", a war against radical Islam."

You going through the blogs again, RR? Give us links to where Obama has said this 'time and time again' (your words). Can you even give us ONE link? :)

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RomeoRamenll, I'm not sure if you really responded to what I asked. Do you not think that radical Muslims could use images of Americans burning the Quran as propaganda? You don't think it will turn some Afghans against America, less willing to cooperate with American soldiers?

You seem to be saying "no," but because Obama think yes and said so publicly, then "yes?"

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That hate inciting whackjob Jones got exactly what he wanted. No need to go through with the burning now. This is because hundreds of Afghans, of whom most probably don't have net access, pre-emptively took the bait. So Jones, who started the whole thing can now say "Hey, lookee over there! Muslims hate America and they hate Christians!"

There are people in this world who just love trouble. Everything else, every word they say, every point they "try" to make, is a game. They don't care who dies or who gets trampled, just so long as they have their drama fix. Find them, and drum them out. Jones does not believe what he says. Not one word he says comes from a desire to be honest. Its all about causing trouble. The haters are all the same in this. Drum them out. Stop listening to their crap. Stop pandering to them. If they want trouble, they can go pee on a policeman's car for fun or something.

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MistWizard: You're 100% correct, my friend. If this pastor honestly believed a word of what he said, or believed in his cause, he simply would have burned a bunch of Qurans -- no need for media, or press, only to reject his own desires later at the behest of major world leaders after they took the bait (and let's face it, even though many leaders said to ignore him, telling people to 'ignore' something is like warning a kid not to see what you've hidden in the cookie jar).

The guy's a crock, a hateful idiot, and if you look at his history as well you can see quite easily he's not at all reliable.

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And the best part: this idiot is now saying the Quran burning is only 'suspended', meaning when the noise dies down and he's relegated to the rightful position of 'right of soapbox', he'll jump back up again and announce the next date for burning.

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Pastor Jones just picked up where the Danish "Mo' toon" cartoonists left off.

The American and European public, the folks the effete, elite "liberal" media on both sides of the Atlantic sneer at and caricature as "haters," know that our feckless politicians will bow before Islam's totalitarian ideology.

But we also know that the Mohammedan ideology has so many weak spots - - and it appears humor and routine acts of civil disrespect (no one would care if this guy was burning a Buddhist text, or The Talmud, or the American flag...) are all it takes to also fan the flames of the True Believers own doubts about the validity of their cult.

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tkoind2: You need to remember that Islamic people make up an very substantial portion of the world's population. The vast majority of whom live in peace as the people of any other faith. So how can you, with any kind of reasoning, condemn an entire faith for the actions of a few?

And how can you put any kind of substantial blame on US foreign policy when obviously a vast majority of Muslims don't turn into terrorists? Is US foreign policy only exposed to this tiny minority of Muslims? The numbers game works both ways.

And you have your share of Rabid and potentially violent right wing Christian pastors out there. Not to mention the damage done to Africa from the Catholic churches abject failure to advocate the use of condoms to stem the tide of HIV and AIDS in Africa. And for what, some belief that they are doing God's work by discouraging condoms.

There isn't a moderate in the world who buys this argument. It puts you on the fringe and I don't see why you'd want to be there.

And what about reforms to address the source of the anger? Has US policy with regard to Palestine improved? We still tolerate Apartheid like behavior by Israel in order to retain our strategic ally in area. Or our tolerance of the repressive Saudi government?

So what's the source of anger in the dozens and dozens of other countries where Islamic terrorists have carried out attacks? Do you have reasons for all of them?

And you do understand that by a vast majority the number of innocents killed by Islamic terrorists are Muslims, not Westerners, and certainly not Americans? In all reality you're only addressing a tiny percentage of terrorism overall.

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If a muslim priest (or whatever they are called) burned a stack of bibles, would catholics (or another mainstream christian group) blowing themselves up in Karachi? I doubt it. Something fundamentally wrong when people are set off so easily.

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koriyamaboy said: If a muslim priest (or whatever they are called) burned a stack of bibles, would catholics (or another mainstream christian group) blowing themselves up in Karachi? I doubt it. Something fundamentally wrong when people are set off so easily.

I agree that some people are too sensitive. But that does not mean we should seek to drive them to violence, just to do it. If we had to burn Korans to save people's lives, it would be a whole different matter. But this loon is just in it to stir up trouble, end of story.

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Palin called the proposed burning an "insensitive and an unnecessary provocation" and "antithetical to American ideals".


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lostrune: "Palin called the proposed burning an "insensitive and an unnecessary provocation" and "antithetical to American ideals"."

I'm glad she finally picked up on the vibe everyone else in the world was giving off almost a week ago. Better late than never.

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If this pastor were going to burn the American flag on 911 the liberal crowd would all be for his right to do it despite the uproar from redneck Americans who would threaten violence. The liberal crowd would be there to denounce how idiotic the redneck crowd were but they'd be perfectly ok with the Pastor burning the flag so that they could say "Look see how intolerant those rednecks are!". You guys really make me laugh at times.

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If an artist or agitator or whatever was going to burn bibles or paint obscene art depicting Jesus, and a Christian minister or a conservative radio host said how terrible it was and that Christians could kill him or be violent towards him or people connected with him, probably most of JT people and the liberal media would go on the attack against them . Attack and ridicule Christianity and your a heroic artistic person exercising your democratic rights. Do anything against Islam and the liberals will attack and demonize you for inciting violence. The super politeness and respect afforded Muslims is interesting.

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mikehuntez at 09:46 PM JST - 10th September

I always seem to expect more from those that are supposed to be "my own". Maybe it has something to do with the potential of innocents, such as myself, receiving misplaced wrath? If the pastor burned the flag on 9/11, I would indeed champion his right to do so. But I would also laugh at his stupidity as he got his beat-down for it. The trouble with burning the Koran is that it will be other Americans suffering for it and not the pastor. If just the pastor I would friggen BEG HIM to do it. And while I would not champion the people beating him, I will, once again, laugh at his stupidity.

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mikehuntez, personally I'm very happy that the pastor has the right to burn a Quran. The fact that it's been greeted with debate, discussion, and calls from government officials including the President, rather than the military or police, bodes well for America. Though I think the pastor is crazy and should be stopped, I think fighting free speech with free speech like this is the way to go. No one is fighting his RIGHT to be a crazy jerk.

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Mist you are already a target if an American. Many believe that you contribute to Israel's oppression of the poor poor pitiful Palestinians. You could be targeted unless you are a muslim American or one who regularly contributes to the terrorism causes against Isreal. This pastor isn't making Americans more of a target than they already are due to the Mid East's interpretation of how against them America really is. Islam is a real problem and is just getting worse and worse as the years go by. They can't see the problem with themselves. How many Westerners or Buddhists threatened Muslims worldwide over the Taliban shelling ancient Buddhist statues? I wish that Islam could grow up to that level and start respecting the world for what it is. Until then I hope we get more Pastors like this guy to slap Islam in the face with the reality of their hypocrisy.

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Mike Huntz, I agree with everything except your last sentence. And maybe when you said that the Pastor isn't making Americans more of a target. He is, because they will use this as an excuse. Which shows you how ridiculous it all is. What happens if this preacher stops, but next month, some preacher with a church of 10 snake handlers says that he will throw a Koran in the river? There will probably be Muslims somewhere who will think that will justify blowing up a bus. We need more Muslim leaders preaching peace to their own people. After all, Islam is a religion of great peace .....

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I agree except for the part of the koran burning. By burning the book he goes down to the same level as the Taliban. To the contrary, he should read it and understand it and start discussing its content. Same advice for the liberal elites who can not find enough excuses for islamic supremacy.

Shining light on the blood-curdling contents of the koran is what is urgently needed (and what moderate muslims have been asking for for a long time.)

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I hear the Westboro group is still going to burn korans on the 11th.

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Copycats coming out of the woodwork.... assisted by the mainstream media, who first give them airtime and then relish criticising them. Pure idiocy.

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I agree except for the part of the koran burning. By burning the book he goes down to the same level as the Taliban.

You may think Pastor Jones is crazy but do you seriously draw an equivalency between burning the Koran and the Taliban? The Taliban has - and would like to again - impose sharia law on the people of Afghanistan. That means beating women who don't cover their entire bodies and killing the victim of a rape as opposed to the perpetrator of the crime. And that's only the tip of the violent iceberg. Pastor Jones just suggested that he wants to burn a Koran in protest; this is the same type of act that Liberals celebrate if it were about the burning of an American flag. I haven't heard that Jones has any intention of being violent.

Shining light on the blood-curdling contents of the koran is what is urgently needed (and what moderate muslims have been asking for for a long time.)

On this point I agree. There are supposed to be a great many so called 'moderate Muslims' but they are practically invisible. Do they take the Koran literally? No one really knows because they don't speak up about that and so many other things that the Taliban and Al Queda does on their religions behalf.

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" There are supposed to be a great many so called 'moderate Muslims' but they are practically invisible "

The "great many" moderate muslims are noticable by their silence. However, they are a few who risk their lives by speaking out against radical islam (think of Bassam Tibi, Foujad Ajami, Nasr Hamid, Valid Phares, Irishad Manji, Irfan Husain, Taslima Nasreen).

However, what these have in common is: 1) They are calling for a reform of islam (something that e.g. the 9-11 imam Rauf does not do, 2) they are all under death threats from there co-religionists, and 3) they hardly get any attention from the mainstream media.

The mainstream media, instead, continues to the listen to the "islam is just fine" snake-oil sellers like Faisal Rauf and CAIR.

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In Afghanistan, hundreds of angry Afghans burned an American flag and chanted “Death to the Christians” to protest the planned Quran burning.

If a Muslim violates the rules of the Koran (i.e. Sharia Law) then they're normally punished. We've all seen evidence of this before, people beheaded, women stoned, etc.

What is interesting to me about this case is that the Koran is very, VERY clear that Christians are (in the opinion of the Koran and Mohammed) are brothers in religion. Now the Koran is also very clear that fratricide is a terrible crime. So in this case why haven't these Muslims being sanctioned under Sharia law for violating Sharia Law?

The answer my friends is simple, Muslims are not interested in protecting any rights except their own, and they manipulate and disregard their own religon as is necessary to get their way. I keep hearing people cry, "It's just a few extremists!". It's not, and this is clear proof. The Muslim Judicial Council should have sanctioned these individals for their blasphemous comments, but it didn't because they approve of the sentiment. It's consent by silence.

Wake up and smell the coffee. The Muslims will hide behind "freedom of religion" while simultaneously breaking every precept of their religion in order to advance their own interests.

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" What is interesting to me about this case is that the Koran is very, VERY clear that Christians are (in the opinion of the Koran and Mohammed) are brothers in religion. "

Actually, no. You should read up on koranic teachings. Christians are at best acknowledged to be misunderstanders (because the elevate Jesus to an underserved status and ignore Mohammed). At worst, they are considered polytheists (because of the Trinity).

Either way, the only place for Christians in an islamic society is as second-class dhimmis. Not as any sort of brothers.

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WilliB said: The "great many" moderate muslims are noticable by their silence.... The mainstream media, instead, continues to the listen to the "islam is just fine" snake-oil sellers like Faisal Rauf and CAIR.

Islam is fine. You seem to think it isn't because not enough are willing to fight extremeists for your liking.

What is interesting is that the wars you supported have made it very clear how deadly it can be fighting extremists once the hornets' nest is kicked up. They are probably more scared now after watching the U.S. flounder for 9 years in Afghanistan then they were before. And for good reason. There is part of your silence.

The other part is knowing how the U.S. either intentionally or accidently invaded a country on false information getting so many innocents killed. That has made it very difficult for anyone to say anything that looks supportive of what the U.S. supports. One may not like extremists, but then, how is one supposed to like the U.S. so much? Was there even an official "sorry"?

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much like Kennedy, your greatest president ever.

Really what was so great about him? I mean he interfered with Vietnam and pretty much got us involved in that war which Lyndon b. Johnson escalated, he tried to overthrow Castro in the failed bay of pigs. I would say the greatest presidents the US has had would probably be Theodore Roosevelt.

I'm glad she finally picked up on the vibe everyone else in the world was giving off almost a week ago. Better late than never.

Oh please, whose to say she wasn't thinking that last week? Just because she didn't speak out until recently doesn't mean she wasn't thinking or picked up on the vibe everyone else was thinking.

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So much for his stand. Wonder how his congregation feels after all the publicity he garnered for his ignorance.

Perhaps he was hoping to gain mega-church status. Epic fail pastor.

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Hope he drops the Paul Teutel Snr. look soon. ;)

Yeah, he will milk his 5 minutes for all it is worth, most likely hoping he will get paid enough to cover the $140.000 Fee he has to pay.

Apart from his congregation, how about all the people that send him a copy of the Quran to be burned.

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"hundreds of angry Afghans burned an American flag and chanted “Death to the Christians” to protest the planned Quran burning" Now this is sick and the part I'll never understand, maybe I am to simple minded. Is like if throw a stone to any Muslim I will be severely punished and most likely killed and so will whoever stands next to me. On the other side if a Muslim burns, torture and kills someone for no apparent reason, well, that's OK, coz that person is a Muslim and he/she is above everything else.

PS. I'm not in favor of burning the Quran.

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"Jones on Thursday said he prayed about the decision and that if the site of the mosque was moved, it would be a sign from God to call off the Quran burning."

Uhf... get a life. And stop preaching that "in the name of God I will blah blah blah; I will not do... because God him/herself has commanded me to yada, yada, yada; our mission to get rid of evil coz GOD is on our side and blah blah yada yada.

People like this are always hiding behind their so called religions and behind their so called God to do their evil deeds, always trying to manipulate others.

If you're going to do something stand for what you and say "I am against them and I want to negotiate a new location for the mosque", not hiding behind "...it is God's decision"..

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No one really knows because they don't speak up about that and so many other things that the Taliban and Al Queda does on their religions behalf.

Actually, the only people who don't know are those like you and FOX who incessantly demand they prove themselves to you. And no amount of evidence would be good enough for you.

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Wow Maybe he should burn himself in protest.

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Pentecostals often view themselves as engaged in spiritual warfare against satanic forces.

So do the jihadists.

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RE: the "Ground Zero Mosque"

Muslim Americans have every right to build whatever they chose wherever they chose. Period.

America is a free nation; not a Christian one.

The Christian Right's teeth gnashing and garment rendering over this 'insult' yet again shows what un-American radicals they are.

They are worthy of nothing but scorn.

And anyone here who argues anything otherwise deserved the same.

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I'm glad to hear this guy grew a brain. I remember when I first heard about his idea to burn qur'ans I emailed his church. I'm guessing he might have read it and used the grey cells instead of the red cells on his neck xD.

@DanManjt, you need to re-phrase that a bit. If they chose to build a mosque on land where your apartment/house is because they choose to do they have that right? Yes they have the right to build the community center/mosque as far as legal matters are concerned. And yet the majority in a democratic nation including some muslims disapprove because it agitates many people with its proximity.

America is not a christian nation because of the wonderful church and state seperation, but the majority of Americans are christian at a good 85%+ of the population and yet this majority of christians helped create laws that aren't based on religious beliefs. On the other hand one can't say there isn't an Islamic nation (maybe Turkey, but that seems to be changing back to an Islamic state) due to how the governments run by religious laws instead of basic laws.

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Pentecostals often view themselves as engaged in spiritual warfare against satanic forces. So do the jihadists.

completely wrong. For Pentecostals, the war is "spiritual". For Islamofascists, they strap bombs to themselves and blow up babies.

A very big difference. I'm surprised you can't see that.

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Actually, the only people who don't know are those like you and FOX

blah blah FOX News is soo bad blah blah... [YAWN]

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its TRUE & a fact they Burn christian Bible & our Flag. they are NOT civilized people. BUT we can/should NOT play the same game & add fuel to the Hate that is in the world. should it be Built there? NO WAY. oh of course they should this is "America" we have "Rights" & freedom of Religion. YEAH thats IT! America is Great we have freedom of Religion. WHY can't christians Built a church in the middle east? it would most likely get Bombed within the first month. you wanna preach Tolerance you should Practice it.

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(correction) Of course they "SHOUT" this is America & we have Rights

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The protest against Islam, not 'muslims' who are clearly a mixed bunch, is a legitimate one. Despite objections like that of ZMD's spokesman, Aiman Mazyek, who told public broadcaster Deutschlandradio that Angela Merkel,Chancellor, was honouring someone "who in our eyes kicked our prophet, and therefore kicked all Muslims", which is dangerous nonsense. Burning a book, any book, is a legitimate demonstration of refusal to accept intimidation by a doctrine. (Merkel in Germany presented the 'Mohammad cartoonist' [Kurt Westergaard] with a prize, at a press award, ceremony in Berlin. The M100 media prize committee praised Kurt Westergaard for what it said was his courage to defend democratic values despite threats of violence and death.)

It is essential to recognize that freedom to denounce any doctrine, religious or otherwise, must remain a basic right.

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Hey Pastor, I thought you initially wanted to burn a copy of the Quran because "it espouses something other than biblical truth". So what does the supposed promise to move the location of the mosque have to do with that? You being political?

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rabblerouser, I love your handle. But are you seriously talking to this nutty pastor.

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I find it irritating that the US would, in the name of fear, urge him to not do something he has the right to do.

The country is becoming more coward-like by the day.

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