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© 2022 AFPForever 16: America's teens succumbing to deadly fentanyl
By Maria DANILOVA VIRGINIA BEACH, Va©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2022 AFP
Stupid is as stupid does.
I hope the dogs are OK.
Poor girl might have been dead before the pill coating completely disolved. The Pharma family that was responsible for creating the opoid epidemic by legally marketing a highly addictive pain-killer to anyone who wanted one made (and then hid from the government in settlement talks) literally billions of dollars.
Had a foreign cartel done this, we might be talking about military options. But since it's a rich American family that donated heavily, they walked more or less scott-free.
It's not right.
It's a 16 year old kid and her now childless mother.
Clearly you have no children or you would realize the absolute worst nightmare that every parent prays they never have to experience - burying a child - and would not say something so utterly heartless.
Another expert. I brought up two children and their teenage years were difficult but my challenge was to make sure that they were adequately educated regarding drugs and other dangers. At that time there was no internet but nowadays there is so much information available regarding the dangers that it is impossible to ignore. The parent(s) failed in their duty and yes, the girl was stupid. I feel sorry for the mother but she needs to reflect somewhat.
A very evil drug. All children need to be educated and warned by their parents and school about dangerous drugs.
There are many American adults being killed by fentanyl.
the only good is from the Chinese perspective and the cartels. And you can bet they are laughing at the utter stupidity of the U.S.
Let’s say your 16 yr old was given a pill by someone at the international school ( yes it’s happens) The girl had just come back from a trip to California. Your child had been stressed about homework and test and her friend says take this, “they help you relax”, “everyone’s using them in California “ That’s all it takes. The open border policy has open the flood gates for the stuff to come in almost completely unrestricted. The cartels and the most profitable than they have ever been, from not only fentanyl but illegals paying thousands for the trip, they don’t go through without paying. Then you have the Chinese supplying the ingredients to make the fentanyl. You think the CCP doesn’t know this is going on. What better way to destroy your enemy than from within.
This is a pretty gnarly drug. It's so easy to accidentally OD on it. Strong sit. I know two families in the US whose kids had really close calls and were hospitalized. This is the new big epidemic.
What is the leading cause of death in 18 40 year olds?
Drug overdoses have claimed the lives of over 100,000 people in the United States - Fentanyl was reportedly the cause of two-thirds of them. According to the CDC, Fentanyl is now the number one cause of death for Americans ages 18 to 45.
it is a little weird to think drug cartels willing be killing their clientele.... and possibly deterring their future customers. What gives?
American opioid addictions.
Opioid overdoses caused more than 42000 deaths in 2016, more than any previous year on record.
71,000 overdoses in 2019.
Seems like an odd choice of article to lead with on Japan Today. What is the relevance to Japan?
It's in the World section.
William Bjornson
Narcan (Naloxone), injector or spray, needs to be available on every drug store shelf and carried by teachers, social workers, police, bus divers, and kids themselves even and as available in public places as AEDs are now. This is a heartbreaking story that is being repeated too many times and is just a side effect of the "War on Drugs" that supports the distribution network, tolerance of psychopathic Drug companies owned by certain kinds of people, and the lack of the sort of an EMERGENCY public response such that COVID evoked. Schools must have classes identifying this poison and NOT preaching general anti-drug policies to yawns but targeting this one slayer of our most precious resource and scaring the .... out of the kids. There are conscienceless morons who might say "Stupid is as stupid does" blaming the innocent victim and that person is as bad as the dealer who distributes this poison to naive young people. Young people are NAIVE, a consequence of being young and they walk into all manner of traps laid by psychopaths to take from them whatever they can. No demographic has a higher rate of 'accidental' death than teenagers from cars, from alcohol, from opiates, from overconfidence in one's abilities, from suicide, and the susceptibility cannot be helped but, here, dealing in Fentanyl is dealing in murder and MUST be made a CAPITAL CRIME and the risk of marketing it even greater than the risk of taking it. We owe it to our children. And Narcon must be made as available and as cheap as aspirin. This is not just a 'drug' but DEATH that has come for our young.
"I'm perfect so my kids will never do drugs."
If only the USA had a secure border like we were just told we have.
Say what! No arrests? Did the mother try to get the friend prosecuted? She should be in jail for years if she knew that the drug was fentanyl. Very sad story. The poor girl trusted someone she thought was a friend and paid for that trust with her life. On a slightly different note, Americans who willingly use drugs are always looking for something new to snort, shoot up, etc. It's an unfortunate part of the culture.
Joe Blow
I love America but how dumb are we nowadays? Our brains are being destroyed by TikTok and our lives ended by fentanyl, both CCP drugs.
Yeah, I remember someone lying about building a wall.
But the reality is that pills can be flown in on light aircraft easily, and failing that, be manufactured directly in the US itself.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Well she knew she was using counterfeit prescription drugs.
Why she didn't go to the doctor for anxiety medication ?
It's more reasonable to assume she was a drug addict and the anxiety medication story is false.
Clearly her mother suffers from delusional disorder.
Many people who say a chemical can have a moral value can say guns are morally neutral and only "people kill people".
In this case, the culprits are obvious, Purdue Pharma and the Sackler Family, and have been allowed to make billions and evade criminal sanctions that impact their lifestyles by being billionaire oligarchs.
Mr Kipling
As Nancy Reagan once advised "Just say no!"
If you want to take a mystery pill or powder, not knowing what the hell it is, its potency or danger, then good luck..... As Harry_Gatto said... "Stupid is as stupid does". Sad for sure, but many more deserving cases for our sympathy.
Well if only this 16 year old girl had had your undying wisdom, eh?
She was 16 and by the looks of it economically disadvantaged. That means very likely no health insurance and thus no Dr. for a prescription.
But sure, it's completely her fault for not being as knowledgeable and odor-free as you are.
not what the article says. it says most is made in Mexico. and flying is much more of a risk than just walking across an unsecured border.
there are many ways to smuggle drugs across the Mexican border. Drug mules, cars and trucks, shipping, boats, narco subs, and drones, throw over the wall.
which is why we have DEA and Border Patrol and other law enforcement agencies, right?
Plus a person called a President who can activate the military, or tell the Mexican government to stop it on their side or else they will be sanctioned and finish the wall that was started already (which he is doing in selected areas)
Or do we just give up and say "nothing can be done"? I know nothing will be done by the open borders Dems but that doesnt mean something cant BE done.
My cousin overdosed and died from fent 2 years ago (April 2020). Chicago street gangs pushing made in Mexico drugs with ingredients from China. Funny how the USA has bombs for people all over the world except the cartels. They could end them all in a day if they wanted to.
It's pretty disingenuous to lay blame for overdose deaths on a political party, or for not "building the wall."
It's about mental health. It's about crooked corporations get people doped (legally), and then when they no longer have access to prescription opioids they go out and buy God knows what off the streets.
At it's core, addiction is a mental health problem that badly needs to be destigmatized.
Vets circa 2001 to 2020 called. They say you are talking out of your rectum.
You really do not have the slightest clue as to the affect the opiod crisis has affected the veteran population. For some of them, they were over-prescribed as a result of combat injury and then kicked to the curb with a nasty habit when they left the service. I guess we just forget about them when we are done with them, eh? Disposable? How very patriotic of you.
For others, the mental trauma of war took a toll and they fell into adiction. Again I guess that is just their bad, huh? Suck it up, buttercup and all that?
Seems like the biggest flag waivers are the ones least likely to care about what happens to vets after they have used up their combat capability.
Yeah, and if you don't, you deserve to die. Good grief.
Except pointing out that many veterans struggle with addiction isn't "disparaging" veterans.
Death Rate Maps & Graphs
Drug Overdose Deaths Remain High
75 percent of the nearly 92,000 drug overdose deaths in 2020 involved an opioid
More than 932,000 people have died since 1999 from a drug overdose.
1 In 2020, 91,799 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States. The age-adjusted rate of overdose deaths increased by 31% from 2019 (21.6 per 100,000) to 2020 (28.3 per 100,000).
Opioids—mainly synthetic opioids (other than methadone)—are currently the main driver of drug overdose deaths. 82.3% of opioid-involved overdose deaths involved synthetic opioids.
Opioids were involved in 68,630 overdose deaths in 2020 (74.8% of all drug overdose deaths).
Drug overdose deaths involving psychostimulants such as methamphetamine are increasing with and without synthetic opioid involvement.
.......Chemicals shipped from China.
Stop blaming everything ugly was from China, that's ridiculous!
Will you prosecuting the tobacco industry of mass murdering for causing million of deaths by the ingredients in cigarettes causing lung cancer? Phillip Morris is an Anglo American company!
What do you expect?
It is easier to ship in a container full of the precursor chemicals into the USA and Canada than to ship a carton of cigarettes.
All that is really needed is a business address, a supposed warehouse, a numbered company with a chemical import permit and you are in business.
Once the stuff reaches the country no one tracks it anymore.
Sure on paper these precursor chemicals are mostly listed on the Table I of the 1988 Convention Against Illicit Traffic of Narcotic Drugs but note the 1988 part.
Several investigating reporters and investigations shows have pointed out the laws are so outdated that just adding more chemicals to the list doesn't change a thing.
Fentanyl and Meth are now major killers and few are really ready to do anything because the chemical corporations are making a fortune.
It is like paint thinner. In the USA and most developed countries the production must contain 3% mustard oil instead of the cheaper oil usually used, this makes huffing near impossible. This adds 3 US cents to 45 USA gallon.
But is poor countries no such law so no mustard oil is added because the manufacturer claims the 3 cents extra for 45 gallons is to high in these countries.
So sales of thinner are far higher and much of it has nothing to do with paint.
These companies know the chemicals are being used to make drugs, these companies know their thinner is use for huffing but profits are more important than lives.
I feel a bit of pity for the mom since losing a child is hard but she failed her daughter by not protecting her by telling her of the dangers of the world. The world is a dark ugly place and you either learn the pitfalls and protect yourself or be eaten alive.
china and the cartels are doing us a favor by taking out the mentally weak from US culture. The fact she is a 16yr old with anxiety issues tells me a lot. No pity for her poor choice.
i have my own teen and he doesnt follow the “i need pills”, “tik tok”, “retard online challenge” crowd. I did the best I could with him and engrained into his way of thinking “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”
Sorry if the facts bother you but that is the difference between facts and feelings.
You can change your feelings but facts don't.
The facts are China is the number one producer of these drugs and chemicals trying to divert attention to something else will not change that.
But if you had bothered to inform yourself you would know that multiple lawsuits, class actions, government penalties have been levied against the tobacco industry, including the Master settlement in the USA, the $13 billion lawsuit it lost in Quebec and the other provinces are trying to collect hundreds of billions of dollars in medical cost settlement ( the tobacco companies in Canada are in bankruptcy protection at this time).
Many more countries have done the same or are doing the same.
Unlike tobacco where a clear corporate target exists, these Chinese chemical and drug makers change their names and corporate entities as soon as they get pickup on the USA or Canadian government radar