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Fort Hood suspect charged with murder


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Maj Nidal Malik Hasan will be found guilty of the charges. I have no doubts what-so-ever. Never will. < :-)

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will be found guilty of the charges. I have no doubts what-so-ever" But you will feel his sentence is too hard I bet!

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You know skipthesong. I haven't been an advocate of the death penalty in the past. I think this is one time when I can look the other way and agree that Maj Nidal Malik Hasan became evil and may justify any sentence.

These may not have been Marines who were murdered and wounded, but they are still my brothers in protecting this great country.

I'm sure there are those who jump on the opportunity for the death penalty.

I'm just glad they have him in custody and he will be tried justly and I believe that I'll agree with the verdict and sentence. < :-)

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The "haven't been for the death penalty but just this one time" type of posts just goes to show how fake some people really are. How many times have we heard this? Just come out and say it. You support it for murderers. No shame. Good thing he's in Texas so that he'll get just what he deserves.

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bushlover in essence this makes me a hypocrit in my personal beliefs, but I can justify it in this one circumstance. If you have followed my post for very long, then you know I've never supported it at all. < :-)

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And what about the charges of conduct contrary to good order and discipline?

This guy will be found guilty, but whether he is executed is a whole different can of worms.

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out of any brutal world violence I will never get my head around this one... besides being muslim and sent to fight his bros and killing his fellow soldiers.... its the shrink bit that I will never understand. 100 yrs ago they would (Army) have strapped him to pole and the firing squad would act. Yet the muslims were doing the same thing back then minus the airplanes, cars, TV and Internet... Damon had it right in the flick to the Saudi clever Prince in "Siriana". 100 years ago you were chopping each other heads off, now you sold 50% of your oil, your GDP is tied with Albania, didnt evolve and in the another 100 years you will be doing the same thing... UAE is an exception and I do love Jordan, Dubai and Mid East food but its time to globalize and erase hardcore radicals and this is what the US has been doing and will cont. to do for the next 25yrs or forever. He will no doubt top himself in a few weeks and the 2000 war will always continue. Peace works but religions, senseless wars and occupation dont make a nice cocktail. How many muslims are in the US Military anyway?......

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besides being muslim and sent to fight his bros and killing his fellow soldiers.... its the shrink bit that I will never understand

Well, he was pretending to be many things that he was not. Shrink? No way. Muslim? Don't think so. Angry and unstable? very much! Seeing negative posts about the religion becuase of this one man is very sad. Craziness has no religion and no borders.

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Unstable mind for sure, high ranking to abusing it, & believing HIS god was more important that his country. The man was out of his mind & left a maze of red-flags all over the place in the last year or so---obviously the fault of the Army of Defense Dept. Being with that rank & a psychiatrist, he would not be on the front line shooting fellow Muslims, but back in safe quarters consoling with wounded solders. Besides he was desperate for a wife that would be 100% Muslim in what she wore to also prey at least 7 times a day. Fat chance in the USA.

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If you all say he's nuts, then all those terrorists are equally nuts, a collective nuts syndrome, and he (and they) can also plead insanity.

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sorry for my post.... sorta came out wrong at 10 something AM...

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For many muslim countries he will be glorified as hero and matyrs if he was executed

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Seeing negative posts about the religion becuase of this one man is very sad" So, you are saying that he is crazy and he should be put in an insane asylum? Which would ultimely mean he'll get out one day. When an abortion doc was killed, 80% of this board was going off the handles saying the Christian right are the terrorists. When McVey blew up the bldg, the FBI went out in all directions of the country trying to tie anyone in a militia to him. The complete minute men project were label terrorists by many here when one incident took place. But yet here, a guy who has, as we now know, sent money to AQ, attended AQ sympathizer's mosques, was very boastful about his views, and shoots up 13 people and we are not allow to speculate whether he is or is not a terrorist.

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I don`t think the death penalty is a good thing. I am against it. I think the military should try and convict Hasan and then be certain to put him in the United States Disciplinary Barracks ("The Castle") with the general population for life. Er . . . . Maybe that is not a good idea after all seeing as how the inmates are all from the military and all . . . . Or maybe it is exactly the right medicine.

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He cost the government hundreds of thousands to educate him, he killed a dozen Americans, and now he going to cost the legal system even more to try and then feed and house him til he dies. A triple victory for the jihad.

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" For many muslim countries he will be glorified as hero and matyrs if he was executed "

Not only in muslim countries. They are already glorifying him in the US. Watch the CNN interview with the "revolution muslim" organisation.

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If not terrorism, why can't he also be tried for treason or even espionage? I'm not even a lawyer, but I can already see loop holes that will get him off on a few of the victims. He didn't aim, he just shot randomly so he wasn't targeting so and so.... I am sure there were Germans who did this in WWII. Why should it be any different?

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But why are they charging him with only 13 counts of premeditated murder? There was a fourteenth victim here! One unborn child.

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There was a fourteenth victim here! One unborn child." Can you be charged for killing an unborn baby?

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He should also be charged with treason.

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Can you be charged for killing an unborn baby? Oh yes you can!

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As much as this guy deserves a dance with the needle, I doubt it will happen considering:

Though five men surrently sit on the military's death row at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., there hasn't been a military execution since 1961;

No servicemember can be executed unless the U.S. President personally confirms the death penalty. (http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/us-military-death-penalty). Obama is on record saying he's against the death penalty, so he won't approve it unless he's cool with being a hypocrite....oh wait.

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Hasan is just another in a long American tradition of insane mass killers--NOT a terrorist.

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and we are not allow to speculate whether he is or is not a terrorist.

Speculate away Skip. Even investigate. It is possible this guy was an AQ operative so freaking dumb he did not know he could do a lot more damage than just gun down 13 people and wound many more. Maybe.

But so far I don't here AQ claiming responsiblity, or threatening similar attacks unless we do something. It looks like a random event done by one guy for no particular reason outside of being nuts, so far anyway. Face it. The only reason anyone got hung up on the terrorist angle is because the guy claims to be Muslim. Some ties to AQ were found, but they are weak at best. The guy seems to be a lone nut wannabe...so far.

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"No servicemember can be executed unless the U.S. President personally confirms the death penalty. "

Thanks for posting that, Romeoramen11. The actions of the traitor Hassan could force Obama's hand in an uncomfortable way.

"It looks like a random event done by one guy for no particular reason outside of being nuts, so far anyway."( - "Numbskull")

ABC news has reported that Dr Hassan's business card had "SoA (SWT)" after his name and medical credentials.

SoA is commonly used on jihadist sites. It is recognized as meaning "Soldier of Allah." The SWT that follows is an Arabic acronym for "Glory to God."

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The actions of the traitor Hassan could force Obama's hand in an uncomfortable way.

Actually, yes and no. Mr. Bush signed off on an execution order in 2008 for a former Army cook who was convicted of multiple rapes and murders in the 1980s, but a federal judge later stayed that order to allow for a new round of appeals in federal court (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091111/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/us_fort_hood_military_justice).

Obama can easily dither his way out of this one.

The best that Americans can hope for is that instead of being sent to Leavenworth after this waste of skin is convicted -- and he will be convicted; this will be a military courts-martial where the jury will be made up of at least 12 officers of higher rank or seniority than this Islamoterrorist -- this "person" should be sent to GITMO to spend his remaining days.

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The guy seems to be a lone nut wannabe...so far.

An individual can't be a terrorist if he's acting alone?

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An individual can't be a terrorist if he's acting alone?

I am sorry sir. You seem to have missed the parts of my post that indicated it was possible. When you acknowledge that I allowed for the fact it was possible, I will go into detail about why it remains unlikely, as if I haven't already.

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SoA is commonly used on jihadist sites. It is recognized as meaning "Soldier of Allah." The SWT that follows is an Arabic acronym for "Glory to God."

The business cards I print at home using my computer and my printer state not that I am SoA, a soldier of Allah, but God himself. So, it must be true! Bow down!

I am still leaning toward the guy being a simple wannabe, whether its a terrorist wannabe or an SoA wannabe. It might make him a little of both in some ways, but he is still overwhelmingly and primarily just a lone nut mass murderer like the Virginia Tech slayer.

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It is possible this guy was an AQ operative so freaking dumb he did not know he could do a lot more damage than just gun down 13 people and wound many more. Maybe.

Oh you mean this line? Sorry, must have missed it.

But who cares about his possible affiliation with AQ; if a true AQ operative had done what Hasan did then he would most definitely be considered a terrorist. Just because Hasan acted on his own, fueled by the same religious/political motives, I don't see why he can't or shouldn't be categorized a terrorist. No?

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"I am still leaning toward the guy being a simple wannabe," (numbskull)

His card was only one of many telltale signs. You are either too lazy to investigate the case or have too much invested in believing something else.

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"An individual can't be a terrorist if he's acting alone?"

I agree that any act of violence similar to this is an act of terrorism simply due to its' nature. It's just the "Islamic terrorist" angle that I'm not buying, other than the defacto that he was a muslim.

Unless all mindless shooting sprees are going to be re-catogorized into the faiths of each particular offenders, then I'm sticking to the opinion this guy was simply a nut-case who happened to be muslim.

I know that doesn't sit well with the freaks that are rabid with desire to blame this on islam, only their old enemy, Reality, seems to be stone-walling them.

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Umm this guy ranted and raved about radical islam and told his peers all infidels needed to be beheaded at a medical conference at Walter Reed medical hospitol. He tried to contact Al Qaeda many times. Saying his faith played no role in this as he was praising allah while killing people is absurd. What is mindless is the western people excusing the causes of this.

And this brings up how many lone jihadist killing sprees in America now?

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What exactly would have to be substantiated for you to label Hasan an Islamic terrorist? If in the course of the investigation he willingly and freely admits that he did what he did in the name of his religion then would that suffice? In this case I wouldn't be surprised if we got just that kind of blunt admission. If a devoutly over-zealous Christian person committed these same heinous murders after yelling, "In the name of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit!" I would have no qualms with anyone calling him a Christian terrorist. Circumstantially calling someone a religiously motivated terrorist just because he happens to practice a certain religion is certainly wrong, but I think you've got blinders on if you don't see that Islam (or at least his interpretation of it) had more than just a circumstantial association with Hasan's actions on November 5th.

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I tend to agree with USNinJapan2, but I can see what madverts is saying. Your "mall shooter" doesn't really have a network in place to help him along. There's no organized structure, no training, no sympathizers, no places to go to where other radicals can give him "support", etc. Maybe the difference is the motivation. I really can't say I have a good way of explaining why I disagree, but I don't think of this guy in the same way that I think of the Columbine duo.

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Sppedy trial please. Also how about PPV executions for felons like this with a precentage of the proceeds going to the victims families.

Radical Muslims are causing chaos throught the West, be afraid, be very afraid.

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Hang the bastard.

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Radical Muslims are causing chaos throught the West, be afraid, be very afraid.

Strangely, the American military and security forces were not afraid enough to notice the nutcase extremist in their own army. When you are looking for imaginary threats (like Dick Cheney/Morris) it gets much harder to see the real ones when they are there.

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Hasan was allowed to remain in the most conservative institution in America because of the pervasive desease of political correctness. Anyone singling him out as a potential danger would have been accused of being a racist and anti-Islamic. There was a time when political correctness was just annoying, now it kills. He should be charged with terrorism and sedition as well as murder. Hasan is a Islamic terrorist. There really isn't much of an argument that can be made otherwise.

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This pond scum needs to be put to death, Anyone that kills his own men in the military is a TRAITOR and should be put to death! I hope Mr Obama signs the death penalty for this person. I will be writing to The White House on this issue.

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He's lucky they haven't tried him for treason on top of that... at least not yet.

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